Alan Taylor

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Transcript of Alan Taylor


Oleh :

Abdullah M. Jaubah


Penulis, dalam beberapa tahun yang telah lalu, mempelajari bahan-bahan yang terkandung

dalam UCLA Academic Technology Services. Bahan-bahan studi dan penghayatan SPSS ini

banyak sekali mengandung sintaksis sehingga penulis mempelajari sintaksis SPSS tersebut

dan ternyata lebih tangguh daripada cara point and click. Cara pemrograman dan cara point

and click sangat berhubungan sehingga kedua cara itu perlu dipakai sebagai bahan studi dan

penghayatan mengenai IBM SPSS Statistics. Pembahasan atas bahan-bahan tersebut

didominasi oleh cara pemrograman dengan memanfaatkan bahasa perintah sebagaimana

tercermin dalam sintaksis IBM SPSS Statistics. Studi dan penghayatan lebih lanjut diarahkan

pada studi dan penghayatan atas Command Syntax Reference.

Beberapa kritik telah dilancarkan terhadap para penulis buku SPSS. Salah satu kritik adalah

kelangkaan pembahasan sintaksis dalam buku-buku tersebut. Keadaan ini omberbeda dengan

makalah dan buku yang ditulis di Amerika Serikat. Alan Taylor (2002-2011) telah

menyajikan tulisan berjudul Using the GLM Procedure in SPSS. Tulisan ini terdiri dari 149

halaman dan inti dari pembahasan ini tercermin dalam sintaksis yang dipakainya.

Alan Taylor telah menyajikan pokok-pokok pembahasan mengenai : General, One-way

Independent Groups ANOVA, One-Way Indepencent Groups Analysis of Covariance,

Factorial Independent Groups ANOVA, Introduction to Repeated Measures Analyses, One-

way Repeated Measures (Within-subject) Analysis, Two Within-Subjects Factors, A Mixed

Design: One Within- and One Between-Subject Factor, A Numeric Independent Variable in a

Repeated Measures Design, Analysing a Repeated Measures Design with Stacked Data,

Carrying Out Regression Analyses with GLM, A Multiple Regression Analysis with GLM,

Interactions Among Categorical Variables, The Interaction Between a Categorical Variable

and a Numeric Variable, dan pokok pembahasan mengenai The Interaction Between Two

Numeric Variables


Contoh sintaksis yang disajikan di sini diambil dari tulisan tersebut yang disajikan secara

terpencar dalam pembahasannya. Sintaksis ini merupakan hasil dari studi dan penghayatan

atas isi tulisan di atas.


Data yang dipakai oleh Alan Taylor dinamakan Alan glmdemo.sav. Arsip data ini akan

disajikan sebagai lampiran.

Sintaksis Dari Alan Taylor

Sintaksis yang disajikan oleh Alan Taylor dikumpulkan di sini. Sintaksis ini adalah sebagai

berikut :

********************************************************** Using the GLM Procedure in SPSS***** Alan Taylor***** Dikumpulkan oleh Abdullah M. Jaubah*****************************************************

GET FILE='D:\ABC\glmdemo.sav'.

*********************************************************** GLM Univariate******************************************************glm pers1 by group with age.

glm pers1 by group with age/method=sstype(3).

glm pers1 by gender group with age.

glm pers1 by gender group with age/design=age gender group age*gender age*group.

glm test2 by group/print=descriptives/plot=profile(group).

glm test2 by group/posthoc=group (lsd bonferroni).

glm test2 by group/contrast(group)=simple(1).

glm test2 by group/contrast(group)=special( -3 1 1 1, -1 -1 1 1, -1 -1 2 0)/print=test(lmatrix).

glm test2 by group/emmeans=table(group) compare(group) adjust(bonferroni).

glm test2 by group/print=parameters.

glm test2 with g2 g3 g4/print=parameters.


glm test2 by group with pers2/print=descriptives etasq/emmeans=table(group).

glm test2 by group with pers2/method=sstype(1)/print=etasq.

glm test2 by group with pers2/method=sstype(1)/design = group pers2.

crosstabs gender by group/statistics=chisq.

glm test2 by gender group/plot=profile(group*gender).

glm test2 by gender group/plot=profile(group*gender)/design=gender group.

glm test2 by gender group/print=descriptives parameters/emmeans=table(group) compare(group)/emmeans=table(gender*group)/posthoc=group(lsd)/design=gender group.

glm test2 by gender group/emmeans=table(gender*group) compare(group)/emmeans=table(gender*group) compare(gender).

glm test2 by gender group/print=descriptives/lmatrix="g*gp contrasts" gender*group 1 -1 0 0 -1 1 0 0;gender*group 0 1 0 -1 0 -1 0 1; gender*group 1 -1/3 -1/3 -1/3 -1 +1/3 +1/3 + 1/3.

*********************************************************** GLM Repeated Measure******************************************************

t-test pairs=test1 test2.

glm test1 test2/wsfactor test 2/plot=profile(test).

glm test1 test2 test3/wsfactor test 3/print=rsscp test(mmatrix)/plot=profile(test).

glm test1 test2 test3/wsfactor test 3 helmert/emmeans=table(test) compare(test)/mmatrix="t1vt23" test1 2 test2 -1 test3 -1; "t2vt3" test1 0 test2 1 test3 -1/print=test(mmatrix).

glm site1h1 site1h2 site2h1 site2h2 site3h1 site3h2/wsfactor site 3 simple (1) hemi 2 simple (1)/plot=profile(site*hemi)/print=etasq test(mmatrix).

glm site1 site2 site3 by grp/wsfactor site 3/plot=profile(site*grp).


glm site1 site2 site3 by grp/wsfactor site 3 difference/contrast(grp)=simple(1).

glm site1 site2 site3 by grp/wsfactor site 3/print=descriptives/lmatrix "grp2 v 1" grp -1 1/mmatrix "site2 v 1" site1 -1 site2 1 site3 0; "site3 v12" site1 -.5 site2 -.5 site3 1.

glm test1 test3 with pers1/wsfactor test 2/print=etasq.

compute t31diff=test3 - test1.correlations pers1 t31diff.glm t31diff with pers1/print=parameters

glm test1 test3 by grp/wsfactor test 2.

compute t21diff=test2 - test1.glm t21diff/print=parameters.

glm test1 test2 with pers1/wsfactor test 2.

glm t21diff with pers1/print=parameters.

temporary.compute pers1 = pers1 - 4.glm test1 test2 with pers1/wsfactor test 2.

glm test1 test2 with pers1/wsfactor test 2/emmeans=table(test) compare(test) with(pers1=4).

t-test pairs=test3 pers3 with test1 pers1 (paired).

compute t31diff = test3 - test1.compute p31diff = pers3 - pers1.correlations t31diff p31diff.

sort cases by grp.compute swgrp=swgrp+1.if (lag(grp) eq 1 and grp eq 2)swgrp=1.leave swgrp.execute.

select if (swgrp le 20).

varstocases / make resp from site1 site2 site3/index = site(3)//keep = id swgrp grp.

mixed resp by site grp/fixed=intercept site grp site*grp/repeated=site | subject(id) covtype(un)/print=solution testcov.

Hasil Pelaksanaan Sintaksis


Hasil pelaksanaan sintaksis di atas adalah sebagai berikut :

********************************************************** Using the GLM Procedure in SPSS***** Alan Taylor***** Dikumpulkan oleh Abdullah M. Jaubah*****************************************************

GET FILE='D:\ABC\glmdemo.sav'.

*********************************************************** GLM Univariate******************************************************glm pers1 by group with age.

glm pers1 by group with age/method=sstype(3).

Between-Subjects Factors

Value Label N


1 Control 29

2 25 mg/kg 24

3 50 mg/kg 31

4 100 mg/kg 15

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable: pers1

Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Corrected Model 5.492a 4 1.373 2.504 .047

Intercept 205.249 1 205.249 374.233 .000

age .002 1 .002 .003 .953

group 5.412 3 1.804 3.290 .024

Error 51.554 94 .548

Total 2433.616 99

Corrected Total 57.047 98

a. R Squared = .096 (Adjusted R Squared = .058)

glm pers1 by gender group with age.

Between-Subjects Factors

Value Label N

gender1 male 57

2 female 42


1 Control 29

2 25 mg/kg 24

3 50 mg/kg 31

4 100 mg/kg 15


Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable: pers1

Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Corrected Model 7.856a 8 .982 1.797 .088

Intercept 195.384 1 195.384 357.479 .000

age .111 1 .111 .204 .653

gender .251 1 .251 .460 .500

group 4.816 3 1.605 2.937 .038

gender * group 2.237 3 .746 1.364 .259

Error 49.191 90 .547

Total 2433.616 99

Corrected Total 57.047 98

a. R Squared = .138 (Adjusted R Squared = .061)glm pers1 by gender group with age/design=age gender group age*gender age*group.

Between-Subjects Factors

Value Label N

gender1 male 57

2 female 42


1 Control 29

2 25 mg/kg 24

3 50 mg/kg 31

4 100 mg/kg 15

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable: pers1

Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Corrected Model 7.061a 9 .785 1.397 .202

Intercept 179.543 1 179.543 319.679 .000

age .007 1 .007 .012 .914

gender .363 1 .363 .647 .423

group .290 3 .097 .172 .915

gender * age .295 1 .295 .526 .470

group * age 1.173 3 .391 .696 .557

Error 49.986 89 .562

Total 2433.616 99

Corrected Total 57.047 98

a. R Squared = .124 (Adjusted R Squared = .035)

glm test2 by group/print=descriptives/plot=profile(group).


Between-Subjects Factors

Value Label N


1 Control 29

2 25 mg/kg 24

3 50 mg/kg 31

4 100 mg/kg 15

Descriptive Statistics

Dependent Variable: test2

group Mean Std. Deviation N

1 Control 4.52 .635 29

2 25 mg/kg 4.89 .580 24

3 50 mg/kg 5.12 .814 31

4 100 mg/kg 4.98 1.159 15

Total 4.87 .804 99

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable: test2

Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Corrected Model 5.624a 3 1.875 3.087 .031

Intercept 2175.073 1 2175.073 3581.473 .000

group 5.624 3 1.875 3.087 .031

Error 57.695 95 .607

Total 2410.015 99

Corrected Total 63.319 98

a. R Squared = .089 (Adjusted R Squared = .060)


glm test2 by group/posthoc=group (lsd bonferroni).

