バルクキャリアの 安全性に関する調査検討...バルクキャリアの安全(Bulk...

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研究資料 No. 285R


バルクキャリアの 安全性に関する調査検討



社団法人 日本造船研究協会


は し が き



RR-R6 バルクキャリアの安全 調査検討会名簿(順不同、敬称略)

委員長 有馬 俊朗 (日本海事協会)

委 員 吉田 公一 (海上技術安全研究所)

兼清 忠 (日本海事協会)

山口 信之 (三菱重工業)

佐々木高幸 (アイ・エイチ・アイ マリンユナイテッド)

山本 聡 (ユニバーサル造船)

前田 泰自 (三井造船)

森 茂博 (大島造船所)

喜多村和博 (常石造船)

高野 優一 (日本船主協会)

(増田洋一郎 日本船主協会)

米澤 挙志 (日本郵船)

大竹 輝幸 (商船三井)

有坂 俊一 (川崎汽船)

関係官庁 今出 秀則 (国土交通省海事局安全基準課)

(山田 浩之 国土交通省海事局安全基準課)

平川 貴光 (国土交通省海事局安全基準課)

事務局 柳瀬 啓 (日本造船研究協会 IMO 担当)

山岸 進 (日本造船研究協会)

注:( )内は前任者を示す。


目 次 頁

1. はじめに・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 1

2. IMO の動向・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 2

2.1 第 77 回海上安全委員会(MSC77)までの合意事項・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・2

2.2 第 47 回設計設備小委員会(DE47)・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・2

2.3 第 78 回海上安全委員会(MSC78)・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 9

2.4 第 79 回海上安全委員会(MSC79)・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・10

2.5 第 48 回設計設備小委員会(DE48)・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 11

3. SOLAS 条約第ⅩⅡ章改正に関する検討・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・12

3.1 第 78 回海上安全委員会(MSC78)で承認された SOLAS 条約ⅩⅡ章改正案・・・・・・12

3.2 第 79 回海上安全委員会(MSC79)で承認された SOLAS 条約新ⅩⅡ章・・・・・・・・・15

4. 第 48 回設計設備小委員会(ME48)、第 13 回旗国小委員会(FSI13)等への対応 17

4.1 バルクキャリアの二重船側構造及びバラストタンクに適用される塗装基準 SOLAS


4.2 バルクキャリアの定義に起因する問題(FSI13、MSC80 関連)・・・・・・・・・・・・・17

4.3 自由降下型救命艇及びそのフロートフリー要件に関する検討・・・・・・・・・・・・・19

4.4 イマーションスーツの搭載要件・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・22

5. まとめ(今後の対応・検討)・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・25

6. 資料リスト・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・27

(1) MSC 79で採択された SOLAS条約第 XII章改正条文(決議MSC.170(79)抜粋)29 (2) MSC 78で承認された SOLAS条約第 XII章改正条文(MSC 78/26/Add.1 ANNEX)43 (3) MSC 79への我が国提案文書

(3.1) MSC 79/3/9・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・53 (3.2) MSC 79/3/10・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・57 (4) DE 48への我が国提案文書

(4.1) DE 48/12/1・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・63 (4.2) DE 48/12/2・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・67 (4.3) DE 48/12/3・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・73 (4.4) DE 48/12/4・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・79 (4.5) DE 48/12/5・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・83 (5) FSI 13への我が国提案文書

FSI 13/12/4・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・89 (6) DE 48への英国意見書

DE 48/INF.6(文献名のみ)・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 97


1. はじめに

1.1 研究の背景と今年度の研究の目的 1998 年 12 月に開かれた第 70 回海上安全委員会(MSC 70)において開始することが決定された Bulk Carrier Safety に関する Formal Safety Assessment(BCS/FSA)は、英国の主導する国際プロジェクト、

日本、ノルウェーなどの複数のグループによって実施された。日本の BCS/FSA は、平成 11 年度から

第 74 基準研究部会で検討を行い、2002 年 5 月の MSC 75 にその最終報告を行った。その後、2002 年

12 月の MSC 76 において日本以外の FSA 研究の成果も含めてそれらを検討し、バルクキャリアの安全

強化策案が概ね導かれ、2003 年 3 月の第 46 回設計設備小委員会(DE 46)及び同 6 月の MSC 77 にお

いては、合意された安全強化策についてより具体的な検討が行われた。平成 14 年度より第 74 基準検

討部会を引き継ぐ形で発足した RR-S702 バルクキャリア分科会では、BCS/FSA の実施に引き続きバル

クキャリアの安全強化策の具体化に関する検討に対応し、その一つの結論として SOLAS 条約 XII 章

の改正案を策定し 2004 年 3 月の DE 47 に対して提出している。 その後 SOLAS 条約 XII 章の改正案は、DE 47 及び 2004 年 5 月の MSC 78 において審議の結果、承


塗装の性能標準を開発し二重船側区画に適用する等の新たな課題が生じた。 本 RR-R6 は、本年度より RR-S702 を引き継ぐ形で発足したものであるが、本年度の研究目的は、

上記 MSC 78 の結論を受けて、MSC 79 で採択される SOLAS 条約 XII 章の改正をより適切なものとす

るとともに、関連する事項に関する議論に貢献することである。特に、改正 XII 章の適用に関連して


係者に大きな影響を与える問題であり、これまでの調査・研究の成果のもとに更に検討を進め、IMOにおける議論に対処することも本委員会の目的である。なお、塗装の性能基準自体については、IMOで議論されている Goal Based Standard(GBS)と密接に関係する問題であり、GBS に対応する中期プ

ロジェクト RR-MP1 と調整を行った結果、RR-MP1 の下に塗装の性能基準 WG が設置され、検討が行



2. IMO の動向

2.1 第 77 回海上安全委員会(MSC77)までの合意事項 バルクキャリアに対する安全強化策については 1998 年 12 月に開催された第 70 回海上安全委員会

(MSC 70)より種々の検討がなされてきたが、2003 年 5 月に開催された MSC 77 までに基本的な点で

合意され、SOLAS 条約 XII 章の改正や MSC/Circular としてまとめるべく詳細について検討されること

になっている安全強化策は、次のとおりとなっている。 a. 政府、船主、オペレーター及びターミナルオペレーターに BLU コード(Code of Practice for

the Safe Loading and Unloading of Bulk Carriers)の適用(2003 年 9 月に開催された第 8 回危

険物・固体貨物及びコンテナ小委員会(DSC 8)において同コードの適用を要請するサー

キュラー案がとりまとめられており、MSC 78 に報告される予定。) b. 新造バルクキャリアの Loading/Unloading 時の縦強度及び復原性に関する情報の改善(2003

年 9 月に開催された第 46 回復原性・満載喫水線・漁船小委員会(SLF 46)において検討の


スグループにおいて今後検討されることとなっているが、長さ 150 m未満のバルクキャリ

アに対して復原性コンピュータの搭載を要求する第 XII 章の改正案が合意されており、

MSC 78 に報告される予定。) c. 現存バルクキャリアに対する隔倉積の禁止 d. 現存バルクキャリアに対する早期退船ガイダンスの備付け e. バルクキャリアの査察に対する PSC オフィサーの訓練に関するサーキュラー案の作成

(2004 年 3 月に開催される第 12 回旗国小委員会(FSI 12)において検討される予定。) f. 新造バルクキャリアに対する二重船側構造の強制化及び二重船側に関する定義 g. 新造バルクキャリアの二重船側区画の塗装標準の作成 h. 二重船側バルクキャリアに対する貨物倉浸水を考慮した強度要件(現行第 XII 章第 5 規則

に相当するもの)の適用 i. ハッチカバーの検査及び保守に関する指針(MSC/Circ.1071)の強制化 j. 乗船者全員に対するイマーションスーツの備付け(MSC 77 において SOLAS 条約第 III 章

の改正案が既に承認されている。) k. 新造バルクキャリアに対する自動離脱式自由降下型救命艇の備え付け

2.2 第 47 回設計設備小委員会(DE 47) 第 47 回設計設備小委員会(DE 47)は 2004 年 2 月 25 日から 3 月 5 日まで IMO の本部で開催され、

バルクキャリアの安全(Bulk Carrier Safety)については、議題 14、15、16、17 及び 18 で検討され、

バルクキャリアの安全対策の一つである自動浮揚機能付き自由降下型救命艇については議題 19 で検

討された。主な決定事項は以下のとおりとなっている。 2.2.1 SOLAS 条約 XII 章改正案

SOLAS 条約の XII 章の改正案の審議に関しては、日本提案(DE 47/16/1)と業界(BIMCO、ICS 及

び INTERCARGO)提案(DE 47/16/2)の2つが提案されていた。我が国提案は XII 章全体を全面的に

書き換えているのに対して、業界提案では出来る限り現行の XII 章のテキストを残し、これまでの


MSC と DE の合意事項を取り込むために部分的に書き換える提案となっていた。議長がどちらをベー



た。改正案の内容については以下のとおり。 (1) 二重船側構造の適用

ICS は DE 47/16/3 を説明し、二重船側構造の強制化は必要なく、船主のオプションとすべきとの主

張を行った。これをギリシャ、中国が支持した。IMO 及び DE 議長から、今回の DE は MSC からの指

示に基づき規則改正案を審議する場であり、MSC での決定事項である二重船側構造の強制化の可否を

議論すべき場ではないと旨の発言があり、それ以上の議論は行われなかった。 (2) バルクキャリアの定義(Reg.1)

SOLAS 条約の改正 XII 章(2006 年7月発効見込み)のバルクキャリアの定義(Reg.1)が修正され、

断面形状に係わらず、Primarily に Dry Cargo を Bulk で運ぶ船舶は全てバルクキャリアとすることが合

意された。また、業界(PSC を含む)の誤解を避けるため、Primarily の解釈を記述したガイダンスを

開発するよう MSC 78 に要請することとなった。なお、SOLAS 条約の改正 XII 章の発効前(2006 年 7月以前)に建造された船舶に対する定義は、関連の解釈及び決議を含め現行とおりとすることが確認

されている。(例えば、TST の無いチップ船は適用対象外となる。)

(議事概要) “Bulk Carrier means a ship which is intended primarily to carry dry cargo in bulk, including such types as ore carriers and combination carriers.” がバルクキャリアの定義となったため、現行 XII 章では

バルクキャリアには該当しなかったチップ船、OPEN BC 等が改正 XII 章ではバルクキャリアに

分類されることとなる。既存の二重船側バルクキャリア(現行 XII 章の要件を適用していない

船舶)の扱いが議論になったが、… a bulk carrier as defined in paragraph 1, in which all cargo holds are bounded by a double-side skin.zという表現になったため、そのまま二重船側バルクキャ

リアとして扱われる。ただし、2000 年 1 月1日以前に建造された二重船側バルクキャリアにつ

いては 760mm 以上、2000 年 1 月1日以降に建造された二重船側バルクキャリアについては

1,000mm 以上の船側幅を持つのみを二重船側バルクキャリアとすることは従来どおりである。 一般貨物船がバルクキャリアになるか否かは“Primarily”の解釈次第となる。オランダは、従来

バルクキャリアに含まれなかった船舶が PSC(Port State Control)にバルクキャリアと判断され

た場合に混乱が生じるとの懸念を指摘した。我が国をはじめ大勢がこれを支持したため、MSC 78 に対して、バルクキャリアを特定するためのガイドラインを開発するよう要請することにな

った。我が国は、新 XII 章の第 1 規則について、『業界提案のままでは、現行 XII 章ではバルク

キャリアに分類されない船舶(チップ船、OPEN BC 船、一部のセメント船等)が、施行と同時

にバルクキャリアに分類され、XII 章の規則が適用されてしまうことになる』との懸念を表明

した。WG の大勢は日本の懸念を理解せず、一旦は、原案とおりとし、日本の発言を文書で提

出し議事録に残すことにするとの結論に至った。しかしながら、WG の時間外に英国を初めと

する主要メンバーと調整した結果、WG は日本の懸念を理解し、新 XII 章の発効前に建造され

た船舶については、従来の定義と解釈に従って判断するべきことが合意され、XII/1.1 に該当解



(3) XII 章の適用(Reg.2)

業界提案では、現行 XII 章の第 2 規則に修正はなかったが、適用について記述している関連の MSC決議(MSC.79(70)、MSC.89(71))を参照するために脚注をつけることが合意された。 (4) 実施期日(Reg.3)

1999 年 7 月 1 日以前の建造船を対象としたもので、過去の期日を考慮し修正したものであり、特段

の議論は行われなかった。 (5) 損傷時復原性と貨物倉浸水時の強度(Reg.4 & 5) 単船側構造のバルクキャリアのみならず、二重船側バルクキャリアであっても、全ての載貨状態で、




なお、両規則ともB/5 を超える幅の二重船側を持つバルクキャリアは適用除外となる。また、貨物密

度 1000 kg/m3以上の場合に限定された。

(議事概要) 我が国は DE 47/16/1、DE 47/15、DE 47/INF.6、DE 47/INF.9 及び DE 47/INF.10 を説明し、二重船






条件も同時に変更し、動的荷重成分を修正する必要がある。更に、Permeability についても現実

的で精度の高い値を XII 章に規定すべきである」と主張した。我が国意見に同意する意見も出

されたが、英国、ICS を中心に「浸水条件はシンプルであることが望まれ、現状のホールドの






て仮想的な貨物倉浸水を考慮することに合意した。 我が国は、貨物倉のみの浸水を条件にした場合、単船側バルクキャリアと異なり、ホールドの




最終的に各国からの理解を得ることができ、”… flooding of the cargo hold space to the water level outside the ship in that flooded condition.”という文面が、浸水条件として記載されることとなった。 日本から文書にて提案していた 貨物の種類毎に浸水率を設定する案に ついては、1)現行






った。 第 4 規則の適用対象船について、業界提案ではB/5 より内側は浸水しない、日本提案は第 5 規

則含めてB/5 或いは 11.5 mより内側は浸水しないとなっていた。我が国は、第 4 規則について

はB/5 より内側の貨物倉は浸水しないという主旨は同じであるので、業界提案を支持した。そ

の結果、”…with a double-side skin space less than B/5.”という文章が明記された。従って、Ore Carrierは本規則の対象船から除外される。同様に、”… designed to carry solid bulk cargoes having a density of 1,000 kg/m3 and above,…”という文章が明記されたため、チップ船は本規則の対象か

ら除外される。 第 5 規則の適用対象船については、業界提案では第 4 規則同様に貨物密度 1000 kg/m3以上に限



が国の改正案では第 4 規則同様、B/5 以上のサイドタンクを有する船は対象から除外すべきと

の提案となっていた。議論の過程で、英国から第 5 規則は第 4 規則と同じ浸水条件とすべきと


で、浸水条件及び適用条件ともに第 4 規則と同様の文章とすることで合意された。 (6) バルクキャリアに対する構造及びその他の要件(Reg.6)

SOLAS条約の改正XII章の発効後に建造される貨物密度 1000 kg/m3以上のSolid Bulk Cargoを運ぶ長

さ 150 m以上のバルクキャリアは、二重船側構造とすることが強制化された。(Reg.1 のバルクキャリ




能要件はないことが確認された。) 二重船側部には(Top Side Tankを除いて)貨物を積載してはなら


(議事概要) DE では Protection Coating の基準を策定すべきと指示されているが、提案文書が出ていないこ

と等について議長から説明があった。これに対して、現在、Ballast Tank の Coating については

策定中であり、近日中に纏まる予定であるとの発言が IACSからあった。議長から業界標準の

存在も考慮して検討すべきとの追加コメントがあった。WG では保護のための塗装の性能要件

を如何にして開発すべきか等について審議されることとなった。(2.2.5 参照) 第6規則には二重船側構造とすることを強制化するための要件が規定された。業界提案では貨


物を積載するバルクキャリアのリスク低減が目的であるので、貨物密度 1,000 kg/m3以上の船に

限定すべきとの提案を行った。第 5 規則までの議論で大勢は高比重貨物を積載するバルクキャ

リアが問題であるとの共通認識をもつに至ったと思われ、特段の反対も無く、第 4 規則同様に



(7) バルクキャリアの検査及び保守(Reg.7) 第 7.1 規則は 10 年超のバルクキャリアが高比重貨物(1,780 kg/m3)以上の貨物を運ぶためには、1XI

章の第 2 規則で要求される検査を受けなければならないという従来からある規定であり、特段の議論

は行われなかった。MSC 77 の決定を受けて、ハッチカバーの検査と船主による検査と保守を強制化

するための規定が第 7.2 規則として新設され、MSC決議により”Standards for owners’ inspections and maintenance of bulk carriers hatch covers”(強制標準である点に注意) を使用することをSOLAS条約締

結国に求めることが合意された。(2.2.2 参照) (8) Loading Instrument(Reg.11)

SLF 46 にて長さ 150 m 未満のバルクキャリアについて、復原性計算機能を備えた Loading Instrument(縦強度に関する情報は要求されていない。)の搭載を強制化すべきことが決定されたため、本規則に

該当する規定を追加した。 我が国は、現行の第 11 規則は長さ 150 m 以上の現存船にも遡及適用されるので、バルクキャリアの




ないとの考えが大勢を占めたが、最終的に第 1 規則の定義が我が国提案を反映する形となったため、

上記懸念事項は解消された。 (9) 貨物倉、バラスト及びドライスペースの浸水警報(Reg.12)

全てのバルクキャリアは浸水警報装置を設置しなければならない。現存船については、2004 年の 7月 1 日以降の最初の”annual, intermediate or renewal survey”までに設置すること。現存船でバルクキャリ

アとして定義されないもの、(例えば、チップ船)は当然、適用されないが、SOLAS 条約の改正 XII章の発効後に建造され、改正 XII 章のバルクキャリアの定義に含まる船舶(例えば、チップ船)は浸


(議事概要) 第 12 規則及び第 13 規則(後述)も現存船に遡及適用されるので、我が国は第 1 規則のバルク


理であると指摘した。特に、本規則では現存船は 2004 年 7 月 1 日以降の最初の年次検査までに






消された。 一方、我が国は新 XII 章発効後に建造されるチップ船はバルクキャリアとして定義され、本規



12 規則及び第 13 規則は既に採択されているために、手続き上、DE で内容を変更することは出

来ないとの事務局及び WG 議長の整理があり、議論を進めることが出来なかった。しかし、各


国は日本の主張にある程度の理解を示し、我が国に MSC に文書を提案するように求めた。 (10) Pumping System が利用できること(Reg.13) 全てのバルクキャリアは、衝突隔壁より前に配置されているバラストタンクと最前部の貨物倉より

前に設置されているドライスペースに設置される排水設備(means for draining and pumping)は、容易

にアクセス可能な閉鎖区画で操作できなければならない。現存船については、2004 年の 7 月 1 日以降

の最初の”intermediate or renewal survey”までに設置すること。(annual survey は除外されていることに

注意) 現存船でバルクキャリアとして定義されないもの(例えば、チップ船)は当然、適用されな

いが、SOLAS 条約の改正 XII 章の発効後に建造され、改正 XII 章のバルクキャリアの定義に含まる船

舶(例えば、チップ船)は本規則の要件を満足しなければならないことに注意。 (11) 満載状態で且つ空倉のある積付状態での航行制限(Reg.14) 貨物密度 1780 kg/m3以上の(高比重)貨物を積載する、長さ 150 m以上の単船側バルクキャリアは、

