Seminário Mídias e Interação - CIn 25.05.2011

Post on 01-Nov-2014

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Apresentação sobre as atividades realizadas pelo grupo de Experiência do Usuário no C.E.S.A.R - Centro de Estudos e Sistemas Avançados do Recife.

Transcript of Seminário Mídias e Interação - CIn 25.05.2011

Seminário em Mídias e Interação #9 Cin - 25.05.2011

h.d.mabuse @mabuse

Centro privado de inovação

que cria produtos, serviços e

empresas com Tecnologia da

Informação e Comunicação

(TIC). É uma Organização

Sem Fins Lucrativos.


Centro de Estudos e

Sistemas Avançados

do Recife

ouvinte / falante falante / ouvinte meio

ouvinte / falante falante / ouvinte meio

repertório repertório

desenvolvedor usuário software

repertório repertório

desenvolvedor usuário software

repertório funcional

repertório funcional

repertório estético

repertório estético

Interação humano-computador

Interação humano-computador-humano


Negócios Pessoas

Research ideation

Evaluation Prototip.

1 2

3 4

User-Centered Design (UCD) is an approach to design based on information about the people who will use the product.

UCD processes focus on users throughout planning, design and development.

It should be carried out in an iterative and incremental way.



Identify the people who will use the product and uncover what they will use it for, and under what conditions they will use it

Techniques Ethnography Surveys Contextual Inquiry Task Analysis



Based upon the field information, we build, with a multidisciplinary team, an initial concept to be prototyped

Techniques Personas Brainstorm Placestorm


We work with different levels of fidelity in prototyping. The goal is to fail early to succeed sooner.

Techniques Wireframing Low to Hi-fidelity prototyping



Usability testing with actual users is integral to good product development.

Techniques Usability Testing Expert Analysis Heuristic Evaluation Focus Groups

Usability-testing laboratory

C.E.S.A.R’s UX Lab has state of the art audio and visual recording and testing equipment. The lab

consists of two test rooms and an observation/control room that can seat as many as eight observers. A-V equipment includes five HDTV

cameras, capture/feed capabilities for test participant's PC via Morae Software, up to four

video monitors for observer viewing, noting equipment.

Case - Mobile Devices

Case - Medical Products

Case - Menu/Navigation on TV Sets
