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Submitted in Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan

Anastasia Aditya P










Submitted in Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan

Anastasia Aditya P







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Saya yang bertandatangan di bawah ini:

Nama : Anastasia Aditya P

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Fakultas : Bahasa dan Seni Program Studi: Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris



Pembimbing : Anita Kurniawati, M. Hum.

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Saya yang bertandatangan di bawah ini:

Nama : Anastasia Aditya P

NIM : 112014101 Email

Fakultas : Bahasa dan Seni Program Studi: Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris


MEDIA IN THE STORYTELLING SESSION Dengan ini saya menyerahkan hak non-eksklusif* kepada Perpustakaan Universitas –

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Students’ Responses Towards The Use Of Media in The

Storytelling Session


Submitted in Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan

Anastasia Aditya P


Approved by:

Anita Kurniawati, M.Hum Maria Christina Eko Setyarini,


Supervisor Examiner



This thesis contains no such materials as has been submitted for examination

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university. To the best of my knowledge and my belief, this contains no material

previously published or written by any other person except where due references is

made in the text.

Copyright@ 2018. Anastasia Aditya P and Anita Kurniawati, M.Hum.

All right reserved. No part of this thesis may be produced by any means

without the permission of at least one of the copyright owners or the English

Language Education Program, Faculty of Language and Arts, Universitas Kristen

SatyaWacana, Salatiga.

Anastasia Aditya P



As a member of the Universitas Kristen SatyaWacana (UKSW) academic

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Name : __Anastasia Aditya P_ _

Student ID Number : 112014101

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Verified by signee,

Anastasia Aditya P

Approved by

Thesis Supervisor Thesis Examiner

Anita Kurniawati, M. Hum Maria Christina Eko Setyarini, M.Hum



Cover Page………………………………………………………… i

Pernyataan Tidak Plagiat………………………………………….. ii

Pernyataan Persetujuan Akses…………………………………….. iii

Approval Letter……………………………………………………. vi

Copyright Statement …………………………………………….... v

Declaration ………………………………………………………… vi

Table of Content …………………………………………………... vii

List of Table ……………………………………………………….. viii

Abstract…………………………………………………………….. 1

Introduction………………………………………………………... 1

Literature Review………………………………………………….. 3

Definitions of Storytelling…………………………………………. 3

Benefit of Storytelling for Young Learner………………………... 4

Media of the Storytelling …………………………………………. 4

The Study…………………………………………………………... 5

Context of The Study……………………………………………… 5

Participants ………………………………………………………… 5

Data Instrument……………….…………………………………… 6

Data collection procedure ………………………………………… 6

Data analysis procedure ………………………………………… 7

Findings and Discussion ………………………………………….. 7

The Use of Picture Make The Students More Responsive……….. 8

Factors that Distract the Students during Storytelling Session……. 10

The Use of English as the Greatest challenges for the students

during storytelling session ……………………………………… 13

Conclusion and Suggestions……………………………………….. 15

Acknowledgement………………………………………………… 18

References………………………………………………………… 19

Appendix ………………………………………………………… 22



Table 1 Students’ Demographic Information…………………........ 5

Table 2 Collecting Data’s Demographic Information…………….. 6





Storytelling is one of the effective method to learn English for

young learners. As a result, the researcher investigated about

students’ response in the storytelling session in the English

learning. The researcher conducted an investigation based on

the research question: “What are the students’ responses

towards the use of media in the storytelling session?” Video

recording was used as the instrument to collect the data by the

researcher. The participant of the study consisted of one

hundred and fifty four students from two different public

elementary schools in Boyolali. The findings were discussed

into three major findings. The first finding shows about the use

of picture that make the students more responsive. The second

one is about factors that distracted the students during the

storytelling session. The third is the use of English was seen as a

great challenge for the students during the storytelling session.

It is expected that this research can enrich teachers’ awareness

towards the use of media for the storytelling in the English


Key words: Teaching English for young learners (TEYL),

storytelling, media


English, nowadays, become a must learned language because people around the

world use English as their tools to communicate with the others. People usually start to

learn English as soon as possible because they want to master this language. English is

the first foreign language that students learn in their elementary school. Elementary

school students are the perfect stage to be taught to English because they are in the stage

that can easily learn the new things and remember material taught to them. There are

several ways to learn English in elementary school such as playing games, singing

English songs, doing arts activities, and storytelling.