SOLAS条約Reg.XII/5 及びIACS UR S12 (Rev.2.1)とUR S31 の何れかに適合していなければ、船齢が 10年に達した時から、満載状態で且つ空倉(その貨物倉の最大許容貨物重量の 10%未満の貨物しか積載


態とはdeadweightの 90%以上を積載している状態をいう。IACS UR S12 (Rev.2.1)とUR S31 が強制要件



(議事概要) プレナリでは、隔倉積み禁止に対する抜け道とならないよう“Empty Hold”の定義を明確化する

べきと韓国と ICS から提起された。これに対して、日本は、「各ホールドの満載積載重量の 10%以下」という提案を行ったが、「10%は低すぎるので 30~50%とすべし」等の提案を出す国もあっ

た。 日本は、WGにおいてプレナリーと同様、”Empty Hold”の定義は、隔倉積みの禁止の “Loop Hole”をなくすことが目的であることから、各ホールドの満載積載量の 10%以下と定義すれば十分有

効と提案した。これに対してスペイン、ICSは”Empty Hold”の積荷量を減らすと、隣接ホールド

との剪断力が増加するため、隣接ホールドとの積荷量との差は 50%とすべきという意見が主張

し、一旦はこれが大勢の支持を集めた。我が国は、9 ホールドのケープサイズバルクキャリア


10%未満とすることが合理的であることを指摘し、各国の理解を求めた。更に、”Empty Hold”の定義を隣接ホールドの積荷量との差 50%とすることによって、穀類積載の制限及びケープサ


が国が指摘した。その結果、ICSをはじめ各国の理解を得ることができ、”… shall not sail with any hold loaded to less than 10% of the hold’s maximum allowable cargo weight…”という条件が追加さ


いたことから、本規則についても、貨物密度の制限(1,780 kg/m3以上)が設けられた。 2.2.2 バルクキャリアのハッチカバーの船主点検と保守のための標準(Standards for Owners’

Inspections and Maintenance of Bulk Carrier Hatch Covers)



MSC/Circ.1071 が 2003 年 6 月 13 日付けで回章されている。今回、XII/7.2 規則を適用する際に使うべ

きバルクキャリアのハッチカバーの船主点検と保守のための強制標準(Mandatory Standards)が前記

ガイドラインをベースに開発された。SOLAS XII 章の改正案と一緒に採択できるように MSC 決議の

ドラフトも作成された。内容については、かなり議論があったが、最終的には現実的な内容となった。 2.2.3 単船側バルクキャリアの船側構造標準及びクライテリア(Standards and Criteria for Side

Structures of Bulk Carriers of Single-side Skin Construction) 第 14 規則で単船側バルクキャリアは満載で Empty Hold のある状態での航行が禁止されたが、これ

の適用除外条件として IACS の UR S21 (Rev.2.1)或いは UR S31 が採用された。従って、XII/14 規則の

適用上、前記2つの UR は強制要件となった。SOLAS XII 章の改正案と一緒に採択できるように MSC決議のドラフトも作成された。尚、決議案の付録として、UR S21 (Rev.2.1)と UR S31 が適用とバルク

キャリアの定義の部分等を書き換えただけで、ほぼそのまま添付されることとなった。 2.2.4 バルクキャリアの縦強度評価用ガイドライン(Guidelines for Assessing The Longitudinal

Strength of Bulk Carriers during Loading, Unloading and Ballast Exchange) これも MSC 決議のドラフトと一緒に作成されたが、強制要件ではない。バルクキャリアの積付け


受けている現状のものと大きな差異はない提案になった。Loading、Unloading に加えて Ballast Water Exchange もカバーしている。 2.2.5 保護塗装の性能標準(Performance Standards for Protective Coatings)

二重船側部の強度要件は 6.3 規則として XII 章改正案に盛り込まれたが、要件として IMO が採択し


いないことから、プレナリーから WG に対して塗装基準の策定手順を纏めるよう求められた。IACSは業界と協力してバラストタンクの塗装ガイドラインを開発中であり、二重船側部の塗装標準も同様

の開発可能との意見を述べた。換言すると IMO の強制標準として採用可能な業界標準は現時点では存

在しないので、現時点では IMO 決議を作成することは出来ない。今後、IACS にて現在検討されてい

る塗装基準をベースに、業界の基準も取り入れて今後策定されることになった。 2.2.6 自動浮揚機能付き自由降下型救命艇(議題 19) 本件については、DE 46 においてバルクキャリアに自由降下型救命艇(Free-fall Lifeboat:FFLB)を

要求する規則改正草案及び自動浮揚機能(Float Free Capability:FFC)を要求する規則改正草案を作成

したが、結論が得られなかった。今次会合においては提案文書は無かった。 FFLB のバルクキャリアへの搭載を義務付ける SOLAS 条約第 III 章第 31 規則の改正案は、DG にて

Editorial な修正を検討した後に合意され、MSC78 に送られることとなった。一方、FFC に関する要件


点で FFC に対応する FFLB が無いこと、FFC により FFLB の信頼性が損なわれる恐れがあり、安全上

充分な検証が必要であること等の問題点が指摘された。種々の議論の結果、SOLAS 条約第 III 章第 3規則(定義)及び LSA Code の関連部分を改正する草案が作成され、MSC 78 に送ることになったもの

の、FFC 要件の取り入れについては DE としては勧めないことを付記し、MSC 78 に再度検討を要請す


ることとなった。なお、DE の作業計画において FFC-FFLB は、次回議題には含めずに、1 session の議

題として、作業計画に残すことを MSC へ提案することとなった。(詳細は 4.3.3 を参照) 2.3 第 78 回海上安全委員会(MSC 78) 第 78 回設計設備小委員会(MSC 78)は 2004 年 5 月 12 日から 5 月 21 日まで IMO の本部で開催さ

れ、バルクキャリアの安全(Bulk Carrier Safety)については、議題 5 で検討され、バルクキャリアの

安全対策の一つである自動浮揚機能付き自由降下型救命艇については議題 8 で検討された。これらに

関する主な決定事項は以下のとおりとなっている。 2.3.1 バルクキャリアの安全(議題 5) バルクキャリアの安全(SOLAS 第 XII 章)については、さらに安全性を向上するため、新造船につ


化を中心とする対策が合意され、今次会合で、SOLAS 条約の改正が合意されることとなっていた。 しかしながら、ギリシャを中心とする多くの国々が、新造船についても単船側構造を認めることを

要求した結果、二重船側を選択肢とする条約改正案が合意された。本改正案は 2004 年 12 月の MSC 79で採択され、2006 年7月1日発効する予定。 また、新 XII 章に規定された新しいバルクキャリアの定義、特に Primarily の解釈ついて、PSC(Port State Control)等で混乱が生じることを避けるため、ガイドラインの開発が DE 47 から要請されていた

ところ、これが認められ、FSI 小委員会に当該ガイドラインを開発することが付託された。 さらに、関連する標準及びガイドライン等を含む回章文書は特段の議論なく承認された。

(議事概要) ギリシャは、MSC 78/5/1 及び MSC 78/INF.6 に基づき、二重船側の強制化が合意された MSC 76の結論は誤った FSA の結果に基づいたものであり、今回ギリシャが実施した FSA の結果、バ





ラリア、ICS、INTERCARGO、BIMCO 等がこれを支持した。一方、英は、MSC 76 の議論の際

に用いられた FSA は、各国が共同で実施したものであり透明性が確保されているものであるこ

と、ギリシャの FSA は二重船側化のコストを過大評価している等問題が多いことから、MSC 76の結論を覆す必要はないことを主張した。これに対し、我が国を始め、南アフリカ、マーシャ


ェー、デンマーク、カナダ、IBTA、ICFTU 等が MSC 76 の合意を変更する必要はないことを主


食や疲労といった問題が生じることも考えられるため、MSC で今後議論される Goal Based Standard の結論を待って強制化を採択すべきであり、強制化を決定することは時期尚早である




制化の賛否についての投票を求めた。投票結果は反対が 32 票、賛成が 22 票、棄権が 15 票とな


り、二重船側の強制化は否決された。 これに伴い、DG において SOLAS 条約第 XII 章の改正案から二重船側化を強制化する第 6.2 規


て、この改正案が承認され、MSC 79 で採択に付されることとなった。これに対して英国は二


をかけた。 2.3.2 自動浮揚機能付き自由降下型救命艇の積み付け(議題 8 関連) バルクキャリア(SOLAS 条約第 IX 章の定義のバルクキャリア、鉱石船及び兼用船を含む)への自

由降下型救命艇の搭載の強制化に関しては、MSC 78 は、自動離脱機能(FFC)を要求することは時期

尚早であるという DE 47 の合意した勧告を受け入れ、バルクキャリアに関する Drafting Group が作成

した SOLAS 条約第 III/31 規則の改正案(MSC 78/WP.15 付録 5)を承認した。(詳細は 4.3.4 参照) 2.4 第 79 回海上安全委員会(MSC 79) 第 78 回設計設備小委員会(MSC 78)は 2004 年 12 月 1 日から 12 月 10 日まで IMO の本部で開催さ


りとなっている。 2.4.1 バルクキャリアの安全 バルクキャリアの安全(海上人命安全条約(以下 SOLAS 条約)第 XII 章)については、単船側、

二重船側いずれも認める条約改正案がほぼ原案どおり採択された(決議 MSC.170(79)/2006 年 7 月 1日発効予定)。 なお、原案では、塗装要件を強制化することとされていたが、具体的な基準が未作成

のため、今後 IMO で基準が作成され条約が再度改正されるまでの間は、各国が認める塗装基準を参照

すること(非強制)とされた。 また、英国から提案のあった船体構造の強化に関する要件が新たに

盛り込まれた。具体的な解釈については、今後 IACS にて作成される見込み。詳細については以下の

とおり。 (1)塗料基準 バルクキャリアの二重船側部分に IMO で定める基準に適合する塗装を施すべきとの規定(第 6.3 規


多数の国から、当該基準は今後 IMO で検討することが決まっており何らかの規定は残すべきとの意見

が出された。その結果、IMO で塗装の強制基準ができるまでの間は各国が受け入れ可能な塗装基準を

参照することとの規定が残った(勧告要件)。また、IACS 提案(MSC 79/3/8)によって当該塗装基準

はバラストタンクにも適用されることとなった。当該塗装基準に関しては次回 DE 48 にて本格的に検

討することとなっており、さらに MSC 80 に承認・採択を求める動きもある。 (2)バルクキャリアの定義 定義 1.1 を詳しくする我が国の提案(MSC 79/3/10)は理解が得られず、採用されなかった。単船側




(3)二重船側幅の計り方 二重船側幅の計り方を満載喫水線条約等の規定に合わせる旨の我が国提案は受け入れられた。 (4)単船側構造の塗装

単船側構造(貨物倉内)の塗装に関する我が国提案は、PSC での取り扱いの困難さ(塗装が剥げて

いることが PSC で見つかった場合はその場で塗りなおすのか)が指摘され、採用されなかった。 (5)船体構造の冗長性 船側構造の冗長性に関する要件の英国提案(MSC 79/3/13)は、ギリシャ提案により船側構造のみな

らず貨物倉部分の全ての船体構造に適用されるよう修正の上、条文(第 6.5 規則)に盛り込まれるこ

ととなった。なお、具体的な解釈及び要件については、今後 IACS にて作成される見込み。この解釈

については、今後のバルクキャリア建造に多大な影響を及ぼすと思われる。 (6)関連決議 SOLAS 条約第 XII 章の改正(決議 MSC.170(79))に関連して、バルクキャリアの単船側の構造基準

(決議 MSC.168(79))、船主によるハッチカバーの検査及び整備基準(決議 MSC.169(79))が採択され

た。なお、バルクキャリアの定義に関するガイドラインについては、SOLAS 条約 XII/1.1 規則の修正

を補足する形で我が国から MSC/Circular 案(MSC 79/3/9)を提出していたが、ドラフティンググルー

プでの修正案について英国が難色を示したため、MSC 80 において我が国提案(MSC 79/3/9)をベー

スにあらためて検討されることとなった。 (7)その他 前(1)の塗装基準の議論に関連した IACS の提案(MSC 79/3/8)により、SOLAS 条約第 II-1 章に

今回改正された XII/1.1 規則を参照するバルクキャリアの定義が追加されることとなり、同改正が採択

された。このため従来からの定義(IX/1.6 規則)によることが明示されていない規則(II-1/3-6 規則)

については、自動的に新しい定義によるバルクキャリアに適用されることになる。 2.4.2 自由降下型救命艇の積み付け 自由降下型救命艇のバルクキャリア(SOLAS 条約第 IX 章の定義のバルクキャリア、鉱石船及び兼

用船を含む)への搭載の強制化に関する SOLAS 条約第 III 章の改正については、特段の議論なく採択

された。(決議 MSC.170(79))なお、自動浮揚要件については、DE に低優先度の 1 session の作業項目

として残すことに合意した。ただし、次回の DE 48 の議題には含めなかった。(詳細は 4.3.5 参照) 2.5 第 48 回設計設備小委員会(DE 48) 塗装の性能基準(議題 12)については、IACS と業界の共同提案(DE 48/12)、韓国提案(DE 48/12/6)及び日本の提案(DE 48/12/1~DE 48/12/5)についてプレナリーで議論された。その結果、DE 48 では

結論を出ず、DE 49 で再検討することとなった。尚、その間、中国をコーディネータとする CG が設



3. SOLAS 条約第 XII 章改正に関する検討

3.1 第 78 回海上安全委員会(MSC 78)で承認された SOLAS 条約 XII 章改正案 2004 年 5 月に開催された第 78 回海上安全委員会(MSC 78)においては、これまでの長きに渡る議

論の結論として具体的な SOLAS 条約第 XII 章の改正案を策定し、同年 12 月の MSC 79 において採択





た。検討結果は下記のとおりで、これらをまとめて MSC 79 に提案している。(MSC 79/3/10) 3.1.1 バルクキャリアの定義 MSC 78 で承認されたバルクキャリアの定義案は以下のとおりとなっている。

Regulation XII/1.1 Bulk carrier means a ship which is intended primarily to carry dry cargo in bulk, including such types as ore carriers and combination carriers.



定義の意味は大きく変わり得る。実際に本定義案による XII 章の適用を検討すれば、次のようになる

と考えられる。 a.“primarily”の解釈にかかわらず、”Bulk Carrier”に分類されるであろう船舶

(1) TST&BHT 有りの BC、Ore/Bulk Carrier、Ore/Bulk/Oil Carrier(従来どおり) (2) Ore Carrier、Ore/Oil Carrier(従来どおり) (3) Box Shape BC(適用拡大となるが、改正の目的上やむを得ないと考えられる。場合に

よっては、General Cargo とすることが可能か?) (4) Coal Carrier、Limestone Carrier、Cement Carrier、Wooden Chip Carrier(適用拡大となる

が、改正の目的上やむを得ないと考えられる。) b.“primarily”の解釈次第で、”Bulk Carrier”に分類されるであろう船舶

(5) General Cargo Ship、Multi Purpose Ship(船にもよるが、ばら積をまったくしないと言

い切ることは難しいものが多い。) 更に、単船側構造バルクキャリア(SSS Bulk Carrier)については以下のように定義されており、同

様にこれに該当する船舶を検討すると下記のとおりと考えられる。 Regulation XII/1.2 Bulk carrier of single-side skin construction means a bulk carrier which is constructed generally with single deck, top-side tanks and hopper side tanks in cargo spaces, in which:

.1 any part of a cargo hold is bounded by the side shell; or

.2 where one or more cargo holds are bounded by two watertight boundaries, one of which is the side shell, which are less than xxx mm apart, the distance being measured perpendicular to the


side shell.(現存船につき省略)

a.“generally”について、従来の XII 章の適用に関する解釈に従って運用する場合に”bulk carrier of single-side skin construction”に分類されるであろう船舶 (1S) (1)の船舶であって単船側構造のもの

b.“generally … in cargo spaces”を無視して運用する場合に”bulk carrier of single-side skin construction”に分類されるであろう船舶 (1S) (1)の船舶であって単船側構造のもの (4S) (4)の船舶であって単船側構造のもの (5S) ”bulk carrier”に分類される(5)の船舶であって単船側構造のもの

一方、二重船側構造バルクキャリア(DSS Bulk Carrier)については以下のように定義されており、

同様にこれに該当する船舶を検討すると下記のとおりと考えられる。 Regulation XII/1.3 Bulk carrier of double-side skin construction means a bulk carrier as defined in paragraph 1, in which all cargo holds are bounded by a double-side skin.

a.“primarily”の解釈にかかわらず、”Bulk Carrier”に分類されるであろう船舶

(1D) (1)の船舶であって二重船側構造のもの(従来どおり) (2D) (2)の船舶(従来どおり) (3) (3)の船舶(適用拡大となるがやむを得ないと考えられる。) (4D) Coal Carrier、Limestone Carrier、Cement Carrier であって二重船側構造のもの(適用拡

大となるがやむを得ないと考えられる。) b.“generally … in cargo spaces”を無視して運用する場合に”bulk carrier of single-side skin

construction”に分類されるであろう船舶 (5D) (5)の船舶であって二重船側構造のもの

結果的に、Bulk Carrier に該当するもの中で、次の船舶が SSS Bulk Carrier でもなく DSS Bulk Carrierでもないものとなり得ることが考えられる。

a.“generally”について、従来の XII 章の適用に関する解釈に従って運用する場合 (4S) (4)の船舶であって単船側構造のもの (5S) ”bulk carrier”に分類される(5)の船舶であって単船側構造のもの

b.“generally … in cargo spaces”を無視して運用する場合 該当なし

以上より、“generally”について従来の XII 章の適用に関する解釈に従うことが可能であれば、Wooden Chip Carrier 等が一部の規定の適用対象外となり得るが、これまでの議論を考えれば、“generally”を従

来の XII 章の適用に関する解釈に従って運用することは難しいと考えられる。従って、実行上の抜け



Primarily の解釈については、これまでの議論の経緯から船体形状により適用を区分けすることが困

難であり、定義的な議論をすることは建設的な議論となり得ないと考えられる。従って、Bulk Carrierに該当しないと考えられる船舶が、たまたま乾貨物をばら積している際に PSC におけるトラブルを回

避する方向で議論を進めることが適切と考えられる。この点については、FSI 13 に対してこのような


とした。(4.2 参照) なお、上記指針案では、定義中の”intended”の趣旨を尊重し、Loading Manual にばら積の計画があるものをバルクキャリアとすることが合意されている また、一部の貨物倉のみを二重船側構造としたような船舶が上記定義でいずれに分類されるのか疑

