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Transcript of SECRET HaFORN

s" 2


KM" iSchsel nst4iseItsib . (1)1 aka. SCUM, *Obeli (2); ICISO, *Mello (3);takzuomen. Oh • Tanw U.old 4) , mug, ad' 4 "Inairlig•lommite (2 aid 4)i VOIXODI. lag. keens (Uil TVa!Waallat „".4.7*

A„• 14460.90re Subject's present end former DFS/LI 4T0 numbers. "

- .Das —3.1. arnedier-1912YOB - Sektesvrise folerel.." Zekaunriei is located in the liestara Ohmire. (1)

1. iSDOdMilisslimme professional inte/ligenoe agent for nost,of his

adult life. his operated throughout Scraps for I isiMber of different;

se:viewer His assooiationvith OMNI dates fro. early 1946 in Saisburg when

be ecistected. : Seolt ARAM (Dr. NO!kr) and thereeterrworked is ions of ARAVIos

infarments.:lt is possible that fro& this starting point &relationship

inimical to Ullbla,and IBPSIMS was teem. (See ;monograph belay.) &Welt.

• Woos asiigned to C •,J however, duriug_thaynar sinoe his,txezuiter from bend& he his only been in•legrie about one-half of the , tins because

of sioksess and Weenie he returned to Jindta . to moist in the ineeetigetion of

'Stefan Bentai os death.

,2. Thi.,review has been Undertaken because eonsideraticm is .beincsiven -

the:, to reitlaililubject is and Whbeter to approve for the oening year the

project under which operate,. The points dismissed below need clirifisation

before 'decisions are rmobed co Uses tiro mulattoes.

3. Nring his first ISPLUTTM test (6 has 1952) be stated that his whole

mows ledes/ingwitkthe Ukrainian Tigris depended on:his being eble to•

nonneal fro* thee his Mensetion with MARI, and yet ASCASSOMI4 in Dovembir

1959 said that it was women knowledge aming Olmsted= emigre. lakbelokend,

Paris,that 'MOO* is engaged In:intelligence week for ODlioss. • "can effectivp;

nee still ho made of,Suldect7 , Report;froal.: ,1 *fleets that fer'the brief

period Subject has been there' and Able to work the result' have been good. One, .of his recent limicb,c/es feels thatgalthough.blown,,Subject .4as effective, and




WAR CR IMES 131.6CLOSORE ACIE:- /10F0V1 ,lA 7007



Sttih SCrqtAL,



that Mn informetionyrs good. Assuming that Subject still can be need, to

what use abouLl he put and where? r. a bee been using Subject rar*slaw•

spotting purpoies, rather than as a source of CS information, vhin# was hii

prboarifUmotion 14 litsnictb.c =rhea been pleased v/ his work during the abort

period he ,has been there, .but doss not feel qualified to 1400116 his yet. L:

j requested, and was granted, an extension on Subjedt le FOA *until .18 .August

1966.: lie is yeemmtly in 'Wit% renewing his pabsport, and his /rent* visa, butthere are indications that beright . not return to Paris. It Was reported in the

middla Of June 1960, on the basis Of information supplied by AETRUSZC, that'

Lillian* had no intention of remaining in ?efts after his residenoe mat -

expired in early August. The Muni& bass bes 'the impreselft that hie heart is

not in blavori in Paris, because be beeps popping bock to )bnloh, ' all his /Mends

-live there, be has ,a great love for Gorham, and Hunia land be maintains an -

expensive apartment there. Subject has been asked iihy he 'minted!' the apertmeet'

and his reply is that be can afford it and find, .it a great convenience when be is

, in Milnich. Should MOM* vent to return te Asnich and take up where be left

off, the base feels that termination meld be the onlylouree 'open to it.

" 4. AEDCGMa le esemiation with German intelligence began in Novenber' •

---enen at the behest of the DON he joined the Abwehr. His connection with UPHILL

apparently stems from at least thalat,:er part of 14:9,but it could here been

earlier. Prior to that he maintained infJrnal contact with his former /Webs.

associates. Does =BARK control Subject in his relationah1p with UPHILL, or does

OPHIUdirect his oontaet with KUBARK for its benefit? Or is another service,

RD3, actually directing everything? MARI would like-to think that it

controls the operation, but there are'a,number of item to taped,. otherwise:

In the report of his first IliFLUTf1R it stqted that, "If Subject is subsequently°

found to be lying in an 1mportaUt way . . : this would indicate important,

deoeption on la questions where reactions were recorded." MOGI* was at least

`withhollinginformationatthattine,about his tree wife. /reels where Subject1 '

chewed, a marked reaction included the followings Doing secret velik for the Seviete,




F ,


the:Polish 04 etc.; one of him:early UPHILL ciósoun FRAIL; being blackmailed. .• 'or terrorised by wane; and intentions or orders to Work against Americo=

.,.. ,Interests. Cla.bis secordILTLUTTER, in Hirsh 1954 AEDCGAK'diep14701, a mediae

reaction, which remained Medium when the question was repeated, when aside if be

V55 intentionally 'withholding from MARX any informatite conoemmbig his WV rt

latelligeneei Activities: Subject answered negatively bat n01300010 significantly

an his third INIETTEItt on 25 Ostober 1957, to 7thi question, "Doyou now have

• apyasidgmeent*for the INVILL-Organizatioa ghat you have not ctold us about?"

