مراجعة نهائية فى اللغة الانجليزية للصف الثالث...

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Transcript of مراجعة نهائية فى اللغة الانجليزية للصف الثالث...

Magic questions for the dialogue:- Where do you come from?

I come from………………………….- Where are you from?

I'm from…………………..- What's your nationality?

I'm …………………………- How much is it?

It is……pounds.- How much does it cost?

It costs…………pounds.- How much did you pay for it?

I paid…………….pounds.- How long have you been……?

For……days \ weeks \ years.- With whom do\did you go there?

With my friends \ family.- What are you doing?

I'm…………………….- Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you too.- Can I help you?

Yes, I want…………….- How can I help you?

I want……………………- Thank you.

You are welcome.- What do you do in your free time?

I enjoy reading \ playing football.- What colour do you prefer?

Red \ Blue……- What size do you want?

Small, medium, large.- What's your opinion about…….?

I think…………………………1- Finish the following dialogue between Mai and Laura. Laura has just come to Egypt.

Mr. M. A. H 3rd year prep. Final Revision ( First Term)1

السؤال االول فى Dialogueاإلمتحان المحادث


Mai : Hello: Pleased to meet you. Laura : …………………. ( 1 ) …………………. Mai : …………………. ( 2 ) ………………..? Laura : Yes, my flight was comfortable. Mai : ……………………( 3 ) ………………? Laura : I'd like to stay in a hotel.

Asmaa bought a new mobile phone last week. She is showing it to her friend Rawda.

Asmaa : Look at my new mobile phone Rawda. Rawda : Great! When did you buy it? Asmaa : …………………. ( 1 ) ……………….. Rawda : …………………….. ( 2 ) ……………..? Asmaa : Yes, I know how to use it. Rawda : ……………………..( 3 ) ……………….? Asmaa : I paid 1000 pounds for it.

1- Finish the following dialogue between Ahmed and Osama.

Ahmed : Where did you go yesterday? I called you but………..( 1 ) ………….……………… Osama : …………………. ( 2 ) …………….………. Ahmed : Is your grandfather still alive? Osama : Yes, he is still alive. Ahmed : ……………………( 3 ) ……………………? Osama : He is over ninety.

Hadi and Ali are talking about their friend Fares who is ill

Hadi : Hello! Ali. Where is our friend Fares? Ali : He is absent today. Hadi : …………………. ( 1 ) …………..…………..? Ali : Because he is sick. Hadi : Did he go to the doctor? Ali : ……………….. ( 2 ) …………….……………….. Hadi : ……………………. ( 3 ) ….…………………? Ali :He gave him some medicines and advised him to stay in bed.

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Salesgirl : Can I help you, Madam? Lady : ……………………...( 1 ) …………………. Salesgirl : …………………. ( 2 ) ……………..………..? Lady : Blue. Salesgirl : Does this dress suit you? Lady : Yes, very much, I'll take it. Salesgirl : …………………….( 3 ) …………………..? Lady : No, thank you. Salesgirl : You are welcome.

Shaza : It's nice to see you again Shahi. Did you enjoy your trip to Aswan? Shahi : Yes, …………………. ( 1 ) …………….………. Shaza : ………………………. ( 2 ) …….……………..? Shahi : Only three days. Shaza : ……………………( 3 ) ……………………? Shahi : At the New Cataract Hotel.

Shopkeeper : Hello! Sir, can I help you? Tamer : Yes, please, I'd like to buy a shirt. Shopkeeper : …………………. ( 1 ) ……………..………..? Tamer : Size 41. Shopkeeper : …………………. ( 2 ) ………………….? Tamer : Black. ………………………( 3 ) ………………? Shopkeeper : 60 pounds.

Noha goes to the baker's to buy bread and cakes.

