GLOBAL REVIEW. TOPIC 1 –geography / people * * What is a belief system? What is a religion? ...

Post on 26-Dec-2015

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Transcript of GLOBAL REVIEW. TOPIC 1 –geography / people * * What is a belief system? What is a religion? ...


TOPIC 1 –geography / people

* *

What is a belief system? What is a religion? Primary vs. Secondary

Scarcity Archeology Artifact Region Fact vs. Opinion Cultural Diffusion

Geographic Isolation Irregular vs. Regular

Coastline Agriculture Monotheistic vs.

Polytheistic Archipelago Paleolithic vs. Neolithic Domestication Topographic vs. Political


Topic 2 – early civilizations Egypt

River Writing Rosetta Stone Mono or Polytheistic Papyrus Pyramid Mummification

Mesopotamia River Writing Hammurabi Mono or polytheistic Ziggurats

Topic 2 – civilizations cont’d India

River? Peninsula Religion Caste System Human Rights

China River? Ethnocentrism Dynasty Silk road Belief system

Topic 3 – Religions/Belief Systems Judaism

Holy Book is? Founder is? Where began, holy

land? Moses Hebrew Symbol Beliefs

Christianity Holy Book is? Founder is? Where began, holy

land? Messiah Moses Symbol St. Paul Beliefs Shared beliefs with


Topic 3 – Religions/Belief Systems Hindu

Brahman Brahma, Visnau, Shiva Reincarnation Karma / Dharma Caste System Untouchable Sati Holy Book? Founder? Holy Land / began

where Beliefs / Symbol

Islam (Muslim) Mecca Gabriel Hijra Holy Book? Founder? Holy Land / began

where? 5 Pillars are… Beliefs and Symbol

Topic 3 – Religions/Belief Systems Buddhism

Holy Book? Siddhartha Guatama Nirvana 4 Noble Truths 8 Fold Path Relation to Hindu ?? Found where?

Confucianism Golden Rule Holy Book Founder? 5 Key Relationships Founder ? Found where ?

Belief Systems cont’d Animism

Everything has a spirit African Tribes

Shinto Everything has a spirit Japan

Topic 4 – Classic Civilizations - GREECE Athens and Sparta Similarities Differences Limited Democracy Homer THE TROJAN WAR – Who fought? Why was it

fought? Outcome? Homer Persia Acropolis Monarchy Polis Alliance

Alexander the Great Philip of Macedonia Hellenistic Oligarchy Aristocracy Aristotle, Plato,

Socrates Persia and Greece Aegean Sea

Topic 4 –cont’d -- ROME Roman Republic vs. Roman

Empire Triumverate Senate 12 Tables Patrician and Plebian Dictator Veto Who fought 3 Punic Wars Carthage Coliseum Hannibal Bread and Circuses Julius Caesar Ides of March Cleopatra

Culture Mark Antony Augustus (Octavian) Princeps Pax Romana Civil Law / Law of Nations Greco-Roman Ideas Examples of Roman Aquaduct Constantinople Barbarian invasions Why do some argue it

did NOT fall? Diocletian, Constantine East and West Empire

split 476 AD

Topic 4 cont’d - Byzantine East/West Empire Eastern Orthodox vs. Roman Catholic Orthodox faith in Byzantine Icon Great Schism Constantine’s importance

New Rome - Constantinople Byzantium

Hagia Sophia Justinian / Justinians

Code Decline of Byzantine

Empire Impact on Russia–

CZAR – Cryllic Alphabet


Isolationist Ethnocentric Middle Kingdom Yellow River (Huang He) Dynasty Ruling Family Merchants Peasants Polytheistic Yin and Yang Mandate of Heaven Confucianism Qin Dynasty Han Dynasty Tang Dynasty Song Dynasty

Topic 5 - AFRICA Savanna

Sahara Desertification Bantu Migration

Old, Middle, New Kingdoms

Slaves Aksum (300-700)

Eastern Africa/ current Ethiopia

Ghana (800-1000) Western Africa Gold and Salt Trade Muslim influence

Mali (1200-1450)

Western Africa Mansa Musa

Muslim influence

Timbuktu Gold and Salt trade

Songhai (1450-1600) Western Africa Trade Muslim influence

African contributions Ivory, wood, bronze

Gold and Salt Trade routes


Japan Archipelago Mountainous 15% of land

‘farmable’ Importance of fishing Irregular Coastline Influence of Chinq

Japanese Feudal Structure

Meiji Restoration --


Time Period of Middle Ages, and Where? Charlemagne Castles Feudal Structure Chivalry Role of Catholic Church Excommunicate Interdict Secular Missionary Canon Law Troubadours Manor, Estate ,Fief Tithe Gothic Styles Guilds Germanic Tribes and Frankish Empire The Manor is self-sufficient, what

does that mean?

