이병민 이주연 이정은 김효신download.douclass.com/SAMPLE_CON/HIGH/8_HIGH_ENG.pdf ·...

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Transcript of 이병민 이주연 이정은 김효신download.douclass.com/SAMPLE_CON/HIGH/8_HIGH_ENG.pdf ·...


Christian H. Kim이주연




Lesson 01 Hi, High School! 10

Lesson 02 Delicious World 32

Lesson 03 Helping Hands 54

Lesson 04 Be Nature Smart 76

The Curse of the Egyptian Ring 98

Lesson 05 Beg to Differ 104

Lesson 06 Beyond Korea 126

Lesson 07 A Step Forward 148

Lesson 08 Bon Voyage 170

The Panama Canal 192

Appendix 198

Advanced Reading 1

Advanced Reading 2

10 Lesson 1 | Hi, High School!


Hi, High School!

Language Input

Communication Functions

• I’m planning to learn to play the guitar.

• I’m interested in drawing and painting.


• A fear of failure is what stops them

from trying new things.

• There is no use worrying about failing.

Skills Development

Listening & Speaking

• Personal Goals

• School Club

• Advice on Making Plans


• START Right

Writing• Class Contract

Self Learning Log

Go to page 31 and make your study plan.

단원의 주제와 관련된 활동을 통해 단원에서 배울 내용을 미리 생각해 본다.Big Idea


Read and answer the questions.

1. What is the passage mainly about?

a. setting your own goals b. trying new things

c. asking for help

d. respecting yourself

2. What is the appropriate word for the blank?

a. for b. with

c. in d. to

3. Which underlined part is grammatically INCORRECT? Find and correct it.

DThe future has great things in store

you. Your path to greatness may not

seem ① clear at the moment, but you can and will accomplish great things. For the

time being, ② that really matters is how you feel about yourself. Value ③ yourself,

whoever you are and whatever you do. A positive, optimistic attitude can help you

④ develop a high opinion about yourself. If you make a mistake, don’t say, “I’m a

loser. I’m not good at anything.” Instead, say, “No one’s perfect. I will do better next

time.” Always remember that if you don’t respect yourself, no one else will.

BEFORE Lesson 1, do I know ...?

AFTER Lesson 1, can I ...?


lf L



g L


I’m planning to ....

I’m interested in ....

A fear of failure is what stops them ....

There is no use worrying ....

I want to learn more about


listen and talk about personal goals and

joining school clubs

understand the theme of START Right

write a class contract

Language Input과 Skills Development를 통해 학습 목표를 확인하고

자신만의 Self Learning Log를 기록하면서 학습 계획을 수립한다.Self Learning Log

12 Lesson 1 | Hi, High School!

Personal Goals

I’m planning to learn to play the guitar.

L isten and Speak I

What are your new school year’s resolutions?


2. Listen again and check TRUE or FALSE.

B Listen Up

1. What are the speakers talking about?

a. Jina’s friends

b. Jina’s future career

c. Jina’s goals for the new school year

Tune In

What is the boy planning to do this year? Choose the pictures.

a. Jina is having a hard time in school.

b. Jina is planning to spend less time using her mobile phone.

c. Jina is planning to take nice pictures of her friends.

2개의 주제와 2개의 의사소통 기능을 이용하여 듣기와 말하기 연습을 한 후

Your Turn에서 짝 활동과 모둠 활동을 통해 자기주도 학습을 하도록 한다.Listen and Speak I, II

16 Lesson 1 | Hi, High School!

Guess & Listen

Look at the picture and guess what you will listen to.

Listen and choose what the man is mainly talking about.

a. Visualize how to become successful.

b. Find what you truly enjoy.

c. Don’t be afraid of failure.

A goal without a plan is

just a wish.

-Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Advice on Making Plans

I nto the World

Step 1

Web Link

Search for quotes on making plans and present

your favorite one to the class. Step 3

Listen, Write & Talk

Listen again and complete the table.

Step 2General Plan

Specifi c Plan

Mr. Newton to be

to make

Talk with a partner about your

specifi c plans for the future.

실생활에서 흔히 접할 수 있는 조언, 강연, 방송, 공지, 인터뷰 등의 대화나

담화의 내용을 이해하고 그에 대한 자신의 의견을 말해 본다.Into the Real World


Before You Read

Fill in the blanks using the words below.

