Heart To Heart Talk Stay Young at Heart - Nu Skin EnterprisesFind out how to be good to your heart...

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Transcript of Heart To Heart Talk Stay Young at Heart - Nu Skin EnterprisesFind out how to be good to your heart...

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Heart To Heart Talk

Stay Young at Heart呵护您的心脏让它保持健康活力!

Would You Like toLook Young and

Feel Young Again?您想要重现青春的光彩吗?

Theme Story

Would You Like to Look Young and Feel Young Again?

Many of us tend to avoid the subject of aging. Of course there is nothing wrong with wanting to look younger than your age but you don’t have to go to the extremes by spending a huge amount of money on cosmetics, surgeries and anti-aging treatments.

Aging is also a matter of attitude. If you feel old, you will probably look old. Instead of fighting against aging, why not accept and embrace it instead? When was the last time you took some time off to take care of yourself?

If you want to feel and look younger, you have to act on it. Have you ever noticed how much older you look when you’re stressed? In trying to juggle the many aspects of life, stress occupies a large part of your life. So it’s important to take control of your health and don’t neglect your skin as well.

In this issue, we explore less costly methods that help us stay healthy, look better and feel good.

Take time for personal pampering and learn a new way to care for you skin and body ― “The Perfect Spa for a Glowing New You” on page 4 Find out how to be good to your heart and stay young at heart ― “Heart To Heart Talk” on page 10Listen to the expert talk about how to reduce triglyceride on page 16

We hope this points you in the right direction to step up, take better care of yourself and improve your life in the process.

Speaking of improving lives, we have a Force for Good story to share with you. Though recently launched, this initiative is already paving the way to provide more job opportunities to the less privileged.

Take a few minutes to read how we teamed up with Shuang Fu (an association for the disabled) to kick-start operations of our Force for Good Corner in February.

We hope you enjoy this issue. If you’re still worried about how to take years off your age and adding more to life. You’ll look good at any age if you increase vitality and energy through exercise and a good diet, and eliminate stress for well being. Remember, life and age are what you make of them. Live life to the youngest!


老化是一种态度,如果您觉得自己很老,您就会看起来更年老。与其努力地抗老,何不接受它,缓慢它的老化过程呢? 试问,您可有好好利用时间照顾您的身体?

如果您想要恢复青春时期的状态,您必需立刻采取行动。您可注意到,当您承受压力时,您会加速老化? 在生命中,压力是生活的一部分。所以,好好管理您的健康和照顾您的肌肤是很重要的。




谈到改善生活,我们这里就有一个善的力量的故事与您分享。最近开始营业的Force for Good Corner就已经开始提供就业机会给不幸的一群。

看我们如何与双福(残障自强发展协会)在2月份经营Force for Good Corner。


If you neglect to re-charge a battery, it dies. And if you run full speed ahead without stopping for water, you lose momentum to finishthe race.Oprah Winfrey,the American, multiple-Emmy Award winning host of The Oprah Winfrey Show




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Would You Like to Look Young and Feel Young Again? Contents

Theme StoryWould You Like to Look Youngand Feel Young Again?您想要重现青春的光彩吗?

Skin CareThe Perfect Spa forA Glowing New You!完美的SPA体验,让你展现闪亮新风采!

Health IssueHeart To Heart Talk – Stay Young at Heart!呵护您的心脏 – 让它保持健康活力!

Celebrity AthleteJoachim Cheng Chu Sian钟础先Staying on Target锁定目标

Ask the ExpertQ: I have been diagnosed withhigh triglycerides, what arethe supplements that can helpmy condition?问: 我被诊断出三酸甘油脂过高,什么样的营养补充品能够帮助改善我的情况?

Q: Is there any treatment which helps to diminish deep linesand wrinkles on my skin, especially on my forehead and corner of my eyes?问: 市场上有哪些修复产品能助我对抗额头与眼角间的深纹与皱纹呢?

Force for GoodForce for Good Corner – Bringing Change through EmpowermentForce for Good Corner – 赐予改善生活的力量








Skin Care

The Perfect Spa for A Glowing New You!A Breakthrough System for Spa Treatmentsin the Comfort of HomeEveryone loves a spa experience; it’s a time to relax and rejuvenate and emerge with glowing skin, a firmer body and lustrous hair.

However a real spa treatment goes beyond just the pampering and the superficial short term benefits. Regular spa treatments combining the best products with the latest in skin care technology ensure that your face, body and hair derive far reaching aesthetic and anti-aging benefits.

In today’s world where appearances matter, anti-aging treatments are no longer luxuries but a necessity. For most of us a major obstacle to getting regular spa treatments is the time constraint in visiting a spa or aesthetician to receive these treatments.

