
Post on 15-Sep-2015

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Transcript of ANB_1048_49_2015



Tantrgy neveAmerikai irodalomtrtnet. Az amerikai irodalom f korszakai

Tantrgy kdja ANB 1048 s ANB 1048L elads valamint ANB 1049 s 1049L szeminrium

Meghirdets flve 6.


Heti kontaktraszm (elm.+gyak.)1+1

Flvi kvetelmnyKollokvium s gyakorlati jegy

Elfelttel (tantrgyi kd)ANB 1017 s ANB 1015

Tantrgyfelels neve s beosztsaDr. Ajtay-Horvth Magda, fiskolai tanr

Tantrgy oktatja s beosztsaDr. Ajtay-Horvth Magda, fiskolai tanr

Tantrgyfelels tanszk kdjaANB

1. Kvetelmnyrendszer:

a) A foglalkozsokon val rszvtel: a TVSZ. elrsai az irnyadak.

b) A gyakorlati jegy, vagy minstett alrs megszerzsnek felttelei: egy minimum elgsges osztlyzat zrthelyi dolgozat megrsa, egy szeminriumi beszmol megtartsa, a feladott olvasmnyok elolvassa, a szeminriumi megbeszlseken val aktv rszvtel.c) Kollokvium esetn a vizsgra bocsts felttelei: Sikeres gyakorlati jegy megszerzse.

d) A vizsga tmakrei: General characteristics of the Puritan Colonial literature (Genres, style, representatives)

Captain John Smith, William Bradford (works and careers)

Womens voice in early Puritan literature (Mary Rowlandson and Anne Bradstreet)

The American Enlightenment: general characteristics, genres and representatives. The first full realization of the American Dream in the life and career of Benjamin Franklin

Michel-Guillaume-Jean de Crvecoeur: What is an American? (Letters from an American Farmer). Definition of America and Americans

Americans seeking for political, cultural and spiritual independence: Thomas Jefferson, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry Thoreau, Margaret Fuller

Nathaniel Hawthorne: The Scarlet Letter (plot, symbols and characters)

Nathaniel Hawthorne and the problem of sin reflected in Young Goodman BrownBlack voices in the 19th century American literature (Slave narratives: Olaudah

Equiano, Harriet Jacobs, Fredeick Douglass, Phillis Wheatley)

The general characterization of the Fin de Siecle (turn of the 19th 20th century). Realism and naturalism. Philosophical roots and characteristics

Jack London and his naturalism. Jack London: the contradiction of the American Dream

Theodore Dreiser: The Greatest American naturalist (Career and novels

Ernest Hemingway: A special mixture of scepticism and faith (Short stories and novels)

2. Ktelez s ajnlott irodalom feltntetse: Virgos, K. Zs. Portraits and landmarks. The American Literary Culture in the 19th Century. 2003. Debrecen: Institute of English and American Studies. Berkowitz,G. M. American Drama of the Twentieth Century. Longman, Harlow. 1992

Elliot, E. et al. Columbia Literary History of the United States. Columbia UP, New


Laughter,P. et al. The Heath Anthology of American Literature. 1990.

McMichael, G. et al. Concise Anthology of American Literature. Macmillan, New-York.


3. A tantrgyi tematika a Neptun rendszerben elrhet, azt a flv elejn az oktat ismertette, az egysg titkrsgn is megtekinthet.A kurzus s az azzal prhuzamosan fut szeminriumok az amerikai irodalom f korszakait s a korszakot kpvisel f mvek bemutatst tzi ki cljul, kronolgiai sorrendet kvetve. A jellegzetes motvumok, sajtos stlusok szocio-kulturlis sszefggsekben jelennek meg. Kitntetett szerepe van a multikulturalitsnak, ezen bell is az afro-amerikai irodalomnak.

A tanegysg tartalma, a trgykrk megnevezse

Colonial American Literature (John Smith, William Bradford, Anne Bradstreet, Mary Rowlandson) The contribution of Puritans to American culture.

The American Enlightenment ( Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, J. M.G. Crevcoeur)

The First American Renaissance (Nathaniel Hawthorne, Herman Melville, Edgar Allan Poe, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson, Margaret Fuller)

Fin de Sicle in American Literature (realism, naturalism Stephen Crane, Theodore Dreiser, Jack London) Edith Wharton, Henry James

The Lost Generation (Ernest Hemingway, Dos Passos William Faulkner)

The Roaring Twenties or the Jazz Age (F.K. Fitzgerald)

Black voices from Slavery to the first black Nobel Prize Winner in Literature (Olaudah Equiano, Phillis Wheatley, Harriet Jacobs, Frederick Douglass; he Harlem Renaissance: Langston Hughes, Richard Wright, James Baldwin); Womanist literature: Alice Walker, Toni Morrison

Images of America: The Popular Iconography of a culture (The Puritan, the man of the Frontier, the Southern Colonel, the faithful slave, the bad man, the Indian Chieftain, the Alger hero, the bootlegger, the flapper. The tycoon).