BCBL 社區文化 – 天公廟 Better Community Better Life Community Culture – The T emple...

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BCBL 社區文化 – 天公廟 Better Community Better Life Community Culture – The T emple of  Jade Emperor. 陳浩瑜 Jacky Chen. 如何知道祭拜什麼神? Name of the God. 看對聯的第一個字右「玉」左「皇」, 所以這裡是要拜玉皇大帝,而且玉皇大帝也是天公廟的主神。 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of BCBL 社區文化 – 天公廟 Better Community Better Life Community Culture – The T emple...

BCBL 社區文化 – 天公廟Better Community Better Life

Community Culture – The Temple of Jade Emperor

陳浩瑜Jacky Chen

如何知道祭拜什麼神?Name of the God

看對聯的第一個字右「玉」左「皇」, 所以這裡是要拜玉皇大帝,而且玉皇大帝也是天公廟的主神。 Just look at the first word of the

couplet at the gate, you’ll know the name of the God you are praying to.

In Jade Emperor Temple, the first word of the right side of the couplet written ‘Jade’, and the other side written ‘Emperor’, so the name of the God is Jade Emperor, also the main god in the temple.

如何知道廟的名字?Name of the Temple

看對聯的第一個字右「慶」左「雲」。 Again just look at the first

word of the couplet at the main gate, you’ll realize the name of the temple.

The name of the Jade Emperor Temple is Chingyun Temple.

該從哪個門進去 ?Which Door to Enter?

龍門進 Enter the Dragon Door 虎門出 Exit from the Tiger Door

因為龍在古代是吉的象徵, 相反的, 虎則是兇 的象徵 , 所以「 龍門進, 虎門出」,就是說要染上龍的吉祥,脫離虎的兇氣。 We believe dragon is auspicious,

tiger is on the contrary, bad luck. To enter a temple at the dragon door, and exit from tiger door meaning to be blessed by dragon and get rid of bad luck by going out of the tiger door.

乳釘Decorative Nail

一定為九之倍數,古代以九為最大之數,玉皇上帝應配合此數才符合古禮。 從上到下, 每一排為九顆, 共有五十四顆。 It must be a multiple of 9, because

nine is the biggest number in ancient Chinese. Even the Jade Emperor follows such rule.

There are 9 decorative nails of each vertical line, and total 54 nails on each door.

龍柱 ? 蟒柱 ?Dragon Pillar or Serpent Pillar?

皇帝使用的龍柱有五爪,一般如果是四爪只能稱作蟒,不能叫做龍柱,而是蟒柱。 The claws of the

dragon on the pillars for Emperor are 5 claws, other dragon with 4 claws called serpent.

御路Divine Road

御路(神走的路)上的龍抓著「玉璽」和「毛筆」寓意著「文武 雙全」。 The dragon on the

divine road, the road god walks, grabs a imperial jade seal and a Chinese writing brush meaning mastered in both pen and sword.

大符Great Spell

大符上面所蓋的是玉皇大帝的玉璽。 Great spell comes

from the Jade Emperor Temple that is sealed by the imperial seal of Jade Emperor.

平安符Safety Amulet

平安符可以招來平安,也可以拿回家己折唷! Safety amulet is a spell written

on a piece of a yellow paper that keeps you safe. You could shape it into hexagon at home.

香火 ( 灰 ) 擲筊取得神明同意後就可以領取香灰。香灰來自天公爐,通常視為神明的一部份,可以保佑平安。 Incense ash from the

censer represents one kind of protection from the God. You will need to have the God’s permission first if the God allows you to have it.

日治時期的草嶺慶雲宮文物Japanese Occupied Period

Relics of Jade Emperor Temple

石柱Temple Pillars

草嶺慶雲宮點金柱(公),左柱,石柱文物,明治甲辰年( 1904 年),應該也是四稜砂岩所製。題:公心普化上下同春 弟子 吳紹華 The Caoling Chingyun Temple (god, the first

world on the pillar),left pillar, 1904, written’ 公心普化上下同春’ .

草嶺慶雲宮(天),右柱,石柱文物,明治甲辰年( 1904 年)題:天眼大開飛潛莫遁。 The Caoling Chingyun Temple (heaven, the

first world on the pillar),right pillar, 1904, written’ 天眼大開飛潛莫遁’ .

這兩個柱子原是舊廟重要的支柱顯示廟宇有重新修建過。 These two posts originally were pillars of the

temple. Since they both were moved out the building, the temple must have been rebuilt before.


明治 35 年 (1902) ,日本警部補濱田辰熊刻立「功施神民」碑以謝大里天宮之神恩。據傳濱田氏之妻腹痛,四處求醫皆罔效,時地方人士向其推介天公爐丹,服下後不藥而癒。自是以後,濱田氏成為大里天公之虔誠信徒。 宜蘭草嶺慶雲宮誌 p.73 In 1902, Japanese policeman

Tatsuo Hamada engraved a monument to thank God’s graciousness. It was said that Tatsuo Hamada’s wife got stomach that couldn’t recover. Villagers of Dali recommended him the pill of Jade Emperor. It was amazing that his wife was healed after taking the pill, since then Tatsuo Hamada became the follower of the temple.

手水缽Hand Washing Earthen Bowl

大里手水缽背面名字:浜(濱)田辰熊、井下森之柱、小川英雄、李木來、吳金枝、游文河、王阿枝、下川正吉。 Names carved on the back of the hand

washing earthen bowl: Tatsuo Hamada, Morinoji Tnoshita, Eiyuu Ogawa, Mu-Lai Li, Jin-Jr Wu, Wen-He You, A-Jr Wang, and Syouki Shitagawa.

此缽相傳為日治時期日人所奉獻。當中吳金枝 (為慶雲宮第一任管理員 )和 李木來(為慶雲宮重建發起人) 於昭和七年(西元1932、民國21年)與藍阿順推動慶雲宮第二次重修,所以此缽可以推測為1932年左右之文物。

草嶺慶雲宮誌p.75 It was said that this earthen bowl was

dedicated by Japanese in the Japanese Occupied Period. Jin-Jr Wu, first manager of Jade Emperor Temple, Mu-Lai Li, the Jade Emperor Temple first rebuilt founder, and A-Shuen Lan hold a 2nd rebuilt of the temple in 1932, therefore the hand washing earthen bowl could be relics since then.