She Operator Concluded that AZDOGIS1 logy be withholding information in thAs area

' end praltAcingdesOptdon... 15. Subjeet states his meetings with one oehicold Abwehr euprilers,

.0oleen1 Heins SCOMISCHIABGER, wear when the latter as through %match an-

business'and arepuraly„eamig in nature; however, from the number of times anchhave occurred and the nature of tbe teciee dismissed, it is 4itSjLault to believe

they 6 not have,deleita intelligence pertinenoe. is thpught eignifloentthat SCHMAISCHIABOWs UPHILL superior is a OR smote/1st named`OlicarRZIlit

• PIMPS, who worked agailst French, Heitishand American intelligence in

/ranee in WW II. (See the obronological listing below of the neetingeibetVven

SCH)ALSCHIAEGER a. sines WW II known to MARL) TIP= on 0444402November 1955 Subject discussed certain informationwith:SCHMALSCHLAOR, and

when asked by AUBARN if anyone knew of it he answered in the. negative, Subjeot

later said this was an oversight. A phone tap on Subject showed that in the Spring

of 1957 be withheld from lammat /east two SHIs given him by his UPHILL o/e., AMOCha was instructed to make a clean break with UPHILL before going to Paris.

He was to inform his UPHILL ob at their last nesting in March 1959 that be was

leaving for a period Of study ic1bris. It was not intioipated , that there would

.beeny diffioulty and if UPHILL euggeeted that AZDOOHA work for them in Paris

ge was to politely refuse. This he did not dot offering the excuse tbat his -0

MEW. o/o wished to maintain at least a bare oon4ot viti him. An accommodation

address was aupplied Subject so that hiriraMa-iiiihrerittea-maperts-ierthe emigre





soene . every week or ea to 0 MN his UPHILL e/O. AXDOGNA felt certain the

'effort would not harm his aotivity in Perin for XOBARK.

6. It also is possible that Subject's Abwehr background is tin) basis for an

RIS 'controlled operation. MARX has been aware since early 1958 of RIS knowledge

that ABDOGMA worked for the AIS. Pavlo Dfl4lTRO,0 Raul DEMO; Otto KNEW

and Alfred LCIBMKpr, were associated with Subject in tin Abwehr, and all later -

become HIS agents. All contacted Subject in-whathe stated in the oase,of,

BOGER vas an RI3 attelapt-- to recruit him)and he strongly intimated as 'snob in

the case of the other two. ' DBXBAOR obtained a report on the Ukrainian eadgration

frOa AEDOGMA an the pretext that it was desired WOOL SOBBLISCHLABOER. 'Col. .

Trans son TARIM, Subject'Sforner Abwehr chief, and SOEBNIARIAEOXR, met -

MOM in Munich in October 1458 on their way beck From a trip to Marano Italy,

' '-where they_WJaat-a-numbar. of former WO II Italian Fascist officers who,". .

Work for (SUBMALSOBLABGER) and,periodically proiide (bin) with interesting

"informAtion." MOON& has gone to Wren several times, ostensibly for R vacation.

SCRKOSCHIAEGPB had been particularly ROZ10= for von TARBOX talent the

". • . Italian contacts when he say to able to use later.' Yon TAMMOCiaes a

Soviet war prisoner for a time bet he claims that be was not forced to divulge.

any information about his former Abwebrassooiates. .Kort HAMM, a captain

in Subject's Absehr group, was 'e:r.Germen staybehind agent doubled by the Soviets.;

who has been in touch with SCINAISCHIAROM-(as early as 1955) and von TARBOX, and

- sent greetings to Subject. Are all Of these people working primarily for tho Sovieti?. .

DO the Germane reap the major benefits? In any event, the indications are strong•

that 1O8ARK 10 not the pripoipal tenefialai7.

7. AEDOGNA had not seen his former wire, Nerianas,Eliaabeth nee IOWA, in

*years when she appeered'initnich frue'last Germany in Italy 1954. She.

claimed to have had a fairly eesy,Ades during her ten years behind the Iron

.CUrtain, and to bevelled no troubli at all obtaining an inter-zonal:peas or .a

'Betting Icross the °boi.der. At one , pointOrbili Subject was questioning her,

she demanded . to see his answeis'and kannkart, stating that abs was no longer

'Iffaid of him and that be had "completed ' s good'echool, perhapsbetter than yen



realise.' Boris LETTISKT and Tolodymir salmi= vere 'prosent ding this

questioning. MOM 'occluded the she was lying to bin, and that she was an

enemy agent. Marianna emigrated to the U.S. in Weber 1956. It is unoatraia

whether ehe receivedlOBARkaseistasee. there is no record of ZURARIavar having

questioned her) nor does it appear that °DEM has ever beenCdvised of her

,baCkgr-und. It is not knoVn 'what cheeks Were run in the . processing of her visa

application. :vet prior to her departure for the U.S. Marianna. reCeived threeletters from anitrwinBEGENSAitT, who bad hewn in Ashen in the DP 'asp with

Marianna butt was then residiagin Blooming . Frairia, itingesnta, iddressed..te,

"Mrdoaresto: fe," and one latter frOm an Anni &AL of Itainaritedt, task Cerminy,

apparently atriend from Marianmes days behind the eurtilu: Vhat-is ‘ the sanneotiom

betwien these peopleuhow did =MART get Into' the U.S.; is he rmalyserried

tO.karianna; did Marines name him on her immigration papers as sawn". she know. .-in thell.S.7 .

