Mi สอน (อาร์ม เจต โก แต้ว)

Post on 11-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Mi สอน (อาร์ม เจต โก แต้ว)

Multiple Intelligence



Unit: Interest/opinion

Topic: DrawingPrathomsuksa 4

MI (Theory of Multiple Intelligence) 100 %

1.) Linguistic 10% (Activity 2)2.) Logical-Mathematic 5% (Activity 2)3.) Spatial 30% - Activity 1 (20%)

- Activity 2 (10%) 4.) Bodily-Kinesthetic 15% (Activity 2)5.) Musical 15% - Introduction (8%)

- Activity 2 (7%)6.) Interpersonal 15% (Activity 2)7.) Intrapersonal 10% (Activity 1)










Ordinal numbers

The numbers which tell the position of something in a list and they refer to a cardinal numbers in order (e.g. one-first, two-second, three-third, four-fourth, and five-fifth etc.)


add “th” to the cardinal number

Number Cardinal number Ordinal number

6 six sixth

7 seven seventh

11 eleven eleventh

24 twenty-four twenty-fourth



Number Cardinal number Ordinal number

1 one first

2 two second

3 three third

5 five fifth

8 eight eighth

9 nine ninth

12 twelve twelfth

These number are excepted when we want to make them to be an ordinal number. (They will change their figures in stead.)









How to draw cartoon face expressions

It’s easy to show people when you’re mad and happy. Your face just does it for you. But you can also learn to draw a face that shows how that person feels by changing the size, shape and angle of the eyes, nose, mouth, and other parts of the face such as eyelids and eyebrows. You can learn how to do this by drawing the different facial expressions in the pictures follow these steps.

All you need to draw are...pencil, paper, eraser and your imagination!

First... use your pencil to sketch in your drawing...second use the marker to darken the lines you want to keep (if you don't use a marker...press harder and tilt your pencil up more to make a darker pencil line). Third after you've done this...erase the lighter pencil lines. And fourth design and decorate your own cartoon face expression.

Cartoon Faces...they can be any shape

and size...there aren't many rules to drawing cartoon faces. But just use your own style to draw and enjoy with them.

The guide lines are used to help you when you draw your character faces; to help you keep the eyes, nose, and mouth in the same general area.




1.) Listen to the sound and draw the face expression feelings (just note) from the expression words you hear in the story.

2.) Choose one of the face expressions from your note to decorate your mask with your idea.

It’s time to choose one of face expressions and decorate your own mask. Let’s have fun!!!

Writing & Speaking

1.) Work in group of 5 people. (bring your own mask with you)

2.) Each group compose the story or a song from the words of the expression mask of your group members.

3.) Each group present your work in front of the class.

Once upon a time at far away, there was a beautiful princess who lived in a big castle. One day, the grumpy witch came to the castle and made the princess to be a silly dog ………..……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………........... ………………………………………………….