單元一 中國傳統節日 - cacler.hku.hk · 148 Chinese English Page no. 推廣 普渡眾生...

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Transcript of 單元一 中國傳統節日 - cacler.hku.hk · 148 Chinese English Page no. 推廣 普渡眾生...



Chinese English Page no.單元一 中國傳統節日

首次……探訪雖然……卻……除舊迎新迎春接福象徵一家團圓氣氛意頭十足興高采烈舞龍精彩總的來說……難忘的經歷傳統氣氛人情味樂而忘返年夜飯花市輔導團體寓意好運六何法背景資料分析理解慶祝重視吉祥話語利是語音視頻不合時宜南丫島……並……悠久舉行不但……還……栩栩如生積極備戰鬥志高昂奮力往終點衝刺競爭激烈翻船意外墮海保持鎮定傳統習俗知識廣博熱鬧氣氛香港旅遊發展局康文署 ( 康樂及文化事務署 )綵燈展覽

first 3, 6to visit 3, 4Although …… (yet) …… 3, 6to get rid of the old and welcome the new 3, 4to welcome the new year and good fortune 3, 4to symbolize 3, 4family reunion 3, 4atmosphere 4full of auspicious meaning 4jubilant 4dragon dance 4splendid; wonderful 4To conclude …… 4, 6unforgettable experience 4traditional atmosphere 4the human touch 4enjoyable 4New Year’s Eve dinner 5flower fair 5guidance 6group 6implication 6good luck 6question words/ The Six Ws 7background information 7to analyze and to understand 7to celebrate 7to pay attention to 7auspicious words 8lucky money 8voice 8video 8outdated 8Lamma Island 10, 12......and ...... 10, 13long-standing 10, 12to hold 11, 12Not only ...... but also ...... 11, 13vivid and lifelike 11, 12actively prepare for competition 11, 12high morale 11, 12dart towards the finishing point 11, 12keen competition 11, 12to capsize 11, 12to fall into the sea 11, 12to keep calm 11, 12traditional customs 11, 12having extensive knowledge 13lively atmosphere 13Hong Kong Tourism Board 14Leisure and Cultural Services Department 15, 16lantern exhibition 15, 16


Chinese English Page no.預計吸引維多利亞公園中秋綵燈晚會雜技魔術粵曲棋藝遊戲攤位西九龍海濱長廊工藝紮作走馬燈重拾童心按照香港文化中心露天廣場濃厚節日廢物丟棄二氧化碳加劇全球暖化物盡其用循環再用原則傳說嫦娥長生不老藥蓮子蓉蛋黃掃墓向來孝道慎終追遠融合代代相傳扶老攜幼祭祀祖先拜祭先人無論如何諺語悼念傳承盂蘭勝會……又稱……拜祭亡靈煙霧瀰漫孤魂野鬼普渡為國家級非物質文化遺產潮籍人士神功戲慈善娛樂

to estimate 15, 16to attract 15, 16Victoria Park 15, 16Mid-Autumn Lantern Carnivals 15, 16acrobatics 15, 16magic 15, 16Cantonese Opera 15, 16chess 15, 16game booth 15, 16West Kowloon Waterfront Promenade 16paper craft 16spinning lantern 16reminiscent of childhood 16according to 16Hong Kong Cultural Centre Piazza 16rich 16festival waste 17to discard 17carbon dioxide 17intensify 17global warming 17to make the best use of everything 17to recycle 17principle 17legend 18Chang'e 18immortal pill 18lotus seed paste 18egg yolks 18grave-sweeping 20, 21......always...... 20, 22filial piety 20, 21reverence for one’s ancestors 20, 21to merge 20, 21from generation to generation 20, 21to bring along the old and the young 20, 21to offer sacrifices to ancestor 20, 21to worship 20, 21ancestors 20, 21no matter what 21, 22proverb 22to grieve 22inheritance 22Hungry Ghost Festival 25, 26also called 25, 27to pay respect to the dead 25, 26smoke-filled 25, 26restless spirits 25, 26to redeem; to save 25, 26In order to / for 25, 27National Intangible Cultural Heritage 25, 26Chiu Chow people 26Ritual Performance of Chinese opera 26charity 26entertainment 26