Noha : Do you have cakes and bread? Baker : Yes, I do. ………………………( 1 ) ……………? Noha : I'd like to ten loaves ,please. Baker : ………………………( 2 ) …………………….? Noha : Yes, give me four cakes. Baker : It's ten pounds. Noha : ……………………. ( 3 ) ….…………………

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Asmaa and Heba are talking about what they did yesterday

Asmaa : Where did you go yesterday? Heba : ……………………...( 1 ) …………………. Asmaa : …………………. ( 2 ) ……………..………..? Heba : With my brother and my cousin. Asmaa : …………………… ( 3 ) …………………….? Heba : By bus. Asmaa : What did you see there? Heba : I saw a lot of animals and birds.

Mai : Hello! Shorouk. Your dress is very nice. Is it new? Shorouk : Yes, it is. Mai : ………………………. ( 1 ) …….……………..? Shorouk : I bought it a week ago. Mai : ……………………( 2 ) ……………………? Shorouk : Sixty pounds. It is not expensive,…………..( 3 ) ….? Mai : No, it isn't expensive at all. I'll buy a new one

Mahrous : Hello! Nice to meet you. Tourist : ………………… ( 1 ) …………………. Mahrous : …………………. ( 2 ) ……………..………..? Tourist : I'm from Britain. Mahrous : …………………. ( 3) ………………….? Tourist : I come to Egypt in winter to enjoy its fine weather.

Ali and Samir are talking about some school subjects.

Ali : What's your favourite subject Samir? Samir : English. Ali : ………………………..( 1 ) ……………………..? Samir : I've been learning it for five years. Ali : Do you read English books? Samir : ………………………..( 2 ) …..………………….. Ali : When do you read them? Samir : ……………………… ( 3 ) ……………………?

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Mariam and Sara are talking about the Mid-year holiday.

Mariam : Where will you spend the Mid – Year holiday ? Sara : ……………………...( 1 ) …………………. Mariam : How will you go there? Sara : ……………………. ( 2 ) ……………………… Mariam : …………………… ( 3 ) …………………….? Sara : With my family.

Alaa and Walaa are talking about pen friends.

Alaa : Do you have a pen friend Walaa? Walaa : …………………. ( 1 ) …………………….. Alaa : How do you contact her? Walaa : …………………… ( 2 ) …………………. Alaa : ……………………( 3 ) ……………………? Walaa : No, I have never met her.

Amani is at the post office Amani : Could I have a stamp to France? Clerk : ………………… ( 1 ) …………………. Amani : …………………. ( 2 ) ……………..………..? Clerk : One pound only. Amani : …………………. ( 3) …………………. Clerk : Thank you very much.

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O Allah, don't let the world life to be our greatest interest, or to be an

extent to our knowledge. And don't let a person who torments us to be our

revenger.اللهم ال تجعل الدنيا اكبر همنا وال مبلغ علمنا وال تسلط

علينا من ال يرحمنا

Supplication دعاء

2- Write what you would say in the following situations:1. You meet / greet your friend in the morning / at 7 a.m. …………………………………………………………………2. You meet your friend in the afternoon / at 2 p.m. …………………………………………………………………3. You meet your friend at night. …………………………………………………………………4. You meet your friend in the evening. …………………………………………………………………5. You want to leave your parents and go to bed. …………………………………………………………………6. Your sister says, " Good night. " …………………………………………………………………7. You meet your friend in the street. …………………………………………………………………8. Your friend says," Hi, how are you? " …………………………………………………………………9. You ask your friend / someone about his health. …………………………………………………………………10. Your friend asks you about your health. Your friend says, " How are you feeling?" …………………………………………………………………11. You meet someone for the first time. …………………………………………………………………12. You are introduced to someone in a party. …………………………………………………………………13. You introduce your friend Salah to your brother. …………………………………………………………………14. You haven't met your uncle for a long time. …………………………………………………………………15. You want to leave your parents and go to bed. …………………………………………………………………16. Your friend says , " See you later."

