OBIETTIVI SPECIFICI DI APPRENDIMENTO - · Obiettivi Specifici per Competenze Primo...

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Transcript of OBIETTIVI SPECIFICI DI APPRENDIMENTO - · Obiettivi Specifici per Competenze Primo...




Obiettivi del Percorso Formativo La programmazione declinata in termini di obiettivi (conoscenze, abilità e competenze), criteri e strumenti di valutazione, griglie di valutazione e criteri e modalità di recupero, viene presentata per classi parallele. Ogni piano di lavoro dei singoli insegnanti di inglese è in relazione alla situazione di partenza e di contesto della classe.

Liceo D.G. Fogazzaro

Dipartimento di Inglese

Lingua e cultura straniera 1



LICEO SCIENTIFICO opz. scienze applicate



opz. economico-sociale




Livelli di riferimento Comuni a tutti gli indirizzi L’obiettivo generale del percorso offerto dal nostro dipartimento è di portare gli studenti da un livello di Basic User ad un livello di Independent User*. I pre-requistiti di uno studente medio in entrata sono definiti nei descrittori di un livello A1+ Si nota che il livello di uscita previsto dal ministero per la fine della ‘3^ media’ è il livello A2. Un percorso ideale prevede le seguenti tappe:

• primo anno primo biennio raggiungimento del livello A2 • secondo anno primo biennio raggiungimento del livello A2+ oppure B1 • primo anno secondo biennio raggiungimento del livello B1 oppure B1+ • secondo anno secondo biennio raggiungimento del livello B1+ oppure B2 • quinto anno raggiungimento del B2 oppure B2+

Si precisa che il percorso si svolge in mixed ability classes e che i livelli raggiunti da allievi individuali rifletteranno questi livelli di abilità misti. Si prevede la somministrazione di

• un test entrata (comune a tutte le classi prime, periodo settembre, livello A1+) • tests di controllo (comuni a tutte le classi, ad intervalli regolari)

C2 Can understand with ease virtually everything heard or read. Can summarise information from different spoken and written sources, reconstructing arguments and accounts in a coherent presentation. Can express him/herself spontaneously, very fluently and precisely, differentiating finer shades of meaning even in more complex situations.




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C1 Can understand a wide range of demanding, longer texts, and recognise implicit meaning. Can express him/herself fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions. Can use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes. Can produce clear, well-structured, detailed text on complex subjects, showing controlled use of organisational patterns, connectors and cohesive devices.

B2 Can understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in his/her field of specialisation. Can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party. Can produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.





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B1 Can understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc. Can deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an area where the language is spoken. Can produce simple connected text on topics, which are familiar, or of personal interest. Can describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes & ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.


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ser A2 Can understand sentences and frequently used expressions related

to areas of most immediate relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment). Can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters. Can describe in simple terms aspects of his/her background, immediate environment and matters in areas of immediate need.




A1 Can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very

basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type. Can introduce him/herself and others and can ask and answer questions about personal details such as where he/she lives, people he/she knows and things he/she has. Can interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help.

* La terminologia usata per descrivere i livelli di apprendimento, fa riferimento al Common European Framework of Reference for Languages del Council of Europe. Prerequisiti Entrata in Primo Biennio Descrittori per lo studente proveniente dalle scuole medie in entrata nel primo biennio: Competenze The student can

understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type.

introduce him/herself and others and can ask and answer questions about personal details such as where he/she lives, people he/she knows and things he/she has.

interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help.

Contenuti Irrinunciabili The student has a basic knowledge of Grammar

articles: a/an/the; regular and irregular plurals of common nouns; subject, object and possessive pronouns, possessive adjectives, demonstratives; there is/are; this, that, these, those; wh-words; defective verbs “be”, “have got” (also versus “have”), “can” (ability) in present and

simple past tense forms; imperatives; simple present tense of common verbs; simple past tense of common verbs the saxon genitive; common prepositions of place (e.g. in, on, at), and time (e.g. in, on, at); quantifiers: some, any, much, many, a lot of; countable and uncountable nouns. paradigms of common verbs

Lexis countries and nationalities everyday objects (e.g. pen, mobile phone, etc.) common family words (e.g. mother, uncle, etc.) common adjectives (e.g. young, old, new, etc.) food and drink jobs and simple job descriptions (e.g. a shop assistant sells things in a shop, etc.) free time activities (e.g. skiing, painting, etc.) rooms and furniture in the home and classroom common nouns for places (e.g. cinema, park, etc.) common verbs for daily life and school (e.g. have, make, write, read, check, mean,





Obiettivi Generali Primo Biennio LINGUA

acquisire competenze linguistico-comunicative corrispondenti al Livello B1 riflettere sugli elementi linguistici con riferimento a fonologia, morfologia, sintassi,

lessico e sugli usi linguistici, anche in un’ottica comparativa con la lingua italiana; riflettere sulle abilità e strategie acquisite nella lingua straniera per lo studio di

altre lingue. CULTURA

analizzare aspetti relativi alla cultura dei paesi di cui si parla la lingua (ambito sociale)

confrontare aspetti della propria cultura con aspetti relativi alla cultura dei paesi in cui la lingua è parlata;

analizzare semplici testi orali, scritti, iconico-grafici ecc. su argomenti di attualità, letteratura, cinema, arte, ecc.

Obiettivi Specifici per Competenze Primo Anno Primo Biennio Raggiungimento del livello A2, più specificatamente: LISTENING The student can

understand simple information and questions about family, people, homes, work and hobbies.

understand what people say in simple, everyday conversation, if they speak clearly and slowly and give help.

understand short conversations about family, hobbies and daily life, provided that people speak slowly and clearly.

follow changes of topic in TV news reports and understand the main information. understand short, clear and simple messages at the airport, railway station etc. For

example: “The train to London leaves at 4:30”. understand the main information in announcements if people talk very clearly. For

example: weather reports, etc READING The student can

understand short, simple texts containing familiar vocabulary including international words. find the most important information in advertisements, information leaflets, webpages,

catalogues, timetables etc. understand the main points in short, simple news items and descriptions if they already

know something about the subject. For example: news about sport or famous people. understand clear instructions. For example: how to use a telephone, a cash machine or a

drinks machine. understand the man points in short, simple, everyday stories, especially if there is visual

support. understand short simple messages from friends. For example: e-mails, web chats,

postcards or short letters. SPOKEN INTERACTION The student can

ask people how they feel in different situations. For example: “Are you hungry?” or “Are you ok?” and say how they feel.

ask and answer simple questions about home and country, work and free time, likes, and dislikes.




ask and answer simple questions about a past event. For example the time and place of a party, who was at the party and what happened there.

make and accept invitations, or refuse invitations politely. make and accept apologies. discuss plans with other people. For example: what to do, where to go and when to meet. ask for and give directions using a map or plan. communicate in everyday situations, for example: ordering food and drink, shopping or

using post offices and banks. use buses, trains and taxis ask for basic information about travel and buy tickets. use standard phrases to answer the phone, exchange simple information, and have a short

telephone conversation with someone he/she knows. For example to arrange to meet them.


describe him/herself, my family and other people. describe his/her education, present or last job. describe his/her hobbies and interests. describe his/her home and where he/she lives. describe what he/she did at the weekend or on my last holiday. talk about his/her plans for the weekend or on the next holiday. explain why he/she likes or dislikes something. If he/she has time to prepare, he/she can give basic information about something he/she

knows well, for example: a country, a sports team, a band, etc. WRITTEN PRODUCTION The student can

write about him/herself using simple language. For example: information about family, school, job, hobbies, etc.

write about things and people she/he knows well using simple language. For example: descriptions of friends, what happened during the day.

complete a questionnaire with information about educational background, job, interests and skills.

write a simple message, for example to make or change an invitation or an appointment to meet.

write a short message to friends to give them personal news or to ask them a question. For example: a text message or a postcard.