Chinese English Page no.推廣普渡眾生發揚光大媽祖普遍的民間信仰期望匯集培養尊老愛幼




to promote 26salvation for all 26to flourish; to carry forward 26Mazu, the indigenous goddess of the sea 28general 28local religion/ folk belief 28to hope 29gathered 29to cultivate 30to respect the elderly and take care of 30the children to respect teachers and their teaching 30to respect the elders 30moral value 30descendants 30lower realm 30deceased ancestors 30Cheung Chau Bun Festival 31, 32ritual 31, 32pandemic disease/ plague 31, 32to pray and request 31, 32to thank the Deity(Pak Tai 北帝 )for 31, 32his graciousnesscostumed children on stilts held aloft 31, 32above the crowdparade 31, 32colourful 31, 32ancient mythological figures 31, 32long, tall pole 31, 32Climbing Carnival 32invitational relay 32finalists 32for 32, 33If……then…… 32, 33to witness 32superb 32to take into consideration 33technique 34blend in Chinese and Western culture 34Hungry Ghost Festival 34more and more popular 34fire dragon dance 35, 36dance for joy 35, 36energetic 36also/ as/ while 36, 37incense 36no wonder 36good teamwork 36deserve 36strength 36even 36, 37to admire 36luckily 36excited 37to prepare 38

Chinese English Page no.單元二 休閒與青少年的興趣

必需品電視節目類型戲劇不但……而且……時事新聞財經消息頻道餘暇不同的資訊增廣見聞不單……還……家庭之樂趁機放鬆調劑身心有益風俗總括而言同情少林武術太極拳氣功武德以武會友武術正義勇氣愛國主義靈異片口吃毛病語言治療講話日漸發達瀏覽網誌登記戶口版面除了……以外 ,還……上傳廣泛除了……還……社交網站用戶功能繁多塗鴉牆動態留言緊張感搖滾音樂流行音樂梁祝小提琴協奏曲

necessity 44, 45TV programme 44, 45type 44, 45drama 44, 45Not only……but also…… 44, 46current affairs 44, 45financial news 44, 45channel 44, 45spare time 44, 45different information 44, 45to broaden one's horizon 44, 45Not only……but also…… 44, 45, 46the joy of family/ family fun 45to take advantage 45to relax 45to provide physical and mental relaxation 45advantageous/ beneficial 45customs 45in conclusion/ to conclude 45sympathy 46Shaolin martial arts 48Taichi 48Qigong 48the virtue of martial arts 48to promote friendship through martial arts 48martial arts 49justice 49courage 49patriotism 49horror movies 50stammering 50shortcoming 50speech therapy 50speech 50become more advanced 52, 53to browse 52, 53blog 52, 53to register for an account 52, 53layout 52, 53besides…… also…… 52, 54to upload 52, 53extensive 52, 53apart from ...... also ...... 52, 54social networking website 53user 53function 53various 53wall 53newsfeed 53to leave messages 55tension 56rock music 56pop music 56The Butterfly Lovers 58


Chinese English Page no.上海音樂學院越劇曲調迴響中西合璧銷量網上購物拍賣擴充建立數十億e 世代不可缺少時代變遷聯繫發短訊智能手機隨身攜帶小型搜尋雖然……卻……/雖然……但是……依賴時時刻刻回覆如果……就……焦慮不安無法想像便利西遊記明朝名著小說西天取經