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السؤال الثانى فى اإلمتحان

Situations مـــواقـــف

…………………………………………………………………17. Your friend Maher introduces Tom to you. …………………………………………………………………18. You visit a friend in hospital. …………………………………………………………………19. You want to use your friend's mobile / pen. …………………………………………………………………20. You ask your friend to lend you his mobile / pen. …………………………………………………………………21. You would like to take your friend's pen. …………………………………………………………………22. Your friend wants / would like to use your bike but you need it. …………………………………………………………………23. Your father is cleaning his car. You want to help him. Your mother is washing the dishes. You want to help her. …………………………………………………………………24. Your friend wants to borrow your camera and you agree. …………………………………………………………………25. You ask your father to give you a permission to go out. …………………………………………………………………26. You request your big brother to lend you his pen. …………………………………………………………………27. Your friend says, " Do you mind if I use your mobile? " …………………………………………………………………28. You ask your teacher to allow you to leave school early. …………………………………………………………………29. Your friend requests you to lend him your dictionary. …………………………………………………………………30. Your friend asks you," Would you rather live in a town or in the country? " …………………………………………………………………31. You don't mind helping a friend of yours with his homework. …………………………………………………………………32. You ask your friend to shut the window because it's cold. …………………………………………………………………33. You suggest playing football / going to the park / zoo. …………………………………………………………………34. Your friend suggests going for a walk but you are not free. …………………………………………………………………

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35. You like going to the park with your friend. …………………………………………………………………36. Your friend says, " Let's go for a walk? " …………………………………………………………………37. You disagree to your friend's suggestion to go to the zoo. …………………………………………………………………38. You agree to your brother's suggestion to play football. …………………………………………………………………39. Your friend has passed an exam / won a medal / received a prize / come first in an exam. …………………………………………………………………40. Your cousin is going to marry. …………………………………………………………………41. Tomorrow is your sister's birthday. …………………………………………………………………42. You meet your friend on the first day of the year. …………………………………………………………………43. Your friend congratulates you on your success. …………………………………………………………………44. Your brother very happy to get full marks. …………………………………………………………………45. Your friend's uncle has died / made an accident. …………………………………………………………………46. Your sister lost her necklace / mobile / failed her exam. …………………………………………………………………47. Your friend says," I'm sorry four your uncle's death." …………………………………………………………………48. You have broken / lost your friend's mobile. …………………………………………………………………49. Your friend lost your favourite CD. You are not angry. / Accept his apology. …………………………………………………………………50. Your friend broke your pen. You are angry. / Refuse his apology. …………………………………………………………………51. You apologize to your brother for losing his mobile. …………………………………………………………………52. You apologize to your teacher for coming to school late.

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…………………………………………………………………53. You advise your sister to study hard / go to bed early. …………………………………………………………………54. You advise your friend not to play in the street. …………………………………………………………………55. You tell your friend not to throw rubbish in the street. …………………………………………………………………56. Your friend is nervous and you ask him to be quiet. …………………………………………………………………57. You see an old woman carrying a heavy bag. …………………………………………………………………58. You meet a tourist at Assiut airport. …………………………………………………………………59. You ask someone to post the letter for you. …………………………………………………………………60. You ask someone politely to open the door. …………………………………………………………………61. You see someone speaking rudely / driving quickly. …………………………………………………………………62. You advise your sister not to waste her time. …………………………………………………………………63. You invite your friend to your birthday party. …………………………………………………………………64. Someone is knocking on your door. …………………………………………………………………65. Your friend asks you, "What do you think of Hazem Emam/ Abu Treka? " ………………………………………………………………… 67. You watched a funny film. Give your opinion. …………………………………………………………………68. It's cold and your sister says," Do you mind if I close the window?" …………………………………………………………………69. A friend of yours wants to know your opinion about the educational programmes on TV. …………………………………………………………………70. Your friend requests you to give him some money, but you refuse politely. …………………………………………………………………71. You request politely from your sister to make you a sandwich.

