Colors and moods 靖江城南初级中学 曹国美. red orange yellow green blue indigo violet pink...

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Transcript of Colors and moods 靖江城南初级中学 曹国美. red orange yellow green blue indigo violet pink...

Colors and moods靖江城南初级中学











Read the text freely and answer the questions:

•What is your favourite colour?

•Why do you like it best?

If you have a chance to decorate your own bedroom, what color would you like to choose?

Blue makes us calm and peaceful.

It’s good for our mind and body.

It creates a feeling harmony.

White can make you calm and peaceful.

White is the color of purity.

Women like to be in white on their wedding day.

Orange and yellow make people feel warm.

Orange represents joy and can bring you success

Yellow is the color of the sun and wisdow.

Green give you energy as it is the color of nature and represents new life and growth.

Green has other meanings:

• Green tomatoes are sour. 未熟的番茄是酸的。

• He is a green hand. 他是个新手。

• green with envy= jealous ( 嫉妒 )

• Never seen green ?没见过美元么? (因为美元是绿色的)

red-eyed or green-eyed

Red is the color of heat and represents power and strong feelings

Calm colors

Warm colors

Energetic colors

Strong colors

Fill in the table:

blue, white

orange, yellow



True or false:

1.Colours can affect and change our moods. They can make us feel happy or sad, energetic or sleepy.( )

2.Different colors may represent different characteristics.( )

3.Blue is a calm color and can make you feel relaxed. It can create the feeling of harmony.( )




4.White is the color of purity. It won’t make you feel stressed.( )

5.Orange and yellow are warm colors and give you a happy and satisfied feeling.( )

6.If you feel tired or weak, you should wear green.( )

7.Red represents a strong feeling. It can help you take actions.( )





Put the color words in the following sentences:

1.If you are feeling stressed, you may wear __________to make you feel relaxed.

2.If a man says “I’m feeling ________”, that means he feels sad today.

3.Many people prefer to use____________,

because it can remind you of a warm, sunny day.




4.If you feel sad,you may wear __________

because this color can cheer you up.

5.________can provide us with energy.

6.If you have difficulty making a decision,

Wearing _______ makes it easier for you to

take action.




Listen and read the text again anf pay attention to these points:

would rather……than…… I would rather use colors like orange or yellow than blue or white.

I would rather sing than dance.

would rather do sth.

I would rather stay at home.


prefer doing to doing

I prefer red to blue.

I prefer walking to jogging.

I prefer to study at night.

prefer to do

• so (因此) Blue can represents sadness, so you may

say I’m feeling blue when you are sad.• because (因为) sleeping in a blue room is good for body

because it creates a feeling of harmony.• as (因为) Green can give you energy as it is the col

or of nature.

Homework:• Do C2on page 29.• Dou you have any interesting stories abo

ut colors? If you have ,please tell the other students next class.