STRATEGIES The student can

start a conversation. say what exactly they don’t understand and ask simply for clarification. When he/she can’t think of a word in a shop, he/she can point to something and ask for

help. check written sentences to look for mistakes (e.g. subject-verb agreement; pronoun and

article agreement). QUALITY OF LANGUAGE The student

has enough vocabulary to communicate in simple everyday situations. can communicate what he/she wants to say in a simple and direct exchange of limited

information; in other situations she/he generally has to compromise the message. can link ideas with simple connectors. For example: "and”, "but" and "because”. can use correctly simple phrases he/she has learnt for specific situations, but he/she often

makes basic mistakes – for example mixing up tenses and forgetting to use the right endings.

can make him/herself understood with short, simple phrases, but often needs to stop, try with different words – or repeat more clearly.




can talk to people politely in short social exchanges, using everyday forms of greeting and address

Possibili Contenuti Primo Anno Primo Biennio NOTIONS, FUNCTIONS, DISCOURSE MARKERS Greetings and simple social expressions (e.g. “have a nice day”, “see you tomorrow”). Invitations, wishes (e.g. “Happy Birthday!”), time, special occasions, dates, prices. Simple telephone conversations, shopping. Asking for/giving directions. Describing the weather. Expressing likes and dislikes, suggestions, offers, requests. Describing people, animals and places. Describing daily routines, past events, future plans. Giving simple word definitions (e.g.: “it’s a thing you use for …”). Expressing obligation, prohibition, certainty. Making suggestions, predictions, comparisons. Agreeing and disagreeing. Linking discourse (e.g. so, and, because, but). Asking and giving directions. Giving opinions, making requests and offers (do you mind…?). LEXIS Family, home, common personal and household objects, hobbies, sports, holidays, daily routines, meals, parts of the body, clothes, descriptive adjectives (e.g. tall, thin, nice, generous), feelings,(eg I am hungry, Are you OK?) invitations, apologies, health, greetings. Public spaces and buildings (e.g. park, street, school, shops), transport, jobs, countries and nationalities, directions Classroom language (e.g. “open your book at page..”), colours, days, months, seasons, numbers, the alphabet, common plants and animals, the weather, weather words, climate; simple instructions. Shops and shopping, shapes, facilities, sports and leisure activities; road signs, food, drink Common phrasal verbs (e.g. get up, come round) and verb phrases (e. g.: give a speech, have a bath ). GRAMMAR Simple present tense Present continuous tense Simple past tense (affirmative, negative, interrogative) of common regular and irregular verbs Future tenses: Be Going to, Present Simple and Continuous with future meaning (affirmative, negative and interrogative forms) Will, shall Past continuous tense Adverbs of frequency (e.g. often, always, sometimes); adverbial phrases of time (e.g. in the morning), place Introduction to the comparatives and superlatives of regular and irregular adjectives; Saxon genitive Prepositions of place (e.g. in, on, at), time (e.g. in, on, at) and movement (e.g. to, along, through) Introduction to modals: must, to have to, had to, can Quantifiers: a little, a few, little, few, plenty; Some/Any/No and compounds (e. g.: someone, something, etc…..) Simple verb patterns: infinitive vs gerund (e.g.: want to do , enjoy doing) CULTURE Basic facts about English speaking countries. The story of English. Knowledge of special calendar days, public holidays (US/GB). Titles of major public figures (e.g. “She is the President”),




Customs and habits worldwide concerning food, drink. School systems and teenagers’ lifestyle, young people’s rights. Nationality stereotypes, rules of etiquette in different countries. Important historical sites. Systems of government. PROGETTI Progetto CLIL Liceo Linguistico – Progetto Potenziamento Lingua Inglese Liceo delle Scienze Umane, Liceo Scientifico – Progetto Speak Up Obiettivi Specifici Secondo Anno Primo Biennio (e Primo Anno Secondo Biennio) A) Lingua Pieno raggiungimento del livello B1 nelle classi dell’ indirizzo linguistico. Raggiungimento del livello A2+ nelle classi degli indirizzi di scienze applicate, scienze umane opzione base, scienze umane opzione economico-sociale. Le competenze del livello B1 sono: B1 LISTENING The student can ! understand the main points of clear standard speech on familiar, everyday subjects,

provided there is an opportunity to get repetition or clarification sometimes. ! understand what is said in everyday conversations, but sometimes needs help in clarifying

particular details. ! understand the main points of discussion on familiar topics in everyday situations when

people speak clearly, but sometimes needs help in understanding details. ! follow clearly spoken, straightforward short talks on familiar topics. ! understand the main points in TV programmes on familiar topics when the delivery is

relatively slow and clear. ! understand simple technical information, such as operating instructions for familiar types of

equipment. READING The student can ! understand the main points in straightforward factual texts on subjects of personal or

professional interest well enough to talk about them afterwards. ! find and understand information in brochures, leaflets and other short texts relating to

interests. ! understand the main points in short newspaper and magazine articles about current and

familiar topics. ! follow simple instructions, for example for a game, using familiar types of equipment or

cooking a meal. ! understand simplified versions of novels, and follow the story line in short stories with a

clear structure, with some effort and regular use of a dictionary. ! understand private letters about events, feelings and wishes well enough to write back. SPOKEN INTERACTION The student can ! start, maintain and close simple face-to-face conversation on topics that are familiar or of

personal interest. ! express and respond to feelings and attitudes like surprise, happiness, sadness, interest

and disinterest.




! give or seek personal opinions in an informal discussion with friends, agreeing and disagreeing politely.

! help to solve practical problems, saying what I think and asking others what they think. ! find out and pass on uncomplicated factual information. ! ask for and follow detailed directions. ! manage unexpected things that could happen on holiday, e.g. needing a dentist or getting

a bike repaired. ! make arrangements on the telephone or in person, e.g. booking flights, hotels, rental cars,

restaurants, cinemas, etc. ! have simple telephone conversations with people he/she knows. SPOKEN PRODUCTION The student can ! give descriptions on a variety of familiar subjects related to interests. ! talk in detail about experiences, feelings and reactions. ! briefly explain and justify opinions. ! give a short prepared presentation on a very familiar area (e.g. “My country”) and answer

clear questions. ! relate the main content of short texts read. WRITTEN PRODUCTION The student can ! write short, comprehensible connected texts on familiar subjects. ! write simple texts about experiences or events, for example about a trip, describing my

feelings and reactions. ! write very brief reports which pass on routine factual information on matters relating to

his/her field, working to a standard format ! write emails, faxes or text messages to friends or colleagues, relating news and giving or

asking for simple information. ! write a short formal letter asking for or giving simple information. STRATEGIES The student can ! ask someone to clarify or elaborate what they have just said. ! repeat back part of what someone has said to confirm that they understand each other. ! use a word meaning something similar (when he/she cannot think of a specific word) and

invite “correction” from the person he/she is talking to, ! ask for confirmation that a form is correct and correct some basic mistakes if he/she has

time to do so. QUALITY OF LANGUAGE The student ! knows enough vocabulary to talk about family, hobbies and interests, work, travel, news

and current events. ! can make the other person understand the points that are most important when he/she

explains something. ! can link a series of short phrases into a connected, sequence of points. ! can express him/herself reasonably accurately in familiar, predictable situations. ! can keep a conversation going, but sometimes have to pause to plan and correct what

he/she is saying. ! can use simple expressions politely in a neutral way in everyday situations. B) Cultura The student can ! speak and or write about aspects of culture in various English-speaking countries. ! compare aspects of their own culture with that of English-speaking countries




! speak and/or write about simple written, oral and pictoral texts from the world of current affairs, cinema, art, literature, etc..

Possibili Contenuti Secondo Anno Primo Biennio (e Primo Anno Secondo Biennio) A) Lingua NOTIONS, FUNCTIONS, DISCOURSE MARKERS ! greeting people and responding to greetings (in person and on the phone) ! introducing oneself and other people ! asking for and giving personal details ! understanding and completing forms giving personal details ! understanding and writing letters, giving personal details ! describing education, qualifications and skills ! describing people (personal appearance, qualities) ! asking and answering questions about personal possessions ! asking for repetition and clarification ! re-stating what has been said ! checking on meaning and intention ! helping others to express their ideas ! interrupting a conversation ! starting a new topic, changing the topic, resuming or continuing the topic ! asking for and giving the spelling and meaning of words ! counting and using numbers ! asking and telling people the time, day and/or date ! asking for and giving information about routines and habits ! understanding and writing diaries and letters giving information about everyday activities ! talking about what people are doing at the moment ! talking about past events and states in the past, recent activities and completed actions ! understanding and producing simple narratives ! reporting what people say ! talking about future or imaginary situations ! talking about future plans or intentions ! making predictions ! identifying and describing accommodation (houses, flats, rooms, furniture, etc.) ! buying and selling things (costs, measurements and amounts) ! talking about food and meals ! talking about the weather ! talking about one’s health ! following and giving simple instructions ! understanding simple signs and notices ! asking the way and giving directions ! asking for and giving travel information ! asking for and giving simple information about places ! identifying and describing simple objects (shape, size, weight, colour, purpose or use, etc.) ! making comparisons and expressing degrees of difference ! talking about how to operate things ! describing simple processes ! expressing purpose, cause and result, and giving reasons ! drawing simple conclusions and making recommendations ! making and granting/refusing simple requests ! making and responding to offers and suggestions ! expressing and responding to thanks ! giving and responding to invitations ! giving advice ! giving warnings and prohibitions