Now Nu Skin has the perfect solution – a system that imparts the benefits of spa treatments right in the comfort of your

完美的Spa体验, 让你展现闪亮新风采!革新突破性SPA系统,即使在家也能获得舒适享受

home, Galvanic Spa™ System II, for face, body and scalp.

The Galvanic Spa™ II System uses patented technology and specially-designed formulations for spa-quality face, body and scalp benefits. The system uses low-level electric currents to remove impurities and help moisturizing ingredients penetrate deep into the skin, producing spa-like effects in less than 10 minutes.

The new Galvanic Spa™ System II uses three interchangeable conductors for face, body and scalp treatments. The technology is proven safe and works with Nu Skin’s gels and personal care products. The massaging action increases blood circulation and draws vital nutrients deep into the skin.

With regular use, Galvanic Spa™ System II treatments enhance cellular energy and improve circulation to provide significant complexion, body, and hair benefits.

SPA,是每个人都会深深爱上的体验! 那是一段放松心情、恢复活力的美好时光,而且,让肌肤变得晶莹透亮、紧致光滑,头发也更富有光泽!



现在,如新为你带来了完美的解决方案: 一个结合所有SPA疗程

好处,让你在家就能轻轻松松进行脸部、身体以及头皮护理的系统 – 微电流美颜系列 II。

微电流美颜系列 II 运用专利科技和独特设计,提供脸部、身体以及头皮护理最大的保养效益。这个仪器的原理是运用低压直流电吸出污垢,同时把滋养成份深层导入肌肤,在10分钟内就产生如SPA疗程般的保养效果。

产品科技是如新凝胶及个人护理系列产品的最好帮手,而且其安全性也获得认证。新的微电流美颜系列 II 备有三种可相互替换的脸部、身体以及头皮护理组件,按摩的过程能够促进血液循环、把重要的营养成份深层导入肌肤。

定期使用微电流美颜系列 II离子导入美容仪,能够改善循环系统、促进细胞功能,给予脸蛋、肌肤和头发最有效的呵护,呈现完美的外观!

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Skin Care

A Slender BodyIntensive Treatment for Smoothing Cellulite

The body conductor features three round nodes to maximize surface area coverage and provide better massaging action.

Optimized for use with the body conductor, the Galvanic Spa™ II Body Shaping Gel helps to minimize and smooth the appearance of cellulite with theobromine and Chrysanthellum indicum extract.

This at-home treatment concentrates cellular energy to target pockets of fat and toxins in the body to give a firmer, more toned appearance.

细致光滑的美体平滑橙皮组织的强化护理配方 微电流美颜系列 II 的身体按摩组件拥有3个圆形操作头,提供最佳的肌肤表面覆盖效果以及更好的按摩效益。

微电流美颜系列 II 纤体紧致凝胶能够强化保养效果,蕴含可可硷以及黄金洋甘菊萃取精华,能有效帮助减少及平滑安凹凸不平的橙皮组织。


A Radiant FaceRestoring Your Skin’s Natural Glow

The Nu Skin® Galvanic Spa™ face conductor’s flat chrome surface glides smoothly and easily over the face. Used with Nu Skin® Galvanic Spa™ Pre-Treatment and Treatment Facial Gels, the face conductor immediately helps complexion look refreshed, healthier and more vibrant.

The Pre-Treatment Gel removes impurities to help your pores breathe. The gel revives and invigorates the skin and is formulated with natural ingredients such as marigold, sea kelp, and vanilla extracts to sooth and condition the skin.

The treatment gel is formulated with magnesium, a necessary component of skin cells’ energy cycle, and aspartate which helps to balance pH levels. Additionally, a combination of vitamins and amino acids promotes the skin’s natural radiance and restores its vitality.


如新微电流美颜系列 II 脸部按摩操作组件的平滑镀铭表面,操作方式简单,能够柔顺地按摩整个脸部。配合使用舒活净化预备胶以及舒活调理美容胶,能够迅速让你恢复清新活力、健康亮丽的肌肤!


舒活调理美容胶配方蕴含镁 (一种促进细胞能量循环周期的重要元素) 以及帮助肌肤平衡酸碱值的天东胺酸盐。另外,综合多种维生素和氨基酸的成份配方能够润泽肌肤、赋活肌肤自然光泽和能量,让肌肤充满活力!

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A Revitalized ScalpStronger, healthier hair

The scalp conductor is shaped like a comb so it is easy to pull through hair while maintaining contact with the scalp. Used in conjunction with Nu Skin® Nutriol® HairFitness Treatment, the Galvanic Spa™ System revitalizes hair follicles to strengthen hair for maximum vitality and volume.

Formulated with a marine extract, Tricalgoxyl®, Nutriol® Hair Fitness Treatment re-mineralizes the scalp and hydrates hair to improve the look and add luster to your hair.