Between-Subjects Factors

Value Label N


1 Control 29

2 25 mg/kg 24

3 50 mg/kg 31

4 100 mg/kg 15

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable: test2

Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Corrected Model 5.624a 3 1.875 3.087 .031

Intercept 2175.073 1 2175.073 3581.473 .000

group 5.624 3 1.875 3.087 .031

Error 57.695 95 .607

Total 2410.015 99

Corrected Total 63.319 98

a. R Squared = .089 (Adjusted R Squared = .060)


Multiple Comparisons

Dependent Variable: test2


(I) (J) Mean Differenc

e (I-J)

Std. Error Sig. 95% Confidence Interval


Lower Bound

Upper Bound


1 Control

1 Control          

2 25 mg/kg -0.36 0.215 0.095 -0.79 0.06

3 50 mg/kg -.60* 0.201 0.004 -1 -0.2

4 100 mg/kg -0.46 0.248 0.069 -0.95 0.04

2 25 mg/kg

1 Control 0.36 0.215 0.095 -0.06 0.79

2 25 mg/kg          

3 50 mg/kg -0.24 0.212 0.269 -0.66 0.19

4 100 mg/kg -0.09 0.256 0.718 -0.6 0.42

3 50 mg/kg

1 Control .60* 0.201 0.004 0.2 1

2 25 mg/kg 0.24 0.212 0.269 -0.19 0.66

3 50 mg/kg          4 100 mg/kg 0.14 0.245 0.562 -0.34 0.63

4 100 mg/kg

1 Control 0.46 0.248 0.069 -0.04 0.95

2 25 mg/kg 0.09 0.256 0.718 -0.42 0.6

3 50 mg/kg -0.14 0.245 0.562 -0.63 0.34

4 100 mg/kg          


1 Control

1 Control          

2 25 mg/kg -0.36 0.215 0.572 -0.94 0.22

3 50 mg/kg -.60* 0.201 0.023 -1.14 -0.06

4 100 mg/kg -0.46 0.248 0.416 -1.12 0.21

2 25 mg/kg

1 Control 0.36 0.215 0.572 -0.22 0.94

2 25 mg/kg          3 50 mg/kg -0.24 0.212 1 -0.81 0.34

4 100 mg/kg -0.09 0.256 1 -0.78 0.6

3 50 mg/kg

1 Control .60* 0.201 0.023 0.06 1.14

2 25 mg/kg 0.24 0.212 1 -0.34 0.81

3 50 mg/kg          4 100 mg/kg 0.14 0.245 1 -0.52 0.8

4 100 mg/kg

1 Control 0.46 0.248 0.416 -0.21 1.12

2 25 mg/kg 0.09 0.256 1 -0.6 0.78

3 50 mg/kg -0.14 0.245 1 -0.8 0.52

4 100 mg/kg          Based on observed means.

The error term is Mean Square(Error) = .607.*. The mean difference is significant at the .050 level.

glm test2 by group/contrast(group)=simple(1).

Between-Subjects Factors


Value Label N


1 Control 29

2 25 mg/kg 24

3 50 mg/kg 31

4 100 mg/kg 15

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable: test2

Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Corrected Model 5.624a 3 1.875 3.087 .031

Intercept 2175.073 1 2175.073 3581.473 .000

group 5.624 3 1.875 3.087 .031

Error 57.695 95 .607

Total 2410.015 99

Corrected Total 63.319 98

a. R Squared = .089 (Adjusted R Squared = .060)

Custom Hypothesis Tests

Contrast Results (K Matrix)


Simple Contrasta Dependent Variable


Level 2 vs. Level 1

Contrast Estimate .362

Hypothesized Value 0

Difference (Estimate - Hypothesized) .362

Std. Error .215

Sig. .095

95% Confidence Interval for


Lower Bound -.065

Upper Bound .789

Level 3 vs. Level 1

Contrast Estimate .598

Hypothesized Value 0

Difference (Estimate - Hypothesized) .598

Std. Error .201

Sig. .004

95% Confidence Interval for


Lower Bound .198

Upper Bound .998

Level 4 vs. Level 1

Contrast Estimate .455

Hypothesized Value 0

Difference (Estimate - Hypothesized) .455

Std. Error .248

Sig. .069

95% Confidence Interval for


Lower Bound -.037

Upper Bound .947

a. Reference category = 1

Test Results

Dependent Variable: test2

Source Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Contrast 5.624 3 1.875 3.087 .031

Error 57.695 95 .607

glm test2 by group/contrast(group)=special( -3 1 1 1, -1 -1 1 1, -1 -1 2 0)/print=test(lmatrix).

Between-Subjects Factors

Value Label N

group 1 Control 29

2 25 mg/kg 24


3 50 mg/kg 31

4 100 mg/kg 15

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable: test2

Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Corrected Model 5.624a 3 1.875 3.087 .031

Intercept 2175.073 1 2175.073 3581.473 .000

group 5.624 3 1.875 3.087 .031

Error 57.695 95 .607

Total 2410.015 99

Corrected Total 63.319 98

a. R Squared = .089 (Adjusted R Squared = .060)

Contrast Coefficients (L' Matrix)


Parameter Contrast


Intercept 1

[group=1] .250

[group=2] .250

[group=3] .250

[group=4] .250

The default display of this matrix is the transpose of the corresponding L matrix.

Based on Type III Sums of Squares.


Parameter Contrast

L2 L3 L4

Intercept 0 0 0

[group=1] 1 0 0

[group=2] 0 1 0

[group=3] 0 0 1

[group=4] -1 -1 -1

The default display of this matrix is the transpose of the corresponding L matrix.

Based on Type III Sums of Squares.

Custom Hypothesis Tests


Contrast Coefficients (L' Matrix)

Parameter Special Contrast

L1 L2 L3

Intercept 0 0 0

[group=1] -3 -1 -1

[group=2] 1 -1 -1

[group=3] 1 1 2

[group=4] 1 1 0

The default display of this matrix is the transpose of the

corresponding L matrix.

Contrast Results (K Matrix)

Special Contrast Dependent Variable



Contrast Estimate 1.416

Hypothesized Value 0

Difference (Estimate - Hypothesized) 1.416

Std. Error .523

Sig. .008

95% Confidence Interval for


Lower Bound .377

Upper Bound 2.454


Contrast Estimate .691

Hypothesized Value 0

Difference (Estimate - Hypothesized) .691

Std. Error .326

Sig. .037

95% Confidence Interval for


Lower Bound .044

Upper Bound 1.338


Contrast Estimate .834

Hypothesized Value 0

Difference (Estimate - Hypothesized) .834

Std. Error .353

Sig. .020

95% Confidence Interval for


Lower Bound .133

Upper Bound 1.534


Test Results

Dependent Variable: test2

Source Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Contrast 5.624 3 1.875 3.087 .031

Error 57.695 95 .607

glm test2 by group/emmeans=table(group) compare(group) adjust(bonferroni).

Between-Subjects Factors

Value Label N


1 Control 29

2 25 mg/kg 24

3 50 mg/kg 31

4 100 mg/kg 15

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable: test2

Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Corrected Model 5.624a 3 1.875 3.087 .031

Intercept 2175.073 1 2175.073 3581.473 .000

group 5.624 3 1.875 3.087 .031

Error 57.695 95 .607

Total 2410.015 99

Corrected Total 63.319 98

a. R Squared = .089 (Adjusted R Squared = .060)

Estimated Marginal Means


Dependent Variable: test2

Mean Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval

Lower Bound Upper Bound

1 Control 4.525 .145 4.237 4.812

2 25 mg/kg 4.887 .159 4.571 5.203

3 50 mg/kg 5.123 .140 4.845 5.400


4 100 mg/kg 4.980 .201 4.581 5.379

Pairwise Comparisons

Dependent Variable: test2

(I) (J) Mean



Std. Error Sig.b 95% Confidence Interval for Differenceb

Lower Bound Upper Bound

1 Control

1 Control

2 25 mg/kg -.362 .215 .572 -.942 .217

3 50 mg/kg -.598* .201 .023 -1.140 -.055

4 100 mg/kg -.455 .248 .416 -1.123 .213

2 25 mg/kg

1 Control .362 .215 .572 -.217 .942

2 25 mg/kg

3 50 mg/kg -.236 .212 1.000 -.807 .335

4 100 mg/kg -.093 .256 1.000 -.784 .598

3 50 mg/kg

1 Control .598* .201 .023 .055 1.140

2 25 mg/kg .236 .212 1.000 -.335 .807

3 50 mg/kg

4 100 mg/kg .143 .245 1.000 -.518 .803

4 100 mg/kg

1 Control .455 .248 .416 -.213 1.123

2 25 mg/kg .093 .256 1.000 -.598 .784

3 50 mg/kg -.143 .245 1.000 -.803 .518

4 100 mg/kg

Based on estimated marginal means

*. The mean difference is significant at the .050 level.

b. Adjustment for multiple comparisons: Bonferroni.

Univariate Tests

Dependent Variable: test2

Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Contrast 5.624 3 1.875 3.087 .031

Error 57.695 95 .607

The F tests the effect of . This test is based on the linearly independent pairwise comparisons among

the estimated marginal means.

glm test2 by group/print=parameters.

Between-Subjects Factors

Value Label N



1 Control 29

2 25 mg/kg 24

3 50 mg/kg 31

4 100 mg/kg 15

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable: test2

Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Corrected Model 5.624a 3 1.875 3.087 .031

Intercept 2175.073 1 2175.073 3581.473 .000

group 5.624 3 1.875 3.087 .031

Error 57.695 95 .607

Total 2410.015 99

Corrected Total 63.319 98

a. R Squared = .089 (Adjusted R Squared = .060)

Parameter Estimates

Dependent Variable: test2

Parameter B Std. Error t Sig. 95% Confidence Interval

Lower Bound Upper Bound

Intercept 4.980 .201 24.750 .000 4.581 5.379

[group=1] -.455 .248 -1.837 .069 -.947 .037

[group=2] -.093 .256 -.363 .718 -.602 .416

[group=3] .143 .245 .582 .562 -.344 .629

[group=4] 0a . . . . .

a. This parameter is set to zero because it is redundant.

glm test2 by group with pers2/print=descriptives etasq/emmeans=table(group).

Between-Subjects Factors

Value Label N


1 Control 29

2 25 mg/kg 24

3 50 mg/kg 31

4 100 mg/kg 15

Descriptive Statistics

Dependent Variable: test2

group Mean Std. Deviation N


1 Control 4.52 .635 29

2 25 mg/kg 4.89 .580 24

3 50 mg/kg 5.12 .814 31

4 100 mg/kg 4.98 1.159 15

Total 4.87 .804 99

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable: test2

Source Type III Sum of


df Mean


F Sig. Partial Eta Squared

Corrected Model 7.588a 4 1.897 3.200 .016 .120

Intercept 35.562 1 35.562 59.981 .000 .390

pers2 1.964 1 1.964 3.313 .072 .034

group 3.467 3 1.156 1.949 .127 .059

Error 55.731 94 .593

Total 2410.015 99

Corrected Total 63.319 98

a. R Squared = .120 (Adjusted R Squared = .082)

Estimated Marginal Means

Dependent Variable: test2

Mean Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval

Lower Bound Upper Bound

1 Control 4.593 .148 4.300 4.887

2 25 mg/kg 4.873a .157 4.560 5.185

3 50 mg/kg 5.089a .140 4.812 5.366

4 100 mg/kg 4.941a .200 4.543 5.338

a. Covariates appearing in the model are evaluated at the following values: pers2 = 4.96.

glm test2 by group with pers2/method=sstype(1)/print=etasq.

Between-Subjects Factors

Value Label N


1 Control 29

2 25 mg/kg 24

3 50 mg/kg 31

4 100 mg/kg 15


Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable: test2

Source Type I Sum of


df Mean Square F Sig. Partial Eta Squared

Corrected Model 7.588a 4 1.897 3.200 .016 .120

Intercept 2346.696 1 2346.696 3958.139 .000 .977

pers2 4.121 1 4.121 6.952 .010 .069

group 3.467 3 1.156 1.949 .127 .059

Error 55.731 94 .593

Total 2410.015 99

Corrected Total 63.319 98

a. R Squared = .120 (Adjusted R Squared = .082)

glm test2 by group with pers2/method=sstype(1)/design = group pers2.

Between-Subjects Factors

Value Label N


1 Control 29

2 25 mg/kg 24

3 50 mg/kg 31

4 100 mg/kg 15

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable: test2

Source Type I Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Corrected Model 7.588a 4 1.897 3.200 .016

Intercept 2346.696 1 2346.696 3958.139 .000

group 5.624 3 1.875 3.162 .028

pers2 1.964 1 1.964 3.313 .072

Error 55.731 94 .593

Total 2410.015 99

Corrected Total 63.319 98

a. R Squared = .120 (Adjusted R Squared = .082)


crosstabs gender by group/statistics=chisq.