Storytelling is a way for the teacher to teach English to the students by reading or

telling a story. Kocaman (2015) said that that stories are societal art that are easy to

remember. Elementary school students as the young learner usually learn and remember

fast toward activities or things that they like. O’malley et al. (2009), as cited in Keshta

(2013) stated that stories make classroom environment enjoyable and entertaining. It

makes the students feel relaxed and enjoy the whole lesson. Stories also makes the

students lose themselves into the characters, plot and situation in the stories. Tavil &

Soylemez (2008) found that stories can make students develop their intellect by making

prediction, ordering or sequencing the event.

A previous study conducted by Wibowo (2009) investigated the use of media in

the storytelling. He found that storytelling is an enjoyable learning method if the teacher

use picture as the media of the storytelling, because it could attract the students to focus

in the learning process. Another study from Gonzales (2010) found that student can get

the benefits from storytelling because stories help them to develop the ability to

understand spoken language and engage their thinking skills.

Teacher has many ways to tell the stories for the students. Teacher can use picture

that are sticked in the wall or in the whiteboard and began to tell the stories based on the

picture. Wibowo (2009) said that the use of picture makes the explaining process easier.

The students could see the form of the things in the picture. The other ways, teacher also

can use a puppet show to tell the stories to the students. Video also can be used by the

teacher to tell the stories by playing the video through LCD projector. Terrell (2015)


stated that storytelling using video can boost students’ listening, speaking, and writing


This research is aimed to investigate students' responses towards the use of media

in the storytelling session. The following question lead this study: What are the students’

responses towards the use of media in the storytelling session? By doing this study, the

researcher hopes it is useful for the elementary school teachers to be aware of what media

or tools they can use during storytelling session.


Definition of Storytelling

Keshta (2013) came up with two descriptions of storytelling. The first one

storytelling is the art of describing real or fictive events in words, pictures, and sounds.

The second one storytelling is an ancient art that strengthen and enhance the skills that

children’s need to face today’s world. Tsu-Chia (2015) also said that storytelling is an

attractive language skill to teach learners. Chambers (1970) as cited in Tsu-Chia (2015)

described Storytelling as “a technique of teaching that has stood the test of time”.

Moreover, Mello (2001) as cited in Keshta (2013) said that storytelling is not only used

for communication purposes, but storytelling also has been used to teach literacy skills,

cooperative learning skills, critical thinking, also to build knowledge of different

contexts. Besides all the expert has said, storytelling is one of a tool to learn English.


Storytelling in the classroom occurs between the teacher and the students. The

teacher as the storyteller and the students as the story listener. Roney (1996) said that

storytelling is communication and arts. He said that as an art, storytelling involves

creativity from the teller and the listener. The teacher as the teller, creates the storyline

and told it orally to the students. The students as the listener, began to think and create

image in their mind as the reaction to the storyline.

Benefit of Storytelling for Young Learner

Storytelling is the proper way to attract the elementary school students’ attention

because children usually love to listen a story. Keshta (2013) point out that storytelling

provide enjoyment and pleasure for the students so that they can have positive

achievement. It also makes the class atmosphere more relaxing for the students and make

them motivated to learn English. Therefore, Woodhouse (2000) said that the benefit of

storytelling is storytelling increase students’ creativity, imagination and their mind

concentration. He also said that storytelling allows students to use their imagination to

make them remember the stories. When the teacher tells them a story, they also can

figure out the story by imagine that. The teacher in here must remember the students’

level so that they can pick the suitable stories for the students. Gonzales (2010) also said

that stories is a great tool for teaching English and for developing children’s’ cognitive

and language skill. Storytelling is a great way as the media to teach young learner

because as Antshel and Barkley (2008) as cited in Perle (2016) said children are fast


moving and fast learner. They will pick up everything that they like fast as soon as they

interest with the activity

Media of the Storytelling

Storytelling has many kind of the media as the tool to tell the stories. Lin (2012)

as cited in Kocaman (2015) said that storytelling usually done by reading a storybook,

telling a story using some picture card, watch a video, doing a puppet show, or playing a

drama. Telling a story using pictures had an impact to the students. Wibowo (2009) said,

students mind will be stimulated well to create some ideas based on the picture that they

see. It could avoid students’ boredom in the classroom because they focus in the lesson.