头皮按摩组件的操作头形状近似梳子,因此,它能够轻易地在接触头皮部位的同时梳理秀发。搭配Nutriol健发滋养液使用,微电流美颜系列 II 能够活化头皮皮囊,提供秀发完整的保养,让秀发更丰盈润泽!



Exciting New FeaturesComing Your Way!In the middle of this year there will be an exciting additional feature for the Galvanic Spa™ II System. This includes the special spot treatment conductor which will provide users with enhanced contact with the skin, delivering more concentrated treatments to those parts of the body that need it.

Singaporeans and Malaysians will also experience the new power of peptides with Tru Face™ Line Corrector, featuring revolutionary pro-collagen peptides which help combat the aging process, and promote younger looking skin.

Try out the Galvanic Spa™ System II today and in just 4 weeks discover a new you. Emerge with glowing new skin and new confidence to step out into the world feeling young and beautiful again!

振奋人心的新功能! 即将推介! 今年中旬,微电流美颜系列 II 即将推介振奋人心的新功能,这包括添加独特的聚点治疗配件,顾客使用时能够更紧贴肌肤,提供需要保养的部位更集中式的护理疗程。


今天就尝试使用微电流美颜系列 II 离子导入美容仪吧! 短短的4个星期,你将会发现一个全新的自己! 全新的亮丽肌肤,重新建立起你的自信心,你将能够充满自信向世界展现年轻亮丽的真我风采!

Share your stories of how Phamanex have improved your life to inspire and help others to improve their lives too. Email us at 48hour_reply_malaysia@nuskin.com.


Yvonne Lim Pharmanex User 华茂生技用户

After taking g3™ and LifePak® for 2 months, my antioxidant score increased from 26,000 to 49,000. My ulcer and throat problems have also disappeared. After taking Tegreen 97™ and BioGingko™ for the past 3 months, I find that my migraine pains have subsided. If I had known about this company earlier, I would not have taken so many migraine pills in the past.

My daughter used to complain about headaches every day due to the hot weather. After taking g3™, she no longer suffers from headaches.

I’ve tried all sorts of supplements and Chinese medicine but only Pharmanex® has delivered measurable results.




Julia Khaw Gaik Suan Music Teacher, 58 years old 音乐教师,58岁

I have been a diabetic for the past 30 years and contracted retinopathy on both of my eyes. Because of this I only had 40% vision and was tired and sick all the time. My eyesight was so bad I couldn’t mark theory papers for long hours. Even worse, I had to go really near to be able to see people.

In May 2006, I was introduced to Pharmanex® BioPhotonic Scanner and my score was only 13,000. So I started taking g3™ and LifePak®. These two products have done wonders for my health. Not only has my antioxidant score improved, but my blood sugar level has gone down and my doctor said that my retinopathy has stabilized. Plus I have gained back 80% of my vision, my weight has gone down and my pigmentation has disappeared. The best compliment I’ve received from my friends is that I look younger now.

My latest antioxidant score was 49,000 and I will continue to take g3™ and LifePak® to attain the quality of life that has evaded me for years.




g3™ and LifePak® Testimonials

g3™ gac superfuit juice

Promotes the health of the eyes Improves Skin Carotenoid Score(provides body antioxidant protection) Supports healthy immune function Perfect for those who cannot swallow capsules/tablets Suitable for anyone from 9 months to 99 years


Health Issue

Heart To Heart Talk

Stay Young at

Heart!Leading killer Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in most of the industrialized nations. According to the World Health Organization, cardiovascular disease k i l l s near ly 17 mi l l ion people around the wor ld each year regard les s o f socioeconomic, gender, or geographic boundaries. Although risk increases with age, cardiovascular disease is occurring increasingly in younger patients, even children.

In Malaysia, death due to coronary heart disease (CHD) increased from 32.7% to 38.3% between 1965 to 1989. It is also the major cause of hospital admission and death. According to the 2005 statistics released by Ministry of Health, Singapore, ischaemic heart disease, cerebrovascular disease (including stroke) and other heart diseases collectively make up 32.3% of the mortal i ty rate and has exceeded the top cause which is cancer at 26.5%! In other words, every one in three Singaporeans will possibly die of cardiovascular diseases eventually. (Source: Ministry of Health, Singapore)


心血管疾病是大多数工业化国家的头号杀手。根据世界卫生组织统计,心血管疾病的肆虐不分经济体系、性别或地理环境,每年夺走1千7百万条人命! 虽然心血管疾病的风险会随著年龄老化而增加,但是,心血管疾病年轻化的趋势日益增加,连小孩都可能会患上心血管疾病!

