20131101 Planning From The Trenches

Post on 24-May-2015

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20131101 DevLove関西 「アジャイルな見積もり」を語ってみませんか? http://devlove-kansai.doorkeeper.jp/events/6440

Transcript of 20131101 Planning From The Trenches

  • 1. Planning from the Trenches DevLOVE 2013/11/01

2. 2 3. 3 4. 4 5. 1. 2.5 6. 1. @bueringsWeb App Engineerat http://buerings.hatenablog.com/6 7. 1. @Engineer 7 8. 1. @ ( 8 9. 1. 201007() 9 10. 1. Survey! 10 11. 1. 11 12. 1. Agile201109 Scrum Boot Camp 201111 Certied ScrumMaster Training GET 12 13. 1. 13 14. 1. Survey! 14 15. 1. Tips :P15 16. 1. 16 17. 1. 17 18. 1. Fix18 19. 1. 19 20. 1. Survey! 20 21. 1. 21 22. 1. 22 23. 1. 20120911Global Experience Program 3 San Francisco Agile Scrum23 24. 1. 20120911 ++ 24 25. 11/16 DevLOVE Decision 25 26. 1. 26 27. 1. 27 28. 1. 2010.07- :WF 2011.09- :WF+Agile 2012.09- SFAgile 2013.01- 28 29. 1. 29 30. 30 31. 31 32. 32 33. (Survey?)33 34. 34 35. 35 36. 36 37. 1.(10?) 2.37 38. 2. 201301 38 39. 2. 201301 71 14 39 40. 2. 40 41. 2. 41 42. 2. 42 43. 2. 43 44. 1. 2.44 45. 1. 2. 3.45 46. 2. 46 47. 2. 47 48. 2. 48 49. 2. 49 50. 2. 50 51. 2. 51 52. 2. 52 53. 2. 53 54. 2. 54 55. 2. 55 56. 2. 56 57. 2. 57 58. 2. 58 59. 2. 59 60. 2. AB60 61. 2. AB 61 62. 2. AB 17562 63. 2. 1. 63 64. 2. 1. 2. 14 1664 65. 2. 65 66. 2. 14 66 67. 2. 67 68. 2. 68 69. 2. 69 70. 1.(10?) 2.(5?) 3.(5?)70 71. 3. 71 71 72. 3. 1 72 73. 173 74. 1274 75. 175 76. 176 77. 177 78. 178 79. 1179 80. 3. OK OK OK 80 81. 381 82. 3 82 83. 483 84. 4 84 85. 3. 4 285 86. 4:80% 60%86 87. 4:80%87 88. 4: 88 89. 4:5 89 90. 3. 190 91. 591 92. 5 5Join92 93. 5 2w 2w+0.5 1+1.0 93 94. 794 95. 3. 95 96. 1096 97. 10+97 98. 1098 99. 99 100. 100 101. 101 102. 102 103. 103