義が生じる可能性があることが指摘され、従来の practice に従い個々の貨物倉毎に XII 章要件の適用


ることが合意された。 3.1.2 現存船に対する XII 章の適用 バルクキャリアの定義変更については、本改正案の発効日より前に建造される船舶(現存船)に対



は脚注でのみ触れられているだけである。これらの点を考慮すれば、現存船に対する XII 章の適用を

明確にするために、XII/1.1 の定義で現存船に対して適用すべき定義を明確にするか、同様の趣旨の指

針を作成する必要があると考えられる。 3.1.3 二重船側の幅 浸水時構造要件等の適用に関して、二重船側幅の計り方が不明確であるとの指摘があり、ICLL、MARPOL 等に倣い、それぞれの位置において満載喫水線における船側外板から水平方向に計測するこ

とを明確にするのが適切であろうとの結論が得られた。また、これにあわせて ICLL、MARPOL 等を

根拠に、B/5 の上限を 11.5m とすべきことが合意された。 3.1.4 SOLAS 条約 XII 章修正案(MSC 79/3/10) 以上に基づき、次の修正を提案することとした。また、後述するように、定義の修正案(Reg.1.1)に対応して XII 章の適用に関する指針案を策定し、XII 章改正案の修正案とともに MSC 79 に提案する

こととした。 a.現存船に適用される”bulk carrier”の定義を明確化するために、Reg.1.1 にその旨を明記した。 b.TST 及び/又は BHT の無い単船側構造の船舶が適用から漏れてしまう可能性があること

及び条文の簡便化を考慮し、Reg.1.2 から船型に関する文言を削除した。(前a.により現

存船に適用される”bulk carrier”の定義を明確化されれば、実行上、問題は無い。) c.貨物倉浸水の適用可否に関する判断基準となる二重船側部の幅に関し、適用(幅の計測方

法)を明確化するために、MARPOL 条約附属書 I の Reg.25(2)(a)及び LL 条約の Reg.27(12)(b)にならい、Reg.4.2 にその旨の記述を追加した。あわせて、これらの条約にならい、上限値

を 11.5 m とすることを追記した。 d.前c.と同様に、Reg.5.2 に必要な記述を追記した。 e.二重船側船に対して構造要件が規定されているにもかかわらず、単船側構造船には適当な


要件が規定されていないことを考慮し、単船側構造は決議(IACS 統一規則 S12 をベース

とすることになると考えられる。)に従うことを追加規定する。 f.一部の貨物倉のみを二重船側構造とした場合に、定義上、二重船側構造バルクキャリアに


Reg.6.2 の主語を『バルクキャリアの二重船側構造』と改める。 g.Reg.6.3 に二重船側構造内部について塗装要件が規定されているが、いまだ議論されていな

い決議を強制要件として参照することは適切でないため、当該部分を削除する。 h.単船側構造について塗装要件が規定されていないので、単船側構造部に対する要件として

Reg.6.5 を追加し、Reg.6.3 と同様の要件を設ける。(タンク内でないため、”light color”とす

ることを推奨する(Reg.II-1/3-2)は規定しなかった。) 3.1.5 SOLAS 条約 XII 章の適用におけるバルクキャリアの定義に関する指針案(MSC 79/3/9) 上記のとおり、XII/1.1 の修正を提案することとしているが、これが受け入れられなかった場合等を

考慮し、現存船に対しては現行の定義を適用することを明確化することを主目的として、XII 章改正

案 Reg.1.1 に付されている脚注で参照される決議等の内容を踏まえた決議案を提案することとした。 3.2 第 79 回海上安全委員会(MSC 79)で採択された SOLAS 条約新 XII 章 2004 年 12 月に開催された第 79 回海上安全委員会(MSC 79)においては、SOLAS 条約新 XII 章案

の採択にあたり、MSC 78 において二重船側の強制化が見送りになったことに対する単船側構造に対


れている。(2.4 及び決議 MSC.170(79)を参照) ここでは、新 XII 章に関する 3.2.1 定義/適用 3.1.1、3.1.2 及び 3.1.5 で触れたバルクキャリアの定義に起因する問題は残っており、これらの問題

を解決するために 2005 年 3 月の第 13 回旗国小委員会(FSI 13)及び第 80 回海上安全委員会(MSC 80)において我が国の提案を実現するよう努める必要がある。(詳細については 4.2 を参照のこと。) 3.2.2 塗装基準 バルクキャリアの二重船側部(TST 及び BHT も含む。)に対する塗装基準の適用については、二重

船側部に加えて専用バラストタンクについても、今後 IMO が開発する塗装基準を適用することを勧告

する形で決着した。ここで参照されることになっている塗装基準については、2005 年 2 月の第 48 回

設計設備小委員会(DE 48)で検討されることになっており、欧米の関連業界の意見を主体とする非

常に厳しい基準案が業界と IACS の共同提案が DE 48 に提出されているとともに、将来的には塗装基



から意見を発信していく必要がある。(既に DE 48 に対して我が国からも提案文書を提出している。

4.1 を参照のこと。) 3.2.3 船体構造の冗長性 Reg.XII/6.5 として採択された条文は非常にあいまいなものであるが、審議において英国及びギリシ


ャの関係者と協議の結果、『Cargo area 内の船体構造について、一つの防撓材が損傷した際に防撓パネ


ている。(英国の本来の意図は、単船側構造の強化にあり、この点については DE 48 に提出されてい

る意見書(DE 48/INF.6)も参照されたい。)また議場外では、その際に考慮すべき荷重条件は極限海

象に相当するものより緩和して差し支えないことも確認されている。詳細については、今後 IACS で

開発中のバルクキャリアの統一構造規則の中で議論されることになると考えられるが、IMO における

Goal Based Standard に関する議論とあわせ、我が国としても注視していく必要がある。


4. 第 48 回設計設備小委員会(DE 48)、第 13 回旗国小委員会(FSI 13)等への対応

4.1 バルクキャリアの二重船側構造及びバラストタンクに適用される塗装基準(DE 48 関連) 前述のように、RR-R6 では SOLAS XII 章の改正案の再検討の一環として、バルクキャリアの二重船

側部分に IMO で定める基準に適合する塗装を施すべきとの規定(XII 章改正案の第 6.3 規則)につい

ても調査検討を行った。 ここで参照されている塗装の性能基準については、各国及び NGO に対して船舶設計設備(DE)小

委員会に提案を行うことが求められていたが、2004 年 3 月開催の DE 47 には何らの提案も提出されな

かった。しかし、2004 年 5 月開催の MSC 78 において SOLAS XII 章の改正案が承認されたことから、

塗装の性能基準の開発は待ったなしの状況となった。そこで、IACS は IMO の要請を受けていたこと


で Cargo Oil Tank の塗装基準等の検討を行っていた Joint Working Group(JWG/COR)を 2004 年 10 月


lDraft performance standards for protective coatingsz(DE 48/12)として提出した。本基準案には、OCIMFの提案を受けて The Tanker Structure Co-operative Forum (TSCF)が 2002 年に出版した”Guidelines for Ballast Tank Coating Systems and Surface Preparation”(以下、TSCF ガイドライン)に提案されている設

計塗装寿命 15 年の塗装仕様(TSCF15)が最低塗装仕様として規定されている。この TSCF15 の塗装


が国にとって看過できない部分が含まれていたため、RR-R6 では国内の業界団体の意見収集をするな

ど、対応策の検討に着手した。 しかし、調査検討の結果、主に以下の理由から、塗装の性能基準については、(社)日本造船研究協


WG を設置して検討することとなった。 ① IACS と業界の議論の過程で塗装の性能基準については、対象をバルクキャリアの二重船側部


基準を開発すべきとの意見が強かったこと。 ② GBS の中でも重要な設計パラメータとして塗装寿命が議論されていること。

尚、RR-MP1 の塗装 WG の成果は DE 48/12/1、DE 48/12/2、DE 48/12/3、DE 48/12/4 及び DE 48/12/5として日本から DE 48 に提出されている。尚、これらの文書の詳細については、RR-MP1 の報告書を

参照されたい。 4.2 バルクキャリアの定義に起因する問題(FSI 13、MSC 80 関連) 4.2.1 問題認識 2004 年 5 月 12 日から 21 日に開催された第 78 回海上安全委員会(MSC 78)において、SOLAS 条

約 XII 章の改正(12 月 1 日から 10 日に開催される MSC 79 にて採択される予定)に伴うばら積貨物船

の定義の変更により、PSC における混乱の可能性が指摘され、第 13 回旗国小委員会(FSI 13)に対し

て、バルクキャリアの識別のために明確な指針を作成することが指示された。 我が国は、バルクキャリアの定義の変更に関して予期される問題点を、条約改正前後における定義

に違いに起因するものとバルクキャリアの定義中の”primarily”の解釈に起因するものとの 2 点である


と認識しており、前者の問題に関しては Reg.XII/1.1 の修正案(MSC 79/3/10)及び XII 章適用上の指

針案(MSC 79/3/9)を既に提案している。MSC 79 では、Reg.XII/1.1 の修正については受け入れられ

なかったものの、XII 章適用に関する指針案については基本的に理解が得られ、2005 年 5 月の MSC 80において再度審議される見込みとなっている。一方、後者の問題点に関しては、改正条約における現

存船については既に 1997 年の SOLAS 締約国会議の決議 6 に示された解釈により問題が生じないこと



り識別することが不可能であると考えられる。このため、SOLAS 条約 XII 章に関する新しい適合証書

を策定することを提案することとした。(FSI 13/12/4) 4.2.2 論点 提案文書作成において論点となったのは以下の点である。

a.まれにしかばら積貨物を積載しない船舶をBulk Carrierから除外する場合に、証書等で如何

にこれを区別するか。 Bulk Carrier に該当しない船舶の区別については、次の点を考慮する必要がある。 (1) 計画時/承認時/検査時

(a) Loading Manual にばら積の計画がないもの(”intended”の趣旨を尊重すればこれ

で問題ないはず)とする。又は、 (b) Loading Manual に 2.で主管庁が認める場合を除きばら積をすることが禁止され

ているものとする。 (2) PSC 時/検査時

何らかの条約証書等で”Bulk Carrier”に該当するか否かを明記することが必要と考え

られる。しかしながら、現在 SOLAS 条約規定(Reg.I/12(a))では、条約上発給され

ているいずれの証書においても、XII 章への適合はカバーされていないことになっ

ている。また、内容的には SC 証書でカバーされるべきものと考えられるが、SC 証

書の”Type of ship”の欄における Bulk Carrier を XII 章に基づくものとする場合、SE証書における同様の記述(III 章の要件の適合に関しては、IX 章の定義が適用され

る。)と矛盾を生じる可能性がある。従って、XII 章の適合証書を新設し、証書の有

無をもって Bulk Carrier に該当するか否かを判断することが適切であると考えられ

る。 b.Bulk Carrierに該当しない(XII章の要件に適合していない)船舶に乾貨物をばら積する場合、

如何なる手続きを要求するか。 VII 章との関係を考えると、行為規制的なやり方は望ましいものではないが、ある程度ハ

ードルを高くすることで、”primarily”に積載するもの(建造時に XII 章に対応)とそうでな


ものは必要ないのかもしれないが、PSC におけるトラブルの回避を考える場合、なんらか

の証書的なものの発給が可能とすることが望ましいと考えられる。SC 証書で対応するので

あれば SOLAS Reg.I/4(a)の適用による免除証書の発給によることが考えられるが、XII 章の

適合証書を新設する場合、Bulk Carrier に該当しない船舶は当該証書自体の発給を受けてい



理者から申込みがあった場合に、船籍国主管庁が単一航海又は短期間について XII 章への



手順と証書様式を取りまとめた Circular 案を提案する必要があると考えられる。 4.2.3 提案内容 上記を検討の結果、提案した内容は以下のとおりとなっている。



条約上のバルクキャリアに該当するか否かを判断して、XII 章の諸要件を適用し、XII 章適

合証書を発給する。 b.新造時にバルクキャリアとして建造されなかった船舶(XII 章に適合していない船舶)で

乾貨物をばら積する場合にあっては、船籍国主管庁が、最大[2 ヶ月](年に複数回発給する

場合は、合計で[3 ヶ月])以内の期間に限定した証書を発給し、その期間に限りばら積運送

を認めることができるようにする。(その際の条件としては、XII 章を除く SOLAS 条約へ

の適合並びに運送する個々の貨物について Grain Stability 要件及び IMDG コードの適用さ


物リストを添付する形としている。) なお、提案文書中では、現行 SOLAS 条約の貨物船安全証書における船舶の種類の記述は、一般に

Reg.IX/1.6 の定義に基づき行われているため、今回の目的では利用できないことを指摘しているが、

MSC 79 で採択された SOLAS 条約の改正により II-1 章にバルクキャリアの定義が設けられたため、貨


する。 4.3 自由降下型救命艇及びそのフロートフリー要件に関する検討 4.3.1 MSC 76(2002 年 12 月)における審議 バルクキャリアの安全性の向上についての MSC 76 における議論の中で、英国はバルクキャリアの


ICFTU(International Commission of Free Trade Union:船員の国際組織)はバルクキャリアにおける退

船に関する FSA の結果(MSC 74/5/5)に基づき、自由降下型救命艇をバルクキャリアに搭載すること、

及びその自由降下型救命艇は自動離脱機能を有するべきことを主張した。 日本は、MSC 74/5/5 の FSA の内容を吟味して、自由降下型救命艇搭載義務付けの RCO(Risk Control Option)の効果が低いこと、ケープサイズなどの大型のベルクキャリアへの自由降下型救命艇の搭載




自動離脱機構付き自由降下型救命艇の RCO は非現実的かつ効果がないことを文書を提出して主張し

た(MSC 76/5/15)。 MSC 76 は、しかしながら、ノルウェー及び ICFTU の主張を取り上げることに合意し、それにそっ

て SOLAS 条約の改正案を作成することを DE に寄託した。


4.3.2 DE 46(2003 年 3 月)における審議 ノールウェーより、締め切りまで時間がなかったことから提案文書を提出できなかったが、船員が


あった(ICFTU 支持)。一方、我が国は、自動離脱機能については、議題 19 の退船ガイドラインと同

様、退船シナリオベースで検討する必要があることを述べたところ、バハマ及び ICFTU から支持があ



な危険性をはらんでいるとの発言があった。さらに、サイプラスは、更なる draft exercise が必要であ

ることを指摘した。 これに対し、オーストラリア及び米国は、MSC の指示は、自由降下型救命艇の積み付けのための

SOLAS 第 III 章の改正案の作成であって、その機能を検討することではなく、非常に明確であると主

張した。 結論として、次回小委員会において、搭載要件の案を作成するとともに、搭載要件以外の技術的事

項も検討するため、各国及び国際機関に対し、更なる提案を要請することとなった。 4.3.3 DE 47(2004 年 3 月)における審議 (1)プレナリーにおける審議(DG 設置前) 前回 DE 46 会合においてバルクキャリアに自由降下型救命艇(Free-fall Lifeboat:FFLB)を要求す

る規則改正草案及び自動浮揚機能(Float Free Capability:FFC)を要求する規則改正草案を作成したが、

結論が得られなかった。また、今次会合には提案文書はなかった。我が国は、原則として FFC は安全


FFLB が FFC に対応することは困難であり、本件については研究を開始する必要があると述べた。ノ



無いと指摘した。ICS(国際船主協会)は現時点では FFC に対応する FFLB が無いという問題点を指

摘した。英国は FFC を要求する理由を説明した。シンガポールは FFLB の FFC は荒天時に FFLB を喪

失する等の新たな問題を生じる恐れがあることを指摘した。結果として、規則改正案を Drafting Group(DG)で作成し、さらに今後必要となる作業も DG で検討することとなったため、我が国は FFLB が

FFC を持つことを評価する方法(試験方法も含む)も必要であることを指摘し、この点についても、

DG で検討することとなった。 (2)DG における審議 FFLB のバルクキャリアへの搭載を義務付ける SOLAS 条約第 III 章第 31 規則の改正案は、Editorialな修正を検討した後に DG にて合意された。審議は、自由浮揚機能(Float Free Capability:FFC)に関

する要件(定義を含む)に集中した。 議論において我が国は、実現可能性、性能基準、評価基準などの検討が不十分であること、現時点

では FFC に対応する FFLB が無いこと、FFC により FFLB の信頼性が損なわれる恐れがあり、安全上

充分な検証が必要であることを理由として、FFC の適用までには充分な期間が必要であると発言した。

これに対して米国は、FFC の要件を作成することは MSC で決定済みであり、改正案を作成して MSCに送れば良いとの考えを示した。これに対して我が国は、MSC からの要請事項であっても、救命設備

のエキスパートとして、実現困難な事項があればこれを指摘すべきであると指摘した。 FFLB の利用のためには、確実に離脱することが重要であり、必ずしも自動離脱である必要はない


とのカナダの意見を受けて、米国を中心として、FFLB の FFC は、一度 FFLB をリリースすれば、支

障なく離脱できることと定義する案が作成された。これに対して我が国は、同じ FFC という概念を

FFLB においてのみ別の概念(救命いかだと異なる概念)とすることに懸念を表明した。また、FFCの要件に係る船舶が沈没する際の姿勢について、ノルウェー及び ILAMA は明確な規定が必要との意

見を述べ、実行可能な水準として、横傾斜 20 度、Fore Trim 60 度、Aft Trim 10 度という案を提案し、

オランダはこれを支持した。一方、ICS 等の船主側代表は、数値の根拠がないことを理由に、船舶が


ととなった。審議の結果、SOLAS 条約第 III 章第 3 規則(定義)及び LSA Code の関連部分を改正す

る草案が作成された。 DG において我が国は、「実現可能性及び評価基準など未だ検討不十分であり、DG で作成した案に

ついて小委員会の合意を求めることには問題がある」ことを指摘し、報告(DE 47/WP.9)における要


DG はこれに合意した。なお、FFLB の搭載を要求するバルクキャリアの長さについては、仮に 85 m以上としたが、鍵括弧を付し、小委員会に検討を委ねることとなった。 (3)プレナリーにおける審議(DG 終了後) DG の報告(DE 47/WP.9)にある改正案のうち、SOLAS 条約第 III 章第 3 規則の改正案、即ち、FFLBに限り FFC を「自動または手動とする」との案については、INTERTANKO(国際独立タンカー協会)


ICFTU、ギリシャ、ICS、パナマが、疑問を呈した。その後、我が国は、FFC に係る SOLAS 条約及び

LSA Code の改正案を削除すべき(つまり FFC を FFLB に要求することを止める)との提案を行った。


ーが我が国を支持し、FFC に係る改正案は、MSC に承認を求めないこととなった。 なお、シンガポールは当面手動離脱で良いとの意見、フランスは自動離脱の可能性があるのなら追

求したいとの考えであった。オランダは本当に FFC-FFLB が必要なのか再検討すべきとの意見を述べ、

我が国はこの考えを支持した。また、カナダは FFC の明確化を今後の課題とすべきことを提案し、英

国はこれを支持した。 結果として、DG で用意した改正案はそのまま MSC 78 に送るものの、FFC 要件の取り入れについ

ては DE としては勧めないことを付記して MSC 78 に再度検討を要請することとなった。なお、DE の

作業計画において FFC-FFLB は、次回議題には含めずに、1 session の議題として、作業計画に残すこ

とを MSC へ提案することとなった。 4.3.4 MSC 78(2004 年 5 月)における審議 ばら積み貨物船(SOLAS 条約第 IX 章の定義のばら積み貨物船、鉱石船及び兼用船を含む)への自