马来西亚冠状动脉心脏病的死亡比率从1965年的32.7%,增加到1989年的38.3%。这是患者被送进医院治疗和死亡的主要原因。新加坡卫生部2005年发布的统计数据显示,缺血性心脏病、脑血管疾病 (包括中风) 和其他心血管疾病的死亡总比率高达32.3%,远超过主要死亡原因 – 癌症的死亡率 (26.5%)! 换句话说,每3个新加坡人中,就有1个可能因心血管疾病而死亡。 (资料来源: 新加坡卫生部)

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PRINCIPAL CAUSES OF DEATH IN SINGAPORE % of Total Deaths主要死亡原因 (新加坡) 死亡巴仙率

Cancer 癌症 26.5Ischaemic Heart Disease 缺血性心脏病 18.2Pneumonia 肺炎 15.0Cerebrovascular Disease (including stroke)

10.0脑血管疾病 (包括中风)Accidents, Poisoning & Violence


Other Heart Diseases 其他心血管疾病 4.1Diabetes Mellitus 糖尿病 3.1Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease


Urinary Tract Infections 尿道感染 2.1Nephritis, Nephrotic Syndrome & Nephrosis



让它保持健康活力!How old is your heart?It is rather common to judge a person’s age by appearance. But have you ever thought about literally how old your heart is? It might be possible to stay young at heart with optimism. However, as you age, your heart could no longer be pumping blood as strongly as it used to be. Especially those who are leading a lifestyle of drinking, smoking, unbalanced nutrition, overwork, stress and lack of proper exercises. A person might accelerate the cardiovascular aging process that can develop into several cardiovascular diseases at a young age. It is not unusual to find high blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides syndromes or even stroke and heart attack among people in their early thirties or even twenties. It’s important to learn about your heart and make some lifestyle changes to keep your heart healthy and prevent cardiovascular diseases.

Are you at risk for cardiovascular diseases? Please tick the following conditions to assess your cardiovascular health:

Age - over age 45 for men, over age 55 for women Family history of cardiovascular diseases Congenital heart conditionSmokingDrinking High blood pressure High blood cholesterol High blood triglyceridesOverweight/obesity Physical inactivity Diabetes

Each individual factor contributes to your risk, and the more factors you have, the greater your risk will be. Fortunately, we can control most of these risk factors. The effort we put into reducing one risk factor will have a positive impact on other risk factors – even the ones we can’t change.

你的心脏“几岁”了?一般上,我们都会从外表观察一个人的年龄。但是,你是否曾经设想过,你的心脏,到底“几岁”了? 虽然,乐观的心境能够让心脏保持年轻活力,但随著年龄老化,心脏可能无法像过去那样健康,完成输送血液的功能,尤其是那些抽烟、酗酒、营养不均衡、超时工作、压力和缺乏运动的人。我们可能加速心脏的老化过程,进而导致年轻时就已经面对各种心血管疾病。20、30岁出头的年轻人,患上高血压、高脂肪、高三酸甘油脂、甚至中风或心脏病是很普遍的事情。因此,了解自己心脏的健康状况非常重要,然后,透过改变生活习惯,维持心脏健康,预防心血管疾病!

你是否有患上心血管疾病的风险? 请从下列风险因素选项中勾出你目前的状况,评估你的心血管健康程度:

年龄 – 超过45岁 (男性) 或超过55岁 (女性) 有心血管疾病的家族病史











Total No. of Deaths: 16,215 (Year 2005)死亡人数: 16,215 (2005年)


Health Issue

Making the choice to live a healthier lifestyleThe key to leading a healthier lifestyle is to make major changes in the way you live. It may mean changing the habits of a lifetime. Even if you are not overweight you may need to change your diet to reduce cholesterol levels. Making room for exercise and other physical activity are other positive changes you can make. Find out what risk factors you have and plan accordingly.

Smoking: Smoking reduces the average lifespan by more than 13 years in men and nearly 15 years in women. Quit the habit once and for all.

Cholesterol: The waxy, fat-like cholesterol can stick to the walls of your arteries and form plaque. It is one of the main culprits that cause cardiovascular diseases. Guidelines recommend that adults consume no more than 200 mg of cholesterol each day. Make an effort to control the daily intake. The benefits will show significantly.

Triglycerides: Triglycerides are fats in the bloodstream that contribute to the hardening and narrowing of arteries that can put you at risk of having a heart attack or stroke. Some diseases such as diabetes, obesity, kidney failure or alcoholism can cause high triglycerides. High triglycerides often occur along with high levels of cholesterol. Following a healthy diet low in fats, unhealthy fats, sugars and carbohydrates and exercise regularly helps control the condition. Overweight/Obesity: “More than two-thirds of Malaysians over 18 do not exercise, government statistics show. The number of overweight Malaysian adults rose to 29.1% last year from 16.6% in 1996, while obesity increased from 4.4% to 14% during the same period.” (Source: Mon, Dec 17, 2007 Reuters) In Singapore only one quarter of adults aged 18 and above are doing exercise on a regular basis, and 6.9% of them are obese (BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2) (Singapore National Health Survey 2004). Being overweight or obese is a major cause of heart disease and stroke. It is usually correlated with high blood pressure, high triglycerides and high cholesterol, and is also a common condition for diabetes. Consult your physician or nutritionist to find out what your BMI and ideal weight should be. By making smarter food choices and setting healthy dietary goals, it is possible to take off excess weight.