Culture Talk

Search the Internet for classrooms around the world and talk about differences between



2. I’m shy. Meeting new people gives

me great .

4. In the Olympics, countries

against each other

for the gold.

compete path

anxiety optimistic

1. I see the glass as half full. So I am

a(n) person.

3. A fallen tree blocked the

in front of us.

How do you feel about starting high school?

BI‛m excited about making

new friends.

I‛m worried about having

difficult assignments.

Your Own

Your Own

읽기 활동을 시작하기 전에 주요 단어를 익히고, 주제와 관련된 내용을 미리

생각해 본다.Before You Read


After You Read






a. Go seek help from your


b. Learn to live with others

in harmony.

c. The goals you set should

be just for you.

d. Value yourself, whoever

you are.

e. Learn new things and

meet new people.

Set Your Own


Try New Things

Ask for Help

Respect Yourself

Team Up

Match the titles with the appropriate sentences.

Link to Literature

Find a novel on school life.

Compare it with your own

school life.


Check TRUE or FALSE.

1. Many students feel nervous about entering high school.

2. Mr. Thompson’s advice is to go at your own pace.

3. Ben suggests that you should value yourself.

4. Cindy says working in groups is very easy.



Extension Make your own START list for starting high school.


tudy English hard.


읽기 활동을 마친 후 글의 전개 방식 및 세부 내용을 정확하게 이해했는지

확인하고, 더 나아가 창의적인 사고를 이끌어 내는 확장된 활동을 한다.After You Read

24 Lesson 1 | Hi, High School!

Class Contract

Step 2 Organizing

Make an outline for your class contract.

Name: Lily Bowles

What Students Should Do:

• fully participate in all class activities

• treat the classmates with respect

What Students Should NOT Do:

• be late for class

• damage school property


to try to live by these rules at school so

that all the class members can get the

most out of their class experience


What Students Should Do:

• •

What Students Should NOT Do:

• •




Your Own

Step 1 Brainstorming

Look at the pictures of classrooms. Which behaviors are NOT appropriate?W rite Now

자신의 경험과 생각을 적용하여 다양한 장르의 글을 단계적으로 써 본다.Write Now

26 Lesson 1 | Hi, High School!

• One of the best things that I did during high school was

setting my own goals.

• You need to set the limit of your daily mobile phone


Word Chain

Complete the conversations with

the Word Chunks.

1. A Do you think humans

should take advantage of


B No, I think we should live

with it.

2. A Where are you planning to




I’ll be staying at the Snow


3. A The new year begins in

two days.

B Yeah. I can’t wait to see

what the next year has

for me.

Vocabulary Practice

L anguage FocusA

• The future has great things in store for you.

• I have a surprise in store for you.

• For the time being, what really matters is how you feel

about yourself.

, the library will be closed for the

time being.

• In today’s society, we have to learn to live with others

in harmony.

• It’s important for people to live in harmony with the


Word ChunksB

Fill in the blanks using the Word


1. I forgot to set my .

I’m late for school!

2. The mayor set the for the

reception in October.

3. Teachers are role models,

so they should set a(n) for their


4. If you set the

too high, no one will be able

to purchase it.


a price

a date

an alarmclock

a goal

a limit


단어의 구성 원리 및 표현을 알아보고, 주요 문법을 재미있는 그림과 예문을

통해 익힌다.Language Focus

28 Lesson 1 | Hi, High School!

G o Global! School Clubs Around the World

Cricket Club (Cambridge High School,

New Zealand)

provides an opportunity for all players

to enjoy cricket and positive group


Craft & Design Club (City of London School, England)

teaches students how to plan, design and create

works and presents their works.

Chorus Club (Miriam College High

School, the Philippines)

help students discover that singing

makes them feel good.

세계 여러 나라의 생활 모습을 알아보고, 자신의 생활과 연결하여 다양한

결과물을 만들어 본다.Go Global!

30 Lesson 1 | Hi, High School!

Listen and answer the questions.

1. What is the boy’s plan for the new school year?

a. to learn French

b. to write poems

c. to exercise more

d. to read more books

2. Which school club is the girl interested in?

a. the basketball club

b. the book club

c. the cycle club

d. the science club


Question 1

Why are you interested in this


Question 2

Which club activity are you

most interested in?

