Problems of learning english مشاكل تعلم اللغة الانجليزية

Post on 17-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Problems of learning english مشاكل تعلم اللغة الانجليزية

Problems we faced in learning English

Thinking that the rules are the same in both languages .

School>> Sckool

Environment /n/

Which one is correct?

Does OR Deos

Fifteen OR fifty

Tuesday OR Thursday




Consonant doubling:

E. g:

*comit instead of commit.

*prety instead of pretty.

*holliday instead of holiday.

Pronunciation:Foreign as * foreign

Island as * Island

Handsome as *handsome

Knee as *knee

Knife as *knife

Psychology as *psychology

Chemical as *chemical

Mete as *mete

Abode as *abode


apoSTRophe instead of aPOstrophe

phoTographer instead of photOgrapher

Export: noun

expORt: verb

Subject: noun

subJExt: verb



E. g:

“ I will meet you “ might sound like

“ I’ll meetcha “

“When did you see her?”

Might sound like

“whenja see - er?”

2- words in English have multi meanings in Arabic

Like: get.

-Nouns: (countable uncountable):

E. g:


Homeworks instead of Homework.

Now >> KnowNit >> nightCom >> comb

Ocean , Fashion,SessionRough , Though

-/E/ change the meaning and pronunciationFat , Fate -Silent /E/Have, Face-Some irregular words e.g. he , she , be , see .

Pronounce /c/ if it come before I,E,Y as circle , since.But with another letters it’s pronounced /k/ as in cat.

“By seeking and blundering we learn.”