BİLDİRİ ÖZETLERİ KİTABI · Uluslararası Katılımlı Radyasyondan Korunma Kongresi 23-25...

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Transcript of BİLDİRİ ÖZETLERİ KİTABI · Uluslararası Katılımlı Radyasyondan Korunma Kongresi 23-25...


Editör: Prof.Dr. Ahmet BOZKURT

Radyasyondan Korunma Uzmanları Derneği, © 2017


Editor: Prof.Dr. Ahmet BOZKURT

Turkish Association of Radiation Protection Experts, © 2017

Uluslararası Katılımlı Radyasyondan Korunma Kongresi 23-25 Kasım 2017, Ankara, Türkiye

2nd. Congress on Radiation Protection with International Participation, 23-25 Nov. 2017, Ankara Turkiye

RADKOR 2017 Özet Kitabı / Abstract Book 3


Büyük bir hızla gelişen teknoloji ve öngörülemeyen şekilde değişmekte olan yeni dünya düzeninin

getirdiği, her türlü riskin kontrol altına alınmasını gerektiren, yaşamsal öneme sahip bir dönemden


Böyle bir dünyada, en gelişmiş radyasyon teknolojilerinin kullanıldığı ve nükleer güç programlarına

geçmekte olan ülkemizde; bu alandaki her türlü riskin minimize edilmesi ve halkın, çalışanların ve çevrenin

güvenliği ile ilgili öngörülerin geliştirilmesi için ülke ve insanımızın geleceği adına katkı sağlamak üzere

II. Radyasyondan Korunma Kongremizi, bu yıl uluslararası katılımlı olarak 23-25 Kasım tarihlerinde

Ankara’da gerçekleştireceğiz.

Bu Kongrenin ana teması; radyasyondan korunma alanındaki ulusal ihtiyaçlarımızın ve bu ihtiyaçların

giderilmesinin yaratacağı istihdam, üretim, yatırım fırsatlarının ortaya konulmasıdır.

Bu bağlamda, radyasyon teknolojilerinden beklenen yararın sağlanmasının temel argümanı olan nitelikli

insan gücü, Kongrenin ana tartışma konularından biri olacaktır. IAEA kriterleri, Avrupa standartları ve

çeşitli ülke örnekleri bu konuda yetkin yabancı uzmanlar tarafından sunulacak, ülke yapılanmamıza yönelik

öngörüler tartışmaya açılacaktır. Bu konu, üyesi olduğumuz EUTERP ( Avrupa Radyasyondan Korunma

Eğitim ve Öğrenim Federasyonu ) ile bu yıl bu alanda lisansüstü eğitime başlayacak olan Akdeniz

Üniversitesi, kanun yapıcılar ve nükleer yatırımcı Firmalar tarafından tartışılacaktır.

Sağlık alanındaki radyasyon uygulamalarında, toplum ışınlanmalarında önemli yer alan bilgisayarlı

tomografi uygulamaları ve hasta dozunun ciddi düzeylere çıkabildiği ve çalışanların en fala doza maruz

kalabildiği girişimsel radyoloji uygulamaları başta olmak üzere ilgili oturumlar Türk Radyoloji Derneği

işbirliği ile gerçekleştirilecektir.

Son yıllarda ülke gündemine gelen proton tedavisi, bu yatırımların gerekçelendirilmesi, optimizasyonu,

hasta ve çalışan güvenliği yönüyle ele alınacak, konu yurt içi ve dışından yerli yabancı uzmanların ve kanun

yapıcıların katılımları ile tartışmaya açılacaktır. İlgili Firmalara, teknolojilerinin anlatımına yönelik uydu

sempozyum imkanları sağlanacaktır.

Tıp ve endüstride radyasyon uygulamaları nedeniyle yaşanan kazalar ve kaza yönetimi yetkin ve deneyimli

kişi ve kuruluşlarca ortaya konulacaktır. Kongre kapsamında bir endüstriyel radyasyon kazası

canlandırması yapılacaktır.

Işınlanmış gıdaların güvenliği konusu yetkin uzmanlar ve uygulayıcılar tarafından tartışmaya açılacaktır.

Bu kongrede gerçekleştirilecek özel bir oturum ile, radyasyon uygulamaları ve radyasyondan korunma ve

güvenlik alanında yerli sanayiden beklentiler gündeme taşınacak, yerli sanayinin mevcut imkanları, üretim

yeteneklerimiz, katma değerleri, teşvik ve destekler konusunda yetkin uzmanlar ve ilgili kurum ve

kuruluşlar tarafından bilgilendirmeler yapılacaktır.

Ülke ve dünya gündemi doğrultusunda radyasyondan korunma ve güvenlikle ilgili konuların yerli yabancı

uzmanlarla tartışılacağı, uluslararası katılımlı 2. Radyasyondan Korunma Kongresine katılımınızın,

bilimsel ve teknolojik bilgi paylaşımının ötesinde ulusal bir sorumluluk olduğu inancıyla katılım, katkı ve

desteklerinizi bekliyor, ülkemize ve insanımıza yararlar getirmesini diliyorum.


RADKOR 2017 Kongre Düzenleme Kurulu Başkanı

Uluslararası Katılımlı Radyasyondan Korunma Kongresi 23-25 Kasım 2017, Ankara, Türkiye

2nd. Congress on Radiation Protection with International Participation, 23-25 Nov. 2017, Ankara Turkiye

RADKOR 2017 Özet Kitabı / Abstract Book 4


We are going through an important period which creates the need for control of any kind of risks, caused

by the fast-paced- technology and the new world order which is unpredictably changing.

In such a world, in our country which is already using the most advanced radiation technologies and

outgrowing through nuclear power programs, The 2 nd National Radiation Protection Congress with

international participation will be held in Ankara, November 23-25, 2017 with the aim of increasing the

awareness for minimizing any radiation related risks, developing the predictions of the public, employees,

and the environment and contributing to our country’s and people’s future.

The main theme of the congress is to define the national needs on the subject and to discover the

employment, production and investment opportunities created when meeting these needs.

In this regard, one of the topics of the congress is the qualified work force, which is the main argument for

the expected benefits of radiation technologies. IAEA criteria, European standards and examples from

diverse countries will be presented by competent foreign experts in the area and predictions on our countries

settlement will be debated. The topic will be discussed by EUTERP whom we are a member of, Akdeniz

University which will initiate a graduate program this year, legislation officers and nuclear investment


The sessions on the computerized tomography applications which is considered as a vital source of

irradiation for the public as well as on the interventional radiology applications which may cause high levels

of radiation exposure for the patients and the operators will be held with the collaboration of Turkish Society

of Radiology.

Proton treatment, lately added to the agenda in our country; justification of its investments and optimization

will be held from the patient and operator safety points of view. This will be debated both by Turkish and

foreign experts as well as the legislation officers. Satellite sessions will be enabled for interested companies

in order to explain their technology.

Accidents caused by radiation applications in health and industrial areas will be defined by experienced

individuals and organizations, along with proper accident management practices. An industrial radiation

accident will be animated within the scope of the congress.

The safety of food irradiation will be discussed by competent experts and applicators.

On a particular session, expectations from the regional industry on the domains of radiation application and

radiation protection and safety will be carried on the agenda. Information will be provided by experts and

related institutions and organizations on the current opportunity of the domestic industry, local production

feasibility, and added-value, promotion and support.

In the direction of country and world agenda, issues about radiation protection and safety will be discussed

by Turkish and foreign experts in The 2 nd National Radiation Protection Congress with international

participation. Believing that your participation will add invaluable value in the manners of national

responsibility alongside with the scientific and technological share of information, we expect your

contribution and participation and wish the best for our country and its people.


RADKOR 2017 Conference Organization Chair

Uluslararası Katılımlı Radyasyondan Korunma Kongresi 23-25 Kasım 2017, Ankara, Türkiye

2nd. Congress on Radiation Protection with International Participation, 23-25 Nov. 2017, Ankara Turkiye

RADKOR 2017 Özet Kitabı / Abstract Book 5


1. Radyasyondan Korunma Uzmanı ve Radyasyondan Korunma Sorumlusunun

akademik ve mesleki eğitim ve istihdam politikaları

2. Radyasyon teknolojilerinde ortaya çıkan dozlar ve risk değerlendirmeleri

3. Bilgisayarlı Tomografi, Girişimsel Radyoloji ve diğer radyoloji uygulamalarında,

çalışanların ve halkın radyasyondan korunması, nükleer kazaların yönetimi ve

iyileştirme eylemleri

4. Proton Tedavisinin gerekçelendirilmesi, optimizasyonu, hasta ve çalışanın radyasyon

güvenliği yönüyle avantaj ve dezavantajları

5. Radyoterapi ve nükleer tıpta kazalar ve kaza yönetimi

6. Endüstriyel kazalar ve kaza yönetimi

7. Gıda Işınlaması ve ışınlanmış gıda güvenliği

8. Radyasyon uygulamalarında yerli sanayiden beklentiler ve firsatlar

9. Nükleer tıp internal tedavi uygulamalarında dozimetri

10. Diğer ( Radyasyon dozimetrisi, radyoepidemiyoloji, çevresel ölçümler, radyolojik

tesislerde optimizasyon, doz ve risk hesaplamaları, ilgili yazılımlar, radyoaktif

maddenin güvenli taşınması, radyoaktif atık yönetimi vb.)


1. Academic and occupational training and employment policies of Radiation Protection

Experts and Radiation Protection Officers

2. Doses and risk assessments in radiation technologies

3. Protection of workers and the public in in computerized tomography, interventional

radiology and other radiology practices, management and remedial actions of nuclear


4. Justification and optimization of proton therapy, its advantages and disadvantages

with respect to radiation safety of workers and patients

5. Accidents and accident management in Radiotherapy and Nuclear Medicine

6. Industrial accidents and accident management

7. Food irradiation and safety of irradiated food

8. Expectations from domestic industry in radiation practices and the opportunities

9. Dosimetry in nuclear medicine and internal therapy procedures

10. Other (radiation dosimetry, radioepidemiyology, environmental measurements,

optimization in radiologic facilities, calculation of dose and the risk, related software,

safe transportation of radioactive materials, radioactive waste management etc.).

Uluslararası Katılımlı Radyasyondan Korunma Kongresi 23-25 Kasım 2017, Ankara, Türkiye

2nd. Congress on Radiation Protection with International Participation, 23-25 Nov. 2017, Ankara Turkiye

RADKOR 2017 Özet Kitabı / Abstract Book 6






Doğan BOR


Tamer KAYA


Ayşegül YURT


Yaprak ENGİN




Okan ŞAR

Halime Can TURAN




Alptuğ Özer YÜKSEL



Uluslararası Katılımlı Radyasyondan Korunma Kongresi 23-25 Kasım 2017, Ankara, Türkiye

2nd. Congress on Radiation Protection with International Participation, 23-25 Nov. 2017, Ankara Turkiye

RADKOR 2017 Özet Kitabı / Abstract Book 7



Ahmet BOZKURT, Prof. Dr.

Ayşegül YURT, Yrd. Doç.Dr.



Bayram DEMİR, Prof. Dr.

Berrin PEHLİVAN, Prof.Dr.

Candan TÖRE, NEU Dr., CIEMAT, İspanya

Cemil KOCAR, Prof. Dr.

Daniela Caratas, Dr., IAEA, Avusturya

Deniz ÖNER, RB Dr.

Doğan BOR, Prof. Dr.

Doğan YAŞAR, Doç. Dr.

Eduardo Gallego, Prof.Dr., IRPA & İspanya

Esra SAĞLAM, Prof. Dr.

Faruk ZORLU, Prof. Dr.

Fatma YURT, Prof. Dr.

Gökçe Kaan ATAÇ, Yrd.Doç.Dr.

Gökhan ÖZYİĞİT, Prof.Dr

Gönül KEMİKLER, Prof. Dr.

Gül Asiye AYÇIK, Prof. Dr.

Günseli YAPRAK, Prof. Dr.

Halil ÖZTÜRK, Prof.Dr.

Haluk UTKU, Prof. Dr.

Haluk YÜCEL, Prof. Dr.

Hasan ALKAN, RKU Dr.

Hatice BİLGE BECERİR, Prof. Dr.

Jenia Vassileva, Dr., IAEA, Avusturya

Kadir YARAY, TFU Dr.


Metin KIR, Prof.Dr.

Murat Müslim SAÇ, Doç. Dr.



Nilgün ÇELEBİ, RKU Dr.

Nina TUNCEL, Yrd. Doç. Dr.

Niyazi SÖKMEN, Prof.Dr.

Nuri ASLAN, Prof. Dr.

Nuri ÜNAL, Prof. Dr.

Orhan OYAR, Prof.Dr.

Penelope Allisy, Dr., EUTERP & İngiltere


Suna KIRAÇ, Prof.Dr.

Şule ERGUN, Doç. Dr.

Turan OLGAR, Doç.Dr.

Turgay KARALI, Prof. Dr.

Üner ÇOLAK, Prof. Dr.

Yeter GÖKSU, Prof. Dr.

Zehra ÖZCAN, Prof.Dr.

Uluslararası Katılımlı Radyasyondan Korunma Kongresi 23-25 Kasım 2017, Ankara, Türkiye

2nd. Congress on Radiation Protection with International Participation, 23-25 Nov. 2017, Ankara Turkiye

RADKOR 2017 Özet Kitabı / Abstract Book 8


23 Kasım 2017, Perşembe


08.30 - 10.00 Kayıt ve Açılış Töreni

OTURUM I Radyasyondan Korunmada Nitelikli Eleman Eğitim ve İstihdamı

Oturum Başkanı: Dr. Erol ÇUBUKÇU, Nükleer Mühendisler Derneği Başkanı

10.00 - 10.30 IRPA’nın Radyasyondan Korunma Yaklaşımları

Konuşmacı: Prof.Dr. Eduardo GALLEGO, IRPA Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi

10.30 - 11.00 Radyasyondan Korunma Uzmanı Eğitim ve İstihdamında EUTERP Yaklaşımları

Konuşmacı: Penelope ALLİSSY-ROBERTS, EUTERP Genel Sekreteri

11.00 - 11.30 Akkuyu NGS A.Ş. Radyasyondan Korunma Nitelikli Eleman Eğitim ve İstihdam


Konuşmacı: Tatiana MAKARCHUK, AKKUYU A.Ş. Baş Mühendis Yrd.