Case Processing Summary


Valid Missing Total

N Percent N Percent N Percent

gender * group 99 100.0% 0 0.0% 99 100.0%

gender * group Crosstabulation


group Total

1 Control 2 25 mg/kg 3 50 mg/kg 4 100 mg/kg

gender1 male 18 16 14 9 57

2 female 11 8 17 6 42

Total 29 24 31 15 99

Chi-Square Tests

Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)

Pearson Chi-Square 3.044a 3 .385

Continuity Correction

Likelihood Ratio 3.038 3 .386

Linear-by-Linear Association .723 1 .395

N of Valid Cases 99

a. 0 cells (0.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 6.36.

glm test2 by gender group/plot=profile(group*gender).

Between-Subjects Factors

Value Label N

gender1 male 57

2 female 42

group 1 Control 29

2 25 mg/kg 24

3 50 mg/kg 31


4 100 mg/kg 15

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable: test2

Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Corrected Model 8.620a 7 1.231 2.049 .057

Intercept 2065.947 1 2065.947 3437.003 .000

gender .948 1 .948 1.577 .212

group 5.038 3 1.679 2.794 .045

gender * group 1.507 3 .502 .835 .478

Error 54.699 91 .601

Total 2410.015 99

Corrected Total 63.319 98

a. R Squared = .136 (Adjusted R Squared = .070)

Profile Plots


glm test2 by gender group/plot=profile(group*gender)/design=gender group.

Between-Subjects Factors

Value Label N

gender1 male 57

2 female 42


1 Control 29

2 25 mg/kg 24

3 50 mg/kg 31

4 100 mg/kg 15

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable: test2

Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Corrected Model 7.113a 4 1.778 2.974 .023

Intercept 2134.395 1 2134.395 3569.619 .000


gender 1.489 1 1.489 2.490 .118

group 4.938 3 1.646 2.753 .047

Error 56.206 94 .598

Total 2410.015 99

Corrected Total 63.319 98

a. R Squared = .112 (Adjusted R Squared = .075)

glm test2 by gender group/print=descriptives parameters/emmeans=table(group) compare(group)/emmeans=table(gender*group)/posthoc=group(lsd)/design=gender group.

Between-Subjects Factors

Value Label N

gender1 male 57

2 female 42


1 Control 29

2 25 mg/kg 24

3 50 mg/kg 31

4 100 mg/kg 15

Descriptive Statistics

Dependent Variable: test2

gender group Mean Std. Deviation N

1 male 1 Control 4.49 .540 18

2 25 mg/kg 4.71 .535 16

3 50 mg/kg 4.90 .589 14


4 100 mg/kg 5.06 1.114 9

Total 4.74 .683 57

2 female

1 Control 4.59 .792 11

2 25 mg/kg 5.25 .520 8

3 50 mg/kg 5.30 .939 17

4 100 mg/kg 4.86 1.320 6

Total 5.04 .924 42


1 Control 4.52 .635 29

2 25 mg/kg 4.89 .580 24

3 50 mg/kg 5.12 .814 31

4 100 mg/kg 4.98 1.159 15

Total 4.87 .804 99

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable: test2

Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Corrected Model 7.113a 4 1.778 2.974 .023

Intercept 2134.395 1 2134.395 3569.619 .000

gender 1.489 1 1.489 2.490 .118

group 4.938 3 1.646 2.753 .047

Error 56.206 94 .598

Total 2410.015 99

Corrected Total 63.319 98

a. R Squared = .112 (Adjusted R Squared = .075)

Parameter Estimates

Dependent Variable: test2

Parameter B Std. Error t Sig. 95% Confidence Interval

Lower Bound Upper Bound

Intercept 5.131 .221 23.169 .000 4.691 5.571

[gender=1] -.252 .160 -1.578 .118 -.569 .065

[gender=2] 0a . . . . .

[group=1] -.450 .246 -1.830 .070 -.938 .038

[group=2] -.076 .255 -.299 .765 -.582 .430

[group=3] .105 .244 .430 .668 -.380 .590

[group=4] 0a . . . . .

a. This parameter is set to zero because it is redundant.

Estimated Marginal Means



Dependent Variable: test2

Mean Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval

Lower Bound Upper Bound

1 Control 4.555 .145 4.267 4.843

2 25 mg/kg 4.929 .160 4.611 5.247

3 50 mg/kg 5.110 .139 4.834 5.387

4 100 mg/kg 5.005 .200 4.607 5.403

Pairwise Comparisons

Dependent Variable: test2

(I) (J) Mean Difference (I-J) Std.


Sig.b 95% Confidence Interval for Differenceb

Lower Bound Upper Bound

1 Control

1 Control

2 25 mg/kg -.374 .214 .083 -.798 .050

3 50 mg/kg -.555* .202 .007 -.956 -.155

4 100 mg/kg -.450 .246 .070 -.938 .038

2 25 mg/kg

1 Control .374 .214 .083 -.050 .798

2 25 mg/kg

3 50 mg/kg -.181 .213 .397 -.604 .242

4 100 mg/kg -.076 .255 .765 -.582 .430

3 50 mg/kg

1 Control .555* .202 .007 .155 .956

2 25 mg/kg .181 .213 .397 -.242 .604

3 50 mg/kg

4 100 mg/kg .105 .244 .668 -.380 .590

4 100 mg/kg 1 Control .450 .246 .070 -.038 .938

2 25 mg/kg .076 .255 .765 -.430 .582


3 50 mg/kg -.105 .244 .668 -.590 .380

4 100 mg/kg

Based on estimated marginal means

*. The mean difference is significant at the .050 level.

b. Adjustment for multiple comparisons: Least Significant Difference (equivalent to no adjustments).

Univariate Tests

Dependent Variable: test2

Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Contrast 4.938 3 1.646 2.753 .047

Error 56.206 94 .598

The F tests the effect of . This test is based on the linearly independent pairwise comparisons among

the estimated marginal means.

2. *

Dependent Variable: test2

Mean Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval

Lower Bound Upper Bound

1 male

1 Control 4.429 .156 4.120 4.738

2 25 mg/kg 4.803 .167 4.472 5.134

3 50 mg/kg 4.984 .164 4.658 5.310

4 100 mg/kg 4.879 .210 4.463 5.295

2 female

1 Control 4.681 .174 4.335 5.028

2 25 mg/kg 5.055 .190 4.677 5.433

3 50 mg/kg 5.236 .156 4.926 5.547

4 100 mg/kg 5.131 .221 4.691 5.571

Post Hoc Tests

Multiple Comparisons

Dependent Variable: test2


(I) (J) Mean Difference (I- Std. Sig. 95% Confidence Interval


J) Error Lower Bound Upper Bound

1 Control

1 Control

2 25 mg/kg -.36 .213 .093 -.79 .06

3 50 mg/kg -.60* .200 .004 -.99 -.20

4 100 mg/kg -.46 .246 .067 -.94 .03

2 25 mg/kg

1 Control .36 .213 .093 -.06 .79

2 25 mg/kg

3 50 mg/kg -.24 .210 .265 -.65 .18

4 100 mg/kg -.09 .255 .716 -.60 .41

3 50 mg/kg

1 Control .60* .200 .004 .20 .99

2 25 mg/kg .24 .210 .265 -.18 .65

3 50 mg/kg

4 100 mg/kg .14 .243 .559 -.34 .63

4 100 mg/kg

1 Control .46 .246 .067 -.03 .94

2 25 mg/kg .09 .255 .716 -.41 .60

3 50 mg/kg -.14 .243 .559 -.63 .34

4 100 mg/kg

Based on observed means.

The error term is Mean Square(Error) = .598.

*. The mean difference is significant at the .050 level.

glm test2 by gender group/emmeans=table(gender*group) compare(group)/emmeans=table(gender*group) compare(gender).

Between-Subjects Factors

Value Label N

gender1 male 57

2 female 42


1 Control 29

2 25 mg/kg 24

3 50 mg/kg 31

4 100 mg/kg 15

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable: test2

Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Corrected Model 8.620a 7 1.231 2.049 .057

Intercept 2065.947 1 2065.947 3437.003 .000

gender .948 1 .948 1.577 .212

group 5.038 3 1.679 2.794 .045

gender * group 1.507 3 .502 .835 .478


Error 54.699 91 .601

Total 2410.015 99

Corrected Total 63.319 98

a. R Squared = .136 (Adjusted R Squared = .070)

Estimated Marginal Means


Dependent Variable: test2

Mean Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval

Lower Bound Upper Bound

1 male

1 Control 4.487 .183 4.124 4.850

2 25 mg/kg 4.707 .194 4.322 5.092

3 50 mg/kg 4.902 .207 4.491 5.314

4 100 mg/kg 5.060 .258 4.547 5.573

2 female

1 Control 4.586 .234 4.121 5.050

2 25 mg/kg 5.246 .274 4.702 5.790

3 50 mg/kg 5.304 .188 4.930 5.677

4 100 mg/kg 4.860 .317 4.231 5.489

Pairwise Comparisons

Dependent Variable: test2  (I) (J) Mean

Difference (I-J)

Std. Error Sig.b 95% Confidence Interval for Differenceb

Lower Bound

Upper Bound

1 male

1 Control

1 Control          

2 25 mg/kg -0.22 0.266 0.411 -0.749 0.309

3 50 mg/kg -0.415 0.276 0.137 -0.964 0.134

4 100 mg/kg -0.572 0.317 0.074 -1.201 0.056

2 25 mg/kg

1 Control 0.22 0.266 0.411 -0.309 0.749

2 25 mg/kg          3 50 mg/kg -0.195 0.284 0.494 -0.758 0.3694 100 mg/kg -0.352 0.323 0.278 -0.994 0.289

3 50 mg/kg

1 Control 0.415 0.276 0.137 -0.134 0.964

2 25 mg/kg 0.195 0.284 0.494 -0.369 0.758

3 50 mg/kg          4 100 mg/kg -0.158 0.331 0.635 -0.816 0.5

4 100 mg/kg

1 Control 0.572 0.317 0.074 -0.056 1.2012 25 mg/kg 0.352 0.323 0.278 -0.289 0.994

3 50 mg/kg 0.158 0.331 0.635 -0.5 0.816

4 100 mg/kg          


2 female

1 Control

1 Control          2 25 mg/kg -0.66 0.36 0.07 -1.376 0.055

3 50 mg/kg -.718* 0.3 0.019 -1.314 -0.123

4 100 mg/kg -0.275 0.393 0.487 -1.056 0.507

2 25 mg/kg

1 Control 0.66 0.36 0.07 -0.055 1.376

2 25 mg/kg          3 50 mg/kg -0.058 0.332 0.862 -0.718 0.6024 100 mg/kg 0.386 0.419 0.359 -0.446 1.218

3 50 mg/kg

1 Control .718* 0.3 0.019 0.123 1.314

2 25 mg/kg 0.058 0.332 0.862 -0.602 0.718

3 50 mg/kg          

4 100 mg/kg 0.444 0.368 0.231 -0.287 1.175

4 100 mg/kg

1 Control 0.275 0.393 0.487 -0.507 1.056

2 25 mg/kg -0.386 0.419 0.359 -1.218 0.446

3 50 mg/kg -0.444 0.368 0.231 -1.175 0.287

4 100 mg/kg          

Based on estimated marginal means*. The mean difference is significant at the .050 level.

b. Adjustment for multiple comparisons: Least Significant Difference (equivalent to no adjustments).