! persuading and asking/telling people to do something ! expressing obligation and lack of obligation ! asking and giving/refusing permission to do something ! making and responding to apologies and excuses ! expressing agreement and disagreement, and contradicting people ! paying compliments ! criticising and complaining ! sympathising ! expressing preferences, likes and dislikes (especially about hobbies and leisure activities) ! talking about physical and emotional feelings ! expressing opinions and making choices ! expressing needs and wants ! expressing (in)ability in the present and in the past ! talking about (im)probability and (im)possibility ! expressing degrees of certainty and doubt LEXIS Main Topics ! Clothes ! Personal identification ! Daily life ! Places and buildings ! Education ! Relations with other people ! Entertainment and media ! Services ! Environment ! Shopping ! Food and drink ! Social interaction ! Free time ! Sport ! Health, medicine and exercise ! The natural world ! Transport ! Hobbies and leisure ! Travel and holidays ! House and home ! Weather ! Language ! Work and jobs ! People ! Personal feelings, experiences and opinions GRAMMAR Verbs (Regular and irregular forms) Modals ! can (ability; requests; permission) ! could (ability; possibility; polite requests) ! would (polite requests) ! will (offer) ! shall (suggestion; offer) ! should (advice) ! may (possibility) ! might (possibility) ! have (got) to (obligation) ! ought to (obligation)




! must (obligation) ! mustn’t (prohibition) ! need (necessity) ! needn’t (lack of necessity) ! used to + infinitive (past habits) Tenses ! Present simple: states, habits, systems and processes (and verbs not used in the

continuous form) ! Present continuous: future plans and activities, present actions ! Present perfect simple: recent past with just, indefinite past with yet, already, never, ever;

unfinished past with for and since ! Past simple: past events ! Past continuous: parallel past actions, continuous actions interrupted by the past simple

tense ! Past perfect simple: narrative, reported speech ! Future with going to ! Future with present continuous and present simple ! Future with will and shall: offers, promises, predictions, etc. Verb forms ! Affirmative, interrogative, negative ! Imperatives ! Infinitives (with and without to) after verbs and adjectives ! Gerunds (-ing form) after verbs and prepositions ! Gerunds as subjects and objects ! Passive forms: present and past simple ! Verb + object + infinitive give/take/send/bring/show +direct/indirect object ! Causative have/get ! So/nor with auxiliaries Compound verb patterns ! Phrasal verbs/verbs with prepositions Conditional sentences ! Type 0: An iron bar expands if/when you heat it. ! Type 1: If you do that again, I’ll leave. ! Type 2: I would tell you the answer if I knew it. ! If I were you, I wouldn’t do that again. Simple reported speech ! Statements, questions and commands: say, ask, tell ! He said that he felt ill. ! I asked her if I could leave. ! No one told me what to do. ! Indirect and embedded questions: know, wonder ! Do you know what he said? ! I wondered what he would do next. Interrogatives (including the interrogative forms of all tenses and modals listed) ! What, What (+ noun) ! Where; When ! Who; Whose; Which ! How; How much; How many; How often; How long; etc. ! Why




Nouns ! Singular and plural (regular and irregular forms) ! Countable and uncountable nouns with some and any ! Abstract nouns ! Compound nouns ! Complex noun phrases ! Genitive: ’s & s’ ! Double genitive: a friend of theirs Pronouns ! Personal (subject, object, possessive) ! Reflexive and emphatic: myself, etc. ! Impersonal: it, there ! Demonstrative: this, that, these, those ! Quantitative: one, something, everybody, etc. ! Indefinite: some, any, something, one, etc. ! Relative: who, which, that, whom, whose Determiners ! a + countable nouns ! the + countable/uncountable nouns Adjectives ! Colour, size, shape, quality, nationality ! Predicative and attributive ! Cardinal and ordinal numbers ! Possessive: my, your, his, her, etc. ! Demonstrative: this, that, these, those ! Quantitative: some, any, many, much, a few, a lot of, all, other, every, etc. ! Comparative and superlative forms (regular and irregular):(not) as . . . as, not . . . enough

to, too . . . to ! Order of adjectives ! Participles as adjectives ! Compound adjectives Adverbs ! Regular and irregular forms ! Manner: quickly, carefully, etc. ! Frequency: often, never, twice a day, etc. ! Definite time: now, last week, etc. ! Indefinite time: already, just, yet, etc. ! Degree: very, too, rather, etc. ! Place: here, there, etc. ! Direction: left, right, along, etc. ! Sequence: first, next, etc. ! Sentence adverbs: too, either, etc. ! Pre-verbal, post-verbal and end-position adverbs ! Comparative and superlative forms (regular and irregular) Prepositions ! Location: to, on, inside, next to, at (home), etc. ! Time: at, on, in, during, etc. ! Direction: to, into, out of, from, etc. ! Instrument: by, with ! Miscellaneous: like, as, due to, owing to, etc. ! Prepositional phrases: at the beginning of, by means of, etc. ! Prepositions preceding nouns and adjectives: by car, for sale, at last, etc.




! Prepositions following (i) nouns and adjectives: advice on, afraid of, etc. (ii) verbs: laugh at, ask for, etc.

Connectives ! and, but, or, either . . . or ! when, while, until, before, after, as soon as ! where ! because, since, as, for ! so that, (in order) to ! so, so . . . that, such . . . that ! if, unless ! although, while, whereas B) CULTURA ! Materials from course books, eg Headway Digital ‘Culture and Literature’ ! Materials downloaded from websites, eg Breaking News English ! Films ! Artworks ! Newspaper and magazine articles PROGETTI ! Progetto CLIL ! Liceo Linguistico – Progetto Potenziamento Lingua Inglese ! Liceo delle Scienze Umane, Liceo Scientifico – Progetto Speak Up Obiettivi Specifici Secondo Biennio A) Lingua Pieno raggiungimento del livello B1 nelle classi degli indirizzi scienze applicate, scienze umnane opzione base, scienze umane opzione economico-sociale durante il primo anno del secondo biennio. Nel secondo anno, avvio verso il B2. Avvio verso il livello B2 per le classi del linguistico durante il primo anno del secondo biennio, raggiungiemnto del B1+. Nel secondo anno, raggiungimento del livello B2 per la maggior parte degli alunni. SI SPECIFICA CHE GLI OSA PREVEDONO IL RAGGIUNGIMENTO DI ALMENO IL LIVELLO B2 PER TUTTI GLI INDIRIZZI NEL QUINTO ANNO Le competenze del livello B1 ed i possibili contenuti sono elencati nelle pagine precedenti. Le competenze del livello B2 sono: B2 LISTENING The student can

! understand in detail what is said in standard spoken language even in a noisy environment.

! follow a lecture or talk within his/her own field, provided the subject matter is familiar and the presentation straightforward and clearly structured.

! understand most radio documentaries delivered in standard language and can identify the speaker’s mood, tone etc.

! understand TV documentaries, live interviews, talk shows, plays and the majority of films in standard dialect.




! understand the main ideas of propositionally and linguistically complex speech on both concrete and abstract topics delivered in a standard dialect, including technical discussions in my field of specialisation.

! use a variety of strategies to achieve comprehension, including listening for main points; checking comprehension by using contextual clues.

READING The student can

! rapidly grasp the content and the significance of news, articles and reports on topics connected with his/her interests or my job, and decide if a closer reading is worthwhile.

! read and understand articles and reports on current problems in which the writers express specific attitudes and points of view.

! understand in detail texts within his/her field of interest or the area of my academic or professional speciality.

! understand specialised articles outside his/her own field if s/he can occasionally check with a

! dictionary. ! read reviews dealing with the content and criticism of cultural topics (films, theatre,

books, concerts) and summarise the main points. ! read letters on topics within his/her areas of academic or professional speciality or

interest and grasp the most important points. ! quickly look through a manual (for example for a computer program) and find and

understand the relevant explanations and help for a specific problem. ! understand in a narrative or play the motives for the characters’ actions and their

consequences for the development of the plot. SPOKEN INTERACTION The student can

! initiate, maintain and end discourse naturally with effective turn-taking. ! exchange considerable quantities of detailed factual information on matters within

his/her fields of interest. ! convey degrees of emotion and highlight the personal significance of events and

experiences. ! engage in extended conversation in a clearly participatory fashion on most general

topics. ! account for and sustain opinions in discussion by providing relevant explanations,

arguments and comments. ! help a discussion along on familiar ground confirming comprehension, inviting others in,

etc. ! carry out a prepared interview, checking and confirming information, following up

interesting replies. SPOKEN PRODUCTION The student can

! can give clear, detailed descriptions on a wide range of subjects related to fields of interest.

