New Horizon College English

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New Horizon College English. Book Four. Unit seven. Text A. An Englishman’s Home Is His Castle. 上一页. 下一页. Pre-reading Activities. Text Analysis. Expressions & Patterns. Test yourself. 上一页. 下一页. Back. I. Pre-reading Activities: Listen, Look & Say. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of New Horizon College English

New Horizon College EnglishNew Horizon College English

Book Four

Unit sevenUnit seven

Text A

An Englishman’s Home Is His Castle


Pre-reading Activities

Text Analysis

Expressions & Patterns

Test yourself

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I. Pre-reading Activities: Listen, Look & Say

Look at the Picture and Get Familiar with the Castle

Watch & Discuss

Watch the video and discuss the given topics.


Compound Dictation

Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks


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The History of Castles Britain’s castles hold the key to much

of the nation’s history. The castle was both a residence for the lord and his family, and a fortification. It was a strong place for the lord to defend himself against his enemies (and the king’s enemies, and his overlord’s enemies), a safe place for him and his knights to return to, and a place to live which emphasized his power. Castles were mostly made of stone and were enormous in size. They were cold and drafty, damp and dirty, but people inside were safe.

Towards the end of the 12th century castle building became a royal privilege.

Before the end of the 19th century they lost their effectiveness as armament technology developed rapidly. British castles were built for very different reasons. The Aristocracy, who were nostalgic for the past, had the most wonderful and splendid castles built for their pleasure.

Today, castles are a symbol of power, luxury, comfort and





Windsor Castle

Leeds Castle

Edinburgh Castle




Windsor Castle


Mey Castle

Windsor Castle

Compound Dictation

Directions:You will hear a passage. It will be read twice. Listen carefully and supply the missing words.

I. Pre-reading Activities: BackBack


Body language is _____________ without words by the body that may _______ planned as well as _______ movements. expressions on the face, __________ of the body, posture or ________, ways of doing things, the sound of the _____, clothes, and sometimes _____ are some of the ways most people are not _____ they are sending or _________ messages all the time. Body language is used on _______ by people in politics, selling and acting.








Directions: Watch the video and then discuss the topics as follows:

Video watching

BackBackI. Pre-reading Activities: Listen, Look & Say

Watch & Discuss

1. Why does the woman want to buy a house?

2. Do you know some other reasons for buying a house?

An Englishman's Home Is His Castle

Para.1-2 If you talk to a British person about houses, sooner or later you will hear the saying, "An Englishman's home is his castle."   To clarify: no matter how small or humble the home, a British person considers the place where they live to be their own little corner of the world.

Text AnalysisText Analysis

Question 1Question 1in-class questionsin-class questions



Para.3Para.3 About seven out of ten British families own their own homes, and like to spend lots of time and money improving their properties. Every weekend, the do-it-yourself (DIY) stores and garden centres are filled with families buying power tools, gardening gloves, and a manual or two on home improvements.

Text AnalysisText Analysis


in-class questionsin-class questions


Question for para.3Question for para.3

Para.4-5Para.4-5 When spring is in the air, British people get particularly excited about new projects for their houses. Last year, during a fortnight over the Easter period, Homebase, a well-known DIY store, sold 2.4 million pots of paint!   While this might seem like nonsense to some, British people have their reasons for putting so much effort into their homes.  

Text AnalysisText Analysis


in-class questionsin-class questions


Question for para.4Question for para.4

Para.6-7Para.6-7 One such reason is economic. Buying a house is usually the most expensive single purchase that any person will ever make. In 2001, the average price of a home in Britain was 100,000 pounds.   Very few people can afford to buy a house in full, with cash. So, most people negotiate a loan, called a mortgage, with a bank. This loan is then paid back in regular installments over a long period of time — often twenty-five years.

Text AnalysisText Analysis



in-class questionsin-class questions Question for para.7Question for para.7

Para.8-9Para.8-9 Given such a large and long investment, it makes sense for people to spend time improving and extending their estate in order to make it worth more money if they sell it; or to give themselves more space if they continue to live there.   Furthermore, house prices have increased quite a lot over the last few years. Another British saying, "Safe as houses", reveals their attitude towards investing in such property.