Moreover, Harmer (2011) as cited in Nieto et al (2016) stated that storytelling using

video can engage student’s attention. Watching the video and listening to the sound of the

video could make students pay attention more to the lesson.


Context of the Study

This study was a qualitative study that conducted at two schools in Boyolali. Two

elementary schools were selected for this study. Those schools were SD Negeri 1

Boyolali and SD Negeri 1 Kebonbimo. Those schools are public elementary school in


Boyolali which have good credibility and the classroom already have LCD projector,

because the main instrument in one of the storytelling method (using video) is use LCD



The participant of this study were 154 elementary school students from different

grade and different schools. The researcher chose those 154 students because the

researcher wanted to compare the students’ responses towards the use of media in the

storytelling session.

Table 1. Students’ Demographic Info

Number of the Students Grade of the Students Schools

40 4 SD Negeri 1 Kebonbimo

38 3 SD Negeri 1 Boyolali

40 4 SD Negeri 1 Boyolali

36 5 SD Negeri 1 Boyolali

Data Instrument

To answer the research question in this study, the researcher used video recording.

Video recording is the most beneficial method in collecting the data in this study because

this collecting data method could capture data that cannot be captured in the real-time


observation. The collecting data were conducted six times. In each time collecting the

data, the researcher became the teacher to teach storytelling in the classroom.

Data Collection Procedure

This study was a qualitative observation in English learning process by the

students in the classroom, how the students response toward the storytelling session that

use picture and use video as a tool to learn English. The researcher as the observer

brought one of her friend to help her to record all the learning process by doing video

recording. The researcher used each media in different meeting. The first meeting, the

students used picture as the media of storytelling to learn English. In the next meeting the

students learned English using video as the media of storytelling. The data collection for

this study conducted in six meetings.

Table 2. Collecting Data’s Demographic Info

Name of the School Grade of the


Media of the



SD Negeri 1


4 Picture 9 February 2018

SD Negeri 1


4 Video 2 March 2018

SD Negeri 1


3 Video 18 April 2018

SD Negeri 1


3 Picture 25 April 2018

SD Negeri 1


5 Video 18 April 2018

SD Negeri 1


5 Picture 25 April 2018


Data Analysis Procedure

The responses of the students in the observation were analyzed and presented

qualitatively in the findings and discussion section. The video that recorded in the

observation were examined in order to transcribe the video into the writing form, to make

the result easier to analyze by the researcher. The transcript of the video recording

presented for clearer description of the students’ responses in the storytelling session.


In this section, the findings that the researcher has collected and transcript were

classified into three themes which discussed about picture that make the students more

responsive during the storytelling session, factors that distracted the students during the

storytelling session, and the use of English as the greatest challenge for the students

during the storytelling session.

The Use of Picture Make the Students More Responsive

The transcript data from the video that the researcher collected shows that the use

of picture as the media of the storytelling makes the students more responsive and active

in the classroom than the use of video as the media of the storytelling. The transcription

below is one of the example:


(Extract 1) Storytelling using Picture

Teacher : And then she take the snail and throw it to the river. Dia ngambil

keongnya dan dibuang ke ? (point out the river picture-abstract 1)

(She take the snail and throw it to the….?)

Student 1 : Sungai.


Teacher : Sungainya (the river), she didn’t know that the snail actually is a


(Student 9 stand up to look the picture)

Teacher : Dia nggak tau, kalau snailnya itu, apa snail tadi?

(She didn’t know, that the snail, what is snail?)

Student 2 : Keong.


(SD Negeri 1 Kebonbimo, grade 4. Friday, 9 February 2018)

(Extract 2) Storytelling using Picture

Teacher : The king loves the queen so much, rajanya cinta banget sama

ratunya. (The king loves the queen so much) They live in a big kingdom, mereka

itu tinggalnya dikerajaan yang besar, in a big palace. (point out the palace

picture-Abstract 2) (They live in a big kigdom, in a big palace)

Student1 : Palace...?

