Terminprøver Engelsk høsten 2012

Post on 21-Mar-2016

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Terminprøver Engelsk høsten 2012

Transcript of Terminprøver Engelsk høsten 2012

Part a – facts of the matter /

fortsetter på neste side

Autumn 2012 – 8th grAde

Flavourterminprøver engelsk



Engelsk terminprøve – forberedelseBokmål:ForBeredelse og prøve

tekstsamlingen er delt inn i to deler: Part a: facts of the matter og Part B: the stories i have heard.

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Nynorsk:FøreBuiNgsdel og prøve

tekstsamlinga er delt inn i to delar: Part a: facts of the matter og Part B: the stories i have heard.

Begge delane er obligatoriske. På prøvedagen vil du få oppgåver knytt både til part a og til part B.

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PART B the stories i have heard



Perspectives on flavourAre you a sweet tooth? In this edition of Perspectives Magazine you can study the 50 official flavours of Jellybeans, learn about the famous Hummingbird Bakery in London where they make the most delicious cupcakes. You will meet the chef Jamie Oliver, and try out all the curious national dishes of Great Britain! Read stories about magic ice-cream, and meet Rose Edelstein, who has the very special skill of being able to taste how people really feel in the food they make… Enjoy the read!

Jelly Belly Official 50 flavOrs Guide

This sexy liTTle TreaT Takes The cake

a day in The life Of an apprenTice aT fifTeen

WhaT are The naTiOnal dishes Of BriTain and ireland?

The parTicular sadness Of lemOn cake

Smart Ice-cream

to be a sweet tooth – å være glad i søtsaker / å vere glad i søtsaker

a national dish en nasjonal rett /

ein nasjonalrett

a skill en ferdighet, en evne /

ei ferdigheit, ei evne








fortsetter på neste side

Part a – facts of the matter / jelly Belly

Jelly Belly Official 50 Flavors GuideVery Cherry, Blueberry, Sizzling Cinnamon, Bubble Gum or Toasted Marshmallow. Pick your favourite amongst the 50 official flavours of jellybeans. When you have chosen, check out the link below on how to distil flavour.

⬛ cream ⬛ soda

⬛ root Beer ⬛ Berry Blue ⬛ Blueberry ⬛ Bubble ⬛ Gum

⬛ Buttered ⬛ Popcorn

⬛ cantaloupe ⬛ cappuccino ⬛ caramel ⬛ corn

⬛ chili ⬛ mango

⬛ chocolate ⬛ Pudding

⬛ cinnamon ⬛ coconut ⬛ cotton ⬛ candy

⬛ crushed ⬛ Pineapple

⬛ Dr. Pepper ⬛ french ⬛ Vanilla

⬛ Green ⬛ apple

⬛ island ⬛ Punch

⬛ juicy Pear

⬛ Kiwi ⬛ lemon ⬛ Drop

⬛ lemon ⬛ lime

⬛ licorice ⬛ mango

ntBscanpix/stephen coburn


Part a – facts of the matter / jelly Belly

⬛ margarita ⬛ mixed Berry ⬛ ⬛ smoothie

⬛ orange ⬛ sherbet

⬛ Peach ⬛ Pinã ⬛ colada

⬛ Plum ⬛ Pome- ⬛ granate

⬛ raspberry ⬛ red apple ⬛ sizzling ⬛ cinnamon

⬛ sour ⬛ cherry

⬛ strawberry ⬛ cheesecake

⬛ strawberry ⬛ Daiquiri

⬛ strawberry ⬛ jam

⬛ sunkist® ⬛ lemon

⬛ sunkist® ⬛ lime

⬛ sunkist® ⬛ orange

⬛ sunkist® ⬛ Pink Grapefruit

⬛ sunkist® ⬛ tangerine

⬛ toasted ⬛ marshmallow

⬛ top ⬛ Banana

⬛ tutti-fruitti ⬛ Very ⬛ cherry

⬛ Water- ⬛ melon

⬛ Wild ⬛ Blackberry

Used by permission, melba as

liNks: http://videos.howstuffworks.com/discovery/30547-some-assembly-


sizzling brennhet / brennheit

to distil å destillere

cinnamon kanel

cotton candy sukkerspinn

licorice lakris

pomegranate granateple

to gain å oppnå

recent nylig / nyleg, siste

a recipe en oppskrift / ei oppskrift

a Domestic Goddess en hjemmets gudinne/ ei gudinne i heimen

to encourage å oppmuntre

naughtiness uskikkelighet / skamløyse

piled in tiers stablet i lag / stabla i lag


fortsetter på neste side

Part a – facts of the matter / cUP caKes

This sexy little treat takes the cakeBy Diana McAdam

Cupcakes have gained popularity all over the world in recent years. Learn about the famous Hummingbird Bakery in London and the man behind the success, Tarek Malouf. If you are up to it, we have also included an original Hummingbird Bakery recipe for you to try out!