11.30 - 12.00 Japonya’da Nükleer Güç Santralinde Radyolojik Yönetim Deneyimi

Konuşmacı: Hideki NİSHİTANİ, Kansai Electric Power Company Genel Müdürü

12.00 - 13.30 Öğle Arası

OTURUM II Radyasyondan Korunmada En Son Bilimsel Gelişmeler

Oturum Başkanı: Prof.Dr. Yeter GÖKSU

13.30 - 14.00 Radyasyondan Korunmada Doz ve Risk Yaklaşımları

Konuşmacı: Prof. Dr. Doğan BOR, Ankara Üni.

14.00 - 14.30 Nükleer ve Radyolojik Acil Durumlar ve Radyasyon Kazalarının Yönetimi


14.30 - 15.00 Acil Durumlara Hazırlıkta ve Nükleer veya Radyolojik Durumlara Müdahalede IAEA

Güvenlik Standartları Gereklilikleri ve Rehberler

Konuşmacı: Ramon DE LA VEGA, IAEA

15.00 -15.20 Kahve Arası

ÖZEL OTURUM Radyasyondan Korunma Alanında Yerli Sanayiden Beklentiler ve Fırsatlar Moderatör: Mustafa BARAN, Ankara Sanayi Odası

15.20 - 17.00 Üretici Firma ve Kurum/Kuruluş Konuşmaları

Prof. Dr. Uğur Adnan SEVİL, Hitit Üni. Dr. Hasan ALKAN, GAMAPAK Ltd.Sti.

Eyüp OZAVCI, OGEMSAN Ltd.Şti. Egemen Mutlu ARAS, İLGE Ltd.Şti.



OTURUM III Dozimetri

Oturum Başkanı: Prof. Dr. Fatma YURT ONARAN, Ege Üni.

17.00 - 17.30 SANAEM İkincil Standart Dozimetri Laboratuvarı

Konuşmacı: Dr. Çiğdem YILDIZ, TAEK/SANAEM

17.30 - 18.00 Radyasyon Doz Değerlendirmesinde Lüminesansın Önemi

Konuşmacı: Prof.Dr. Turgay KARALI, Ege Üni.

18.00 - 18.30 Mini Resital

18.30 -19.00 Kahve Arası

AÇIK OTURUM Nükleer ve Radyolojik Riskler ve İletişim

19.00 – 20.30 NÜKAD, Nükleer Alanda Kadınlar

B SALONU ÇALIŞTAY: Radyoloji Tekniker ve Teknisyenlerinin Lisans Eğitimi ve Çalışan ve

Hastanın Radyasyon Güvenliğine Etkileri

13.30 - 13.45 Açılış ve Tanışma

Uluslararası Katılımlı Radyasyondan Korunma Kongresi 23-25 Kasım 2017, Ankara, Türkiye

2nd. Congress on Radiation Protection with International Participation, 23-25 Nov. 2017, Ankara Turkiye

RADKOR 2017 Özet Kitabı / Abstract Book 9

YÖK Toplantı Sonucu, Barış ÇAVLI, TMRT-Der Başkanı

13.45 - 14.15 Radyoloji Lisans Eğitimimin Gerekliliği Amaç, Hedef Ve Geçmiş Sürecin

Değerlendirilmesi, Nezaket ÖZGÜR, TMRT-Der Bşk. Yrd.

14.15 - 14.30 Radyoterapi Lisans Eğitimi Çalışmaları, Abidin TECİK, RTT-Der Yönetim Kurulu


14.30 - 15.00 Ortak Yöntem Belirlenmesi Beyin Fırtınası

15.00 -15.30 Kahve Arası

15.30 - 15.50 Tıbbi Görüntüleme Teknikerlerinin Eğitiminde Türkiye Ve Dünya Örneklerinin

Karşılaştırılması, Yrd.Doç.Dr. Nuran AKYURT, Marmara Üni.

15.50 - 17.00 Lisans Eğitimi Model Belirleme Çalışmaları, Grup Çalışması

24 Kasım 2017, Cuma


OTURUM I Tanısal ve Girişimsel Radyoloji Uygulamalarında Radyasyondan Korunma

Oturum Başkanları: Prof.Dr. Tamer KAYA, Prof.Dr. Doğan BOR

09.30 - 10.00 BT Uygulamalarında Türkiye’de ve Dünyada Durum, Çözüm Bekleyen Sorunlar

Konuşmacı: Prof.Dr. Orhan OYAR, İzmir Katip Çelebi Üni.

10.00 - 10.30 Girişimsel Uygulamalarda Mevcut Durum ve Çözüm Bekleyen Sorunlar

Konuşmacı: Prof.Dr. Tamer KAYA, Türk Radyoloji Derneği Genel Başkanı

10.30 - 11.00 Tanısal ve Girişimsel Radyolojide Radyasyondan Korunmada Uluslararası Tavsiyeler

Konuşmacı: Jenia VASSİLEVA, Uluslararası Atom Enerjisi Ajansı

11.00 - 11.15 Kahve Arası

11.15 - 11.45 Hekim, Tekniker ve Teknisyenlerin Radyasyondan Korunma Sorumlulukları

Konuşmacı: Yrd.Doç.Dr. Gökçe Kaan ATAÇ, Ufuk Üni.

11.45 - 12.15 Radyolojik Cihazların Kalite Kontrolünde Sağlık Bakanlığı Uygulamaları

Konuşmacı: Mehmet KARABUĞA, Tıbbi İlaç ve Cihaz Kurumu

12.15 - 13.30 Öğle Arası

OTURUM II Radyasyon Tedavisinde Radyasyondan Korunma

Oturum Başkanı: Prof. Dr. Esra KAYTAN SAĞLAM, Prof. Dr. Gökhan ÖZYİĞİT

13.30 - 14.00 Radyasyon Onkolojisinde Mevcut Durum ve Geleceğe Bakış

Konuşmacı: Prof. Dr. Esra KAYTAN SAĞLAM, Türk Radyasyon Onk. Der. Gen. Bşk.

14.00 - 14.30 Proton Tedavisinde Güncel Sorunlar

Konuşmacı: Prof. Dr. Gökhan ÖZYİĞİT, Hacettepe Üni.

14.30 - 15.00 CERN’deki Medikal Uygulamalar

Konuşmacı: Giovanni PORCELLANA, CERN, Tıbbi Uygulamalar Sorumlusu

15.00 - 15.30 Proton Tedavisinde Dünyadaki Son Gelişmeler

Konuşmacı: Gregory SAİVE, IBA

15.30 - 16.00 Sağlık Bakanlığı Radyoterapi ve Proton Tedavi Politikaları

Konuşmacı: Dr. Muhammed Ertuğrul EĞİN, Sağlık Bakanlığı, Genel Müdür Yardımcısı

16.00 - 16.15 Kahve Arası

OTURUM III Nükleer Tıp Teknikleri ile Tanı ve Tedavide Dozimetri ve Radyasyondan


Oturum Başkanı: Prof.Dr. Zehra ÖZCAN, Prof.Dr. Ahmet BOZKURT

16.15 - 16.45 Nükleer Tıpta Mevcut Durum ve Geleceğe Bakış

Konuşmacı: Prof.Dr. Zehra ÖZCAN, Türk Nükleer Tıp Derneği Genel Başkanı

16.45 - 17.15 TAEK Proton Hızlandırıcısında İzotop Üretimi


17.15 - 17.45 Medikal Uygulamalarda Kaza ve Olayların Engellenmesi için Güvenlik Öğrenme ve Y.

Konuşmacı: Jenia VASSİLEVA, Uluslararası Atom Enerjisi Ajansı

17.45 - 19.00 İnternal Dozimetri ve Uygulaması

Konuşmacı: Dr. Türkay TOKLU, Yeditepe Üni.

B SALONU ÇALIŞTAY (Devam): Radyoloji Tekniker ve Teknisyenlerinin Lisans Eğitimi ve

Çalışan ve Hastanın Radyasyon Güvenliğine Etkileri

13.30 - 13.50 Dünün Değerlendirilmesi, Grup Çalışması

13.50 - 14.10 Lisansüstü Eğitimde Son Durum, Yrd. Doç. Dr. Hüseyin Ozan TEKİN, Üsküdar Üni.

Uluslararası Katılımlı Radyasyondan Korunma Kongresi 23-25 Kasım 2017, Ankara, Türkiye

2nd. Congress on Radiation Protection with International Participation, 23-25 Nov. 2017, Ankara Turkiye

RADKOR 2017 Özet Kitabı / Abstract Book 10

14.10 - 14.30 Radyasyon Güvenliği ve Radyasyondan Korunma Yüksek Lisans Programı

(Akdeniz Üniversitesi Örneği), Prof.Dr. Ahmet BOZKURT, Akdeniz Üni.

14.30 - 15.00 Lisansüstü Programda İzlenecek Rota Belirleme Ortak Çalışması, Grup Çalışması

15.00 - 15.30 Kahve arası

15.30 - 16.30 Sonuçların Değerlendirilmesi ve Hazırlanması, Grup Çalışması

16.30 - 17.00 Çalıştay Sonuç Bildirgesinin Okunması


16.15 - 17.15 Proton Tedavisi Masa Başı Toplantısı

25 Kasım 2017, Cumartesi


09.00 - 10.30 Sözlü Bildiriler

Oturum Başkanı: Prof.Dr. Ahmet BOZKURT, Akdeniz Üni.

OP01 Radioactive Waste Generated from Spanish Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs) and

Management of Radioactive Waste


OP02 Characterization of the Radioactive Waste Generated from NPPs with R2S

method: SEACAB


OP03 Criticality Analysis of a Possible Capsule Design for Deep Geological Disposal

(DGD) Using the Isotope Evaluation of GU3 and BM5 Samples of the ARIANE



OP04 Investigation of Neutron Radiation Shielding Ability of Meerschaum Stone and

Boric Acid Reinforced Polyester


OP05 Investigating of Properties of Shielding Ability of Polyester Matrix Composite

Material Reinforced With Vermiculite against Neutron Radiation,


10.30 -10.50 Kahve Arası

10.50 -12.30 Sözlü Bildiriler

Oturum Başkanı: Prof.Dr. Nuri ÜNAL, Akdeniz Üni.

OP06 Production of Polymer Radiation Detector


OP07 Comparison of Active and Passive Radon Survey in A Cave Atmosphere, And

Estimation of the Radon Exposed Dose Equivalents


OP08 Organ Doses from Dental X-Ray Exposures



OP09 Comparison of Organ at Risk Doses in Patients with Larynx Cancer for Different

Jaw Width in Helical Tomotherapy


OP10 Effects of Ionizing Radiation Cellular and Molecular Approaches


09.00 -12.30 Poster Bildiriler

PP01 Measurement of Natural and Artificial Radioactivity in Kulakcayiri Lake


PP02 Radon Activity Concentrations in Primary Schools


PP03 Investigation of 222Rn and 210Po in surface water, (Demirköy, Kırklareli)


PP04 Outdoor Gamma Dose Rates in Bolu, West of Turkey


Uluslararası Katılımlı Radyasyondan Korunma Kongresi 23-25 Kasım 2017, Ankara, Türkiye

2nd. Congress on Radiation Protection with International Participation, 23-25 Nov. 2017, Ankara Turkiye

RADKOR 2017 Özet Kitabı / Abstract Book 11

PP05 Comparison of Computed Tomography Doses Determined by Radimetrics

Software and Thermoluminescent Dosimeters on Anthropomorphic X-Ray



PP06 Theoretical Analysis of Simulated First Order TL Glow Peaks


PP07 Ankara University RÜAG Center and Its Innovations


PP08 What is the Protection Efficacy of Equipment Used in Nuclear Medicine?


PP09 10 Years Review Of Radiation Workers’ Dose Values in A Nuclear Medicine



PP10 Evaluation of Radiation Awareness of Health Personnel Working in Radiation



PP11 The Detection of Lost Radioactive Sources by Using Drone Vehicles with GM T.


PP12 Train the Trainer Workshop on Medical Physics Support for Nuclear or

Radiological Emergencies


PP133 Gamma Irradiation Improves the Nutritional Profile of Dried and Sliced Wild

Boletus Edulis Bull



12.30 - 13.30 Öğle Arası

OTURUM I Endüstriyel Uygulamalarda Radyasyondan Korunma

Oturum Başkanı: Fırat GAZEL, Anadolu Ajansı

13.30 - 14.00 Türkiye’de Gıda Işınlaması ve Işınlanmış Gıdanın Sağlık Etkileri

Konuşmacı: Dr. Hasan ALKAN, Tuğba GÜNAYDI, Burhan KAVZAK, GAMAPAK Ltd.Ş.

14.00 - 14.30 Işınlanmış Gıda Güvenliği

Konuşmacı: Prof.Dr. Nevzat ARTIK, Ankara Uni., Gıda Güvenliği Enstitüsü

14.30 - 15.00 Türkiye’de Radyoaktif Maddelerin Taşınma Pratiği ve Karşılaşılan Durumlar

Konuşmacı: Aydın KARADENİZ, ATOMTEK A.Ş.

15.00 - 15.20 Kahve Arası

DRAMA Endüstriyel Radyografide Kaza Canlandırması

15.20 - 16.30 Uygulama: DEKRA A.Ş.

16.30 - 17.00 Kapanış Töreni

Uluslararası Katılımlı Radyasyondan Korunma Kongresi 23-25 Kasım 2017, Ankara, Türkiye

2nd. Congress on Radiation Protection with International Participation, 23-25 Nov. 2017, Ankara Turkiye

RADKOR 2017 Özet Kitabı / Abstract Book 12


23 November 2017, Thursday


08.30 - 10.00 Registration and Opening Ceremony

SESSION I Training and Employment of Qualified Personnel in Radiation Protection

Session Chair: Dr. Erol ÇUBUKÇU, President, Association of Nuclear Engineers

10.00 - 10.30 Radiation Protection Approaches of IRPA

Speaker: Prof.Dr. Eduardo GALLEGO, IRPA Board Member

10.30 - 11.00 EUTERP Approaches in Training and Employment of Radiation Protection Experts

Speaker: Penelope ALLISSY-ROBERTS, EUTERP General Secretary

11.00 - 11.30 Akkuyu NPP’s Training and Employment Policies for Qualified RP Personnel

Speaker: Tatiana MAKARCHUK, AKKUYU, Inc. Associate Head Engineer,

11.30 - 12.00 Experience of radiological management at the nuclear power plant in Japan

Speaker: Mr. Hideki NISHITANI, General Manager of Kansai Electric Power Company

12.00 - 13.30 Lunch Break

SESSION II Latest Scientific Developments in Radiation Protection

Session Chair: Prof.Dr. Yeter GÖKSU

13.30 - 14.00 Dose and Risk Approaches in Radiation Protection

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Doğan BOR, Ankara Uni.

