Arduino and johnny-five, creating IoT device in easiest way

Post on 07-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Arduino and johnny-five, creating IoT device in easiest way

  1. 1. Arduino johnny-ve @y_iwanaga_ IoT/WoT
  2. 2. y_iwanaga_ @quake_alert @WeatherAlertJP bot bot Arduino Web IoT http2jp html5j
  3. 3. IoT
  4. 4. Arduino 10 Arduino 3,000 Raspberry Pi 2 5,000 Intel Edison 9,000
  5. 5. Arduino IoT : IP I/F Arduino UNO Raspberry Pi 2 Ethernet Intel Edison Wi-Fi Arduino YUN Ethernet 8000
  6. 6. PC PC Arduino PC PC Arduino Internet Artwork by Mike Sgier PC johnny-ve IoT
  7. 7. johnny-ve LED (, , , , etc) Wii
  8. 8. Firmata 1. A0 GPIO 2. 3. 650
  9. 9. IDE StandardFirmata
  10. 10. curl | bash source ~/.nvm/ nvm install stable nvm alias default stable 1. Node.js 2. johnny-ve npm install johnny-five
  11. 11. A0
  12. 12. ready PC Arduino && Firmata
  13. 13. : Analog Read Analog Read Sensor data change
  14. 14. LEDDigital Write On/Off Digital Write Led strobe on off toggle
  15. 15. : Digital Read Digital Read Button
  16. 16. The Internet callback HTTP POST MQTT Publish HTTP MQTT Subscribe
  17. 17. IoT IDE StandardFirmata Node.js LED johnny-five