由降下型救命艇の搭載の強制化に関しては、MSC 78 は自動離脱機能(FFC)を要求することは時期尚

早であるという DE 47 の合意した勧告を受け入れ、バルクキャリアに関する Drafting Group が作成し

た SOLAS 条約第 III/31 規則の改正案(MSC 78/WP.15 付録 5)を承認した。以下にその改正案を示す。




Regulation 31

Survival craft and rescue boats The following new paragraph 1.8 is added after existing paragraph 1.7: “1.8 Notwithstanding the requirements of paragraph 1.1, bulk carriers as defined in regulation IX/1.6 constructed on or after [……] shall comply with the requirements of paragraph 1.2.” 4.3.5 MSC 79(2004年 12月)における審議 (1) SOLAS III改正の採択 MSC78が合意した SOLAS 第 III章 31規則改正案について、適用船舶を 2006年 7月1日以降に建造するバルクキャリアとし、採択した。すなわち、31規則に追加する 1.8項を 1.8 Notwithstanding the requirements of paragraph 1.1, bulk carriers as defined in regulation IX/1.6 constructed on or after 1 July 2006 shall comply with the requirements of paragraph 1.2. とした。 (2) 自動浮揚に関する今後の作業項目 自由降下型救命艇の自動浮遊要件については、DEに低優先度の1 sessionの作業項目として残すことに合意した。但し、次回 DE48の議題には含めなかった。 4.4 イマーションスーツの搭載要件 4.4.1 MSC 76における審議 ノールウェー及び ICFTUは、船員一人一人にイマーション・スーツを用意するという RCOが提案した。我が国を含め複数の参加者は、イマーション・スーツは装着に時間がかかる等の問題点を指摘

した。一方で、最近の製品は短時間で装着できるとの主張もあった。また、価格面では他の RCO と比較すると格段に低価格であるとの説明もあった。さらに、ICFTU は船員の人命に直結する RCO だけに消極的な決定をするべきでないと主張した。MSC では、バルクキャリアの安全性の審議の他に、イマ-ションスーツの全船員分の搭載が DEの議題となっていることから、MSCは最終的に、対象を全貨物船として本件を SOLAS条約改正のリストに含めることに合意し、DEに対して SOLAS改正案を用意するよう指示した。 4.4.2 DE 46における審議 本件は従来から DE が検討してきた貨物船への定員分のイマ-ションスーツの搭載強制化に加え、MSC 76 にて合意されたバルクキャリアへの定員分のイマ-ションスーツ搭載強制化を合わせて検討した。 カナダ・フランス提案である DE 46/13/1 におけるイマーションスーツの全員分の備え付けに関し、




なお、サイプラスは、SE証書に記載することが適当であるとのコメントを述べた。これに対し、米国は、強制要件とすべきでないことを主張した。 プレナリーは、バルクキャリアに関しては、航行区域の気候に拠らず、すべてのバルクキャリアへの定員分のイマ-ションスーツの搭載義務付けるMSC 76における合意を確認した。その他の貨物船については、温暖海域内のみを航行する貨物船について搭載を免除する謙譲の規定を保持することで

合意した。温顔海域の定義については、満載喫水線条約の「熱帯海域」とする案、北緯 20 度と南緯20度の間の海域とする案が提示された。プレナリーは専門家グループを形成して、以上の海域の定義を含め、SOLAS/III章 32規則の改正案を作成するよう指示した。 専門家グループは、温暖海域を緯度で定義することは海域によって海水温度が異なるため適切ではないこと、及び満載喫水線条約の「熱帯海域」については海水温度だけではなく海域の海象を基に決


MSC/Circ1046にガイドが与えられていることから、warm climateについてこの Circularを脚注で引用することにグループは合意した。 さらに、イマ-ションスーツの定員分の搭載を義務付ける場合には、保温具(Thermal protect aid)は必要がなくなることから、保温具の搭載要件を削除することにグループは合意した。また、これら


プはその修正案を作成した。一方、免除証書に関する SLS.14/Circ.115に関しては、1983年以後の SOLAS改正には対応していないが各国はそのスキームを継続していることに鑑み、MSC に対してSLS.14/Circ.115の改正の必要性を示唆することに合意した。さらにグループは、特殊目的船コード(SPS Code)についても検討したが、イマ-ションスーツの搭載義務付けは特殊目的船には適当ではないことに合意した。 グループは以上の内容による SOLAS/III章 32規則の改正案を用意し、DE 46/WP.4によりプレナリーに報告した。 プレナリーでは、この改正案の現存船への適用日について中国が 2006年とすべき旨主張したが支持はなく、現存船への適用日は「発効後の最初の安全設備検査日まで」で合意した。 対処とするバルクキャリアの定義については、現在その改正が議論されていることから SOLAS XII章で考えている定義を引用すべき旨英国が主張したが、もしその定義を使用する場合には SOLAS XII章の改正と同時にこの SOLAS III/32規則も発効することとなり、当分先となることをプレナシーは認識し、ここでは SOLAS IX章の定義を引用して当改正案をMSC 77に承認のために上程することにプレナリーは合意した。 4.4.3 MSC 77及びMSC 78における審議 MSC 77(2003年 5月)は DE 46からの報告と SOLAS改正案を了承し、改正へ向けて締約国へ回章することに合意した。 MSC 78(2004 年 5 月)は、回章された SOLAS 改正案(以下示す)を採択した。なお、発効日は2006年 7月 1日とするとにMSCは合意した。

MSC Resolution 152(78) (Enter into force from 1 July 2006)


Amendments to SOLAS chapter III Regulation 32 – Personal life-saving appliances The existing paragraph 3 is replaced by the following: 3 Immersion suits 3.1 This paragraph applies to all ships. However, with respect to cargo ships constructed before 1 July 2006, paragraph 3.2 to 3.5 shall be complied with not later than the first safety equipment survey on or after 1 July 2006. 3.2 An immersion suit complying with the requirements of section 2.3 of the Code shall be provided for every person on board the ship. However, for ships other than bulk carriers as defined in regulation IX/1, these immersion suits need not be required in the ship is constantly engaged on voyages in warm climates** where, in the opinion of the Administration, immersion suits are unnecessary. 3.3 If a ship has any watch or work stations which are located remotely from the place or places where immersion suits are normally stowed, additional immersion suits shall be provided at these locations for the number of persons normally o watch or working at those locations at any time. 3.4 Immersion suits shall be so placed as to be readily accessible and their position shall be plainly indicated. 3.5 The immersion suits required by this regulation may be used to comply with the requirements of regulation 7.3 ** Refer to the Guidelines for assessment of thermal protection (MSC/Circ.1046)


5. まとめ(今後の対応・検討)

SOLAS 条約新 XII 章「ばら積貨物船のための追加的安全措置」の採択(1997 年 11 月)の翌年であ

る 1998 年 12 月の MSC 70 において、FSA による検討を行うことが合意され、安全向上を目指した検

討が多大の労力をかけて続けられてきた。その結果、2004 年 12 月に採択された SOLAS 条約 XII 章の

改正他として結実した。 本委員会(RR-R6)は、長年に渡る SOLAS XII 章を中心とする安全強化策の開発作業のうち、主に

その改正案承認から採択に至る期間に研究を実施した。この結果は、主に 4 章で述べたような日本提

案になり、IMO における議論に資するとともに、多くの部分が採択された SOLAS XII 章の改正に反映

された。これをもって、RR-R6 はその初期の目的を十分に達成したものと考えている。 尚、今後は、これらの安全向上策の履行、施行が重要であるが、塗装の性能基準及びバルクキャリ

アの定義の変更に伴って予測される PSC 上の問題等、履行及び施工にあたり解決すべき問題も出てき

ているが、これらは、必要に応じて他の RR 等で検討されることになると思われる。





(1) MSC 79で採択された SOLAS条約第 XII章改正条文(決議MSC.170(79)抜粋) 29

(2) MSC 78で承認された SOLAS条約第 XII章改正条文(MSC 78/26/Add.1 ANNEX)49

(3) MSC 79への我が国提案文書

(3.1) MSC 79/3/9 Application of the amendments to the 1974 SOLAS Convention 53

(3.2) MSC 79/3/10 Amendments to the 1974 SOLAS Convention 57

(4) DE 48への我が国提案文書

(4.1) DE 48/12/1 Comments on the verification methods in the draft performancestandards for protective coatings


(4.2) DE 48/12/2 Comments on alternative procedures in the draft performance standards for protective coatings


(4.3) DE 48/12/3 Comments on removal of pre-construction primer in the draftperformance standards for protective coatings


(4.4) DE 48/12/4 Comments on the definition and record of coatings in the draftperformance standards for protective coatings


(4.5) DE 48/12/5 Comments on the draft basic coating system requirements in thedraft performance standards for protective coatings


(5) FSI 13への我が国提案文書

FSI 13/12/4 Identification of a ship as a bulk carrier 89

(6) DE 48への英国意見書(文書名のみ)

DE 48/INF.6 Verification of technical standards for ship construction 97




MSC 79/23/Add.1



RESOLUTION MSC.170(79) (adopted on 9 December 2004)



RECALLING Article 28(b) of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization concerning the functions of the Committee,

RECALLING FURTHER article VIII(b) of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974 (hereinafter referred to as the Convention), concerning the amendment procedure applicable to the Annex to the Convention, other than the provisions of chapter I thereof,

HAVING CONSIDERED, at its seventy-ninth session, amendments to the Convention, proposed and circulated in accordance with article VIII(b)(i) thereof, 1. ADOPTS, in accordance with article VIII(b)(iv) of the Convention, amendments to the Convention, the text of which is set out in the Annex to the present resolution; 2. DETERMINES, in accordance with article VIII(b)(vi)(2)(bb) of the Convention, that the said amendments shall be deemed to have been accepted on 1 January 2006, unless, prior to that date, more than one third of the Contracting Governments to the Convention or Contracting Governments the combined merchant fleets of which constitute not less than 50% of the gross tonnage of the worlds merchant fleet, have notified their objections to the amendments; 3. INVITES SOLAS Contracting Governments to note that, in accordance with article VIII(b)(vii)(2) of the Convention, the amendments shall enter into force on 1 July 2006 upon their acceptance in accordance with paragraph 2 above; 4. REQUESTS the Secretary-General, in conformity with article VIII(b)(v) of the Convention, to transmit certified copies of the present resolution and the text of the amendments contained in the Annex to all Contracting Governments to the Convention; 5. FURTHER REQUESTS the Secretary-General to transmit copies of this resolution and its Annex to Members of the Organization, which are not Contracting Governments to the Convention.




MSC 79/23/Add.1 ANNEX 3 Page 4



ADDITIONAL SAFETY MEASURES FOR BULK CARRIERS 12 The existing text of chapter XII is replaced by the following:

Regulation 1


For the purpose of this chapter:

∗∗ Refer to resolution MSC.163(78) Performance standards for shipborne simplified voyage data recorders

(S-VDRs). 31

MSC 79/23/Add.1 ANNEX 3

Page 5


1 Bulk carrier means a ship which is intended primarily to carry dry cargo in bulk, including such types as ore carriers and combination carriers∗.

2 Bulk carrier of single-side skin construction means a bulk carrier as defined in paragraph 1, in which:

.1 any part of a cargo hold is bounded by the side shell; or

.2 where one or more cargo holds are bounded by a double-side skin, the

width of which is less than 760 mm in bulk carriers constructed before 1 January 2000 and less than 1,000 mm in bulk carriers constructed on or after 1 January 2000 but before 1 July 2006, the distance being measured perpendicular to the side shell.

Such ships include combination carriers in which any part of a cargo hold is bounded by the side shell. 3 Bulk carrier of double-side skin construction means a bulk carrier as defined in paragraph 1, in which all cargo holds are bounded by a double-side skin, other than as defined in paragraph 2.2. 4 Double-side skin means a configuration where each ship side is constructed by the side shell and a longitudinal bulkhead connecting the double bottom and the deck. Hopper side tanks and top-side tanks may, where fitted, be integral parts of the double-side skin configuration. 5 Length of a bulk carrier means the length as defined in the International Convention on Load Lines in force. 6 Solid bulk cargo means any material, other than liquid or gas, consisting of a combination of particles, granules or any larger pieces of material, generally uniform in composition, which is loaded directly into the cargo spaces of a ship without any intermediate form of containment. 7 Bulk carrier bulkhead and double bottom strength standards means Standards for the evaluation of scantlings of the transverse watertight vertically corrugated bulkhead between the two foremost cargo holds and for the evaluation of allowable hold loading of the foremost cargo hold adopted by resolution 4 of the Conference of Contracting Governments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 on 27 November 1997, as may be amended by the Organization, provided that such amendments are adopted, brought into force and take effect in accordance with the

∗ Reference is made to:

.1 For ships constructed before 1 July 2006, resolution 6, Interpretation of the definition of bulk carrier, as given in chapter IX of SOLAS 1974, as amended in 1994, adopted by the 1997 SOLAS Conference.

.2 The Interpretation of the provisions of SOLAS chapter XII on Additional safety measures for bulk carriers, adopted by the Maritime Safety Committee of the Organization by resolution MSC.79(70).

.3 The application provisions of Annex 1 to the Interpretation of the provisions of SOLAS chapter XII on Additional safety measures for bulk carriers, adopted by the Maritime Safety Committee of the Organization by resolution MSC.89(71).


MSC 79/23/Add.1 ANNEX 3 Page 6


provisions of article VIII of the present Convention concerning the amendment procedures applicable to the Annex other than chapter I. 8 Bulk carriers constructed means bulk carriers the keels of which are laid or which are at a similar stage of construction. 9 A similar stage of construction means the stage at which: .1 construction identifiable with a specific ship begins; and .2 assembly of that ship has commenced comprising at least 50 tonnes or

one per cent of the estimated mass of all structural material, whichever is less.

10 Breadth (B) of a bulk carrier means the breadth as defined in the International Convention on Load Lines in force.

Regulation 2


Bulk carriers shall comply with the requirements of this chapter in addition to the applicable requirements of other chapters.

Regulation 3

Implementation schedule Bulk carriers constructed before 1 July 1999 to which regulations 4 or 6 apply shall comply with the provisions of such regulations according to the following schedule, with reference to the enhanced programme of inspections required by regulation XI-1/2: .1 bulk carriers, which are 20 years of age and over on 1 July 1999, by the

date of the first intermediate survey or the first periodical survey after 1 July 1999, whichever comes first;

.2 bulk carriers, which are 15 years of age and over but less than 20 years of

age on 1 July 1999, by the date of the first periodical survey after 1 July 1999, but not later than 1 July 2002; and

.3 bulk carriers, which are less than 15 years of age on 1 July 1999, by the

date of the first periodical survey after the date on which the ship reaches 15 years of age, but not later than the date on which the ship reaches 17 years of age.


MSC 79/23/Add.1 ANNEX 3

Page 7


Regulation 4

Damage stability requirements applicable to bulk carriers

1 Bulk carriers of 150 m in length and upwards of single-side skin construction, designed to carry solid bulk cargoes having a density of 1,000 kg/m3 and above, constructed on or after 1 July 1999 shall, when loaded to the summer load line, be able to withstand flooding of any one cargo hold in all loading conditions and remain afloat in a satisfactory condition of equilibrium, as specified in paragraph 4. 2 Bulk carriers of 150 m in length and upwards of double-side skin construction in which any part of longitudinal bulkhead is located within B/5 or 11.5 m, whichever is less, inboard from the ships side at right angle to the centreline at the assigned summer load line, designed to carry solid bulk cargoes having a density of 1,000 kg/m3 and above, constructed on or after 1 July 2006 shall, when loaded to the summer load line, be able to withstand flooding of any one cargo hold in all loading conditions and remain afloat in a satisfactory condition of equilibrium, as specified in paragraph 4. 3 Bulk carriers of 150 m in length and upwards of single-side skin construction, carrying solid bulk cargoes having a density of 1,780 kg/m3 and above, constructed before 1 July 1999 shall, when loaded to the summer load line, be able to withstand flooding of the foremost cargo hold in all loading conditions and remain afloat in a satisfactory condition of equilibrium, as specified in paragraph 4. This requirement shall be complied with in accordance with the implementation schedule specified in regulation 3. 4 Subject to the provisions of paragraph 7, the condition of equilibrium after flooding shall satisfy the condition of equilibrium laid down in the annex to resolution A.320(IX) - Regulation equivalent to regulation 27 of the International Convention on Load Lines, 1966, as amended by resolution A.514(13). The assumed flooding need only take into account flooding of the cargo hold space to the water level outside the ship in that flooded condition. The permeability of a loaded hold shall be assumed as 0.9 and the permeability of an empty hold shall be assumed as 0.95, unless a permeability relevant to a particular cargo is assumed for the volume of a flooded hold occupied by cargo and a permeability of 0.95 is assumed for the remaining empty volume of the hold. 5 Bulk carriers constructed before 1 July 1999, which have been assigned a reduced freeboard in compliance with regulation 27(7) of the International Convention on Load Lines, 1966, as adopted on 5 April 1966, may be considered as complying with paragraph 3 of this regulation. 6 Bulk carriers which have been assigned a reduced freeboard in compliance with the provisions of paragraph (8) of the regulation equivalent to regulation 27 of the International Convention on Load Lines, 1966, adopted by resolution A.320(IX), as amended by resolution A.514(13), may be considered as complying with paragraphs 1 or 2, as appropriate.


MSC 79/23/Add.1 ANNEX 3 Page 8


7 On bulk carriers which have been assigned reduced freeboard in compliance with the provisions of regulation 27(8) of Annex B of the Protocol of 1988 relating to the International Convention on Load Lines, 1966, the condition of equilibrium after flooding shall satisfy the relevant provisions of that Protocol.

Regulation 5

Structural strength of bulk carriers

1 Bulk carriers of 150 m in length and upwards of single-side skin construction, designed to carry solid bulk cargoes having a density of 1,000 kg/m3 and above constructed on or after 1 July 1999, shall have sufficient strength to withstand flooding of any one cargo hold to the water level outside the ship in that flooded condition in all loading and ballast conditions, taking also into account dynamic effects resulting from the presence of water in the hold, and taking into account the recommendations adopted by the Organization.∗ 2 Bulk carriers of 150 m in length and upwards of double-side skin construction, in which any part of longitudinal bulkhead is located within B/5 or 11.5 m, whichever is less, inboard from the ships side at right angle to the centreline at the assigned summer load line, designed to carry bulk cargoes having a density of 1,000 kg/m3 and above constructed on or after 1 July 2006, shall comply with the structural strength provisions of paragraph 1.