Physical inactivity: Physical inactivity increases your risk of heart disease just as much as other risk factors. Proper and regular exercise not only helps strengthen your cardiovascular system, but also contributes greatly to reduce body weight and body fat.


抽烟: 抽烟会减少寿命,男性会减少13年寿命,女性则减少大约15年的寿命。为了健康着想,马上戒掉这个坏习惯。

胆固醇: 油膏般的蜡状物质 – 胆固醇会沾黏在动脉壁上,形成斑块,这是导致心血管疾病的头号杀手。健康指导建议成人每天不能摄取超过200毫克的胆固醇。控制日常的摄取量,你将会看到明显的改善效果。

三酸甘油脂: 三酸甘油脂是导致血管硬化和狭窄的元凶,增加心脏病和中风的风险。某些疾病会导致三酸甘油脂过高,例如:糖尿病、肥胖症、肾脏衰竭或酒精中毒。三酸甘油肪过高的人,通常胆固醇也会过高。选择低脂肪、避免不健康脂肪、糖和碳水化合物的健康饮食,搭配定时运动以控制三酸甘油脂过高的情况。 超重/肥胖: “政府统计显示,超过三分之二18岁以上的马来西亚公民没有运动的习惯。1996年,马来西亚成人超重的比率为16.6%,去年则增加至29.1%,肥胖症则从4.4%增加至14%。 (资料来源:2007年12月17日,星期一,路透社) 新加坡的情况也不相伯仲,只有三分之一超过18岁的成人有定时运动的习惯,6.9%的成人过度肥胖 (BMI指数≥ 30 kg/m2) (2004年新加坡国家健康调查) 超重或肥胖是导致心脏病和中风的主要因素,通常和高血压、高三酸甘油脂和高胆固醇有关,而且也是糖尿病最常见的症状。精明选择食物,拟定健康饮食目标,你可以减轻体重,甩掉多余的脂肪!

缺乏运动量: 缺乏运动和其他风险因素一样,都会增加心脏病的风险! 正确的运动方式、定时运动不但能够强化你的心血管系统,而且还能有效帮助减轻体重和减去体内脂肪。

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Beneficial ingredients from the right supplement – the key to a healthy heart!营养补充品的营养元素 – 维持心脏健康的关键!

Folic acid, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12: Aid in normal homocysteine metabolism. Homocysteine is a byproduct produced in the normal course of cell metabolism. Research suggests that high levels of homocysteine increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

叶酸、维生素B6和维生素B12: 帮助维持同半胱胺酸 (homocysteine) 的正常新陈代谢功能。同半胱胺酸是一种细胞新陈代谢的副产物。研究现实同半胱胺酸浓度过高会增加心血管疾病的风险。

Fiber: Insoluble fiber that passes through the digestive tract helps keep the colon working properly. Soluble fiber helps prevent fat and cholesterol from being absorbed into the bloodstream. Good sources of soluble fiber include cereals such as oatmeal and oat bran, fruits such as bananas, apples, peaches, and berries, and many types of beans and lentils.

纤维: 经过消化道的不可溶性纤维,能够帮助维持肠道的功能,水溶性纤维能预防血液系统吸收脂肪和胆固醇。摄取水溶性纤维的食物来源包括: 谷类食品如燕麦和麦糠、水果如: 香蕉、苹果、桃子和莓类水果,以及多种豆类和小扁豆等等。

Flavonoids & polyphenols: Are compounds with antioxidant properties found in many fruits and vegetables such as Gac, Chinese lycium, Siberian pineapple, cili fruit, green tea, grape juice and soy. These foods have been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, and flavonoids and polyphenols are believed to be the source of this benefit.

类黄酮和多酚: 蕴含在多种水果蔬菜中的抗氧化物质,例如: 木鳖果、中国枸杞、沙棘、刺梨、绿茶、葡萄汁和大豆。这些食物均被证实能减低心脏病和中风的风险,原因正是因为这些食物蕴含类黄酮和多酚。

Marine Omega 3 fatty acids: A group of essential omega-3 fatty acids rich in EPA and DHA have been widely proven in the scientific community to support cardiovascular health and normalize the body’s natural anti-inflammatory response.

