Mud on Our Hands

Post on 30-Jun-2015

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An introduction to the Sidoarjo Mud Flow Disaster

Transcript of Mud on Our Hands

MUD ON OUR HANDS!Australian Sidoarjo Assistance Project

Fundraising LaunchFundraising Launch



Your Neighbours


At work in the fields…

Bekerja di sawah…

In the factories

Di pabrik

At home

Di rumah

Living life

Menjalankan hidup

As family…

Sebagai Sebagai keluarga…

As Friends

Sebagai Teman

Just growing old…

In my Beautiful Village…

Di Desaku yang Indah…Di Desaku yang Indah…

Until my Beautiful home…

…became the site of a drilling operation…

…and was completely destroyed.

Lapindo, Bakrie Groups, Medco, Santos-they all deny responsibility

Mud-flow refugees are not viewed as the victims of natural


At the same time they have not been

recognised as the victims of a corporate


Where does this leave us?

What have we lost?

Up to 50,000 of us have lost our

homes. Thousands of the less fortunant live

in cramped in cramped conditions in tents and vacant stalls at the refugee camp of Pasar Baru Porong.

The Indonesian government refuses to press charges against Lapindo and the East Java police have dropped all investigations.

In January this year a lawsuit bought Indonesian NGO Walhi was rejected when the court decided there was insufficient evidence to show that the mudflow was a man-show that the mudflow was a man-

made disaster.

After two years, the Indoniesan government has not implemented a

comprehensive assistance program.

We have tried to work for justice- but the court dismissed us.

We have tried to protest… but no one listened.

So we wait, without homes, without work, without help.

Maybe people just expect these things to happen to us because we are living in the we are living in the ‘third world’…

But isn’t there just one world?

Aren’t we all a part of it together?

If we are neighbours,

then we should not turn our backs on one another.

We’d like to have a bright future too.