20100612 meditation

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Buddhism Blue Cliff Record Meditation Koan

Transcript of 20100612 meditation

Updated Mar 2010

加拿大佛教會 湛山精舍 學佛班

禪坐入門 Introduction to

Chán Meditation2010/06/12

Buddhist Association of Canada

Cham Shan Temple

Updated Mar 2010

Buddhist Association of Canada

Cham Shan Temple

ná mó fó tuó南 無 佛 陀

Namo Buddha

ná mó dá mó 南 無 達 摩

Namo Dharma

ná mó sēng qié南 無 僧 伽

Namo Sangha

加拿大佛教會 © 2006 Buddhist Association of Canada

Buddhist Association of Canada

The 3rd Dhyana 三禪

A state of refined bliss: One lets go of the ecstatic emotions of joy and abides in mindfulness (a steady, continuous presence of mind), spiritual insight and singleness of mind. One continues to feel the less intense & more sublime affective state of bliss.捨去二禪之喜、樂,住於非苦非樂之「行捨」之境地,以正念、正知繼續修習而產生離喜妙樂。The Third Dhyana has great strength of Samadhi, having been freed to all cognitive states of mind as well as the all but the most subtle affective state of mind.唯有意識活動,與樂受、捨受相應。此定中之乐是与外境无关,是由内心发出的快乐。由于三禅以上没有乐受,故经中常说世间之最乐是在三禅。

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Buddhist Association of Canada

The Landmarks of the 3rd Dhyana 三禪發相Renunciation - Letting go; sublimating the ecstatic emotions of joy 捨支 : 捨喜心不悔,並離昏

沉 , 過勇或沉醉的過失。Mindfulness - Remembrance; a steady, continuous

presence of mind 正念支 : 既得三禪之樂,用精進 , 定力和醒悟來守護,令樂增長。

Insight - Spiritual insight into the nature of reality and the mind 悟支 : 善用三法 , 遠離三過。

Contentment - Spiritual bliss; a most sublime affective state of mind 樂支 : 快樂,樂遍身受。

Concentration - Singleness of mind; pure mental concentration 一心支 : 受樂心息 , 一心寂定。

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Buddhist Association of Canada

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Buddhist Association of Canada

The 4th Dhyana 四禪

A stage of equanimity: Free of both cognitive (verbal) and affective (emotional) states of mind. No affective states of mind remain as one reaches the highest level of pure mental concentration. One-pointed Samadhi is completely attained.行者精進不止,心無動散,於後忽然開發,定心安穩,出入息斷,定發之時,與捨俱生,無苦無樂,空明寂靜,此時心如明鏡不動,亦如靜水無波,絕諸亂想,正念堅固,猶如虛空,是名世間真實禪定。於此禪中,若欲轉緣,學一切事,隨意成就,轉粗形為妙質,易短壽為長年,一切神通妙用,說法自在,莫不從此定出。

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Buddhist Association of Canada

The 4th Dhyana 四禪

Renunciation - All affective states of mind are completely eliminated. 不苦不樂,此禪初發,與捨受俱發,捨受心法,不與苦樂相應。

Mindfulness - Completely steady and continuous presence of mind 既得不苦不樂定,捨棄勝樂,不生厭悔。

Equanimity - Impartiality; Complete freedom from and indifference to all subconscious disturbance, including suffering, joy and contentment. 心念清淨,禪定分明,平等智慧,照了無遺。

Concentration - Singlenss of mind; pure mental concentration.定心寂靜,雖對眾緣,心無動念。

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Buddhist Association of Canada

Five Absorption Factors 五支功德

1st Dhyana初禪

2nd Dhyana二禪

3rd Dhyana三禪

4th Dhyana四禪

Sensuality 欲界

Secluded 離欲界

Awareness 覺

Accompanies 有覺


Observation 觀

Accompanies 有觀


Joy (Piti)喜

Seclusion born; pervades body充滿喜

Samadhi born; pervades body定生喜

Fades away漸消滅

Happiness (Sukha)樂

Seclusion born; pervades body充滿樂

Samadhi born; pervades body定生樂

Pervades physical body妙樂充滿

Abandoned 離喜樂

Equanimity 一心

Least strength定力較少

Internal confidence信心充足 , 一心不動

Equanimous mindful一心寂定

Pure one-pointed mind心念清淨

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Buddhist Association of Canada

What if joy hasn’t appear? 喜樂未顯現 ?