Regulation 6

Structural and other requirements for bulk carriers 1 Bulk carriers of 150 m in length and upwards of single-side skin construction, carrying solid bulk cargoes having a density of 1,780 kg/m3 and above, constructed before 1 July 1999, shall comply with the following requirements in accordance with the implementation schedule specified in regulation 3:

.1 The transverse watertight bulkhead between the two foremost cargo holds

and the double bottom of the foremost cargo hold shall have sufficient strength to withstand flooding of the foremost cargo hold, taking also into account dynamic effects resulting from the presence of water in the hold, in compliance with the Bulk carrier bulkhead and double bottom strength standards. For the purpose of this regulation, the Bulk carrier bulkhead and double bottom strength standards shall be treated as mandatory.

.2 In considering the need for, and the extent of, strengthening of the

transverse watertight bulkhead or double bottom to meet the requirements of 1.1, the following restrictions may be taken into account:

∗ Refer to resolution 3, Recommendation on compliance with SOLAS regulation XII/5, adopted by the

1997 SOLAS Conference. 35

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.1 restrictions on the distribution of the total cargo weight between the cargo holds; and

.2 restrictions on the maximum deadweight.

.3 For bulk carriers using either of, or both, the restrictions given in 1.2.1

and 1.2.2 above for the purpose of fulfilling the requirements of 1.1, these restrictions shall be complied with whenever solid bulk cargoes having a density of 1,780 kg/m3 and above are carried.

2 Bulk carriers of 150 m in length and upwards constructed on or after 1 July 2006, in all areas with double-side skin construction shall comply with the following requirements:

.1 Primary stiffening structures of the double-side skin shall not be placed inside the cargo hold space.

.2 Subject to the provisions below, the distance between the outer shell and

the inner shell at any transverse section shall not be less than 1,000 mm measured perpendicular to the side shell. The double-side skin construction shall be such as to allow access for inspection as provided in regulation II-1/3-6 and the Technical Provisions referring thereto.

.1 The clearances below need not be maintained in way of cross ties,

upper and lower end brackets of transverse framing or end brackets of longitudinal framing.

.2 The minimum width of the clear passage through the double-side

skin space in way of obstructions such as piping or vertical ladders shall not be less than 600 mm.

.3 Where the inner and/or outer skins are transversely framed, the

minimum clearance between the inner surfaces of the frames shall not be less than 600 mm.

.4 Where the inner and outer skins are longitudinally framed, the

minimum clearance between the inner surfaces of the frames shall not be less than 800 mm. Outside the parallel part of the cargo hold length, this clearance may be reduced where necessitated by the structural configuration, but, in no case, shall be less than 600 mm.

.5 The minimum clearance referred to above shall be the shortest

distance measured between assumed lines connecting the inner surfaces of the frames on the inner and outer skins.

3 Double-side skin spaces and dedicated seawater ballast tanks arranged in bulk carriers of 150 m in length and upwards constructed on or after 1 July 2006 shall be


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coated in accordance with the requirements of regulation II-1/3-2 and also based on the Performance standards for coatings∗ to be adopted by the Organization. 4 The double-side skin spaces, with the exception of top-side wing tanks, if fitted, shall not be used for the carriage of cargo. 5 In bulk carriers of 150 m in length and upwards, carrying solid bulk cargoes having a density of 1,000 kg/m3 and above, constructed on or after 1 July 2006:

.1 the structure of cargo holds shall be such that all contemplated cargoes can be loaded and discharged by standard loading/discharge equipment and procedures without damage which may compromise the safety of the structure;

.2 effective continuity between the side shell structure and the rest of the hull

structure shall be assured; and .3 the structure of cargo areas shall be such that single failure of one

stiffening structural member will not lead to immediate consequential failure of other structural items potentially leading to the collapse of the entire stiffened panels.

Regulation 7

Survey and maintenance of bulk carriers 1 Bulk carriers of 150 m in length and upwards of single-side skin construction, constructed before 1 July 1999, of 10 years of age and over, shall not carry solid bulk cargoes having a density of 1,780 kg/m3 and above unless they have satisfactorily undergone either: .1 a periodical survey, in accordance with the enhanced programme of

inspections during surveys required by regulation XI-1/2; or .2 a survey of all cargo holds to the same extent as required for periodical

surveys in the enhanced programme of inspections during surveys required by regulation XI-1/2.

2 Bulk carriers shall comply with the maintenance requirements provided in regulation II-1/3-1 and the Standards for owners inspection and maintenance of bulk carrier hatch covers, adopted by the Organization by resolution MSC.169(79), as may be amended by the Organization, provided that such amendments are adopted, brought into force and take effect in accordance with the provisions of article VIII of the present Convention concerning the amendment procedures applicable to the Annex other than chapter I.

∗ Refer to the standards acceptable to the Administration until such time that Performance standards for

coating, to be adopted by the Organization, will be made mandatory by suitably modifying the above requirements.


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Regulation 8

Information on compliance with requirements for bulk carriers

1 The booklet required by regulation VI/7.2 shall be endorsed by the Administration or on its behalf, to indicate that regulations 4, 5, 6 and 7, as appropriate, are complied with. 2 Any restrictions imposed on the carriage of solid bulk cargoes having a density of 1,780 kg/m3 and above in accordance with the requirements of regulations 6 and 14 shall be identified and recorded in the booklet referred to in paragraph 1. 3 A bulk carrier to which paragraph 2 applies shall be permanently marked on the side shell at midships, port and starboard, with a solid equilateral triangle having sides of 500 mm and its apex 300 mm below the deck line, and painted a contrasting colour to that of the hull.

Regulation 9 Requirements for bulk carriers not being capable of complying with regulation 4.3

due to the design configuration of their cargo holds For bulk carriers constructed before 1 July 1999 being within the application limits of regulation 4.3, which have been constructed with an insufficient number of transverse watertight bulkheads to satisfy that regulation, the Administration may allow relaxation from the application of regulations 4.3 and 6 on condition that they shall comply with the following requirements: .1 for the foremost cargo hold, the inspections prescribed for the annual

survey in the enhanced programme of inspections during surveys required by regulation XI-1/2 shall be replaced by the inspections prescribed therein for the intermediate survey of cargo holds;

.2 are provided with bilge well high water level alarms in all cargo holds, or

in cargo conveyor tunnels, as appropriate, giving an audible and visual alarm on the navigation bridge, as approved by the Administration or an organization recognized by it in accordance with the provisions of regulation XI-1/1; and

.3 are provided with detailed information on specific cargo hold flooding

scenarios. This information shall be accompanied by detailed instructions on evacuation preparedness under the provisions of section 8 of the International Safety Management (ISM) Code and be used as the basis for crew training and drills.


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Regulation 10

Solid bulk cargo density declaration

1 Prior to loading bulk cargo on bulk carriers of 150 m in length and upwards, the shipper shall declare the density of the cargo, in addition to providing the cargo information required by regulation VI/2. 2 For bulk carriers to which regulation 6 applies, unless such bulk carriers comply with all relevant requirements of this chapter applicable to the carriage of solid bulk cargoes having a density of 1,780 kg/m3 and above, any cargo declared to have a density within the range 1,250 kg/m3 to 1,780 kg/m3 shall have its density verified by an accredited testing organization.∗

Regulation 11

Loading instrument (Unless provided otherwise, this regulation applies to bulk carriers regardless of their date of construction) 1 Bulk carriers of 150 m in length and upwards shall be fitted with a loading instrument capable of providing information on hull girder shear forces and bending moments, taking into account the recommendation adopted by the Organization.∗∗ 2 Bulk carriers of 150 m in length and upwards constructed before 1 July 1999 shall comply with the requirements of paragraph 1 not later than the date of the first intermediate or periodical survey of the ship to be carried out after 1 July 1999. 3 Bulk carriers of less than 150 m in length constructed on or after 1 July 2006 shall be fitted with a loading instrument capable of providing information on the ships stability in the intact condition. The computer software shall be approved for stability calculations by the Administration and shall be provided with standard conditions for testing purposes relating to the approved stability information.∗∗∗

Regulation 12

Hold, ballast and dry space water ingress alarms (This regulation applies to bulk carriers regardless of their date of construction) 1 Bulk carriers shall be fitted with water level detectors:

∗ In verifying the density of solid bulk cargoes, reference should be made to the Uniform method of

measurement of the density of bulk cargoes (MSC/Circ.908). ∗∗ Refer to the Recommendation on loading instruments, adopted by resolution 5 of the 1997 SOLAS

Conference. ∗∗∗ Refer to the relevant parts of the appendix to the Guidelines for the on-board use and application of

computers (MSC/Circ.891). 39

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Page 13


.1 in each cargo hold, giving audible and visual alarms, one when the water

level above the inner bottom in any hold reaches a height of 0.5 m and another at a height not less than 15% of the depth of the cargo hold but not more than 2 m. On bulk carriers to which regulation 9.2 applies, detectors with only the latter alarm need be installed. The water level detectors shall be fitted in the aft end of the cargo holds. For cargo holds which are used for water ballast, an alarm overriding device may be installed. The visual alarms shall clearly discriminate between the two different water levels detected in each hold;

.2 in any ballast tank forward of the collision bulkhead required by

regulation II-1/11, giving an audible and visual alarm when the liquid in the tank reaches a level not exceeding 10% of the tank capacity. An alarm overriding device may be installed to be activated when the tank is in use; and

.3 in any dry or void space other than a chain cable locker, any part of which

extends forward of the foremost cargo hold, giving an audible and visual alarm at a water level of 0.1 m above the deck. Such alarms need not be provided in enclosed spaces the volume of which does not exceed 0.1% of the ships maximum displacement volume.

2 The audible and visual alarms specified in paragraph 1 shall be located on the navigation bridge. 3 Bulk carriers constructed before 1 July 2004 shall comply with the requirements of this regulation not later than the date of the annual, intermediate or renewal survey of the ship to be carried out after 1 July 2004, whichever comes first.

Regulation 13

Availability of pumping systems∗ (This regulation applies to bulk carriers regardless of their date of construction) 1 On bulk carriers, the means for draining and pumping ballast tanks forward of the collision bulkhead and bilges of dry spaces any part of which extends forward of the foremost cargo hold shall be capable of being brought into operation from a readily accessible enclosed space, the location of which is accessible from the navigation bridge or propulsion machinery control position without traversing exposed freeboard or superstructure decks. Where pipes serving such tanks or bilges pierce the collision bulkhead, valve operation by means of remotely operated actuators may be accepted, as an alternative to the valve control specified in regulation II-1/11.4, provided that the location of such valve controls complies with this regulation.

∗ Refer to the Interpretation of SOLAS regulation XII/13 (MSC/Circ.1069).


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2 Bulk carriers constructed before 1 July 2004 shall comply with the requirements of this regulation not later than the date of the first intermediate or renewal survey of the ship to be carried out after 1 July 2004, but, in no case, later than 1 July 2007.

Regulation 14

Restrictions from sailing with any hold empty

Bulk carriers of 150 m in length and upwards of single-side skin construction, carrying cargoes having a density of 1,780 kg/m3 and above, if not meeting the requirements for withstanding flooding of any one cargo hold as specified in regulation 5.1 and the Standards and criteria for side structures of bulk carriers of single-side skin construction, adopted by the Organization by resolution MSC.168(79), as may be amended by the Organization, provided that such amendments are adopted, brought into force and take effect in accordance with the provisions of article VIII of the present Convention concerning the amendment procedures applicable to the Annex other than chapter I, shall not sail with any hold loaded to less than 10% of the holds maximum allowable cargo weight when in the full load condition, after reaching 10 years of age. The applicable full load condition for this regulation is a load equal to or greater than 90% of the ships deadweight at the relevant assigned freeboard.




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1 The existing text of chapter XII is replaced by the following:

Regulation 1


For the purpose of this chapter: 1 Bulk carrier means a ship which is intended primarily to carry dry cargo in bulk, including such types as ore carriers and combination carriers.∗ 2 Bulk carrier of single-side skin construction means a bulk carrier which is constructed generally with single deck, top-side tanks and hopper side tanks in cargo spaces, in which: .1 any part of a cargo hold is bounded by the side shell; or .2 where one or more cargo holds are bounded by a double-side skin, the

width of which is less than 760 mm in bulk carriers constructed before 1 January 2000 and less than 1,000 mm in bulk carriers constructed on or after 1 January 2000 but before [date of entry into force of the amendments], the distance being measured perpendicular to the side shell.

Such ships include combination carriers in which any part of a cargo hold is bounded by the side shell.

∗ Reference is made to:

.1 For ships constructed before [date of entry into force of the amendments], resolution 6, Interpretation of the definition of bulk carrier, as given in chapter IX of SOLAS 1974, as amended in 1994, adopted by the 1997 SOLAS Conference.

.2 The Interpretation of the provisions of SOLAS chapter XII on Additional safety measures for bulk carriers, adopted by the Maritime Safety Committee of the Organization by resolution MSC.79(70).

.3 The application provisions of Annex 1 to the Interpretation of the provisions of SOLAS chapter XII on Additional safety measures for bulk carriers, adopted by the Maritime Safety Committee of the Organization by resolution MSC.89(71).

.4 The Guidance for the identification of a ship as a bulk carrier to be developed by the Organization.


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3 Bulk carrier of double-side skin construction means a bulk carrier as defined in paragraph 1, in which all cargo holds are bounded by a double-side skin, other than as defined in paragraph 2.2. 4 Double-side skin means a configuration where each ship side is constructed by the side shell and a longitudinal bulkhead connecting the double bottom and the deck. Hopper side tanks and top-side tanks may, where fitted, be integral parts of the double-side skin configuration. 5 Length of a bulk carrier means the length as defined in the International Convention on Load Lines in force. 6 Solid bulk cargo means any material, other than liquid or gas, consisting of a combination of particles, granules or any larger pieces of material, generally uniform in composition, which is loaded directly into the cargo spaces of a ship without any intermediate form of containment. 7 Bulk carrier bulkhead and double bottom strength standards means Standards for the evaluation of scantlings of the transverse water-tight vertically corrugated bulkhead between the two foremost cargo holds and for the evaluation of allowable hold loading of the foremost cargo hold adopted by resolution 4 of the Conference of Contracting Governments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 on 27 November 1997, as may be amended by the Organization, provided that such amendments are adopted, brought into force and take effect in accordance with the provisions of article VIII of the present Convention concerning the amendment procedures applicable to the Annex other than chapter I. 8 Bulk carriers constructed means bulk carriers the keels of which are laid or which are at a similar stage of construction. 9 A similar stage of construction means the stage at which:

.1 construction identifiable with a specific ship begins; and

.2 assembly of that ship has commenced comprising at least 50 tonnes or one per cent of the estimated mass of all structural material, whichever is less.

10 Breadth (B) of a bulk carrier means the breadth as defined in the International Convention on Load Lines in force.

Regulation 2


Bulk carriers shall comply with the requirements of this chapter in addition to the applicable requirements of other chapters.


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Regulation 3

Implementation schedule Bulk carriers constructed before 1 July 1999 to which regulations 4 or 6 apply shall comply with the provisions of such regulations according to the following schedule, with reference to the enhanced programme of inspections required by regulation XI-1/2: .1 bulk carriers, which are 20 years of age and over on 1 July 1999, by the

date of the first intermediate survey or the first periodical survey after 1 July 1999, whichever comes first;

.2 bulk carriers, which are 15 years of age and over but less than 20 years of

age on 1 July 1999, by the date of the first periodical survey after 1 July 1999, but not later than 1 July 2002; and

.3 bulk carriers, which are less than 15 years of age on 1 July 1999, by the

date of the first periodical survey after the date on which the ship reaches 15 years of age, but not later than the date on which the ship reaches 17 years of age.

Regulation 4

Damage stability requirements applicable to bulk carriers 1 Bulk carriers of 150 m in length and upwards of single-side skin construction, designed to carry solid bulk cargoes having a density of 1,000 kg/m3 and above, constructed on or after 1 July 1999 shall, when loaded to the summer load line, be able to withstand flooding of any one cargo hold in all loading conditions and remain afloat in a satisfactory condition of equilibrium, as specified in paragraph 4. 2 Bulk carriers of 150 m in length and upwards of double-side skin construction with a double-side skin space less than B/5 wide, designed to carry solid bulk cargoes having a density of 1,000 kg/m3 and above, constructed on or after [date of entry into force of the amendments] shall, when loaded to the summer load line, be able to withstand flooding of any one cargo hold in all loading conditions and remain afloat in a satisfactory condition of equilibrium, as specified in paragraph 4. 3 Bulk carriers of 150 m in length and upwards of single-side skin construction, carrying solid bulk cargoes having a density of 1,780 kg/m3 and above, constructed before 1 July 1999 shall, when loaded to the summer load line, be able to withstand flooding of the foremost cargo hold in all loading conditions and remain afloat in a satisfactory condition of equilibrium, as specified in paragraph 4. This requirement shall be complied with in accordance with the implementation schedule specified in regulation 3.


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4 Subject to the provisions of paragraph 7, the condition of equilibrium after flooding shall satisfy the condition of equilibrium laid down in the Annex to resolution A.320(IX) - Regulation equivalent to regulation 27 of the International Convention on Load Lines, 1966, as amended by resolution A.514(13). The assumed flooding need only take into account flooding of the cargo hold space to the water level outside the ship in that flooded condition. The permeability of a loaded hold shall be assumed as 0.9 and the permeability of an empty hold shall be assumed as 0.95, unless a permeability relevant to a particular cargo is assumed for the volume of a flooded hold occupied by cargo and a permeability of 0.95 is assumed for the remaining empty volume of the hold. 5 Bulk carriers constructed before 1 July 1999, which have been assigned a reduced freeboard in compliance with regulation 27(7) of the International Convention on Load Lines, 1966, as adopted on 5 April 1966, may be considered as complying with paragraph 3 of this regulation. 6 Bulk carriers which have been assigned a reduced freeboard in compliance with the provisions of paragraph (8) of the regulation equivalent to regulation 27 of the International Convention on Load Lines, 1966, adopted by resolution A.320(IX), as amended by resolution A.514(13), may be considered as complying with paragraphs 1 or 3, as appropriate. 7 On bulk carriers which have been assigned reduced freeboard in compliance with the provisions of regulation 27(8) of Annex B of the Protocol of 1988 relating to the International Convention on Load Lines, 1966, the condition of equilibrium after flooding shall satisfy the relevant provisions of that Protocol.

Regulation 5

Structural strength of bulk carriers

1 Bulk carriers of 150 m in length and upwards of single-side skin construction, designed to carry solid bulk cargoes having a density of 1,000 kg/m3 and above constructed on or after 1 July 1999, shall have sufficient strength to withstand flooding of any one cargo hold to the water level outside the ship in that flooded condition in all loading and ballast conditions, taking also into account dynamic effects resulting from the presence of water in the hold, and taking into account the recommendations adopted by the Organization.∗

2 Bulk carriers of 150 m in length and upwards of double-side skin construction, with a double-side skin space less than B/5 wide, designed to carry bulk cargoes having a density of 1,000 kg/m3 and above constructed on or after [date of entry into force of the amendments], shall comply with the structural strength provisions of paragraph 1.

∗ Refer to resolution 3, Recommendation on compliance with SOLAS regulation XII/5, adopted by

the 1997 SOLAS Conference.