源自海洋的Omega 3脂肪酸: 大量的科学研究证实富含EPA和DHA的Omega 3必须脂肪酸,能够帮助维持心血管健康以及调节人体自然的抗炎机制。

Red yeast rice: A natural dietary supplement with scientifically-supported ability to promote healthy blood cholesterol levels by the presence of HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors, enzymes that help control the amount of cholesterol produced in the liver.

紅麴: 这是一种天然的膳食补充品,科学认证蕴含还原酶抑制剂 (一种具有降血脂功效的物质) 紅麴能够帮助维持健康的胆固醇水平,控制肝脏代谢的胆固醇含量。


Celebrity Athlete

Staying on Ta


Joachim Cheng Chu SianMalaysia’s Golden Boy in archery, a name you simply cannot miss. He is currently Number 11 on the world’s individual ranking and Number 7 on the world’s team ranking.

Competing from the young age of 13, Joachim was propelled into the archery limelight after numerous outstanding performances in the junior circuits. He has since reaped an impressive string of national titles and touted to be the next shining star. Joachim was called up to the national squad shortly after garnering a team silver in the 2002 ATM Shoot competition. He was 16.

Soon after, Joachim began to emerge as a dominant archer, notably in the Men’s Recurve Individual category. His most brilliant performances to date include the recent Asian Circuit in Bangkok, Thailand where he set a new Malaysian record in the individual category and achieving team gold while breaking both the Asian and Malaysian records! Gold-medal performances in the 2007 Korat SEA Games further reveal the tip-top form of this champion archer.

One of Malaysia’s top athletes today, the Pharmanex-sponsored 22-year-old is setting his sights on the upcoming Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. We managed to speak to Joachim amidst his busy training schedule to get a glimpse into his daily activities and future plans.


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Can you describe your typical day?I usually start my day at 6:00 a.m. and follow with an hour-long morning jog till 7:30 a.m. Daily training starts from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. After that, I have my lunch and rest time. Trainings in the afternoon begin at 2:00 p.m. and last for 2½ hours. Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, I enhance my exercise regimen with intensive weight training in the gym.

How do you stay in good shape?A healthy lifestyle that includes a nourishing diet with supplementation, ample rest and sleep while maintaining compliance with my training schedules is vital. This will certainly allow me to stay fresh and fully concentrated during rigorous trainings and most importantly, during competitions.

Please share with us about your nutrition and diet plan.

Sports and nutrition go hand-in-hand. As a professional athlete, I definitely require a well-balanced nutrition plan for optimal health and performance. My daily meals are designed and prepared by the National Sports Council according to my fitness plans. Eating a variety of foods allows me to stay in peak playing shape while powering my game for the long haul.

Matching my nutrition plan with complementary supplements is essential as this plays a key role in my overall performance. After all, a healthy life comes from the food and supplements we eat.

What are your favorite Pharmanex® products & why?

My favorite Pharmanex® product is g3™! Other than boosting my antioxidant defense and immunity in the body, it notably complements LifePak® and Tegreen 97™ which I also consume on a daily basis. The rejuvenating effects of these supplements enable me to stay calm and focused during trainings and competitions.

What do you usually do in your free time?Surfing the net, listening to music and reading helps me to relax whereas gardening has certainly allowed me to stay close to nature while basking under the sun. As trainings and competitions have taken up a huge part of my time, I do enjoy going to the movies with my family members or close friends too.

Tell us about your future goals and plans.I hope that with my passion and achievements in archery, I can aspire more young Malaysians to discover their talents and interest in the game. Most significantly, I aim to stay on target and triumph in the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.


马来西亚的射箭好手,一个如此闪耀的名字。他目前在世界个人排名上占第11位,而世界团体排名则高居第7名。 从年幼的13岁起,础先便崭露头角,在数项青年锦标赛中取得非凡的成绩而备受瞩目。自那时起,他已接踵夺得无数的国内锦标头衔,亦誉为下一颗体坛之星。周贤在赢得了于2002年举行的ATM射箭挑战杯团体赛银牌后随即步入国家队。当时,他仅仅16岁。

不久,础先也稳健地展露了射箭冠军的风范,尤其是在男子个人反曲弓项目中。他至今的精湛表现包括了刚在泰国曼谷举行的亚洲射箭锦标赛的个人项目中刷新了大马记录,而在团体赛中夺冠兼打破亚洲与大马的射箭纪录! 在近期的2007年的呵叻东南亚运动会中,勇夺金牌的佳绩更进一步显示了这名射箭冠军目前正处于最佳状态。






你最喜欢的华茂生技产品有哪些? 为什么?我最喜欢的华茂生技产品就是g3™活能饮品! 除了能增强我体内的抗氧化防卫系统与免疫能力外,它也与另两个我同样信赖的如沛补充营养素与绿茶精华素有显著的互补效果。这组保健品所富有的还原功效能令我在集训与比赛时保持镇定与集中力。



Staying on Ta















Triglyceride is a form of fat. People with high triglycerides often have a high total cholesterol level too. Based on the American Heart Association’s guideline for triglycerides, 200 mg/dL and above is considered as high risk.