14.00 - 14.30 Nuclear and Radiologic Emergency Situations and Management of Radiation Accidents


14.30 - 15.00 IAEA Safety Standards Requirements and Guidance in Emergency Preparedness and

Response for Nuclear or Radiological Emergencies

Speaker: Mr. Ramon DE LA VEGA, IAEA

15.00 -15.20 Coffee Break

SPECIAL SESSION Prospects and Opportunities from Domestic Industry in the Field of RP Moderator: Mustafa BARAN, Ankara Chamber of Industry

15.20 - 17.00 Speakers from Manufacturers and Organizations/Institutions

Prof. Dr. Uğur Adnan SEVİL, Hitit Üni. Dr. Hasan ALKAN, GAMAPAK Ltd.Sti.

Eyüp OZAVCI, OGEMSAN Ltd.Şti. Egemen Mutlu ARAS, İLGE Ltd.Şti.




Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Fatma YURT ONARAN, Ege Uni.

17.00 - 17.30 SANAEM Secondary Standards Dosimetry Laboratory

Speaker: Dr. Çiğdem YILDIZ, TAEK/SANAEM

17.30 - 18.00 Importance of Luminescence in Radiation Dose Assessment

Speaker: Prof.Dr. Turgay KARALI, Ege Uni.

18.00 - 18.30 Mini Recital

18.30 -19.00 Coffee Break

PANEL DISCUSSION Nuclear and Radiological Risks and Communication 19.00 – 20.30 Women in Nuclear Global

HALL B WORKSHOP: Undergraduate Programs for Radiology Technicians and Impacts on

Radiation Safety of Patients

13.30 - 13.45 Opening and Introduction

Result of YÖK Meeting, Barış ÇAVLI, President, TMRT-Der

Uluslararası Katılımlı Radyasyondan Korunma Kongresi 23-25 Kasım 2017, Ankara, Türkiye

2nd. Congress on Radiation Protection with International Participation, 23-25 Nov. 2017, Ankara Turkiye

RADKOR 2017 Özet Kitabı / Abstract Book 13

13.45 - 14.15 Necessity of Radiology Undergraduate Program, Purpose, Aim and Assessment of

Previous Process, Nezaket ÖZGÜR, Vice President, TMRT-Der

14.15 - 14.30 Efforts on Radiotherapy Undergraduate Program, Abidin TECİK, President, RTT-Der

14.30 - 15.00 Finding a Common Method, Brain Storming

15.00 -15.30 Coffee Break

15.30 - 15.50 Comparison of Turkish and International Examples for Training of Diagnostic Imaging

Technicians, Yrd.Doç.Dr. Nuran AKYURT, Marmara Uni.

15.50 - 17.00 Efforts on Finding a Model for Undergraduate Program, Group Activity

24 November2017, Friday


SESSION I Radiation Protection in Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology Practices

SESSION Chairs: Prof.Dr. Tamer KAYA, Prof.Dr. Doğan BOR

09.30 - 10.00 Status of Computerized Tomography in Turkey and the World, Problems to be Solved

Speaker: Prof.Dr. Orhan OYAR, İzmir Katip Çelebi Uni.

10.00 - 10.30 Current Status of Interventional Applications and the Problems to be Solved

Speaker: Prof.Dr. Tamer KAYA, President, Turkish Society of Radiology

10.30 - 11.00 International recommendations for RP in Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology

Speaker: Jenia VASSILEVA, International Atomic Energy Agency

11.00 - 11.15 Coffee Break

11.15 - 11.45 Radiation Protection Responsibilities of Physicians and Technicians

Speaker: Assist. Prof.Dr. Gökçe Kaan ATAÇ, Ufuk Uni.

11.45 - 12.15 Practices of Health Ministry in Quality Control of Radiologic Instruments

Speaker: Mehmet KARABUĞA, Turkish Medical Drugs and Instruments Administration

12.15 - 13.30 Lunch Break

SESSION II Radiation Protection in Radiation Treatments

Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Esra KAYTAN SAĞLAM, Prof. Dr. Gökhan ÖZYIĞIT

13.30 - 14.00 Current Status of Radiation Oncology and Future Prospects

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Esra KAYTAN SAĞLAM, President, Turkish Soc. of Radiation Onc.

14.00 - 14.30 Current Problems of Proton Treatments

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Gökhan ÖZYİĞİT, Hacettepe Uni.

14.30 - 15.00 Justification in Proton Therapy

Konuşmacı: Giovanni PORCELLANA, CERN, Medical Applications Officer

15.00 - 15.30 Medical Applications in CERN

Speaker: Gregory SAIVE, IBA

15.30 - 16.00 Policies of Health Ministry on Radiotherapy and Proton Therapy

Speaker: Dr. Muhammed Ertuğrul EĞİN, Ministry of Health, Vice General Manager

16.00 - 16.15 Coffee Break

SESSION III Radiation Protection and Dosimetry in Diagnosis and Treatments with Nuclear


Session Chair: Prof.Dr. Zehra ÖZCAN, Prof.Dr. Ahmet BOZKURT

16.15 - 16.45 Current Status of Nuclear Medicine and Future Prospects

Speaker: Prof.Dr. Zehra ÖZCAN, President, Turkish Society of Nuclear Medicine

16.45 - 17.15 Isotope Production in TAEK Proton Accelerator


17.15 - 17.45 Safety Learning and Management to Prevent Incidents and Accidents in Medical


Speaker: Jenia VASSILEVA, International Atomic Energy Agency

17.45 - 19.00 Internal Dosimetry with Application

Speaker: Dr. Türkay TOKLU, Yeditepe Uni.

HALL B WORKSHOP (Cont’d): Undergraduate Programs for Radiology Technicians and

Impacts on Radiation Safety of Patients

13.30 - 13.50 Assessment of Previous Discussions, Group Activity

13.50 - 14.10 Latest Status of Undergraduate Education, Ast. Prf. Hüseyin Ozan TEKİN, Üsküdar U.

14.10 - 14.30 Graduate Program on Radiation Safety and Radiation Protection

Uluslararası Katılımlı Radyasyondan Korunma Kongresi 23-25 Kasım 2017, Ankara, Türkiye

2nd. Congress on Radiation Protection with International Participation, 23-25 Nov. 2017, Ankara Turkiye

RADKOR 2017 Özet Kitabı / Abstract Book 14

(Example of Akdeniz University), Prof.Dr. Ahmet BOZKURT, Akdeniz Uni.

14.30 - 15.00 Joint Study on Determining a Method for Graduate Program, Group Activity

15.00 - 15.30 Coffee Break

15.30 - 16.30 Assessment of the Results and Preparation, Group Activity

16.30 - 17.00 WORKSHOP Reading the Final Declaration


16.15 - 17.15 Table talk on Proton Therapy

25 November2017, Saturday


09.00 - 10.30 Oral Presentations

Session Chair: Prof.Dr. Ahmet BOZKURT, Akdeniz Uni.

OP01 Radioactive Waste Generated from Spanish Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs) and

Management of Radioactive Waste


OP02 Characterization of the Radioactive Waste Generated from NPPs with R2S

method: SEACAB


OP03 Criticality Analysis of a Possible Capsule Design for Deep Geological Disposal

(DGD) Using the Isotope Evaluation of GU3 and BM5 Samples of the ARIANE



OP04 Investigation of Neutron Radiation Shielding Ability of Meerschaum Stone and

Boric Acid Reinforced Polyester


OP05 Investigating of Properties of Shielding Ability of Polyester Matrix Composite

Material Reinforced With Vermiculite against Neutron Radiation


10.30 -10.50 Coffee Break

10.50 -12.30 Oral Presentations

Session Chair: Prof.Dr. Nuri ÜNAL, Akdeniz Uni.

OP06 Production of Polymer Radiation Detector


OP07 Comparison of Active and Passive Radon Survey in A Cave Atmosphere, And

Estimation of the Radon Exposed Dose Equivalents


OP08 Organ Doses from Dental X-Ray Exposures



OP09 Comparison of Organ at Risk Doses in Patients with Larynx Cancer for Different

Jaw Width in Helical Tomotherapy


OP10 Effects of Ionizing Radiation Cellular and Molecular Approaches


09.00 -12.30 Poster Presentations

PP01 Measurement of Natural and Artificial Radioactivity in Kulakcayiri Lake


PP02 Radon Activity Concentrations in Primary Schools


PP03 Investigation of 222Rn and 210Po in surface water, (Demirköy, Kırklareli)


PP04 Outdoor Gamma Dose Rates in Bolu, West of Turkey


Uluslararası Katılımlı Radyasyondan Korunma Kongresi 23-25 Kasım 2017, Ankara, Türkiye

2nd. Congress on Radiation Protection with International Participation, 23-25 Nov. 2017, Ankara Turkiye

RADKOR 2017 Özet Kitabı / Abstract Book 15

PP05 Comparison of Computed Tomography Doses Determined by Radimetrics

Software and Thermoluminescent Dosimeters on Anthropomorphic X-Ray



PP06 Theoretical Analysis of Simulated First Order TL Glow Peaks


PP07 Ankara University RÜAG Center and Its Innovations


PP08 What is the Protection Efficacy of Equipment Used in Nuclear Medicine?


PP09 10 Years Review Of Radiation Workers’ Dose Values in A Nuclear Medicine



PP10 Evaluation of Radiation Awareness of Health Personnel Working in Radiation



PP11 The Detection of Lost Radioactive Sources by Using Drone Vehicles with GM T.

PP12 Train the Trainer Workshop on Medical Physics Support for Nuclear or

Radiological Emergencies


PP133 Gamma Irradiation Improves the Nutritional Profile of Dried and Sliced Wild

Boletus Edulis Bull



12.30 - 13.30 Lunch Break

SESSION I Radiation Protection in Industrial Applications

Session Chair: Fırat GAZEL, Anatolian Agency

13.30 - 14.00 Food Irradiation in Turkey and Health Effects of Irradiated Food

Speaker: Dr. Hasan ALKAN, Tuğba GÜNAYDI, Burhan KAVZAK, GAMAPAK Ltd.

14.00 - 14.30 Safety of Irradiated Food

Speaker: Prof.Dr. Nevzat ARTIK, Ankara Uni., Institute of Food Safety

14.30 - 15.00 Transport Practices of Radioactive Materials in Turkey and Situations Encountered

Speaker: Aydın KARADENIZ, ATOMTEK Inc.

15.00 - 15.20 Coffee Break

DRAMA Enaction of an Industrial Radiography Accident

15.20 - 16.30 Production: DEKRA Inc.

16.30 - 17.00 Closing Ceremony

Uluslararası Katılımlı Radyasyondan Korunma Kongresi 23-25 Kasım 2017, Ankara, Türkiye

2nd. Congress on Radiation Protection with International Participation, 23-25 Nov. 2017, Ankara Turkiye

RADKOR 2017 Özet Kitabı / Abstract Book 16


Uluslararası Katılımlı Radyasyondan Korunma Kongresi 23-25 Kasım 2017, Ankara, Türkiye

2nd. Congress on Radiation Protection with International Participation, 23-25 Nov. 2017, Ankara Turkiye

RADKOR 2017 Özet Kitabı / Abstract Book 17

Nükleer ve Radyolojik Acil Durumlar ve Radyasyon Kazalarının Yönetimi


Afet ve Acil Durum Yönetimi Başkanlığı, Ankara, Turkey


Ülkemizde nükleer ve radyolojik acil durumların yönetimi ile ilgili görevi bulunan iki ana

kurum bulunmaktadır. Bunlardan ilki ülkemizde meydana gelebilecek tüm afet ve acil

durum hallerine ilişkin planlama, zarar azaltma, hazırlık, müdahale ve iyileştirme

çalışmalarının ulusal düzeyde koordinasyonundan sorumlu olan AFAD, yani Afet ve Acil

Durum Yönetimi Başkanlığı’dır. AFAD, 2009 yılında ülkemizde afet ve acil durumlara

ilişkin faaliyet gösteren kurumların dağınıklığının ortadan kaldırılması, tek elden, güçlü

ve etkili koordinasyonun sağlanması amacıyla kurulmuştur. İçişleri Bakanlığına bağlı

Sivil Savunma Genel Müdürlüğü, Başbakanlığa bağlı Türkiye Acil Durum Yönetimi

Genel Müdürlüğü ve Bayındırlık ve İskan Bakanlığına bağlı Afet İşleri Genel Müdürlüğü

aynı çatı altında toplanmıştır.

AFAD, ülke genelini etkileyen ulusal düzeydeki afet ve acil durumlarda ana

koordinasyon kurumudur. Bu görevini “tüm afetler yaklaşımı” ile multi disipliner

çözümler arayarak yerine getirmeye çalışmaktadır. Başta deprem olmak üzere doğa ve

insan kaynaklı tüm afetlere yönelik risk yönetimi bakış açıcısı geliştirmektedir. AFAD’ın

kuruluşuyla birlikte kriz yönetimi bakış açısı yerini risk yönetimi bakış açısında

bırakmıştır. Bu yaklaşımları ile AFAD, afet ve acil durumların yönetimini afet öncesi,

sırası ve sonrası olmak üzere bir bütün olarak ele almaktadır.

Nükleer ve radyolojik acil durumlar, KBRN yani kimyasal, biyolojik, radyolojik ve

nükleer tehdit ve tehlikeler kapsamında ele alınmaktadır. AFAD, kazaen veya kasıtlı

olarak bu maddelerin çevreye yayılması sonucu insanlar ve çevre üzerinde oluşabilecek

zararların en aza indirilmesi için ülke genelinde planlama faaliyetlerini ilgili kurumlarla

birlikte sürdürmektedir. Planlama faaliyetlerinin yanı sıra AFAD il müdürlüklerinde

bulunan KBRN Ekiplerinin eğitim ve ekipman ihtiyaçları düzenli olarak

değerlendirilerek mümkün olan en iyi hazırlık seviyesine ulaşılması hedeflenmektedir.

Halkın farkındalığını arttırmaya yönelik olarak ise bilgilendirici web-sitesi, kısa filmler

ve broşürler hazırlanmıştır. Yabancı dil bilgisi eksikliği nedeniyle ulaşılamayan bilgi

kaynaklarının ekiplerimize ve halkımıza ulaştırılması için de çeşitli kaynakların

Türkçe’ye kazandırılmasına çalışılmaktadır.