Shanghai Conservatory of Music 58Yue Opera 58melody 58echo 58Chinese and Western Intercultural 58sales 58online shopping 60auction 60expanded 60established 60multi-billion dollar 60electronic generation/ generation E 61, 62indispensable 61, 62as time changes 61, 62to communicate 61, 62to send text message/ to text 61, 62smartphone 61, 62portable 61, 62miniature 61, 62to search 61, 62Although/ In spite of…… 62, 63

to rely on 62all the time 62to reply 62If…… will…… 62, 63anxious 62beyond imagination 62convenient 64Journey to the West 65Ming Dynasty 65Great Classical Novels of literature 65novel 65Searching of Buddhist scriptures in the 65West Heaven, the Ancient Buddhist Name of India 65disciples 65catastrophe 65demon 65indomitable 65current problems 65well-known 65Monkey King Causes Havoc Heaven 65Monkey Subdues White-Skeleton Demon 65research 66anxiety 66to delete 66symptoms 67cell-phone addiction 67singing profession 69, 70attention 69fans 69, 70……once…… / previously 69, 71in addition/ also/ other than/ besides 69, 71


English Page no.賞識踏足元素流行歌曲古典音樂獎項銷量金曲獎導演藝人紳士對抗比賽逐漸嚴格打擊投球單日賽頂級賽激烈花木蘭打仗參軍假扮懲罰照顧欣賞品格冒險可再充電的電池晚輩拜年複雜社會家庭結構香港政府統計處家庭住戶……反映出……寫照有的……有的……民生親子關係自評偏向不經意死穴頂嘴侮辱性叛逆絆腳石由於……只有……才會……享譽文壇純真管教象徵

Chineserecognition 69, 70to set foot on 69element 69, 70pop songs 69, 70classical music 69, 70awards 70sales volume 70Golden Songs Award 70director 70artist 70gentleman 72, 73match 72, 73gradually 72, 73strict 72, 73to bat 72, 73to bowl 72, 73one-day match 72, 73super match 72, 73vigorous 73Mulan 74fight 74join the army 74dress up as 74punish 74care for 74appreciate 74character 74to venture on 75rechargeable 77batteries 77junior 81, 83Chinese New Year greeting 81, 83complicated 81, 83social family structure 81, 83Census and Statistics Department 81, 83households 81, 83reflect that…… 82, 83portrait 82, 83some……while some…… 82, 83livelihood 82, 83parent-child relationship 86, 87self-evaluation 86, 87biased to 86, 87unintentionally 86, 87deadly harm 86, 87argue 86, 87insulting 86, 87rebellious 87obstacle 87Since…… 87, 89Only if……, ……is able to…… 87, 89enjoy reputation in literary world 91, 92innocence 91, 92discipline 91, 92symbolise 91, 92


English Page no.Chinese並且凋謝賴床結果憐惜致辭夾竹桃感動至深知名導演執導上映廣泛好評榮獲香港電影金像獎逝世依靠鄰里日趨和諧以……為……題材瑣碎小事守望相助温情場景樸素平淡

……and…… 91, 94wither 91, 92wish to stay in bed 92result…… 92, 94take pity on 92make a speech 92Nerium oleander 92deeply moved 92well known 100(film) director 100direct (film) 100show at a cinema 100received wide praise 100be awarded 100Hong Kong Film Awards 100pass away 100person to rely on 100neighbourhood 100increasingly harmonious 100use……as…… 100, 101theme 100small matter 100neighbourhood watch 100tender feelings 100scene 100plain 100simple life 100


Chinese English Page no.單元三 食物、飲食、健康


food paradise 110, 111special feature 110, 111Chinese restaurant 110, 111traditional dim sum 110, 111both…… and…… 110, 113egg yolk bun 110, 111chicken feet (dim sum) 110, 111shrimp dumpling 110, 111old fashioned 110, 111pig’s liver dumpling 110, 111spicy 110, 111crispy outside but soft inside 110, 111texture 110, 111appearance 110, 111sweet and a bit salty 110, 111fillings 111to be good in colour, flavour and taste 111appetite 111hand-made 111in order to…… 111, 113machine 111to experience 111typical/ local 111to taste 113practical 113French cuisine 114West District 114Delicious Restaurant 114spice 116fertilizer 116Farm Restaurant 117appetizer 117lettuce 117main course 117stinky 117to check the bill 117to evaluate 118strong flavour 118delicate flavour 118internal organs 118vegetable diet 120, 121vegetarian 120, 121disease 120, 121heart disease 120, 121high blood pressure 120, 121Only…can… 120, 121longevity 120, 121to protect 120, 121grassland 121desert 121No matter ... or ... / Whether ... or ... 121benefit 121nourishment/ nutrition 123damp-heat 124to release 124