Question 3

What are you planning to do

after joining this club?

Listen and answer the following questions.


My Resolutions

For My Plans for My Resolutions

Write about your new school year’s resolutions.


W rap Up

• I want to


• I want to


• I want to


• I will


• I will


• I will


단원 학습에 대한 종합 평가를 하고, Self Learning Log를 통해 학습 과정을

기록하면서 단원 학습을 마무리한다.Wrap Up

My name is Ruki. I’ve just entered high school and I’m excited

and nervous at the same time. I’m going from being one of the oldest

students in middle school to one of the youngest in high school. What

will high school life be like? Will there be more work

and stress? Will the other students like me?

If you’re having thoughts like these, you’re

not alone. Lots of students in their first year feel

the same way. But there is no need to worry.

Here is some advice from teachers, parents, and


51 How does Ruki feel

about entering high


R ead

enter nervous

at the same time stress

RightHow can you get a good start in high school?

18 Lesson 1 | Hi, High School!

다양한 장르와 주제의 글을 읽고, 글의 주요 내용 및 세부 사항을 파악한다.

About You를 통해 글의 내용을 자신의 상황과 연결하여 생각해 본다.Read

계획 말하기

I’m planning to learn to play the guitar.

관심 말하기

I’m interested in drawing and painting.

• A fear of failure is what stops them from trying new things.

• There is no use worrying about failing.

Personal Goals새 학년 목표에 관한 대화

나 담화

School Clubs학교 동아리에 관한 대화

Advice on Making Plans계획을 세우는 방법에 관

한 조언

START Right고등학교 신입생에게 인

생 선배들이 주는 조언의

Class Contract교칙 만들기

만족이나 불만족 묻기

How did you like the food there?

설명 요청하기

What do you mean by that?

• It was common practice to display a big wheel of cheese.

• To be honest, she had egg on her face.

Eating Out음식 및 식당 정보에 관한


Food Expressions음식과 관련된 표현에 관

한 대화

Radio Interview with a Teenage Chef십 대 소녀 요리사와의 인


Yummy Expressions요리 재료와 관련된 표현

과 유래에 대한 글

Recipe조리법 쓰기

능력 표현하기

I’m good at typing.

제안, 권유하기

Why don’t you donate your clothes?

• The simple practice of washing hands could save a lot of lives.

• Having dinner with my family, I heard my phone ring.

Donating Your Talent재능 기부에 관한 대화

Supporting People in Need도움이 필요한 사람들을

후원하는 대화나 담화

Interview on Online Volunteering동물들을 돕는 웹사이트

를 만든 소녀와의 인터뷰

Help Is Just Next Door학생들이 재능 기부를 통

해 쉽게 할 수 있는 봉사

활동을 소개한 블로그 글

Volunteer Report봉사 활동 보고서 쓰기

방법 묻기

What can we do to slow down global warming?

의도 표현하기

I’m thinking of making bags.

• There is another type of pollution that has been ignored by many.

• Governments recommend that we join hands to reduce light pollution.

Global Warming지구 온난화로 인해 발생

하는 문제에 관한 대화나


Recycling & Reusing쓰레기 재활용에 관한 대

Announcement for an Environmental Campaign환경 보호를 위해

School Earth Hour에 동참하라는 공지

The Dark Side of Light빛 공해가 동물, 식물, 인

간에게 끼치는 영향 및 빛

공해를 줄이는 방법에 관

한 글

Chart Description차트 및 그래프 묘사하기

01Hi, High






04Be Nature


The Curse of the Egyptian Ring 사건을 해결하는 탐정 이야기를 읽고, 논리력과 추리력 키우기

Advanced Reading 1

Scope and SequenceLanguage Input

LessonSkills Development

Communication Functions

Listening & Speaking ReadingGrammar Writing

학교생활, 개인 생활

음식과 영어 표현


환경, 동물과 식물

문학, 창의적 사고

경험 묻기

Have you ever heard of the tango?


You shouldn’t avoid eye contact while speaking.

• There were several students whose mothers or fathers were from countries other than Korea.

• Sumi was one of the smartest students in the class.

