第一天 接機 酒店 HTL:桃園智選假日或同級 高鐵體驗環島七天... ·...

Post on 25-Mar-2018

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Transcript of 第一天 接機 酒店 HTL:桃園智選假日或同級 高鐵體驗環島七天... ·...

第一天 接機/酒店 HTL:桃園智選假日或同級 第二天 桃園/早上體驗高鐵/台北/轉乘 MRT/中正紀念堂(蔣公銅像‧文物館)/九份山城/宜蘭/南方澳/南天宮/蘇花公路/花蓮/七星潭風景區(早:酒店內、午:金品茶樓-小籠包風味餐、晚:原住民風味餐) *中正紀念堂: 整個建築充分顯示中國特色之美,氣勢雄偉,公園內名花異卉,小橋流水,景觀壯麗。 *九份:它是昔日的金礦產區,也是今日的電影悲情城市的外景地。那裡可以品嘗草仔粿、蕃薯芋頭丸、潮洲魚丸等各式小吃。 *南天宮:位於第一漁港底端的南天宮媽祖廟,供奉東南亞最大的金后。 *七星潭:是花蓮縣唯一的縣級風景區,乍聽之下似乎是一個星星狀的湖泊地形,但初到七星潭,肯定會被那新月型的海灣給迷惑,又稱月牙灣的七星潭是個湛藍的礫石海灣,海灣的末端依著高聳的中央山脈,那幅山海邂逅的畫面讓多少人為此陶醉。 HTL:花蓮麗格或同級 第三天 花蓮/靈芝茶藝館/太魯閣國家公園管理處/東西橫貫公路牌坊/長春祠/瑞穗牧場/花東縱谷風光/台東/知本溫泉-穿泳衣、戴泳帽 (早:酒店內、午:台式料理、晚:溫泉風味餐) *太魯閣國家公園: 我國第 4 座國家公園,太魯閣峽谷是一個足以傲視全世界的地理景觀。名列台灣百岳的高山 27 座,美麗的瀑布,雄偉的斷崖,怡人的溫泉,種種自然資源組成了遊憩者的天堂。 *太魯閣牌坊: 富有中國味的小型牌樓。 *長春祠: 祠堂下方有一瀑布自山洞 中流出,即是有名的「長春飛瀑」一道飛瀑在長春祠前分流入溪,加上古典優雅的祠堂 建築,一幅似國畫般的山水庭園便呈現眼前,讓人頓時忘記塵世煩擾。 *瑞穗牧場: 風光明媚,水源潔淨,空氣新鮮,草原豐富,具發展畜牧業潛力;所謂瑞穗牧場事實上是指瑞穗鄉所有牧場的統稱,瑞穗鄉為花蓮縣最大的乳牛養殖區。 HTL: 知本東遊季或同級 第四天 台東/屏東/採果樂-所採水果自費/高雄/佛陀紀念館/珍珠養殖展示館/美濃客家村/春秋閣/龍虎塔/六合夜市 (早:酒店內、午:客家料理、晚:六合夜市自理) *佛陀紀念館: 興建緣起於 1998年星雲大師至印度菩提伽耶傳授國際三壇大戒,西藏喇嘛「貢噶多傑仁波切」贈送佛牙舍利,並表達盼能在台灣建館供奉的心願,主館供奉佛牙舍利。 *美濃客家村: 參觀製作傳統油紙傘、竹藝術品,尚可自費品味客家美食如粄條、清冰及擂茶。 *春秋閣: 觀賞點綴其間的生龍活虎兩巨塔,同時觀賞玄天上帝神像,觀音大士騎龍等,建築精心設計,壯麗中不失典雅之美。 *六合夜市: 高雄最出名的觀光夜市,遊客可自費享用棺材板、七里香、鱔魚意麵……等遠近馳名的南部小吃。 HTL: 高雄國際星辰或同級 第五天 高雄/國道風光/山地特產中心/南投/日月潭國家風景區-搭船遊湖/文武廟/台中/逢甲商圈 (早:酒店內、午:邵族風味餐、晚:逢甲夜市自理) *日月潭: 地形依山傍水,全潭以光華島為界,北面如日,南面如月故明日月潭。 *文武廟: 位於日月潭山腰上,因供奉孔子、岳飛以及關羽而得名。廟宇以金黃色為主,巍峨聳立,氣勢非凡,值得細細欣賞以及品味。 *逢甲商圈: 逢甲夜市是特色小吃聚集的地區,異國風味小吃近來異軍突起,包括鳥蛋荷包蛋、墨西哥袋餅、日本酥脆棒、歐洲風格的咖啡攤,還有天下第一菇。 HTL: 台中西悠或同級 第六天 台中/台北/忠烈祠/天祿藝術中心/101 購物中心-觀景台自費/饒河夜市

(早:酒店內、午:伍角船板、晚:饒河夜市自理) *忠烈祠: 祠內供奉著歷年忠勇犧牲的烈士牌位及建國史跡圖片,並能觀賞衛兵換班交接儀式。 *101 購物中心: 在世界上最高的大樓享受寬廣、舒適的購物樂趣。 *饒河街觀光夜市:為台北市第二條觀光夜市。攤位整齊,內容琳琅滿目,蚵仔麵線、牛雜麵、冰品攤等應有盡有。除了小吃外,各種日用百貨如服飾、皮鞋亦物美價廉,此外還有民俗技藝表演及土產展售等。 HTL: 台北六福客栈或同級

