创办人 编者的话 - foryou.sg · 34. F. or . Y. ou . I. nformation 佛友资讯. PB. CONTENTS....

Post on 11-Aug-2020

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Transcript of 创办人 编者的话 - foryou.sg · 34. F. or . Y. ou . I. nformation 佛友资讯. PB. CONTENTS....

4 PBFor You Information 佛友资讯




封面摄影:asompoch (Pixabay)

序目5 为疫情向观世音菩萨祈愿文 - 星云大师

6-7 国际佛教

7 久“别”重聚 - 护国金塔寺、慈光福利协会、新加坡佛牙寺

8-9 示现金光明妙法 开发众生菩提心 - 护国金塔寺

10-1 病痛之下̶̶明贤法师访谈

11-12 九种因缘观(二) - 生觉尊者

14 自在观音 - 圣凯法师

15 心安就有平安 - 圣严法师

16 佛教是如何看待疾病的 - 上海玉佛禅寺

17 生命没有重复 - 达照法师

18-19 依教奉行,讲好佛教的故事(七) - 静波法师讲述

20-21 世语心说 - 人心不足蛇吞象

21 诗词小雅 - 春日赏茶花;秋夜;闭关诗作(其四)22 动词的妙用 - 能愿法师

23 《观书有感》赏析 - 玄微

24 “见行堂语”系列漫画

25 视病痛为修行顺缘,修习六种波罗蜜多 - 慈诚罗珠堪布

28-29 四圣谛讲记(二十八) - 广超法师

30 珍馐素食

31 学佛Q&A - 道坚法师

31 佛教日历




本刊所刊载之文章纯属作者与受访者之个人意见,不代表本刊立场。The views and opinons expressed or implied in For You Information are strictly those of the

writers’ and interviewees’ and do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher’s.









25, Lorong 22, Geylang Singapore 398682Tel: 6742 6728 Fax: 6742 0862 http://www.foryou.sg

办公时间 Office Hours : 星期二至星期六 Tue-Sat 8.30am-5.00pm主编 Chief Editor : 赖云强 Lye Wan Keong中/英文编辑 CH/EN Editor : 禾乐; Pema Rinchen editor@foryou.sg设计 Graphic Design : K Ho info@foryou.sg广告业务 Marketing : sales@foryou.sg行政 Administration : Lynn Huang 海外特约记者 Overseas Correspondent : 如海出版社 Publisher : For You Information Ltd印刷公司 Printed by : Shotech Press Pte Ltd

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34 PBFor You Information 佛友资讯

CONTENTS33 Tan See Bock PhD Scholarship35-47 Buddhist Activities48-49 Buddhist Community and Social Services 50 Buddhist News51 Buddhist Events Sacred Birthday of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery – Great Compassion Prayer The Buddhist Union – Guanyin One-Day Retreat52-53 Feature Retreat Culmination Ceremony – Golden Pagoda Buddhist Temple 54-59 #SGunited Unity Amidst Global Pandemic – Stay Calm, Stay Healthy –ReflectonNon-GreedandNon-Hatred – Practise Mindfulness, Loving-Kindness, Compassion and Develop Spiritual Practice – Don’t Succumb to Fear and Bring in Compassion – Dharma in Action Maha Bodhi School Happy Rainbow Cards – Gratitude in Action –Reflections60 Rituals Foot-Cleansing Ritual – Washing Away All the Obscurations of Dust, Clinging and Ego61-63 Interview Buddhist Art – Encapsulating More Than a Visual Narrative (Part 1) By Pema Rinchen64-65 Special International Women’s Day – Outstanding Women in Buddhism Award 202066-67 Sutta Dedication of Merits to the Dear Departed – Qing Ming Observance

Founded in 1989 by Venerable Guang Chao, For You Information continues to promote Buddhism, related teachings and educational philosophy. Being a non-profit publication, we like to thank and appeal to allreaders, contributors and benefactors for the continued support in the propagating the Dharma.

Cover Photography: asompoch (Pixabay)

This issue’s cover symbolises the sincere wish and prayer that we have for all during these uncer-tain times, especially with how the COVID-19situationisaffectingnotjust Singapore but the world. Let us pray and hope that all the pain and suffering will soon be gone.And may all be well!


Editor’s Note

We will share a prayer here and may peace be upon all sentient beings.

Nine Bows

Homage to all that is healing in a person’s life, in all Traditions, and in the world.

Homage to all that is healing in the lives of Saints and Sages, in this prayer and all practices, and in my own mind.

Homage to all that is healingin the Stream of Ancestral Teachers, in the immediate Community of support, and in our positive motivations.

May immense bright blessings be on you and yours. May all beings benefit!

Before we dive into the highlights of this issue, we wouldfirstliketocongratulateGoldenPagodaBuddhistTemple and Most Venerable Chao Khun Fa Zhao on the completion of his 3-year retreat. Next, we would also like to extend our heartiest congratulations to Venerable Shi Faxun and Sister Joyce Lye on being awarded the ‘Outstanding Women in Buddhism Award 2020’. Re-joice, rejoice, rejoice!

This issue, we have lined up some tips and teachings from the Sangha on how better manage our personal emotional, psychological and spiritual well-being during thisdifficulttime,includinghowtoextendcompassiontoothers – putting Dharma into action and practice. Also, we share the heart-warming reflections from the staffand students of Maha Bodhi School on their Gratitude Project where they made cards to thank our frontline healthcare workers in managing the COVID-19 situa-tion. So, do check out “#SGUnited – Unity Amidst Glob-al Pandemic”.

In addition, we also pull our lens from Singapore to shores beyond, in an interview with artist Rima Fujita in the United States where she shares her inspiration and Buddhistinfluencesinherartin“BuddhistArt–Encap-sulating More Than a Visual Narrative (Part 1)”.

Lastly, may the luminosity of the Buddha Dharma con-tinue to shine and be a lamp upon all sentient beings!

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