Different Cultures각국의 다양한 문화를 소

개하는 대화나 담화

Cultural Taboos나라마다 하지 말아야 할

행동에 관한 대화

Lecture on Cultural Differences서로 다른 문화를 존중해

야 한다는 내용의 강의

A Bowl of Differences문화적 다양성과 차이를

인정하고 존중하자는 내

용을 비빔밥에 비유한 이


Brochure기념일이나 축제를 안내

하는 브로슈어 만들기

기대 표현하기

I can’t wait to go there.

놀람 표현하기

I was impressed with the food delivery service.

• Not until the late Joseon period did paintings begin to decorate the homes of common people.

• None of the minhwa artists could have imagined the popularity of their paintings, but they became very famous later on.

Traditions of Korea한국 전통 문화에 관한 대

화나 담화

Modern Culture of Korea한국 현대 문화에 관한 대

Museum Head’s Welcome Speech박물관 관장의 사진 전시

회 환영 연설

No Ordinary Painting한국 민화에 대한 소개와

특징을 설명한 글

Opinion Essay한국을 대표하는 것에 관

해 의견을 주장하는 글 쓰

궁금증 표현하기

Can you tell me about him?

불평 말하기

I’m not happy about it.

• She sat just behind the ten seats reserved for whites.

• Winton persuaded complete strangers to take the children in.

Respected People역사 속 존경하는 인물에

관한 대화

Living Together in Harmony갈등이나 문제를 서로 이

해하고 조화롭게 해결하

자는 내용의 대화

Radio Show About a Subway Episode지하철 예절에 관한 라디

오 인터뷰

Small Decisions, Big Changes개인의 결정이 세상을 바

꾼 사례를 소개한 글

Biography존경하는 인물에 관한 전

기문 쓰기

선호 표현하기

I prefer the beaches.


Don’t forget to bring an underwater camera.

• We found a place where we could sleep in an igloo.

• Had we known the Northern Lights were this beautiful, we would have planned to stay here for a few more days.

Travel Preferences선호하는 여행에 관한 대

화나 담화

Travel Tips여행 준비 시 유의 사항에

관한 대화

Speech on Benefits of Traveling여행의 장점에 관한 연설

A Fine Land of Wonder핀란드를 여행하고 쓴 기


Travel Journal기행문 쓰기

05Beg to




07A Step




Language InputLesson

Skills Development

Communication Functions

Listening & Speaking ReadingGrammar Writing

The Panama Canal 파나마 운하의 건설 뒷이야기를 읽고, 파나마 운하 건설로 인해 어떤 변화가 있었는지 생각해 보기

Advanced Reading 2

다문화 사회

우리 문화, 예술

인권, 세계 시민 의식

여행, 취미

과학, 일반교양

10 Lesson 1 | Hi, High School!


Hi, High School!

Language InputCommunication Functions• I’m planning to learn to play the guitar.• I’m interested in drawing and painting.

Grammar• A fear of failure is what stops them

from trying new things.• There is no use worrying about failing.

Skills DevelopmentListening & Speaking• Personal Goals• School Clubs• Advice on Making Plans

Reading• START Right

Writing• Class Contract

Self Learning Log Go to page 31 and make your study plan.

Big Idea What is the most important thing to be successful in high school?

12 Lesson 1 | Hi, High School!

Personal GoalsI’m planning to learn to play the guitar.L isten and Speak I

What are your new school year’s resolutions?


2. Listen again and check TRUE or FALSE.

B Listen Up 1. What are the speakers talking about?

a. Jina’s friends b. Jina’s future career

c. Jina’s goals for the new school year

Tune In What is the boy planning to do this year? Choose the pictures.

a. Jina is having a hard time in school.

b. Jina is planning to spend less time using her mobile phone.

c. Jina is planning to take nice pictures of her friends.

Group Talk about your plans for the new school year and make a to-do list.

Pair What are your plans for the new school year? Talk with a partner.

I’m going to ....I’m thinking of ....

Useful Expressions

Your Turn

Check! I can talk about personal goals. 13

Speak Up1. Role-play the conversation with a partner.


A Have you set any goals for this school year?

B Yes. I’m planning to learn to play the guitar.

A That sounds interesting. Any special reason?

B I want to perform in the school concert.