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…………………………………………………………………72. Your friend has lost his school books and he asks for your advice. …………………………………………………………………73. You want to tell your brother your opinion on people who throw rubbish in the streets. …………………………………………………………………74. You ask about the weather today. …………………………………………………………………75. You want to know how your friend's camera works. …………………………………………………………………76. You want to invite a friend to have dinner at your home. …………………………………………………………………77. Your name is Ali. You introduce yourself. …………………………………………………………………78. You want to know the price of your friend's mobile. …………………………………………………………………79. Your friend always wastes his time. …………………………………………………………………80. Your favourite team lost the match. …………………………………………………………………81. Your father bought you a new mobile. …………………………………………………………………82. You ask someone the way to the zoo. …………………………………………………………………83. You have seen a film. You don't like it. …………………………………………………………………84. You accept your friend's invitation to dinner. …………………………………………………………………85- You've had a headache for a month. You go and visit the doctor. …………………………………………………………………

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طالبى االعزاء........ما كان لله دام واتصل وما كان لغير الله

انقطع وانفصلفليكن عملك دائما خالصا لله

The most important vocabulary:internationalدولى customerزبون

nationalityجنسيةlaterفيما بعد conferenceمؤتمرlatest احدث

languageلغة fortunatelyلحسن الحظ unfortunatelلسوء الحظ

y The Middleالشرق االوسط

EastTour guideمرشد سياحى projectsمشروعات

importantمهمroller-bladeيتزحلق requestطلب exportsصادرات

permissionإذن importsواردات drivingمدرسة قيادة

schoolpavementرصيف مشاة

platformرصيف قطار driving testإختبار قيادة congratulatiتهانى

onscountryدولة - قطر

ينجح فىاإلمتحان

Pass an exam

The countryالريف

يرسب فىاإلمتحان

Fail an exam مؤدبpolitepolitelyبأدب favouritesمفضالت

park يركن سيارة–منتزة hobbyهواية مهندس

مشروعات Project engineer

Fantasticسباح رائع swimmer

tramتروماى governmentحكومة metroمتروenvironmentبيئة

Theمترو complexمعقد underground

Paralympicالعاب المعوقين fertilizersاسمدة games

medalميدالية gloriousجميل - مجيد gorillaغوريال helmetخوذة

Passengerطائرة ركابplane

giraffeزرافة cage قفص fuelوقودentertainmeترفية

nt smokeدخان

suggestionإقتراح voyage رحلة بحريةsailorبحار flightرحلة جوية

captainقبطان serviceصيانةdiaryمفكرة apologyإعتذار

dairyألبانapologizeيعتذرsinkيغرق ) لالشياء (robberyسرقة

drownيغرق ) لألشخاص (rob +placeيسرق مكان ownيملك + stealيسرق شىء

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somethingowner ofمالك.....faintيغمى علية

Traffic jamازدحام المرور recoverيشفى - يتعافىrushيندفع refereeحكم مباراة

grabيشد بقوةpolitenessتأدبsmashيدشدشrestaurantمطعم

يوافق / اليوافق

agree \ disagree


\ acceptيقبل / يرفضrefuse

tailorترزىpresentهدية penaltyضربة جزاء

immediatelyفى الحالgoalkeeperحارس مرمىenemyعدو rememberيتذكر Greatالجد االكبر forgetينسى

grandfatheradviceنصيحة stadium إستاد رياضى

adviseينصحshoot يطلق الرصاصcalmهادىءformalرسمى

patientصبورinformalغير رسمى confidentواثقdisappointedمحبط

bulletرصاصةblockيسد - يغلق

يطلق موقع run aالكترونى

websiteSay goodbyeيودع

doيعمل الواجبbuild roadsيشيد طرق homework

يحافظ علىلياقتة

keep fitيقوم بأعمال المنزل

do housework

withoutبدون توقف stopping

take photosيلتقط صور

firstاللغة االولىstill hurtsما زالت تؤلم language

secondيرتب أجتماع give adviceيعطى نصيحة language

يؤدى بطريقةجيدة

do well ال يلحق بـــmiss a bus \ train

miss aيفتقد صديق wash upيغسل األطباق friend

takeيلتقط صور photographs

makeيرتكب خطأ mistake

يلعب بطريقةجيدة

يفوز بميداليةplay wellwin a medal

يكون ثروة يتأكد

make money make sure

go shoppingيذهب للتسوق score a goalيسجل هدفMr. M. A. H 3rd year prep. Final Revision ( First Term)12