8. SUbjeet!s former wife-nietross Irene EMMMieudirated to Caaada in April

of 1955. In MLfeb 1954, Amps asked that $500.00 frowhis sioraw aoeounVbe

sent teIrena's father Pater HMIS in Canada to midst in bringing Irena's sister

and her fnai/Irfrom Argentina to Canada. Subject supplied Trend $1500 from. his

escrow etiommit . inw1956'to enable her to starts beauty parlor in Canada.. Be has

given Irene lesser amounts on other occasions. As in thecase of Maritusea, it

is uncertain what, ifainything, MARK did to assist /raw to emigrate . to Canada..

The files do not contain window, of MARK having questioned bar or having

advised Canadian officials . of her background. Subject ham reoeived about five.

letters from SIMS sines she naigrated. Oss of his !Crier =BARK e/os feels

there is a strong, possibility that BEmi;As biaakmantag AMOGMA. Subjeet did

react significantly in giringa negative answer on his first 1.0P1UITER to the

quastiOnt • "Are you now being blaelaisdiSd of terrorized by anyone?"

'9. AEDOChpi was granted the right of entry ,into . the U.S. under P. 1. 110,

on 29 July 1952. lie has never tried to avail himself of this opportunity nor

Indicated that he wished to in the future, and there seems little likelihood

that he will. Subject i.e almost 40yeare old, and any seeurity, stability or




continuity that exists in his life does so in Germany/sad partictGarly Mhnichg: 1This arises from his friends, his apartment, his church positiom )and hiellib

generally for the past twelve to fourteen years. His escrow aocount &somata to

ottiattal,cop, which would not last a very long time in the U.S. cowered tee-

Germany, There is nothing that he could do in the U.S. for which he is trained.

10. In -July 1936 9 .a abort tAmeafter his second LOPIATTEH, Subject wrote

a lengUNrceitique of the manner in which be bad been handled by =MK 0/641.

He stated that he had been fer happier and had a far better relations. hipi;ith his

Abwehr associates. This oomplaint was voiced on several other ocoaalens by

Subject. Be felt .that his assobiation with MARX never left the level of a

purely babas° relationship. In November 1957, after his third LOPLUTTCR he

again teoughtbhis up,-dismissing the camplele mutual4must hebed felt in his

relations in the Abwe1r I tat' ia,0995ember 1957 ha stated that he thought he hawb. ,

been treated very hemuily during the last yeerte. NrniMiend that the Wei:ass

atmosphere had finally bottom a more personal one. Bat, Subject never hen-real/7

confided in any of his c/oe throughout his many years of aasoolatice :

Instead he has disoussedhis problems v/ his friends, inoluding) C491. SOHMLLSCHIARGSRIWalter ZIEMKS; 14in KASHUHA; Boris LEVITSIT; Va1t4yrds SLIK!KOVSKI; Myron

MATVI1E16 and his wife Grai Teroslar/IMPOTICH and his wife'010, Syben

TM:HELM or ISM:HEIM and his wife Mena; and a whole group of others.

U. Hy talking to Marianne end Irene and making the indicated checks a

greet magyof the questions posed above should be resolved.' Regardless, information,

will be gained which can be used to advantae in gneetioning iIMNDIMA. This

should be done as soon ale it is possible to Le.pUtethe other checks, for without

altering up some of the hasy areas it will not be postdate to ' tnov for whose

benefit AED03Mi operates and who controls bin.

, 12. Subject's chronological history:

1928 - He became &member Of ,the Ukrainian Military Orgnnisation (TWO).

Recruited by Ivan =LTA, Who is preeently living in the U.S. (3)

0. 1929 - He joined the OUN (Orginimation of Ukrainian Nationalists),

which resulted from the reorganisation of the TWO. (3)






Nov. 1934 - Lev MET asaigned Subject to the poet of Organiekti'anal

Referent Of Haseband ihreautive Committee of the 001 in the

Western Ukraine. (3)

1933 - He was publisher of a nationalistic. anti-Bolshevik CON newspaper.

• Imprisoned in Septemper 1935 for three months for'ertiolee

Sherplycaitical of the Polish government. (1 and 3)

Roe. 1936 -Fib/iied Herianna Elizabeth MOSKVA. DCO 1 April 1913,

FOB Dm*. Ukraine, in Les vo, Ukraine

Jai 1937- He vle. arrested in (Nov. kr Polish pollee.. (1 and 3)

Fall 1937 - His wife took -a 1ovor..(1)

Spring 1938 - His vits : reitsed' an Offer of divan's.. (1)

Pay 1939 Subject eentenced to Wive yearis iaprisonment for his CON

membarehip., .•

Sept. 1939 - At the outbreak=of the Castama-Polish war, Subject and all .

other Ukrainian political Prteofterervere released. ' (1 s$,3).

Nov. 1939 - Subject tiis CON proiCaal that heloin the Osman

CI Service (Abash:retell. III in Craeov). His immediate

superiors were it. Col. Robert reams von ,TERSUE and Hajar

• Frani' icaus. Subject worked in the herder area &round

the Taroslav, Rndmnno-Porei r. engaged in CI work

against the RIS. (3)

Early 1940 - Subject bed contact v/ hie wife fat Abe first time since

late 1937 when COX menber Leonid PC:WOMB *ought her- 0-

to Radian*. (2)

084 ., 1940 — Subject moved to Sitinokv/ hie wiin under false docunentetion !

as %Omar Lorena VOLEHEIM. (2), , Other possible spellings

of this name are VCRS:MIK and FORAWM. (2 and 4)

June 1941 - He sent to the Ukrainian front where he stayed far a

year. His wife again betrayed Subject. (2)


mNr 1942-Mid 1944 -Subject was transferred to Atwehrstelle III in

Cra0Ow, where be was coneerned w/ enemy communications.

