Email responsive

Post on 19-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Email responsive

Email Responsive also for Gmail App

Justin @ 2015 Aug

Why Email Responsive ?


Design with data

Calculated from 1.06 billion opens tracked by Litmus Email Analytics in July 2015

Design Process1.Gather content

2.List elements on paper

3.Sketch wireframes

4.Mock-up design

5.Write the code

6.lnline CSS

7.Test in web browsers

8.Test with real email clients

9.Test and Test

10.Lift-off !!!

Let’s go with Email Design

Make a listList the elements on some paper

Mark then up as h1,p ,button …etc

develop a hierarchy and source order(good for mobile first approach)

Keep Things Simple Use Just 1 or 2 columns if you can

Be generous with spacing

Complicated designs take times to test and debug

Consider how things will look in the inbox

Meeting with PM and Design


inline your cssWe need to do this because gmail strips css from <style> tag.

Use tablesUse <table></table> because Outlook has poor support for css based layouts

Attribute selectorsUse attribute selectors for any styles contained in your media queries to make sure Yahoo! ignores them.

Use !importantUse !important in your media quiresmake sure the styles override any inline styles.( mobile-specific)

The Ultimate Guide to CSS

Media Query Support in Email Clients

ChecklistCheck you have include alt text

Remove unused css

Optimize image

Check email with images turned-off

Check images and links have absolute paths


Drag and drop to design page

Mailchimp: Features

upload zip files and online editor

Mailchimp: Features

Mailchimp: Features

Campaigns record

Mailchimp: Features

Mailchimp: Features


good for outlook (windows)

good for yahoo mail

good for yahoo mail(ios app)

good for gmail (web)

gmail (iphone client)

failure for gmail iOS app and need to scale size

scale sizenormal size

Gmail app responsive

failure in use : align-left, align-right

example: use 2 columns layout

success: display:inline-block (div)


Email client market share

Responsive Email resources:

Slide share:

Media query issues in yahoo mail mobile email

creating a centre responsive design without media queries