• Clinging too much to sensory desire - not enough contentment過於追求感性 , 不能滿足。• Find faults in observing object - not enough knowing 專注於不完美之處 , 對所觀之相不滿 , 不以空假中觀之。• Doubt about the role of effort - not enough confidence. 疑惑不清 , 對禪修效果沒有信心。• Sloth and torpor - not enough energy. 怠惰 , 昏沉 , 精神不足。• Busy on thinking about doing meditation – too much thinking 太注意自己的造作 , 不能超越自我。• Wish the mind to be still all the time – too many wishes 過於祈求達到定境 , 欲速不達。

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Buddhist Association of Canada

Calming the five senses 五觀漸滅The Cheshire Cat in ALICE IN WONDERLAND 柴郡貓於愛麗絲的夢遊仙境

• The smiling face of a Cheshire Cat appears in the blue sky. 柴郡貓的笑臉在籃天上出現。• As Alice observes the image, the Cat's head gradually disappears. 當愛麗絲觀看時 , 貓的頭部漸漸消失。•Soon, only a mouth is left with an endearing smile. 很快便祇剩下貓的口部和可愛的笑容。•Then the mouth disappears, but the smile still remains! 然後貓的口部也漸漸消失 , 祇剩下美麗的笑容。•The body has gone, but the beauty remains. 最後 , 全身消失 , ” ”祇剩下的是 美麗 。

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Buddhist Association of Canada

The Vajra Prajnà Pàramità Sutra


The Vajra Prajnà Pàramità Sutra


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Buddhist Association of Canada

Chapter 1 of Diamond Sutra 金剛經第一品

Chapter 1. The Reasons for the Dharma Assembly Thus I have heard. At one time the Buddha was staying in

the Jeta Grove in the Garden of the Benefactor of Orphans and the Solitary together with a gathering of great bhikùus, twelve hundred fifty in all. At that time, at meal time, the World Honored One put on his robe, took up his bowl, and entered the great city of Sràvastã to beg for food.

第一品 法会因由分如是我闻,一时,佛在舍卫国祗树给孤独园,与大比丘众千二百


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Buddhist Association of Canada

Chapter 1 of Diamond Sutra 金剛經第一品

After he had finished his sequential begging within the city, he returned, ate the food, put away his robe and bowl, washed his feet, arranged his seat, and sat down.


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Buddhist Association of Canada

Chapter 2 of Diamond Sutra 金剛經第二品

Chapter 2 Subhåti’s RequestAt that time the Elder Subhåti arose from his seat in the

assembly, uncovered his right shoulder, placed his right knee on the ground, put his palms together with respect and said to the Buddha: “How rare, World Honored One, is the Tathàgata who remembers and protects all Bodhisattvas and causes them to be well-endowed.”

第二品 善现启请分时,长老须菩提在大众中即从座起,偏袒右肩,右膝着地,


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Buddhist Association of Canada

Chaper 2 of Diamond Sutra 金剛經第二品

“World Honored One, if a good man, or good woman, resolves his heart on Anuttarasaüyaksaübodhi, how should he dwell, how should he subdue his heart?”

The Buddha said, “Good indeed, good indeed, Subhåti, it is as you say. The Tathàgata remembers and protects all Bodhisattvas and causes them to be well-endowed. Now listen attentively; I shall tell you. A good man or good woman who resolves his heart on Anuttarasaüyaksaübodhi should thus dwell, should thus subdue his heart.

“Yes, certainly, World Honored One. I want to hear. I am delighted to listen.