as nigella lawson wrote in her bestseller How to be a Domestic Goddess, no one can resist a cupcake. But while she was encouraging

us to bake our own, most of us want to have our cupcake and eat it

immediately. that combination of sugar and naughtiness brings out the

five-year-old in all of us.

cupcakes are small, so there is no pressure to share. then there is the

decoration. Whether it’s stars, stripes, sugar roses or an explosion of

glitter, you can choose one to suit your style, hence their popularity

with everyone from Kate moss and sir elton john (both customers

of london’s Primrose Bakery) to fashion designer alice temperley.

cupcakes are seen at all the right parties and society weddings, piled

ntBscanpix/ruth Black


fortsetter på neste side

Part a – facts of the matter / cUP caKes

in tiers and decorated with bells, bows and butterflies. their glamour is


london’s cupcake bakeries have a loyal following. “i think of them as

edible jewellery,” says jewellery designer Bella de Winter. “they’re a

guilty pleasure, but only a small one. it’s the perfect indulgence and

makes me feel rich even when i’m broke.”

tarek malouf, 34, owner of the hummingbird Bakery, the closest thing

london has to the magnolia, says cupcakes are part of the american

family life: “your mother or grandmother or aunt would bake them. But

today no one has the time, so what you’re really buying is the comfort

of home baking. that was definitely what i felt as soon as i walked

into the magnolia Bakery: it was the smell of my childhood. authentic

cupcakes should be really light and moist – you have to make them

fresh each day – and the icing should always be butter cream or cream

cheese, not hard fondant.”

since opening on the Portobello road in 2004, the hummingbird’s

traditional american cakes and pies have been enjoyed by local

supermodels elle macpherson and claudia schiffer. there is a second

branch in south Kensington; between them the two hummingbirds

sell about 20,000 cupcakes a week. that’s £2,000 worth each per day.

“now that everything seems to be mass-produced, people love to have

something hand-made that is in some way unique,” says malouf.

of the 14 varieties, including vanilla, chocolate, carrot, and coconut

and pineapple, the red velvet is the most desirable. a traditional

recipe from america’s Deep south, its sponge is ruby-red with a hint of

chocolate, topped with a thick layer of cream cheese icing.

© telegraph media Group limited 2008 www.telegraph.co.uk

liNks: http://hummingbirdbakery.com/


a bow en sløyfe/ ei sløyfe

undisputed udiskutabel

edible spiselig / etande

guilty pleasure syndig glede

indulgence noe man unner seg / noko ein unner seg

authentic opprinnelig / opphavleg

moist fuktig

icing glasur

pineapple ananas

velvet fløyel

desirable ettertraktet / ettertrakta

sponge svamp (her: kakebunn / kakebotn)


fortsetter på neste side

Part a – facts of the matter / cUP caKes

Vanilla cupcakesVanilla cupcakes, topped with candy-coloured vanilla frosting and sprinkles, are what the Hummingbird Bakery is best known for. When you make cupcakes at home, don’t overcook them.

For the cake:• 120g plain flour

• 140g caster sugar

• 1 ½ tsp baking powder

• a pinch of salt

• 40g unsalted butter, at room temperature

• 120ml whole milk

• 1 egg

• ¼ tsp vanilla extract

• 1 quantity vanilla frosting

• hundreds and thousands or other edible sprinkles, to decorate

a 12-hole cupcake tray, lined with paper cases

frosting glasur

sprinkles strø

Getty images/istockphoto


Part a – facts of the matter / cUP caKes

For the vanilla frosting:• 250g icing sugar, sifted

• 80g unsalted butter, at room temperature

• 250ml whole milk

• a couple of drops of vanilla extract

For the cake:1. Preheat the oven to 170°c.

2. Put the flour, sugar, baking powder, salt and butter in a bowl

and beat on slow speed with an electric mixer until everything is

combined. Gradually pour in half the milk and beat until the milk is

just incorporated.

3. Whisk the egg, vanilla extract and remaining milk together in a

separate bowl for a few seconds, then pour into the flour mixture

and continue beating until the mixture is smooth. Do not overmix.

4. spoon the mixture into the paper cases until two-thirds full and bake

in the preheated oven for 20–25 minutes.

5. A skewer inserted in the centre should come out clean. leave the

cupcakes to cool slightly in the tray.

6. When the cupcakes are cold, spoon the vanilla frosting on top and


For the vanilla frosting:

1. Beat the icing sugar and butter together in an electric mixer on

medium–slow speed until the mixture is well mixed.

2. turn the mixer down to slow speed. combine the milk and vanilla

extract in a separate bowl, then add to the butter mixture a couple of

tablespoons at a time. once all the milk has been incorporated, turn

the mixer up to high speed.

3. continue beating until the frosting is light and fluffy, at least 5


sifted siktet / sikta

incorporated her: blandet inn / blanda inn

to whisk å vispe

smooth glatt

a skewer en stekepinne / ein steikjepinne

fluffy luftig