Huashan mysterious grottos (花山謎窟)

Post on 20-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Huashan mysterious grottos (花山謎窟)

In a Inconspicuous small hilly area was hidden thousand years secret. 12 km from Tunxi, Huashan Grottos were opened to tourists in 2,000. 36 big or small artificial caves were discovered. 6 of them have been developed into the tourist sites for excursions. Among all, Cave No. 35, No. 2 and No. 24 are the most impressive ones.在一個不起眼的小丘陵地區,隱藏著千年的秘密。花山石窟距離屯溪 12 公里,在 2,000 年向遊客開放。發現了 36 個大小人工洞穴。 6 個已被開發成旅遊景點。其中 35 號, 2 號和 24 號石窟令人印象最為深刻。

The No2, No24 and No35 grottos will be visited. 將要遊覽的 No2, No24 以及 No35 石窟。


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Bridgehead is constructed by Huizhou architecture with white walls, black tiles and cornicing wharf walls.徽派建築的橋頭堡,粉牆黛瓦以及飛簷翹角的馬頭牆。

Sightseeing rope bridge is 1.8m wide and 130m long. It is interesting to enjoy the beautiful view of Xin'an River on the swaying bridge.觀光索橋寬 1.8 米,橋長 130 米。在晃動的橋上,欣賞美麗的新安江景色別有一番情趣。

Grotto No. 22 號石窟 環溪石窟

Grotto No.2 is a two-storied grotto with the total area of 4,800 square meters and depth of 146 meters, the temperature inside is 15 degree all the year round. 2 號石窟是一個兩層樓的洞穴,總面積 4,800 平方米,深度為 146 米,裡面的溫度終年都是 15 度。

Grotto No.2 has 8 ponds and wells.2 號石窟有明潭和暗井共 8 個處。

Some unearthed relics displayed inside the grotto 石窟內展示一些出土的文物

Chisel marks can be seen clearly on the walls of the grotto. 石窟的牆壁上可以清楚地看到很多鑿痕。

There are 18 kinds of cutting lines, some of them look like clouds in the sky, some like feathers of bird, some like leaf vein of plants and some like ripple on the water.

鑿痕切割線共有 18 種,其中一些看起來像天空中的雲鱗,有的像鳥類的羽毛,有的像植物的葉脈,有的像水波紋。

Inside the cave there are a lot of columns, such as trunk column, giant boots column and so on.洞內有很多石柱,諸如象鼻柱,巨靴頂天柱等。

The corridor on the second floor is broad and quiet , environment dry and clear. This gigantic cavern is echo-free as the arrangement of the walls prevents resonance of sound.二樓的走廊廣闊而安靜,環境乾爽。這個巨大洞穴石壁的排列可以防止聲音共振,裡面說話沒有回聲。

From No.2 to No.24 Grotto have to go through the Huashan Lake.從 2 號石窟到 24 號石窟要經過花山湖



Huashan Lake water drain Falls花山湖洩水瀑布





Grotto No. 24 (24 columns) 24 號石窟 (24 根柱 )

Enjoy the beautiful view on a small boat.乘小船進入欣賞美麗景色。

Water Cave No.24, It looks like a flat rectangle, which is 50m wide and 30m high. 6 square stone columns support the top of cave in two rows and four layers. Therefore, they are called 24 columns. There is vast and bottomless water inside the cave. 24 號水上石窟。看起來像一個扁長方形,寬 50 米,高 30 米。 6 根方形大柱成兩行排支撐著洞穴頂部,共有四層。因此,被稱為 24 根柱。洞內一片汪洋,深不見底。

Upright in and Low body out. 抬頭挺胸而進,低身趴下而出。

Total boating time is only 10 minutes 總共遊船時間只有 10 分鐘

Grotto No.35 35 號石窟

Grotto 35 contains an underground palace entirely constructed by humans, and it is currently the largest ancient cavern in China. The chamber is 558 fe et deep and 59 feet tall. 35 號石窟有「地下宮殿」之稱 ,全由人工開鑿而成,是中國現存最大古代人工石窟,洞深 170 米,高 18 米。

Natural rock bridge潭上岩層天然橋樑


After a hundred-meter leading the way , you can see the ceiling of the grotto inclines abruptly 45 degrees, extending 30 meters or more, the slope happens to mysteriously tally with the slope of the outside hillside, which wins everybody admiration for the wisdom of the ancient people.進入一百米後,你可以看到石窟天花板突然傾斜 45 度,延伸 30 米以上,這個坡度與外面山坡的坡度竟然神秘地吻合,贏得大家對古人智慧的欽佩。

The caves have a few already mined minerals, so why were those not transported out?石窟內有少量開採好的石塊,為什麼沒有運出去?