Text AnalysisText Analysis


in-class questionsin-class questions


Question for para.8Question for para.8

Para.10Para.10 Can this trend continue, though? Britain has a long-established base of houses and not much municipal land on which to build new ones. Even though Britain's population is not growing very fast, the number of new houses and flats built every year is not quite enough to meet the demand. Consequently, prices rise.  

Text AnalysisText Analysis



Para.11-12Para.11-12 Another reason people spend money on their homes is psychological. The home is of great emotional and cultural significance to people. Thus, caring for one's home is honourable to the British, and a reflection of how they live their lives.   Houses, then, are no longer just about bricks and windows. Homes are about safety and security, status and achievement. Ultimately, homes are about a sense of belonging.

Text AnalysisText Analysis


in-class questionsin-class questions


Question for para.11Question for para.11

Para.13Para.13 Another feature of British home ownership, which is puzzling to many people from other countries, is the desire to "trade up". People start by buying a small property, and then, a few years later, when they have better jobs, sell this first home and buy a larger place. They may do this a number of times over their lifetime.

Text AnalysisText Analysis



Para.14Para.14 For example, in London, a young couple may first buy a tiny flat in a slightly run-down part of town. Then, they trade up to buy an intermediate home in a more fashionable area, and finally, when they start to bring up a family, they move out to the countryside, to a larger house, with a pond for the children to swim in. "Trading up", then, means climbing the ladder of social status.

Text AnalysisText Analysis



Para.15Para.15 Thus, for British people, being proud of a home is also about being proud of all they've accomplished; their home truly is their castle.

Text AnalysisText Analysis



An Englishman’s home is his castle.

More example

castles in the air 空中楼阁, 空想


Expressions and patternsExpressions and patterns BackBack

Paraphrase:No matter how small and humble it is , an Englishman’s home is a place of security.

castle: n. a large, strongly-built building or set of buildings made in former times as a safe place that could easily be defended against attack 城堡

sooner or later you will hear the saying,...

sooner or later: certain to happen at sometime in the future, though one cannot be sure exactly when 迟早, 总有一天

More example



Don't worry, sooner or later your son will come home.

别着急, 你的儿子迟早会回家的。

Sooner or later you will be punished for the crime you committed.


To clarify: no matter how small or humble the home...

Paraphrase: To put it clearly: no matter how small or simple the home...

clarify: vt. make something clearer and easier to understand, especially by explaining and giving more details 澄清,阐明




Could you clarify the first point please? 你能把第一点讲清楚点吗 ?


About seven out of ten … improving their properties.

out of: from among (an amount or number) 从(某个数)中 Nine out of ten people said they would like to try the new product.




Phrase and word

property: n. 1) [C] a building, a piece of land, or both together 房产,地产, 房地产 Several properties on this street are for sale.


.... the do-it-yourself (DIY) stores and garden centers...

do-it-yourself: n. [U] the activity of making or repairing things oneself instead of paying someone else to do it 自己动手做

A new do-it-yourself superstore has just opened. 一家新的自助超市开张了。 Mary is a do-it-yourself enthusiast. 玛丽是个一切都乐于自己干的人。




When spring is in the air...

phrase :



Paraphrase: When spring is coming...

in the air: used for saying that people all have a similar feeling, especially a feeling that something exciting or new is happening 流传开的,正在发生的

There was a feeling in the air that it was time for a change. 大家都感觉改有变化了。

While this might seem like nonsense to some, … putting so much effort into their home.




while: conj. although 尽管 While I understand what you say, I can‘t agree with you. 虽然我能理解你所说的,但却无法赞同。 While she is a lovely girl, she can be extremely difficult to work with. 她虽然是个可爱的姑娘,但无法与她共事。

Paraphrase: Although this might seem to some people like foolish behavior, British people have their reasons for giving so much energy and attention to their home.

One such reason is economic. Buying a house is … single purchase that any person will ever make.




purchase: n.1) [C] an article that has just been bought 新购的物品,购得物 n. 2) [U] an act of buying 购买行为

How do you wish to pay for your purchases, sir?