第七天 送機 (早:酒店內)

Day 1 Arrival Taiwan Hotel: Holiday Inn Express Taoyuan or Similar

Day 2 Taoyuan/ Morning Take Bullet Train/ Taipei/ Transfer MRT/ National CKS Memorial Hall (Bronze statue of Chiang Kai-shek‧Exhibition Halls)/ Chiufen/ Yilan/ Nan Fang Ao/ Nantien Temple/ Suhua Highway National Road/ Hualien/ Cisingtan Scenic Area (B/L/D) *National CKS Memorial Hall (National Taiwan Democracy Memorial Hall): Is the most impressive monument to the great Chinese Hero. The hall’s enormous marble adifice towers over landscaped garden, graceful pavilions and placid ponds. The bronze statue of late President Chiang Kai-Shek looks out over the city from the main building. *Chiufen: To see the old fashioned way of life that still exists. With the aura of an old mining that still apparent, Chiufen radiates a variety of emotions. *Nantien Temple: It’s the landmark of Nafanau, and also the center for the traditional religion of the local citizen. *Qixingtan Scenic Area: It’s Counties grade Scenic area only in Hualien, sound like star shape lake, but in fact is like moon bay, and sure be attracted, Qixingtan another name is crescent bay, this place is a blue gravel bay , bay extremity depend stand tall Central Mountain Range, will be intoxicated in this view. Hotel: Hualien Lige Hotel or Similar

Day 3 Hualien/ Linzi & Tea Center/ Taroko National Park /Taroko Memorial Arch Building/ Eternal Spring Temple / Rei Suei Farm/ Taitung Hot Spring- Wear a swimsuit (B/L/D) *Taroko: The gorge was formed by rushing river waters which have cut straight through the marble and granite to create a beautiful, narrow ravine with waterfalls and patches of mist clinging to the mountains, surrounded by subtropical forests. There are several notable scenic spots in and near the gorge. *Taroko Memorial Arch Building: It’s designed in Chinese style. *Eternal Spring Temple: Situated on the valley with the beautiful scene. *Rei Suei Leisure Farm: With beautiful scenery, clear water, fresh air, and affluent grassland, these districts are suitable for development of stockbreeding. Hotel: Taitung Toyugi Hot Spring or Similar

Day 4 Taitung/ Pingtung/ Fruit Ranch -pick fruit own expenses/ Kaohsiung/ Fo Guang Shan Buddha Memorial Center/ Pearl Center/ Mei Non Hakka Village/ Spring & Autumn Pavilion/ Dragon & Tiger Tower/ Leo Ho Night Market (B/L)Dinner own expenses in Leo Ho Night Market) *Fo Guang Shan Buddha Memorial Center: was built in 1998, The Master arrived in India to teach Buddhism doctrine, Tibetan lama give tooth relic and hope to build a museum in Taiwan. Main Hall place tooth relic. *Mei Non Hakka Village: You have the chance to see the traditional Hakka Handicrafts, such as hand-make umbrella, bamboo handicraft…ext. Also you can pay for taste some Hakka traditional food, such as Ban Tiao, Ice block and Le Tea. *Spring And Autumn Pavilions: Where you will be amused by gigantic statues of Dragon and Tiger Pagodas, Hsuan Tien Shangti Temple. *Leo Ho Night Market: The famous night market at Kaohsiung, paxs can try the delicious local food on their own, and enjoy the shopping of some low prices clothes or souvenirs. Hotel: Kaohsiung National Citizen or Similar

Day 5 Kaohsiung/ Aboriginal product shop/ Nantou/ Sun Moon Lake National Scenic Area-Take Boat on lake/ Wenwu Temple/ Taichung/ Fong Jia Night Market (B/L) *Dinner own expenses in Fong Jia Night Market *Sun Moon Lake: The largest lake in Taiwan. There is an island called “Guang Hua Island” in the middle of the lake. Northern part of the island, looks like a sun, southern part looks like a moon, that’s why called Sun Moon Lake. *Wen Wu Temple: The temple to enshrine and worship Confucius, Guan Gong and Yue Faye *Fong Jia Night Market: This is the night market which near by the Feng Chia University.You could not only shop for the low-price clothes, but also try the local food. Hotel: Taichung CU Hotel or Similar

Day 6 Taichung/ Taipei/ Martyrs' Shrine/ Handicraft Center/ 101 Shopping Mall -Observatory own expenses/ Raohe Night Market (B/L) *Dinner own expenses in Raohe Night Market *Martyr’s Shrine: To view an elaborate ceremony of changing guards hourly.

*101 Shopping Mall: Enjoy your shopping in the tallest building in the world. **Raohe Night Market: You can taste local food here, Raohe Night Market is 2nd tourist night market at Taipei. Hotel: Taipei Leofoo or similar

Day 7 Transfer to airport for departure (B)