Dependent Variable: test2

Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 maleContrast 2.455 3 .818 1.361 .260

Error 54.699 91 .601

2 femaleContrast 3.990 3 1.330 2.213 .092

Error 54.699 91 .601

Each F tests the simple effects of within each level combination of the other effects shown. These tests are based on the

linearly independent pairwise comparisons among the estimated marginal means.


Dependent Variable: test2

Mean Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval

Lower Bound Upper Bound

1 male

1 Control 4.487 .183 4.124 4.850

2 25 mg/kg 4.707 .194 4.322 5.092

3 50 mg/kg 4.902 .207 4.491 5.314

4 100 mg/kg 5.060 .258 4.547 5.573


2 female

1 Control 4.586 .234 4.121 5.050

2 25 mg/kg 5.246 .274 4.702 5.790

3 50 mg/kg 5.304 .188 4.930 5.677

4 100 mg/kg 4.860 .317 4.231 5.489

Univariate Tests

Dependent Variable: test2

Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 ControlContrast .066 1 .066 .109 .742

Error 54.699 91 .601

2 25 mg/kgContrast 1.547 1 1.547 2.574 .112

Error 54.699 91 .601

3 50 mg/kgContrast 1.239 1 1.239 2.061 .155

Error 54.699 91 .601

4 100 mg/kgContrast .144 1 .144 .239 .626

Error 54.699 91 .601

Each F tests the simple effects of within each level combination of the other effects shown. These tests are based on the

linearly independent pairwise comparisons among the estimated marginal means.

Pairwise Comparisons

Dependent Variable: test2  (I) (J) Mean

Difference (I-J)

Std. Error Sig.a 95% Confidence Interval for Differencea

Lower Bound Upper Bound

1 Control

1 male

1 male          

2 female -0.098 0.297 0.742 -0.687 0.491

2 female

1 male 0.098 0.297 0.742 -0.491 0.687

2 female          

2 25 mg/kg

1 male

1 male          

2 female -0.539 0.336 0.112 -1.205 0.128

2 female

1 male 0.539 0.336 0.112 -0.128 1.205

2 female          

3 50 1 male 1 male          



2 female -0.402 0.28 0.155 -0.958 0.154

2 female

1 male 0.402 0.28 0.155 -0.154 0.958

2 female          

4 100 mg/kg

1 male

1 male          

2 female 0.2 0.409 0.626 -0.612 1.011

2 female

1 male -0.2 0.409 0.626 -1.011 0.612

2 female          

Based on estimated marginal meansa. Adjustment for multiple comparisons: Least Significant Difference (equivalent to no adjustments).

glm test2 by gender group/print=descriptives/lmatrix="g*gp contrasts" gender*group 1 -1 0 0 -1 1 0 0;gender*group 0 1 0 -1 0 -1 0 1; gender*group 1 -1/3 -1/3 -1/3 -1 +1/3 +1/3 + 1/3.

Between-Subjects Factors

Value Label N

gender1 male 57

2 female 42


1 Control 29

2 25 mg/kg 24

3 50 mg/kg 31

4 100 mg/kg 15

Descriptive Statistics

Dependent Variable: test2

gender group Mean Std. Deviation N

1 male

1 Control 4.49 .540 18

2 25 mg/kg 4.71 .535 16

3 50 mg/kg 4.90 .589 14

4 100 mg/kg 5.06 1.114 9

Total 4.74 .683 57

2 female

1 Control 4.59 .792 11

2 25 mg/kg 5.25 .520 8

3 50 mg/kg 5.30 .939 17

4 100 mg/kg 4.86 1.320 6

Total 5.04 .924 42



1 Control 4.52 .635 29

2 25 mg/kg 4.89 .580 24

3 50 mg/kg 5.12 .814 31

4 100 mg/kg 4.98 1.159 15

Total 4.87 .804 99

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable: test2

Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Corrected Model 8.620a 7 1.231 2.049 .057

Intercept 2065.947 1 2065.947 3437.003 .000

gender .948 1 .948 1.577 .212

group 5.038 3 1.679 2.794 .045

gender * group 1.507 3 .502 .835 .478

Error 54.699 91 .601

Total 2410.015 99

Corrected Total 63.319 98

a. R Squared = .136 (Adjusted R Squared = .070)

Custom Hypothesis Tests

Contrast Results (K Matrix)a

Contrast Dependent Variable



Contrast Estimate .440

Hypothesized Value 0

Difference (Estimate - Hypothesized) .440

Std. Error .448

Sig. .328

95% Confidence Interval for


Lower Bound -.449

Upper Bound 1.330

L2 Contrast Estimate -.738

Hypothesized Value 0

Difference (Estimate - Hypothesized) -.738

Std. Error .529


Sig. .166

95% Confidence Interval for


Lower Bound -1.789

Upper Bound .312


Contrast Estimate .149

Hypothesized Value 0

Difference (Estimate - Hypothesized) .149

Std. Error .358

Sig. .678

95% Confidence Interval for


Lower Bound -.561

Upper Bound .859

a. Based on the user-specified contrast coefficients (L') matrix: g*gp contrasts

Test Results

Dependent Variable: test2

Source Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Contrast 1.507 3 .502 .835 .478

Error 54.699 91 .601

*********************************************************** GLM Repeated Measure******************************************************

t-test pairs=test1 test2.

Paired Samples Statistics

Mean N Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

Pair 1test1 4.61 99 .794 .080

test2 4.87 99 .804 .081

Paired Samples Correlations

N Correlation Sig.

Pair 1 test1 & test2 99 .092 .364

Paired Samples Test

  Paired Differences t df Sig. (2-tailed)Mean Std.

DeviationStd. Error

Mean95% Confidence Interval of

the Difference


Lower Upper

Pair 1test1 - test2 -0.254 1.076 0.108 -0.468 -0.039 -2.345 98 0.021

glm test1 test2/wsfactor test 2/plot=profile(test).

Within-Subjects Factors

Measure: MEASURE_1

test Dependent Variable

1 test1

2 test2

Multivariate Testsa

Effect Value F Hypothesis df Error df Sig.


Pillai's Trace .053 5.500b 1.000 98.000 .021

Wilks' Lambda .947 5.500b 1.000 98.000 .021

Hotelling's Trace .056 5.500b 1.000 98.000 .021

Roy's Largest Root .056 5.500b 1.000 98.000 .021

a. Design: Intercept

Within Subjects Design: test

b. Exact statistic

Mauchly's Test of Sphericitya

Measure: MEASURE_1Within Subjects Effect

Mauchly's W Approx. Chi-


df Sig. Epsilonb


Huynh-Feldt Lower-bound

test 1 0 0 . 1 1 1

Tests the null hypothesis that the error covariance matrix of the orthonormalized transformed dependent variables is proportional to an identity matrix.a. Design: Intercept

Within Subjects Design: test

b. May be used to adjust the degrees of freedom for the averaged tests of significance. Corrected tests are displayed in the Tests of Within-Subjects Effects table.


Tests of Within-Subjects Effects

Measure: MEASURE_1

Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.


Sphericity Assumed 3.186 1 3.186 5.500 .021

Greenhouse-Geisser 3.186 1.000 3.186 5.500 .021

Huynh-Feldt 3.186 1.000 3.186 5.500 .021

Lower-bound 3.186 1.000 3.186 5.500 .021


Sphericity Assumed 56.772 98 .579

Greenhouse-Geisser 56.772 98.000 .579

Huynh-Feldt 56.772 98.000 .579

Lower-bound 56.772 98.000 .579

Tests of Within-Subjects Contrasts

Measure: MEASURE_1

Source test Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

test Linear 3.186 1 3.186 5.500 .021

Error(test) Linear 56.772 98 .579

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Measure: MEASURE_1

Transformed Variable: Average

Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Intercept 4452.006 1 4452.006 6388.629 .000

Error 68.293 98 .697

Profile Plots


glm test1 test2 test3/wsfactor test 3/print=rsscp test(mmatrix)/plot=profile(test).

Within-Subjects Factors

Measure: MEASURE_1

test Dependent Variable

1 test1

2 test2

3 test3

Bartlett's Test of Sphericitya

Likelihood Ratio .012

Approx. Chi-Square 8.653

df 5

Sig. .124

Tests the null hypothesis that the residual covariance matrix is proportional to an identity matrix.

a. Design: Intercept

Within Subjects Design: test

Multivariate Testsa

Effect Value F Hypothesis df Error df Sig.

test Pillai's Trace .235 14.938b 2.000 97.000 .000


Wilks' Lambda .765 14.938b 2.000 97.000 .000

Hotelling's Trace .308 14.938b 2.000 97.000 .000

Roy's Largest Root .308 14.938b 2.000 97.000 .000

a. Design: Intercept

Within Subjects Design: test

b. Exact statistic

Mauchly's Test of Sphericitya

Measure: MEASURE_1Within Subjects Effect

Mauchly's W Approx. Chi-Square

df Sig. Epsilonb


Huynh-Feldt Lower-bound

test 0.993 0.663 2 0.718 0.993 1 0.5

Tests the null hypothesis that the error covariance matrix of the orthonormalized transformed dependent variables is proportional to an identity matrix.a. Design: Intercept

Within Subjects Design: test

b. May be used to adjust the degrees of freedom for the averaged tests of significance. Corrected tests are displayed in the Tests of Within-Subjects Effects table.

Tests of Within-Subjects Effects

Measure: MEASURE_1

Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.


Sphericity Assumed 15.681 2 7.840 13.896 .000

Greenhouse-Geisser 15.681 1.986 7.894 13.896 .000

Huynh-Feldt 15.681 2.000 7.840 13.896 .000

Lower-bound 15.681 1.000 15.681 13.896 .000


Sphericity Assumed 110.587 196 .564

Greenhouse-Geisser 110.587 194.674 .568

Huynh-Feldt 110.587 196.000 .564

Lower-bound 110.587 98.000 1.128

Tests of Within-Subjects Contrasts

Measure: MEASURE_1

Source test Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

testLinear 4.703 1 4.703 7.907 .006

Quadratic 10.977 1 10.977 20.572 .000

Error(test)Linear 58.293 98 .595

Quadratic 52.294 98 .534

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects


Measure: MEASURE_1

Transformed Variable: Average

Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Intercept 6275.753 1 6275.753 7144.781 .000

Error 86.080 98 .878

Transformation Coefficients (M Matrix)


Measure: MEASURE_1

Transformed Variable: AVERAGE

test1 .577

test2 .577

test3 .577


Measure: MEASURE_1

Dependent Variable test

Linear Quadratic

test1 -.707 .408

test2 .000 -.816

test3 .707 .408

a. The contrasts for the within subjects factors are:

test: Polynomial contrast

Residual SSCP Matrix

test1 test2 test3

Sum-of-Squares and Cross-


test1 61.746 5.760 8.381

test2 5.760 63.319 16.645

test3 8.381 16.645 71.603


test1 .630 .059 .086

test2 .059 .646 .170

test3 .086 .170 .731


test1 1.000 .092 .126

test2 .092 1.000 .247

test3 .126 .247 1.000

Based on Type III Sum of Squares

Profile Plots


glm test1 test2 test3/wsfactor test 3 helmert/emmeans=table(test) compare(test)/mmatrix="t1vt23" test1 2 test2 -1 test3 -1; "t2vt3" test1 0 test2 1 test3 -1/print=test(mmatrix).