! understand and summarise orally short extracts from news items, interviews or documentaries containing opinions, argument and discussion.

! understand and summarise orally the plot and sequence of events in an extract from a film or play.

! construct a chain of reasoned argument, linking ideas logically. ! explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of

various options. ! speculate about causes, consequences, hypothetical situations.

STRATEGIES The student can




! use standard phrases like “That’s a difficult question to answer” to gain time and keep the turn while formulating what to say.

! make a note of “favourite mistakes” and consciously monitor speech for them. ! generally correct slips and errors if s/he becomes aware of them or if they have led to

misunderstandings. QUALITY OF LANGUAGE The student can

! produce stretches of language with a fairly even tempo; although s/he can be hesitant as s/he searches for expressions, there are few noticeably long pauses.

! pass on detailed information reliably. ! have sufficient vocabulary to express him/herself on matters connected to his/her field

and on most general topics. ! communicate with reasonable accuracy and can correct mistakes if they have led to

misunderstandings. WRITTEN PRODUCTION The student can

! write clear and detailed texts (compositions, reports or texts of presentations) on various topics related to his/her field of interest.

! write summaries of articles on topics of general interest. ! summarise information from different sources and media. ! discuss a topic in a composition or “letter to the editor”, giving reasons for or against a

specific point of view. ! develop an argument systematically in a composition or report, emphasising decisive

points and including supporting details. ! write about events and real or fictional experiences in a detailed and easily readable

way. ! write a short review of a film or a book. ! express in a personal letter different feelings and attitudes and can report the news of

the day making clear what – in his/her opinion – are the important aspects of an event B) Cultura Indirizzo Linguistico The student can

! describe aspects of the culture relative to the language studied ! read, analyse and interpret literary texts from a variety of genres, and which are

particularly representative within the history of literature in English; ! read, analyse, compare and contrast English literary texts with literary texts from

Italian literature or from other cultures; ! analyses various art forms from different cultures and relates them to the socio-

historical context ! use English in the study of other school subjects ! make use of new technologies for study purposes

Altri Indirizzi The student can

! understand aspects of culture of the countries of the target language, especially in relation to their specific area of study/interest

! understand and contextualise literary texts from different periods, especially texts which relate to the students’ particular area of study/interest

! analyse, compare and contrast literary texts and other art forms from other cultures (Italian and foreign)




! use English in the study of other school subjects ! make use of new technologies for study purposes

Possibili Contenuti Secondo Biennio A) Lingua NOTIONS, FUNCTIONS, DISCOURSE MARKERS (for example…)

• Giving opinions • Summarising • Expressing regret • Drawing conclusions • Making offers • Describing cause and effect • Stating purpose • Emphasising • Stating contrast • Adding information • Congratulating • Commiserating • Clarifying • Guessing • Order arguments • Giving examples • Contradicting • Instructing • Describing • Advising • Expressing opinions formally and informally • Checking and clarifying information • Paraphrasing • Expanding and exemplifying • Persuading and convincing • Speculating • Expressing annoyance • Expressing regrets • Comparing and contrasting • Describing people and things and situations

LEXIS (for example..)

• Affixes • Collocations • Work, working conditions • Approximations with -ish • Transport and exploration • Phrasal verbs • Crime and punishment • Relationships • Festivals and celebrations • Connotation • Homonyms • Idiomatic expressions • Sport and leisure




• Euphemisms • Adverbs of manner and modifiers • Geography and climate • Participle adjectives • Banks / money • Colloquial expressions and slang • Astrology and religions • Nostalgia • Coincidences and experiences • Learning and educational systems • Eccentricity and individuality • Creativity • Age and cultural differences • Gender • Current affairs • Diet and health • Types of communication • Moral and personal dilemmas • Road and home safety and risk • Environmental issues • Children’s development • Advertising • Architecture

GRAMMAR (for example…)

• Habit in the Present and the Past • Present Perfect Simple and Present Perfect Continuous • Past Simple and Past Continuous and Past Perfect • Question tags • Will. going to, Present Simple, Present Continuous for the future, Future Perfect • Phrasal verbs (non-literal) • Zero, first, second and third conditionals • Wish and if only • Passive – all tenses • Compounds of some, any, no, every. • Reported speech • Relative clauses – defining and non-defining • Conjunctions: although, despite, in spite of , otherwise, unless • Modals: present and perfect • Always for frequency/+ present continuous • Uses of continuous tenses • Uses of would • Articles • Order of adverbs • Order of adjectives • Participles • Ellipsis and elision • Future Continuous • Mixed conditionals • Inversions and negative adverbials

B) CULTURA – Secondo Biennio Indirizzo Linguistico

• aspects of the culture relative to the language studied • literary texts from a variety of genres, and which are particularly representative within

the history of literature in English (origins to 1780; 1780-1900)




e.g. Beowulf, Chaucer, Shakespeare, Defoe; Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Shelley, M Shelley, the Bronte sisters, Dickens.

• English literary texts with literary texts compared and contrasted with texts from Italian literature or from other cultures (origins to 1780; 1780-1900) e.g. Chaucer and Boccaccio, Scott and Manzoni, Leopardi and Wordsworth.

• various art forms from different cultures and their socio-historical context (origins to 1780; 1780-1900)

• e.g. Chaucer, Boccaccio and Giotto; Shakespeare and Hilliard/ Shakespeare and Fuseli; Defoe; Romanticism in poetry and art,

Altri Indirizzi

• aspects of culture of the countries of the target language, especially in relation to the specific area of study/interest.

• literary texts in English from different periods and their context, especially texts which relate to the students’ particular area of study/interest (origins to 1780; 1780 to 1900)

• literary texts in English in comparison with literary texts and other art forms from other cultures (Italian and foreign, origins to 1780; 1780 to 1900)

PROGETTI ! Progetto Certificazione Esterna ! Progetto CLIL ! Licei delle Scienze Umane, Liceo Scientifico – Progetto Speak Up ! Liceo delle Scienze Umane Progetto Stages in Rete ! Progetto Beyond the Page ! Progetto All the World’s a Stage ! Scambio culturale (classi primo anno secondo biennio Liceo Linguistico) ! Progetto English in England (corsi estivi di lingua inglese in Inghilterra – gruppi con

accompagnatirice) ! Teatro in lingua (Il Palchetto) ! Progetto Leonardo

COMMON FOGAZZARO FRAMEWORK Griglia indicativa di obiettivi per le classi di Inglese Indirizzo: Linguistico Anno: 4^ corrispondente al livello Common European Framework : B2 (independent user) Conoscenze Pre-requisites: See year 3 Grammar Hypothetical propositions (1st, 2nd, 3rd type and mixed); wish - if only clauses, reported speech and indirect questions, modals of deduction (present and past), tense revision (active and passive) defining, non-defining relative clauses Vocabulary Personal domain: character adjectives Public domain: social networks: relationships and acquaintances; jobs and occupations Educational domain: specific literary and/or specific scientific terms) Common Idioms: Notions, Functions and Discourse Markers

- linkers and connectors - listings: firstly, first, second, secondly; - adversative: however, on the other hand, in contrast; - additive: in addition, moreover, furthermore; - causative: so, as a result, therefore;




- conclusive: all in all, in conclusion, to sum up, on the whole - making suggestions, - agreeing and disagreeing - complaining

Cultural context Approaches to journalistic language (optional) Literature Completion of the study of the characteristics of fiction, drama and poetry Initiation to the study of literature in context (chronological approach) Competenze e capacità (per capacità si intende l’abilità di applicare le competenze in situazioni non guidate in modo autonomo, con eventuale rielaborazione dei contenuti)

a) Understanding I. Listening

– Can understand extended speech and lectures and follow even complex lines of argument provided the topic is reasonably familiar.

