The charm of cheongsam (旗袍衣韻)

Post on 21-Jan-2017

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Transcript of The charm of cheongsam (旗袍衣韻)



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The cheongsam (Qipao) is a body-hugging one-piece Chinese dress for women. The stylish and often tight-fitting cheongsam that is best known today was created in the 1920s in Shanghai and made fashionable by socialites and upper class women.

旗袍是中國女性的單件緊身禮服。當今潮流最有名的緊身旗袍,是在 20世紀 20年代創建於上海,為社會名流和上層婦女的時尚服裝。

The cheongsam (Qipao) 旗袍

Chinese Music :又見炊煙 ( 鄧麗君 )

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