Within-Subjects Factors

Measure: MEASURE_1

test Dependent Variable

1 test1

2 test2

3 test3

Multivariate Testsa


Effect Value F Hypothesis df Error df Sig.


Pillai's Trace .235 14.938b 2.000 97.000 .000

Wilks' Lambda .765 14.938b 2.000 97.000 .000

Hotelling's Trace .308 14.938b 2.000 97.000 .000

Roy's Largest Root .308 14.938b 2.000 97.000 .000

a. Design: Intercept

Within Subjects Design: test

b. Exact statistic

Mauchly's Test of Sphericitya

Measure: MEASURE_1Within Subjects Effect

Mauchly's W

Approx. Chi-


df Sig. Epsilonb




test 0.993 0.663 2 0.718 0.993 1 0.5

Tests the null hypothesis that the error covariance matrix of the orthonormalized transformed dependent variables is proportional to an identity matrix.a. Design: Intercept

Within Subjects Design: test

b. May be used to adjust the degrees of freedom for the averaged tests of significance. Corrected tests are displayed in the Tests of Within-Subjects Effects table.

Tests of Within-Subjects Effects

Measure: MEASURE_1

Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.


Sphericity Assumed 15.681 2 7.840 13.896 .000

Greenhouse-Geisser 15.681 1.986 7.894 13.896 .000

Huynh-Feldt 15.681 2.000 7.840 13.896 .000

Lower-bound 15.681 1.000 15.681 13.896 .000


Sphericity Assumed 110.587 196 .564

Greenhouse-Geisser 110.587 194.674 .568

Huynh-Feldt 110.587 196.000 .564

Lower-bound 110.587 98.000 1.128

Tests of Within-Subjects Contrasts

Measure: MEASURE_1


Source test Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

testLevel 1 vs. Later .074 1 .074 .080 .777

Level 2 vs. Level 3 31.263 1 31.263 30.146 .000

Error(test)Level 1 vs. Later 89.658 98 .915

Level 2 vs. Level 3 101.631 98 1.037

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Measure: MEASURE_1

Transformed Variable: Average

Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Intercept 2091.918 1 2091.918 7144.781 .000

Error 28.693 98 .293

Transformation Coefficients (M Matrix)


Measure: MEASURE_1

Transformed Variable: AVERAGE

test1 .333

test2 .333

test3 .333


Measure: MEASURE_1

Dependent Variable test

Level 1 vs. Later Level 2 vs. Level 3

test1 1.000 .000

test2 -.500 1.000

test3 -.500 -1.000

a. The contrasts for the within subjects factors are:

test: Helmert contrast

Custom Hypothesis Tests


Transformation Coefficients (M Matrix)

Dependent Variable Transformed Variable

t1vt23 t2vt3

test1 2.000 .000

test2 -1.000 1.000

test3 -1.000 -1.000

Contrast Results (K Matrix)

Contrasta Transformed Variable

t1vt23 t2vt3


Contrast Estimate .055 .562

Hypothesized Value 0 0

Difference (Estimate - Hypothesized) .055 .562

Std. Error .192 .102

Sig. .777 .000

95% Confidence Interval for


Lower Bound -.327 .359

Upper Bound .436 .765

a. Estimable Function for Intercept

Multivariate Test Results

Value F Hypothesis df Error df Sig.

Pillai's trace .235 14.938a 2.000 97.000 .000

Wilks' lambda .765 14.938a 2.000 97.000 .000

Hotelling's trace .308 14.938a 2.000 97.000 .000

Roy's largest root .308 14.938a 2.000 97.000 .000

a. Exact statistic

Univariate Test Results

Source Transformed Variable Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Contrastt1vt23 .294 1 .294 .080 .777

t2vt3 31.263 1 31.263 30.146 .000

Errort1vt23 358.631 98 3.660

t2vt3 101.631 98 1.037

Estimated Marginal Means



Transformation Coefficients (M Matrix)

Measure: MEASURE_1

Dependent Variable test

1 2 3

test1 1 0 0

test2 0 1 0

test3 0 0 1


Measure: MEASURE_1

test Mean Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval

Lower Bound Upper Bound

1 4.615 .080 4.457 4.773

2 4.869 .081 4.708 5.029

3 4.307 .086 4.136 4.477

Pairwise Comparisons

Measure: MEASURE_1

(I) test (J) test Mean Difference (I-J) Std. Error Sig.b 95% Confidence Interval for Differenceb

Lower Bound Upper Bound



2 -.254* .108 .021 -.468 -.039

3 .308* .110 .006 .091 .526


1 .254* .108 .021 .039 .468


3 .562* .102 .000 .359 .765


1 -.308* .110 .006 -.526 -.091

2 -.562* .102 .000 -.765 -.359


Based on estimated marginal means

*. The mean difference is significant at the .050 level.

b. Adjustment for multiple comparisons: Least Significant Difference (equivalent to no adjustments).

Multivariate Tests

Value F Hypothesis df Error df Sig.


Pillai's trace .235 14.938a 2.000 97.000 .000

Wilks' lambda .765 14.938a 2.000 97.000 .000

Hotelling's trace .308 14.938a 2.000 97.000 .000

Roy's largest root .308 14.938a 2.000 97.000 .000

Each F tests the multivariate effect of test. These tests are based on the linearly independent pairwise

comparisons among the estimated marginal means.

a. Exact statistic

glm site1h1 site1h2 site2h1 site2h2 site3h1 site3h2/wsfactor site 3 simple (1) hemi 2 simple (1)/plot=profile(site*hemi)/print=etasq test(mmatrix).

Within-Subjects Factors

Measure: MEASURE_1

site hemi Dependent Variable

11 site1h1

2 site1h2

21 site2h1

2 site2h2

31 site3h1

2 site3h2

Multivariate Testsa

Effect Value F Hypothesis df Error df Sig. Partial Eta Squared


Pillai's Trace 0.537 56.245b 2 97 0 0.537

Wilks' Lambda 0.463 56.245b 2 97 0 0.537

Hotelling's Trace 1.16 56.245b 2 97 0 0.537

Roy's Largest Root 1.16 56.245b 2 97 0 0.537


Pillai's Trace 0.051 5.269b 1 98 0.024 0.051

Wilks' Lambda 0.949 5.269b 1 98 0.024 0.051

Hotelling's Trace 0.054 5.269b 1 98 0.024 0.051

Roy's Largest Root 0.054 5.269b 1 98 0.024 0.051

site * hemi

Pillai's Trace 0.209 12.797b 2 97 0 0.209

Wilks' Lambda 0.791 12.797b 2 97 0 0.209

Hotelling's Trace 0.264 12.797b 2 97 0 0.209

Roy's Largest Root 0.264 12.797b 2 97 0 0.209a. Design: Intercept

Within Subjects Design: site + hemi + site * hemi

b. Exact statistic

Mauchly's Test of Sphericitya

Measure: MEASURE_1Within Mauchly's W Approx. df Sig. Epsilonb


Subjects Effect

Chi-Square Greenhouse-Geisser Huynh-Feldt Lower-bound

site 0.704 34.046 2 0 0.772 0.782 0.5

hemi 1 0 0 . 1 1 1

site * hemi 0.818 19.436 2 0 0.846 0.86 0.5

Tests the null hypothesis that the error covariance matrix of the orthonormalized transformed dependent variables is proportional to an identity matrix.a. Design: Intercept

Within Subjects Design: site + hemi + site * hemi

b. May be used to adjust the degrees of freedom for the averaged tests of significance. Corrected tests are displayed in the Tests of Within-Subjects Effects table.

Tests of Within-Subjects Effects

Measure: MEASURE_1

Source Type III Sum of Squares

df Mean Square

F Sig. Partial Eta Squared


Sphericity Assumed 207.363 2 103.681 82.995 0 0.459

Greenhouse-Geisser 207.363 1.543 134.372 82.995 0 0.459

Huynh-Feldt 207.363 1.563 132.657 82.995 0 0.459

Lower-bound 207.363 1 207.363 82.995 0 0.459


Sphericity Assumed 244.852 196 1.249      Greenhouse-Geisser 244.852 151.23 1.619      Huynh-Feldt 244.852 153.19 1.598      Lower-bound 244.852 98 2.498      


Sphericity Assumed 5.446 1 5.446 5.269 0.024 0.051

Greenhouse-Geisser 5.446 1 5.446 5.269 0.024 0.051

Huynh-Feldt 5.446 1 5.446 5.269 0.024 0.051

Lower-bound 5.446 1 5.446 5.269 0.024 0.051


Sphericity Assumed 101.286 98 1.034      Greenhouse-Geisser 101.286 98 1.034      Huynh-Feldt 101.286 98 1.034      Lower-bound 101.286 98 1.034      

site * hemi

Sphericity Assumed 27.821 2 13.91 17.834 0 0.154

Greenhouse-Geisser 27.821 1.693 16.436 17.834 0 0.154

Huynh-Feldt 27.821 1.719 16.182 17.834 0 0.154

Lower-bound 27.821 1 27.821 17.834 0 0.154


Sphericity Assumed 152.876 196 0.78      Greenhouse-Geisser 152.876 165.88 0.922      Huynh-Feldt 152.876 168.48 0.907      Lower-bound 152.876 98 1.56      

Tests of Within-Subjects Contrasts

Measure: MEASURE_1


Source site hemi Type III Sum of Squares

df Mean Square

F Sig. Partial Eta Squared


Level 2 vs. Level 1

  6.303 1 6.303 8.842 0.004 0.083

Level 2 vs. Level 1            

Level 3 vs. Level 1

  183.2 1 183.201 97.502 0 0.499

Level 2 vs. Level 1            



Level 2 vs. Level 1            


Level 2 vs. Level 1

  69.86 98 0.713      

Level 2 vs. Level 1            

Level 3 vs. Level 1

  184.14 98 1.879      

Level 2 vs. Level 1            



Level 2 vs. Level 1            


Level 2 vs. Level 1


Level 2 vs. Level 1            

Level 3 vs. Level 1


Level 2 vs. Level 1            



Level 2 vs. Level 1 3.631 1 3.631 5.269 0.024 0.051


Level 2 vs. Level 1


Level 2 vs. Level 1            

Level 3 vs. Level 1


Level 2 vs. Level 1            



Level 2 vs. Level 1 67.524 98 0.689      

site * hemi

Level 2 vs. Level 1


Level 2 vs. Level 1 100.79 1 100.792 25.729 0 0.208

Level 3 vs. Level 1


Level 2 vs. Level 1 4.905 1 4.905 2.725 0.102 0.027



Level 2 vs. Level 1            


Level 2 vs. Level 1


Level 2 vs. Level 1 383.91 98 3.917      

Level 3 vs. Level 1


Level 2 vs. Level 1 176.4 98 1.8      



Level 2 vs. Level 1            

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Measure: MEASURE_1

Transformed Variable: Average


Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean


F Si


Partial Eta


Intercept 1352.250 1 1352.2505167.7




Error 25.644 98 .262

Transformation Coefficients (M Matrix)


Measure: MEASURE_1

Transformed Variable: AVERAGE

site1h1 .167

site1h2 .167

site2h1 .167

site2h2 .167

site3h1 .167

site3h2 .167


Measure: MEASURE_1

Dependent Variable site

Level 2 vs. Level 1 Level 3 vs. Level 1

site1h1 -.500 -.500

site1h2 -.500 -.500

site2h1 .500 .000

site2h2 .500 .000

site3h1 .000 .500

site3h2 .000 .500

a. The contrasts for the within subjects factors are:

site: Simple contrast


Measure: MEASURE_1


Dependent Variable hemi

Level 2 vs. Level 1

site1h1 -.333

site1h2 .333

site2h1 -.333

site2h2 .333

site3h1 -.333

site3h2 .333

a. The contrasts for the within subjects factors are:

hemi: Simple contrast

site * hemia

Measure: MEASURE_1

Dependent Variable site

Level 2 vs. Level 1 Level 3 vs. Level 1

hemi hemi

Level 2 vs. Level 1 Level 2 vs. Level 1

site1h1 1 1

site1h2 -1 -1

site2h1 -1 0

site2h2 1 0

site3h1 0 -1

site3h2 0 1

a. The contrasts for the within subjects factors are:

site: Simple contrast

hemi: Simple contrast


glm site1 site2 site3 by grp/wsfactor site 3/plot=profile(site*grp).