– Can understand when guided part of TV news and current affair programmes. Can understand the main dialogues in films

II. Reading

– Can read articles and reports concerned with contemporary problems. – Can understand when guided simple modern and contemporary literary prose and poetry.

b) Speaking

I. Spoken Interaction – Can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity with native speakers. – Can take an active part in discussion in familiar contexts, accounting for and sustaining

points of view. II. Spoken Production

– Can present clear descriptions on a wide range of subjects. – Can explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of

various options.

c) Writing – Can write a clear text on a limited range of subjects. – Can write an essay or report, passing on information or giving reasons in support of or

against a particular point of view. – Can write letters. – Can analyse easy unabridged literary texts and write a summary. – Can write descriptions, formal/informal letters, narratives, paragraphs

COMMON FOGAZZARO FRAMEWORK Griglia di obiettivi per le classi di Inglese Indirizzo: Linguistico Anno: 5^ corrispondente al livello Common European Framework: B2 (independent user)




Conoscenze Pre-requisites: See year 4 Grammar Revision of the structures learnt so far: present tenses; present perfect; past tenses; comparatives and superlatives; articles; modal verbs (obligation, ability, permission); future forms; participles; conditionals; passive voice; participles; wish/if only; infinitive and gerund; adverbs; nouns (plural forms, countable and uncountable) Syntax: subordinate clauses (who/which/whose; despite/although/ because; before/after ;even if, as to, for, in addition to….) Vocabulary Domestic domain: house, family, family life, hobbies, Public domain: school job, living abroad, travelling, filling in a form, the weather, shopping, sports and leisure activities, road signs, …. Educational domain: literature False friends: eventually, actually, …. Phrasal verbs: break, bring, catch, come, cut, get, give, go, let, live, look, put, set, take, wear Make vs do; each and every; have sth done; stop/remember/forget + gerund/infinitive; look forward to; since vs for; steal vs rob; all vs both; neither vs either; suggest; connectors Notions and functions and Discourse Markers

! Expressing ability, addition, advice, agreement/disagreement, cause, certainty, complaint, concession, sudden decisions, likes/dislikes, doubt, intentions, need/use, number, obligation, wishes/regret, preferences, probability, prohibition, purpose, quantity, result, sequence, time,

! Describing Clothes, colour, habits, location, objects, people, places, shape, taste ! Asking for/Giving Advice, definitions, directions, instructions, opinions, permission ! Making Deductions, offers, predictions, promises, requests, suggestions, threats ! Talking about Arrangements, hypothetical future/past, past events, plans, the present, literary texts

Cultural context (current affairs, traditions, etc.) Literature Literary genres: short story—novel—poetry—drama Literature of English speaking countries: British, American, Canadian, Australian South African, Indian, Nigerian, Caribbean,…. Literary movements: 19th and 20th century Romanticism: novels—short stories-- poetry (e.g.: Blake, Coleridge, Wordsworth, Byron, Shelley, Keats, M. Shelley, J. Austen, Poe , etc.) Victorian Age: fiction and drama (e.g.: Dickens, Kipling, C. Bronte, E. Bronte, Hardy, Stevenson, Wilde, etc.)




Modern Age: poetry—fiction—drama (e.g.: Conrad, Joyce, Woolf, Forster, Hemingway, Eliot, Beckett, Pinter, Salinger, Gordimer, .Achebe, etc) Competenze e capacità (per capacità si intende l’abilità di applicare le competenze in situazioni non guidate in modo autonomo, con eventuale rielaborazione dei contenuti)

a) Understanding I. Listening

– Can understand extended speech and lectures and follow even complex lines of argument provided the topic is reasonably familiar.

– Can understand when guided part of TV news and current affair programmes. – Can understand the main dialogues in films

II. Reading – Can read articles and reports concerned with contemporary problems in which the writers

adopt particular attitude or points of view. – Can understand when guided modern and contemporary literary prose and poetry.

b) Speaking I. Spoken Interaction

– Can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible.

– Can take an active part in discussion in familiar contexts, accounting for and sustaining points of view.

– Can interact in discussion in literary topics. II. Spoken Production

– Can present clear, detailed descriptions on a wide range of subjects. – Can explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of

various options. – Can express knowledge of major literary movements of English speaking countries.

c) Writing – Can write a clear, structured, detailed text on a wide range of subjects. Can write an essay

or report, passing on information or giving reasons in support of or against a particular point of view.

– Can write letters highlighting the personal significance of events and experiences. – Can analyse unabridged literary texts and write an essay and summary. – Can write articles, descriptions, discursive texts, formal/informal letters, narratives,

paragraphs, reports, comments on literary texts

COMMON FOGAZZARO FRAMEWORK Griglia indicativa di obiettivi per le classi di Inglese Indirizzo: Pedagogico/Sociale/Tecnologico/ Anno: 4^ corrispondente al livello Common European Framework : B1.1 (Independent User: Threshold) Conoscenze Pre-requisites: See year 3 Grammar




Hypothetical propositions (1st, 2nd, 3rd type and mixed); wish - reported speech and indirect questions, revision of modals, modals in the past), tense revision (active and passive) defining, non-defining relative clauses. Vocabulary Personal domain: character adjectives. Public domain: social networks: relationships and acquaintances; jobs and occupations. Educational domain: specific literary and/or specific scientific terms. Common Idioms. Notions, Functions and Discourse Markers

! Linkers and connectors. " Listings: firstly, first, second, secondly. " Adversative: however, on the other hand, in contrast. " Additive: in addition, moreover, furthermore. " Causative: so, as a result, therefore. " Conclusive: all in all, in conclusion, to sum up, on the whole. ! Making suggestions. ! Agreeing and disagreeing. ! Complaining.

Approaches to social/journalistic issues. (optional). Literature Study of the characteristics of fiction, drama and poetry. Possible initiation to the study of literature in context (chronological approach). Competenze e Capacità*(*per capacità si intende l’abilità di applicare le competenze in situazioni non guidate in modo autonomo, con eventuale rielaborazione dei contenuti) Understanding Listening Can understand the main points of clear standard speech on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc. Reading-Can understand texts that consist mainly of high frequency everyday or job-related language Can understand the description of events, feelings and wishes in simple, authentic literary texts. Can read selected extracts from authentic literary texts with assistance (glossary, dictionary, teacher) Speaking Spoken interaction Can deal with some familiar situations likely to arise when travelling in an area where the language is spoken. Can enter unprepared into simple conversation on topics that are familiar, of personal interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family, hobbies, work, travel and current events). Spoken production Can connect phrases in a simple way in order to describe experience and events, my dreams, hopes and ambitions. Can briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans. Can narrate a story or relate the plot of a book or film and describe one’s reactions.

a) Writing – Can write simple connected texts on topics which are familiar or of personal interest. Can

write personal letters describing experiences and impressions. – Can write short simple paragraphs and summarize, familiar literary text

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COMMON FOGAZZARO FRAMEWORK Griglia indicativa di obiettivi per le classi di Inglese Indirizzo: Pedagogico/Sociale/Tecnologico/ Anno: 5^ corrispondente al livello Common European Framework: B1.2 (Independent User: Threshold) Conoscenze Pre-requisites: See year 4 Grammar Revision of the structures learnt so far. Vocabulary Revision of vocabulary, vocabulary related to literary texts. Notions and functions and Discourse Markers Revision of notions and functions and discourse texts. Cultural context (current affairs, traditions, etc.) Open. Literature Literary genres: short story—novel—poetry—drama. Literature of English speaking countries: British, American, Canadian, Australian, South African, Indian, Nigerian, Caribbean,…. Literary movements: 19th and 20th century. Romanticism: novels—short stories-- poetry (e.g.:Blake, Coleridge, Wordsworth, Byron, Shelley, Keats, Mary Shelley, Jane Austen, Poe, etc.). Victorian Age: fiction and drama (e.g.:Dickens, C.Bronte, E. Bronte, Hardy, Stevenson, Wilde, etc.). Modern Age: poetry—fiction—drama (e.g.: Conrad, Joyce, Woolf, Forster, Hemingway, Eliot, Beckett, Pinter, Salinger, Gordimer, Achebe). Competenze e Capacità* (*per capacità si intende l’abilità di applicare le competenze in situazioni non guidate in modo autonomo, con eventuale rielaborazione dei contenuti)

d) Understanding I. Listening

– Can understand speech and lectures and follow even complex lines of argument provided the topic is familiar.

– Can understand the main dialogues in films.

II. Reading – Can read articles and reports concerned with contemporary problems in which the writers

adopt particular attitude or points of view. – Can understand, when guided, modern and contemporary literary prose and poetry.

e) Speaking III. Spoken Interaction

– Can interact with a certain degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible.

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– Can interact in discussion in literary topics.

IV. Spoken Production – Can express knowledge of major literary movements of English speaking countries.

f) Writing – Can analyse familiar literary texts and write a summary. – Can write descriptions, formal/informal letters, paragraphs, comments on literary texts.