Teacher : Apa itu “Palace”? (What is palace?)

Student1 : Tempat. (Place)

Teacher : Place itu,(that is Place) Palace apa? (what is palace?) Kalau

dikerajaan itu ada apa? (in the kingdom, what is there?)

(The student think of the question)

Teacher : is…….

Students1 : Istana! (Palace!)

Teacher : Istana. (Palace) Mereka tinggal di istana yang bagus. (They live

in a beautiful palace) One day the queen walking around the garden. Queennya

sedang jalan-jalan ditaman (the queen walk around the garden) and then she see

an ugly and disgusting snail.

(SD Negeri 1 Kebonbimo, grade 4. Friday, 9 February 2018)

From the transcription above, we see that the students have an active interaction

with the teacher during the storytelling session using pictures. We can see it from the

extract 1. When the teacher ask a question to the students, the student answer the question

directly. Not only answer the teacher’s question, the students also asked a question to the

teacher when they want to know about something. Like Wibowo (2009) statement that


using images makes more students more active in receiving and asking information

during the learning process because the student's role is also important to support the

lesson. It can be found in extract 2 when the student 1 ask the meaning of palace to the

teacher because the students’ curiosity towards the meaning of the word palace.

Beside the use of picture, there are storytelling that use video as the media to tell

the story. The use of video as the media of the storytelling could make the students’ enjoy

the lesson. Lowenthal (2009) stated that storytelling using video offers the teachers a new

way to attract students’ interest like never before, but what the researcher found in the

field is very different. The transcription below is the example:

(Extract 3) Storytelling using Video

Video : long long time ago……..

(Student that sit in the front talking with her friend)

Teacher : sssttttttt…..

(There are a student who sit in the back, stand up to watch the video)

Student 1 : (keep talking with his friend)

Teacher : ssssstttttt!!

(SD Negeri 1 Boyolali, grade 3. Wednesday, 18 April 2018)

(Extract 4) Storytelling using Video

Teacher : siapa yang tahu jalan cerita dari video tadi?

(Who knows the storyline from the video?)

Pertama, apa? Ada siapa tadi?

(First? Who are there?)

Student 1 : emperor

Student 2 : sultan

Teacher : Sultan Brunei dan dragon. Terus?

(Sultan Brunei and the dragon. And then?)

Teacher : we san or we ping?

Student 3 : we san.

Teacher : we san, betul. (We san, correct)

(SD Negeri 1 Boyolali, grade 5. Wednesday, 18 April 2018)


From the transcript above, we see that the student is passive. This is very contrary

to the Lowenthal statement which says that the students will be interested in storytelling

that use video as the tools of learning English. The students in this class are more

interested to interact with their friends than paying attention to the video. The teacher

must warn the students several times to make them calm. It can be seen from extract 3.

The teacher also had to ask question first to have the students answer. We can see it from

the extract 4. The teacher always have to ask the question first, there were no students

that ask a question to the teacher.

The use of picture in the storytelling session make the students more active in

receiving and asking information. When there is something that make them curious the

students directly ask the teacher about that things. From this study the researcher found

that the use of video that expected to be more attractive for the students turn the students

into passive instead make the students active in the classroom. The students choose to

interact with their friends rather than paying attention to the lesson. The teacher have to

ask the question first to the students because there is no students that asked questions to

the teacher.

Factors that distract the students during storytelling session.

Based on the video recording data it could be seen, there are many factors that

distracted the students’ attention in the classroom. According to Johnson (2010), there are

two kind of distraction, internal and external. He said distractions can be internal, i.e.,

letting the mind wander or fall in a trance like state (daydream) or external. The external


distractions might include watching a classmate shuffling papers, or staring at a fellow

attractive student. Johnson (2010) also stated that student that have interaction with the

other students is the most distraction in the classroom. Transcription bellow is the


(Extract 5) Storytelling using Picture

Teacher : And then what else? Baru klinting.

Student 6 : Batu menangis.

Teacher : Batu menangis.

Student 7 : Rawa pening.

Student 8 : Roro jonggrang.

Teacher : Roro jonggrang.

Student 9 : (hit the table with his pencil case).

Student 8 : SSSSTTTTT!!!!!