Many people have high triglyceride levels due to being overweight/obese, physical inactivity, cigarette smoking, excess alcohol consumption and/or a diet very high in carbohydrates (60 percent more calories). High triglycerides are a lifestyle-related risk factor; however, underlying diseases or genetic disorders can be the cause.

A triglyceride level of 150 mg/dL or higher in the bloodstream is one of the risk factors of metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome increases the risk for atherosclerosis, heart diseases, stroke and other disorders including diabetes.

Ways to reduce triglyceride levels include:

Change lifestyle: weight control, heart-healthy diet (including taking more fruits and vegetables), get regular physical exercise, avoid tobacco smoke, limit alcohol consumption and limit beverages and foods with added sugars.

Consider supplements with Omega-3 fatty acids from fish oils, red yeast rice extract and fat-binding weight loss products.

Omega-3 fatty acids from fish oils have been highly recommended by the American Heart Association for the benefits of heart health due to its many substantiated scientific findings. Extract from red yeast rice, likewise, shows many benefits in lowing LDL (bad) cholesterol. Fat-binding weight loss products work effectively for reducing the fat absorption in the digestive system. Some of the Pharmanex® products that provide the dietary ingredients are MarineOmega™, Opti Omega™, Cholestin™, FIBREnet® and Duolean™.

I have been diagnosed with high triglycerides, what are the supplements that can help my condition?





改变生活习惯:控制体重、选择促进心脏健康的饮食(包括摄取大量的水果和蔬菜)、保持固定运动量、避免抽烟、控制酒精、含糖食品或饮料的摄取量。不妨考虑从鱼油摄取Omega 3脂肪酸、紅麴萃取物或抑制脂肪吸收的瘦身产品。

美国心脏协会强力推荐蕴含Omega 3脂肪酸的鱼油产品,原因是大量的科学研究证实鱼油能有效促进心脏健康。另外,研究证实紅麴萃取精华能够有效降低坏胆固醇。抑制脂肪吸收的瘦身产品能够有效减少消化道吸收脂肪。部分华茂生技产品蕴含上述成分,例如:深海赋活鱼油、精选鱼油、紅麴清醇胶囊、FiberNet纤贝丽营养素和Duolean纤度丽。

Ask the ExpertTan Sri Datuk Dr. Augustine Ong is a member of Pharmanex Regional Scientific Advisory Board (Singapore/Malaysia/Brunei), and is a prominent a n d o u t s t a n d i n g M a l a y s i a n academician, scientist and an expert in Physical Organic Chemistry. Currently, he is the Chairman of the Society for Free Radical Research for Malaysia, whose main objective is to share and educate the public on effective ways to promote healthy aging in relation to antioxidants.


Tan Sri DatukDr. Augustine S. H. Ong丹斯里拿督王顺福高级院士博士

Chairman of the Society for Free Radical Research for Malaysia & Pharmanex Regional Scientific A d v i s o r y B o a r d M e m b e r (Singapore/Malaysia/Brunei)







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The facial movements you repeatedly make will create creases that deepen with age and translate into lines on the forehead, frown lines between the eyebrows, and squint lines around the eyes. Other behaviors that contribute to this kind of mechanical aging are improper skin care, losing and gaining weight rapidly and repeatedly, smoking, and exposure to sun damage. Even everyday actions like sucking on a straw and squinting can undermine your best skin care efforts.

In order to reduce these lines and wrinkles, you should avoid wrinkle causing behaviors to prevent future impressions. And to repair existing fine lines and creases, supplement your skin’s natural collagen with products designed to help promote collagen production.

Nu Skin’s Tru Face™ Line Corrector is a product which offers a targeted approach to help the most aggressive signs of aging. It features revolutionary pro-collagen peptides that help soften moderate to deep lines around your mouth, eyes and forehead. Medical science has recently discovered that peptides have the ability to send age-reversing signals to collagen-producing cells, promoting younger looking skin. The peptides in Tru Face™ Line Corrector are especially designed to help in these collagen enhancing activities.

In order to more effectively treat specific target areas, Galvanic Spa™ System II new spot treatment conductor is highly recommended to be used with Tru Face™ Line Corrector to work synergistically in helping to enhance the delivery of pro-collagen peptides. Using it with Galvanic Spa™ is the enhanced treatment you receive from the positively charged peptide being paired with the positive polarity of the Galvanic Spa™ Instrument. The peptide in Tru Face™ Line Corrector will more effectively permeate the skin when used with galvanic current. This bundle allows you to better target specific areas of the face and gives an added boost to your existing anti-aging treatment regimen. Nu Skin studies have shown better clinical improvement with the combination compared to using the product alone.