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Regulation 6 Structural and other requirements for bulk carriers

1 Bulk carriers of 150 m in length and upwards of single-side skin construction, carrying solid bulk cargoes having a density of 1,780 kg/m3 and above, constructed before 1 July 1999, shall comply with the following requirements in accordance with the implementation schedule specified in regulation 3:

.1 The transverse watertight bulkhead between the two foremost cargo holds and the double bottom of the foremost cargo hold shall have sufficient strength to withstand flooding of the foremost cargo hold, taking also into account dynamic effects resulting from the presence of water in the hold, in compliance with the Bulk carrier bulkhead and double bottom strength standards. For the purpose of this regulation, the Bulk carrier bulkhead and double bottom strength standards shall be treated as mandatory.

.2 In considering the need for, and the extent of, strengthening of the

transverse watertight bulkhead or double bottom to meet the requirements of paragraph 1.1, the following restrictions may be taken into account:

.1 restrictions on the distribution of the total cargo weight between the

cargo holds; and

.2 restrictions on the maximum deadweight.

.3 For bulk carriers using either of, or both, the restrictions given in paragraphs 1.2.1 and 1.2.2 above for the purpose of fulfilling the requirements of paragraph 1.1, these restrictions shall be complied with whenever solid bulk cargoes having a density of 1,780 kg/m3 and above are carried.

2 Bulk carriers of 150 m in length and upwards of double-side skin construction, constructed on or after [date of entry into force of the amendments] shall comply with the following requirements:

.1 Primary stiffening structures of the double-side skin shall not be placed inside the cargo hold space.

.2 Subject to the provisions below, the distance between the outer shell and

the inner shell at any transverse section shall not be less than 1,000 mm measured perpendicular to the side shell. The double-side skin construction shall be such as to allow access for inspection as provided in regulation II-1/3-6 and the Technical provisions referring thereto.

.1 The clearances below need not be maintained in way of cross ties,

upper and lower end brackets of transverse framing or end brackets of longitudinal framing.


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.2 The minimum width of the clear passage through the double-side skin space in way of obstructions such as piping or vertical ladders shall not be less than 600 mm.

.3 Where the inner and/or outer skins are transversely framed, the

minimum clearance between the inner surfaces of the frames shall not be less than 600 mm.

.4 Where the inner and outer skins are longitudinally framed, the

minimum clearance between the inner surfaces of the frames shall not be less than 800 mm. Outside the parallel part of the cargo hold length, this clearance may be reduced where necessitated by the structural configuration but in no case shall be less than 600 mm.

.5 The minimum clearance referred to above shall be the shortest

distance measured between assumed lines connecting the inner surfaces of the frames on the inner and outer skins.

3 The double-side skin spaces shall be coated in accordance with the requirements of regulation II-1/3-2 and the [Performance standards for coatings]∗ adopted by the Organization by resolution MSC.[..]([..]), as may be amended by the Organization, provided that such amendments are adopted, brought into force and take effect in accordance with the provisions of article VIII of the present Convention concerning the amendment procedures applicable to the Annex other than chapter I. 4 The double-side skin spaces, with the exception of top-side wing tanks, if fitted, shall not be used for the carriage of cargo.

Regulation 7

Survey and maintenance of bulk carriers 1 Bulk carriers of 150 m in length and upwards of single-side skin construction, constructed before 1 July 1999, of 10 years of age and over, shall not carry solid bulk cargoes having a density of 1,780 kg/m3 and above unless they have satisfactorily undergone either:

.1 a periodical survey, in accordance with the enhanced programme of

inspections during surveys required by regulation XI-1/2, or .2 a survey of all cargo holds to the same extent as required for periodical

surveys in the enhanced programme of inspections during surveys required by regulation XI-1/2.

∗ Performance standards for coatings, to be developed by the Organization.


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2 Bulk carriers shall comply with the maintenance requirements provided in regulation II-1/3-1 and the Standards for owners inspections and maintenance of bulk carrier hatch covers adopted by the Organization by resolution MSC.[..]([..]), as may be amended by the Organization, provided that such amendments are adopted, brought into force and take effect in accordance with the provisions of article VIII of the present Convention concerning the amendment procedures applicable to the Annex other than chapter I.

Regulation 8

Information on compliance with requirements for bulk carriers 1 The booklet required by regulation VI/7.2 shall be endorsed by the Administration or on its behalf, to indicate that regulations 4, 5, 6 and 7, as appropriate, are complied with. 2 Any restrictions imposed on the carriage of solid bulk cargoes having a density of 1,780 kg/m3 and above in accordance with the requirements of regulations 6 and 14 shall be identified and recorded in the booklet referred to in paragraph 1. 3 A bulk carrier to which paragraph 2 applies shall be permanently marked on the side shell at midships, port and starboard, with a solid equilateral triangle having sides of 500 mm and its apex 300 mm below the deck line, and painted a contrasting colour to that of the hull.

Regulation 9 Requirements for bulk carriers not being capable of complying with regulation 4.3

due to the design configuration of their cargo holds For bulk carriers constructed before 1 July 1999 being within the application limits of regulation 4.3, which have been constructed with an insufficient number of transverse watertight bulkheads to satisfy that regulation, the Administration may allow relaxation from the application of regulations 4.3 and 6 on condition that they shall comply with the following requirements: .1 for the foremost cargo hold, the inspections prescribed for the annual

survey in the enhanced programme of inspections during surveys required by regulation XI-1/2 shall be replaced by the inspections prescribed therein for the intermediate survey of cargo holds;

.2 are provided with bilge well high water level alarms in all cargo holds, or

in cargo conveyor tunnels, as appropriate, giving an audible and visual alarm on the navigation bridge, as approved by the Administration or an organization recognized by it in accordance with the provisions of regulation XI-1/1; and


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.3 are provided with detailed information on specific cargo hold flooding scenarios. This information shall be accompanied by detailed instructions on evacuation preparedness under the provisions of section 8 of the International Safety Management (ISM) Code and be used as the basis for crew training and drills.

Regulation 10

Solid bulk cargo density declaration 1 Prior to loading bulk cargo on bulk carriers of 150 m in length and upwards, the shipper shall declare the density of the cargo, in addition to providing the cargo information required by regulation VI/2. 2 For bulk carriers to which regulation 6 applies, unless such bulk carriers comply with all relevant requirements of this chapter applicable to the carriage of solid bulk cargoes having a density of 1,780 kg/m3 and above, any cargo declared to have a density within the range 1,250 kg/m3 to 1,780 kg/m3 shall have its density verified by an accredited testing organization.∗

Regulation 11

Loading instrument (Unless provided otherwise, this regulation applies to bulk carriers regardless of their date of construction) 1 Bulk carriers of 150 m in length and upwards shall be fitted with a loading instrument capable of providing information on hull girder shear forces and bending moments, taking into account the recommendation adopted by the Organization.∗∗

2 Bulk carriers of 150 m in length and upwards constructed before 1 July 1999 shall comply with the requirements of paragraph 1 not later than the date of the first intermediate or periodical survey of the ship to be carried out after 1 July 1999. 3 Bulk carriers of less than 150 m in length constructed on or after [date of entry into force of the amendments] shall be fitted with a loading instrument capable of providing information on the ships stability in the intact condition. The computer software shall be approved for stability calculations by the Administration and shall be provided with standard conditions for testing purposes relating to the approved stability information.∗∗∗

∗ In verifying the density of solid bulk cargoes, reference should be made to the Uniform method of

measurement of the density of bulk cargoes (MSC/Circ.908). ∗∗ Refer to the Recommendation on loading instruments, adopted by resolution 5 of the

1997 SOLAS Conference. ∗∗∗ Refer to the relevant parts of the appendix to the Guidelines for the on-board use and application of

computers (MSC/Circ.891).


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Page 9


Regulation 12

Hold, ballast and dry space water ingress alarms

(This regulation applies to bulk carriers regardless of their date of construction) 1 Bulk carriers shall be fitted with water level detectors:

.1 in each cargo hold, giving audible and visual alarms, one when the water level above the inner bottom in any hold reaches a height of 0.5 m and another at a height not less than 15% of the depth of the cargo hold but not more than 2 m. On bulk carriers to which regulation 9.2 applies, detectors with only the latter alarm need be installed. The water level detectors shall be fitted in the aft end of the cargo holds. For cargo holds which are used for water ballast, an alarm overriding device may be installed. The visual alarms shall clearly discriminate between the two different water levels detected in each hold;

.2 in any ballast tank forward of the collision bulkhead required by

regulation II-1/11, giving an audible and visual alarm when the liquid in the tank reaches a level not exceeding 10% of the tank capacity. An alarm overriding device may be installed to be activated when the tank is in use; and

.3 in any dry or void space other than a chain cable locker, any part of which

extends forward of the foremost cargo hold, giving an audible and visual alarm at a water level of 0.1 m above the deck. Such alarms need not be provided in enclosed spaces the volume of which does not exceed 0.1% of the ships maximum displacement volume.

2 The audible and visual alarms specified in paragraph 1 shall be located on the navigation bridge. 3 Bulk carriers constructed before 1 July 2004 shall comply with the requirements of this regulation not later than the date of the annual, intermediate or renewal survey of the ship to be carried out after 1 July 2004, whichever comes first.

Regulation 13

Availability of pumping systems∗

(This regulation applies to bulk carriers regardless of their date of construction) 1 On bulk carriers, the means for draining and pumping ballast tanks forward of the collision bulkhead and bilges of dry spaces any part of which extends forward of the foremost cargo hold shall be capable of being brought into operation from a readily

∗ Refer to Interpretation of SOLAS regulation XII/13 (MSC/Circ.1069).


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accessible enclosed space, the location of which is accessible from the navigation bridge or propulsion machinery control position without traversing exposed freeboard or superstructure decks. Where pipes serving such tanks or bilges pierce the collision bulkhead, valve operation by means of remotely operated actuators may be accepted, as an alternative to the valve control specified in regulation II-1/11.4, provided that the location of such valve controls complies with this regulation. 2 Bulk carriers constructed before 1 July 2004 shall comply with the requirements of this regulation not later than the date of the first intermediate or renewal survey of the ship to be carried out after 1 July 2004, but in no case later than 1 July 2007.

Regulation 14

Restrictions from sailing with any hold empty

Bulk carriers of 150 m in length and upwards of single-side skin construction, carrying cargoes having a density of 1,780 kg/m3 and above, if not meeting the requirements of regulation 5.1 and the Standards and criteria for side structures of bulk carriers of single-side skin construction, adopted by the Organization by resolution MSC.[..]([..]), as may be amended by the Organization, provided that such amendments are adopted, brought into force and take effect in accordance with the provisions of article VIII of the present Convention concerning the amendment procedures applicable to the Annex other than chapter I, shall not sail with any hold loaded to less than 10% of the holds maximum allowable cargo weight when in the full load condition, after reaching 10 years of age. The applicable full load condition for this regulation is a load equal to or greater than 90% of the ships deadweight at the relevant assigned freeboard.




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MARITIME SAFETY COMMITTEE 79th session Agenda item 3

MSC 79/3/9 24 September 2004 Original: ENGLISH


Application of the amendments to the 1974 SOLAS Convention

Submitted by Japan


Executive summary:

This document contains a proposal of guidelines for implementation of chapter XII of SOLAS 1974 as amended in 2004, related to the safety of bulk carriers.

Action to be taken:

Paragraph 4

Related documents:

MSC 79/3/1 and MSC 79/3/6

1 In regard to the safety of bulk carriers, the 1974 SOLAS Convention has been amended several times and further amendments will be adopted at this session of the Committee. 2 Japan believes that guidelines of implementation of SOLAS chapter XII, as amended in 2004, related to the safety of bulk carriers would be beneficial for bodies and persons concerned. 3 Therefore, Japan has developed draft guidelines on the implementation, as contained in the annex to this document. The contents reflect the action taken by the Organization and those which will be taken at this session of the Committee. Action requested of the Committee 4 The Committee is invited to consider this document, in particular the draft guidelines set out in the annex, and take action as appropriate.




MSC 79/3/9




THE MARITIME SAFETY COMMITTEE, HAVING ADOPTED amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974, as amended, concerning the safety of bulk carriers, NOTING that SOLAS chapter XII will enter into force on [1 July 2006] and make new requirements mandatory for bulk carriers, RECOGNIZING that a number of SOLAS Contracting Governments have identified, for the purpose of the application of the new SOLAS chapter XII, certain ambiguities in the definition of the term bulk carrier, as given in new SOLAS regulation XII/1.1, which is different from that in SOLAS regulation IX/1.6, RECOGNIZING FURTHER the need for guidance on the application of the new SOLAS chapter XII to ships constructed before [1 July 2006] for the Contracting Governments and the industry, HAVING AGREED, at its seventy-eighth session, that requirements in new SOLAS chapter XII apply to ships which fall under the definition of bulk carriers in the broad sense and are constructed on or after [1 July 2006], but the requirements do not apply to ships other than bulk carriers as defined in SOLAS regulation IX/1.6 which are constructed before [1 July 2006], URGES Contracting Governments to interpret the definition of the term bulk carrier given in regulation XII/1.1, for the purpose of the application of new SOLAS chapter XII to mean:

for ships constructed on or after [1 July 2006], - ships designed to be intended primarily to carry dry cargo in bulk, including ore carriers

and combination carriers; for ships constructed before [1 July 2006], - ships constructed with single deck, top-side tanks and hopper side tanks in cargo spaces

and intended primarily to carry dry cargo in bulk; or - ore carriers ; or - combination carriers, (text diverted from resolution 6 of the 1997 SOLAS Conference)

URGES ALSO Contracting Governments to interpret the definition of the terms ore carrier and combination carrier given in regulation XII/1.1, for the purpose of the application of SOLAS chapter XII, that:

- ore carrier means a single-deck ship having two longitudinal bulkheads and a double bottom throughout the cargo region and intended for the carriage of ore cargoes in the centre holds only (text diverted from the footnote to resolution 6 of the 1997 SOLAS Conference); and


MSC 79/3/9 ANNEX Page 2


- combination carrier means a ship whose design is similar to a conventional bulk carrier as

defined in SOLAS regulation IX/1.6 and including ore carrier, but equipped with pipelines, pumps and inert gas plant so as to enable the carriage of oil cargoes in designated spaces (text diverted from BLU Code with minor modification);

INVITES Contracting Governments to take appropriate actions to bring these Guidelines to the attention of all parties concerned.




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MARITIME SAFETY COMMITTEE 79th session Agenda item 3

MSC 79/3/10 24 September 2004 Original: ENGLISH



Amendments to the 1974 SOLAS Convention

Submitted by Japan


Executive summary:

This document contains proposed modifications to the draft amendments to the 1974 SOLAS Convention set out in the document MSC 79/3/1, in regard to the safety of bulk carriers. The Committee is invited to consider these proposals on its adoption of the amendments

Action to be taken:

Paragraph 20

Related documents:

MSC 79/3/1 and MSC 79/3/6

Background 1 The Committee, at its seventy-eighth session, considered amendments to the 1974 SOLAS Convention in regard to the safety of bulk carriers. At the session, the Committee agreed that the double-side skin construction should not be a mandatory requirement for bulk carriers, but should be one of the options to enhance the safety of bulk carriers. 2 Consequentially, the Committee made modifications to the draft amendment to chapter XII of the SOLAS Convention prepared by the Sub-Committee on Design and Equipment, in order to reflect such agreements. Document MSC 79/3/1 provides the modified proposed amendments to chapter XII of SOLAS, which the Committee approved. Harmonization and improvements of the proposed amendments 3 Japan has reviewed the proposed amendments contained in document MSC 79/3/1 and has found that several improvements to the proposed amendments are necessary. This paper contains the proposed modifications to the draft amendments to 1974 SOLAS Convention set out in the document MSC 79/3/1, in regard to the safety of bulk carriers.


MSC 79/3/10 - 2 -


Definition of bulk carriers 4 The Committee considered and agreed that a clarification on the definition of bulk carriers is necessary, and agreed to put some footnotes to the draft regulation 1.1 of chapter XII, which appears in document MSC 79/3/1. 5 Recognizing that such footnotes are not part of the authentic text of the Convention and also that the contents of the clarification should appear in the text of the Convention, Japan proposes to modify the draft amendment of regulation 1.1 as contained in the annex of this document, in order to indicate the necessary clarification. 6 The regulation 1.2 was previously prepared based on the agreement that the double-side skin construction should be a mandatory requirement to new bulk carriers and on the assumption that single-side skin construction would be allowed only for existing bulk carries to which the definition in chapter IX applies. 7 Recognizing that new single-side skin bulk carries may be constructed in future based on the agreement made at the seventy-eighth session of the Committee, Japan considers that the single-side skin construction of future bulk carries need not have top-side tanks and/or hopper side tanks in cargo spaces in the light of the proposed definition in regulation 1.1. Furthermore, if the definition of single-side skin construction contains a requirement of with top-side tanks and hopper side tanks, there will be a case that the side skin of bulk carriers which have no double-side skin or top-side tank would not be categorized neither single-side skin nor double-side skin. 8 Therefore, Japan proposes to delete which is constructed generally with single decks, top-side tanks and hopper side tanks in cargo spaces from the proposed regulation 1.2 as contained in the annex of this document. Clarification of B/5 9 Japan believes that the method of measurement of the width of double-side skin spaces should be clarified. For this purpose, expression used in other instruments, such as the Load Line Convention, can be used. Therefore, Japan proposes modifications to the draft regulations 4.2 and 5.2 as contained in the annex to this document. Structural requirement to double-side skin construction 10 Due to the agreement made at the seventy-eighth session of the Committee, bulk carriers of single-side skin construction, which may have double-side skin construction in one or more cargo holds, may be built. Japan considers that double-side skin construction, either the structure of the bulk carriers of double-side skin construction or parts of the structure of the bulk carriers of single-side skin construction, should comply with the requirements in regulation 6.2. Therefore, Japan proposes a modification to the draft regulation 6.2, as contained in the annex, in a way that Double-side skin construction of bulk carrier shall comply with the requirement in sub-paragraph .1 to .5 of the regulation 6.2.