Within-Subjects Factors

Measure: MEASURE_1

site Dependent Variable

1 site1

2 site2

3 site3

Between-Subjects Factors

Value Label N

grp1 Control 51

2 Experimental 48


Multivariate Testsa

Effect Value F Hypothesis df Error df Sig.


Pillai's Trace .542 56.803b 2.000 96.000 .000

Wilks' Lambda .458 56.803b 2.000 96.000 .000

Hotelling's Trace 1.183 56.803b 2.000 96.000 .000

Roy's Largest Root 1.183 56.803b 2.000 96.000 .000

site * grp

Pillai's Trace .057 2.907b 2.000 96.000 .059

Wilks' Lambda .943 2.907b 2.000 96.000 .059

Hotelling's Trace .061 2.907b 2.000 96.000 .059

Roy's Largest Root .061 2.907b 2.000 96.000 .059

a. Design: Intercept + grp

Within Subjects Design: site

b. Exact statistic

Mauchly's Test of Sphericitya

Measure: MEASURE_1Within Subjects Effect

Mauchly's W Approx. Chi-Square

df Sig. Epsilonb




site 0.716 32.021 2 0 0.779 0.798 0.5

Tests the null hypothesis that the error covariance matrix of the orthonormalized transformed dependent variables is proportional to an identity matrix.a. Design: Intercept + grp

Within Subjects Design: site

b. May be used to adjust the degrees of freedom for the averaged tests of significance. Corrected tests are displayed in the Tests of Within-Subjects Effects table.

Tests of Within-Subjects Effects

Measure: MEASURE_1

Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.


Sphericity Assumed 102.392 2 51.196 84.279 .000

Greenhouse-Geisser 102.392 1.558 65.716 84.279 .000

Huynh-Feldt 102.392 1.595 64.187 84.279 .000

Lower-bound 102.392 1.000 102.392 84.279 .000

site * grp

Sphericity Assumed 4.580 2 2.290 3.770 .025

Greenhouse-Geisser 4.580 1.558 2.939 3.770 .035

Huynh-Feldt 4.580 1.595 2.871 3.770 .034

Lower-bound 4.580 1.000 4.580 3.770 .055


Sphericity Assumed 117.846 194 .607

Greenhouse-Geisser 117.846 151.135 .780

Huynh-Feldt 117.846 154.737 .762

Lower-bound 117.846 97.000 1.215


Tests of Within-Subjects Contrasts

Measure: MEASURE_1

Source site Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

siteLinear 90.284 1 90.284 100.062 .000

Quadratic 12.108 1 12.108 38.728 .000

site * grpLinear 4.548 1 4.548 5.040 .027

Quadratic .032 1 .032 .104 .748

Error(site)Linear 87.521 97 .902

Quadratic 30.325 97 .313

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Measure: MEASURE_1

Transformed Variable: Average

Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Intercept 4059.473 1 4059.473 5311.083 .000

grp 2.790 1 2.790 3.651 .059

Error 74.141 97 .764


glm site1 site2 site3 by grp/wsfactor site 3 difference/contrast(grp)=simple(1).

Within-Subjects Factors

Measure: MEASURE_1

site Dependent Variable

1 site1

2 site2

3 site3

Between-Subjects Factors

Value Label N

grp1 Control 51

2 Experimental 48

Multivariate Testsa

Effect Value F Hypothesis df Error df Sig.


Pillai's Trace .542 56.803b 2.000 96.000 .000

Wilks' Lambda .458 56.803b 2.000 96.000 .000

Hotelling's Trace 1.183 56.803b 2.000 96.000 .000

Roy's Largest Root 1.183 56.803b 2.000 96.000 .000

site * grp

Pillai's Trace .057 2.907b 2.000 96.000 .059

Wilks' Lambda .943 2.907b 2.000 96.000 .059

Hotelling's Trace .061 2.907b 2.000 96.000 .059

Roy's Largest Root .061 2.907b 2.000 96.000 .059

a. Design: Intercept + grp

Within Subjects Design: site

b. Exact statistic

Mauchly's Test of Sphericitya

Measure: MEASURE_1Within Subjects Effect

Mauchly's W Approx. Chi-Square

df Sig. Epsilonb




site 0.716 32.021 2 0 0.779 0.798 0.5

Tests the null hypothesis that the error covariance matrix of the orthonormalized transformed dependent variables is proportional to an identity matrix.a. Design: Intercept + grp

Within Subjects Design: site

b. May be used to adjust the degrees of freedom for the averaged tests of significance. Corrected tests are displayed in the Tests of Within-Subjects Effects table.


Tests of Within-Subjects Effects

Measure: MEASURE_1

Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.


Sphericity Assumed 102.392 2 51.196 84.279 .000

Greenhouse-Geisser 102.392 1.558 65.716 84.279 .000

Huynh-Feldt 102.392 1.595 64.187 84.279 .000

Lower-bound 102.392 1.000 102.392 84.279 .000

site * grp

Sphericity Assumed 4.580 2 2.290 3.770 .025

Greenhouse-Geisser 4.580 1.558 2.939 3.770 .035

Huynh-Feldt 4.580 1.595 2.871 3.770 .034

Lower-bound 4.580 1.000 4.580 3.770 .055


Sphericity Assumed 117.846 194 .607

Greenhouse-Geisser 117.846 151.135 .780

Huynh-Feldt 117.846 154.737 .762

Lower-bound 117.846 97.000 1.215

Tests of Within-Subjects Contrasts

Measure: MEASURE_1

Source site Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

siteLevel 2 vs. Level 1 6.038 1 6.038 8.757 .004

Level 3 vs. Previous 149.060 1 149.060 114.196 .000

site * grpLevel 2 vs. Level 1 2.987 1 2.987 4.333 .040

Level 3 vs. Previous 4.630 1 4.630 3.547 .063

Error(site)Level 2 vs. Level 1 66.873 97 .689

Level 3 vs. Previous 126.614 97 1.305

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Measure: MEASURE_1

Transformed Variable: Average

Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Intercept 1353.158 1 1353.158 5311.083 .000

grp .930 1 .930 3.651 .059

Error 24.714 97 .255

Custom Hypothesis Tests


Contrast Results (K Matrix)

Simple Contrasta Averaged Variable


Level 2 vs. Level 1

Contrast Estimate .194

Hypothesized Value 0

Difference (Estimate - Hypothesized) .194

Std. Error .102

Sig. .059

95% Confidence Interval for DifferenceLower Bound -.008

Upper Bound .395

a. Reference category = 1

Test Results

Measure: MEASURE_1

Transformed Variable: AVERAGE

Source Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Contrast .930 1 .930 3.651 .059

Error 24.714 97 .255

glm site1 site2 site3 by grp/wsfactor site 3/print=descriptives/lmatrix "grp2 v 1" grp -1 1/mmatrix "site2 v 1" site1 -1 site2 1 site3 0; "site3 v12" site1 -.5 site2 -.5 site3 1.

Within-Subjects Factors

Measure: MEASURE_1

site Dependent Variable

1 site1

2 site2

3 site3

Between-Subjects Factors

Value Label N

grp1 Control 51

2 Experimental 48


Descriptive Statistics

grp Mean Std. Deviation N


1 Control 4.2935 .81765 51

2 Experimental 4.1695 .79070 48

Total 4.2334 .80301 99


1 Control 3.8727 .58168 51

2 Experimental 4.0962 .75795 48

Total 3.9810 .67878 99


1 Control 2.6391 .77240 51

2 Experimental 3.1216 1.08596 48

Total 2.8730 .96369 99

Multivariate Testsa

Effect Value F Hypothesis df Error df Sig.


Pillai's Trace .542 56.803b 2.000 96.000 .000

Wilks' Lambda .458 56.803b 2.000 96.000 .000

Hotelling's Trace 1.183 56.803b 2.000 96.000 .000

Roy's Largest Root 1.183 56.803b 2.000 96.000 .000

site * grp

Pillai's Trace .057 2.907b 2.000 96.000 .059

Wilks' Lambda .943 2.907b 2.000 96.000 .059

Hotelling's Trace .061 2.907b 2.000 96.000 .059

Roy's Largest Root .061 2.907b 2.000 96.000 .059

a. Design: Intercept + grp

Within Subjects Design: site

b. Exact statistic

Mauchly's Test of Sphericitya

Measure: MEASURE_1Within Subjects Effect Mauchly's W Approx. Chi-Square df Sig. Epsilonb


Huynh-Feldt Lower-bound

site 0.716 32.021 2 0 0.779 0.798 0.5

Tests the null hypothesis that the error covariance matrix of the orthonormalized transformed dependent variables is proportional to an identity matrix.a. Design: Intercept + grp

Within Subjects Design: site

b. May be used to adjust the degrees of freedom for the averaged tests of significance. Corrected tests are displayed in the Tests of Within-Subjects Effects table.


Tests of Within-Subjects Effects

Measure: MEASURE_1

Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.


Sphericity Assumed 102.392 2 51.196 84.279 .000

Greenhouse-Geisser 102.392 1.558 65.716 84.279 .000

Huynh-Feldt 102.392 1.595 64.187 84.279 .000

Lower-bound 102.392 1.000 102.392 84.279 .000

site * grp

Sphericity Assumed 4.580 2 2.290 3.770 .025

Greenhouse-Geisser 4.580 1.558 2.939 3.770 .035

Huynh-Feldt 4.580 1.595 2.871 3.770 .034

Lower-bound 4.580 1.000 4.580 3.770 .055


Sphericity Assumed 117.846 194 .607

Greenhouse-Geisser 117.846 151.135 .780

Huynh-Feldt 117.846 154.737 .762

Lower-bound 117.846 97.000 1.215

Tests of Within-Subjects Contrasts

Measure: MEASURE_1

Source site Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

siteLinear 90.284 1 90.284 100.062 .000

Quadratic 12.108 1 12.108 38.728 .000

site * grpLinear 4.548 1 4.548 5.040 .027

Quadratic .032 1 .032 .104 .748

Error(site)Linear 87.521 97 .902

Quadratic 30.325 97 .313

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Measure: MEASURE_1

Transformed Variable: Average

Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Intercept 4059.473 1 4059.473 5311.083 .000

grp 2.790 1 2.790 3.651 .059

Error 74.141 97 .764


Custom Hypothesis Tests Index


Contrast Coefficients (L' Matrix) LMATRIX Subcommand 1: grp2 v 1

Transformation Coefficients (M Matrix) MMATRIX Subcommand

Contrast Results (K Matrix) Zero Matrix

Custom Hypothesis Tests #1

Contrast Results (K Matrix)a

Contrast Transformed Variable

site2 v 1 site3 v12


Contrast Estimate .348 .433

Hypothesized Value 0 0

Difference (Estimate - Hypothesized) .348 .433

Std. Error .167 .230

Sig. .040 .063

95% Confidence Interval for


Lower Bound .016 -.023

Upper Bound .679 .889

a. Based on the user-specified contrast coefficients (L') matrix: grp2 v 1

Multivariate Test Results

Value F Hypothesis df Error df Sig.

