Perbandingan Efektifitas Retrowalking Exercise dan...

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Perbandingan Efektifitas Retrowalking Exercise dan Quadricep

Strengthening Exercise Terhadap Peningkatan Activiti of Daily

living Pada Lansia yang Terkena Osteoartrithis knee di

Puskesmas Kendal Kerep Kota Malang


Untuk Memenuhi Persyaratan Mencapai Derajat Srajana Fisioterapi (S.Ft) Pada Program Studi Fisioterapi Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Muhamadiyah


Oleh :

Risqi Dwi Rachmawati







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Malang, 10 juli 2017



HALAMAN JUDUL ........................................................................................ i

LEMBAR PERSETUJUAN ............................................................................ iii

LEMBAR LEMBAR PERNYATAAN KEASLIAN ...................................... iv

KATA PENGANTAR ..................................................................................... v

ABSTRCT ........................................................................................................ vii

DAFTAR ISI ................................................................................................... ix

DAFTAR BAGAN ......................................................................................... xi

DAFTAR TABEL ............................................................................................ xii

DAFTAR GAMBAR ....................................................................................... xiii

DAFTAR LAMPIRAN ................................................................................... xiv

BAB I PENDAHULUAN ............................................................................... 1

A. Latar Belakang .................................................................................. 1

B. Rumusan Masalah .............................................................................. 8

C. Tujuan Penelitian .............................................................................. 8

D. Manfaat Penelitian ............................................................................ 9

E. Keaslian Penelitian ............................................................................. 9

BBA II TINJAUAN PUSTAKA.................................................................... 12

A. Osteathritis (OA) .............................................................................. 12

B. Lansia ................................................................................................. 23

C. Nyeri Osteathritis (OA) ..................................................................... 27

D. Activities Of Daily Living (ADL) ....................................................... 30

E. Retro walking excercise ..................................................................... 31

F. Quadricep strengthening ................................................................... 35

BAB III KERANGKA KONSEP DAN HIPOTESIS ..................................... 38

A. Kerangka Konsep ............................................................................... 38

B. Hipotesis Penelitian .......................................................................... 39

BAB I V METODE PENELITIAN ................................................................. 40

A. Desain Penelitian ............................................................................. 40

B. Kerangka Kerja Penelitian ................................................................. 41

C. Populasi, Sampel dan Sampling ......................................................... 43

D. Variabel Penelitian ............................................................................. 44

E. Definisi Oprasional ............................................................................ 45

F. Tempat Penelitian .............................................................................. 46

G. Waktu Penelitian ............................................................................... 46

H. Intrumen Penelitian ............................................................................ 46

I. ProsedurPengumpulan Data ............................................................... 48

BAB V HASIL PENELITIAN DAN ANALISIS DATA ............................... 56

A. Karakteristik Responden .................................................................... 56

B. Identifikasi Hasil Peningkatan ADL sebelum dan sesudah di

lakukan Retrowalking dan Quadricep strengthening exercise

pada Lansia yang terkene Osteoartritis Knee .................................... 58

C. Identifikasi hasil pengukuran peningkatan ADL sebelum dan

sesudah di lakukan retrowalking pada lansia dengan

osteoatrithis knee ............................................................................... 60

D. Efektifitas Perbandidingan Quadricep Strengthening Exercise

dan Retrowalking exercise terhadap peningkatan ADL pada

lansia yang terkena osteoartritis knee di Puskesmas Kendal

Kerep Kota Malang ............................................................................ 62

BAB VI HASIL PENELITIAN DAN ANALISIS DATA .............................. 64

A. Interpretasi dan Diskusi Hasil Penelitian ........................................... 64

B. Keterbatasan Peneliti ......................................................................... 71

C. Implikasi Untuk Fisioterapi ............................................................... 71

BAB VII PENUTUP ........................................................................................ 74

A. Kesimpulan ........................................................................................ 74

B. Saran .................................................................................................. 75

Daftar Pustaka .................................................................................................. 77

Lampiran .......................................................................................................... 82


Bagan 3.1 Kerangka Konsep ............................................................................ 41

Bagan 4.1 kerangka Penelitian ......................................................................... 45


Tabel 4.1 Kelompok 1 dan 2 rancangan pre-posttes ...........................................44

Tabel 5.1 Karekteristik Responden Berdasarkan Usia , jenis kelamin, dan

pekerjaan Pasien Osteoartritis Knee di Posyandu RW. 09 dan RW. 11

Kendal Kerep Bulan April – Juni 2017 ..............................................58

Tabel 5.2 Indentifikasi Peningkatan ADL sebelum dan sesudah di lakukan

interfensi Quadricep Strengthening di Puskesmas Kendal Kerep Bulan

April – Juni 2017 ................................................................................59

Tabel 5.3 Hasil uji normalita (one-sampel Kolmogorof- Smirnov Test )

di Puskesmas Kendal Kerep Bulan April-Juni 2017 ..........................60

Tabel 5.4 Indentifikasi Peningkatan ADL sebelum dan sesudah di lakukan

interfensi Retrowalking di Puskesmas Kendal Kerep Bulan April –Juni

2017 ....................................................................................................61

Tabel 5.5 Hasil uji normalita (one-sampel Kolmogorof- Smirnov Test ) di

Puskesmas Kendal Kerep Bulan April – Juni 2017 ............................62

Tabel 5.6 Hsil penghitungan rata-rata jumlah nilai ADL pada sampel retrowalking

exercise sebelum dan sesudah di lakukan interfensi Puskesmas Kendal

Kerep Bulan April- Juni 2017 ............................................................62

Tabel 5.7 hasi uji T independen di Puskesmas Kendal Kerep bulan April – Juni

2017 ....................................................................................................63


Gambar 2.1 Anatomi lutut ............................................................................... 15

Gambar 2.2 Ligament Extra Capsular ............................................................. 16

Gambar 2.3 ligament Extra Capsular ............................................................... 17

Gambar 2.3 Bantalan Lutut .............................................................................. 17

Gambar 2.5 gerakan Retrowalking ................................................................. 35

Gambar 2.6 Isotonik Quadricep Exercise ........................................................ 39


Lampiran 1 Lembar perdetujuan mennjadi respoonden penelitian

Lampiran 2 Lembar persetujuan menjadi responden (Inform Consent)

Lampiran 3 SOP Efektivitas Quadriceps Strengthening Exercise

Terhadap Peningkatan ADL Pada Lansia Dengan

Osteoarhtritis Knee di Posyandu Kendal Kerep Malang

Lapiran 4 SOP Efektivitas Retrowalking Terhadap Peningkatan ADL

Pada Lansia Dengan Osteoarhtritis Knee di Puskesmas

Kendal Kere Kota Malang Jawa Timur

Lampiran 5 Lembar Wawancara

Lampiran 6 Tabulasi Karakteristik dan Hasil Rata- Rata Skala KOOS

Lampiran 7 HASIL SPSS

Lampiran 8 Surat ijin studi pendahuluan dan penelitian

Lampiran 9 Surat keterangan melekukan penelitian

Lampiran 10 Lembar koonsultasi

Lampiran 11 Dookumentasi


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