A Little snail 高年级组 No. 2 Apr. 9. forest Brainstorm What animals are there in the forest?

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Transcript of A Little snail 高年级组 No. 2 Apr. 9. forest Brainstorm What animals are there in the forest?

A Little snail

高年级组 No. 2 Apr. 9



What animals are there in the forest?

1 、 It's small. It has a hard shell.坚硬的外壳

2 、 It has a long tail. It can climb fast.

3 、 It has beautiful wings. It can fly high.漂亮的翅膀

4 、 It has a very long neck and four legs. It's tall.

There’s a tall tree in the forest. A little snail lives at the bottom of the tree. One day, he wants to climb to the top of the tree. He wants to see the big world.

I'm a little snail. I have a hard shell. I want to see the big world.

Q1: Who lives at the bottom of the tree?


Q2: What does the snail want to do?

He wants to climb to the top of the tree.爬

(He climbs slowly along the big trunk. Here comes a naughty monkey.)

Hey, Mr. Snail. Look, I have a long tail. I can climb fast. You climb so slowly. You can't climb to the top of the tree.

Perhaps I can't, but I'd like to try.



Finish the sentences:

Mr. Snail meets a _______ _________.He has a _______ _________.He can _______ _________.

naughty monkeylong

tailclimb fast

(Then he climbs again, step by step. The sun is shining brightly. It’s getting hotter and hotter. At this time, he sees a beautiful parrot in the tree.)

Hey, Mr Snail. Look, I have beautiful wings. I can fly high. You have no wings. You can’t fly. You can’t get to the top of the tree.

Perhaps I can’t, but I’d like to try.

Yes or No questions:

1 、 The parrot has beautiful wings. Yes

2 、 The parrot think the snail can get to the top of the tree. No

(It is still a very long journey, but the snail does not give up. He starts to climb again, step by step. When he climbs across a big branch, he sees a giraffe.)

Look, Mr Snail. I have a long neck and four long legs. I’m tall. You’re so little. The tree is so tall. You can’t climb to the top of the tree.

Perhaps I can’t, but I’d like to try.



Did the snail give up?放弃

He climbs and climbs, step by step. Now, the little snail is out of breath. He is getting close to the tallest branch. At last, he climbs to the top of the tree. He sees the beautiful world.


Read the story in pairs, and find the discribtion words of these four animals.找出形容四中动物的词或短语,填入表格。






Act each animal:

I'm a ...I have ...I can ...

Read the story in groups and finish the passage.


There’s a snail lives ___________________. One day, he wants to _________________and ______________. But he has a __________.

When the snail climbs the tree, he sees ___________, the monkey has ______________ and he can ________. He thinks the snail can’t __________________.

Then, the snail sees _________, she has __________ and she can ______________. He also thinks the snail can’t _________________. But the snail don’t ________.

    Last, the snail sees _________. He has __________and __________. He’s ______, too. He thinks the snail can’t_________________.

Finally, the snail climb to ____________________. He sees ________________.

Discussion:If you were the snail, when you reach the top of the tree, what would you say or do?



What can you learn from this story?你从这个故事中学到了什么呢?

No matter how hard, we should have a try.不管事情多难,我们都应该试一试。

Never gives up.永不放弃。