Expressions تعبيرات

يهدر ضربةجزاء

miss a penalty

do shoppingيقوم بالتسوق

يتصدى لضربةجزاء

stop a penalty

feel betterيتحسن

يحتسب ضربةجزاء

give a penalty

stay in bedيمكث فى الفراش

do activitiesيقوم بعمل أنشطةshow a cardيخرج بطاقة يحقق المركز

األولcome firstيذهب للتمشيةgo for a

walk مشروبات

غازيةfizzy drinks حياة موترةstressful life

look forيبحث عن wait forينتظر look afterيعتنى بـــcome fromيأتى من look likeيشبهarrange toيرتب لـــ

break intoيقتحم worry aboutقلق بخصوص break downيتعطل return toيعود الى

break outتندلع - تشتعلkeen onحريص على on holidayفى أجازة help withيبدأ

on theعلى االنترنت help toتقلع - يخلعinternet

معروض فى work asيبحث عن التليفزيون

on TV On theعلى الرصيف belong toيخص - ينتمى

pavement Om my wayفى طريقة الىlend…..toيُقرض...لـــ


mOn fireمشتعل به النار

decide toُيقرر Put onيزداد وزناweight

switch \turn يشغل - يفتح on

made ofمصنوع من switch \turnيغلق

offmade inمصنوع فى

مصنوع من مادةbe able toقادر على متحولة

made from be capableقادر على

ofside by sideجنبا الى جنب

عن طريقالخطأ

by mistake فخور بـــproud of

at the backفى مؤخرة steal fromيسرق من of

on my wayفى طريقى الىto

export….toيصدر الى

Mr. M. A. H 3rd year prep. Final Revision ( First Term)13

Prepositions حروف جر

.…importيستورد منlots ofكثير منfrom

sell……toيبيع لــafraid ofخائف من buy…. fromيشترى من walk onيسير على cause ofسبب لـــwalk withيسير بـــ reason forسبب لــrude toوقح مع

congratulateيهنىء على intend toينوى على on

take part inيشارك فىPlan toيخطط أنlearn toيتعلم أنapologize toيعتذر لــ

teach toيعلم أن apologize forيعتذر على want toيريد أنsorry forأسف على

talk toيتحدث لـــprefer… toيعتذر لــ …ratherيعتذر على

thana lot ofكثير من

lots ofكثير منstay inيقيم فى يصل لــ )مكانstay withيقيم مع

صغير(arrive at

arrive inيصل لــ )مكان كبير(ask forيطلب.....

♥ English is the most important international language.♥ Disabled people use a wheelchair to move with it.♥ A tram is a kind of trains.♥ A gorilla is a kind of monkeys.♥ A giraffe is an animal that have very long necks.♥ A century is a period of one hundred years.♥ A diary is a book in which people write what happens every day.♥ Glorious means great or beautiful.♥ Complex means very difficult or not easy.♥ Rude means not polite.♥ Patient means calm or a person who waits a long time.♥ A patient is a person who is ill \ sick.♥ A customer is someone who buys things from a shop or a company.