Chinese English濕氣我的餐盤指引榖物蛋白質熬夜無論……都……生理時鐘器官……也……排毒肝膽肺大腸小腸疲勞注意力記憶力視力失眠牙籤牙線貧血汗水減肥廣告宣傳是……的成癮性精神依賴性引發抑鬱症明顯反彈……反而……均衡適量補習守則瘦身保鮮膜鬆軟滲到塑化劑人口老化老年人聯合國億首先……其次……生產力勞動力負擔疾病

dampness 124MyPlate 125guide 125grains 125protein 125to stay up late 126, 127no matter...... 126, 129biological clock 126, 127organ 126, 127……also…… 126, 129detoxification 126, 127liver 126, 127gall bladder 126, 127lung 126, 127large intestine 126, 127small intestine 126, 127tired 127attention 127memory 127eyesight 127insomnia 127toothpick 130dental floss 130anaemia 130perspiration 131to lose weight 133, 134advertisement 133, 134to promote 133, 134is...... 133, 134addictive 133, 134psychological reliance 133, 134to lead to 133, 134depression 133, 134obvious 133, 134to rebound 133, 134……on the contrary…… 133, 134balance 134an appropriate amount 134having tutorial 135rules 135to slim 136plastic wrap 136spongy 136diffuse into 136plasticizer 136population ageing 141, 143the elderly 141, 143United Nations 141, 143100 millions 141, 143Firstly……Secondly…… 141, 144productivity 141, 143labour force 141, 143burden 142, 143illness 142, 143

Page no.



social welfare 142, 143support 142, 143nuclear family 142, 143trend 142, 143living alone 142, 143allocate 142, 143home care services 142, 143Old Age Living Allowance 142, 143Retirement Protection Plan 142, 143younger generation 145counteract 145ageing society 145

English Page no.Chinese



附錄 Appendix

拍攝手法Filming Techniques


類別 描述

中景(Medium Shot) 比例:大約是人們看周圍環境的大小

特寫(Close-up) 比例:較一般看到的人物 /物件為大(可觀察到正常距離較難看到的細節)

遠景(Long Shot) 比例:鏡頭裏除了人物 /物件,亦包括周圍的環境(可觀察人物 /物件與周圍環境的關係)

︰本書從 102頁至 107頁的教學練習有談到拍攝手法有助電影傳達訊息,以下搜集了一些拍攝手法的資料,希望能提高學生對電影的賞析能力。


鏡頭角度(Camera Angle)

類別 描述

高角度拍攝(High Angle Shot) •在比水平線高的角度拍攝•畫面中的人物好像被壓扁,有接近地面的感覺,令人物看起來矮小


低角度拍攝(Low Angle Shot) •在比水平線低的角度拍攝•畫面中的人物更突出,令人物看起來高大•製造強大/重要/權力較大的形象



類別 描述

側面鏡頭(Profile) • 遠景或中景:人物較小 - 可展示周圍環境,交代情節的背景 - 可展示人物的所有動作• 近景或特寫:人物較大,由於要在畫面展示兩個人的臉,所以需要把兩個人近距離放在一起

- 可展示親密關係 - 可營造有攻擊性的緊張氣氛

面向鏡頭(Directtocamera) • 畫面中的兩人均面向鏡頭• 適宜配合劇情需要使用(例如新聞主播、坐在座駕中、並肩而行等),以避免人物仿似跟觀眾直接對話

