儉樸使我富足 (Frugality makes me rich)

Post on 13-Jul-2015

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Transcript of 儉樸使我富足 (Frugality makes me rich)

Frugality Makes Me Rich

對拉丁美洲的總統來說,和荷西 .穆希卡一同在國際會議亮相簡直令人坐立難安。

In an international meeting, Jose Mujica made all the South Americas’ presidents uneasy.

他不帶保安不打領帶,身上找不出一件名牌精品;最糟的是,他竟然是拉丁美洲最受歡迎的總統。He does not wear ties nor any brand. However, he is the most loved president in Latin America.

「南美瑞士」烏拉圭總統荷西 .穆希卡( Jose Mujica Cordano)現年七十六歲,在六十年代就投身左翼革命,先後被軍政府關押十四年,一九九五年起出任國會參眾議員,二○一○年三月成總統。“South America Swaziland”, Uruguay's Jose Mujica is 76 years old. He devoted himself to the left wing in 60’s. He was in prison for 14 years, became senator in 1995 and elected as president in March, 2010.

出身農家的穆希卡在二○○九年被左翼公推出馬參選總統時,曾婉拒說「要我當總統簡直就和教豬吹口哨一樣困難」,不料卻以高票當選。Mojica is from peasant’s family. When the left wing wanted him become president candidate. He refused politely:”me? to become a president, this is like to teach a pig to blow a whistle”. Surprisingly, he was elected with majority.

他去年申報的財產令人難以置信:首都蒙特維迪歐郊區一棟舊農舍和兩塊農地、兩輛一九八七年福斯金龜車、兩輛拖拉機,加上銀行不到廿萬美元(新台幣六百萬元)存款。His last year property report is also surprising: an old farm house and two pieces of lands; two small 1987 ford cars; two tractors; and less than 20,000 USA dollars in the bank.

穆希卡的清廉,使得進出講排場的拉美政客汗顏。他拒絕遷入總統官邸,因為「那比蹲過十四年的牢房大太多」。Mojica’s honesty made many politician feel uneasy. He refused to live in president’s residence : ” it is too much bigger than my prison cell”, he said.

他更拒絕了隨扈和防彈轎車接送,自己每天開著車齡四分之一世紀的金龜車上下班。He also refused to let a chauffer drive him to work in a bullet proof car. He drove himself to work in his small car each day.

這位異類總統周末還會整理菜園,帶愛犬出門蹓躂看球賽,他擔任國會議員的妻子說早已見怪不怪。The salient president does gardening at the weekend and walk as well as watch games with his dog. His senate wife said this is very normal things for him to do.

穆希亞上任後宣布,把一萬三千美元(新台幣卅九萬元)月薪的九成捐給遊民救助基金。When Jose became president he declared that he would donate 90% to charity.

他說:「剩下的夠我用了,如果有這麼多同胞連這數目都賺不到,我怎能說不夠呢?」他將來還要把部分退休金捐出。He said: ”The rest is enough for me. I have to do fine because there are many Uruguayans who live with much less. “ He said that he will donate part of his pension when he retires.


Spanish media reports that he is the poorest president in the world. Jose replied: “ I am not poor. Those people, who said that I was poor, are truly poor. It is true that I do not have much but frugality makes me very rich.