The Data Revolution - How data is set to change the way we travel

Post on 22-Jan-2018

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Transcript of The Data Revolution - How data is set to change the way we travel

The data revolutionhow data is set to change the way we travel

Lucy Yu, Head of Innovation, MaaS and

New Mobility Services, CCAV & DfT

Catch! Workshop

18 January 2017

5Mb - 1956

8Gb - 2016

Time to reach 100m users

Telephone – 75 years

Mobile phone – 16 years

Internet – 7 years

Facebook – 4 years

Pokemon Go – 4 weeks

Garry Kasparov vs Deep Blue, 1996

‘Brute Force’ computation, evaluating millions of

positions in a short space of time.

Alpha GO vs Lee Sedol, 2016

Moves based on knowledge previously learned,

by an artificial neural network trained from

human and computer play.

Pedestrian Desire Lines

• 10,000 developers registered to receive TfL data


• Over 600 apps and services developed

• 40% of Londoners use apps powered by TfL


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