(SD Negeri 1 Kebonbimo. Grade 4. Friday, 9 February 2018)

(Extract 6) Storytelling using Picture

Teacher : Witchnya, apa tadi witch?

(What is Witch?)

Student 4 : Penyihir. (Witch)

Teacher : Penyihirnya marah. Why you throw me to the river? Kenapa

kamu membuangku ke sungai? Kenapa?

(The witch is angry, why you throw me to the river? Why?)

Teacher : Akhirnya penyihirnya menyihir Dewi Limaran

(Finally the witch cursed Dewi Limaran)

(A student write something in her book).

(SD Negeri 1 Kebonbimo. Grade 4. Friday, 9 February 2018)

Extract 5 proving Johnson (2010) statement that the external distraction come

from friends. When there were a student who made noise in the classroom, the other will

felt disturbed. While the extract 6, proving another statement from Johnson (2010) that

the distraction from the student can be from student itself. We can see in the end of the

extract, a student busy with herself drawe something in her book, because of she was

drawing something, she became busy with herself and her mind and did not pay attention


to the teacher. It was prove Johnson theory that internal distraction like daydreaming

come from the students itself.

(Extract 7) Storytelling using Video

Video : look, the dragon is following us, we need to do something

Video : soldiers, fast, heat up the cannon ball till it is red hot. Fire the


Student4 : (whispered to his friend and laughing)

Student 5 : Diem toooo!!! (Shut up!)

Student 6 : Diem o. (Please shut up)

Student 4 : (laughing)

(SD Negeri 1 Boyolali. Grade 5. Wednesday, 18 April 2018)

From the transcription above we know that there are many factors that distracting

the students. Student that playing with the table (Extract 5), students that busy with his

self (extract 6), and students that chatting with his friend are the distractors for the other

students attention (extract 7). Student that playing with other students is the most

distracted things in the class because it can provoke the others students to reacting

because the students saw their friend noisy in the class and they want them to quite, we

can see it in extract 7. The class environment become crowded. This kind of situation

prove a statement from Johnson (2010) that students talking with other students is the

most distraction in the classroom.

There were a lot of distraction that make the students did not focus in the lesson.

The first one is friend’s distraction. The students in the classroom would begin to feel

disturbed when there is a students that make noise in the classroom. The students that

play or interact with other students also become a distractor in the classroom

environment. It cause the classroom environment noisy and crowded because the other

students try to warn them. The last distraction come from the students itself. The student


begin to lose herself in daydreaming when she start doing another activity like draw

something in her book and she lose her attention in the lesson.

The Use of English as the Greatest Challenges for the Students during the

Storytelling Session

In the storytelling session in the English class, the teacher of course use English

as the language in the classroom, but apparently, the use of English become a challenges

to the students in the class. The transcription below is the example:

(Extract 8) Storytelling using Video

Video : now, I announce that We San is my successor.

Video : I will be a good ruler.

Video : We San realize what happiness he had found in Brunei. Even

though he had lost the dragons’ pearl to his brother. We Ping in the other hand

never found real happiness. His life was very empty without We San, and the

dragons’ pearl never made up for the loss of his brother’s love and friendship.

Student : …….

Teacher : (Turn of the LCD projector)

Sudah lihat videonya semua, Paham tidak ini ya semuanya? Kok

pada diem? ( you have been watching the video, do you understand the video?

why are you so quite?)

Student1 : nggak….. mudengnya Cuma naga sama mutiaranya (we only

understand about the dragon and the pearl.

Teacher : loh, kenapa? Kecepeten? Mau diulang? (Why? Is that too fast?

Do you want me to replay the video?)

Students : Mau!! (Yes, we want)

Student2 : diceritain aja mbak (you tell the story, miss)

Teacher : diceritain atau diulang? (I’m the one who tell the story or I repeat

the video?

Students : ceritain!!! (You tell the story)

(SD Negeri 1 Boyolali. Grade 5. Wednesday, 18 April 2018)

From the transcription above, we could see that the students were prefer to use

both English and Indonesia in the classroom. From the extract 8, we can see that the

students in the classroom mostly prefer the teacher to re-tell the story from the video


rather than saw the video again. The students afraid to see the video again because the

video used full English. The students afraid they would not know the story of the video

again so they want the teacher to re-tell the story. This kind of situation is like

Souriyavongsa et. al, (2013) statement that the majority of students afraid to use English

because they lack of confidence afraid they will make a mistake if they use English. The

students thought that English is a difficult language.

