Sauerkraut - Make your own

Post on 21-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Sauerkraut - Make your own

Presentation by Dr. O.P.Verma

Health Benefits

Photography By Dr. O.P.Verma

Ocean of Probiotics including rare Lactobacillus Plantarum Digests everythingVery high in B Vitamins and Vitamin CVanishes GERD and IBSImmunity booster High in Fabulous Fiber Fights Cancer

Make your own

Peel all the cabbages and pineapple

Cut the cabbage into four pieces

Finely chop the cabbage

Or shred it manually or In a electric shredder

Shred all the remaining items

Weigh the cabbage

Calculate the quantity of salt. It should be 2%

Use only rock salt

Mix the salt and caraway seeds into the cabbage and leave for an hour

Massage, squeeze and pack the cabbage with your hands

Weigh down the cabbage with poly bag filled with water

Wow! you have done it