Be pie his wife hie earninge. , At the end of this

time, when the Red Arc94porcaehed Sian*, hie wife

-fled to Vienna w/ a German offloar., Ails on

bus/noes in Vienna Subject net her, and at her request

obtained false dommeentatian for berfron his

superior Major ROW. Subject also gave.barucesery

. 'and a nether of valve/31es. - (1, 24 and').

Ka-194449% 7 Subject had no contvot v/ his. wife. (lend

Jane 1942 -Me begen Studying-theology at the University • of Usreaw.- (3)

Sept. 1944 -BC obtained his release as an active Abwehr employee,

basmase .after'the abortive attpept on Hitler's life of •

20 Jai,' 1944 Qestapo members were attached to Abwehr ranks.

Be - did, however, agree townie* as a voluntary informer, (3)'

late 1944 - Be **masted his theological studies and he wee: ordained by

• - archbishop PALAD11, who later resided in Boston. Ti.

• Archbishop smut bin to 'Prague to epeolialievin church law. (31

Jan..Apr 1945 - He w/ the Ahwehr , in Pragne'under his former Cracow

• obis!, Lt. Col. von TAME.. (3)

Apr 1945 -Whenthe Osechaelovekian revolt threatened, the Abwehr group

decided to flee to Austria. Far purposes of protection in

Austria ass of Subject's co-markers (Irene Taroa1atigallET3,

DOB 26 hoe 1913, FaB Fidhordie, Fd1and ‘ (12)) was BiVim

. military doeumentation. woder the name Irene Tarealava ROMAN.

Irena registered w/ the aviharitiee . aa Subject's wife was

tbeir arrival in- Austria. (21,

Oat 1945-Apr 1947 = cSabjeot was a teacher in Salzburg. ' (1)

Early 1946 -Subjeot got in tonoh w/ Neat ARADI whose Paendosyms

inalisded Dr. NOVAK, OBS Salzburg, and began working for him

as an informant. (15)

946 - Subject was ordered by the CUT to Join the Anti,Basheelk Sloe

of Nations (ABN). (15)



SECRET wieart

BaeiTIMe 1946 - ARAIMrecmseted a frontier pass brtweenAustris

and Bavaria fa. Sahjectind his 'Nibs' arena

BIZOS) so that thaymight &timid an ASK Congress.

la lste Diwombar s ' (16)

Apr 1946-0st 1948 -Bs was a member of the I01/0011 and bead of the 0!

section of the de. He has prObablymaintained„

informal eastaoty/ these groups Rinse that time.

Apr./947-latolhomme 1959 -Subject was the assi gner afthe Holy

Antocephalle 0harai of Poland in Swish.

sal 3)

1948 - Hurbmna's father and two sisters ealgrated to. the U.S. tram0.atadols.

1946-Preisst,dabject has been is operatiomal,sontantrwith this Agway. WI

IED00141 was laidaff Of MARK daring the period

1949 rahruary 1950„ biennia be was prodosing vary

little., lm•earli Jar 1950, it was soaidentelltdiselamed

.that he had beaawartingfor UPH41. since October 1949. (21)

Sines -at least 1950 be has worbmi sissiltanenssly for both

• MBAR' and UPHILL, which fast has bean known by both

agrarian from that time to data. The UPHILL dash has •

ladioatid that it canaidrre two of Subjectle.UPHILL

doitaate, Sol. SORMUSCHLAVOIHR dud Oscar mu, indlildwas

about whom there issams reason-far animating hostile

connections. Nowevar, there is no definite -basis for this

Sithatt the preseuarof sotual,evidewom..;

' 6 Jape 1952 -Aalaurrnm test vas given to*Suhject. the roadie were

'dos:ribs& ai obar407 fairly reliable."

7 Zn.17 1954 Subject saw his wife Ihrianaa for the first tins sink*

1944 in Munich, Aar, she had just arrived frai Rant

Oman', end talked W/ ber ,in the prise* of Boris Larrsq,and Toladimir SLIMAEOVSKI. (2)



SIEMET viovoRt1

27 ial 1954- Irma mai the name =BAN until this.dato, when c

German wort clarified her rolationshipywi Subject end.

his marital 'Mattis was changed is the Su** Registration

Offiee. (1)

32 Dee 1954 ..aubjeat end his wife Marianna.ware dimmed lor a Carnen

• . .60014. (1).

• Lite fill 1954 - LETTENT, told Subjeet about revelations made to

INVITSETbyC ,ares . project AMOR. Subeequent/y

in 1955 four . agents involved in this prOjeot dropped

into the USSR, were arrested by the Soviettend at

/most ton of them were executed. (6)

195 - Discussions vers begun re: the transfer of Subjeot to Paris. -

' Questioning occurred book sad forth among Eqs., Mhnieb end Phris

. res the advisability of suohi sow.