Criteri di Valutazione CRITERI DI VALUTAZIONE Per le prove orali (che saranno svolte in coppia o individualmente sia di lingua che di letteratura si utilizzeranno le griglie allegate. Per quanto riguarda le prove scritte di carattere oggettivo, la soglia della sufficienza corrisponderà al 70%delle risposte esatte; per quelle soggettive, ad esempio quesiti a risposta aperta, commenti o stesura di testi descrittivi o argomentativi, composizione, riassunto ecc. si farà riferimento ad una griglia di valutazione che misurerà le conoscenze, la loro organizzazione logica, la correttezza grammaticale e lessicale. Anche in questo caso, la soglia della sufficienza corrisponderà al 70% dei punti totalizzati.


Il voto viene attribuito secondo una scala che va dal 1 al 10 dove la sufficienza corrisponde al 70% delle forme corrette. Per ottenere il voto finale, si divide il numero di forme corrette presente nella prova per il numero delle forme totali. Il totale delle forme corrette corrisponde alla percentuale che corrisponde a sua volta a un dato

voto (ved.tabella). La prova non svolta corrisponde al voto 1.

Scala 1-10

Percentuale %


100-99 10

98-96 91/2

95-93 9

92-90 81/2

89-86 8

85-82 71/2

81-78 7

77-74 61/2

73-70 6

69-64 51/2

63-57 5

56-50 41/2

49-43 4

42-36 31/2

35-29 3

28-20 21/2

19-9 2

8-1 11/2

Prova NON svolta






GRIGLIA DIPARTIMENTO DI INGLESE – SPEAKING Nome: ......................... Classe: ............................ Data/Periodo: ...................... Conoscenza dei contenuti 10 dettagliata, approfondita, organizzata; ottima rielaborazione con input personali 9 dettagliata, approfondita, organizzata; buona rielaborazione 8 buona, organizzata; discreta rielaborazione 7 discreta, organizzata; rielaborazione poco articolata 6 essenziale, anche in presenza di alcune incertezze 5 incompleta e/o frequentemente incerta 4 incompleta , frammentaria 3 frammentaria, contraddittoria e/o scorretta 2 incoerente o solo qualche frase scoretta 1 inesistente, scena muta

Correttezza grammaticale e lessicale 10 chiara e corretta; lessico ricco e sempre appropriato 9 chiara e corretta; con una certa ricchezza lessicale 8 chiara e prevalentemente corretta con qualche imperfezione; lessico articolato ed

adeguato 7 chiara e abbastanza corretta con qualche errore e/o imperfezione; lessico adeguato 6 presenza di errori e imperfezioni che non impediscono la comprensione del

messaggio; lessico essenziale, semplice ma adeguato

5 errori diffusi che impediscono la comprensione a tratti; lessico non sempre appropriato

4 errori gravi diffusi che impediscono la comprensione; lessico povero, limitato 3 non sa usare la maggior parte delle strutture, lessico lacunoso e scorretto,

mancante anche di elementari espressioni di base 2 non sa usare la maggior parte delle strutture e non possiede bagaglio lessicale, si

limita a qualche parola sconnessa o qualche spezzone 1 inesistente, scena muta

Scorrevolezza e pronuncia 10 si esprime con disinvoltura; la pronuncia è corretta 9 si esprime con disinvoltura; la pronuncia è corretta ma con qualche imprecisione 8 si esprime in modo abbastanza fluido con poche esitazioni; qualche imprecisione

nella pronuncia che non impedisce la comprensione del messaggio 7 si esprime generalmente con scioltezza ma con qualche esitazione; qualche

imprecisione nella pronuncia che non impedisce la comprensione del messaggio 6 si esprime con sufficiente scioltezza, con esitazioni che non compromettono

l’interazione; qualche imprecisione nella pronuncia che non impedisce la comprensione del messaggio

5 si esprime con insicurezza, errori di pronuncia che richiedono chiarimenti 4 si esprime con insicurezza, gli errori di pronuncia impediscono spesso la

comprensione del messaggio 3 si esprime con molte esitazioni e con frequenti errori di pronuncia che impediscono

la comprensione del messaggio 2 sbaglia completamente la pronuncia dei pochi termini isolati che riesce a dire. 1 inesistente, scena muta

Voto complessivo: ............................................................................................. Data e firma del docente: ..............................................................................................





Giudizio voto Indicatore: CONOSCENZA DEI CONTENUTI ECCELLENTE 10 Dimostra un'eccellente conoscenza dei contenuti OTTIMO 9 Dimostra una sicura e approfondita conoscenza degli argomenti. BUONO 8 Dimostra una conoscenza degli argomenti sostanzialmente completa. DISCRETO 7 Dimostra discreta sicurezza nella conoscenza dei contenuti

fondamentali. SUFFICIENTE 6 Rivela una conoscenza essenziale dei contenuti. NON SUFFICIENTE

5 Rivela una conoscenza frammentaria dei contenuti

INSUFFICIENTE 4 Rivela difficoltà nella comprensione delle domande e presenta lacune nella conoscenza dei contenuti.


3 Presenta numerose e gravi lacune/errori nella conoscenza dei contenuti.


2 Non dimostra alcuna conoscenza dei contenuti


PERSONALE DEI CONTENUTI ECCELLENTE 10 Svolge il discorso in modo articolato e completo, argomentando con

coesione e logica, effettuando autonomamente sicuri collegamenti mostrando notevole spirito critico

OTTIMO 9 Sa organizzare e rielaborare personalmente i contenuti effettuando collegamenti in modo autonomo con osservazioni personali e valutazioni critiche.

BUONO 8 Sa organizzare logicamente un discorso e rielaborare personalmente i contenuti.

DISCRETO 7 Presenta i contenuti in modo ordinato e sa argomentare con consapevolezza

SUFFICIENTE 6 Presenta i contenuti essenziali con sufficiente ordine. Se guidato sa operare semplici collegamenti


5 Si esprime in modo poco ordinato e non sa operare collegamenti o solo parzialmente.

INSUFFICIENTE 4 Svolge il discorso in modo disordinato incompleto e incoerente GRAVEMENTE INSUFFICIENTE

3 Il discorso è privo di organizzazione.


2 Competenza inesistente


LESSICALE ECCELLENTE 10 Sa esprimersi in modo estremamente scorrevole e fluido,

perfettamente corretto e ricchissimo nel lessico OTTIMO 9 Riferisce i contenuti con ordine, chiarezza e correttezza formale. Usa

un lessico corretto, pertinente e vario. BUONO 8 Riferisce i contenuti con buona chiarezza espositiva, nonostante

qualche occasionale errore morfosintattico. Lessico pertinente e corretto.

DISCRETO 7 Riferisce i contenuti con ordine anche se con alcuni errori



morfosintattici. Usa un lessico abbastanza pertinente e corretto. SUFFICIENTE 6 Riferisce i contenuti con sufficiente ordine e correttezza. Usa un

lessico sostanzialmente corretto, ma limitato e ripetitivo. NON SUFFICIENTE

5 L’esposizione presenta ricorrenti errori che limitano in parte l’efficacia comunicativa. Lessico povero

INSUFFICIENTE 4 L’esposizione presenta numerosi e/o gravi errori che compromettono l’efficacia comunicativa. Il lessico è assai limitato e non pertinente.


3 L’esposizione presenta numerosi e gravi errori che compromettono la comprensione del messaggio. Il lessico è scorretto e/o non pertinente.


2 L'espressione non presenta nemmeno le strutture linguistiche e lessicali di base. Solo qualche frammento di frase

SCENA MUTA 1 Scena muta



SECONDA PROVA _ Lingua straniera

Tipologia A: Comprensione, Riassunto, Produzione Valutazione CONTENUTO : 5/5+5/5+5/5=15/15

Comprensione Testo non compreso. Risposte date spesso da copiatura di spezzoni disordinati del testo originale; molte sbagliate.

1 Gr.ins.

Testo compreso solo in parte. Risposte talvolta/spesso parziali o sbagliate, generalmente schematiche. Copiature del testo originale senza rielaborazione.

2-3 Insuff.

Testo fondamentalmente compreso. Risposte semplici ma adeguate anche se poco rielaborate.

4 Suffic.

Testo compreso in tutti i suoi punti. Risposte corrette ed adeguate, con una certa rielaborazione in alcuni punti.

5 Bu/ott.


Informazioni non selezionate. Riassunto incompleto che si riduce a qualche stralcio copiato dal testo.

1 Gr.ins.

Non seleziona tutte le informaz.principali. Riassunto incompleto e/o scorretto,con difficoltà nell'uso dei connettori.

2 Insuff.

Seleziona le informazioni principali. Riassunto un po' schematico e poco rielaborato, con qualche possibile incongruenza (non grave).

3 Suffic.

Coglie gli elementi principali del testo organizzati in un riassunto completo ed adeguato con una certa rielaboraz.