Chisel marks can still be seen clearly on the walls of the grotto.在石窟的牆壁上仍然可以清楚地看到很多鑿痕。

The water in pool is clear enough to see to the bottom. The lowest water level in the cavern is 7 feet below the Xin'an River outside the cave.洞內水塘,清澈見底,最低的水面低於洞外新安江水面二米。

Clear pool 清水池

There are 26 stone columns arranged in a glyph-like formation to support the ceiling of the palace. Surrounding the main hall are 36 stone rooms, a stone bridge, an underground river and water ponds etc. 內有 26 根呈品字形排列石柱,撐起洞府天地,氣勢雄偉。圍繞著正殿有 36 間石房,一座石橋,一條地下河以及池塘等。

H-shaped columnH 形柱

It is said, this is a stone coffin.據說這是一口石棺。

The exact time of the cave‘s construction is currently unknown. However, according to the minerals found inside the cave, the experts estimate that it was constructed at least 1,700 years ago. 今人無從考證石窟的具體形成時間,專家從石窟近期發現的非常短小的鐘乳石考證,估計距今至少1,700 年。

How was the cavern constructed? Why was it necessary to have these caves? What happened to the 100 thousand squares of rocks dug in order to construct the cavern? How were they mined and transported? The caves have a few already mined minerals, so why were those not transported out? There are also many rock walls 10 centimeters thick, why was it not removed but left standing in the middle of the large hall? What was the purpose of the squared and rounded holes hidden in the stone columns? Why are there no historical records of this gigantic cavern? Experts have postulated many theories but have yet to reach a definitive answer. 石窟是如何建成的? 為什麼要建造這些石窟? 古人當年開鑿出這樣巨大的洞窟,挖出的 10幾萬方石料卻不知運到哪去了? 是如何開採和運輸的? 石窟內有少量開採好的石塊,為什麼沒有被運出去? 洞內有多處厚 10釐米的石壁為什麼不鑿開而聽任其擋在石廳中間? 洞內石柱上的方型和圓型盲孔是做什麼用途的? 如此龐大規模的石窟群,為什麼至今沒有見到史籍上的記載? 專家們為此做出種種推測和分析,但仍是未能找到統一的確定答案。

Huashan Mysterious Grottos, located between 29 39‘34“ and 29 47'7" North latitude, is the only cave group found on the 30 North latitude. Also on this latitude are the Northern Atlantic Bermuda Triangle, the Egyptian pyramids and sphinxes, Atlantis, Noah's ark, the Dead Sea, the Sahara desert, the Himalayas, the Qiantang River tide, Shennongjia people and other mysteries. It was praised as “the Ninth Wonder along mysterious 30 degree of north latitude.”花山謎窟地理位置處在北緯 29 39‘34“ 和 29 47’7” 之間,是北緯 30 度神秘線上唯一的一處石窟群奇觀。同在這條神秘線上的還有:北大西洋百慕大三角海域、埃及金字塔及獅身人面像、亞特蘭蒂斯大陸、諾亞方舟、死海、撒哈拉大沙漠、珠穆朗瑪峰、錢塘江潮、神農架野人之謎、和其他許多奇觀。它被讚譽為「北緯 30 度神秘線上的第九大奇觀。」


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Walked on the return rope bridge.走到回程的索橋上

Huashan Mysterious Grottos now is still lines quietly by the Xin’an River, but there are lots of questions and mysteries toward the origin and purpose of creating these huge artificial caves, as there isn't any historic record about it. After the exploration, every tourist will have his or her own opinions in the mind.花山謎窟現在依然靜靜地躺在新安江畔,由於沒有任何歷史記載,建造這些巨大人工洞穴的原因和目的仍存在很多疑問和神秘。經過遊覽後,每名遊客在腦海中將有著他(她 )們自己的觀點。別了!花山謎窟。 Music : Forever in Love