6.7 Nur 2956 -.Second =ATM edninisterod,to'Subject. • of

• •

- • , • .

the motions to the questions asked were not fully

reiolved., (19)

3 Apr.1956 Irsaa BIROS migrated tc0enada end established herself

poseiblrwith the Sid of minx. (1 Egad 5) -I

• Cot 1956 - Subject's divorced wife. Marianna migrated to the U.S. It

is, possible abs rweived MARK assistame. (1 and 5)

25 Cat 1957 - Third.10TLUTTER admininterwl to Subject. To one Daportait6

questianhet hie relatianwitiOrHILL the operator determined

that Subject Imay be practicing deception.° (20)

Aug 1.959 - Subjebt moved to Iris. •

22 Sept 1939 - The following inTornation:was contained injO3Ni-$305 of

"Ads dates

(0) Dort V. HARTMANN, DOS 25 May 1901, POBiliga, Latvia,

was an Abwehr official on the Eastern Front whO

married a Soviet agent. Eh was in the USSR after




Circa 1953 be was sent to wets:Ate UPSIIIIM

for the MS. •

(b) In 1950 Otto KRUEGER, a Soviet agent,. remitted Pavia

DIMITRFXSO— • tunics, who. 'obtained a report from Subject

* Ukraiedan. esigration •allagedly snider the inctszt

that it was desired 'bp Ool. S0IRRISMA2X8.24 the

MULL OS. &floor. DISTISSIXO died in SMOG! 1950.

Alfred LCOSNWSIg, a Soviet swat, introduCed

to Subloiit 'to reaat DE4VERIOCK0 ge daatb." Subject

dasog be ocataotad SelpaLSCHLAISOR, whoa he int

three thou . duringW 14 at DI2CtTitSSIO/C fuessul..

The mot ; dates of thsea ccourrenses ere not known.

(a) -0 (Sari! ISVITSIT) oonfeses• hi. Sabot Agent..

status to Subject Sul kept his informed ,Or a sotkrities.

Harly.det 1959 - Suisject,learned from a Utter. be received friss Ivan.

EASIEBA ., as 2 Ostober 1959, that .ths.RIS was Waking of

assassinating Steen gANDSAA sal EASSUIR :(ASCAlrirOtAs

1 and . 12). -- The WOMBS group abashed on this sad

verified it frsa other scarves: -(18) ODOM did not

haw how the information bad boon reabasked, ace did.

be loaf bow SASHVBA by/ originally gOtten hold of the


NOT 1959 - When Subject vu revelled to /WA to heap lis the lawatigation•

'BANDSRA's death ha raj:acted it as a !ride/384

ad-Jan 1960 -Subject retuxned to-Poris.

mar 1960 - subject', sislcoese Cogan in Paris attar be bad lunched there'

w/ three asigrUs, WO of when (Ivan POPOViOS, the • eseietant

obiaf of the CAVATISAs in Prams, sad Saris ntr(sansur)

the calltilavinies emigres . # rtI other than Subject -





net to be shipped to Casino during 113RUSICEVIo visit. !Mt

fern* ,o did not heel to reprort to the po/loe on o daily

bests, whieh uould Dow to iniiente scam dispensation fro"

the french authorities. for AEDflatt vas eerend with iUAS

to go to •Cariktea, which was .eltenged)wben

dienovermi,to coo Squiring is to sport Melee doily to tbe

leant ' POliee beadquertere.

9 Apr 1960 - Me arrived ler 'tad*• for treatment leeOlame -

,getting proper treatment in Parie.val

uss rendered by a 'Garman POimery (teeter. (9 And 10)

I June 1960 • Sulkiest retorned to Paria.

1 Aug 1960 - Nubian' wee book In *Web to see about renewing hie pule-

port end his Trends vine. .(17)

13.' Souse Notes,

(;) Request for Approval orInvestdgative AotiOn, dated 24 NarOb 1959,

j ON 2 and Curriculum Vitale attiebed.

R01041836,. dated 15 lily 1954, W.Attaelment A, KAT(Z, old brunch

file 01416, VOI.. 2# in 811/3 v/3.

(4) ;-)Isiorent. ists da°ted 34 AprIl 1952, v/ PRQ I ■gitt ther •ionime Vitae,

dated 20 Amery 1952, ettaohid, C-36678.

() Request for Crean List ask- f2978, dated 18 April 1952.

(;) Nemorendew for the Reoord, Subject :ARDOC,Mt..,/, he 0/C1/0P5/Sov6at,

dated 10 November 1959.

(8) Oat& Mr 8663 (33l-27518), dated 29 Ikmeadmr 1954. 0-44829.

(it) /lemorendua recording result* of Carriage Test of ABDOOM4 on

' 6 Jr. 1952, dated 7 June .1952.

OW Gable DDR 03646 (013Y.:67360), dated 20 November 1959.

Ecta 48603, ,,v/ attachments A and D, dated 19 April 1960, 32-0-25,







(f) Cable L. ..1 . 411-23i20, dated 6 April 1993.

001 Cable :C

031-uss4), dated 4 Ibillith9r 1959.,timearsodue fres the Director of Seemeihrla/ Deport of tieeettgatieeatteebed, dated . 17 jar 2999•

PRQ II* file 0736678, le/ excerpts tram file an4hddect's

dealings v/ 010 atteebed, , iemeiCad ResdqUirtere 1 July 1960.v.

Attachment R to SCHL•20222, dated 25 July1956. RARRJOIA-10. 3092.

. .

Folder M.-

14004 591, dated 27 Osoenber1946* OM Project Belladonna tile.,


Mimeo, dated 14 Deeember 1946, true Aredi to his emperior, ORS

Cabi. c iO31-31884); dated 1 !most 1960., 0

r- 73,1ted 12 October 1959, 201744231, vol. I.

ROM 200e6, dated 4 April 1956, 294406/5.