The situation when English became a challenges for the students not only

happened in storytelling using video as the media but also happened in storytelling using

picture as the media. The extract below proofed this statement:

(Extract 9) Storytelling using Picture

Teacher : Are you ready to listen to me? Udah siap belum dengarkan?

(Are you ready to listen to me?)

Student : siap.(Ready)

Teacher : bahasa inggris full atau pake bahasa Indonesia juga?

(English only or use both of Indonesia and English ?)

Student1: dicampur miss, kalo inggris aja nggak tau artinya

(Both of Indonesia and English, miss. If use English only we don’t


Teacher : Ok. Long time ago ... (the class teacher tell the student to consentration

to the teacher) In a big Kingdom, disuatu kerajaan yang besar, there are a big

palace ada sebuah istana yang besar. Kelihatan nggak ya dari belakang?

(long time ago, in a big kingdom, there are a big palace. The students in

the back, can you see the picture?

Students : Yaaaa… (Yes)

Teacher : In the kingdom, there are a king and the ...

Student 3 : Princess? (Shyly).

Teacher : Queen there are a king and a queen. This is the king. (Showing the

Picture of the king) And this is the queen (Showing the picture of the queen). The

king’s name Raden Prabu, namanya?

(SD Negeri 1 Boyolali. Grade 3. Wednesday, 25 April 2018)

This extract 9 proofed that English also a challenges for the students even though

the teacher use the different media from the extract 8 of the storytelling. We can see


when the teacher ask the students what language they want to use, they say they want the

teacher to use English and Indonesia. One of the student said that if the teacher use

English, they do not know the meaning of it. The other student, when answer to the

teacher, they answer with shy. The students not confidence to use English because they

are afraid if they make a mistake and shy feeling (Souriyavongsa et. al, 2013).

The researcher found that in the storytelling using video the students prefer to

listen to the story from the teacher rather than saw the video again. The students afraid

they would not understand the whole story of the video because the video used full

English. They prefer to listen the teacher re-tell the story using both of English and

Indonesia. The researcher think that was because English is rarely used in that class. The

other fact that the researcher found was the students in the classroom were mostly ask the

teacher to use Bahasa Indonesia in the lesson. A student said that if the teacher use

English only, they did not know about the meaning of it, so the student ask the teacher to

use both of English and Bahasa Indonesia.


This study conducted to investigate what are students’ responses towards the use

of media in the storytelling session. The instrument for the data collection was

observation with video recording. The participant of this study consisted of 154

elementary school students with different grade and different school in Boyolali. After

collected and analyzed all the data, the researcher found there are some factors that affect

the students’ responses.


The findings classified into three themes. First, the use of picture that make the

students more responsive. The use of picture make the students more active in receiving

and asking information. When the students curious about something they directly ask the

teacher about that things. This study found that the use of video that expected to be more

attractive for the students turn the students into passive instead make the students active

in the classroom. The students prefer to play with their friends rather than paying

attention to the lesson. The teacher also have to ask the question first to the students

because there is no one students that asked questions to the teacher.

The second findings is factors that distracted the students during the storytelling

session. The first distraction is friend’s distraction. The students in the classroom would

begin to feel disturbed when another students that make noise in the classroom. The

second distraction is students that play or interact with other students. It cause the

classroom environment noisy and crowded because the other students try to warn them.

The last distraction come from the students itself. The researcher found that the student

begin to lose their self in daydreaming when they start doing another activity like write

something in their book and they lose their attention in the lesson.

The last finding is about the use of English that become a challenge for the

student in the storytelling session. The researcher found that the students in the classroom

were mostly ask the teacher to use Bahasa Indonesia in the lesson. A student said that if

the teacher use English only, they did not know about the meaning of it, so the student

ask the teacher to use both of English and Bahasa Indonesia. The other fact that the


researcher found in the storytelling using video is the students prefer to listen to the story

from the teacher rather than saw the video again.

