LiveABC 中高級聽讀 試題 練習三

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LiveABC 中高級聽讀 試題 練習三. GEPT Study Group: Study Notes (3 ). Outline 大綱. 試題檢討 (1): 閱讀 Tense 時態 Phrasal Verb 動詞片語 Contextual Clues Part of Speech 詞性 Contextual Clues[the answer repeated] Paraphrase 試題檢討 (2): 聽力 Clues from Passiveness Clues from Fixed Sentence Pattern - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of LiveABC 中高級聽讀 試題 練習三

LiveABCLiveABC 中高級聽讀 試題中高級聽讀 試題練習三練習三

GEPT Study Group: Study Notes (3)


試題檢討 (1): 閱讀 Tense 時態 Phrasal Verb 動詞片語 Contextual Clues Part of Speech 詞性 Contextual Clues[the answer repeated] Paraphrase

試題檢討 (2): 聽力 Clues from Passiveness Clues from Fixed Sentence Pattern Clues from Key Word Contextual Clues Speaker’s viewpoint

試題檢討 (3): 勘誤 試題檢討 (4): 有用字彙

Outline 大綱

Since the time adverbial “last year ”is located inside the 2nd clause, therefore it is used to modify the 2nd clause rather than the 1st one. 因此,第二個動詞必須為過去式。” remember ” 不受影響,因為它位於第一個子句裡面。 ( 注意 : 時間副詞是判斷時態的另一個方法 )

“B” 和” C” 時態上都對,但是語意上有所差別 1.) see: to meet or come into contact with someone, or to visit a


2.) meet: to see and speak to someone for the first time

因此,在這一題” meet” 較為符合此題的語境。

試題檢討 (1): 閱讀 - Tense 時態

run sth by sb phrasal verb INFORMAL

to tell someone about something so that they can give their opinion about it:

e.g.Would you run your idea by me one more time?

遇到不熟的片語的時候,儘量從動詞可能的關聯意義去推衍。譬如” run” 有operate( 執行 ) 的意思,可能和 idea 放在一起

除此之外,此句絕非被動句,沒有 be 動詞或相關的動詞來表現被動語態。因此動詞必須是主動,而且文義必須能從主動態的動詞推衍出來。

試題檢討 (1): 閱讀 - Phrasal Verb 動詞片語

The meaning of “sector” is mostly referred to as “ 部門” , while in English as “a part of an area of activity, especially of a country’s economy. Hence, the English one fits this blank according to it context.

雖然 (B) 和 (D) 在此題都可符合題意,但是 (B) 的選項最為適合。因為” prop up” 定義為” to help sth that is having difficulties”, 根據此題的背景為” during a recession”, 這就是它的 difficulty 所在。

試題檢討 (1): 閱讀 - Contextual Clues

根據句子裡的位置來決定詞性 (part of speech) ,是作答的策略之一。在這題, could 助動詞之後必須接原形動詞,因此選項 (B) 和(C) 不列入考慮。根據句意選擇 (D) 最符合題意。

expedite:definition: to make a process happen more quickly

試題檢討 (1): 閱讀 - Part of Speech 詞性

“as” 的意義作 ”如同 / 就像” 解釋的時候 (A=B) ,相對位置上的名詞都會有對應關係。譬如此題的” route” 會和 Teipei-Hong Kong X 有相似之處 / 或定對應關係 。 A 到 D 的選項都有「路」的意思,但是其詞組搭配以及意思不相同 (as shown below) 。因此選項 (D)最切合題意,意為台北到香港行程 (fixed) 。

plane: a plane making a particular journey path: a way or track that is built or is made by the action of people walking route: a fixed way along which a bus, train, etc. regularly travels or goods are

regularly sent

試題檢討 (1): 閱讀 - Contextual Clues[the answer repeated]

改寫 (paraphrase) 是閱讀測驗常出現的另一種題型,因此閱讀時要懂得”換句話說” 。

譬如此題第二段” within 10 days of the original delivery date”說明 10 天之內貨品會抵達。

試題檢討 (1): 閱讀Paraphrase

“quarantine”( 隔離 ) 在聽力上是個艱深的字,但是文中相關的訊息可以幫助我們選答案。

“have to” 表示” obligation” 因此選項 (B) 和 ( C) 不列入考慮。 被動態” to be held” 表示被某種強制。特別是動詞” hold” ,當被

動時,多表示被強制在某種狀態 (“be kept) 。

試題檢討 (2): 聽力Clues from Passiveness

即使不知道 phrasal verb “get at” 的意思,但是 “ not sure what …”implies a need for clarification, repetition or further details. 因此選項 ( C) 符合 clarification and further detail.

get at sb/sth:to reach sb/sth; to gain access to sb/sth:

試題檢討 (2): 聽力Clues from Fixed Sentence Pattern

雖然聽力過程不能立即知道” stream” 的意思,但是介系詞片語” out of” 具有” away” 意思。

- out of: away from the inside of a place or thing:

試題檢討 (2): 聽力 Clues from Prepositional Phrase

Key word “conspiracy ” 與選項 (D) 的” secret” 相呼應 。 注意 : “as well” 通常之前的訊息會呼應前一句 ( 或前兩句 ) 的訊息。

因此作閱讀測驗的時候,要注意句子之間的連貫性 (coherence) 。

試題檢討 (2): 聽力 Clues from Key Word

Even if the text doesn’t directly specify the factor regarding why every hotel is full, but “the business conference” implies a gathering of business people.

試題檢討 (2): 聽力Contextual Clues

“Our company ”suggests a relation between the speaker and the listener, which should be either employer-employee, employer-employee, or vice versa. 因此選項 ( C)is excluded.

因此在做聽力測驗的時候,利用代名詞的使用來決定 speaker 和 listener 之間的關係。作答上絕對有很大的幫助。

outsourcing production, refer to 有用的字彙

試題檢討 (2): 聽力Pronoun-binding in conversational context/Speaker’s viewpoint

Answer: (A ). However, to a certain extent,(D) seems proper as well.

Supposing Jack uses their computer without asking them in advance, so both of them feel irritated.

Particularly, in (D) “as well” implies that both the speaker and the listener encounter the same problem.”Please talk to him about it” in( D) suggests that the listener agrees that the speaker needs to do so.

Therefore, ( A) is the best, but ( D) is proper.

試題檢討 (3): 勘誤


stigma [U, C, usually sing.] feelings of disapproval that people have about particular illnesses or ways of behaving

There is no longer any stigma attached to being divorced.

steam(especially of a person) to go somewhere very quickly

He spotted her steaming down the corridor towards him

streamto move somewhere in large numbers, one after the other

People streamed across the bridge.

outsourceto arrange for sb outside a company to do work or provide goods for that company:

We outsource all our computing work

push one's buttonto irritate ob intentionally




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