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Definitions تعريفات

♥ A polite is a person who says "Excuse me" and "Thank you"♥ A passenger is a person on a plane, a taxi...etc.♥ A stranger is a person who you don't know at all.♥ A sailor is a person who works on a ship.♥ A tailor is a person who makes and designs clothes.♥ A cage is a place where dangerous animals kept.♥ A medal is a piece of metal given to people who win in a race.♥ Fertile means produce good crops.♥ Fertilizers are substances that help crops grow.♥ To rush means to move very quickly.♥ To grab means to take something quickly and strongly.♥ To faint means not to be able to feel, move or see as if you are sleep.♥ To smash means to break into small pieces.♥ To recover means to feel better.♥ A button is something used to fasten or close clothes.♥ Improbable means not usual, strange.♥ Upset means worried or nervous.♥ Disappointed is a feeling that something is not as good as you hoped.♥ Informal language is a language used with family and friends.♥ Formal language is a language used with people you don't know.

Noun Verb AdjectivePatience صبر Patient صبور

Success نجاح Succeed ينجح Successful ناجح Relaxation إسترخاء Relax يسترخى Relaxed مسترخى

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Politeness تأدب Polite مؤدب

Formality رسمية Formal رسمى

S. + enjoy \ like \ love \ busy + V-ing. S. + look forward to + V-ing. S. + am, is , are + used to + V-ing. Stop + V-ing Finish + V-ing Without + V-ing Still + V-ing Go shopping, fishing, hunting, swimming. S. + am, is, are + Keen on + V-ing

3. Read and match:1. If I were you, a. No, I'm not

2. "Rude" is, b. To travel overseas

3. Have you ever gone diving? c. I'd see a doctor at once

4. A century is d. the opposite of " Polite"

5. Samir is learning French e. a period of 100 years

f. No, never.

3. Read and match:1. A pump is used for a. in bins

2. Gorilla b. I'm not good.

3. How are you feeling? c. controls the match.

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Read and match إقرا وصلالسؤال الثالث فى



4. People should put rubbish d. pumping up balls and tyres.

5. A referee is a person who e. in the streets.

f. is a kind of monkeys.

3. Read and match:1. The doctor advised Aya a. is a kind of notebooks.

2. A diary b. people who catch fish

3. Passengers are c. to stay in bed for a week.

4. Yousif apologized d. on reading stories

5. Asmaa is very keen e. people on transport.

f. for breaking the glass.

3. Read and match:1. The opposite of " weak" is a. No, not at all.

2. Do you mind if take your pen b. done the housework yet.

3. How do you do? c. it is not simple

4. If something is " complex" d. strong

5. Nadia hasn't e. fast

f. I'm fine thanks

3. Read and match:1. A customer a. international language.

2. Impolite means b. produces good crops.

3. English is an important c. feel better.

4. The metro has helped d. buys things from a shop.

5. Fertile means e. transport in Cairo

f. rude

3. Read and match:

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1. The clever goal keeper a. beautiful.

2. If you are thirsty b. to take something strongly.

3. I'd rather c. stopped two penalties.

4. "Grab" means d. play football

5. "Glorious" means e. playing football.

f. you can drink something cold.

4. Read the following, then answer the questions:

Egyptians have a wonderful history in the Olympic Games, yet we haven't

won any medals since 1984. During the last Olympic Games in Greece

2004, our athletes changed the picture. They won five different medals.

Those medals brought smile and happiness to the people of Egypt.

Egyptians in thousands went out to welcome the winners at Cairo Airport.

They did it because they had something to be proud of. Winning a medal

in the Olympics is not that easy. It needs planning, money and much

training. We should start working for the next Olympic Games from now.

A. Answer the following questions: 1. Why did the Egyptians go to Cairo Airport? ……………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………….

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السؤال الرابع فى Readingاإلمتحان

Comprehensionقطعة الفهم

النجاح مش مسرح وسيما تدخلها بتذاكر

علشان تنجح الزم تسهر الليالى الطويلة وتذاكر

واللى يعلمك حرف اذكرة وخليك للجميل فاكر

دا فضلة عمرة ما يتنسى وملعون اللى للجميل ناكر

2. How did our athletes change the picture? ……………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………….. 3. How can we win medals in the next Olympics? ………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………..

B. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d: 4. The last Olympic Games were in …………..

a) Greece b) America c) Germany d) England

5. The underlined word "They" refers to……………….

a) Egyptians b) athletes c) medals d) games

6. The Olympic Games brought…………..to the people of Egypt

a) love b) money c) luck d) smile and happiness

4. Read the following, then answer the questions:

Every winter, thousands of people from every part of Europe, America and

Asia come to visit Egypt to spend their holidays here. They are tourists

who come to enjoy the fine weather, sunshine and the nature of Egypt

when it is very cold in their countries. Tourists from the Arab and African

countries prefer to visit Egypt especially Cairo, Alexandria and Port Said

in the spring and the summer. Tourists like to see the ancient treasures of

Egypt. They will visit the Egyptian Museum, the pyramids, the Sphinx,

tombs and temples all over Egypt. It's believed that who drinks from the

water of the Nile once, will surely come back Egypt.

A. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d: 1 Tourists visit Egypt in……..according to the passage.

a) tens b) hundreds c) thousands d) millions

2. The weather in Egypt in winter is …….the weather in Europe.

a) as cold as b) colder than c) warmer than d) exactly as

Mr. M. A. H 3rd year prep. Final Revision ( First Term)19

3. Tourists who come to Egypt are of………..

a) one nationality b) the same nationality

c) different nationalities d) two nationalities

B. Answer the following questions: 4. When do many Arab tourists visit Egypt? ……………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………. 5. Why do tourists visit Egypt? ……………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………….….. 6. What are the ancient treasures of Egypt? ………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………….

Grammar CapsulesPresent simple tense: البسيط المضارع زمن I, you , we, they, plural Inf.He, she, it, singular V+s\es

النفى:I, you , we, they, plural don't + Inf.He, she, it, singular doesn't + Inf.

السؤال:Do + I, you , we, they, plural + Inf.?

Does + He, she, it, singular + Inf?.

Past simple tense: البسيط الماضى زمن يتكون الماضى البسيط من التصريف الثانى للفعل الشاذ

للفعل المنتظم. d\ed وإضافة البسيط: الماضى على الدالة الكلمات

Yesterday, …….ago, last…………….., in the past, in ancient times.

النفى: S. + didn't + Inf .

اإلستفهام:Mr. M. A. H 3rd year prep. Final Revision ( First Term)20

Did + S. + + Inf.?Present continues tense: المستمر المضارع زمن I, am + V-ing He, she, it, singular is + V-ingyou , we, they, plural are + V-ing

علية: الدالة الكلماتnow, at the moment, at the present, look, listen.

Past continues tense: المستمر الماضى زمن I, He, she, it, singular was + V-ing you , we, they, plural were + V-ing

While, as, when علية: الدالة الكلمات مستمر. حدث بسيط حدث قطع أوالً: إذا

While\As + S. + was, were +V-ing……..……..S. + past simple S. + past simple……..while\ as + S. + was, were +V-ing..………

When + S. + past simple…………..…S. + was, were +V-ing S. + was, were +V-ing ……………..when + S. + past simple

\While\As + S. + was, were +V-ing……..……..S. + was الماضى. فى مستمران الحدثان كان ثانياً: إذاwere +V-ing S. + was\were + V-ing……..while\ as + S. + was, were +V-

ing..……… Present perfect tense: التام المضارع زمن I, you, we, they, plural have + P.P He, she, it, singular has+ P.P Negation النفي

Hasn't / haven't + p.p Has / have + never + p.p

. وجيزة فترة منذ تم قد الحدث ان على لتدل تستخدم وهى

Sub. + have \ has + just + P.P…..Ex: Mona has just finished her homework.

. بالفعل تم قد الحدث ان على لتدل تستخدم وهى Sub. + have \ has + already + P.PEx: I have already had my breakfast.

Mr. M. A. H 3rd year prep. Final Revision ( First Term)21

just - توا حاال

already بالفعل

. واالستفهامية المنفية الجملة نهاية فى تأتى وهى Sub. + haven't \ hasn't + P.P ……………..yet. Have \ Has + Sub. + P.P…………………...…yet?Ex: Have you written the letter , yet ?Ex: I haven't finished my homework yet.

