Shenghsing station (勝興車站)

Post on 08-Jul-2015

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Taiwan Attractions

Transcript of Shenghsing station (勝興車站)


changcy0326Auto presentation 自動換頁

Shenghsing Station was a railway station of Taiwan Railway Administration (TRA) Western Line (Old Mountain Line) in Miaoli County, Taiwan. This Station was closed on September 24, 1998 due to route change of the trunk line. It is now a tourist spot surrounded by a cluster of tea shops and traditional Hakka restaurants.勝興車站是台灣鐵路局(TRA)在台灣苗栗縣西線(舊山線)的一個火車站。由於鐵路改道,該站於1998年9月24日關閉。現在它是一個旅遊景點,周圍環繞著一些茶館和傳統的客家餐廳。

This was the highest train station above sea level in Taiwan. It is a popular location for wedding photos, and visitors come to walk the abandoned tunnel.


Normally this tourist attraction is usually developed for local residents. On April 16, 1999, the Miaoli County Government designated Shenghsing Station as a county-level historic site.通常此旅遊景點是針對當地居民而開發的。 1999年4月16日,苗栗縣政府將勝興車站指定為縣級古蹟。


Shenghsing Train Station was the highest train staion above sea level in Taiwan, but the major rail route was been rerouted, so trains no longer pass here.


The station building was originally built in 1906. It is a pine structure built without nails.車站建於1906年。是用松板蓋成,沒有用釘子。

Ticket office 售票口

The monument of Taiwan Railway the highest point (402.326 m above SL)台灣鐵路最高點紀念碑(海拔402.326公尺)

Railway platforms 火車站月台

Old-style teahouses and restaurants perched on the mountainside棲息在山腰上的舊式茶館和餐館

Every April and May is Tung flower blossom season每逢 4、5月時是桐花盛開的季節

The station area will be flooded with visitors on weekends.每到週末 車站附近將是遊客充斥。

The village's narrow main street has restaurants serving Lei Cha and other Hakka specialties.


Hiking Trail 健行步道

The way home 回家的路