• 這類鏡頭最近只適宜使用中景,因為要讓兩個人物同時面向鏡頭,需要一定的空間,否則便會過於擠迫

過肩鏡頭(Over-the-shoulder) • 從其中一人的背後拍攝,畫面中主要展示另一人的臉

• 為觀眾決定注意力應放在哪一個人物身上

• 適宜拍攝以兩人分別為中心的過肩鏡頭,並交替展示



類別 描述


• 不用移動攝影機• 運用變焦鏡頭(zoom lens)改變焦

距(focallength)• 把遠景變成中景,甚至特寫• 可觀察到正常距離較難看到的細節


• 不用移動攝影機• 運用變焦鏡頭(zoom lens)改變焦

距(focallength)• 把特寫變成中景,甚至遠景• 可觀察人物/物件與周圍環境的關


• 不用移動攝影機• 運用變焦鏡頭(zoom lens)改變焦

距(focallength)• 把特寫變成中景,甚至遠景• 可觀察人物/物件與周圍環境的關

視線空間(Look room)

類別 描述


• 畫面中的人物眼前有充足的空間(emptyarea)

• 讓觀眾能清楚看到人物的表情、動作等


• 畫面中的人物眼前欠缺充足的空間(emptyarea)

• 狹小的空間形成擠迫的感覺,人物好像被困住一樣

• 人物背後的空間(negative space)形成脆弱/恐懼/懸念的負面情緒



類別 描述


• 一點聲音也沒有(沒有背景雜音)• 由於沒有任何聲音,能間接引導觀衆

把全部注意力放在畫面上• 可營造神秘感/緊張的氣氛• 可強調寧靜的環境/平靜的心世界• 可襯托出孤獨/無助

背景雜音(Background noise)

• 大部份鏡頭會包括背景雜音• 可加強畫面的臨場感,令觀眾仿如身

歷其境,更容易投入電影情節中• 有時候不會包含任何對白或音樂,以


消除背景雜音(Remove background noise)

• 做法一:包含人物對白和音樂(消除背景雜音,讓觀眾集中於人物

對白和音樂)• 做法二:只包含人物對白(突出對白的內容、人物的語氣/心

情/感受)• 做法三:只包含音樂(依賴音樂交代當時的氣氛、人物的

心情/感受)• 有時候會透過消除背景雜音,營造人


放大某種聲音(Amplify a particular sound)

• 在現實世界中,有些動作雖然會產生聲音,但並不明顯

• 例如托眼鏡的聲音、按電腦鍵盤/滑鼠的聲音、用食指指尖輕輕敲打桌面時指甲碰撞桌面發出的聲音等

• 透過放大這一類聲音,可以引導觀眾注意這些小動作,幫助交代劇情

音樂(Music)類別 例子 效果


快 急速(Presto) 貝多芬 <月光奏鳴曲 >第三樂章

Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata (the third movement)


輕快(Allegro) 貝多芬 <月光奏鳴曲 >第二樂章Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata (the second movement)


慢 緩慢(Adagio) 貝多芬 <月光奏鳴曲 >第一樂章Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata (the first movement)


沉重(Grave) 巴赫 <a小調第二奏鳴曲 >首四分鐘Bach's Sonata No. 2 in A minor, BWV 1003(the first 4 minutes)



高音 光明、歡樂、無憂無慮、有趣

低音 黑暗、憂愁、不祥、嚴肅


燈光(Lighting)類別 描述 效果

明調採光(High-key lighting)




暗調採光(Low-key lighting)





類別 例子 效果

顏色外相(Hue) 冷色 紫色、藍色 冷冰冰、欠缺生氣

暖色 紅色、橙色 溫暖、生動活潑

顏色亮度(Brightness) 淺色 開心、愉快、希望

深色 難過、憂愁、沉悶


Sikov, Ed. Film Studies, An introduction. (2010). NY: Columbia University Press.

Sound in Filmmakinghttp://thecinematheque.ca/education/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/LanguageofFilm07.pdf

The Film Shot, Camera Angles and Movementhttp://thecinematheque.ca/education/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/LanguageofFilm06.pdf

Thompson R., & Bowen, C. J. (2009). Grammar of the Shot. (2nd ed.). USA: Focal Press.

Types of Shots, Framing a Shot, Panning and Zoominghttp://www.egusd.net/franklinhs/mediacom/standards/composition/shootingbasics.pdf

What is Music?https://www.mfiles.co.uk/what-is-music.htm

