Iceberg lettuce

Post on 15-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Iceberg lettuce



Particularly widespread and with important nutritional value, iceberg is rich in vitamins and antioxidants. It is refreshing and crunchy, nutritious like all leafy green.

Nutritional Facts of Iceberg Lettuce

• Iceberg lettuce is an excellent source of potassium and manganese, as well as a very good source of iron, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorous. It also contains traces of sodium, copper, and zinc.

• Iceberg lettuce is an excellent source of vitamin A, K, and C. It is also a good source of thiamin, vitamin B6, and folate (vitamin B).

• Iceberg lettuce is low in sodium and is also very low in saturated fat and cholesterol.

With only 10 calories a portion, you can freely add it in sandwiches, in tacos or even in your salad to make it tastier. Eat iceberg

to be fit and slim.

Health Benefits of Iceberg Lettuce

Iceberg lettuce has a high water content and is very low in calories. Therefore, it is good for weight loss efforts. However, it has relatively low amounts of nutrients. It is considered that, owing to the folate content, iceberg lettuce helps in fighting heart diseases and strokes, as well as protecting infants from neural tube defects if it is consumed in appropriate amounts by pregnant women.

LETTUCE IN ANCIENT TIMES… Lettuce is an annual herbaceous plant of rapid growth of the family of Bafa. It has been cultivated since the Roman times and its origin is Asia. It was mentioned by Herodotus of Theophrastus and Dioscorides and called ‘thridakini’ or ‘thridax’.

Lettuce is leafy and very rich in water (about 95%), so it is a food very low in calories.

Few information…

Lettuce is rich in vitamins such as A, C and E. That’s why it has heart protecting action and it acts like an antioxidant for our organism.It contains zeaxanthin (which is carotenoid) and lutein. Both of them can act as an anticancerous essence.


SO…. Also, it has great

comprehensiveness in vitamin B1 (which is also called thiamine), a substance crucial for the smooth functioning of the nervous system.

Eat lettuce for healthy mind and spirit.


Two cups of lettuce contain about 2.5 grams of fiber (10% of the recommended daily amount ) . Its season is in March. However, in Greece, people find it relatively easily during winter and the first two months of spring.


• Lettuce shouldn’t be cut into small pieces since it oxidizes very quickly. That’s why we prefer it freshly cut.

• Lettuce can be eaten raw, plain and in salads with various other vegetables. It can even be cooked with meat (e.g. frikasse) in order to give highly palatable results.


The U.S.A. have the world’s largest production of lettuce, followed by China,Spain and Canada. In Greece, there are approximately 19.000 hectares of lettuce cultivation and the annual production reaches 25.000 tones.