Uluslararası Katılımlı Radyasyondan Korunma Kongresi 23-25 Kasım 2017, Ankara, Türkiye

2nd. Congress on Radiation Protection with International Participation, 23-25 Nov. 2017, Ankara Turkiye

RADKOR 2017 Özet Kitabı / Abstract Book 18

Ülkemizde nükleer ve radyolojik acil durumların yönetiminden sorumlu diğer

kurumumuz ise Türkiye Atom Enerjisi Kurumu’dur. Teknik uzmanlık seviyesinin

yüksekliği ve tespit/ölçme/teşhis konusundaki teknik kapasitesiyle TAEK bu alandaki

uzmanlığa sahip yegâne kurumumuzdur. Acil durumların yönetiminde AFAD-TAEK

işbirliği hem ülke kaynaklarının hem de ülkemizde var olan teknik kapasitenin en etkin

şekilde kullanılmasını sağlamaktadır. Yerel düzeydeki acil durumlar iki kurumun

işbirliğini her zaman gerektirmese de ulusal düzeyde etki yaratabilecek acil durumlarda

iyi koordine olmuş bir işbirliği mekanizmasının bulunması büyük önem taşımaktadır.

Ülkemizde afet ve acil durumlarda yürütülecek hizmetleri tanımlamak ve gerekli

hazırlıkları yapmak üzere “Türkiye Afet Müdahale Planı” hazırlanmıştır. Bu plan altında

afet ve acil durumların ortaya çıkaracağı temel ihtiyaçlara çözüm aramak ve gerekli

hazırlıkları yapmak amacıyla 28 Hizmet Grubu planı hazırlanmış, afet sırasında

müdahalenin ana süreçleri planlanmıştır. Örneğin, Sağlık, Beslenme, Barınma, Tahliye,

Arama Kurtarma, Enerji Hizmet Grubu bunlardan bazılarıdır.

Radyasyon söz konusu olduğunda bir doğal afete yönelik yapılan müdahale planının

fazlasına ihtiyaç olduğunun farkında olmaktan hareketle, KBRN Hizmet Grubu planı da

hazırlanmıştır. Bu planın temel hedefi, radyasyon, kimyasal maddeler veya biyolojik

tehditler söz konusu olduğunda standart prosedürlerin uygulanmasında detaylı korunma

önlemlerine olan ihtiyacın anlaşılmasıdır. Diğer 27 Hizmet Grubuna, hangi özel şartları

sağlamaları gerektiği ve bu türdeki afet ve acil durumlarda acil durum çalışanlarının da

korunması için hangi tedbirlerin alınması gerektiğine dair kurallar hatırlatılmaktadır.

Nükleer ve radyolojik acil durumların yönetimi için AFAD koordinasyonunda TAEK

tarafından “Ulusal Radyasyon Acil Durum Planı” hazırlanmıştır. Ulusal radyasyon acil

durum planı Uluslararası Atom Enerjisi Ajansı normlarından yararlanılarak, ülkemizde

bir radyolojik acil durum müdahale sistemi kurmaktadır. Bu sistemde radyolojik

kazalardan büyük nükleer santral kazalarına kadar UAEA’nın kademeli yaklaşımı ve

müdahale eylem düzeyi yaklaşımı esas alınmaktadır.

Ülkemizde nükleer ve radyolojik acil durumların yönetiminde AFAD ve TAEK birlikte

belirli sorumlulukları paylaşmaktadır. AFAD, acil durumda radyasyondan etkilenme riski

bulunan veya etkilenmiş olan halka yönelik izlenecek adımların koordinasyonundan

sorumlu olduğu gibi acil durumun etkin şekilde yönetilmesi için gerekli kaynakların

sağlanmasından da sorumludur. TAEK, teknik uzmanlığı ve sahip olduğu teknik

kapasitesi ile acil durumun her safhasında koordinasyonun ortak sorumlusudur.

Radyolojik maddelerin tespiti, güvenli şekilde taşınması ve depolanması, gerekli

analizlerin yapılması gibi hususlar TAEK’in görev alanına girmektedir.

Uluslararası Katılımlı Radyasyondan Korunma Kongresi 23-25 Kasım 2017, Ankara, Türkiye

2nd. Congress on Radiation Protection with International Participation, 23-25 Nov. 2017, Ankara Turkiye

RADKOR 2017 Özet Kitabı / Abstract Book 19

SANAEM İkincil Standart Dozimetri Laboratuvarı


TAEK, Sarayköy Nükleer Araştırma ve Eğitim Merkezi

Saray Mah. Atom Cad. No:27 06983 Kahramankazan/Ankara


Ülkemizde sağlık, endüstri, araştırma alanlarında iyonlaştırıcı radyasyon kaynaklarını

kullanarak faaliyet gösteren üniversitelerde, kamu ve özel sektöre ait laboratuvarlarda,

radyasyon güvenliğine ve radyasyondan korunmaya yönelik etkinliğin artırılması, bu

laboratuvarların izlenebilir ve karşılaştırılabilir sonuçlar elde etmesi için iyonlaştırıcı

radyasyon metrolojisi alanında ulusal altyapımızın geliştirilmesi ve uluslararası

platformda rekabet gücünün artırılması gerekmektedir. Her alanda radyasyon kaynakları

ile çalışan kişilerin radyasyon güvenliğinin sağlanması, hastanın ve toplumun

radyasyondan korunması, hastaya doğru radyasyon dozunun uygulanması ile tanı ve

tedavide etkinliğin artırılması, kullanılan her türlü radyasyon ölçüm cihazının

uluslararası standartlara göre kalibrasyonunun yapılmasına bağlıdır. Bu amaçla 2011

yılında Kalkınma Bakanlığı desteği ile “Türkiye’nin Radyasyondan Korunmada Teknik

Altyapısının Geliştirilmesi” projesi başlatılmıştır. Söz konusu proje, İkincil Standart

Dozimetri Laboratuvarı (İSDL) ve Hizmet Birimleri Binası İnşaatı ve İkincil Standart

Dozimetri Laboratuvarı Cihaz, Sistem ve Donanımlarının temini olmak üzere iki

kısımdan oluşmaktadır. Bina, TAEK nam ve hesabına Çevre Şehircilik Bakanlığı Yapı

İşleri Genel Müdürlüğü marifetiyle inşa edilmiştir. İkincil Standart Dozimetri

Laboratuvarı Cihaz, Sistem ve Donanımları PTW-Almanya firması tarafından


SANAEM-İSDL sahip olduğu özellikler bakımından güncel teknolojik özelliklere

sahiptir ve en geniş enerji spektrumunda kalibrasyon hizmeti verebilecek şekilde

tasarlanmıştır. Bu kapsamda radyoterapi, girişimsel radyoloji, tanısal radyoloji,

mamografi, nükleer tıp, diş röntgen gibi tıp alanında ve bu alandaki kalite kontrol

ölçümlerinde kullanılan her türlü radyasyon ölçüm cihazının; endüstriyel alandaki

radyografi uygulamalarında; nötron ölçümleri de dahil araştırma amaçlı radyasyon

uygulamalarında kullanılan tüm ölçüm cihazları ile radyasyondan korunma amaçlı

cihazların kalibrasyonları yapılabilecektir.

SANAEM-İSDL’nin, 23 Ağustos 2017 tarihinde resmi açılışı yapılmış ve TAEK

Radyasyon Güvenliği Tüzüğü hükümlerine göre 02 Ekim 2017 tarihinde lisanslanmıştır.

SANAEM-İSDL’nin faaliyete geçirilmesi için çalışmalar devam etmekte olup, 2018 yılı

içinde hizmet verir hale gelecektir. SANAEM-İSDL aşağıdaki sekiz sistemden

oluşmaktadır. Bu konuşmada, ülkemizde ilk kez en geniş enerji spektrumunda referans

laboratuvar olarak hizmet verecek olan SANAEM-İSDL’nin tanıtılması ve sekiz sistem

ile yürütülecek kalibrasyon ve ışınlama faaliyetleri hakkında farkındalık sağlanması


Uluslararası Katılımlı Radyasyondan Korunma Kongresi 23-25 Kasım 2017, Ankara, Türkiye

2nd. Congress on Radiation Protection with International Participation, 23-25 Nov. 2017, Ankara Turkiye

RADKOR 2017 Özet Kitabı / Abstract Book 20

1. Gama Kalibrasyon Sistemi –Tedavi Düzeyi

2. Gama Kalibrasyon Sistemi – Korunma Düzeyi

3. X-Işını Kalibrasyon Sistemi - 320 kV

4. X-Işını Kalibrasyon Sistemi - 160 kV

5. X-ışını Kalibrasyon Sistemi - Mamografi

6. Beta Kalibrasyon Sistemi

7. Nötron Kalibrasyon Sistemi

8. Panoramik Işınlama Sistemi

Uluslararası Katılımlı Radyasyondan Korunma Kongresi 23-25 Kasım 2017, Ankara, Türkiye

2nd. Congress on Radiation Protection with International Participation, 23-25 Nov. 2017, Ankara Turkiye

RADKOR 2017 Özet Kitabı / Abstract Book 21

Importance of Luminescence in Radiation Dose Assessment

Turgay Karalı

1Ege University, Institute of Nuclear Sciences, 35100 Bornova, İzmir

E-mail address:


Luminescence emission occurs after an appropriate material has absorbed energy from

radiation and reemits it as light of a longer wavelength. Luminescent materials, also called

phosphors, are mostly solid inorganic materials consisting of a host lattice, usually

intentionally doped with impurities. In radiation dosimetry, two types of luminescence

phenomena are used, namely thermoluminescence (TL) and optically stimulated

Luminescence (OSL).

In this presentation, recent examples of the application of the luminescence dosimeter in

radiotherapy and environmental dosimetry are given. Quality assurance of RapidArc

plans of patients having prostate cancer were conducted using LiF TL dosimeters.

Radiation dose distribution of brachytherapy source of 198I HDR sources were also

assessed by both LiF TL dosimeters and Monte Carlo simulation. In addition several

valuable applications of luminescence dosimeters either natural or synthetic such as

energy determination in a radiation accident, food irradiation, retrospektif dosimetry etc.

are reported with several examples.

Keywords: Luminescence, Dosimetry, Dose Distribution

Uluslararası Katılımlı Radyasyondan Korunma Kongresi 23-25 Kasım 2017, Ankara, Türkiye

2nd. Congress on Radiation Protection with International Participation, 23-25 Nov. 2017, Ankara Turkiye

RADKOR 2017 Özet Kitabı / Abstract Book 22

Bilgisayarlı Tomografi Uygulamalarında Türkiye’de ve Dünyada Durum

Çözüm Bekleyen Sorunlar

Orhan OYAR

İzmir Katip Çelebi Üni., İzmir, Türkiye


Bilgisayarlı tomografi (BT) pek çok hastalığın tanısında vazgeçilmez bir radyolojik

görüntüleme tekniğidir. Diğer görüntüleme yöntemlerindeki birçok avantaja rağmen BT

süratle gelişmeye devam etmektedir. Bunda BT cihazları ve bilgisayar teknolojisindeki

gelişmeler önemli rol oynamıştır. Yirmi yıl önce dakikalar süren bir tetkik şimdilerde tek

bir nefes tutma süresinde ve saniyeler içinde bitirilebilmekte, daha fazla doku-organ daha

kısa sürede ve daha yüksek çözünürlükte incelenebilmektedir. Çok kısalmış çekim

süreleri, dinamik ve fonksiyonel incelemelere de imkân yarattığından BT’nin radyoloji

pratiğindeki yeri her yıl yaklaşık %10 oranında artmaktadır. 2007’de ABD’nde 69 milyon

BT incelemesi (7 milyonu çocuk) yapılmaktayken içinde bulunduğumuz yılı için tahmini

çekim sayısı 178 milyona (18 milyonu çocuk) ulaşacaktır.

Ülkemizdeki BT çekim sayıları azımsanmayacak kadar yüksektir. Her 1000 kişiye

yapılan BT incelemeleri dikkate alındığında Türkiye BT kullanımında dünya genelinde

8.nci sıradadır. Avrupa Birliği (AB)’ne üye 28 ülke ortalamasının neredeyse yarısı kadar

MR ve BT cihazına sahipken; tetkik sayılarında Avrupa’nın neredeyse 2 katına ulaşıyor

olmamız dikkat çekicidir. AB’ne üye 28 ülkenin 2008-2014 arasında BT çekim oranı

artışı %3,5 olmasına karşın aynı süre zarfında Türkiye’de bu artış %106 oranında

gerçekleşmiştir. Ülkemizdeki bu çarpık BT kullanımı nedeniyle mevcut cihazların aşırı

kullanımı, sağlık personeli üzerindeki iş yükü artışı (Avrupa’nın 4 katı), çekim sürelerini

ve incelemelerin değerlendirme süresini ister istemez kısaltmakta; sonuçta tetkiklerde

kalite sorununu ortaya çıkarmaktadır. Çekim süresi ve değerlendirilme süresi ise bununla

paralel azalmaktadır. Sağlık Bakanlığı’nın 2012 yılı araştırmalarına göre Türkiye’de ayda

ortalama 810.000 BT çekimi yapılmakta olup bu çekimlerin %27,6’sı uygun koşullarda


BT, iyonizan radyasyon içeren bir radyolojik görüntüleme yöntemi olduğundan

radyasyonun zararlı etkileri göz önünde bulundurularak kullanılmasında yarar vardır.

Radyografide hasta dozları son 10 senede %30’a yakın azalma göstermişken BT’de hasta

dozları azalmamış, tersine artmıştır. Bunda daha iyi bir görüntü kalitesi elde etmek isteği,

cihazların kapasitenin artması sebebiyle daha geniş bir bölgeyi inceleme şansı, çok kesitli

(Multislice) BT cihazlarının kullanılması (Tek slice BT cihazlarına göre maruz kalınan

dozlarda %35’in üzerinde artışa yol açabilmektedir), dinamik, çok fazlı çekimler ve

tekrarlar, çocuklarda ve erişkinde aynı teknik değerlerin kullanılması ve olguların vücut

kalınlıklarına göre ayarlamaların yapılmaması etkili olmaktadır.

Uluslararası Katılımlı Radyasyondan Korunma Kongresi 23-25 Kasım 2017, Ankara, Türkiye

2nd. Congress on Radiation Protection with International Participation, 23-25 Nov. 2017, Ankara Turkiye

RADKOR 2017 Özet Kitabı / Abstract Book 23

Kişilerin yaşam boyunca çeşitli nedenlerle kansere yakalanma riski %40 civarındadır.

Mevcut kanser riskine ilave olarak her alınan 1 mSv’lık doz için kansere yakalanma riski

yüz binde 5, tek bir akciğer filmi çektirenlerde milyonda 1-2, tek bir BT inceleme

yaptıranlarda ise bu olasılık 2 binde 1 artar. Radyasyonun neden olabileceği kansere

yakalanma oranı ABD ve Avrupa ülkeleri genelinde %1-2 oranındadır. Anca yine de

diğer çevresel faktörlerle kıyaslandığında son derece düşüktür.

