Apsis16febr 2011

Post on 07-Dec-2014

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Min presentasjon om sosiale medier 2011, Apsis morgensemniar den 16 februar 2011.

Transcript of Apsis16febr 2011

2011 – og så ?

Hvordan skal vi da få dette å henge sammen?










•The Target Audience

A Social Media Marketing Program • 0. Brand Assessment innen Sosiale Medier

• (spore diskusjoner om merkevare, produkter, tjenester, konkurrenter)

•1. Identifisere de som erSosiale inflytelsesrike

•(identifisere rettmennesker med de rette


•2. Outreach to •Social Influencers

•(invite them to participate in online community)

•3. Turn Influencers into •Brand Advocates

•(build online community and engage influencers)

•Grey = one off activity•Green = community building and ongoing eCRM (optional)•Orange= ongoing activity (i.e. 4 to 6 reports per year)

•4. Full Year Conversational Tracking Program•(track conversations, sentiment, insights on brands, products, services in

target markets)

Marked har styrt sosiale mediautviklingen

Men nå kommer det andre inn i bildet

The ‘Magic’ of Disney

• ORLANDO, Fla. – This is a textbook example of the "Disney way" of doing business: a new movie that set off a fountain of spinoffs. There was a theme-park attraction, a series of Simon & Schuster books, a soundtrack album and a line of toys and childrens' clothing featuring the beloved heroine. To make sure kids knew about the movie, Disney script writers planted repeated references to it in the company's television shows.

• Nei, dette er ikke marketingplanen for den nye animasjonsfilmen til Walt Disney Co. Det er strategien som gamle Walt Disney Productions gjennomførte tilbake i 1958 da de lanserte klassikeren "Sleeping Beauty" det følgende året.

Takk for meg!

Nikki Schei

Tlf: 932 68 966