Pillai's trace .057 2.907a 2.000 96.000 .059

Wilks' lambda .943 2.907a 2.000 96.000 .059

Hotelling's trace .061 2.907a 2.000 96.000 .059

Roy's largest root .061 2.907a 2.000 96.000 .059

a. Exact statistic

Univariate Test Results

Source Transformed Variable Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Contrastsite2 v 1 2.987 1 2.987 4.333 .040

site3 v12 4.630 1 4.630 3.547 .063

Errorsite2 v 1 66.873 97 .689

site3 v12 126.614 97 1.305

glm test1 test3 with pers1/wsfactor test 2/



General Linear Model

Within-Subjects Factors

Measure: MEASURE_1

test Dependent Variable

1 test1

2 test3

Multivariate Testsa              

Effect   Value F Hypothesis df Error df Sig. Partial Eta Squared

test Pillai's Trace 0.071 7.406b 1 97 0.008 0.071

  Wilks' Lambda 0.929 7.406b 1 97 0.008 0.071

  Hotelling's Trace 0.076 7.406b 1 97 0.008 0.071

  Roy's Largest Root 0.076 7.406b 1 97 0.008 0.071

test * pers1 Pillai's Trace 0.052 5.330b 1 97 0.023 0.052

  Wilks' Lambda 0.948 5.330b 1 97 0.023 0.052

  Hotelling's Trace 0.055 5.330b 1 97 0.023 0.052

  Roy's Largest Root 0.055 5.330b 1 97 0.023 0.052a. Design: Intercept + pers1


Within Subjects Design: test


b. Exact statistic              

Mauchly's Test of Sphericitya

Measure: MEASURE_1Within Subjects Effect

Mauchly's W Approx. Chi-Square

df Sig. Epsilonb

Greenhouse-Geisser Huynh-Feldt Lower-bound

test 1 0 0 . 1 1 1

Tests the null hypothesis that the error covariance matrix of the orthonormalized transformed dependent variables is proportional to an identity matrix.a. Design: Intercept + pers1

Within Subjects Design: test

b. May be used to adjust the degrees of freedom for the averaged tests of significance. Corrected tests are displayed in the Tests of Within-Subjects Effects table.


Tests of Within-Subjects Effects

Measure: MEASURE_1Source Type III Sum

of Squaresdf Mean

SquareF Sig. Partial Eta



Sphericity Assumed 4.219 1 4.219 7.406 0.008 0.071

Greenhouse-Geisser 4.219 1 4.219 7.406 0.008 0.071

Huynh-Feldt 4.219 1 4.219 7.406 0.008 0.071

Lower-bound 4.219 1 4.219 7.406 0.008 0.071

test * pers1

Sphericity Assumed 3.036 1 3.036 5.33 0.023 0.052

Greenhouse-Geisser 3.036 1 3.036 5.33 0.023 0.052

Huynh-Feldt 3.036 1 3.036 5.33 0.023 0.052

Lower-bound 3.036 1 3.036 5.33 0.023 0.052


Sphericity Assumed 55.257 97 0.57     

Greenhouse-Geisser 55.257 97 0.57     

Huynh-Feldt 55.257 97 0.57     

Lower-bound 55.257 97 0.57     

Tests of Within-Subjects Contrasts

Measure: MEASURE_1Source test Type III Sum of

Squaresdf Mean Square F Sig. Partial Eta Squared

test Linear 4.219 1 4.219 7.406 0.008 0.071

test * pers1 Linear 3.036 1 3.036 5.33 0.023 0.052

Error(test) Linear 55.257 97 0.57      

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Measure: MEASURE_1

Transformed Variable: Average

Source Type III Sum of


df Mean Square F Sig. Partial Eta Squared

Intercept 52.325 1 52.325 73.271 .000 .430

pers1 5.785 1 5.785 8.100 .005 .077

Error 69.270 97 .714


compute t31diff=test3 - test1.correlations pers1 t31diff.


pers1 t31diff


Pearson Correlation 1 .228

Sig. (2-tailed) .023

N 99 99


Pearson Correlation .228 1

Sig. (2-tailed) .023

N 99 99

glm t31diff with pers1/print=parameters

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable: t31diff

Source Type III Sum of


df Mean Square F Sig.

Corrected Model 6.072a 1 6.072 5.330 .023

Intercept 8.438 1 8.438 7.406 .008

pers1 6.072 1 6.072 5.330 .023

Error 110.514 97 1.139

Total 125.993 99

Corrected Total 116.587 98

a. R Squared = .052 (Adjusted R Squared = .042)

Parameter Estimates

Dependent Variable: t31diff

Parameter B Std. Error t Sig. 95% Confidence Interval

Lower Bound Upper Bound

Intercept -1.907 .701 -2.721 .008 -3.297 -.516

pers1 .326 .141 2.309 .023 .046 .607

glm test1 test3 by grp/wsfactor test 2.


Within-Subjects Factors

Measure: MEASURE_1

test Dependent Variable

1 test1

2 test3

Between-Subjects Factors

Value Label N

grp1 Control 51

2 Experimental 48

Multivariate Testsa

Effect Value F Hypothesis df Error df Sig.


Pillai's Trace .074 7.763b 1.000 97.000 .006

Wilks' Lambda .926 7.763b 1.000 97.000 .006

Hotelling's Trace .080 7.763b 1.000 97.000 .006

Roy's Largest Root .080 7.763b 1.000 97.000 .006

test * grp

Pillai's Trace .029 2.924b 1.000 97.000 .090

Wilks' Lambda .971 2.924b 1.000 97.000 .090

Hotelling's Trace .030 2.924b 1.000 97.000 .090

Roy's Largest Root .030 2.924b 1.000 97.000 .090

a. Design: Intercept + grp

Within Subjects Design: test

b. Exact statistic

Mauchly's Test of Sphericitya

Measure: MEASURE_1Within Subjects Effect

Mauchly's W

Approx. Chi-Square

df Sig. Epsilonb


Huynh-Feldt Lower-bound

test 1 0 0 . 1 1 1

Tests the null hypothesis that the error covariance matrix of the orthonormalized transformed dependent variables is proportional to an identity matrix.a. Design: Intercept + grp


Within Subjects Design: test

b. May be used to adjust the degrees of freedom for the averaged tests of significance. Corrected tests are displayed in the Tests of Within-Subjects Effects table.

Tests of Within-Subjects Effects

Measure: MEASURE_1

Source Type III Sum of


df Mean Square F Sig.


Sphericity Assumed 4.529 1 4.529 7.763 .006

Greenhouse-Geisser 4.529 1.000 4.529 7.763 .006

Huynh-Feldt 4.529 1.000 4.529 7.763 .006

Lower-bound 4.529 1.000 4.529 7.763 .006

test * grp

Sphericity Assumed 1.706 1 1.706 2.924 .090

Greenhouse-Geisser 1.706 1.000 1.706 2.924 .090

Huynh-Feldt 1.706 1.000 1.706 2.924 .090

Lower-bound 1.706 1.000 1.706 2.924 .090


Sphericity Assumed 56.588 97 .583

Greenhouse-Geisser 56.588 97.000 .583

Huynh-Feldt 56.588 97.000 .583

Lower-bound 56.588 97.000 .583

Tests of Within-Subjects Contrasts

Measure: MEASURE_1

Source test Type III Sum of


df Mean Square F Sig.

test Linear 4.529 1 4.529 7.763 .006

test * grp Linear 1.706 1 1.706 2.924 .090

Error(test) Linear 56.588 97 .583

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Measure: MEASURE_1

Transformed Variable: Average

Source Type III Sum of


df Mean Square F Sig.

Intercept 3945.737 1 3945.737 5542.590 .000

grp 6.001 1 6.001 8.430 .005


Error 69.054 97 .712

compute t21diff=test2 - test1.glm t21diff/print=parameters.

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable: t21diff

Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Corrected Model .000a 0 . . .

Intercept 6.372 1 6.372 5.500 .021

Error 113.544 98 1.159

Total 119.917 99

Corrected Total 113.544 98

a. R Squared = .000 (Adjusted R Squared = .000)

Parameter Estimates

Dependent Variable: t21diff

Parameter B Std. Error t Sig. 95% Confidence Interval

Lower Bound Upper Bound

Intercept .254 .108 2.345 .021 .039 .468

glm test1 test2 with pers1/wsfactor test 2.

Within-Subjects Factors

Measure: MEASURE_1

test Dependent Variable

1 test1

2 test2

Multivariate Testsa

Effect Value F Hypothesis df Error df Sig.


Pillai's Trace .001 .121b 1.000 97.000 .729

Wilks' Lambda .999 .121b 1.000 97.000 .729

Hotelling's Trace .001 .121b 1.000 97.000 .729

Roy's Largest Root .001 .121b 1.000 97.000 .729

test * pers1 Pillai's Trace .005 .511b 1.000 97.000 .477

Wilks' Lambda .995 .511b 1.000 97.000 .477


Hotelling's Trace .005 .511b 1.000 97.000 .477

Roy's Largest Root .005 .511b 1.000 97.000 .477

a. Design: Intercept + pers1

Within Subjects Design: test

b. Exact statistic

Mauchly's Test of Sphericitya

Measure: MEASURE_1Within Subjects Effect

Mauchly's W

Approx. Chi-Square








test 1 0 0 . 1 1 1

Tests the null hypothesis that the error covariance matrix of the orthonormalized transformed dependent variables is proportional to an identity matrix.a. Design: Intercept + pers1

Within Subjects Design: test

b. May be used to adjust the degrees of freedom for the averaged tests of significance. Corrected tests are displayed in the Tests of Within-Subjects Effects table.

Tests of Within-Subjects Effects

Measure: MEASURE_1

Source Type III Sum of


df Mean Square F Sig.


Sphericity Assumed .071 1 .071 .121 .729

Greenhouse-Geisser .071 1.000 .071 .121 .729

Huynh-Feldt .071 1.000 .071 .121 .729

Lower-bound .071 1.000 .071 .121 .729

test * pers1

Sphericity Assumed .297 1 .297 .511 .477

Greenhouse-Geisser .297 1.000 .297 .511 .477

Huynh-Feldt .297 1.000 .297 .511 .477

Lower-bound .297 1.000 .297 .511 .477


Sphericity Assumed 56.475 97 .582

Greenhouse-Geisser 56.475 97.000 .582

Huynh-Feldt 56.475 97.000 .582

Lower-bound 56.475 97.000 .582

Tests of Within-Subjects Contrasts

Measure: MEASURE_1

Source test Type III Sum of


df Mean Square F Sig.

test Linear .071 1 .071 .121 .729

test * pers1 Linear .297 1 .297 .511 .477


Error(test) Linear 56.475 97 .582

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Measure: MEASURE_1

Transformed Variable: Average

Source Type III Sum of


df Mean Square F Sig.

Intercept 81.396 1 81.396 118.135 .000

pers1 1.459 1 1.459 2.118 .149

Error 66.834 97 .689

glm t21diff with pers1/print=parameters.

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable: t21diff

Source Type III Sum of


df Mean Square F Sig.