Dr. Helen E. KnaggsVice President, Nu Skin Global Research and Development

Helen E. Knaggs医生如新全球研究和发展副总裁

Dr. Knaggs has over 15 years’ experience in product research and development. Her expertise in skin and hair biology has helped produce numerous patents, presentations and publications. Prior to joining Nu Skin Enterprises, Dr. Knaggs worked for Uni lever in both the United States and Asia. Dr. Knaggs earned Bachelor’s degrees in biochemistry and pharmacology, and a doctorate degree from the University of Leeds, a premier institution in England.


Is there any treatment which helps to diminish deep lines and wrinkleson my skin, especially on my forehead and corner of my eyes?





Force for Good

The Nu Skin Enterprises culture is one of empowerment that works for the betterment of all. It not only unleashes the potential in people to be successful, but also connects us in a compassionate way to improve people’s lives.

The compassion we speak of can be seen in Nu Skin Enterprises’ mission to be a Force for Good. The company demonstrates this resolve through various Force for Good initiatives, making great strides in helping needy children all over the world.

In Malaysia, we continue to support a centre for under privileged children called Harvest Centre. Over the years, Nu Skin Malaysia has successfully carried out various projects with Harvest Centre to provide the opportunity for less privileged children to learn, develop and lead better lives. Ongoing since 2003, these programs have benefited over 300 children and youth, and the number keeps growing.

A new area that deserves special mention is our Force for Good Corner which is located in the new Kuala Lumpur Showcase. Although recent, this Force for Good project that was launched earlier this year is already paving the way to provide job opportunities to the less privileged. We are currently working with Shuang Fu, a society for the disabled, to help us run the Force for Good Corner during month ends when snacks and drinks are sold.

In dealing with social inequality, one of the greatest challenges the disabled often face is securing a job that will help them lead productive lives. When we meet someone with a physical disability, the disability seems to stand out in our minds so much that we often forget that the person is still a human being. They are simply different in ways that we either can or cannot see. Although they have difficulty doing things other people take for granted, they are capable of learning new skills if given the chance.

The Force for Good Corner is a great avenue to empower people with disabilities to lead more meaningful lives because they get to participate fully in a workplace environment, gain useful and worthwhile experiences, learn something that will help boost their confidence, and learn skills that they can take elsewhere.

So the next time you’re at our Kuala Lumpur Showcase, pop in for a snack at our Force for Good Corner and say hello to our friends from Shuang Fu. We’re sure they’ll be delighted to get to know you!

Force for Good Corner

BringingChange through Empowerment赐予改善生活的力量


我们这里所讲的就是如新企业集团的使命 – 善的力量。该公司透过各种善的力量活动来展现我们的决心,帮助全世界的孩童改善他们的生活。

在马来西亚,我们继续透过Harvest Centre帮助不幸的孩童,在过去几年,如新马来西亚与Harvest Centre合作主办各类活动,为不幸的孩童提供一个可以学习,自我提升和提高生活素质的机会。自2003年,该合作已经帮助超过300名孩童和年青人,并且更多的孩童将会受益。

还有一个特别的事件是位于吉隆坡展销中心的Force for Good Corner。虽然才刚营业,但是这个在今年年初推出的活动已经为不幸的一群提供就业机会。目前,我们与双福,残障自强发展协会合作经营Force for Good Corner,在每一个月尾售卖小食和饮料。


Force for Good Corner是一个能够让残障人士享有更好生活的途径,因为他们可以参与真正的工作环境,获得丰富的工作经验。这不但能够让他们重获信心,更可以学以致用。

所以,当您下一次去吉隆坡展销中心时,别忘了去拜访我们的Force for Good Corner,我相信来自双福的朋友将会欢迎您的到来!

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About Shuang Fu(Double BlessingDisabled Independent Living Association)Shuang Fu was founded in 2000 with the aim to enrich the lives of the disabled through training and building up their self confidence. To achieve this, the centre provides vocational training to develop their potential through working skills training, and also assists them to seek better job opportunities by supportive employment and job placement schemes. The centre is also highly involved in promoting the well-being of the disabled. Shuang Fu is a charitable organization registered with the Registrar of Societies and is open to all, regardless of race or religion.



Providing HALAL Assurance

All products under Pharmanex® have been certified

Halal by the Islamic Food & Nutrition Council

of America (IFANCA). IFANCA is accepted by all

Muslim countries and halal importing regions as

a reputable halal-certifying agency. The IFANCA

Halal certificate is recognized and endorsed by

various governmental organizations, and has

worldwide acceptance.

Nu Skin Enterprises Singapore Pte Ltd9 Penang Road, Park Mall #10-08, Singapore 238459

Tel: 65 68373363 Fax: 65 6837 3353www.nuskin.com