EGRA 29660, dated 51 October 1957, KAPOK* old hirenCh file,'

05416, vol. 11.

)00At 3%, dated 1 /twist 1950, 74.6713-217.

14.'Obecks, Ths datee of Subject's three ICFLOTTPR testei-and the laimet

nbsoks made on hie are'llsted. Only the names Michael - MARC!! aid Diabeel KGRZHAX

wore .cheohed. ions Of Subject's other names or variants were included.) r■

26 June 1952 7 Subject giveitirst Le7101TER test,. rated *barely ta174

6-1 lier 1956 7 0ubjeCt giren another Larmm test. ,- •

25 Oct 1957 • Subject giien • third IMLUITER teat."

24 .Mar 19597- PRO I.

6 Apr, 1959 - Orson Lietcheok 'No edditionmi . informatido frowprevions0. L. of 1952.! The 0.• L. of. 1952 showed SDI'.

9 July 1959 - °friar of Security Report of Investigation indiestede

ACS1 • had dire..

razontre 'no info.HOUOS/1411



4 ./$

•Projeet Belladeses




SHUT nof-o0


3 Avg 1959 - Vi■et obenk by-COOPAL showed only 'derogatory information

as Abvehr tin. .

• 5 Aug 1.959 -Yield trawls to Berlin and Frankfwtruvealed nothing

'more current then 1954, which already. known to Headquarters

and HOB.

Negative replies . from MD), X, and 4-2.. .1 Ally 1960 - PRQ xx by Headquarters.A

• Postwar contacts with Heins SCHMILLICKLAEGER,.es evidenced by the filess

,Pre-4 flea 1947 - Indirect (mulct through SCHKILSCHIAEGERtelling

of the bigh opinion in 'Aids

LEDdehl held by his Abeehr associates.

Sometime in 1950 - Subplot Was asked to apare a-report on the

111:61nian emigration by Pavia mumwto, e Paul

DEIBAGN, under the pretext that the report was for


been recruited by the

pee 1950 - Subject and 5004AIDGMAN0ER met at DIMITRENEO's funeral..

Rpt. dated 10 Apr 1952 - UPHILL staffer Emmerich OFCZAREK (f-7500),

formerly of A1webratelle111 inAracow,vho

has been with UPHILL sine* 1947, was maintaining

oontaot with SCHAISCRLANGER in Vienna for

operatiotal leads and CI purposes. The

UHEULdesk has some)reason for suspecting

hostile connections on the part of this wan,0 ,

but, as with SCHHALSCHLAEUER and Rum, there

• no definite boils for this without the

sresenats of actual evidence.

Mid 1954 - SCONALSCHLiBIER offered to assist AEDCOMA in acquiring

German citizenship. He also offered aesistande in etsoightening



out Subjeat tssmddled marital life, end testified to tho

fact that :MOM wood with tbs Ats*. and that, al a

result, Irma TOS had been documented as his wifo.

Rpt..dated 18 Feb 1955r AitOGNA yea told w SCRIUMBIAEOM that he

°believed( tart HARTNON was recruited br the

SOVieth, eusd returaod to Wool: immoral ow*.

ago fraa ,a Soviet pr$44'..:-

3 Nov 1955 - SORHAISCSILEGER stated that be ;mild* the Bonn BfF,

and after extracting a socirscrpro6dae told Subjeot.that

the 8f7 placed a tap on his te/ophone co 1 November.

(tDr8s- At that time to the'bett of FOB's knowledge,

SCHKALSCHIANCBR was sti/1 a vary active 'Zipper GB Offiger.)

15-16 Nov 1955 -.SUileot talked with SCHNALSOHIABOIR about .SMO

is statemsnte about the C:_ :=3

R13 courier affair. th. Am bad asked AZDOCIM4 si 41d

who was aware of Vs information and Stbjeet•

said he overlooked 'mentioning this sorigoir.

6 Mar 1956 - SCEMAISCHIANGER visited Aspoam inNunich and mentioned

that theiSicherungs Srupps (SO) was encountering difficulti,

from the SF9 because of SFD effartseffoot the prompt

rekaso of.ARCANDIOT.

14 Nov 1956 ..Subjeot and SCHALSCHIABBER net in *mi.& at the fail

Aseigrgegi for about an hour. Polities was the major

item for discussion. KEDOONi described the history of the

r AUEGER indicated he bad been in Vienne

sinoo the beginning of the Hungarian revolution toD

°hearty things. firsthand. Be stated that the Hungarian

*migration did not support the revolution aotivel7,70

although the possibility for doing so had existed.




Rpt. dated 20/44-1957 - Klee DKIBACB wrote a letter to ASpooka0

about her deighterte eonfireetion.


itaidlnnyHAAsat ezvilmemtleaad sin the 3;0er.

Rpt. dated 25 Nov 1959 ..SCB4.14RBUCABOBR revealed toIntdept.a

Spproacheede to bin bi .CIC officials

obtain his.000ieration in the recruitment of‘g

aerating for the f41j MC affor:K:inliermamy.

Rpt. dated 11-apr 1958 - :1 stated zikatiScsimaBOlgama was

• tiavoling through the Austrian provisoes of

0 •Styria and'earinthis reoontaating his former

• intelligenee colleaguea in an affort to recruit.

than for the GIS.