Hücreleri daha hızlı bölünüp çoğaldığından, organları daha az farklılaştığından, eşdeğer

dozlarla erişkinlere göre daha yüksek organ dozlarına maruz kaldıklarından, önlerinde

muhtemelen daha uzun bir yaşam süresi bulunduğundan iyonizan radyasyona bağlı

kanser gelişim riski çocuklarda erişkinlerden 2-5 kat daha yüksektir. Bu nedenlerle

çocukların radyasyondan korunması çok daha özel bir öneme sahiptir.

İyonizan radyasyondan korunmada temel ilkeler (zaman, mesafe, kalkanlama); tıbbi

uygulamalarda radyasyondan korunmaya yönelik uygulamalar (gereklilik, optimizasyon

ve doz sınırlamaları) BT incelemeler için de geçerlidir.

BT’de, diğer iyonizan radyasyon uygulamalarında olduğu gibi gerekçelendirme çok

önemlidir. İster röntgen, isterse BT olsun iyonizan radyasyon içeren radyolojik

uygulamalar, tetkikten elde edilecek tanısal yararlılık en üst düzeyde ise yapılmalıdır.

Olguların daha önceden çekilmiş aynı türden tetkiklerini sorgulamalı, uygun pozisyon

alamayan ve hareketsiz duramayan olguların çekimlerinde ısrarcı olmamalıdır.

Çocuklarda iyonizan radyasyon içeren röntgen BT gibi uygulamalar yerine iyonizan

radyasyon içermeyen ultrasonografi veya manyetik rezonans görüntüleme teknikleri

tercih edilmelidir. Sadece tıbbi gerekçelendirme ve sevk kriterlerine uyularak alınması

muhtemel radyasyon dozu %30 oranında düşürülebilir.

Teşhiste BT inceleme kaçınılmaz bir zorunluluk teşkil ediyorsa o zaman optimizasyon

uygulaması devreye girmeli, olgulara fazladan doz verilmesinin önüne geçilmelidir.

Bunun için minimum dozla optimum kalitede görüntüler (ALARA prensibi: As Low As

Reasonably Achievable) elde etmeye yönelik düzenlemeler yapmak, gereksiz vücut

parçalarını kalkanlamak ve hareketsizliği sağlayıcı sabitleyici malzemeler kullanmak


BT’de amaç çok kaliteli görüntüler elde etmek değil, tanısal yönden yeterli görüntüler

elde etmektir. Çok kaliteli görüntüler çok daha fazla radyasyon dozunu gerektirir. BT

çekimlerinin direkt grafi çekimlerinden daha yüksek efektif radyasyon dozuna neden

olacağı her zaman göz önünde bulundurulmalıdır. Örneğin bir Akciğer BT’si, bir akciğer

grafisine göre 200-400 kat, bir mamografi incelemesine göre ise 74 kat daha fazla

radyasyon dozuna maruz bırakır. Bu nedenle BT tetkiki isterken özellikle de çocuklarda

iki kere düşünmek gerekir

BT’de optimizasyon için teknik parametrelere dikkat edilmelidir. Hastaya ve çekilecek

vücut bölgesine yönelik protokoller seçilmeli, tüp akım modülasyonu ile vücut

kalınlıklarına göre cihaz tarafından otomatik ayarlanan mAs değerleri kullanılmalıdır. Bu

ayarlamalar ile görüntü kalitesinden ödün vermeden maruz kalınabilecek dozlar %20-50

oranında azaltılabilir. BT’deki bir diğer optimizasyon ilkesi tekrarlardan ve çok fazlı

çekimlerden kaçınmaktır.

Uluslararası Katılımlı Radyasyondan Korunma Kongresi 23-25 Kasım 2017, Ankara, Türkiye

2nd. Congress on Radiation Protection with International Participation, 23-25 Nov. 2017, Ankara Turkiye

RADKOR 2017 Özet Kitabı / Abstract Book 24

Doz sınırları ilkesi gereği her BT çekim parametrelerini ve olgunun almış olabileceği

radyasyon dozu kaydedilmelidir. Bu hem yasal bir gereklilik hem de olguların yıllık

maruz kalmasına müsaade edilen doz sınırları içerisinde kalıp kalmadığının kontrolü

açısından önemlidir.

Sonuç olarak BT radyoloji pratiğinde kullanım sıklığı giderek artan ve tüm vücut

kısımlarını görüntüleme oldukça yararlı bir yöntem olmakla birlikte hiçbir şikâyeti

olmayan bir kişinin “sadece tarama amaçlı” BT yaptırması doğru değildir. ABD’de her

yıl 20 milyon yetişkine ve 1 milyon çocuğa lüzumsuz yere BT yapıldığı; 2 kez üst üste

BT çekildiğinde Japonya’ya atılan atom bombasına 2,5 km uzaktaki bir kişinin aldığı

kadar radyasyona eşdeğer doza maruz kalınacağı dikkate alınarak incelemelerde

endikasyonlar dikkatli bir şekilde gerekçelendirilmelidir. Önümüzdeki 20-30 yıl içinde

ortaya çıkacak olan kanserlerin yüzde 2’sinin nedeninin olacağı ihtimaline karşı BT,

gerekli durumlarda, optimizasyon ilkesine ve doz sınırlarına bağlı kalınarak


Uluslararası Katılımlı Radyasyondan Korunma Kongresi 23-25 Kasım 2017, Ankara, Türkiye

2nd. Congress on Radiation Protection with International Participation, 23-25 Nov. 2017, Ankara Turkiye

RADKOR 2017 Özet Kitabı / Abstract Book 25

International Recommendations For Radiation Protection In Diagnostic And

Interventional Radiology

Jenia Vassileva1

1Radiation Protection of Patients Unit, Division of Radiation, Transport and Waste

Safety, International Atomic Energy Agency


The growing use of radiation in medicine has brought tremendous benefits to the global

population, but there are worrying facts, like unjustified use of diagnostic procedures,

repeated high dose procedures on the same patient, use of non-optimized imaging

protocols, especially in children, skin injuries in interventional procedures. This calls for

the need of continuous efforts to improve knowledge and awareness of health

professionals, and improve the regulatory support to the radiation protection of patients

in diagnostic and interventional radiology. According to the International Basic Safety

Standards, GSR Part 3 (IAEA, 2014), justification and optimization of medical exposure

require special approach. Justification needs to be performed for new technologies and

methods, as well as for the exposure of individual patients, using referral guidelines

developed by the professional societies. Optimization means keeping the exposure of

patients to the minimum necessary to achieve the required diagnostic or interventional

objective, using proper equipment and optimized clinical protocols. Key personnel in the

optimization process are the medical practitioner, the technologist and the medical

physicist. It also requires involvement of the governmental bodies and relevant

professional bodies for establishing DRLs and dose constraints and ensuring their proper

utilization. Optimization is a iterative process that requires team work to achieve best

result. The IAEA provides variety of training and information resources for health

professionals and patients available from the dedicated website

Keywords: Radiation Protection, Medical exposure, Diagnostic and Interventional


Uluslararası Katılımlı Radyasyondan Korunma Kongresi 23-25 Kasım 2017, Ankara, Türkiye

2nd. Congress on Radiation Protection with International Participation, 23-25 Nov. 2017, Ankara Turkiye

RADKOR 2017 Özet Kitabı / Abstract Book 26

Safety Learning And Management To Prevent Incidents And Accidents In Medical


Jenia Vassileva1

1Radiation Protection of Patients Unit, Division of Radiation, Transport and Waste

Safety, International Atomic Energy Agency


Over the last decades, thousands of patients have been affected by accidents and

overexposures leading to tissue reactions. The true risk is unknown because often

incidents involving patients are not reported, because of lack of safety culture. The

analysis of incidents and accidents have shown that they most often result from systemic

problems and a major factor involved has been deficiencies in training of staff in

operation of equipment and optimization techniques. Incidents, including near misses,

happen more frequently than major accidents, and there are more opportunities to learn

lessons and improve safety if analyzing all events. The International Basic Safety

Standards (GSR Part 3, IAEA, 2014) requires all practical efforts to be made to prevent

and mitigate accidents. Prevention includes safety assessment, prospective risk analyses

and introduction of safety barriers. In a case of incident, the first step is to assess and

mitigate consequences for the patient(s) affected, to iinvestigate the causes and apply

corrective measures. The safety improvement initiatives include aadequate safety

infrastructure, equipment designed for safety, appropriate staffing level, educated and

trained staff, effective quality assurance, and use of reporting and learning systems. The

IAEA offers two voluntary reporting learning systems for improving the safety and

quality of care through the sharing of knowledge: Safety in Radiation Oncology

(SAFRON) and Safety in Radiological Procedures (SAFRAD), available from the

website IAEA is using collected information to enhance patient

safety through education and training and supporting the development of guidelines and


Keywords: Accident, Incident, Unintended medical exposure, Reporting learning systems

Uluslararası Katılımlı Radyasyondan Korunma Kongresi 23-25 Kasım 2017, Ankara, Türkiye

2nd. Congress on Radiation Protection with International Participation, 23-25 Nov. 2017, Ankara Turkiye

RADKOR 2017 Özet Kitabı / Abstract Book 27

Food Irradiation In Turkey, Positive Impact of Irradiation On The Food Safety

And Quality

Hasan Alkan*,1 , Tuğba Günaydı2, Burhan Kavzak3

1Gamma-Pak Sterilizasyon San. ve Tic. A.Ş ÇOSB, Çerkezköy - Tekirdağ, Turkey 2,3Gamma-Pak Sterilizasyon San. ve Tic. A.Ş ÇOSB, Çerkezköy - Tekirdağ, Turkey


Food irradiation is a technology that improves safety and extends the shelf life of food by

reducing or eliminating microorganisms and insects. Food irradiation requires three types

of ionizing radiation sources, electron beam generators, x ray accelators and Co-60

gamma sources. Irradiation, destroy harmful bacteria by breaking their DNA and

eliminate them from foods. Irradiation by gamma rays does not make foods radioactive

and does not leave any radioactive residue. Effects of irradiation on the food and on

animals and on people eating irradiated food have been studied extensively. Industrial

application of gamma irradiation is a safe and reliable method which has been applicated

for many years in America, Japan and European countries. Mostly irradiated foods are

spices but other many kinds of food products like meat, poultry, grains and frozen foods

are also irradiated beside these. There are more than 200 gamma irradiation plants in 55

countries world wide. It is seen that only 120 of these plants are located in Europe and

Northern America and they are continuing their operations with the aims of sterilization

and food irradiation. Food can be treated in its final packaging. “Food Irradiation

Regulation” was published on the official journal for the first time on 6th of November

1999 and went in effect in Turkey. Gamma Pak is able to irradiate 7 food groups permitted

by this regulation and it is the only the biggest irradiation company in Turkey approved

by the European Commission on Oct. 7th, 2004 in Turkey.

Keywords: Food Irradiation, Food Safety, Co-60, Microorganism

Uluslararası Katılımlı Radyasyondan Korunma Kongresi 23-25 Kasım 2017, Ankara, Türkiye

2nd. Congress on Radiation Protection with International Participation, 23-25 Nov. 2017, Ankara Turkiye

RADKOR 2017 Özet Kitabı / Abstract Book 28

Transport Practices of Radioactive Materials in Turkey and Situations





The purpose of this study contains practices of safe transport of radioactive material in

Turkey in the consideration of national/international regulations and radioactive material

transportation practices of Atomtek that applied during its operations. In the study;

national and international regulations for safe transport of radioactive material are

described as per the regulation scope of IAEA, TAEK and UBAK. Also, type and

practices of radioactive material transportation operations, type of radioactive material

packages, hazardous categories of most commonly used instruments are explained

according to the general demands of end users that uses radiometric gauges in industrial

applications and additionally radioactive material transportation procedures, general

precautions and their benefits are discussed in this study.

Consequently; we acquired the results of this study as that; national regulations in Turkey

related with radioactive material transportation are in the equal level with international

regulations but there should be more improvements on applicability of regulations and

roadside inspections of vehicles that carries radioactive material. Furthermore, industrial

end users must be gained more awareness for an effective radioactive waste disposal

issues during transportation.

Keywords: Radioactive Material Transportation, Industrial Gauges, Types of Radioactive

Material Packages

Uluslararası Katılımlı Radyasyondan Korunma Kongresi 23-25 Kasım 2017, Ankara, Türkiye

2nd. Congress on Radiation Protection with International Participation, 23-25 Nov. 2017, Ankara Turkiye

RADKOR 2017 Özet Kitabı / Abstract Book 29


Sözlü sunumlar 25 Kasım, Cumartesi günü 09.00-12.20 saatleri arasında yapılmıştır.

Bildiri No, Başlık ve Yazarlar

OP01 Radioactive Waste Generated from Spanish Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs) and

Management of Radioactive Waste, C. TÖRE

OP02 Characterization of the Radioactive Waste Generated from NPPs with R2S

method: SEACAB, C. TÖRE

OP03 Criticality Analysis of a Possible Capsule Design for Deep Geological Disposal

(DGD) Using the Isotope Evaluation of GU3 and BM5 Samples of the ARIANE Project,


OP04 Investigation of Neutron Radiation Shielding Ability of Meerschaum Stone and

Boric Acid Reinforced Polyester, E. KAM, A. ALTINDAL, D. YAŞAR, A. KAR, T.


OP05 Investigating of Properties of Shielding Ability of Polyester Matrix Composite

Material Reinforced With Vermiculite against Neutron Radiation, S. AYDIN, T. TUNA

OP06 Production of Polymer Radiation Detector, U. A. SEVİL

OP07 Comparison of Active and Passive Radon Survey in A Cave Atmosphere, And

Estimation of the Radon Exposed Dose Equivalents, İ. S. İSLAM, S. AKBULUT


OP08 Organ Doses from Dental X-Ray Exposures, M. E. SAĞSÖZ, M. A.



OP09 Comparison of Organ at Risk Doses in Patients with Larynx Cancer for Different

Jaw Width in Helical Tomotherapy, H. S. DEMİRER, H. ACUN BUCHT

OP10 Effects of Ionizing Radiation Cellular and Molecular Approaches, A.