No purchase is necessary for you to enter for this competition. 你参加这项竞赛不用买任何东西。




loan: n. [C] an amount of money one borrows from a bank etc. (银行等的)贷款 We could apply for a loan to buy a car. 我们可以申请贷款来买一辆小轿车。 mortgage: n. [C] a legal agreement by which one borrows money from a bank, etc., for buying a house or other property, and pays back the mone

y over a period of years 抵押贷款,按揭 It is difficult to get a mortgage on an old house. 以旧房作抵押很难获准。 installment: n. [C] one of a series of regular payments that one makes until one has paid all the money one owes (分期付款的)一期付款

We agreed to pay for the car in installments. 我们同意用分期付款的办法卖小汽车。

Given such a large and long investment, it makes sense … extending their estate...



given: prep. considering 考虑到 Given his age, he’s a remarkably fast runner. 考虑到他的年龄他可真是跑得异常地快。 Given the time available to us, we’ll have to submit the report in draft form. 考虑到时间有限,我们不得不以草稿的形式递交稿件。

Paraphrase: Considering that it is such a large and long investment, it is wise of people to spend time bettering and enlarging their house...


Safe as houses



Paraphrase: As safe as investing in houses (It is because house prices have increased quite a lot over the last few years. It is not likely that house prices will decrease. Therefore, investing in such property is safe.)

the number of new houses and flats built every year is not quite enough to meet the demand.



meet demand: supply enough goods etc. for people to buy 满足需求 Ford has increased production in order to meet demand. 福特公司为了满足需求,已提高了产量。 To meet demand, they are developing new patterns. 为了满足需求,他们正在开发新的款式。

The home is of great emotional and cultural significance to people.



Paraphrase: The home is important to people emotionally and culturally.

significance: n. [singular; U] the importance of an event, action, etc. 重要性;重大意义 This discovery of the new drug is of great significance to people suffering from heart problems. 该新药的发现对心脏病人来说意义重大。 These events are of great historical significance. 这些事件有很重要的历史意义。

Ultimately, homes are about a sense of belonging.



sense of belonging: happy and comfortable feeling in a particular place or with a particular group of people 归属感 After three years here, I feel a strong sense of belonging. 在这里住了三年后,我有强烈的归属感。

a sense of 感觉

a sense of pride 自豪感

a sense of duty 责任感

a sense of safety 安全感

Another feature of British home ownership, which is puzzling to … is the desire to "trade up". (Para. 13)



Paraphrase: Another feature of British home ownership is that they wish to sell their old house in order to buy more expensive ones. Many people from other countries do not understand why they do this.

ownership: n. [U] the state of owning something 所有权 home ownership 住宅所有权 The ownership of the land is clear. 这块土地的所有权明确。





trade up: sell something in order to buy something of the same kind that is more expensive 以折价换购同类中更贵的货物 They may trade up to buy a larger and better car if they can get a pay rise. 如果加薪,他们可能会买更大更好的汽车。 He traded up his old house for a more expensive one. 他把旧房折价换购了一套更昂贵的房子。

Thus, for British people, being proud of a home is also about being proud of all they've accomplished; their home truly is their castle.



Paraphrase: So, for British people, a home is a symbol of their achievements. Being proud of a home means being proud of what they have achieved. Their home is really their castle.

Test Yourself—Multiple ChoiceTest Yourself—Multiple Choice

Multiple Choice

For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence.



1.What the President says will ______ the situation.

A. clear B. illustrate

C. clean D.

2. Although he is a man of _____ birth, he has a noble mind

A. regretful B. pitiful

C. D. sad





3. I think it will be difficult to get ___. I will pay you back soon.

A. B. installments

C. values D. checks

4. The naughty boy did not study hard; he failed the exam.

A. surprisingly B. subsequently

C. D. unexpectedly





5. The launch of the new satellite is of great ___to the country's telecommunications.

A. B. meaning

C. remark D. celebration

6. Sooner or ____ he would be caught by the police.

A. B. late

C. latter D. ladder





7. When the spring is in the ___, British people get particularly excited about new projects for their houses.

A. atmosphere B.

C. climate D. weather

8. The survey ___ that many consumers are aware of the risks involved.

A. reflected B.

C. reformed D. demanded





9. The deal ____ when we failed to agree on a price.

A. fell down B. fell back

C. fell behind D.

10. it’s the sort of work that ___ a high level of concentration.