This present study has several implication for the teacher. The result of this study

enhance the teachers to be aware of students challenge and some distraction when the

teachers use storytelling to learn English in the classroom. This study also give

information for the teacher to be aware that the use of video as the media of storytelling

not always have a good response from the students and the use of picture for the media of

storytelling not always have bad response.

This study has some limitation. This study also is a contextual study that cannot

be generalized. The first limitation is this study only involved 3 levels of students grade

which are grade 3,4, and 5. The second one is the school context which only public

schools. For the future study, I hope the researcher not only choose grade 3,4,5 but also 1

and 6, so the researcher will get richer data. I also hope that the future researcher collect

the data not only from elementary schools, but also in junior high schools or senior high

schools. I hope the future researcher also find out about students response towards the use

of media in the storytelling session in private school since English is a subject in that

school, not a mulok (muatan local) because I do believe that the researcher will get richer




First of all, I would like to express my greatest gratitude to Jesus Christ for all his

unconditional love and blessings in every step of my life. It is only by His grace that I

could finish my study in the right time. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my

thesis supervisor, Anita Kurniawati, M. Hum. Thank you for the knowledge you shared

and thank you for your guidance during my thesis writing. I would also like to thank my

examiner, Maria Christina Eko Setyorini, M.Hum. for the comments and constructive

criticism for my thesis. I would also like to thank all the lectures of Faculty of Language

and Arts for the guidance and the support. Very special thank goes to my family,

especially for my beloved Ibu Herny and Bapak Marmo, also my brother, Sabbatha and

Dony for the endless supports and prayers during my study. A big thank is also given to

my boyfriend and his family for supporting me and helping me to finish this thesis. Not

forget to thank my sister since 2010, Almela Vicky. Thank you for always encourage me

and always remind me to finish this thesis. I would also like to thank my friend since day

one I am entering this college, Lidya Sartika and Ye Eun Lee, thank you for all the

memories we had through this college life, I am truly blessed to know you all. Also I

want to give thanks to my best friends in Semangat Skripsi group, Aventha and Cornelia

Widita for the mental support from the beginning until now. Also, my friends in group

the Thesis Ngeri-Ngerong, Innung and Regiena, for all the support during this thesis. Last

but not least, thank you for all those unforgettable memories and laughter we shared

together during my college life, Fourteeners. Viva Fourteen.



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Appendix A


(Picture as the media of Storytelling)

Name of School : SD Negeri 1 Kebonbimo

Subject : English

Grade / semester : 4/I

Year : 2018/2019

Topic : Storytelling (Past tense)

Time Allocation : 2x 35 minutes

Skills : Listening

Standard of Competence : Students will be able to identify past tense text

Basic Competence :

- Students will be able to apply appropriate past

action words in the sentences.

Learning Indicators : At the end of the class, student will be able to:

- Change the present action words into past action


- Write at least 10 past action words.

1. Teaching Method

Direct Teaching.

Teacher stands in front of the classroom and

presents the information or the material to the students with simple explanation so

the students will understand the material easily.


2. Teaching Procedures

Activities Time

Teacher Student

Pre Teaching (10’)

Greet students

Introduce teacher’s self to the


Tell the students about the

classroom’s rules

Greet the teacher

Pay attention to the teachers



Whilst Teaching (45’)

Teacher explain why she’s in

that class.

Teacher asks to the students

about folklore that they know.

Teacher begin the storytelling

by tell the story about “The

Golden Snail”

Teacher ask the students

about their understanding

about the story

Teacher can re-tell the story if

it is needed.

Students pay attention to the


Students answering the teacher.

Students pay attention to the


Answering the teacher


Post Teaching (15’)

Teacher ask the student to

answer some question.

Teacher ask the student about

Answering the teacher



the moral value of the story.

Teacher stressed the moral

value of the story that the

students have to it.

Teacher closing the class.

Pay attention to the teacher

Salatiga, 8 Februari 2018

Student Teacher

Anastasia Aditya Paranov

3. Teaching instrument, aid, and sources

Teaching instrument & aid :

o Picture of the story

o Story’s sheets

o Students’ worksheet


Picture taken from Google

Asssesments :


o Appendix 1 : The story

The Golden Snail (Keong Emas)

A Folklore from Central Jave, Indonesia

Long time ago there were a couple of husband and wife, they are Prince Raden

Putra and Dewi Limaran. They lived in a palace. Prince Raden Putra's father was the

king of the kingdom.


