班哲明‧布瑞頓 Benjamin Britten - ntnu.edu.tw

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Transcript of 班哲明‧布瑞頓 Benjamin Britten - ntnu.edu.tw

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(Sail On, Sail On)……………………………………………………50
(How Sweet The Answer)……………………………………….59
(The Minstrel Boy)……………………………………………………68
(At The Mid Hour Of Night)………………………………………….76
(Rich and Rare)…………………………………………………….83
(Dear Harp Of My Country!)…………………………………92

(Robert Victor Britten )(Edith Britten)
(Lowestoft Musical Society)

(South Lodge Preparatory School)
(Audrey Alston, 1883-1966)1924 (Norwich
Triennial Festival)(Frank Bridge, 1879-1941)
(The Sea, 1910-1911)

(Bela Bartók,

(John Ireland, 1879-1962)(Arthur Benjamin, 1893-1960)

(Phantasy, op. 2, 1932 )
(International Society of Contemporary Music)
(A Boy Was Born, op. 3, 1932-1933)
(British Broadcasting Corporation)

1 Eric Walter White, Benjamin Britten: his life and operas (London: Faber & Faber, 1983), 23.
(Wystan Hugh Auden, 1907-1973)3

(Coal Face, 1935)
(Our Hunting Fathers, op. 8, 1936 )(The
Baroque Era)(On The Island, op. 11, 1937 )
(Paul Bunyan, op. 17, 1941)
1939 1942 (Peter Pears, 1910-1986)

2 Humphrey Carpenter, Benjamin Britten: A Biography (New York: C. Scribner’s Sons, 1992),
373. 3 (William Butler Yeats,
1865-1939)(Thomas Stearns Eliot, 1888-1965)

(Poems, 1930)(Dance of Death, 1933)(The Age of Anxiety, 1947)

(Arthur Rimbaud, 1854-1981)5 (Les Illuminations,
op. 18, 1939)
(Seven Sonnets of Michlangelo, op.22, 1940)
(Sinfonia da Requiem, op. 20, 1940)(String Quartet No. 1, op.25,

(Council for the Encouragement of Music and the Art)

(Hymn to St. Cecilia, op.27, 1942)(A ceremony
of Carols, op.28, 1942)(Rejoice in the Lamb, op.30, 1942)

4 Diana McVeagh, Anthony Payne, Hugh Ottaway, Imogen Holst, Ian Kemp, and Peter Evans,
English 20th - century Masters: Elgar, Delius, Vaughan Williams, Holst, Walton, Tippett, Britten. (New York, Norton& Company, 1986) , 240.
(Le Bateau ivre, 1871)(Une Saison en Enfer, 1873)(Les Illuminations, 1874)
(Folksong Arrangements: Volume 2-
France, 1946)1947
(Folksong Arrangements: Volume 3 - British Isles, 1947)

(Peter Grimes, op. 33, 1945)
(Sadler’s Wells Theatre)(Aldeburgh)6

Purcell, 1659-1695)
(Chamber Opera)
(The Rape of Lucretia, op.37, 1946) 1954 (The Turn of Screw,
op.54, 1954)1947 (Eric Crozier,
1914-1994)7 (John Pipe, 1903-1992)8 (The English Opera
6 7
(A Midsummer Night’s Dream, op. 64, 1960)

(The Aldeburgh Festival of Music and the Arts )

(Dietrich Fischer- Dieskau, 1925- )(Osian Ellis, 1928- )
(Francis Poulenc, 1899-1963)(Aaron Copland, 1900-1990)
(Zoltán Kodály, 1882-1967)

Beggar’s Opera, op. 43, 1948)(The Little Sweep, op. 54, 1954)
(A Midsummer Night’s
Dream, op. 64, 1960)
C (Sonata in C for Cello and Piano, op.65, 1961)
(Suite for Cello Solo, op. 72, 80, 87 , 1965)D
(Symphony in D for Cello and Orchestra, op.68, 1963)

Vanity, op.78, 1967)

(Gamelan)9 (Claude Debussy,

(The Prince of the Pagodas, op.57, 1956)(Noh
Play)10 (Curlew River, op. 71, 1964)


(Folksong Arrangements: Volume 4- Moore’s Irish Melodies, 1960)
(Folksong Arrangements: Volume 5- British Isles, 1961)
(Folksong Arrangements: Volume 6- England, 1961)

(Wilfred Owen, 1893-1918)

11 12 Mervyn Cooke, The Companion to Benjamin Britten(New York: Cambridge Universuty Press,
1999), 300. 13 (2000)96
in Venice, op. 88, 1973)(Phaedra, op. 93,
1975)(Eight Folk Songs: British Isles,
1976) 1976
(passacaglia)14 (Virginia Lile Boaz)

(Alban Berg, 1885- 1935)(Paul Hindemith, 1895- 1963)


14 Ottó Károlyi, The Second British Musical Renaissance – from Elgar to P. Maxwell Davies (London and Toronto: Associated University Press, 1994), 63. 15 Virginia Lile Boaz, A Performer’s Guide to Benjamin Britten’s On This Island, Opus 11 (DMA diss. The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2000), 51.
(Hans Keller,
1919-1985)(Wolfgang Amadeua Mozart,

16 Motchell, Donald and Hans Keller, Benjamin Britten: a commentary on his works from a group of specialists (Greenwood Press, 1972), 321-322.
1779 (Dublin)

(Sydney Smith, 1771- 1845)17
18 (George Gordon Byron, 1788- 1824)19

17 1771 18http://www.grovemusic.com/shared/views/article.html?from=search&session_search_id=5578
74465&hitnum=1&section=music.19067 19 1788
(Lord Byron)

(Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, 1812- 1818)
(Don Juan, 1819- 1824) 20http://www.grovemusic.com/shared/views/article.html?from=search&session_search_id=10990

Bunting, 1773- 1843)22 (General Collection of Ancient Irish
Music, 1796)(Irish
Melodies, 1808- 1834)

of Anacreon, 1800)
(Anacreon Moore)1801 (Michael Kelly,
21 18
22 1792
1809 1840
23 24 Horatio S. Krans, Thomas Moore. Stephen Gwynn’s New Biography of The Author of “ Lalla
Rookh” And The “ Irish Melodies. ”( The New York Times, 1905.)

(Epistles Odes and Other Poems, 1806)
1807 (George Thomson, 1757- 1851)26
(William Power)

(The Blue Stocking, 1811)

25 26 1799 1818
(A Select Collection of Original Scottish Airs for the Voice)
(Sacred Songs, 1816)(Lalla Rookh,
1817)(A Selection of Popular
National Airs, 1818)


(Richard Brinsley Sheridan, 1751- 1816)
(Memoirs of the Life of Richard Brinsley Sheridan,
1825)(Letters & Journals of Lord Byron, with
Notices of his Life, 1830- 1831)(Lord Edward Fitzgerald,
1763- 1798)(The Life and Death of Lord Edward
Fitzgerald, 1831)27 28
(The School for Scandal, 1777)(The Critic, 1779) 1798

29 James W. Flannery, Dear Harp of My Country: The Irish Melodies of Thomas Moore( J. S.
Sanders & Company, Nashville, TN, 1995 & 1997), 117.