4 Buono

Riassunto completo, ben organizzato e ben costruito, con un buon uso dei connettori. Buona rielaborazione.

5 Ottimo


Traccia non capita, contenuto fuori tema, frammentario e, in diversi punti, contraddittorio e/o scorretto.

1 Gr.ins.

Traccia seguita parzialmente. Contenuto schematico e semplicistico. Il discorso è incompleto e/o disordinato.

2 Insuf.

Traccia sostanzialmente capita e seguita. Contenuto un po' schematico. Rielaborazione semplice.

3 Suffic.

Traccia capita e seguita. Contenuto espresso in modo organizzato; qualche spunto personale e/o interdisciplinare.

4 Buono

Traccia capita, seguita e sviluppata in modo sicuro e completo. Contenuto organizzato, ben articolato, che mostra spirito critico, collegamenti interdisciplinari ed ampie conoscenze personali.

5 Ottimo

Totale CONTENUTO: Valutazione FORMA: 15/15

1 Espressione che manca totalmente delle strutture morfosint.e del lessico di base tanto da risultare incomprensibile. 2-4 Espressione in più punti non comprensibile.

Numerosissimi errori di ogni genere, per lo più consistenti.

Lessico in gran parte ripreso dal testo, povero e scorretto.


Grav. insuff.

Espressione talvolta poco comprensibile.

Difficoltà sintattiche; numerosi errori di ogni genere, diversi gravi.

Lessico povero, ripetitivo, in diversi punti scorretto.

7-8 Insuff.

Espressione fondamen- talmente comprensibile.

Strutture non sempre corrette; diversi errori, qualcuno consistente.

Lessico ripetitivo, in qualche punto non corretto.


Non suff.



Espressione sempre comprensibile.

Strutture molto semplici e fondamentalmente corrette; alcuni errori morfosintattici e/o ortografici.

Lessico essenziale del contesto, fondamentalmente corretto.

10 Suff.

Espressione abbastanza scorrevole.

Strutture semplici e corrette; alcuni errori morfosintattici ed ortografici.

Lessico corretto ma generalmente limitato.


Più che suffic.

Espressione chiara e generalmente scorrevole.

Strutture sintattiche corrette ed abbastanza varie; alcuni errori grammaticali e/o ortografici.

Lessico corretto, adeguato ed abbastanza vario.

12 Discr.

Espressione chiara, fluida ed organizzata.

Discreta coesione e varietà sintattica; qualche errore grammaticale e/o ortografico.

Lessico corretto, adeguato e vario. 13


Espressione chiara, fluida e ben articolata.

Buona coesione e ricchezza sintattica e correttezza formale. Qualche occasionale errore.

Lessico corretto e ricco, adeguato ai diversi registri e contesti.



Totale FORMA:

Media Contenuto/Forma:

SECONDA PROVA – Lingua straniera Tipologia B: Comprensione e Produzione

Valutazione CONTENUTO : Comprensione 6 punti + Produzione 9 punti = 15/15

Comprensione Testo non compreso. Risposte date spesso da copiatura di spezzoni disordinati; molte sbagliate. 1 Grav.insuf. Testo compreso solo in parte. Risposte talvolta/spesso parziali o sbagliate, generalmente schematiche. Copiature dal testo originale senza rielaborazione.

2-3 Insuffic.

Testo fondamentalmente compreso. Risposte semplici ma adeguate, anche se poco rielaborate. 4 Sufficiente Testo compreso. Risposte corrette ed adeguate, con una certa rielaborazione. 5 Buono Testo compreso in tutti i suoi aspetti, anche non espliciti. Risposte adeguate e complete, buona rielaborazione.

6 Ottimo


Qualche spezzone incoerente / Solo qualche riga di inizio della produzione. 1 Incomprens Traccia non capita, contenuto fuori tema, frammentario e, in diversi punti, contraddittorio e/o scorretto. 2-3 Grav. insuf. Traccia seguita parzialmente. Contenuto schematico e semplicistico. Il discorso è incompleto e/o disordinato.

4-5 Insuffic.

Traccia sostanzialmente capita e seguita. Contenuto un po' schematico. Rielaborazione minima. 6 Sufficiente Traccia seguita. Contenuto semplice ma completo con una certa rielaborazione. 7 Più che suf. Traccia capita e seguita. Contenuto espresso in modo organizzato; qualche spunto personale e/o interdisciplinare.

8 Buono

Traccia capita, seguita e sviluppata in modo sicuro e completo. Contenuto organizzato, ben articolato, che mostra spirito critico, collegamenti interdisciplinari ed ampie conoscenze personali.

9 Ottimo

Totale Contenuto:

Valutazione FORMA : 15/15 Solo qualche parola sconnessa. 1 Espressione che manca totalmente delle strutture morfosint.e del lessico di base tanto da risultare incomprensibile.

2-4 Espressione in più punti non comprensibile.

Numerosissimi errori di ogni genere, per lo più consistenti.

Lessico in gran parte ripreso dal testo, povero e scorretto.


Grav. insuff.



Espressione talvolta poco comprensibile.

Difficoltà sintattiche; numerosi errori di ogni genere, diversi gravi.

Lessico povero, ripetitivo, in diversi punti scorretto.

7-8 Insuff.

Espressione fondamen- talmente comprensibile.

Strutture non sempre corrette; diversi errori, qualcuno consistente.

Lessico ripetitivo, in qualche punto non corretto.


Non suff.

Espressione sempre comprensibile.

Strutture molto semplici e fondamentalmente corrette; alcuni errori morfosintattici e/o ortografici.

Lessico essenziale del contesto, fondamentalmente corretto.

10 Suff.

Espressione abbastanza scorrevole.

Strutture semplici e corrette; alcuni errori morfosintattici ed ortografici.

Lessico corretto ma generalmente limitato.


Più che suffic.

Espressione chiara e generalmente scorrevole.

Strutture sintattiche corrette ed abbastanza varie; alcuni errori grammaticali e/o ortografici.

Lessico corretto, adeguato ed abbastanza vario.

12 Discr.

Espressione chiara, fluida ed organizzata.

Discreta coesione e varietà sintattica; qualche errore grammaticale e/o ortografico.

Lessico corretto, adeguato e vario.



Espressione chiara, fluida e ben articolata.

Buona coesione e ricchezza sintattica e correttezza formale. Qualche occasionale errore.

Lessico corretto e ricco, adeguato ai diversi registri e contesti.



Totale Forma:

Media Contenuto/Forma:

SECONDA PROVA – Lingua straniera Tipologia C: Comprensione e Riassunto

Valutazione CONTENUTO : Comprensione 6 punti + Riassunto 9 punti = 15/15

Comprensione Testo non compreso. Risposte date spesso da copiatura di spezzoni disordinati; molte sbagliate. 1 Grav.insuf. Testo compreso solo in parte. Risposte talvolta/spesso parziali o sbagliate, generalmente schematiche. Copiature dal testo originale senza rielaborazione.

2-3 Insuffic.

Testo fondamentalmente compreso. Risposte semplici ma adeguate, anche se poco rielaborate. 4 Sufficiente Testo compreso. Risposte corrette ed adeguate, con una certa rielaborazione. 5 Buono Testo compreso in tutti i suoi aspetti, anche non espliciti. Risposte adeguate e complete, buona rielaborazione.

6 Ottimo


Solo alcune frasi sconnesse / Solo l'inizio (alcune righe). 1 Incompr. Informazioni non selezionate. Riassunto incompleto che si riduce a qualche stralcio copiato dal testo. 2-3 Grav.insuf. Non seleziona tutte le informazioni principali. Riassunto incompleto e/o scorretto,con difficoltà nell'uso dei connettori.

4-5 Insuffic.

Seleziona le informazioni principali. Riassunto un po' schematico e poco rielaborato, con qualche possibile incongruenza (non grave).

6 Sufficiente

Tutti gli elementi essenziali del testo originale sono stati selezionati. Sufficiente rielaborazione. 7 Più che suf. Coglie gli elementi essenziali del testo che sa organizzare nel riassunto completo e adeguato; discreta rielab. 8 Buono Riassunto completo e ben costruito, con un buon uso dei connettori. Buona rielaborazione. 9 Ottimo Totale Contenuto:

Valutazione FORMA : 15/15 Solo qualche parola sconnessa. 1 Espressione che manca totalmente delle strutture morfosint.e del lessico di base tanto da risultare incomprensibile.

2-4 Espressione in più punti non comprensibile.

Numerosissimi errori di ogni genere, per lo più consistenti.

Lessico in gran parte ripreso dal testo, povero e scorretto.


Grav. insuff.

