ESOL at SAS Parent Coffee Nov 2009 Chinese

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Transcript of ESOL at SAS Parent Coffee Nov 2009 Chinese

ESOL at SAS ESOL at SAS ElementaryElementary

SAS SAS 小学英语强化课程小学英语强化课程

ESOL at SAS ESOL at SAS ElementaryElementary

SAS SAS 小学英语强化课程小学英语强化课程

Welcome to your child’s world!


• I have no idea what she’s saying!

• 我不懂她在说什么!

What is ESOL?English for Speakers of Other Languages


Learning a language takes a lot longer than learning to


学习语言比学习走路需要更长的时间• Language learning is

developmental – children have to go through all the stages!

• 语言学习是发展性的 – 孩子一定需要经历所有的阶段。

Language Acquisition语言的获得

• “BICS” 就是基本的语言交流能力 --- 日常 社交中所需的语言。

• 这需要 6 个月至 2 年的时间

• Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills – day-to-day language needed for social interaction

• 6 months to 2 years

Language Acquisition语言的获得

• Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency -includes listening, speaking, reading, and writing about subject area content material

• 5 to 7 years• CALP 是指用掌握的语言来进

行日常的学习 -- 包括听,说,阅读并能对给与的主题写出内容。

• 这需要 5 至 7 年的时间

An Iceberg ( 冰山)

Only about 10 percent of its mass is above the surface of the water and is called “the tip of the iceberg.”

冰山只有 10% 的表面显露在水面之上,这部分被称之为“冰山之顶”。

BICS is just the tip of the iceberg.BICS 就是我们说的冰山之顶 .

Our goal is to develop students who are both fluent (able to express their message) and accurate (express the message

using correct structure and syntax).

我们的目标就是发展学生们在流利度(能够表达自己的 信息)和准确性(用正确的句型结构来表达自己的信息)。






认识 / 学业上熟练性








-Me hungry

-I hungry. I go to kitchen.

-I am hungry. I will go to kitchen.

-I am hungry so I will go to the kitchen to get food.

-Since I am hungry, I will go to the kitchen to get food.

SAS Learning CultureSAS 的学习文化

At SAS :在上海美国学校• (a) learning takes place in English; 用英语来进行学习• (b) teachers often give instructions verbally, not in writing;

通常老师会给与学生口头上的指导,而不是用写的方式• (c) class participation is essential; 参与到课堂的教学是必要的• (d) teachers expect students to make eye contact, voice

their opinions and ask questions when they don’t understand something;当学生有不理解的地方,老师期望能和学生进行面对面的交流,说出他们的想法和问题。

• (e) children often work together in groups. 通常孩子们分小组在一起学习。

The NUMBER ONE key to student success in English…在英语学习上学生取得成功的第

一把钥匙• Take risks! Be

brave!Make mistakes and learn by correcting your mistakes.

迎接挑战!勇敢些! 犯了错,并学会如何纠


Small Group Discussion小组讨论

My child tends to be shy and prefers to listen rather than speak.

我的孩子很容易害羞,比起讲英文,她 / 他更愿意听。

What can you do to help this child in his or her English development?


Small Group Question小组提问

Over the summer my child doesn’t practice English.


What can you do to help this child in his or her English development?

您能做些什么来帮助她 / 他英语上的发展?

Small Group Question小组提问

My child does not want to read in his or her native language.

我的孩子不愿意用她的 / 他的母语来阅读What can you do to help this child in his or her English development?

您能做些什么来帮助孩子发展她的 /他的英文。

The SAS Elementary School Library

• How can the library help your child?


What can you do at home?您在家中可以做些什么?

• Set a reasonable bedtime. 制定一个合理的睡眠时间

• Quality over quantity. Process over product. 阅读的宗旨是质量大于数量,过程重于作品

• Read, read, read and talk about the story. (in English AND in your native language).


• Bring English into your home: TV, DVDs, music, books, books on CD, games. 把英语带入您的家中:电视, DVD ,音乐,书籍, CD 书籍,游戏

• Continue developing native language skills. 不要放弃自己的母语

• Schedule English-language play dates and encourage diverse friendships.规定用英语来游戏的日子,并鼓励他们结交各式各样的朋友。

• Have your children participate in sports activities coached in English such as Active Kidz Shanghai. Active Kidz Shanghai

让您的孩子参加由英语教练指导的体育活动,例如一家名为‘ Active Kidz Shanghai’举行的各式各样的体育运动。

Reflection Questions您对于此次课程介绍会的反响What did you hear that was helpful? 这次课程介绍会中提到的信息您认为哪些是有所帮助的?What new ideas do you now have?通过此次课程介绍会,现在你有了什么新的想法?

Teşekkürler! Thank you!Xie xie! Gam sa hap ni da! 감사합니다 ! 谢谢! Gracias!

• Please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s ESOL Specialist if you have any questions!

• 如果您有任何问题,请和以下您孩子的英语 强化课老师联系。

• Susan Erni, Grade 1• Kathryn Dungan, Grade 2

• Becky Mott, Grade 3• Kevin Desmond, Grades 4 and 5