The Crusades What are the

crusades? Pope Urban II What was the

purpose? Joan of Arc The Holy Land is

where? Secular The Bubonic Plague

Topic 7- The Renaissance / Reformation Commercial Revolution Humanism Money, trade Leonardo DaVinci (examples) New middle class Michelangelo (examples) Guild Raphael (examples) Florence Shakespeare (examples) Greek/Roman ideas (classical)

return Machiavelli (examples) Johan Gutenberg Influence of Church on Art The Printing Press and its

importance (give at least 3 examples)

Martin Luther (his beliefs, what did he preach?)

95 Thesis John Calvin (his beliefs, what

did he preach?) Lutherans John Tetzel Protestants Indulgences 1517 Pre-destination Theocracy The Catholic Counter

Reformation Ignatius of Loyola Council of Trent

Exploration What are the reasons to

explore? 3 g’s ! Vasco da Gama What countries began to

explore? Magellan Columbus colonies Dutch / British / French East

India Companies Conquistadors Cortes Pizarro French and Indian War Peninsulare

Columbian Exchange Triangular Trade Encomienda System

Creole Mestizo / Mulatto Peasants

Middle Passage African and Native Slave Mercantilism Capitalism Begins Affect of unknown diseases

Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment Scientific method Heliocentric vs.

Geocentric Hypothesis Question Authority of the

Church Copernicus Galileo Isaac Newton Gravity Role of medicine Role of


John Locke / natural rights

Thomas Hobbes / Social Contract

What is a Philosopher Impact on the USA

Constitution? Montesquieu /

Separation of Powers Voltaire / Freedom of

Speech Question Authority of

the Gov’t

Absolute and Limited Monarchs Absolutism Limited vs. Absolute Monarchy Louis XIV- Sun King Palace of Versailles Divine Right Parliament Glorious Revolution English Civil War (who fought,

who won, any effects?) Roundheads vs. Cavaliers Oliver Cromwell Henry VIII Church of England - Protestant William and Mary English Bill of Rights

Westernization of RUSSIA

Peter the Great-trade with the west

Catherine the Great-warm water port

French Revolution Absolute Monarch 3 estates- % of pop % of

tax Estates General Tennis Court Oath Coup d’etat Storming of the Bastille Louis XIV Louis XVI Marie Antoinette Guillotine Max Robespierre Great Fear

Let them eat cake

Napoleon Napoleonic code Scorched earth

policy Battle of Waterloo Congress of Vienna Metternich

Latin American Revolutions Latin American Revolutions

Fought FOR who and AGAINST who Simon Bolivar(nicknamed ___________) Father Miguel Hidalgo Father Jose Morelos Jose de San Martin Toussant L’Ouverture

Industrial Revolution Began where? Factors of Production Capital is $ Working conditions Social Darwinism Factories Suffrage Workers union Strike Collective Bargaining

Socialism vs. Capitalism Socialism Bourgeoisie Proletariat Communist Manifesto Karl Marx Capitalism Adam Smith Wealth of Nations Laissez-Fare Private vs. Public

Imperialism in China and Japan Opium War

(_______vs_______) Hong Kong Spheres of Influence Open Door Policy Taiping Rebellion Boxer Rebellion

Matthew Perry Meiji Restoration

Tokugowa Shogunate Modernization Imperialization

Imperialism in India and S. Africa Caste system British East India

Company F.W. de Klerk Gandhi Sikh Nehru Civil Disobedience Salt March Indian National


Scramble for Africa Boer War Apartheid African National

Congress White Man’s Burden

Desmond Tutu Nelson Mandela

WWI Archduke Franz

Ferdinand Black Hand Gavrilo Princip Trench Warfare /

Western Front Propaganda Armistice League of Nations Treaty of Versailles New Weapons used

Allied Powers Total War Central Powers

War reparations Balkan Peninsula

No man’s land Slavic Countries Changing role of


RUSSIAN REVOLUTION Revolution of 1917

Red Army vs. White Army

Czar Nicholas II Romanov (Anastasia)

Bolshevik Communist Totalitarian VI Lenin Trotsky

Marx / Communist Manifesto

Josef Stalin Censorship Great Purge Command vs.

Capitalist economy


WWII Fascism Allied Powers vs. Central Powers Anschlus Appeasement Pearl Harbor Kamikazi Mussolini Manhattan Project / A-Bomb Hitler United Nations Franklin D. Roosevelt D-Day Harry Truman Charles de Gaulle Winston Churchill Battle of Stalingrad

3rd Reich Battle of Stalingrad Battle at Midway Final Solution Hiroshima / Nagasaki VE DAY VJ DAY Concentration vs.

Extermination camps Kristallnacht Genocide Holocaust Nuremburg Trials Human Rights


Superpowers Berlin Wall Containment Detente Iron Curtain The Zones of West and

East Germany Truman Doctrine The Zones of East Germany Marshall Plan Berlin Airlift NATO Warsaw Pact

Nikita Khrushchev Mikhail Gorbachev

November 9, 1989 Boris Yeltsin Perestroika Glasnost Vladimir Putin U-2 / U-2 Incident A-Bomb / H-Bomb Open skies