Espressione talvolta poco Difficoltà sintattiche; numerosi errori di ogni genere, Lessico povero, ripetitivo, in 7-8 Insuff.



comprensibile. diversi gravi. diversi punti scorretto. Espressione fondamen- talmente comprensibile.

Strutture non sempre corrette; diversi errori, qualcuno consistente.

Lessico ripetitivo, in qualche punto non corretto.


Non suff.

Espressione sempre comprensibile.

Strutture molto semplici e fondamentalmente corrette; alcuni errori morfosintattici e/o ortografici.

Lessico essenziale del contesto, fondamentalmente corretto.

10 Suff.

Espressione abbastanza scorrevole.

Strutture semplici e corrette; alcuni errori morfosintattici ed ortografici.

Lessico corretto ma generalmente limitato.


Più che suffic.

Espressione chiara e generalmente scorrevole.

Strutture sintattiche corrette ed abbastanza varie; alcuni errori grammaticali e/o ortografici.

Lessico corretto, adeguato ed abbastanza vario.

12 Discr.

Espressione chiara, fluida ed organizzata.

Discreta coesione e varietà sintattica; qualche errore grammaticale e/o ortografico.

Lessico corretto, adeguato e vario.



Espressione chiara, fluida e ben articolata.

Buona coesione e ricchezza sintattica e correttezza formale. Qualche occasionale errore.

Lessico corretto e ricco, adeguato ai diversi registri e contesti.

14-15 Ottimo

Totale Forma:

Media Contenuto/Forma:

SECONDA PROVA _ Lingua straniera Tipologia D: Tema di lingua straniera

Valutazione CONTENUTO - Totale punti 7

ADERENZA ALLA TRACCIA (Totale punti 2) Non è aderente alla traccia. 1 Insufficiente E' aderente alla traccia. 2 Sufficiente

ORGANIZZAZIONE LOGICA DEL CONTENUTO E COERENZA DEL TESTO (Totale punti 5) Non sa organizzare i1 discorso e/o si contraddice. Il testo non ha coerenza interna.

1 Gravemente insufficiente

Svolge il discorso in modo frammentario e incompleto. Il testo non è sempre coerente.

2 Insufficiente

Svolge il discorso in modo schematico, ma sostanzialmente completo. Il testo è coerente.

3 Sufficiente

Svolge il discorso in modo articolato. Il testo è coerente. 4 Discreto

Svolge il discorso in modo articolato, approfondito e critico. 5 Buono /Ottimo

Valutazione FORMA ESPRESSIVA - Totale punti 8

CORRETTEZZA GRAMMATICALE E SINTATTICA (Totale punti 5) L’espressione presenta gravi e numerosi errori di ogni genere. 1 Gravemente

insufficiente L'espressione presenta diversi errori e strutture sintattiche non sempre corrette. 2 Insufficiente



L'espressione presenta alcuni errori e strutture sintattiche semplici ma fondamentalmente corrette.

3 Sufficiente

L'espressione presenta alcuni errori grammaticali e/o ortografici; strutture sintattiche corrette ed abbastanza varie.

4 Discreto

L'espressione chiara e fluida mostra buona coesione sintattica; qualche occasionale errore.

5 Buono /Ottimo

APPROPRIATEZZA E VARIETA' LESSICALE (Totale punti 3) Il lessico è povero, ripetitivo, in alcuni punti scorretto. 1 Insufficiente

Il lessico è fondamentalmente corretto, ma limitato. 2 Sufficiente

Il lessico è corretto, adeguato e vario. 3 Buono



TIPOLOGIA B Nome .................................................................... - Classe: 5a................ - Materia : ........................ Obiettivi A) Capacità di interpretare la richiesta specifica centrando i punti nodali dell'argomento proposto (pertinenza) B) Conoscenza dei contenuti C) Terminologia specifica e forma espressiva Contenuto (indicatori A+B) : totale 8 punti; Terminologia e correttezza (indicatore C): totale 7 punti.

Indicatori Descrittori Punti


2° quesito

3° quesito

Inadeguata 1

Parzialmente adeguata 2

A Pertinenza risposta

Adeguata 3

Qualche nozione scorretta 1

Parziale /scorretta / imprecisa


Essenziale / basilare 3

Buona 4

B Conoscenza contenuti

Approfondita 5

Parole sconnesse/nulla 1

Gravemente scorretta 2

C Terminologia specifica e

Scorretta / imprecisa 3




Accettabile 4

Sostanzialmente Corretta 5

Appropriata 6

correttezza formale

Ottima 7



Soglia della sufficienza:


Punteggio totale /15

Risposta fuori tema: Qualora una risposta dovesse essere fuori tema, le altre due voci (B e C) non verranno prese in considerazione. Il punteggio relativo a questa risposta sarà quindi equivalente a 1. Risposta mancante: Per mancata risposta al singolo quesito, il punteggio dello stesso è 1. Inoltre, qualora una risposta non venisse data, la valutazione conclusiva risulterà dalla somma dei punteggi ottenuti dalle altre due risposte diviso il numero dei tre quesiti.




DIPARTIMENTO DI INGLESE STRUMENTI DI VALUTAZIONE Per le classi del biennio si prevede lo svolgimento di almeno due prove scritte nel trimestre e di almeno tre nel pentamestre di carattere prevalentemente oggettivo (tests di grammatica, reading comprehension ,a risposta vero/falso a risposta aperta ecc.). Come propedeutica al triennio, queste verifiche potranno comprendere anche la stesura di brevi testi scritti (descrizioni, risposte aperte, lettere temi, lettere ecc). I tests orali saranno spesso svolte in coppia per permettere una certa autenticità di interazione ma consisteranno anche di interrogazioni frontali, oppure di veloci tests scritti di comprensione del messaggio orale, vocabolario, dettato e funzioni linguistiche. Si prevedono 2 o 3 valutazioni per studente a trimestre/quadrimestre. Verifiche di comprensione saranno svolte soprattutto con l’uso di esercizi registrati a livello appropriato. E’ consentito effettuare due ascolti dello stesso brano. Per il dettato, il brano verrà letto per un totale di tre volte e la valutazione terrà conto dei diversi "livelli" di errore. La valutazione della sufficienza sara’ in base ai parametri Stabiliti dalle griglie di dipartimento allegate. Il voto nella pagella sarà unico per scritto e orale sia nel trimestre che nel pentamestre. Nelle classi del triennio si prevede lo svolgimento di almeno due prove scritte nel trimestre e di almeno tre prove scritte nel pentamestre, in cui si valuteranno le conoscenze grammaticali e il lessico e/o riguardante gli argomenti di letteratura trattati in terza e quarta mentre in quinta i tests saranno strutturati secondo la seconda o terza prova dell’esame di maturità a seconda dell’indirizzo di studi. I tests orali riguarderanno il programma di letteratura e quello di lingua. Si prevedono 2 valutazioni nel trimestre e due nel pentamestre Si svolgeranno anche interrogazioni di letteratura dove verranno valutate anche le conoscenze relative all’argomento svolto in classe. Tests di comprensione/ascolto saranno per la maggior parte materiali tratti dall’esame B1e B2.Per il dettato, il brano verrà letto per un totale di tre volte e la valutazione terrà conto dei diversi"livelli" di errore. TIPOLOGIA delle prove scritte: prova semistrutturata e strutturata ( le prove spazieranno dalla reading o listening comprehension, esercitazioni scritte sull’uso dei tempi, dialoghi situazionalizzati costruiti sulla base di una traccia data, al cloze, al gap- filling, al dettato,alle domande aperte adottando la tipologia B della terza prova dell’esame di maturità, agli esercizi di grammatica, oppure a prove più complesse come la seconda prova del linguistico, la composizione, brani descrittivi,lettere, il riassunto ecc)a seconda dell’indirizzo di studi. La valutazione della sufficienza sara’ in base ai parametri stabiliti dalle griglie di dipartimento allegate. Il voto in pagella sarà unico per scritto e orale sia nel trimestre che nel pentamestre. Tutte le prove scritte verranno consegnate entro 2 settimana dallo svolgimento. Le valutazioni orali verranno comunicate in tempo reale ( eccetto eventuali valutazioni posticipate motivate dall’insegnante). Ai genitori verranno sempre comunicati i voti durante i colloqui.





LICEO STATALE FOGAZZARO – INGLESE a.s. 2012-13 LIVELLI DI APPRENDIMENTO INDIRIZZO Classe 1 Classe 2 Classe 3 Classe 4 Classe 5 Linguistico




B2.1 /B2.2


Scienze Umane base






SU Economico Sociale






Scienze Applicate