Uluslararası Katılımlı Radyasyondan Korunma Kongresi 23-25 Kasım 2017, Ankara, Türkiye

2nd. Congress on Radiation Protection with International Participation, 23-25 Nov. 2017, Ankara Turkiye

RADKOR 2017 Özet Kitabı / Abstract Book 30

Radioactive Waste Generated from Spanish Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs)

and Management of Radioactive Waste

Candan Töre

SEA SL, Avenida Atenas 75, Locales 105-106, 28232, Las Rozas de Madrid, Spain.


According to the Spanish General Radioactive Waste Plan, waste generated at NPPs

is divided into two large groups, spent nuclear fuel (SNF)-high activity waste

(HAW), and Intermediate-low level waste (ILLW). These two main groups also are

divided more sub-groups.

The origin of the production of high radioactive waste at nuclear power plants is in

the process of fission of the fuel in the reactor, in which fission products and

actinides are generated containing radioactive isotopes of different chemical


The origin of intermediate and low activity waste is the radioactivity contained in

the reactor core coolant because of inevitably escape of the fission and activation

product into the coolant in moderate amounts and the free neutrons which generate

activation in the metallic structure of the reactor core.

In Spain, ENRESA (Empresa Nacional de Residuos Radiactivos) is responsible of

the management of all radioactive waste generated in Spain. Spain possesses a

significant infrastructure for the management of spent fuel and radioactive waste,

from the administrative, technical and economic-financial point of view.

Radioactive waste generation began in Spain during the 1950s with the first use of

radioactive isotopes in industry, medical and research institutions. Currently,

radioactive waste generation in Spain mainly from operation of 7 NPPs, Garoña

which has been shut-down for dismantling, dismantling of the Zorita and Vandellos

I NPPs, operation of the nuclear fuel fabrication plant (ENUSA) in Salamanca,

CIEMAT research center in Madrid and operation of the radioactive waste storage

facility (El Cabril).

In this study will summarize generation and management of spent fuel, HAW and

ILLW policy of Spain.

Key words: Spain, ENRESA, HAW, ILLW

Uluslararası Katılımlı Radyasyondan Korunma Kongresi 23-25 Kasım 2017, Ankara, Türkiye

2nd. Congress on Radiation Protection with International Participation, 23-25 Nov. 2017, Ankara Turkiye

RADKOR 2017 Özet Kitabı / Abstract Book 31

Characterization of the Radioactive Waste Generated from NPPs with R2S

method: SEACAB

Candan Töre

SEA SL, Avenida Atenas 75, Locales 105-106, 28232, Las Rozas de Madrid, Spain.


Metallic structures in the vessel of nuclear power plants are activated by neutron

capture of the element contents of the metals such as core baffles, core barrels,

thermal shields, pressure vessel, and core support structures. These materials must

be characterized depends on the activity levels to determine their waste

classification and disposal requirements placed on these materials.

The reliable estimation of the radionuclide inventory is essential for the selection

of a decommissioning strategy, the development of the radioactive waste packaging

and storage concept and, consequently, for the estimation of the expected cost.

There are two methods for characterizing irradiated materials, the direct assay

method and the activation analysis method.

The direct assay method uses a combination of gamma scanning, direct sampling

and laboratory analysis, under water contact dose radiation profiling to determine

the critical radionuclide content of the waste. These methods are often limited for

such waste by potentially high radiation exposures, because of the cost and for

impossible-difficult to measure isotopes due to low concentration, low energy

particle emission or self-shielding of the component.

The activation analysis method provides a reasonable alternative method for

determining the concentrations of radionuclides produced as a result of activation

by neutrons. The performance of the activation analysis method depends on the

local neutron fluence rates to the subject material and irradiation history of


A new SEACAB methodology has been developed to apply the rigorous two-step

(R2S) method to calculate the radionuclide inventory of the activated materials with

the use of the mesh tally of MCNPX and activation code ACAB and it has been

qualified with the results of the 2nd campaign of the “duct-experiment” performed

with Frascati Neutron Generator (FNG) and applied for control rod and channel

waste management of Cofrentes NPP.

Key words: R2S, MCNPX, activation, SEACAB

Uluslararası Katılımlı Radyasyondan Korunma Kongresi 23-25 Kasım 2017, Ankara, Türkiye

2nd. Congress on Radiation Protection with International Participation, 23-25 Nov. 2017, Ankara Turkiye

RADKOR 2017 Özet Kitabı / Abstract Book 32

Criticality Analysis of a Possible Capsule Design for Deep Geological

Disposal (DGD) Using the Isotope Evaluation of GU3 and BM5 Samples of

the ARIANE Project

Candan Töre*,1, Julio Astudillo1

1 SEA SL, Avenida Atenas 75, Locales 105-106, 28232, Las Rozas de Madrid,



The main objective of radioactive waste management is to protect the human being

and the environment. To achieve this, all non-disqualified waste is managed. Some

of these residues need much more detailed management as the case spent nuclear

fuel due to its high radioactivity and heat that it produces during its radioactive

decay. Deep Geological Storage is the internationally accepted option for the

management of high-level radioactive waste. In the world there is still no Deep

Geological Storage in operation but there is advanced research on this type of site

and the designs of capsules that can be used.

In this study the criticality calculations of an SKB-3 type capsule have been

performed for two types of spent fuel, UO2 and MOX by modeling the capsule,

around bentonite for filling and using stainless steel as a coating between the rock

and bentonite. The isotopic composition of the spent fuels has been taken from

samples of GU3 and BM5 of the ARIANE project, which the isotopic

measurements of these two samples have been evaluated by SEA SL in the R & D

project, financed by CSN, ENRESA and SEA in the years 2012-2016.

The MONTEBURNS code has been used for the burn-up and isotopic evolution

calculations of the spent fuels. The MCNPX code, the cold and hot cross-section

data have been used for criticality calculations. The calculations represent scenarios

of total flooding of the capsule with 20ºC and 300ºC water, given credit to 20

actinides of U, Np, Pu and Cm and up to 100 years of cooling with intervals of 10



Uluslararası Katılımlı Radyasyondan Korunma Kongresi 23-25 Kasım 2017, Ankara, Türkiye

2nd. Congress on Radiation Protection with International Participation, 23-25 Nov. 2017, Ankara Turkiye

RADKOR 2017 Özet Kitabı / Abstract Book 33

Investigation of Neutron Radiation Shielding Ability of Meerschaum Stone and

Boric Acid Reinforced Polyester

E. Kam*, 1, A. Altindal1, D. Yaşar2, A. Kar1, T. Tuna2

1. Yildiz Technical University, Physics Department, Esenler/ Istanbul, Turkey 2. TAEK,-Çekmece Nuclear Research and Training Center, Küçükçekmece,

Istanbul, Turkey



Neutron radiation has the potential to be used in industry, R & D, agriculture and other

fields. Radiation shielding is crucial against uncontrolled irradiation by neutron radiation,

which has very high radioactive penetration and induces indirect ionization. Neutrons can

be slowed down by collisions with light nuclei, which can then be actively shielded by

high-neutron-cross-sectioned materials, and shielding studies with alternative materials

like composites is constantly being carried out.

In this study, the shielding activities of meerschaum and boric acid-reinforced

polyester samples against the 4-5 MeV Am-Be neutron source were investigated. Within

the scope of the present study, meerschaum samples were prepared with various thickness

of 11, 14, 17, 20, 27 mm by molding method. For composite specimens, the sample

thicknesses were 4.8, 5.5 and 11 mm. Analysis of the experimental results showed that

the shielding ratios increases with the increase of sample thickness. The highest shielding

ratio was obtained with the 27 mm thick meerschaum sample as 28.7% and the lowest

shielding rate with the thinnest sample of meerschaum as %4.15.

For composite specimens, the highest shielding rate was obtained as 26% with a

sample thickness of 11 mm while the lowest shielding rate was 3.9% with a sample of 4.8

mm. When the two materials were compared with each other, the boric acid-reinforced

polyester material showed 22% better neutron shielding performance than meerschaum

for the same sample thicknesses of 11 mm

As a result, boric acid reinforced polyester material can be considered as a more effective

neutron shielding material than meerschaum.

Keywords: Neutron, Shielding, Composite material, Meerschaum

Uluslararası Katılımlı Radyasyondan Korunma Kongresi 23-25 Kasım 2017, Ankara, Türkiye

2nd. Congress on Radiation Protection with International Participation, 23-25 Nov. 2017, Ankara Turkiye

RADKOR 2017 Özet Kitabı / Abstract Book 34

Investigating of Properties of Shielding Ability of Poliester Matrix Composite

Material Reinforced With Vermiculite Against Neutron Radiation

Selim Aydın*,1, Tuncay Tuna2

1. TAEK, Sarayköy Nuclear research and Training Center, Saraykoy, Ankara 2. TAEK,-Çekmece Nuclear Research and Training Center, Küçükçekmece,




In this study, we investigate the shielding ability against neutron radiation of a new

composite material which includes polyester as the main matrix material and vermiculite

as the absorbance material. Mixing ratio of vermiculite has determined among %10 to

%60 percentage by weight and the thicknesses of samples are 19 mm. Study has carried

out with 6 samples against thermal neutrons. Absorption ratio decrease with %10

vermiculite addition has obtained %7,29 while the ratio of %60 vermiculite is %37,71.

As a result, it’s determined that with the increasing of the thickness of shielding material,

the absorption ratio has increased.

We can easily foresee with this results, this kind of a shielding material can be used for

shielding thermal neutrons with suitable conditions.

Keywords: Nuclear reactors, neutron radiation, shielding, composite material

Uluslararası Katılımlı Radyasyondan Korunma Kongresi 23-25 Kasım 2017, Ankara, Türkiye

2nd. Congress on Radiation Protection with International Participation, 23-25 Nov. 2017, Ankara Turkiye

RADKOR 2017 Özet Kitabı / Abstract Book 35

Production of Polymer Radiation Detector

Uğur Adnan SEVİL

Hitit University, Department of Polymer Engineering, Çorum, TURKEY


Radiation technologies and their applications have a considerable use in our daily lives,

and operate with high security measures. Nevertheless they still pose danger due to man-

made factors, which can be eliminated with careful protective measures. One of such

protective measures is Polymer Radiation Detectors. Polymer based plastic scintillators

are economic, durable, reliable and can be prepared easily, which makes them highly

preferable for ionizing radiation detection. In this study, the production process of

polystyrene detector from the styrene monomer will be explained. PPO and POPOP were

used as scintillation molecules, along with conjugated polymers such as Polyaniline. PS

detector’s physical and chemical properties were tested with various techniques and

radiation sources such as Cesium, Americium.

Keywords: plastic detectors

Uluslararası Katılımlı Radyasyondan Korunma Kongresi 23-25 Kasım 2017, Ankara, Türkiye

2nd. Congress on Radiation Protection with International Participation, 23-25 Nov. 2017, Ankara Turkiye

RADKOR 2017 Özet Kitabı / Abstract Book 36

Comparison of Active and Passive Radon Survey in A Cave Atmosphere, And

Estimation of the Radon Exposed Dose Equivalents

İlker Sadık İslam*1, Songül Akbulut Özen2, Emrehan Dursun3, Ömer Faruk

Demirtaş3, Uğur Çevik1

1Karadeniz Technical University, Department of Physics, 61080 Trabzon, Turkey 2Bursa Technical University, Department of Physics, 16310 Bursa, Turkey 3Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University, Department of Physics, Rize, Turkey

ABSTRACT Radon (222Rn) measurements were conducted in the Pileki Cave in Rize/Turkey with a

RADIM 3A Active Radon Monitor equipment (semiconductor detector, Jiri Plch M. Eng.

Prague, Czech Republic). Measurements were also done with the passive CR-39 nuclear

track detectors (Radoys Co. Ltd. (Budapest, Hungary) by exposing them for three months

in the Pileki Cave. The average radon concentrations determined with the CR-39 passive

detectors was 536.7 Bq m-3 in the winter and 671.3 Bq m-3 in the summer season. Radon

measurements done with the RADIM 3A equipment for one hour gave average radon

concentrations of 980.82 Bq m-3 inside the cave and 110.68 Bq m-3 outside the cave.

Radon concentrations obtained from the active and passive sampling methods showed

that, firstly, the concentrations inside the cave measured by the latter method differed

greatly due to high humidity levels up to 88%. In order to assess the potential health

hazards caused by inhaling radon and its daughter products, an exact exposed dose

equivalent estimation was used. The dose equivalent calculations were done with the

assumption that visitors remained for about one hour inside the cave and one hour outside

the cave. Guides spend about, in average, four hours inside and another four hours outside

the cave. The total (inside and outside the cave) radon exposed dose equivalent that people

were subjected to, was estimated to be 0.0101 mSv for visitors and 0.0403 mSv for guides.

Keywords: Radon, Active/Passive Sampling, Dose Equivalent, Pileki Cave

Uluslararası Katılımlı Radyasyondan Korunma Kongresi 23-25 Kasım 2017, Ankara, Türkiye

2nd. Congress on Radiation Protection with International Participation, 23-25 Nov. 2017, Ankara Turkiye

RADKOR 2017 Özet Kitabı / Abstract Book 37

Organ Doses from Dental X-Ray Exposures

Mustafa Erdem SAĞSÖZ*1, M. Akif SÜMBÜLLÜ2, M. Eray KOLSUZ3, Ruben

PAUWELS4, Andreas STRATIS4, Reinhilde JACOBS4, Kaan ORHAN3

1Biophysics Department, Faculty of Medicine, Atatürk University, Türkiye 2Maxillofacial Radiology Department, Faculty of Dentistry, Atatürk University, Türkiye 3Maxillofacial Radiology Department, Faculty of Dentistry, Ankara University, Türkiye 4Imaging & Pathology Department, OMFS-IMPATH Research Group KU Leuven –

Group Biomedical Sciences, Oral and Maxillo-facial Surgery, UZ Leuven, Belgium


Our objectives are; to estimate organ doses from dental X-ray exposures using pediatric

anthropomorphic phantoms, to establish conversion factors between skin and organ

doses, and to use both types of measurements to estimate patient-specific cancer risk by

applying the most recent risk models. Thermo luminescent dosimeters (TLD) are placed

into anthropomorphic phantoms representing children at ages 5 and 10. Organ dose

measurements are done using different types of dental X-ray equipment: cone beam

computed tomography (CBCT), panoramic and cephalometric radiography, and intra-oral

radiography. For CBCT in particular, a large amount of units were included to cover the

available range of exposure protocols. Organ and effective doses are calculated using

ICRP 103 tissue weighting factors. Using the anthropomorphic phantom measurements,

which includes measurements at locations corresponding to the skin measurements, the

correlation between skin dose and organ doses are investigated and conversion factors are

calculated to estimate individual patient organ doses based on skin measurements. An

age- and gender-dependent risk model will then be applied to estimate the lifetime

attributable cancer risk for each patient.