- . Rpt. dated 3 Jun 1958 -ARDCOMA reported . that he had several contaota.

with SCIDAISCHIAEGER dering Apsi/ aid Kty. At •

'0 one of thene SC

BLABGF10.hanied a critique

of the

JOESTRS book on the CIA, which

UM:ILI, had requested he prepare, to Subject and

asked for his °attains', Subject wawelso

given a copy of Preen Release #I9, 1-15 February

1958, and asked to state his inpressioni.

SOBAISOBIABGER stated be operated the press

sorvioe far the bezefit of various o4ert Bonn


6 Aug 1958 - SOBNALSCHLABOER celled the morning of 6 August 1958 to

advise AEDOGBA that Robert Frans,von TARBUK had acme to

Yanich from fans. "Von TARBUE is a former Abwehr superior

of %Neste Who fell into Soviet hands at the end of WW II.

Von TARBUK stated he had been in dontaot with, mnong others,

the BiADKIJ brothers. Be gave his ward of honor that

while held by the Soviets he was not questioned about

Krakow nor the Ahwehr p*onnel there.

;vvErjrc..:. 16

0 R

Mad oNot RN

2 Opt 1968 3CilittI8CIIIARGER telephoned ARDCGMA and they net in a

Munich reptaurant. SCONLLSCRUJSOBR "agairttisited

.ftrieb for unknown reasons.' Be told Sdhjeot he vas just

beck from a three-msek vacation in Moran, Italy, but had.

aotuallty been there for operaticial reasons. : While there -

lie net with faimelltalian ?Monist officarra)is had knave

during IN U. ('They work for me, and periodioally

provide as with interesting informatinn.9 Ton tARBBI

was suOpmed to haSe goo.; b villaoponpanywkalscanuumm

to Rend on 10 October. The latter did not intimate the

reason,for the Ootober tap, tut Said it tea) bad von

TARBUI:ooule not make the earlier trip . siniZe be atUld have

net scam Italian contacts he nay be able tons. later.

=COMA aaa permitted to keep on loan a cOgy of Press

Release /35, 16=31 July 1958. (Perla DUMB= • DRIBACB,

..-e4eraed with the Abwehr in Italy, as well as Krakow.)

W.,2S15rt4.958 - SCH)ø.ISCHLAMER and ARDCONA met in annieb. The former

had been in Mares within the last fewdaye and learned

from von TARBUR that a oertain Captain is now pollee

president in Salzburg. 3CHMISCHLARGE2 had been asked

by von TARBUI to transmit the Captain's greetings to


16. UPHILL association:

a. What is the significance of SCHKOLSOHIAEGER and Oscar MIR to

ARDCONA ls UPHILL aSsociation?

b. A phone tap (report dated 9 May 1957) showed that Subject had

withheld at least two ERIe from his o/o that had been paeseebybis

UPHILL e/o. .

o. Ot seveiml memiane =CCM& has indicated far greater satisfaction

working for German intelligance , than the ALS, and complained about the

business rather than personal relation with the Americana. He did so




• after his Ooteber 1957 ICIIMMER, and yet barely • month later be

stated his treatment by thmAIS had bean 'very human throughout the past

year, and that the "former complete huMlisse statue bad been:M*40d

into a persona/ one."

• d. What does Subject reallydo for SPHIlp

What does be reveal -to; UPHILL about his AIS ooennotioll?

f. Dees be reveal to the AIS everything abet his UPHILLmonnoctiod?.

g. Why did UPHILL take a stronger 'interest in AMMAN all of a modgen,

. oVidenoed IT a surge of ISIS in the latter part of 19577

17. Abwehr Associates:

a. Joseph and 'O/ter MUM

b. Pietr and *ilentymaDACIOOGH —

a. Heina.SOokliSCRIMERg

d. Robert Franz voll7tRpux

e. Kurt gAROAHN

f. genera

a M and b. Known to the FBI. In the prooess of immigrating no

mention:me Fade of their prior'inte11109199 status.

Also;.the DACHOs used, the namOTUR instead of their

true name when intaigrating to the U.S.


and d. The most pressing question 's appear in the list of• 0

postwar contacts between SCHMISCHriAgGER and AEDCGMA.

e. (I) Did HARTMANN establish contact u/ a couvoment Of the &IS

0 in Waseel in late 1954 as SCRMII.SCEtABOHR believed,

(II) What activities hai HARTMAN been engaged in elpie his

return to the Meet?

(III)Bow did Dcoa knoOket the report written for gS re:

MGR methods of interrogation and signed w/ only an II"

was by HARM*?

(IV) Is the "certain Captain" SORMAISCH•EGER asked DCOMA

9 if be blew on 213 Ootober 1'958 in Munich and stated by


•S.ECK -! . twor:



• von TUNE to ES to be police preaident'of Saliba' et

that tie*, EARTIOMIT MoOMA stated that the captain

was lommandant of Abwehr l gth or YIth GI group Cathie

' Eastern Trent, and that he served v/ the captain.)

(V) Bea rod64. been questioned as to the identity Of t)

• captain?

f. It is possible that Subjecit's Ablrehr babkground is the basis

• for an HIS controlled operation or that Subject, rather then

beingeontrolled WI MEARS in his MILL 'contacts, is actottky

controlled braPRILL for its benefit in his contact w/.1comx.

18. Mtrianna Elisabeth BRIAN nee,NDSIVA:

a. Why was Nhrianna treated so well br the Soviets. end the Polish

VB while in prison in Lode? s.,

b. Why was she given Geri= documentation and taken to Rohnstedtln

East Garrey, and why given'eeparate , houSing tiers?

