B2 food, health and exercise

Post on 30-Mar-2016

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food and exercise if....

Transcript of B2 food, health and exercise

New phrase 新しいフレーズI am in shape 身体の体調がいいI am out of shape 不健康I eat junk food 悪い食べ物を食べているI eat fatty foods 脂肪の多い食べ物I avoid sweets 甘いものを避けているI have a sweet tooth 甘党I’m a couch potato 座ってばかりいる怠け者

I don’t get enough +名詞I don’t get enough greens / veggies 十分な野菜がとれない I don’t get enough vitamins and minerals ビタミンとミネラルが足りない I don’t get enough sleep 十分に睡眠をとっていないI don’t 動詞+enoughI don’t exercise enough 十分に運動をしていない I don’t relax enough 十分にゆっくりできないI eat too much +名詞I eat too much sweets 甘いものの食べ過ぎ I eat too much carbohydrate 炭水化物のとりすぎ

always, often, usually, sometimes, hardly ever, never +現在形I hardly ever exercise 殆ど運動しない I sometimes eat veggies (*sometimes の代わりにoccasionally という言葉も使える) たまに野菜を食べるI always get enough sleep いつも十分に寝ているI often eat fish (*oftenの代わりにregularly という言葉も使える) よく魚を食べる

If I don’t get enough exercise.....If のあとでは、現在形を使います。 (X -- If I will get exercise...)If I don’t get enough exercise, I will eventually put on weight. もし十分に運動しないと、最終的には太ってしまうIf I eat too much sweets, I will eventually have diabetes もし甘いものを食べ過ぎたら、最終的には糖尿になるIf I continue to eat junk food, I will be out of shape もし悪い食べ物を食べ続けたら、体調が悪くなる

Survey 健康アンケート□a. I regularly exercise□b. I don’t have time to exercise regularly.□c. I don’t want to exercise regularly

□a. I always get enough sleep □b. I sometimes don’t get enough sleep□c. I never get enough sleep

□a. I always eat vegetables□b. I sometimes eat vegetables□c. I never eat vegetables

□a. I avoid fatty foods□b. I sometimes eat fatty foods□c. I eat lots of fatty foods

□a. I hardly ever eat sweets□b. I sometimes eat sweets□c. I have a sweet tooth

ScoreEach a answer = 10 pointsEach b answer = 5 pointsEach c answer = 0 points

40 - 50 points = You are in terrific shape30 - 35 points = I’m in pretty good shape 20 - 25 points = I’m not in good shape0 - 15 points = I’m a couch potato

Basic 2Food, Health and Exercise

I’m in terrific shape because I usually try to eat right. (正しく食べています). I eat five or six small meals(食事) a day. So you will always see me eating. I avoid soft drinks and sweets and I drink a big glass of water with every meal. I eat pretty healthy food six days a week and then on Sunday I eat junk food- Pizza, burgers, ice cream. For exercise(運動のためには), I lift weights(バーベルを挙げる) on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays and I run on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays.If I exercise regularly, I feel I can have junk food once a week.

I’m not in good shape because I don’t exercise at all(まったく)!!! I sometimes go for walks(散歩に行く) with my daughter, but ...... I really don’t have time for it. We eat salmon or some other kind of(他の) fish at least (少なくとも)once a week and we eat lots of (沢山の)salads. We try to eat fruits and vegetables everyday. Luckily (運良く)my daughter loves vegetables, especially (特に)broccoli. Unfortunately (あいにく), I have a sweet tooth- I love cookies. I make cookies with my daughters every weekend. I think if I don’t start exercising and stop eating sweets, I will eventually have diabetes. I have to take care of myself.

I’m in terrific shape because I ride my mountain bike with my friends at least three times a week. We go riding up and down the steep hills (急な坂道) near my home - so it’s pretty challenging. It’s a lot of fun. I also go to the gym four times a week to lift weights. I can eat a lot of food and still(今もなお) stay thin(スリムなままでいられる)! But, I am still (今もなお) careful (慎重)to avoid fried foods or any type of food that’s high in fat. I also drink a lot of water every day. And I try to get enough sleep. (十分な睡眠)If I don’t get enough sleep, I can’t concentrate on anything!

上の文と自分のアンケートを参考に自分の運動と食生活について話してみましょう。40 - 50 points I’m in terrific shape because.........30 - 35 points I’m in pretty good shape because............20 - 25 points I’m not in good shape because............0 - 15 points I’m a couch potato because......................

これらについて話して下さいExercise?sleep?vegetables and fruit?fatty food?sweets?

Just try it!