Keywords: Dental radiography, Pediatric dose, Thermoluminescent dosimetry,

Computed tomography.

Acknowledgements: This study is supported by The Scientific and Technological

Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) and The Research Foundation-Flanders

(FWO) by project number:115S237

Uluslararası Katılımlı Radyasyondan Korunma Kongresi 23-25 Kasım 2017, Ankara, Türkiye

2nd. Congress on Radiation Protection with International Participation, 23-25 Nov. 2017, Ankara Turkiye

RADKOR 2017 Özet Kitabı / Abstract Book 38

Comparison of organ at risk doses in patients with larynx cancer for different jaw

width in Helical Tomotherapy

Hüda Seçil DEMİRER1, Hediye ACUN BUCHT1

1. Harran University, Institution of Health Science, Department of Health Physics,

Osmanbey Campus, 63300 Sanliurfa, Turkey

2. Harran University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Biophysics, Osmanbey

Campus, 63300 Sanliurfa, Turkey


Helical tomo-therapy is an advanced rotational treatment modality which has capable of

intensity modulated radiation therapy. There are different system parameters like jaw

width, modulation factor and pitch impacting on dose distribution. This study aims to

calculate dose distributions for three different jaw widths (1, 2.5 and 5 cm) in Tomo-

therapy and compare doses received by organ at risk (OAR) volumes including spinal

cord, right/left carotid artery, right/left submandibular glands and thyroid for larynx

cancer patients. Fifteen early-stage laryngeal cancer patients were included to the study.

Three different IMRT plans with the jaw width of 1, 2.5 and 5 cm were generated for

each patient using inverse treatment method. Prescribed dose to planning target volume

(PTV) was 63 Gy in 28 fractions and normalized to the iso-dose of 95% . Dose volume

histograms were used to compare doses to OAR. No significant difference were seen in

the maximum dose to the spinal cord, the thyroid and in the volumes of right/left carotid

artery irradiated with > 35 and >50 Gy of radiation. The mean dose of the thyroid and

the submandibular glands decreased significantly as jaw width decreases (p <0.05). There

was significant difference in the maximum dose to left/right submandibular glands. The

dose homogeneity index was improved with jaw width of 1 cm (p= 0.045). Jaw width has

not a significant effect to reduce the doses of OAR at close proximity to the PTV. Doses

of OAR located away from the PTV significantly decrease as jaw width decreases.

Key words: Jaw width, Tomo-therapy, Larynx, Organs at risk

Uluslararası Katılımlı Radyasyondan Korunma Kongresi 23-25 Kasım 2017, Ankara, Türkiye

2nd. Congress on Radiation Protection with International Participation, 23-25 Nov. 2017, Ankara Turkiye

RADKOR 2017 Özet Kitabı / Abstract Book 39

Effects of Ionizing Radiation Cellular and Molecular Approaches

Aysun Manisalıgil1, Ayşegül Yurt1,2

1DEÜ Sağlık Hizmetleri MYO Tıbbi Görüntüleme Teknikleri Programı 2DEÜ Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Medikal Fizik AD.


The ionizing radiation imaging methods play an important role in the early diagnosis and

treatment of diseases. In diagnosis and treatment, there is the possibility of radiation-

induced damage to the patient despite the radiation dose being kept as low as possible and

radiation precautions being taken. Therefore, low and/or high dose radiation applications

have effects on cell by activating biochemical and molecular signaling pathways.

The frequency of applications involving radiation and the use of technical parameters at

higher values have led to increase in patient doses. The studies show that the annual

effective dose received is in the range of 0.54 mSv - 3.0 mSv. In studies reporting

radiation damage, apoptosis and formation of intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS)

occur at the beginning of cellular mechanisms. Apoptosis is an intent to destroy the tumor

in radiation oncology applications, but is undesirable in diagnostic low dose applications.

Analysis methods at the molecular level are very important to explain the possible early

and late effects of radiation on different tissues. Although there is a lot of research into

the effects of low dose ionizing radiation on the cellular level, what molecules and / or

signaling pathways are involved, it is not yet fully understood. Studies at the molecular

level of radiation damage are very important in terms of early detection of damage that

may occur and consequent planning of preventive treatments. Molecular studies of

radiation-induced damage are very important in terms of early detection of damage and

consequent planning of preventive treatments.

Key Words: Apoptosis, tissue damage, radiation, ROS

Uluslararası Katılımlı Radyasyondan Korunma Kongresi 23-25 Kasım 2017, Ankara, Türkiye

2nd. Congress on Radiation Protection with International Participation, 23-25 Nov. 2017, Ankara Turkiye

RADKOR 2017 Özet Kitabı / Abstract Book 40


Kongre süresince posterler ayrılan alanda asılı kalmış ve 25 Kasım 2017, Cumartesi

günü 09.00-12.30 saatleri arasında poster başı sunum ve tartışma yapılmıştır.

Poster No, Başlık ve Yazarlar

PP01 Measurement of Natural and Artificial Radioactivity in Kulakcayiri Lake, E. KAM,


PP02 Radon Activity Concentrations in Primary Schools, İ. S. İSLAM, S. AKBULUT


PP03 Investigation of 222Rn and 210Po in surface water, (Demirköy, Kırklareli), N.


PP04 Outdoor Gamma Dose Rates in Bolu, West of Turkey, K. BAYRAK, Z. N. ATES,


PP05 Comparison of Computed Tomography Doses Determined by Radimetrics

Software and Thermoluminescent Dosimeters on Anthropomorphic X-Ray Phantoms,


PP06 Theoretical Analysis of Simulated First Order TL Glow Peaks, M. YÜKSEL, E.


PP07 Ankara University RÜAG Center and Its Innovations, S. TAŞTAN, T.


PP08 What is the Protection Efficacy of Equipment Used in Nuclear Medicine?, S. NUR,


PP09 10 Years Review Of Radiation Workers’ Dose Values in A Nuclear Medicine


PP10 Evaluation of Radiation Awareness of Health Personnel Working in Radiation


PP11 The Detection of Lost Radioactive Sources by Using Drone Vehicles with GM T.,


PP12 Train the Trainer Workshop on Medical Physics Support for Nuclear or

Radiological Emergencies, N. KODALOĞLU

PP133 Gamma Irradiation Improves the Nutritional Profile of Dried and Sliced Wild

Boletus Edulis Bull, I. FERREIRA, A. FERNANDES, J. C.M. BARREIRA, A. L.


Uluslararası Katılımlı Radyasyondan Korunma Kongresi 23-25 Kasım 2017, Ankara, Türkiye

2nd. Congress on Radiation Protection with International Participation, 23-25 Nov. 2017, Ankara Turkiye

RADKOR 2017 Özet Kitabı / Abstract Book 41

Measurement of Natural and Artificial Radioactivity in Kulakcayiri Lake

E. Kam*, 1, Z.U.Yumun2, K. Bayrak1, G. Acikgoz1

1. Yildiz Technical University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Physics Department,

Davutpasa Campus, 34220 Esenler/ Istanbul, TURKEY, * 2. Namık Kemal University, Corlu Engineering Faculty, Environmental Engineering

Department, 59860 Corlu, Tekirdag, TURKEY

ABSTRACT This study was carried out to evaluate the sedimentology of the Kulakcayiri Lake in

Arnavutkoy in Istanbul and to determine whether the region carries any ecological risk

for living things. To this end, three core sediment samples were taken from a station of

the lake by drilling. Natural radioactivity analysis of the extracted samples was performed

using a semiconductor HPGe detector. In the gamma spectrometry analysis,

concentrations of K-40, Th-232, Ra-226 and Cs-137 of sediments were calculated. The

average activities of K-40, Th-232, Ra-226 and Cs-137 were found 348 ± 186 Bq/kg, 41

± 6.3 Bq/kg, 27 ± 5.1 and ≤MDA (Minimum Detectible Activity), respectively. The

calculated mean radionuclide concentrations were compared with the results of similar

studies. Today, the Kulakcayiri Lake is a dried-up lake. After the lake has been dry, the

lake's land was closed for use in the 3rd airport project. Therefore, this is the only study

to investigate the radioactivity levels of Kulakcayiri Lake.

Keywords: Sediment, Gamma spectrometry, HPGe detector, Kulakcayiri Lake, Istanbul

Uluslararası Katılımlı Radyasyondan Korunma Kongresi 23-25 Kasım 2017, Ankara, Türkiye

2nd. Congress on Radiation Protection with International Participation, 23-25 Nov. 2017, Ankara Turkiye

RADKOR 2017 Özet Kitabı / Abstract Book 42

Radon Activity Concentrations in Primary Schools

İlker Sadık İslam*1, Songül Akbulut Özen2, Necati Çelik3, Emrehan Dursun4

1Karadeniz Technical University, Department of Physics, 61080 Trabzon, Turkey 2Bursa Technical University, Department of Physics, 16310 Bursa, Turkey 2Gumushane University, Department of Physics Engineering, Gumuşhane, Turkey 3Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University, Department of Physics, Rize, Turkey

ABSTRACT Radon exposure above a certain limit increases the risk of lung cancer tremendously.

Children and seniors are even more sensitive to radon exposure than adults. In this work,

radon measurements were evaluated in 20 elementary schools of the Rize Province with

children between the ages 4 to 14. The number of students and the different possible-

radon-emitting heat sources were recorded. The average values measured at the

elementary schools were 79 and 36 Bq/m³. However, two schools, the 29 Ekim and the

Istiklal Elementary School, exceeded the maximum limit with radon concentrations of

243 and 564 Bq/m³, respectively. It was observed that natural gas was used at the Istiklal

Elementary School, while coal was used at the 29 Ekim Elementary School. In particular,

the value of 564 Bq/m³ was higher than the limit value of 400 Bq/m³ determined by

different institutions. In addition, the yearly estimated equivalent dose values were also


Keywords: Radon, Primary School, Children, Rize

Uluslararası Katılımlı Radyasyondan Korunma Kongresi 23-25 Kasım 2017, Ankara, Türkiye

2nd. Congress on Radiation Protection with International Participation, 23-25 Nov. 2017, Ankara Turkiye

RADKOR 2017 Özet Kitabı / Abstract Book 43

Investigation of 222Rn and 210Po in surface water, (Demirköy, Kırklareli)

Nurdan Akakçe1,2 , Aysun Uğur Görgün2

1Ege University Application and Research Center for Testing and Analysis (EGE-

MATAL), 35100 Bornova – İZMİR/ TURKEY 2Ege University, Institute of Nuclear Sciences 35100 Bornova-İZMİR / TURKEY

ABSTRACT Demirköy has a grand potential in terms of habitat diversity and biodiversity-rich in

Kırklareli. Otherside, there are alluvial floodplains of the largest forest in Europe and

Dupnisa Cave. Surface water which contributes to forest ecosystem is very important for

environmental pollution. In this study, 222Rn and 210Po were analyzed by using alpha

spectroscopy systems in surface water collected from Dupnisa Cave (spring of Mutlu or

Rezve Stream), Erikli Longoz Lake, Mert Longoz Lake and point of disembogued Mutlu

Stream. The highest 210Po and 222Rn concentration were found in Dupnisa Cave.

Keywords: 222Rn, 210Po, surface water

Uluslararası Katılımlı Radyasyondan Korunma Kongresi 23-25 Kasım 2017, Ankara, Türkiye

2nd. Congress on Radiation Protection with International Participation, 23-25 Nov. 2017, Ankara Turkiye

RADKOR 2017 Özet Kitabı / Abstract Book 44

Outdoor Gamma Dose Rates in Bolu, West of Turkey

Kubra Bayrak1, Zeynep Naz Ates1, Erol Kam1

Yildiz Technical University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Physics Department,

Davutpasa Campus, 34220 Esenler/ Istanbul, TURKEY

ABSTRACT The objective of this study is to evaluate and map the outdoor gamma dose rates of the

region with 73 measurements taken from the Bolu's sites. For this purpose measurements

were taken from various points in Bolu with a scintillation detector (ESP2 SP6). The GPS

coordinates of each point taken are recorded. According to the obtained measurement

results, the lowest gamma concentration was calculated as 10.85 nGy / h when the highest

value calculated as 68.35 nGy / h. Likewise, the average of the measurements calculated

as 22.2 nGy / h. The results were compared with the world average determined by

UNSCEAR. And, the calculated average gamma dose value in the study area is below the

world average. As a result of the study, the cancer risk was examined.

Keywords: Gamma dose rates, scintillation detector, Bolu

Uluslararası Katılımlı Radyasyondan Korunma Kongresi 23-25 Kasım 2017, Ankara, Türkiye

2nd. Congress on Radiation Protection with International Participation, 23-25 Nov. 2017, Ankara Turkiye

RADKOR 2017 Özet Kitabı / Abstract Book 45

Comparison of Computed Tomography Doses Determined by Radimetrics

Software and Thermoluminescent Dosimeters on Anthropomorphic X-Ray


Mustafa Erdem SAĞSÖZ*1, Recep SADE2, R. Berhan PİRİMOĞLU2

1Biophysics Department, Faculty of Medicine, Atatürk University, Türkiye 2Radiology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Atatürk University, Türkiye

Presenting author’s email address:

ABSTRACT In this study we wanted to compare organ doses given by Radimetrics software (Bayer,

NJ, USA) and calculated doses that are depending on measurements done on

anthropomorphic phantoms that are gone under standard cranial computed tomography

(CT). Thermoluminescent dosimetry (TLD) measurements are done by placing TLD

chips (TLD-100H, Thermoscientific, USA) into certain locations to determine organ

doses with a traceably calibrated TLD reader (Harshaw 4500, Thermoscientific, USA).

Tissue volumetric fractions were also determined by images acquired from these

examinations. Results from Radimetrics software and TLD measurements were found to

be consistent.

Keywords: Radiation dose, Thermoluminescent dosimetry, Computed tomography.

Acknowledgements: This study is supported by Atatürk University Scientific Research

Foundation- by project number: 2014-12.

Uluslararası Katılımlı Radyasyondan Korunma Kongresi 23-25 Kasım 2017, Ankara, Türkiye

2nd. Congress on Radiation Protection with International Participation, 23-25 Nov. 2017, Ankara Turkiye

RADKOR 2017 Özet Kitabı / Abstract Book 46

Theoretical Analysis of Simulated First Order TL Glow Peaks

Mehmet Yüksel*,1, Emre Ünsal2

1Çukurova University, Arts-Sciences Faculty, Physics Department, Adana 2Cumhuriyet University, Engineering Faculty, Computer Engineering Department, Sivas,

ABSTRACT One of the main goals of a thermoluminescence (TL) studies is to obtain data from an

experimental glow curve and to use these data in order to calculate values for the TL

kinetic parameters, trap depth (E), frequency factor (s) and order of kinetics (b),

associated with the charge transfer process in the material under study. However,

calculating the TL kinetic parameters does not necessarily mean that we fully understand

them. E, s and b values only tell us about the defect model with which they are associated.