A. B. calls on

C. calls up D. call off

fell apart

calls for



Why are The DIY stores and garden centers filled with families every weekend?

Question for para.3

Reference words:

Reference words:

They go there to buy power tools, gardening gloves, and a manual or two on home improvements on the weekends.



In what way do most people pay when buying a house?

Question for para.4

Reference words:

Reference words:

Most people negotiate a loan with a bank when buying a house.



How is the loan paid back to the bank?

Question for para.7

Reference words:

Reference words:

The loan is paid back to the bank in regular installments.



What is the purpose of British people spending time improving and extending their estate?

Questions for para.8

Reference words:

Reference words:



The purpose is to make the estate worth more money if they sell it, or to give themselves more space if they continue to live there.

What is the psychological reason for people spending money on their homes?

Questions for para.11

Reference words:

Reference words:

The psychological reason is that the home is of great emotional and cultural significance to people.



What does the saying “An Englishman's Home Is His Castle” mean?

Questions for the text

Reference words:

Reference words:

It means a British person considers the place where they live to be their own little comer of the world no matter how small or humble it is.






Text AnalysisText AnalysisBackBack

大约大约 1010 个英国家庭中有个英国家庭中有 77 个拥个拥有自己的住房,他们愿意把大量时有自己的住房,他们愿意把大量时间和金钱花在房产上。每个周末自间和金钱花在房产上。每个周末自助商店和园艺中心里挤满了这样的助商店和园艺中心里挤满了这样的家庭,他们购买电动工具、园艺手家庭,他们购买电动工具、园艺手套,以及一两本关于改善家庭设施套,以及一两本关于改善家庭设施的手册。的手册。

Text AnalysisText AnalysisBackBack

每当每当春天来临,英国人对于改善住房的新春天来临,英国人对于改善住房的新项目变得特别兴奋。去年,在复活节项目变得特别兴奋。去年,在复活节期间的两周内,一家知名的自助店卖期间的两周内,一家知名的自助店卖出了出了 240240 万桶涂料万桶涂料 ! ! 对有些人对有些人而言,这可能毫无意义,但英国人把而言,这可能毫无意义,但英国人把这么大的精力花在住房上是有其原因这么大的精力花在住房上是有其原因的。的。

Text AnalysisText AnalysisBackBack

其中一个原因是经济上的。房子通常是其中一个原因是经济上的。房子通常是任何一个人所购买的最昂贵的东西。任何一个人所购买的最昂贵的东西。 20012001年,英国一套住房的平均价格是年,英国一套住房的平均价格是 100100 ,, 000000 英镑。英镑。

购房时,很少有人能用现金一次性全购房时,很少有人能用现金一次性全额付款。因此,绝大多数人与银行协商贷额付款。因此,绝大多数人与银行协商贷款,称为抵押贷款。这种贷款在一段较长款,称为抵押贷款。这种贷款在一段较长时期内时期内 (( 通常是通常是 2525 年年 )) 分期偿还。分期偿还。

Text AnalysisText AnalysisBackBack



Text AnalysisText AnalysisBackBack

那么,这种倾向会继续吗那么,这种倾向会继续吗 ?? 英国英国有着早已设立的房屋基地,其中没有着早已设立的房屋基地,其中没有多少市政地块能用于建筑新房屋。有多少市政地块能用于建筑新房屋。虽然英国人口增长不快,但每年修虽然英国人口增长不快,但每年修建的房屋和公寓难以满足需求。因建的房屋和公寓难以满足需求。因此,房屋价格上涨。此,房屋价格上涨。

Text AnalysisText AnalysisBackBack



Text AnalysisText AnalysisBackBack


Text AnalysisText AnalysisBackBack


Text AnalysisText AnalysisBackBack


Text AnalysisText AnalysisBackBack