2. Talk with a partner using the given information.

• join a school club• meet new friends

• learn Chinese• Your Own

• Your Own

• lose some weight

What are you planning to do?

I’m planning to eat healthy food.

14 Lesson 1 | Hi, High School!

School ClubsI’m interested in drawing and painting.L isten and Speak II

What are your interests?

Tune In What are the speakers interested in? Number the pictures.


Listen Up 1. Complete the application form.


2. Listen again and fill in the blanks.

Jaewon loves everything about . Jaewon wants to be a in the future.


• What kind of movies are you interested in? Comedy Action Sci-Fi other:

• Do you have any experience making movies? Yes No

If “Yes” ➞ family life school life other:

Name: Jaewon Lee

Your Turn

Pair Talk with a partner about what you are interested in.

Class Find three people to join the same club as you.

Speak Up1. Role-play the conversation with a partner.


A I don’t know which school club to join.

B Well, what are you interested in?

A I’m interested in drawing and painting.

B Then how about joining the art club?

A Sounds great.

Check! I can talk about joining school clubs. 15

Are you interested in ...?

I enjoy .... / I like ....

Useful Expressions

2. Talk with a partner using the given information.

• reading novels• book

• taking pictures• photography

Your Own••

What are you interested in?

I’m interested in playing basketball.

16 Lesson 1 | Hi, High School!

Guess & ListenLook at the picture and guess what you will listen to.

Listen and choose what the man is mainly talking about.

a. Visualize how to become successful. b. Find what you truly enjoy. c. Don’t be afraid of failure.

A goal without a plan is just a wish.

-Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Advice on Making PlansI nto the World

Step 1

Web LinkSearch for quotes on making plans and present your favorite to the class.

Step 3

Listen, Write & TalkListen again and complete the table.

Step 2

General Plan Specific PlanMr. Newton

to be to make

Talk with a partner about your specific plans for the future.


Before You Read

Fill in the blanks using the words below.

Culture TalkSearch the Internet for classrooms around the world and talk about the differences between them.


2. I’m shy. Meeting new people gives

me great .

4. In the Olympics, countries

against each other for the gold.

compete path anxiety optimistic

1. I see the glass as half full. So I am

a(n) person.

3. A fallen tree blocked the

in front of us.

How do you feel about starting high school?B

I‛m excited about making new friends.

I‛m worried about challenging assignments.

Your Own

Your Own

My name is Ruki. I’ve just entered high school and I’m excited

and nervous at the same time. I’m going from being one of the oldest

students in middle school to one of the youngest in high school. What

will high school life be like? Will there be more work

and stress? Will the other students like me?

If you’re having thoughts like these, you’re

not alone. Lots of students in their first year feel

the same way. But there is no need to worry.

Here is some advice from teachers, parents, and




1 How does Ruki feel about entering high school?

R ead

enter nervous at the same time stress

RightHow can you get a good start in high school?

18 Lesson 1 | Hi, High School!

set stairs instead of compete with pace

Welcome to your new school! It seems like just yesterday

that I was a high school student. How time flies! One of the

best things that I did during high school was setting my own

goals. Setting your own goals can be as simple as memorizing

one English word a day, taking the stairs instead of the elevator

once a week, or reading one book a month. When setting your

goals, remember that you are not competing with anyone. The

goals you set should be just for you. Go at your own pace and

you’ll be sure to have a happy and successful high school life.

et Your Own GoalsMr. Thompson, Principal

2 What does Mr. Thompson do for a living?

3 According to Mr. Thompson, what do you have to remember when setting your goals?









Are you looking for something exciting

to do at your new school? Then look no

further! There are many great clubs and

activities waiting for you. Getting involved

in them will give you a great opportunity to learn new things,

meet new people, ’re really passionate about.

For many students, a fear of failure is what stops them from

trying new things. But there is no use worrying about failing.

If you don’t give it a try, how can you succeed? Don’t let your

fears keep you from getting the most out of your high school

years. Just go for it!

Believe it or not, I was once a young and confused student,

like you. Whenever I was lost in high school, Ms. Benitez, my

English teacher, was there to point me in the right direction.

High school is full of *excitement, pressure, and anxiety. But do

you know who watches the highs and lows of each and every

too demanding, don’t be afraid to seek help from your teachers.