0.. Why did she enddenly,becces interested in fluilng her relatives

in the 17..5. in 19547:

d. What was her -point in oontaeting alga FILIFOVIOR in Match?

e. Why did abs Waft until Aril of 1954 to locate her relatives in


f. Why was she able with ouch ease to getand use her inter-sena/

pees coming tram East to West Germany?

fu How doea one explain the implausibility:of her answers to,ARDCGMAIO

questions during .july of 1954? (See 10M-11836. 15 Jar 1954,.

and attachments thereto.)

h. For what pirpoee did Maris= oontaat WroUMATVITEYKO, a known

RIS agent; in %rnioh in July 19547

I. Was Werianna 1tn Amberg for the whole period between July 1954 and

October 1954,

J. Where was she living, what was she doing and with whoa was she in

cantaet during this period?





What assistance, if agy, did MARK render in Mariammes immigration

intlkthe U.S.?

1. Basilt.he FBI been advised of , her background?

m. Where has she been living, and what has she ,been doing siioe her

, arrival lathe U.S .?, • ,

. Xe Brain HEGFSBART of Blooming Preirie0innosote, the some

: person who wee with Marianna in the Aberg Dr ea*? What IS hin

relation to MarlanMa? When and'hov did he enter the-U.S.?

Where is his mother? It he married to *risme? Have traces

been ran an the people gmntioned in BEGENBA1T4 /attars?

o. Who is Ai KRAL? Rave traces been run on her and the other names

mentioned in her letter to Marianna? .

p: Marianna claim to haivaknown an Alvin. fl for an. year

(1947=1948), and yet since 1947 be , $sttmann in

Irate Duesieldorf in Weet Germagy. What is the explanation?

19. ZMN411. BIRUS:

' a. Did AEDG01 srry Irene in January 1944 as he stated he had in. ,

, Attaohmont A to , m3mA 10458, 14 July 19527 Possibly this was purely

for mimeos of the record, or perhaps this is the bold that Irena

nay ,bave over Subject.

b. Did Irene go to Canada "a yearend a half" prior to 30 June 1954,

as AEDOGMA stated in EGMA 11836, 15 July'19541

o. Where was Irene from 27 July 1954 until 3 April 1956, when she

emigrated to Canada? Did 4 /17BARK render agy assistance in this

emigration? What eheoks, with what results, were run at that time?

Do the Canadianautherities knownbout her background?

d. How long have BIHUS Is father and brothers been in Canada, and under

whose sponsorship did they enter? Are SIRDS'a sister end family,

residing in Argentina prior to 1954, now in Canada?

e. About what was the AEDGOMA—Miroalav BIRDS correspondence, reported

in Subject's }RC I, 24 February 1952?







-a. 6 June 1952 - It vas clearly apparent to the=operator.that Subject

was suffering from the effects of a lang-oontinned

sclindestimi life. , Se vas 'ad mbarely relay re

re11014 . and mos unhappy with the queetians .'Are

Yon- trying to conceil'aomethMag Officially laperteasy

about your past . from me?", which be aMswered.negatively.

• The operator concluded that if it 'were lattr Aetersdned

that' Subjectitad lied on any question It would 'silents"

important deception Ili giuquestions where reactions

• were recoided. The major reaction 5$5 were',

1. Did'youevey °omit yourself to, or knowingit do,

secret work for the Soviets, the Polish VD or the

Communists?; 2. Hive you told the entire. truth about

your life histaiy?, 1. Areloal being bleckmailed ar

terrorised hy aoYone?; 4. Have you told the Via*truth ab*Oryour association With von PROLTI and 5.

Have you ever intended to, or received crdereloi. -

work against Ameriaan interests?-

b. 6-7 Xer ,1956 - The oonclusion was meshed that Subject vas not

attempting deception, 'although "all of the reactions

to the questions tusked were not fully tesolved." The

queptions were &eked Subject in three different teats.

On a coals of weak, medium, and strong, Subjeat

reacted as talcums

MEDIUM 1. Save you withheld anything about -your

•WW II intelligeooe activities?

, 2. Have you told us the truth about

Marbumua le appearance in the Seat?

3. Has MILL sapplieA you with instructions

to pass to'the 4IS?

• ° sEcf-iL O NOFORN

• SEgliET N°F°Ru

WEAK, begoodng subsequently team-

1.; Have you revealed to UPHMLyour commotion

, with the AIS?

2. Do You know Ivan KASTIO1A1

=rum, becoming subsequently WRAK--• %

1. Have you told the truth about sclinisscHLAECHri

' 2. •Neve,you told the truth about •reeinling

your assoolation with the AIST

3.. Hive you intentionally vithbali from the

Mani information about your intelligens')


' 4. Revs you reported tin full truth about'

your association with Doris unTrary

5. Have you disclosed an, KKK received from,

the'AlS to UPHILL?

6. Have you over attended a Soviet intelligence .


• 7. lilve you told, the truth about your educational


NO REACTION to,NEDIUN to WEAK - Other than disclosed,.%have you Over been approeched br a Soviet

inteiligenoe outfit?


or for e.Soviet intelligence unit

o. 25 Oct 1957 - The operator coon ( ed that the test was substantially

reliable. "Stbj ;is response was significant and

consistent to the questiont 41So you now . have sgr

assignments for UPHILL that you have n^t told us

.aboutT" ao ' this question the operatar, felt .

Subject may be preotiCing deception." ARDCOMAls

commets later igain indicated his greater satisfaction •

Working with the Atmehr; whera he felt an absolute