- 3 - MSC 79/3/10


Structural requirement to single-side skin construction 11 Japan believes that future bulk carriers of single-side skin construction should have sufficient strength of the side skin, and that such construction shall comply with a standard. The Organization has developed such standard for use in existing bulk carriers, as contained in document MSC 79/3/6. Japan believes that this standard should also apply to future bulk carriers of single-side skin construction. 12 Therefore, Japan proposes a new regulation 6.3 as contained in the annex to this document. 13 It would be necessary to modify the draft resolution and its annex contained in the annex of document MSC 79/3/6, as appropriate. Performance standard for coating 14 Regulation 6.3 of chapter XII of the draft amendments to SOLAS as contained in annex 1 of document MSC 79/3/1 refers to a performance standard for coating in a way that the requirements of the standard are mandatory. However, it will be totally unknown what the standards will be at the adoption of the SOLAS amendments at the seventy-ninth session of the Committee. It is impossible to adopt the regulation which includes reference to another mandatory instrument which is unknown. 15 The contents and requirements of the performance standard for coating should depend upon the usage of the space of which the inside surface is to be coated. The coating standards shall be developed taking into account also this issue. 16 Therefore, Japan proposes to modify the draft regulation 6.3, as set out in the annex of the document as renumbered regulation 6.4, in a way that it contains only reference to regulation II-1/3-2 but does not contain reference to the coating standard. 17 Japan considers that future amendments to the regulation would be further made after the coating standard is developed. Coating of structural members 18 Japan believes that the inside surface of the ships side shell and the inner side shell, if it exists, including frames attached to these plates, should be coated, whatever these are the structure of double-side skin or single-side skin. Therefore, Japan proposes new regulation 6.5 by which the inside surface of the ships side shell, including frames attached to these plates, of single-side skin construction shall be coated. 19 According to the understanding, the inside of double-side skin spaces between top-side tanks and hopper side tank shall be coated. Japan proposes a modification to the draft regulation as contained in the annex to this document as renumbered regulation 6.4. Action requested of the Committee 20 The Committee is invited to consider the above proposals together with the annex attached and take actions as appropriate.




MSC 79/3/10





Proposed additions are indicated with underlines such as addition.. Proposed deletions are indicated with deletion-line such as deletion.

Regulation 1 Definitions

Paragraph 1 should be revised as follows; 1 Bulk carrier means a ship which is intended primarily to carry dry cargo in bulk, including such types as ore carriers and combination carriers. The Administration shall apply the definition of bulk carrier as specified in chapter XII of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, as amended by resolution 1 of the 1997 SOLAS Conference and resolution MSC.134(76) to bulk carriers constructed before [date of entry into force of the amendments]. Main text of paragraph 2 should be revised as follows; 2 Bulk carrier of single-side skin construction means a bulk carrier as defined in paragraph 1 which is constructed generally with deck, top-side tanks and hopper tanks in cargo spaces, in which:

Regulation 1 Damage stability requirements applicable to bulk carriers Paragraph 2 should be revised as follows; 2 Bulk carriers of 150 m in length and upwards of double-side skin construction with a double-side skin space less than B/5 wide any part of which longitudinal bulkhead is located within B/5 or 11.5 m, whichever is less, inboard from the ships side at right angle to the centreline at the assigned summer load line, designed to carry solid bulk cargoes having a density of 1,000 kg/m3 and above, constructed on or after [date of entry into force of the amendments] shall, when loaded to the summer load line, be able to withstand flooding of any one cargo hold in all loading conditions and remain afloat in a satisfactory condition of equilibrium, as specified in paragraph 4.

Regulation 5 Structural strength of bulk carriers Paragraph 2 should be revised as follows; 2 Bulk carriers of 150 m in length and upwards of double-side skin construction, with a double-side skin space less than B/5 wide any part of which longitudinal bulkhead is located within B/5 or 11.5 m, whichever is less, inboard from the ships side at right angle to the centreline at the assigned summer load line, designed to carry bulk cargoes having a density of 1,000 kg/m3 and above constructed on or after [date of entry into force of the amendments], shall comply with the structural strength provisions of paragraph 1.


MSC 79/3/10 ANNEX Page 2


Regulation 6 Structural and other requirements for bulk carriers

Main text of paragraph 2 should be revised as follows; 2 Double-side skin construction of bulk Bulk carriers of 150 m in length and upwards, constructed on or after [date of entry into force of the amendments] shall comply with the following requirements: Existing paragraphs 3 and 4 should be replaced with the following paragraphs 3 to 6. 3 Single-side skin construction of bulk carriers of 150 m in length and upwards, designed to carry solid cargoes having a density of 1,000 kg/m3 and above constructed on or after [date of entry into force of the amendments] shall comply with the Standard and criteria for side structures of bulk carriers of single-side skin construction adopted by the Organization by resolution MSC.[..]/([..]), as may be amended by the Organization, provided that such amendments are adopted, brought into force and take effect in accordance with the provisions of article VIII of the present Convention concerning the amendment procedures applicable to the annex other than chapter 1. 3 4 The double-side skin spaces between top-side tank and hopper side tank shall be coated in accordance with the requirements of regulation II-1/3-2 and the [Performance standards for coating]* adopted by the Organization by resolution MSC.[..]([..]), as may be amended by the Organization, provided that such amendments are adopted, brought into force and take effect in accordance with the provisions of article VIII of the present Convention concerning the amendment procedures applicable to the annex other than chapter I. 5 The hold frames and attached side shell plates of single-side skin construction within cargo holds shall have an efficient protective coating. 4 6 The double-side skin spaces, with the exception of top-side wing tanks, if fitted, shall not be used for the carriage of cargo.




For reasons of economy, this document is printed in a limited number. Delegates are kindly asked to bring their copies to meetings and not to request additional copies.





DE 48/12/1 27 December 2004 Original: ENGLISH


Comments on the verification methods in the draft performance standards for

protective coatings

Submitted by Japan


Executive summary:

This document provides comments and proposal of modification on the verification methods in the draft performance standard of coating system in document DE 48/12.

Action to be taken:

Paragraph 4

Related document:

DE 48/12

Background 1 This document provides the proposal of modification to the draft verification methods in the draft performance standard of coating as contained in document DE 48/12. This document has been submitted in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 4.10.5 of the Guidelines on the organization and method of work of the MSC and MEPC and their subsidiary bodies (MSC/Circ.1099 - MEPC/Circ.405). Comments and proposal to the draft verification methods 2 Japan believes that, in order to verify effectively the application of coatings and surface preparation, test procedures for coating qualification and surface preparation (proposed test procedures are given in the annex of document DE 48/12/2) should be introduced and survey guidance for the Administrations and the organizations recognized by the Administration should be developed. 3 The annex to this document provides a draft new paragraph for “Verification” which should be added as a new paragraph (paragraph 4) to the draft proposed performance standard of coating contained in document DE 48/12. Action requested of the Sub-Committee 4 The Sub-Committee is invited to consider the above comments and the proposal in the annex to the document, and take action as appropriate.




DE 48/12/1




FOR PROTECTIVE COATING 1 The following new section 4 “VERIFICATION” is inserted after section 3 “COATING STANDARD” of the draft performance standard for protective coatings in document DE 48/12. “4 VERIFICATION 4.1 Type approval 4.1.1 The coating system, which is applied to double-side skin spaces and dedicated seawater ballast tanks arranged in bulk carriers of 150 m in length and upwards, shall be of a type approved by the Administration, in accordance with the test procedures given in the annex. 4.2 Coating survey 4.2.1 The coating survey during the initial survey prescribed by SOLAS regulation I/10 shall be carried out in accordance with the survey requirements listed in Table 2. 4.2.2 Final checking of the secondary steel surface treatment and finish of the coating shall be carried out by qualified surveyors of the Recognized Organization or coating inspectors certified by the Administration or the Recognized Organization in accordance with the coating inspection guidance developed by the Recognized Organization. 4.2.3 The shipbuilder’s quality control system for the coating application and surface preparation shall be approved by the Administration or the Recognized Organization. 4.2.4 Reports of the coating survey shall be of a part of the Coating Technical File.

Table 2 – Survey Requirements

Construction of stage Survey items Acceptance criteria

Primary surface preparation

The surface temperature of steel, the relative humidity and the dew point shall be measured and recorded before blasting process starts and at the time suddenly changing in weather excluding the case that heating or dehumidification facilities are provided. Any possible salt contaminated surface of steel plates shall be tested for salt. The cleanness of the steel surface shall be monitored in the pre-construction primer application process.

Insufficient dehumidification and/or heating: none permissible. Salt content 30mg/m2. Poor cleaning, presence of inclusions or contamination in excess of the Requirements: none permissible.


DE 48/12/1 ANNEX Page 2


Block assembly After completing construction of the block

and before secondary surface preparation starts, visual survey for steel surface treatment including edge treatment shall be carried out. After blasting/grinding/cleaning and prior to coating, visual survey for the prepared surface shall be carried out. The salt content test on the prepared surface shall be taken and recorded. The surface temperature, the relative humidity and the dew point shall be monitored and recorded during the coating application and curing. Visual survey for finish of coating shall be carried out. Dry film thickness (DFT) measurement shall be taken as a minimum of one point per 10 m2. 10%of such measurement shall be taken at stripe coating areas.

All sharp and/or loose weld spatters and burrs are removed. All sharp edges are ground. Poor cleaning, presence of inclusions or contamination in excess of the Requirements: none permissible. Salt content <= 30mg/m2. Insufficient dehumidification and/or heating: none permissible. Excessive sags and runs, pin-holes(excluding holes not reached substrate), air bubbles or air bubble craters, blistering and lifting or peeling: none permissible. Low DFT(80/20 rules) and too high DFT: none permissible.


Prior to coating, visual survey for surface treatment of the butts and other damaged areas shall be carried out. The surface temperature, the relative humidity and the dew point shall be measured and recorded before coating starts and at the time suddenly changing in weather excluding the case that heating or dehumidification facilities are provided. Visual survey for finish of coating shall be carried out.

Poor cleaning, presence of inclusions or contamination in excess of the Requirements: none permissible. Insufficient dehumidification and/or heating: none permissible. Excessive sags and runs, pin-holes(excluding holes not reached substrate), air bubbles or air bubble craters, blistering and lifting or peeling: none permissible.

” 2 As a consequence of introducing new paragraph 4 “VERIFICATION”, the proposed paragraph 4 “Alternative procedures” should be renumbered as paragraph 5.




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DE 48/12/2 27 December 2004 Original: ENGLISH


Comments on alternative procedures in the draft performance standards for protective


Submitted by Japan


Executive summary:

This document provides comments and proposal of modification to the draft alternative procedures in the draft performance standard of coating system in document DE 48/12.

Action to be taken:

Paragraph 4

Related documents:

DE 48/12

Background 1 This document provides the proposal of modification to the draft alternative procedures in the draft performance standard of coating as contained in document DE 48/12. This document has been submitted in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 4.10.5 of the Guidelines on the organization and method of work of the MSC and MEPC and their subsidiary bodies (MSC/Circ.1099/MEPC/Circ.405). Comments and proposal to the draft alternative procedures 2 Japan supports the idea of “Alternative procedures” in the draft performance standard of coating as contained in document DE 48/12. In addition, Japan believes that, in order to effectively apply the alternative procedures, it is important to provide a guidance on test procedures for coating qualification and surface preparation. 3 Japan provides, in the annex to this document, a proposed draft test procedure for coating qualification and surface preparation, for the consideration of the Sub-Committee. Action requested of the Sub-Committee 4 The Sub-Committee is invited to consider the above comments and the proposal as set out in the annex to this document, and take action as appropriate.




DE 48/12/2




1 Renumber the draft paragraph 4 “Alternative procedures”, as follows:


Renumber 4.1 as 5.1. Renumber 4.2 as 5.2. 2 Renumber 4.3 as 5.3, and modify it in order to introduce the proposed test procedure for coating qualification and surface preparation, as follows:

5.3 4.3 As a minimum, the documented evidence shall consist of satisfactory performance corresponding to that of the coating system, which conforms to the coating standard described in section 3, a target useful life of 15 years, in either actual field exposure (ballast spaces) or laboratory testing. Laboratory tests shall be conducted in accordance with the test procedure given in Annex of this document.

3 Add the following annex at the end of the draft proposed standards:


Draft Guidelines on test procedures for coating qualification and surface preparation for ballast tank coating

1 Scope These Guidelines provide details of the method of laboratory test required by performance standards for protective coatings.

2 Definitions Coating specification means the specification of coating system which includes the type of coating system and steel preparation. 3 Testing Coating specification shall be verified by the following tests. The test procedures shall comply with Appendix 1 or Appendix 2 to this annex:

.1 Test by simulated ballast tank conditions; and

.2 Condensation chamber tests.


DE 48/12/2 ANNEX Page 2


Appendix 1 - Test on simulated ballast tank conditions

1 Test condition Test on simulated ballast tank conditions shall satisfy each of the following conditions:

.1 The test shall be carried out for 180 days.

.2 The number of test panels is at least 4 pieces.

.3 The size of test panel is 200mm*400mm*5mm.

.4 The reverse side of the test piece shall be painted appropriately, in order not to effect on test results.

.5 As simulating the condition of actual ballast tank, the test cycle run for two weeks with seawater or artificial seawater and one week empty. The temperature of the seawater keep about 35 oC.

.6 One piece of test panel is heated for 12 hours of 50oC and cooled for 12 hours of 20oC in order to simulate upper deck condition.

.7 One piece of test panel has a fixed sacrificial zinc anode in order to evaluate the effect of cathodic protection.

.8 One piece of test panel is cooled on the reverse side, in order to give a temperature gradient in order to simulate a cooled bulkhead in a ballast wing tank, and splashed on seawater or artificial seawater in order to simulate a ship's pitching and rolling motion. The gradient of temperature is approximately 20oC, and the interval of splashing is 3 seconds or faster.

.9 One piece of test panel is cyclically splashed or artificial seawater on seawater in order to simulate a ship's pitching and rolling motion. The interval of splashing is 3 seconds or faster.

2 Test results 2.1 Prior the testing, following measured data of the coating system shall be reported:

.1 IR identification (main components);

.2 Specific gravity according to ISO 2811-74;

.3 Number of pinholes; and

.4 Flexibility* according to ASTM D 4145.

*Flexibility shall be measured for the maximum DFT. This can be verified using another test panel.

2.2 After the testing, following measured data shall be reported:

.1 Blisters and rust according to ISO 4628/2 and ISO 4628/3;

.2 Dry film thickness (DFT);

.3 Number of pinholes;

.4 Adhesion value according to ISO 4624;

.5 Flexibility according to ASTM D4145; and

.6 Cathodic protection weight loss/current demand.


DE 48/12/2 ANNEX

Page 3


3 Classification criteria The test results based on paragraph 2 shall satisfy the following criteria.

Item Criteria Blisters on Panel Rust on Panel

No blisters Ri 0 (0%)

4 Test report The test report shall include the following information:

.1 Name of the manufacture;

.2 Date of tests;

.3 Product name/identification, include both of paint and primer;

.4 Batch number;

.5 Data of surface preparation on steel panels include following data: - surface treatment; - water soluble salts limit; - dust; and - abrasive inclusion; .6 Application data of coating system include following data:

- shop primed or not; - number of coats; - recoat interval *; - dry film thickness(DFT) prior testing *; - maximum DFT according to 2.1.4 *; - thinner *; - humidity *; - air temperature *; and - steel temperature;

* Both of actual specimen data and manufacturer’s requirement/recommendation. .7 Test result according to paragraph 2; and .8 Judgment according to paragraph 3.

Appendix 2 - Condensation chamber test

1 Test condition Condensation chamber test shall be conducted in accordance with ISO 6270. 2 Test results According to appendix 1, paragraph 2, except of appendix 1, paragraph 2.1.4 and 2.2.6.


DE 48/12/2 ANNEX Page 4


3 Classification criteria The test results based on paragraph 2 shall satisfy the following criteria.

Item Criteria Blisters on Panel Rust on Panel

No blisters Ri0(0%)

4 Test report According to Appendix 1, paragraph 4.




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DE 48/12/3 27 December 2004 Original: ENGLISH


Comments on removal of pre-construction primer in the draft performance standards for

protective coatings

Submitted by Japan


Executive summary:

This document provides comments on the requirements of removal of pre-construction primer in the draft performance standard of coating system in document DE 48/12.

Action to be taken:

Paragraph 4

Related document:

DE 48/12

Background 1 This document provides the proposal of modification to the draft alternative procedures in the draft performance standard of coating as contained in document DE 48/12. This document has been submitted in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 4.10.5 of the Guidelines on the organization and method of work of the MSC and MEPC and their subsidiary bodies (MSC/Circ.1099 - MEPC/Circ.405). Comments and proposal to the draft alternative procedures 2 In the coating standard, in particular in the basic coating requirements in Table 1 of the draft performance standard of coating as contained in document DE 48/12, pre-construction primer shall be removed. 3 However, Japan believes that well quality-controlled primer has a capability of protecting the steel plate as a layer of protective coating and should not be removed. There is evidence of test results, which shows the effectiveness of zinc based primer for protection of steel plate against corrosion, as set out in the annex to this document. Action requested of the Sub-Committee 4 The Sub-Committee is invited to consider the above comments together with the annex to this document, and take action as appropriate.




DE 48/12/3




The effectiveness of zinc based primer has been studied by experimental tests. 1 Test method This test is a “98-times paint film deterioration” accelerated test. This accelerated test method has been developed in the study for the maintenance management of oil storing ships. Infiltration of chloric ion (Cl) into coating corresponds to the deterioration of the coating. In this test, coating film deterioration is evaluated through electrochemical behaviour and the infiltration speed of Cl in the laboratory accelerated tests and in natural seawater dipping tests. 2 Test specimen Two types of test specimen were prepared, one with zinc primer + tar epoxy coating, another with sand blasted surface + tar epoxy coating. Test specimen plate: mild steel plate (150 mm long x 70 mm wide x 3.2mm thick). Pre-coating procedure: sand blast (remove the primer) or apply inorganic zinc primer (15µm) Thickness of dry coating film: 250µm Paint type: tar epoxy system 3 Test condition Liquid for accelerated test: Sodium chloride 50 g, acetic acid 10ml, and 30 % hydrogen peroxide in water of one litre Temperature: 40°C 4 Test results After dipping, the surface of the coating of the test specimens was observed, and the adhesion strength, the electric resistance and the current density of coating film were measured. The following measurement results were obtained. (1) Observation of deterioration of coatings After 30 days accelerated immersion tests (corresponding to eight years in service time of the storing ship), there was no difference in the observation results between the test specimens which zinc primer was removed and test specimens which zinc primer remained. After 45 days immersion tests, swelling of a coating film was observed similarly on both types of the test specimens. (2) Adhesion As shown in Figure 1, there is no significant difference in the measurement of adhesion between the two types of the test specimen.


DE 48/12/3 ANNEX Page 2


(3) AC coating resistance The relation between the immersion days and the AC coating resistance is shown in Figure 2. There is no significant difference between the two types of the test specimen. (4) Current density The relation between the immersion days and the current density is shown in Figure 3. During 90 days (corresponded for 24 years in an actual operation of ships), the test specimen with the primer shows slightly superior to the test specimen which primer was removed. 5 Conclusion It is clear, by the test results, that the inorganic zinc primer does not influence deterioration of coating. Therefore, it is not necessary to remove the inorganic zinc primer by processing of groundwork which is specified in the draft performance standard of coating system in document DE 48/12. Reference: 1) Investigation research report concerning long-term maintenance of oil storing ship,

Japan ship research center, March, 2002 2) Ki Shingo and others: Development of coating film deterioration diagnostic system,

Mitsubishi Heavy Industry Technical Report vol.25, and No.1, 1988


0 20 40 60 80 100day





2) without IZP

with IZP

Figure 1 - Adhesion


DE 48/12/3 ANNEX

Page 3


at 1KHz


0 20 40 60 80 100day

AC re



with IZpwithout IZP

Figure 2 - AC resistance

at -900mv




0 20 40 60 80 100day






with IZPwithout IZP

Figure 3 - Current density






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DE 48/12/4 27 December 2004 Original: ENGLISH


Comments on the definition and record of coatings in the draft performance standards for

protective coatings

Submitted by Japan


Executive summary:

This document provides Japans comments to the draft performance standards for protective coatings in the document DE 48/12 submitted by IACS, ICS, INTERCARGO and INTERTANKO.