世尊善男子、善女人,发阿耨多罗三藐三菩提心,应云何住,云何降伏其心?”佛言:“善哉,善哉。须菩提!如汝所说,如来善护念诸菩萨,善付嘱诸菩萨。汝今谛听!当为汝说 :”

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Buddhist Association of Canada

Case #12 – Three Pounds of Flax

A monk asked Dung-shan, “What is Buddha?”

Dung-shan said, “Three pounds of flax.”


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Buddhist Association of Canada

Case #12 – Three Pounds of Flax

The sun rushes, the moon hurries.Has there ever been carelessness in a good

response?To see Dungshan as laying out facts according

to the situations.Is like a lame tortoise or a blind turle gone into

an empty valley.金乌急,玉兔速,善应何曾有轻触?展事投机见洞山,跛鳖盲龟入空谷。

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Buddhist Association of Canada

Case #12 – Three Pounds of Flax

Flowering groves, multicolored forests;Bamboo of the southlands, wood of the

northlands.So I think of Changging and Offier Liu;He could say he should laugh, not cry. Ha!花簇簇,锦簇簇,南地竹兮北地木。因思长庆陆大夫,解道合笑不合哭。

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Buddhist Association of Canada

Dung-shan's Sixty Blows 洞山三頓

洞山參次于雲門。 門問曰:近離甚處。Dung-shan came to study with Yün-men. Yün-men asked, "Where are you from?"山曰 : 査渡。"From Cha-Du." Dung-shan replied.門曰 : 夏在甚處。"Where were you during the summer?"

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Buddhist Association of Canada

Dung-shan's Sixty Blows 洞山三頓

山曰 : 湖南報慈。"Well, I was at the monastery of Hunan Bao-Ci."門曰 : 幾時離彼。"When did you leave there." Yün-men asked.山曰 : 八月二十五。“It was on August 25“ Dung-shan replied.門曰 : 放汝三頓棒。"I spare you sixty blows." Yün-men said.

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Buddhist Association of Canada

Dung-shan's Sixty Blows 洞山三頓

山至明日却上問訊。昨日蒙和尚放三頓棒。The next day Dung-shan came to Yün-men and said,

"Yesterday you said you spared me sixty blows.不知過在甚麼處。I beg to ask you, where was I at fault?"門曰 : 飯袋子 , 江西湖南便恁麼去。"Oh, you rice bag!" shouted Yün-men. "What makes you

wander about, now west of the river, now south of the lake?"

山於此大悟。 Dung-shan thereupon came to a mighty enlightenment


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Buddhist Association of Canada

Dung-shan's Sixty Blows 洞山三頓

Wu-men‘s Comment 無門評無門曰 : 雲門當時便與本分草科 , 使洞山別有生機一路 , 家

門不致寂寥。If Yün-men had given Dung-shan the true food of Zen

and encouraged him to develop an active Zen spirit, his school would not have declined as it did.

一夜在是非海裏著到 , 直待天明再來 , 又與他注破。Dung-shan had an agonizing struggle through the

whole night, lost in the sea of right and wrong. He reached a complete impasse. After waiting for the dawn, he again went to Yün-men, and Yün-men again made him a picture book of Zen.

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Buddhist Association of Canada



ShengguangShi@hotmail.comShengguang Shi 釋聖光Tom Cheung 張相棠Kam Cheung 張仁勤Dennis Yap 葉普智

Questions and Comments 討論

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Buddhist Association of Canada

yuàn xiāo sān zhàng zhū fán năo

願消三障諸煩惱We wish to rid ourselves of the three hindrances and all klesas.

yuàn dé zhì huì zhēn míng lĭao

願得智慧真明了We wish to gain wisdom and real understanding.

pŭ yuàn zuì zhàng xī xiāo chú

普願罪障悉消除 We wish all sinful hindrances to be totally eradicated.

shì shì cháng xíng pú sà dào

世世常行菩薩道In one life after another we always follow Bodhisattvas’ paths.

回向Parinamana (Transfer of Merit)