Belajar reported speech dengan mudah

Post on 18-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Belajar reported speech dengan mudah

M e n j e l a s k a n a p a i t u r e p o r t e d

s p e e c h , k e g u n a a n n y a , s e r t a

c o n t o h d a n i l u s t r a s i p e n g g u n a a n

d a l a m k e h i d u p a n s e h a r i - h a r i

Direct Speec


Kalimat yang diucapkan langsungdari si pembicara(speaker). Kalimat

tersebut tidakdiubah atau

ditambah. Bisasnyaditandai dengan

tanda baca (, “____.”) atau seringdisebut tanda kutip(quotation mark).



Kalimat yang berasaldari kalimat langsung

yang diceritakankembali dalam

bentuk lain, biasanyamenggunakan

reporting verb (say,tell,ask) dantidak mnggunakan

tanda kutip(quotation mark)






Digunakan dalam bahasatulisan

Bisa digunakan dalambahasa tulisan maupun


C a r a M e r u b a h

Menghilangkan tandabaca kutip

Menambahkan that (optional)

Mengubah pronoun

Memodifikasi verb

Mengkoreksi time reference

Menambahkan whether atau if (conditional)

Perubahan Tense

Direct speech Reported speech

Simple present Simple past tense

Present continuous Past continuous

Present perfect Past perfect

Simple future Future in the past

Present perfectcontinuous

Past perfect continuous

Past perfect Past perfect

Perubahan keterangan waktu

Direct speech Indirect speechToday That day

Yesterday The day before

Tomorrow The next day/the following day

The day before yesterday Two day before

Next week The following week

Next year The following year

Last week The previous week

A week ago A week before

Now Then

Tonight That night

Here There

Simple Present

Mr. Alung said that he bought this book at Gramedia.

D i r e c t S p e e c h :

Mr. Alungsaid, “I Buy this book at Gramedia.”

Future tenseDirect Speech

Reported speech

Ms. Widya said that her father would come home that day.

Ms. Widya said, “my father will come home tonight.”

Perfect tenseDirect Speech

Reported Speech

Komang said that he had finished his homework.

Komang said, “I have finished my homework.”

Present continuous tense

Direct speech

Agus said, “ I am typing my letter”

Reported speech

Agus said that he was typing his letter.

Making Reported Question

• Kalimat tanya dalam direct speech berubah menjadi kalimat positif.

• Tanda tanya tidak digunakan lagi.

• Kata “say” bisa berubah menjadi aks, inquire, wonder, atau want to know dalam reported speech (tergantungkonteks)

Simple Present

Direct speech:

He said, “Are you ready?”

Indirect speech:

He asked (me) if/whether I was ready.

Direct speech

He said, “Is the man your friend?”

Reported speech

He wanted to know if the man is my friend.

Reported Speech Question Words

• Jika direct question menggunakanQuestion words (what, why, where,who, which, when, how, etc.) questionwords tetap digunakan dalam reportedspeech tapi dalam bentuk kalimatpernyataan.


Direct speech:

He said, “Where do you learn English?

Reported speech:

He asked where I study English.

Mr. Alung said, “How long have you studied English?”

Mr. Alung wanted to know how long I had studied English.

Offer(Tawaran)He said, “shall I bring you some tea?”

He offered to bring me some tea?

Suggestion (saran)He said, “Shall we start the meeting tomorrow?”

He suggested to start the meeting the next day.

Request (Permintaan)He said, “will you help me, please?”

He asked me to help him.

Request For AdvicePutra said, “Mother, what shall I say when I

meet him?”

Putra asked his mother what he should say when he met him.

Invitation (Undangan)

Alung said, “will you join us next week?”

Alung offered me to join him the following week.

Reported Speech Commands

• Untuk merubah suatu directcommand ke reported commandsmenggunakan kata-kata tell, order,command, ask, beg, remind, war,advice sebagai reporting verb.

• He said, “Lie down on the bed.”

He told me to lie down on the bed.

Penggunaan let’s

Let’s biasanya digunakan untukmenunjukan suatu saran dan dalamreported speech “let’s” berubahmenjadi “suggest”.

He said, “Let’s leave this place.”

He suggested leaving that place.

Reporting Imperative

Untuk mengubah suatu imperative (suruhan) ke dalam indirect speech


He said, “Remember to mail the letter.”

He reminded me to post the letter.

Imperative negatif(‘not’ atau ‘never’)

He said, “Don’t leave me alone.”

He asked not to leave him alone.

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