Action to be taken:

Paragraph 6

Related documents:

DE 48/12

Background 1 This document contains comments on the definitions and record of coating in the proposed draft performance standards for protective coating in document DE 48/12. This document has been submitted in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 4.10.5 of the Guidelines on the organization and method of work of the MSC and MEPC and their subsidiary bodies (MSC/Circ.1099/MEPC/Circ.405). Introduction 2 Japan appreciates the efforts of the IACS-Industry Joint Working Group (JWG) for providing, by document DE 48/12, the draft performance standards for protective coatings. 3 This paper provides comments of Japan on document DE 48/12, based on its basic position on protective coatings, and proposals of modification to the draft performance standard contained in the document. Comments of Japan and its basic position 4 Japan examined carefully the draft performance standards for protective coatings proposed by DE 48/12, taking into account the agreement at MSC 79 that the performance standards for protective coatings would become mandatory when IMO develop it in the future, and provides comments based on its basic position as follows:


DE 48/12/4 - 2 -


.1 In order to verify effectively the application of coatings and surface preparation,

test procedures for coating qualification and surface preparation should be introduced and survey guidance for the Administrations and the organizations recognized by the Administration should be developed.

.2 The Coating Technical File including information on coating specification and

other technical data should be provided and kept on board so as to contribute for repair and maintenance of the coating.

Proposal of modification to the draft performance standard for protective coating 5 Japan proposes several modifications to the draft of performance standard for protective coating in DE 48/12, as in the annex of this document. Action requested of the Sub-Committee 6 The Sub-Committee is invited to consider the above comments and proposals, and take action as appropriate.



DE 48/12/4




(Underlined parts are proposed addition. Deletion-lined parts are proposed deletion.)

Proposal of Modification Remarks

1 DEFINITIONS b. ballast spaces: are spaces that can be used for storing

ballast water. They normally include, but are not limited to, ballast tanks as defined in resolution A.798(19) and resolution A.744(18) and tanks which, according to the ships loading manual, can be used for both cargo and ballast;

SOLAS regulation XII/6.3 describes Double-side skin spaces and dedicated seawater ballast tanks ----.

d. NDFT: is the nominal dry film thickness. 80/20 practice may be adopted, which means that 80% of all thickness measurements shall be greater than or equal to the NDFT, and none of the remaining 20% measurements shall be below 0.8 x NDFT;

Introduction of 80/20 practice pursuant to A.798(19) 3.5.5.

2 GENERAL PRINCIPLES Add new sub-paragraph as follows: .3 Coating Technical File .3.1 Specification of the coating system applied to the

ship, records of the shipyards coating work, detailed criteria for coating selection, job specifications, inspection, maintenance and repair shall be documented as Coating Technical File, and the Coating Technical File shall be approved by the Administration or an organization recognized by the Administration.

.3.2 Coating Technical File shall be kept on board throughout the life of the ship.

.3.3 Coating Technical Files shall contain at least following items; .1 Specification of Coating System

- Manufacturer - Product name (Parts Number or

Specification Number etc.) (Both of paint and primer)

- Number of coats - Primary/Secondary surface preparation

(blasting and profile) .2 Copy of Type Approval Certificate

Introducing the Coating Technical File in order to facilitate to share the information of the applied coating system to the ship among ship owner, the company, the Administration, the recognized organization etc.


DE 48/12/4 ANNEX Page 2


.3 Performance Records, Technical Data Sheet and Application Conditions Required or Recommended by Coating Manufacturer (such as Maximum dry film thickness)

.4 Work Records of Coating Application

.5 Method for Inspection, Maintenance and Repair of Coating System during Ship Construction

.6 Survey Report - Completion date of survey - Result of survey - Remarks (if given) - Surveyors signature

.7 Method for In-Service Maintenance and Repair of Coating System

.8 Technical Assistance Information Record the information and instruction provided by the coating manufacturer for inspection, maintenance and repair, after ship constructed. (if provided)

3 COATING STANDARD .2 Basic coating requirements .3 Detailed criteria for coating selection, job

specifications, inspection, maintenance and repair should be agreed by the shipyards and/or its subcontractors, owner and manufacturer in consultation with the Administration or an organization recognized by the Administration, before the ships construction. These detailed criteria shall should be documented in the Coating Technical File specified in paragraph 2.3. an agreed scheme for the selection, application and maintenance of the coating system.

Introducing the Coating Technical File in order to facilitate




For reasons of economy, this document is printed in a limited number. Delegates are kindly asked to bring their copies to meetings and not to request additional copies.





DE 48/12/5 27 December 2004 Original: ENGLISH


Comments on the draft basic coating system requirements in the draft performance

standards for protective coatings

Submitted by Japan


Executive summary:

This document provides comments and proposal of modification to the draft basic coating system requirements in the proposed draft performance standard of coating system in document DE 48/12.

Action to be taken:

Paragraph 5

Related document:

DE 48/12

Background 1 This document provides the proposal of modification to the draft basic coating system requirements in the draft performance standard of coating as contained in DE 48/12. This document has been submitted in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 4.10.5 of the Guidelines on the organization and method of work of the MSC and MEPC and their subsidiary bodies (MSC/Circ.1099/MEPC/Circ.405). Comments and proposals of modification to the draft basic coating system requirements 2 Japan believes that standards for protective coating shall take the environmental aspects into account. There are some environmentally-unfriendly requirements in the draft basic coating system requirements. For instance, the number of coats should be decreased to the minimum for giving incentive to use VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) free or reduced coating paints or solvent-free paints, which give enough dry film thickness by one coat application. 3 Japan believes also the requirement for number of coating interrupt technology developments for use low VOC coating system. 4 Japan proposes, as set out in the annex to this document, the modifications to the draft basic coating system requirements in the proposed draft performance standard of coating system in document DE 48/12.


DE 48/12/5 - 2 -


Action requested of the Sub-Committee 5 The Sub-Committee is invited to consider the above comments and proposals of modification in annex to this document, and take action as appropriate.



DE 48/12/5





(Underlined parts are proposed addition. Deletion-lined parts are proposed deletion.)

Proposal of Modification Remarks

3 COATING STANDARD Table 1 – Basic coating system requirements .1 Design of coating .a Selection of the coating system The selection of the coating system should be considered by the parties involved with respect to the service conditions and planned maintenance. The following aspects, inter alia, should be considered: .1 location of space relative to heated surfaces; .2 frequency of ballasting/deballasting operations; .3 required surface conditions; .4 required surface cleanliness and dryness; .5 supplementary cathodic protection, if any (where coating is supplemented by cathodic protection, the coating shall should be compatible with the cathodic protection system). Coating manufacturers shall have products with documented satisfactory performance records and technical data sheets. The manufacturers should also be capable of rendering adequate technical assistance. Performance records, technical data sheet and technical assistances (if given) shall be recorded in the Coating Technical File. Coatings for application underneath sun-heated decks or on bulkheads forming boundaries of heated spaces shall should be able to withstand constant or repeated heating without becoming brittle.

Introducing the Coating Technical File in order to facilitate to share the information of the applied coating system to the ship among ship owner, the company, the Administration, the recognized organization etc.

.b Coating type Epoxy (or other equivalent hard coating) based (e.g. Pure Epoxy and Modified Epoxy). Multi-coat treatment with In case of multi-coat system, coating layers of contrasting colour are recommended. The top layer of coat shall should be of a light colour in order to facilitate in-service inspection. The VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) free or reduced coating is recommended.

Exemplification of Epoxy based. It is important to take into account environmental aspect.


DE 48/12/5 ANNEX Page 2


.c Coating pre-qualification test Certified performance test from laboratory corresponding to classification B1 for hard coating.

This requirement should be removed to new proposed section 4 “Verification”.

.d Number of coats Job specification In principle, As a minimum, at least two full stripe coats followed by two full spray coats excluding the case that NDFT is achieved by one stripe or spray coat. Stripe coats beyond the first coat shall should be applied by brush or roller. In case of multi-coat system, each coating layers shall should be adequately cured before application of the next coat, in accordance with coating manufacturer’s recommendations. Intermediate coats must not be contaminated with dirt, grease, dust, salt, over spray, etc.. Job specifications shall should include the dry-to-recoat times given by the manufacturer.

Requiring the minimum number of coats is environmentally unfriendly, which results in more volatile emission. Such requirements also interrupt technology developments for use low VOC coating system.

.e NDFT (nominal total dry film thickness) NDFT of not less than Minimum 300 µm for epoxy based coatings, other systems to coating manufacturer’s specifications. Maximum total dry film thickness according to manufacturer’s detailed specifications. Care shall should be taken to avoid increasing the thickness in an exaggerated way. Excessive thickness could lead to dangerous consequences, such as solvent and thinner retention, film cracks, gas pockets, etc.. Wet coating thickness shall should be checked during application. Thinner shall should be limited to those types and quantities recommended by the manufacturer.

Editorial Correction

.2 PSP (Primary Surface Preparation)

.a Steel surface The steel surface should be prepared so that the coating selected can achieve an even distribution at the required NDFT and have an adequate adhesion by removing sharp edges, grinding weld beads and removing weld spatter and any other surface contaminant.

This requirement should be removed to paragraph .3.a.

.d Pre-construction primer Zinc containing, silicate based. Compatibility with the main coating system shall be confirmed.

It is essential to confirm the compatibility.


DE 48/12/5 ANNEX

Page 3


.3 SSP (Secondary surface preparation)

.a Steel condition The steel surface shall be prepared so that the coating selected can achieve an even distribution at the required NDFT and have an adequate adhesion by removing sharp edges, grinding weld beads and removing weld spatter and any other surface contaminant. Preparation grade P2 Three pass edge grinding of sharp edges or equivalent edge treatment.

This requirement is removed from paragraph .2.a. Edge treatment method should not be limited for ensuring innovation.

.b Pre washing (fresh water) Required, unless the salt requirement is kept satisfied during transport and storage process.

Pre washing does not need to be required when the salt requirement is satisfied.

.d Surface treatment Sa 2 ½ or Pt3 on damaged pre-construction primer and welds; Sa 2 on intact pre-construction primer, unless compatibility with paint is confirmed, removing 70% of primer

When compatibility between primer and paint is confirmed, intact pre-construction primer doesn’t need to be removed. Also, damaged primers and welds can be treated by JSRA Pt3 satisfactorily.

.e Surface treatment after erection Butts Sa 2 ½ St3; small damages (<3% of total area) St3

Butts should be treated by power tool in order to avoid adverse effects of Blast.

.4 Miscellaneous

.b Environmental conditions Coating shall should be applied under controlled humidity and surface conditions, in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications. In addition, coating shall not be applied when; .1 the relative humidity is above 85%; or .2 the surface temperature of steel is less than 3°C above the

dew point.

Introduction of specific condition in order to ensure the consistency of requirement.

.d Inspection

.e Acceptance criteria Deleted.

These requirements should be removed to new proposed section 4 “Verification”.






For reasons of economy, this document is printed in a limited number. Delegates are kindly asked to bring their copies to meetings and not to request additional copies.





FSI 13/12/4 13 December 2004 Original: ENGLISH



Identification of a ship as a bulk carrier

Submitted by Japan


Executive summary:

This document provides methods for the identification of a ship as a bulk carrier and a proposal of the certification for new building bulk carriers

Action to be taken:

Paragraph 16

Related documents:

DE 47/25 and MSC 78/26

Background 1 The Maritime Safety Committee, at its seventy-eighth session, instructed the Sub-Committee to develop clear guidance to enable the unequivocal identification of a ship as a bulk carrier as defined in SOLAS regulation XII/1.1 as amended for port State control purposes. 2 Japan understands that expected problems in port State control correspond to two issues. One issue is based on the difference in the definition in bulk carrier between those constructed on or after 1 July 2006 (hereinafter, referred to as new bulk carriers) and those constructed before that date (hereinafter, referred to as existing bulk carriers). The other issue is that caused by the equivocality of the wording primarily. 3 For the first issue, Japan submitted two documents to the Committee, at its seventy-ninth session. One is document MSC 79/3/10 proposing modifications to the draft amendments to SOLAS chapter XII, and including modification of the definition of bulk carrier as specified in regulation XII/1.1 to minimize the problems in port State control. The other is document MSC 79/3/9 proposing draft guidelines for implementation of SOLAS chapter XII to provide supplementary explanation to the definition. Both proposals focus on the difference between new bulk carriers and existing bulk carriers. 4 With respect to the above proposals, the Committee, at its seventy-ninth session, agreed with the principles contained in them but did not adopt the text modified by the drafting group, and decided to develop the guidelines at its next session.


FSI 13/12/4 - 2 -


5 Regarding the second issue, the definition of bulk carrier for existing bulk carriers, which had been interpreted so that a bulk carrier could be identified by its construction in accordance with resolution 6 of the 1997 SOLAS Conference relating to bulk carrier safety, does not have any equivocality. 6 However, for new bulk carriers, it is impossible to identify a bulk carrier by its construction because any dry cargo ships can carry dry cargoes in bulk provided that appropriate consideration is to be given to loading conditions. 7 This paper proposes to establish a new document for new bulk carriers in compliance with the requirements of SOLAS chapter XII as amended as a practicable solution for the latter issues. Identification at the new building and in service 8 SOLAS regulation XII/1.1 as amended reads;

Bulk carrier means a ship which is intended primarily to carry dry cargo in bulk, including such types as ore carriers and combination carriers.

9 Japan understands that the wording a ship which is intended primarily to carry dry cargo in bulk means a ship having an initial plan for the carriage of dry cargoes in bulk but not a ship only having a capability to carry dry cargo in bulk. 10 This means that a ship having a design loading condition(s) for the carriage of dry cargoes in bulk which will be specified in an approved loading manual or a similar document as one of typical loading conditions, is to fall under the definition of bulk carrier. 11 According to Japans understanding, such bulk carriers can be identified by their approved loading manual or a similar document which consists of loading condition(s) for the carriage of dry cargoes in bulk or not. However, the issuance of an appropriate document certifying the compliance with SOLAS chapter XII would be of assistance for the clear and easy identification of bulk carriers. 12 Japan suggests that existing descriptions of type of ship in the relevant SOLAS cargo ship safety certificates are not suitable for this purpose because such descriptions are usually determined in accordance with the definition of bulk carrier in SOLAS regulation IX/1.6 which has been widely applied. Ships occasionally carrying dry cargoes in bulk 13 For ships which do not have a plan for the carriage of dry cargoes in bulk at new building, there would be occasions for the carriage of dry cargoes in bulk. With respect to the wording of which is intended primarily to carry dry cargoes in bulk, Japan understands that such ships which are not complying with the SOLAS chapter XII as amended should be accepted to carry dry cargoes in bulk for a limited period of time. 13 Taking into account the possible confusion in the identification of such ships in the context of port State control, an appropriate document certifying that the ships have been approved by the Administration for the carriage of dry cargoes in bulk for a limited period of time should be issued. Such a period could be of two months.


- 3 - FSI 13/12/4


Certification 15 Accordingly, Japan proposes a draft MSC/Circular as shown in the annex, which provides standard formats of a document of compliance with the special requirements for new bulk carriers of SOLAS chapter XII as amended and of a document of approval for the carriage of dry cargoes in bulk in ships not complying with the requirements contained in SOLAS chapter XII, as amended. Action requested of the Sub-Committee 16 The Sub-Committee is invited to consider the proposal for the identification of a ship as a bulk carrier and to take action as appropriate.




FSI 13/12/4




Document of compliance with the special requirements for bulk carriers constructed on or after 1 July 2006

under the provisions of SOLAS chapter XII, as amended 1 The Maritime Safety Committee, at its [eightieth session (18 to 27 May 2005)], considered and approved a standard format for the document of compliance with the requirements of chapter XII of SOLAS 1974, as amended by resolution [MSC.170(79)]. 2 The Committee agreed that the period of validity of the document of compliance should not exceed five years and should not be extended beyond the period of validity of the Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate issued to the ship concerned under the provisions of SOLAS regulation I/12. 3 The Committee also considered and approved a standard format for the document of approval for carrying dry cargoes in bulk on ships other than bulk carriers as defined in the amendments to SOLAS chapter XII, adopted by resolution [MSC.170(79)]. 4 The Committee also agreed that the period of validity of the document of approval should not exceed [two months] and the total period for multiple issues of such documents within one year [between anniversary dates] should not exceed [three months]. 5 The standard formats of the documents of compliance and approval recommended for use in ships constructed on or after 1 July 2006 and acceptance by Member Governments and Contracting Governments to the SOLAS Convention are annexed hereto.



FSI 13/12/4 ANNEX Page 2




Special Requirements for bulk carriers constructed on or after 1 July 2006 issued in pursuance of the requirement of chapter XII

of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended, under the authority of the Government of ..............

Name of ship : ...

Distinctive number or letters : ...

Port of registry : ...

IMO Number (if applicable) : ... THIS IS TO CERTIFY: that the construction and equipment of the above mentioned ship was found to comply with the provisions of chapter XII of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended; and This document is valid until ...................................................................................... (dd/mm/yyyy) subject to the Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate remaining valid. Issued at ............................ 20... ................................................................................

(Signature of authorized official issuing the certificate)



FSI 13/12/4 ANNEX

Page 3




Short term approval for the carriage of dry cargoes in bulk in ships constructed on or after 1 July 2006

but not complying with the requirement of chapter XII of the International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea, 1974,

as amended, under the authority of the Government of ..............

Name of ship : ...

Distinctive number or letters : ...

Port of registry : ...

Type of ship : ...

IMO Number (if applicable) : ... THIS IS TO CERTIFY: that the ship is approved for the carriage of dry cargoes in bulk subject to; .1 that the construction and equipment of the above mentioned ship was found to comply

with the appropriate provisions of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended, except chapter XII of the Convention; and

.2 any provisions in the International Code for the Safe Carriage of Grain in Bulk and the

International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code for individual substances, materials or articles, as applicable [to cargoes as shown in the attached list,]* also being complied with.

This document is valid until ........................................................................... (dd/mm/yyyy) subject to the Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate remaining valid. Issued at ............................ 20... ................................................................................

(Signature of authorized official issuing the certificate) * Delete as appropriate.









DE 48/INF.6 17 December 2004 ENGLISH ONLY


Verification of technical standards for ship construction

Submitted by the United Kingdom


Executive summary:

This document presents a review of a number of industry technical standards carried out by the United Kingdom as part of a continuing series to confirm that these achieve the outcomes anticipated by SOLAS and Load Line regulations for ship construction.

Action to be taken:

Paragraph 25

Related documents:

MSC 79/3/1, annex 1; and MSC 79/6/8




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