It goes without saying that they will always be there for you.

They were once students, and they know what you’re going


further get involved failure confused anxiety

highs and lows demanding seek go through

ry New ThingsMs. Daniels, Language Arts Teacher

sk for HelpMs. Potter, Ruki’s Mother

4 According to Ms. Daniels, what stops many students from trying new things?

5 Who pointed Ms. Potter in the right direction?

excitement agreementdevelopmentmanagement

Word Family

20 Lesson 1 | Hi, High School!

What new things would you like to try in your school?




6 According to Ben, what really matters for the time being?

7 What kind of attitude can help you develop a high opinion about yourself?

respect in store path at the moment accomplish

for the time being positive optimistic attitude

The future has great things in store for you. Your path to

greatness may not seem clear at the moment, but you can and

will accomplish great things. For the time being, what really

matters is how you feel about yourself. Value yourself, whoever

you are and whatever you do. A positive, optimistic attitude can

help you develop a high opinion about yourself. If you make

a mistake, don’t say, “I’m a loser. I’m not good at anything.”

Instead, say, “No one’s perfect. I will do better next time.”

Always remember that if you don’t respect yourself, no

one else will.

espect YourselfBen Gruwell, Student Body President

What mistakes have you made? How did you deal with them?

22 Lesson 1 | Hi, High School!22 Lesson 1 | Hi, High School! Check! I can understand the main idea and supporting details.

In today’s society, we have to learn to live in harmony with

others. Whether it’s a class project or a sports activity, you will

have many chances to work together with your classmates

toward a common goal. Working in groups is never easy, but it

can yield results beyond your wildest imagination. Recognize

one another’s strengths and assign appropriate roles according

to them. Group work will teach you time and resource

management, and communication skills. Plus, it will give you

an opportunity to really get to know your peers.



eam UpCindy Bryant, School Orchestra Conductor

Main Idea & Supporting DetailsReading Strategy


8 According to Cindy, what do we have to learn in today’s society?


in harmony







YourOwn Goals

New Things

for Help



After You Read






a. Go seek help from your teachers.

b. Learn to live in harmony with others.

c. The goals you set should be just for you.

d. Value yourself, whoever you are.

e. Learn new things and meet new people.

Set Your Own Goals

Try New Things

Ask for Help

Respect Yourself

Team Up

Match the titles with the appropriate sentences.

Link to LiteratureFind a novel about school life. Compare it with your own school life.


Check TRUE or FALSE.

1. Many students feel nervous about entering high school.

2. Mr. Thompson’s advice is to go at your own pace.

3. Ben suggests that you should value yourself.

4. Cindy says working in groups is very easy.


Extension Make your own START list for starting high school.C

tudy English hard.


24 Lesson 1 | Hi, High School!

Class Contract

Step 2 Organizing Make an outline for your class contract.

Name: Lily Bowles

What Students Should Do:• fully participate in all class activities• treat classmates with respect

What Students Should NOT Do:• be late for class• damage school property

Promise:to try to live by these rules at school so that all the class members can get the most out of their class experience


What Students Should Do:• •

What Students Should NOT Do:• •


Example Your Own

Step 1 BrainstormingLook at the pictures of classrooms. Which behaviors are NOT appropriate?

W rite Now

Check! I can write my class contract. 25

You Your Partner

Checklist Yes No Yes No

1. Does the draft include two do’s and two don’ts?

2. Are the terms and conditions written clearly?

3. Is the draft easy to read?

4. Is the spelling correct?

5. Are the sentences grammatically correct?

Step 4 Evaluating Evaluate your draft. Then exchange books and evaluate your partner’s draft.

Step 3 DraftingWrite a draft based on your outline.

Step 5 CompletingBased on the evaluation, revise and complete your draft.

I, , understand and agree to the class contract.

• I will .

• I will .

• I will not .

• I will not .

I promise




My Class Contract

A class contract is a list of rules that the class members agree to. The contents of the contract have to be written carefully and clearly since the contract will be followed for the entire school year. In order for it to take effect, all the members of the class need to agree upon the conditions.

Writing Tip

26 Lesson 1 | Hi, High School!

• One of the best things that I did during high school was setting my own goals.

• You need to set the limit of your daily mobile phone use.

Word Chain

Complete the conversations with the Word Chunks.

