56 ethnic beauties in china (中華民族56族美女)

Post on 14-Jul-2015

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Transcript of 56 ethnic beauties in china (中華民族56族美女)

The Han Chinese are the largest ethnic group, where some 91.59% of the

population was classified as Han Chinese (~1.2 billion). Besides the majority Han

Chinese, 55 other ethnic groups are recognised in mainland China by the PRC

government, numbering approximately 105 million people, mostly concentrated in

the northwest, north, northeast, south, and southwest but with some in central

interior areas.

在中國漢族是最大的族群,其中有 91.59%的人口為中國漢族(約12億)。除了多數的漢族,其他在中國大陸被政府承認的 55個民族,人口數量約 1.05億,主要集中在西北,華北,東北,華南,西南,與一些中部內陸地區。

The major minority ethnic groups are Zhuang (16.9 million), Hui (10.5 million),

Manchu (10.3 million), Uyghur (10 million), Miao (9.4 million), Yi (8.7 million), Tujia

(8.3 million), Tibetan (6.2 million), Mongol (5.9 million), Dong (2.8 million), Buyei

(2.8 million), Yao (2.7 million), Bai (1.9 million), Korean (1.8 million), Hani (1.6

million), Li (1.4 million), Kazakh (1.4 million), and Dai

少數民族主要有壯族(1,690萬),回族(1,050萬),滿族(1,030萬),維吾爾族(1,000萬),苗族(940萬),彝族(870萬),土家族(830萬),藏族( 620萬),蒙古族(590萬),侗族(280萬),布依族(280萬),瑤族(270萬),白族(190萬),朝鮮族(180萬),哈尼族(160萬),黎族(140萬),哈薩克族(140萬),傣族(120萬)。

The ethnic groups in China 中國的民族

Han (漢族)

Hui (回族)

(Hmong) Uighur (維吾爾族)

Tujia (土家族)

Yi (彝族)

Buyi (布依族)

Dong Yao (瑤族)

Korean (朝鮮族)

Bai (白族)

Hani (哈尼族)

Kazakh (哈薩克族)

De'ang (德昂族)

Oroqin (鄂倫春族)

Mongol (蒙古族)

Miao (Hmong)


Pumi (普米族)

Tibetan (藏族)

Xibe (錫伯族)

Li (黎族)

Dai, (also called Dai Lue, one of the Thai ethnic groups) 傣族

She (佘族)

Lisu (僳僳族)

Dongxiang (東鄉族)

Lahu (拉祜族)

Shui (水族)

Wa (佤族)

Zhuang (壯族)

Mosuo (摩梭)

Dong (侗族)

Uzbek (烏孜別克族)

Gin (京族 Jing1)

Jino (基諾族)

Manchu (滿族)

Maonan (毛南族)

Gaoshan (Taiwanese aborigine) (高山族)

[註] Sarta高山族:這是大陸叫法,是個統稱。臺灣原住民有若干族系,因此臺灣早已不用這個稱呼。姑且按大陸中文拼音寫作Gaoshan。

Qiang (羌族)

Kirghiz (柯爾克孜族)

Daur (達斡爾族 Dáwòěr Zú)

Salar (撒拉族)

Tatar (塔塔爾族)

Achang (阿昌族)

Nu (怒族)

Yugur (裕固族)

Menba (門巴族)

Drung (獨龍族)

Tajik (塔吉克族)

Hezhen (赫哲族)

Lhoba (珞巴族)

Naxi (納西族)

Evenki (鄂溫克族)

Du (土族)

Jingpo (景頗族)

Blang (布朗族 Bulang)

Bonan (保安族)

Russian (俄羅斯族)


Music : Chinese music 記得我們有約

The photos are derived from the following websites.http://man40.blog.163.com/blog/static/185274039201410130746765/