9961016 賴昭尹 9961029 黃文菁 9961034 張佑愷 9961041 蔡毓萍. Do you know that diet could...

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Transcript of 9961016 賴昭尹 9961029 黃文菁 9961034 張佑愷 9961041 蔡毓萍. Do you know that diet could...

Health -- Unit 8 Health and Nature

9961016 賴昭尹  9961029 黃文菁9961034 張佑愷  9961041 蔡毓萍

DIETDo you know that diet could influence our health?





Healthy Food - Vegetable

Begin to consume healthy foods in daily life, will make your body healthy and protect not only your body from cancer and but also other diseases that can harm the body and your life.



Strawberry & blueberries

Tomato Watermelon

Kidney beans

Body Weight & DietAmericans consume unhealthy amounts of sodium in their food, far exceeding

public health recommendations. Consuming too much sodium increases the risk for high blood pressure, a serious health condition that is avoidable and can lead to a variety of diseases. Analysts estimate that population-wide reductions in sodium could prevent more than 100,000 deaths annually. While numerous stakeholders have initiated voluntary efforts to reduce sodium consumption in the United States during the past 40 years, they have not succeeded. Without major change, hypertension and cardiovascular disease rates will continue to rise, and consumers will pay the price for inaction.

In 2008, Congress asked the IOM to recommend strategies for reducing sodium intake to levels recommended in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. In this report, the IOM concludes that reducing sodium content in food requires new government standards for the accept able level of sodium. Manufacturers and restaurants need to meet these standards so that all sources in the food supply are involved. The goal is to slowly, over time, reduce the sodium content of the food supply in a way that goes unnoticed by most consumers as individuals taste sensors adjust to the lower levels of sodium.

Sleeping & DietDr Shahrad Taheri from Bristol University, and colleagues in the United States, examined the role of two key

hormones that are involved in regulating appetite – ghrelin and leptin. Ghrelin increases feelings of hunger while leptin acts to suppress appetite.

People who habitually slept for 5 hours were found to have 15% more ghrelin than those who slept for 8 hours. They were also found to have 15% less leptin. These hormonal changes may cause increased feelings of hunger, leading to a foraging in the fridge for food.

Dr Taheri, lead author of the study, said: "We found that people who slept for shorter durations have reduced leptin and elevated ghrelin. These differences are likely to increase appetite and, in societies where food is readily available, this may contribute to obesity. Individuals who spent less

than 8 hours sleeping were shown to have a greater likelihood of being heavier. Good sleep, in combination with other lifestyle modifications may be important in fighting obesity".

This is the first large population-based study to show a significant association between sleep duration and metabolic hormones. The research examined over 1000 volunteers under "real life" conditions.

Dr Taheri, Clinical Lecturer at Bristol University's Henry Wellcome Laboratories, and colleagues at Stanford University and the University of Wisconsin studied volunteers from the Wisconsin Sleep Cohort Study, a population-based study of sleep disorders. The participants underwent continuous sleep monitoring, and reported on their sleep habits through questionnaires and sleep diaries. The results are published in the open-access medical journal Public Library of Science Medicine (7 December, 2004).

Over the last 50 years we have reduced the amount of time we spend asleep by up to two hours a night because of increasing pressures on our time (work, school, family, television, computer games and the internet). The

research suggests that this lack of sleep may be contributing to the obesity pandemic.

SLEEPINGSo, how do we get a better sleep?





10 Easy Ways to Get a Better Sleep

Make sure you get as much light as you can during the day and darkness at night

Avoid napping

Avoid inebriates before bed

Analyze the quality of your bed

Take a look at your pillow

10 Easy Ways to Get a Better Sleep

Check out your sleep environment

Eat a baked potato before bed

Read before bed

Paint your room a different color

Try counting sheep

RELAXATIONIn addition to sleeping, are there other ways to relax?





Some Advices for Relaxation

For your health, it is necessary to keep a relax mood. There are some advices to help you with relaxation:

Stopped to take a deep breath

Laughter / Laugh it off Stretch

Massage Yoga Exercise





Speaking of exercise, how many are there types of exercise?

Types of exercise

You should commit yourself to regular exercise that includes three types of activity: flexibility exercises, strengthening exercises, and cardiovascular exercise. That may sound like a lot, but if you incorporate it into your daily routine, you'll find it gets easier to do without even thinking about it.

Before you begin any exercise, you should consult your physician to see if the exercise is appropriate for you. It will help you learn how to get started, how to modify exercises so he doesn't damage your joints and how to set reasonable goals for yourself.




Exercise is an important component in staying healthy when you have arthritis. Moderate physical activity on a regular basis help decrease fatigue, strengthen muscles and bones, increase flexibility and stamina. Joint flexibility is especially important when you have arthritis because stiff joints mean inability to do daily tasks, such as starting the car.

Thinks for Listening!