1. A Do you think humans should take advantage of nature?

B No, I think we should live with it.

2. A Where are you planning to stay?

B , I’ll be staying at the Snow Hotel.

3. A The new year begins in two days.

B Yeah. I can’t wait to see what the next year has

for me.

Vocabulary Practice

L anguage Focus


• The future has great things in store for you.

• I have a surprise in store for you.

• For the time being, what really matters is how you feel about yourself.

• , the library will be closed for the time being.

• In today’s society, we have to learn to live in harmony with others.

• It’s important for people to live in harmony with the environment.

Word ChunksB

Fill in the blanks using the Word Chain.

1. I forgot to set my .

I’m late for school!

2. The mayor set the for the

reception in October.

3. Teachers are role models, so they should set a(n)

for their students.

4. If you set the too high, no one will be able to purchase it.


a price

a date

an alarmclock a goal

a limitanexample

Check! I can understand the vocabulary and grammar. 27

Put the words in the correct order.

1. This is exactly (I / what / wanted).

2. (she / what / said) made me delighted.

3. Just do it. (you / afraid of / what / are) is never as bad as (imagine / you /what). The fear in your mind is worse than the actual situation.

Correct the underlined parts.

A Did you hear that the thieves ran away last night?

B Yeah. But there is no use hide in this tiny village.

A Right. It goes without to say that they will be caught in no time.

Grammar Practice

• A fear of failure is what stops them from trying new things.

• It goes without saying that they will always be there for you.


Type & Search! Find more examples.

I work so much overtime that I hardl see m children.

hat‛s nonsense What is im ortant in life is s ending time with loved ones.

You‛re right. I‛m going home earl toda .

o one has broken out of this rison. There

is no use trying to esca e.

28 Lesson 1 | Hi, High School!

G o Global! School Clubs Around the World

Cricket Club (Cambridge High School,

New Zealand)

provides an opportunity for all players

to enjoy cricket and positive group


Craft & Design Club (City of London School, the U.K.) teaches students how to plan, design, create, and present works of art.

Glee Club (Miriam College High School, the Philippines) helps students discover that singing makes them feel good.

Think about the school clubs in the pictures. Which club activity would you like to participate in?

Search the web for other school clubs around the world.

Discuss the benefits of the club activities.

Talk about what kind of club you want to join at your school.

Create a brochure introducing the club to your friends.


Club Name:


Chess Club (Westlake High

School, U.S.A.)

improves students’ skills at

chess while making plenty

of friends along the way.

What is great about the book club is that you can read the

latest novels every week.

30 Lesson 1 | Hi, High School!

Listen and answer the questions.

1. What is the boy’s plan for the new school year? a. to learn French b. to write poems c. to exercise more d. to read more books

2. Which school club is the girl interested in? a. the basketball club b. the book club c. the cycling club d. the science club


Question 1

Why are you interested in this club?

Question 2

Which club activity are you most interested in?

Question 3

What are you planning to do after joining this club?

Listen and answer the following questions. B

My Resolutions Plans for My Resolutions

Write about your new school year’s resolutions.C

W rap Up

• I want to .

• I want to .

• I want to .

• I will .

• I will .

• I will .


Read and answer the questions.

1. What is the passage mainly about?

a. setting your own goals b. trying new things

c. asking for help d. respecting yourself

2. What is the appropriate word for the blank?

a. for b. with c. in d. to

3. Which underlined part is grammatically INCORRECT? Find and correct it.


The future has great things in store you. Your path to greatness may not seem ① clear at the moment, but you can and will accomplish great things. For the time being, ② that really matters is how you feel about yourself. Value ③ yourself, whoever you are and whatever you do. A positive, optimistic attitude can help you ④ develop a high opinion about yourself. If you make a mistake, don’t say, “I’m a loser. I’m not good at anything.” Instead, say, “No one’s perfect. I will do better next time.” Always remember that if you don’t respect yourself, no one else will.

BEFORE Lesson 1, do I know ...? AFTER Lesson 1, can I ...?


lf L



g L


I’m planning to ....

I’m interested in ....

A fear of failure is what stops them ....

There is no use worrying ....

I want to learn more about .

have a conversation about personal goals and joining school clubs

understand the theme of START Right write a class contract