One day, Dewi Limaran was walking around in the palace garden. Suddenly she saw a

snail. It was ugly and disgusting.

"Yuck!" said Dewi Limaran and then she threw it away into a river.

She did not know that the snail was actually an old and powerful witch. She could

transform herself into anything. The witch was angry to Dewi Limaran. The witch put a

spell on her and changed her into a golden snail. The witch then threw it away into the


The golden snail was drifting away in the river and got caught into a net. An old woman

was fishing and used her net to catch some fish. She was surprised to see a golden snail in

her net. She took it and brought it home. When the old woman woke up in the morning,

she was surprised that the house was in the good condition. The floor was mopped. And

she also had food on the table. She was thinking very hard.

"Who did this to me? The person is very kind." It happened again and again every


The old woman was very curious. One night she decided to stay up late. She was peeping

from her room to know who cooked for her. Then, she could not believe what she saw.

The golden snail she caught in the river turned into a beautiful woman. The old woman

approached her.

"Who are you, young girl?"

"I am Dewi Limaran, Ma'am. A witch cursed me. I can change back as a human only at

night," explained Dewi Limaran.

"The spell can be broken if I hear the melody from the holy gamelan," continued Dewi


The old woman then rushed to the palace. She talked to Prince Raden Putra about her


Prince Raden Putra was so happy. He had been looking for his wife everywhere.

He then prayed and meditated. He asked the Gods to give him the holy gamelan. He

wanted to break the witch's spell. After several days praying and meditating, finally Gods

granted his wish. He immediately brought the holy gamelan to the old woman's house.

He played it beautifully. And then amazingly the golden snail turned into the beautiful

Dewi Limaran.


The couple was so happy that they could be together again. They also thanked the old

woman for her kindness. As a return, they asked her to stay in the palace.


Appendix 2: picture from Google.


Question :

1. What is the title of the story?

2. Who is the ugly snail?

3. Who is the golden snail?

4. Why the queen turn into the golden snail?

5. What can we learn from the story?


Appendix B


(Video as the media of Storytelling)

Name of School : SD Negeri 1 Kebonbimo

Subject : English

Grade / semester : 4/I

Year : 2018/2019

Topic : Storytelling (Past tense)

Time Allocation : 2x 35 minutes

Skills : Listening

Standard of Competence : Students will be able to identify past tense text

Basic Competence :

- Students will be able to apply appropriate past

action words in the sentences.

Learning Indicators : At the end of the class, student will be able to:

- Change the present action words into past action


- Write at least 10 past action words.

4. Teaching Method

Direct Teaching.

Teacher stands in front of the classroom and

presents the information or the material to the students with simple explanation so

the students will understand the material easily.

5. Teaching Procedures


Activities Time

Teacher Student

Pre Teaching (10’)

Greet students

Introduce teacher’s self to the


Tell the students about the

classroom’s rules

Greet the teacher

Pay attention to the teachers



Whilst Teaching (45’)

Teacher explain why she’s in

that class.

Teacher asks to the students

about folklore that they know.

Teacher begin the storytelling

by playing a video about “The

dragon of kinabalu”

Teacher ask the students

about their understanding

about the story

Teacher can re-tell the story if

it is needed.

Students pay attention to the


Students answering the teacher.

Students pay attention to the


Answering the teacher


Post Teaching (15’)

Teacher ask the student to

answer some question.

Teacher ask the student about

the moral value of the story.

Teacher stressed the moral

Answering the teacher

Pay attention to the teacher



value of the story that the

students have to it.

Teacher closing the class.

Salatiga, 8 Februari 2018

Student Teacher

Anastasia Aditya Paranov

6. Teaching instrument, aid, and sources

Teaching instrument & aid :

o Video of the story

o LCD projector

o Speaker


Video taken from Youtube Jingu Kid

Question : 1. What is the title of the story?

2. Where is the dragon cave?

3. What “things” that the dragon have?

4. Why We San and We Ping wanted to pick the dragon’s pearl?

5. What can we learn from the story?