Clarissa Ppt

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Transcript of Clarissa Ppt

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Prepared by: clarissa s. hugasan & glazel c. paner


Lesson 4

Curriculum and Instruction

A curriculum according to Howell and Evans (1995) and Sands, et at (1995) is a structured set of learning outcomes or tasks that educators usually call goals and objectives. Students are expected to learn the information specified in the curriculum so that they will have the skills needed to prepare students to succeed in society. Curriculum is the what of teaching.


Further, Howell and Evans (1995) says that knowledge of the curriculum is for successful assessment, evaluation, decision making and teaching. Without a curriculum component there is no need of the teacher-directed instruction and therefore no lesson. Deciding which curriculum task should be taught and which instructional approach to use best, requires the use of evaluate procedure.

Curriculum here is understood as the content. Curriculum developers need to bring to the content selection the criteria of significance, validity, interest, learn ability and feasibility.

brings the content to the degree to which it contributes the basic ideas, concepts, principles and generalizations and to the development of particular learning abilities, skills processes and attitudes.

refers to the degree of authenticity of the content selected and to the congruence of the content in the light of the objectives selected.



is the degree to which the content either caters or fosters particular interests in the students.

is the appropriateness of the content in the light if the particular students who are to experience the curriculum.

refers to the question, can the selected content be taught in the time allowed considering the resources, staff and particular community?




The other aspect of curriculum described here are the objectives. The objectives provide cue to the what content should be included. Curriculum objectives guide the learning outcomes to be achieved as well as the activities to accomplish these objectives. Each objective provides a condition, a performance and an extent of performance of course, objectives should meet the criteria of SMART specific, measurable, attainable, result-oriented and time-bound.

Meaningful instruction can be achieved through the different learning experiences provided.

Does instruction provide learning experience that :

Bring about optimum benefit to the learners?

Approximate real life situations?

Encourage the learners to inquire further?

Heighten learners interest and motivation?

Involve the use of different senses?

Approximate real life situations?

Provide opportunities for broad and deep study?

Provide mastery of total learning?

Thus it is important that the curriculum content and objectives should match with the instruction from where learning experiences are provided.

Curriculum and Assessment

Like instruction, curriculum is also called related to assessment in fact it is curriculum as explained above that determines what assessment should be done and how do it.

What to accomplish is established by the curriculum How to determine if the curriculum has been achieved is determined by assessment.

Assessment is the process of collecting information which describes student achievement based on curriculum expectations, These levels can be used to judge the quality of students work.

Level 4-Student has demonstrated all the required knowledge and skills and achievement has exceeded the standard set.

Level 3- Student has demonstrated most of the required knowledge and skills and achievement exceeded the standard set .

Level 2- Student has demonstrated some of the required knowledge and skills and achievement exceeded the standard set.

Level 1-Student has demonstrated few of the required knowledge and skills and achievement exceeded the standard set.

To ensure that assessment is aligned with the curriculum, the teacher needs to ask the following key questions:

For diagnostic assessment

1.What do I expect my students to learn?

2.What is the best way for my students to demonstrate their achievement?

3.How will I provide an on-going feedback to help them improve learning?

4.What are other ways of facilitating learning so that learners will succeed?

For formative assessment

1.How will I monitor learners progress?

2.What does the feedback tell about the curriculum?

3.Is there a need to modify the objectives?

4.Are the intended contents too high or too low for the learners?

5.Is the curriculum addressing the learners needs?

For summative assessment

1.Are the objectives set in the curriculum accomplished?

2.What is the level of performance in the various tasks?

3.Are there gaps between the set objectives and the performance?

4.Are the outcomes truly the result of the curriculum?

5.Have the learners acquired the intended knowledge, skills and attitudes planned in the curriculum?

Instruction refers to the various ways of teaching, teaching styles, approaches, techniques and steps in delivering the curriculum. It is a complex activity

That requires teachers to use a variety of action to accomplish a variety of functions.

As discussed previously, instruction is a means of delivering the curriculum. It puts into action the plan set at the beginning, How well instruction will be done will depend on several factors. These factors may include the following:

Instruction and Assessment

1. Learner- the center and the one who receives instruction. The learners will be the one to put action on the objectives and learn the content. All factors in instruction will be greatly influenced by the learners are the object of instruction.

Teacher-he/she guides the implementation of the plan. Often times referred to as instructors because they give instruction.

Learning environment- This is where learning occurs. The learning environment provides the situation or the conditions for teaching and learning to occur. It embraces all the physical and psychological environment where teaching and learning happens. It includes the physical environment like classroom, materials, temperature, lighting, resources. It also includes human environment like the teachers, learners, school officials, community people and other resource persons. The learning environment includes all the support materials for teaching and learning.

4.Subject matter- This is the content of instruction. This includes the ideas, concepts, principles and theories in the different disciplines that are taken us a means to accomplish the objectives.

5. Method of teaching and learning- This is the heart of instruction. How well the teachers teach and how far the students learn is determined by the methods, strategies, styles and approaches to teaching.

6. Measurement- This refers to assessment. As stated in the beginning, objectives are measurable, hence at the end of the teaching-learning process, the intended objectives should be measured in terms of the learning outcomes Measurement also refers to assessment.

As we can very well see instruction and assessment are two built in components of instruction itself. However these two can be taken separately and their relationships analyzed.

Instruction and assessment should be intertwined to provide a system that supports and encourages students progress Assessment will provide the teacher or curriculum maker the value of their work it will also tell the general public the quality or kind of product that resulted from a prerequisite process. Which is instruction Assessment gives the quantitative measure of the instruction

The interaction of the three elements shows how each affects one another. Good plan will be implanted through good instruction. This will result to good outcomes. Beginning with a strong curriculum and professional development program, the school can use continued school improvement process to assess needs, set targets, design strategies and evaluate success of the curriculum content are of the program.