Corrected Model .595a 1 .595 .511 .477

Intercept .141 1 .141 .121 .729

pers1 .595 1 .595 .511 .477

Error 112.950 97 1.164

Total 119.917 99

Corrected Total 113.544 98

a. R Squared = .005 (Adjusted R Squared = -.005)

Parameter Estimates

Dependent Variable: t21diff

Parameter B Std. Error t Sig. 95% Confidence Interval

Lower Bound Upper Bound

Intercept -.247 .708 -.348 .729 -1.652 1.159

pers1 .102 .143 .715 .477 -.181 .386

temporary.compute pers1 = pers1 - 4.glm test1 test2 with pers1/wsfactor test 2.

Within-Subjects Factors


Measure: MEASURE_1

test Dependent Variable

1 test1

2 test2

Multivariate Testsa

Effect Value F Hypothesis df Error df Sig.


Pillai's Trace .009 .926b 1.000 97.000 .338

Wilks' Lambda .991 .926b 1.000 97.000 .338

Hotelling's Trace .010 .926b 1.000 97.000 .338

Roy's Largest Root .010 .926b 1.000 97.000 .338

test * pers1

Pillai's Trace .005 .511b 1.000 97.000 .477

Wilks' Lambda .995 .511b 1.000 97.000 .477

Hotelling's Trace .005 .511b 1.000 97.000 .477

Roy's Largest Root .005 .511b 1.000 97.000 .477

a. Design: Intercept + pers1

Within Subjects Design: test

b. Exact statistic

Mauchly's Test of Sphericitya

Measure: MEASURE_1Within Subjects Effect

Mauchly's W

Approx. Chi-


df Sig. Epsilonb




test 1 0 0 . 1 1 1

Tests the null hypothesis that the error covariance matrix of the orthonormalized transformed dependent variables is proportional to an identity matrix.a. Design: Intercept + pers1

Within Subjects Design: test

b. May be used to adjust the degrees of freedom for the averaged tests of significance. Corrected tests are displayed in the Tests of Within-Subjects Effects table.


Tests of Within-Subjects Effects

Measure: MEASURE_1

Source Type III Sum of


df Mean Square F Sig.


Sphericity Assumed .539 1 .539 .926 .338

Greenhouse-Geisser .539 1.000 .539 .926 .338

Huynh-Feldt .539 1.000 .539 .926 .338

Lower-bound .539 1.000 .539 .926 .338

test * pers1

Sphericity Assumed .297 1 .297 .511 .477

Greenhouse-Geisser .297 1.000 .297 .511 .477

Huynh-Feldt .297 1.000 .297 .511 .477

Lower-bound .297 1.000 .297 .511 .477


Sphericity Assumed 56.475 97 .582

Greenhouse-Geisser 56.475 97.000 .582

Huynh-Feldt 56.475 97.000 .582

Lower-bound 56.475 97.000 .582

Tests of Within-Subjects Contrasts

Measure: MEASURE_1

Source test Type III Sum of


df Mean Square F Sig.

test Linear .539 1 .539 .926 .338

test * pers1 Linear .297 1 .297 .511 .477

Error(test) Linear 56.475 97 .582

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Measure: MEASURE_1

Transformed Variable: Average

Source Type III Sum of


df Mean Square F Sig.

Intercept 1773.060 1 1773.060 2573.363 .000

pers1 1.459 1 1.459 2.118 .149

Error 66.834 97 .689


glm test1 test2 with pers1/wsfactor test 2/emmeans=table(test) compare(test) with(pers1=4).

Within-Subjects Factors

Measure: MEASURE_1

test Dependent Variable

1 test1

2 test2

Multivariate Testsa

Effect Value F Hypothesis df Error df Sig.


Pillai's Trace .001 .121b 1.000 97.000 .729

Wilks' Lambda .999 .121b 1.000 97.000 .729

Hotelling's Trace .001 .121b 1.000 97.000 .729

Roy's Largest Root .001 .121b 1.000 97.000 .729

test * pers1

Pillai's Trace .005 .511b 1.000 97.000 .477

Wilks' Lambda .995 .511b 1.000 97.000 .477

Hotelling's Trace .005 .511b 1.000 97.000 .477

Roy's Largest Root .005 .511b 1.000 97.000 .477

a. Design: Intercept + pers1

Within Subjects Design: test

b. Exact statistic

Mauchly's Test of Sphericitya

Measure: MEASURE_1Within Subjects Effect

Mauchly's W

Approx. Chi-


df Sig. Epsilonb




test 1 0 0 . 1 1 1

Tests the null hypothesis that the error covariance matrix of the orthonormalized transformed dependent variables is proportional to an identity matrix.a. Design: Intercept + pers1

Within Subjects Design: test

b. May be used to adjust the degrees of freedom for the averaged tests of significance. Corrected tests are displayed in the Tests of Within-Subjects Effects table.



Tests of Within-Subjects Effects

Measure: MEASURE_1

Source Type III Sum of


df Mean Square F Sig.


Sphericity Assumed .071 1 .071 .121 .729

Greenhouse-Geisser .071 1.000 .071 .121 .729

Huynh-Feldt .071 1.000 .071 .121 .729

Lower-bound .071 1.000 .071 .121 .729

test * pers1

Sphericity Assumed .297 1 .297 .511 .477

Greenhouse-Geisser .297 1.000 .297 .511 .477

Huynh-Feldt .297 1.000 .297 .511 .477

Lower-bound .297 1.000 .297 .511 .477


Sphericity Assumed 56.475 97 .582

Greenhouse-Geisser 56.475 97.000 .582

Huynh-Feldt 56.475 97.000 .582

Lower-bound 56.475 97.000 .582

Tests of Within-Subjects Contrasts

Measure: MEASURE_1

Source test Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

test Linear .071 1 .071 .121 .729

test * pers1 Linear .297 1 .297 .511 .477

Error(test) Linear 56.475 97 .582

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Measure: MEASURE_1

Transformed Variable: Average

Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Intercept 81.396 1 81.396 118.135 .000

pers1 1.459 1 1.459 2.118 .149

Error 66.834 97 .689


Measure: MEASURE_1

test Mean Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval

Lower Bound Upper Bound

1 4.559a .124 4.313 4.805


2 4.721a .124 4.474 4.968

a. Covariates appearing in the model are evaluated at the following values: pers1 = 4.

Pairwise Comparisons

Measure: MEASURE_1

(I) test (J) test Mean Difference (I-J) Std. Error Sig.a 95% Confidence Interval for Differencea

Lower Bound Upper Bound


2 -.162 .168 .338 -.496 .172

21 .162 .168 .338 -.172 .496


Based on estimated marginal means

a. Adjustment for multiple comparisons: Least Significant Difference (equivalent to no adjustments).

Multivariate Tests

Value F Hypothesis df Error df Sig.

Pillai's trace .009 .926a 1.000 97.000 .338

Wilks' lambda .991 .926a 1.000 97.000 .338

Hotelling's trace .010 .926a 1.000 97.000 .338

Roy's largest root .010 .926a 1.000 97.000 .338

Each F tests the multivariate effect of test. These tests are based on the linearly independent pairwise comparisons among

the estimated marginal means.

a. Exact statistic

t-test pairs=test3 pers3 with test1 pers1 (paired).

Paired Samples Statistics

Mean N Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

Pair 1test3 4.31 99 .855 .086

test1 4.61 99 .794 .080

Pair 2pers3 4.71 99 .794 .080

pers1 4.90 99 .763 .077

Paired Samples Correlations

N Correlation Sig.

Pair 1 test3 & test1 99 .126 .214

Pair 2 pers3 & pers1 99 .073 .471


Paired Samples Test

  Paired Differences t df Sig. (2-tailed)Mean Std.


Std. Error Mean

95% Confidence Interval of the

DifferenceLower Upper

Pair 1 test3 - test1 -0.308 1.091 0.11 -0.526 -0.091 -2.812 98 0.006

Pair 2 pers3 - pers1 -0.188 1.06 0.107 -0.399 0.024 -1.762 98 0.081

compute t31diff = test3 - test1.compute p31diff = pers3 - pers1.correlations t31diff p31diff.


t31diff p31diff


Pearson Correlation 1 -.320

Sig. (2-tailed) .001

N 99 99


Pearson Correlation -.320 1

Sig. (2-tailed) .001

N 99 99

sort cases by grp.compute swgrp=swgrp+1.if (lag(grp) eq 1 and grp eq 2)swgrp=1.leave swgrp.execute.

select if (swgrp le 20).

varstocases / make resp from site1 site2 site3/index = site(3)//keep = id swgrp grp.

Generated Variables

Name Label

site <none>

resp <none>

Processing Statistics


Variables In 41

Variables Out 5

mixed resp by site grp/fixed=intercept site grp site*grp/repeated=site | subject(id) covtype(un)/print=solution testcov.

Model Dimensiona

  Number of Levels

Covariance Structure

Number of Parameters

Subject Variables

Number of Subjects

Fixed Effects

Intercept 1   1    

site 3   2    

grp 2   1    

site * grp 6   2    

Repeated Effects site 3 Unstructured 6 id 40

Total 15   12    a. Dependent Variable: resp.

Information Criteriaa

-2 Restricted Log Likelihood 280.256

Akaike's Information Criterion


Hurvich and Tsai's Criterion


Bozdogan's Criterion (CAIC) 314.673

Schwarz's Bayesian Criterion (BIC) 308.673

The information criteria are displayed in smaller-

is-better forms.

a. Dependent Variable: resp.

Type III Tests of Fixed Effectsa

Source Numerator df Denominator df F Sig.

Intercept 1 38.000 2072.696 .000

site 2 38.000 32.193 .000

grp 1 38.000 .075 .786

site * grp 2 38.000 .495 .613

a. Dependent Variable: resp.


Estimates of Fixed Effectsa

Parameter Estimate Std. Error df t Sig. 95% Confidence Interval




Relative Increase Variance

Relative Efficiency

Lower Bound

Upper Bound

Intercept 2.771982 0.216238 38 12.819 0 2.334231 3.209734     

[site=1] 1.452649 0.299594 38 4.849 0 0.846154 2.059145     

[site=2] 1.273138 0.252043 38 5.051 0 0.762904 1.783371     

[site=3] 0b 0 . . . . .     

[grp=1] -0.213282 0.305807 38 -0.697 0.49 -0.832356 0.405792     

[grp=2] 0b 0 . . . . .     

[site=1] * [grp=1] 0.364135 0.42369 38 0.859 0.395 -0.49358 1.221849


[site=1] * [grp=2] 0b 0 . . . . .


[site=2] * [grp=1] 0.144 0.356442 38 0.404 0.688 -0.577579 0.865579


[site=2] * [grp=2] 0b 0 . . . . .


[site=3] * [grp=1] 0b 0 . . . . .


[site=3] * [grp=2] 0b 0 . . . . .


a. Dependent Variable: resp.

b. This parameter is set to zero because it is redundant.

Covariance ParametersEstimates of Covariance Parametersa

Parameter Estimate Std. Erro


Wald Z

Sig. 95% Confidence Interval

Fraction Missing


Relative Increase Varianc


Relative Efficiency

Lower Bound

Upper Bound

Repeated Measures

UN (1,1) 0.596764 0.14 4.359 0 0.380648 0.935582     

UN (2,1) 0.225965 0.09 2.42 0.016 0.04293 0.408999     

UN (2,2) 0.469767 0.11 4.359 0 0.299643 0.736482     

UN (3,1) -0.13159 0.12-

1.069 0.285 -0.37277 0.109587     

UN (3,2) 0.067219 0.11 0.622 0.534 -0.1446 0.279039     

UN (3,3) 0.935179 0.21 4.359 0 0.596507 1.466135     

a. Dependent Variable: resp.


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Permata Depok Regency, 18 April 2015