Learning how to learn

Post on 21-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Learning how to learn

Learning how to learn



- https://class.coursera.org/learning-003 강의요약.

- 많이알고있는것보다새로운것을배우는것이능력인시대.

- 내배움에적용할수있음.

- 아이의배움에적용할수있음.


1. Two thinking modes

2. Chunk

3. Procrastination

4. Memory


Two thinking modes

- Focused mode : 집중, 부분, 논리- Diffuse mode : 이완, 전체, 직관

- 한주제, 한순간에는하나의 mode만가능.

Two thinking modes

Focused Diffuse

Two thinking modes

Thomas Edison Salvador Dalí

Diffuse thinking 활용하기

- Focused thinking을한후에산책...

- 자기전에공부하기.

- 자기전에문제에대해고민하기.

- Hard start, jump to easy (시험볼때).

- 두세개의주제를한꺼번에공부/연구하기.

1. Two thinking modes

2. Chunk

3. Procrastination

4. Memory


Chunk and Chunking

- 하나의개념/동작을위해연결된뉴런들.

- 여러뉴런이동시에발화화는일이지속되면뉴런들사이의시냅스가강화되며 chunk가생성된다.

- chunk가생성되면 detail에신경쓰지않고,

chunk 단위로생각/운동할수있다.

How to make chunk?

- Focused attention.

- Understanding.

- Practice and repetition.

Illusion of competence

- Reread vs recall.

- Recall in different places.

- Test yourself.

- Interleaving.

- Deliberate practice (의도적수련)

The importance of sleep in learning

- 중요한기억을강화하고덜중요한것을지움.

- difficult material을계속반복하여 rehearse.

- 극도의 diffuse mode.

● 자기전에해결할문제를잠깐생각하기.

● 자기전에배우는내용을살펴보기.

Guang Yang et al. Sleep promotes branch-specific formation of dendritic spines after learning, Science 344, 1173 (2014)

Fig. 1. Motor learning induces branch-specific spine formation. Transcranial two photon imaging in the primary motor cortex of awake, head restrained mice before and after rotarod motor training. An example of an apical tuft branch with high spine formation 24 hours after training. Filled arrowheads indicate newly formed dendritic spines

and open ones indicate eliminated spines over a 24-hour interval. Asterisks indicate dendritic filopodia.

rotorod test

벼락치기 vs 매일조금씩

What is learning?


- bottom-up.

- how to make chunk


- top-down

- when to use chunk

- which chunk

1. Two thinking modes

2. Chunk

3. Procrastination (미루는버릇, 꾸물거림)

4. Memory


Why procrastination matter?

Zombie everywhere

- 자동차후진을처음할때와익숙해졌을때.

- 자전거타기- 스키, 보드타기

● chunk가 energy 소모를줄인다.

● chunk가 zombie-mode 를가능하게한다.

Habits have four parts

- Cue : trigger

- Routine: zombie-mode

- Reward

- Belief

● Procrastination도하나의습관.

● 나쁜습관을없애기, 좋은습관을만들기.

Tackling procrastination

Will power를적게쓰면서꾸물거리는습관을줄이는방법이없을까?

- Cue를제거하기!!!

- Product보다 Process에집중하기- 새로운습관에 reward를주기- 할수있다는믿음

Product vs Process

- Product: 할일, Process: 집중하는시간.

- Product에집중하면훨씬고통스럽다.

- 이기겠다 vs 이공하나를잘던지겠다.

- 할일목록은필요하다.

- 집중의단위를 task에둘것이냐? 시간에둘것이냐?

- Milestone vs Sprint


- 모든 Cue 제거- 25분간초집중모드- 5~10분휴식(즐거움)

- 4개의 pom후긴휴식- product < process

1. Two thinking modes

2. Chunk

3. Procrastination

4. Memory


Long term memory

Working memory


- 매일새로운해마세포가만들어진다.

- Black-out

- 음주- 스트레스- 산소결핍

- 운동- 산소- 새로운공부


● 해마를건강하게유지.

● Visual memory가굉장히강력하다.

● 재밌고웃기면더큰효과● Metaphor 를활용 (다른 chunk와연결)

● Spaced repetition (0, 1, 7, 30)

● Reread 보다는 Recall

● 초집중(focused mode)

● testing, interleaving.

1. Two thinking modes

2. Chunk

3. Procrastination

4. Memory



● focused mode, diffuse mode 활용● chunk를잘만들고, 잘활용하기● procrastination을극복하기● 뇌, 특히해마를건강하게유지하기

활용- pomodoro 기법을사용하자.

- 공부내용은겹치게.

- 일주일에한번은전체내용을다시살펴보기- 자기전에오늘공부한것복습하기- 남에게설명하기- 매일운동하기(산책이라도)

- 잠을충분히자기- 기억에 Metaphor, 시각, 감정활용하기

마치며- 學習 vs 學問- 우리나라교육 vs 미국식교육- 물음없는익힘, 익힘없는물음.

- 왜배우는가? 도구? 목적?

Happy learning!