In this study, the first order non-overlapping and complex TL glow peaks were simulated

and their kinetic parameters, peak shapes, peak positions and energy-level diagrams were

studied in details.

Keywords: Simulation, TL glow peaks, Peak shape, Peak position, Energy-level diagram.

Uluslararası Katılımlı Radyasyondan Korunma Kongresi 23-25 Kasım 2017, Ankara, Türkiye

2nd. Congress on Radiation Protection with International Participation, 23-25 Nov. 2017, Ankara Turkiye

RADKOR 2017 Özet Kitabı / Abstract Book 47

Ankara University RÜAG Center and Its Innovations

Selma Taştan1, Tahsin Pehlivan1, N.Özlem Küçük2

1 Ankara University, Medical Faculty, Department of Nuclear Medicine, RÜAG Center 2 Ankara University, Medical Faculty, Department of Nuclear Medicine

ABSTRACT RÜAG (Radiopharmaceutical Production, R&D) facility has been constructed between

2012 and 2016 as a State Planning Organization project. It has been designed as an

integrated part of Nuclear Medicine Department to allow the use of very short half-lived

radionuclides such as 11C (20.5 min), 13N (9.96 min), 15O (2.04 min) and It has become

the first of its kind in Turkey that is fully operational at the moment. Radiopharmaceutical

variety has been a significant development of new diagnosis and treatment options that

were impossible before due to lack of these very short half-lived radionuclides. Facility

also opened a new field of R&D that was unavailable in the Turkey with its integrated

Micro PET/CT unit. Productions of 11N-NH3, 15O-H2O, FLT, FES, F-DOPA, Fallypride

has been completed and 11C productions are in the final stage. Quality controls of these

radiopharmaceuticals has been done according to European Pharmacopia (where

applicable), physiological distribution studies has been done at Micro PET/CT unit and

they are ready to use in patients.

Keywords : Radiopharmaceutical Production, R&D, MicroPET/CT

Uluslararası Katılımlı Radyasyondan Korunma Kongresi 23-25 Kasım 2017, Ankara, Türkiye

2nd. Congress on Radiation Protection with International Participation, 23-25 Nov. 2017, Ankara Turkiye

RADKOR 2017 Özet Kitabı / Abstract Book 48

What is the Protection Efficacy of Equipment Used in Nuclear Medicine?

Nur Süreyya*, Çelik Esen**, Şahutoğlu Gökhan**, Yalçın Hülya**

* Mustafa Kemal University, Hatay Health Services Vocational School, Medical

Imaging Techniques Program, HATAY

** Mustafa Kemal University, Medical Faculty, Department of Nuclear Medicine,



ABSTRACT Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography (FDG PET/CT) is used in

nuclear medicine for malignancy detection, staging, treatment response assessment to

chemotherapy and radiotherapy planning. Combined PET/CT devices provide metabolic

information from both F18-FDG PET and anatomic information from CT in a single

imaging. Today, the increase in cancer patients has widened the use of PET/CT and

therefore, has also increased the radiation dose the exposed employee. In particular, lack

of use or protection of protective equipment during injection before patients were taken

to the PET/CT device was a major problem. The purpose of this study is to calculate how

much the protective equipment used is protected by the employees, during injection.

Depending on the length and weight of the patient, various measurements were taken

from the injecting personnel during the injection of 10-20mCi F18-FDG. Injecting staff

used protective equipment (lead apron-thyroid protective-lead glasses) at a thickness of

0,5mm. The most critic organs of the staff were 'gonad, thyroid and eye' doses measured

with probing Ludlum mark, 3(R) model Geiger-Müller device. Measurements taken over

and under protective equipment are compared. As a result of measurements made in 20

patients, protective equipment was found to be protective at 37%. We could concluded

that protective equipment needs to be made thicker and denser to provide the ideal

protection, but dense materials make these equipment too heavy. In this case, the

equipment becomes more difficult to use. For this reason, considering new production

with light, dense and high atomic numbers makes the safety of the employee even easier.

Keywords: Radiation, Nuclear Medicine, lead protective equipment.

Uluslararası Katılımlı Radyasyondan Korunma Kongresi 23-25 Kasım 2017, Ankara, Türkiye

2nd. Congress on Radiation Protection with International Participation, 23-25 Nov. 2017, Ankara Turkiye

RADKOR 2017 Özet Kitabı / Abstract Book 49



Şemsi Gül DEMİR1, Nina TUNÇEL2, Binnur KARAYALÇIN3

1Akdeniz University, Faculty of Medicine, Nuclear Medicine Department, Antalya,

Turkey 2Akdeniz University, Faculty of Medicine, Radiation Oncology Department, Antalya,

Turkey 3Akdeniz University, Faculty of Medicine, Nuclear Medicine Department, Antalya,



ABSTRACT Personnel dosimetry by different type detectors is the basic rules in radiation dose

evaluation of radiation workers. The averaged effective dose over 5 consecutive years is

20 mSv per year and restricted dose limit is 50 mSv in any single year. This concept is

based on receiving a total effective dose of 100 mSv over 5 years. In this study, the

effective dose values of 70 staff who works in Nuclear Medicine Department of Akdeniz

University have been analysed. All department staff were splitted into subgroups; PET-

CT workers, gamma camera workers and others. The data encompassed 10 years, along

this period TLD and OSL dosimeters were used during 9 and one year respectively. The

data was calculated and analysed based on recommended limits for each year and for

seperated 5 consecutive years. As a result, the yearly average effective dose values along

10 years for PET-CT workers, gamma camera workers and others were between

1.53±0.59 – 6.34±1.44, 0.46±0.1 – 2.63±2.12 and 0.43±0.08 – 1.84±1.91 mSv

respectively. Furthermore, the average effective dose values for 5 consecutive years were

obtained 4.18±1.92 – 5.86±1.27, 0.83±0.48 – 1.36±0.8 and 0.94±0.59 – 1.18±0.65 mSv

respectively. Based on this review, the PET-CT workers’ average effective dose value

were approximately 6 times higher than gamma camera workers’. Last of all, the average

effective dose values of radiation workers have not exceeded the recommended limit

during past 10 years.

Keywords: Effective dose, Nuclear medicine workers, Dose limit

Uluslararası Katılımlı Radyasyondan Korunma Kongresi 23-25 Kasım 2017, Ankara, Türkiye

2nd. Congress on Radiation Protection with International Participation, 23-25 Nov. 2017, Ankara Turkiye

RADKOR 2017 Özet Kitabı / Abstract Book 50

Evaluation Of Radiation Awareness of Health Personnel Working in Radiation


Ahmet Murat Şenışık1*, Duygu Tunçman Genç1, Eda Mutlu1

1Altınbaş University, Vocational School of Health Services, Radiotheraphy Programme,

Bakırköy / İstanbul


Introduction: The use of radiation is increasing day by day. Radiation awareness of the

health personnel working in the radiation environment is very important in terms of

protection from the radiation for both the patients and themselves. In order to be

competent in radiation protection, it is essential that healthcare personnel first understand

the relationship between radiation and the devices used with radiation. Otherwise, the

hospital cannot perform the necessary protection measures in case of an extracorporeal

condition that may be related to radiation. Previous research has shown that the

competence of the theoretical knowledge of the staff triggers self-confidence in practice.

Method: 45 multiple choice questionnaire questions were prepared in order to evaluate

the radiation awareness of the health personnel working in the radiation environment. The

questionnaire was prepared as a result of the literature studies made by the instructors of

Altınbaş University, Radiotherapy department and also prepared on the web. The

participants of the questionnaire consist of physicians, technicians, nurses, trainee

technicians who work in the radiation- related departments of hospitals (government /

private) and students who will work in these departments.

Result: In the questionnaire on the evaluation of radiation awareness, when we looked at

the age distribution of the participants, we encountered a group of young people. The vast

majority of participants are working in Radiotherapy and Radiology units. Although

80.5% of the participants had received training on radiation, it was observed that more

mistakes were made in the questions related to radiation protection issues. Despite the

technological advances in today's world where radiation is getting more and more

involved in our lives, it is seen that effective education of users is important in order to

protect from radiation and avoid mistakes. It is apparent that the school knowledge is not

adequate on its own and in-service training is also necessary. In addition, it is seen that

the personnel who work with radiation need to update their occupational knowledge from

time to time by attending vocational awareness training, seminars and congresses.

Key Words: Radiation, Radiation Consciousness, Radiation Protection

Uluslararası Katılımlı Radyasyondan Korunma Kongresi 23-25 Kasım 2017, Ankara, Türkiye

2nd. Congress on Radiation Protection with International Participation, 23-25 Nov. 2017, Ankara Turkiye

RADKOR 2017 Özet Kitabı / Abstract Book 51

The Detection of Lost Radioactive Sources by Using Drone Vehicles with GM Tube

Hikmet Eryıldız*, Muhammed Kam

Özel İrfan Koleji Güngören Istanbul, Turkey


The unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) which we call today as drones are extensively used

for either military or civil purposes. The knowing the working systems of these vehicles

and the recognition of their flight systems are not only necessarily important for the

designs made from the scratch, but also for the repairing the damages of the existing

systems caused by any accident. A lot of people maintain most of their lives by doing

routine or instant works. For example, works such as entering the building when there is

a fire or taking aerial photographs of certain coordinates can sometimes be dangerous or

impossible for humans. It is possible that drones can be used both for the routines and for

these works which are dangerous for humans to perform. The drone which developed by

the study and the Geiger-Müller (G-M) detector adapted onto it are designed by the

medical, industrial implementations and planned for the use of detection of the radioactive

sources which got lost as a result of any accident. Furthermore, the drone is capable of

the immediate transfer of image taking from mini camera into 7’’ screen and of location

tracking by sending the location information’s from the GPS onto it and height and

pressure information’s got from the sensors. The flight security of it is also provided.

Keywords: Drone, Geiger-Müller, Gama, Radiation.

Uluslararası Katılımlı Radyasyondan Korunma Kongresi 23-25 Kasım 2017, Ankara, Türkiye

2nd. Congress on Radiation Protection with International Participation, 23-25 Nov. 2017, Ankara Turkiye

RADKOR 2017 Özet Kitabı / Abstract Book 52

Train The Trainer Workshop On Medical Physics Support For Nuclear Or

Radiological Emergencies

Nur Kodaloğlu

Hacettepe University – Department of Radiation Oncology – Radiotherapy Physics

PhD. Student

Ankara Numune Research and Training Hospital


What is Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies? If the event occurs with energy released

from nuclear chain reaction or from the decay of the products of a chain reaction (nuclear

explosions etc.) then the event is called a nuclear event/emergency. (5)

Goals of Emergency Response

Regain control of the situation and mitigate consequences

Save Lives

Avoid or minimize severe deterministic effects

Render first aid, provide critical medical treatment and manage treatment of

radiation injuries

Reduce the risk of stochastic effects

Mitigate property and the environment

Prepare for the resumption of normal social and economic activity.

On May 23-27, 2016, at the meeting held with the participation of medical physicians

from 19 different countries specialized in radiotherapy or nuclear medicine fields, it is

emphasized that the key role belongs to medical physicists or who have similar education

to direct radiological and nuclear emergency situations, direct the distinction according

to the level of contamination of accident victims, direct physicians and nurses in the

emergency response team and assist the countries in emergency response plans. There are

approximately 20000 medical physicists around the world and these are people with

similar and rapidly educated potentials for adapting quickly to emergencies and are

expected to provide support to neighboring countries as well, not only in their own

country. Medical Physicists are available to assist in developing radiological emergency

response plans and in taking the appropriate actions. Medical physicists play key roles as

Radiological Assessor on the scene, supporting multiple on-site teams including

decontamination teams.

Keywords: CBRN, Nuclear and Radiological Emergency, Decontamination

Uluslararası Katılımlı Radyasyondan Korunma Kongresi 23-25 Kasım 2017, Ankara, Türkiye

2nd. Congress on Radiation Protection with International Participation, 23-25 Nov. 2017, Ankara Turkiye

RADKOR 2017 Özet Kitabı / Abstract Book 53

Gamma Irradiation Improves The Nutritional Profile Of Dried And Sliced Wild

Boletus Edulis Bull

Isabel Ferreira*,1Ângela Fernandes1,2, João C.M. Barreira1,2, Amilcar L. Antonio1,

Anabela Martins1, M. Beatriz P.P. Oliveira2,Tugba Günaydi3, Hasan Alkan3

1Centro de Investigação de Montanha ESA, Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Portugal. 2Depto. de Ciências Químicas, Faculdade de Farmácia, Universidade do Porto, Portugal. 3Gamma-Pak Sterilizasyon, ÇOSB Çerkezköy-Terkirdag, Turkey

ABSTRACT Boletus edulis Bull. is a seasonal mushroom with high perishability (shelf-life: 1-3 days

at room temperature). Drying is a widely used postharvest technology, which overcomes

those problems. Nevertheless, after slicing, mushrooms need special care to keep their

quality. A possible treatment is applying ionizing radiation. Herein, the effects of gamma

irradiation (2, 6 and 10 kGy) on nutritional parameters were analyzed in wild B. edulis

dried and sliced samples. Irradiation was performed at Gamma-Pak Sterilizasyon

(Çerkezköy, Turkey). The nutritional parameters were determined throughout the storage

time (0, 6 and 12 months) according to official procedures. The results were compared

considering the mean value of each storage time (ST), including all gamma irradiation

(GI) doses, and also the mean value of each dose, with all ST included, allowing verifying

the effect of each factor independently. Despite the detected significance in the interaction

among ST and GI for all assayed factors, some defined conclusions were obtained: fat,

protein and ash contents gave maximal contents in samples irradiated with 10 kGy, while

the lowest values were detected in non-irradiated samples. Regarding the effect of ST,

these same parameters presented minimal values in samples stored during 12 months. The

variation in carbohydrates, which was calculated by difference, was precisely the opposite

of the previously described. The variation in energy was less pronounced for both effects.

Overall, irradiation treatment, particularly the 10 kGy dose, tended to improve the

nutritional profile of sliced-dried B. edulis samples.

Keywords: Edulis Bull, Gamma Irradiation, Nutritional, Dose



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