. السابقة الخبرات عن للسؤال السؤال فى تستخدم وهى Has / Have + subject + ever + p.p ………….. ?Ex: Have you ever been to Paris?

. ابدا تحدث لم قاطعة اجابة لنفى تستخدم وهىEx: I have never eaten frogs' legs.

: اوى حلوة ملحوظةتستخدم وجود notال إثبات neverفى النفى نفى الن

Ex: I haven't never driven a car. ( x )

: مثل بدايتها معلوم زمنية فترة بعدها يأتى وهو 2000, April, Monday, 2 O'clock, yesterday, last….., then, past simpleEx: We have been back to school since September.

: مثل مجمعة زمنية فترة بعدها يأتى وهو…..years, months, days, weeks, hours, minutes, the last…, a long time.Ex: I have lived in Assiut for ten years.

فقط: للمتفوقين مالحظات S. + went to……and came back. = S. + have \ has been to…….. S. + went to…….and still there. = S. + have \ has gone to………

S. + last + past simple + period + ago. ( for ) S. + haven't \ hasn't + P.P + for + period.

S. + have \ has + just + P.P ( ago ) S. + past verb + a short time \ a moment ago.

S. + began \ started to + Inf……+ period ago. ( for ) S. + have \ has + P.P…….for + period.

Mr. M. A. H 3rd year prep. Final Revision ( First Term)22

yet بعد – حتى االن

ever سبق – من قبل

never أبدا

since منذ

for لمدة


S. + am, is, are + still + V-ing. ( yet ) S. + haven't \ hasn't finished \ stopped + V-ing…..yet.

Present perfect continuous tense: المستمر التام المضارع زمن I, you, we, they, plural have + been + V-ing He, she, it, singular has+ been + V-ing

يعبر الزمن هذا أن إال التام المضارع زمن إستخدام نفس الزمن هذا يستخدممثل حدوثها فى وقت تستغرق التى األفعال مع وخصوصا الحدث فترة طول عن

:Wait, sleep, read, play, ………………….

: مع يستخدم وهو1 (all the day, all the morning, all the year, recently.

مثل) 2 حدوثها فى طويل وقت تستغرق التى ,wait, sleep, read: االفعالread….etc.

: التام المضارع منه بدال يستخدم ولكن االتى مع يستخدم الوهو1(. الشىء حدوث مرات عدد ذكر إذا

I have visited Paris three times2(: االتية الكلمات وجود مع

just, already, never, yet 3: مثل) حدوثها فى وقت تستغرق ال التى األفعال مع

score, buy, sit…etcpast perfect tense: التام الماضى زمن I, you, we, they, he, she, it had + P.P

هذا يكون يستخدم األول والحدث الماضى فى أخر حدث قبل حدث عن ليعبر. بسيط ماضى يكون الثانى والحدث تام ماضى

After \ As soon as + S. + had + P.p…….., S. + Past simpleBefore \ By the time + S. + past simple…., S. + had + P.pS. + didn't + Inf. + till \ until + S. + had + P.pAfter \ Before \ On + V-ing…………………..

Future tenses: المستقبل زمنة أ I, you, we, they, he, she, it will+ Inf.S. + am, is, are, going to + Inf.S.+ expect \ predict \ promise + to + inf. threaten \ offer \ hope \ think + to + inf.

S. + decide \ plan \ intend to + Inf. = S. + am, is, are going to + Inf. Do \ Does + S. + plan \ decide \ intend to + Inf. = Is \ Are + S. + going to + Inf.S. + arrange…..before \ prearrange …. = S. + am, is, are + V-ing……..

Connectors روابط

Mr. M. A. H 3rd year prep. Final Revision ( First Term)23

= S + will + Inf.






واحدة بفكرة متصلتين جملتين لربط . and تستخدم

The water vapour rises and it cools .تساوى األتية : andوالتعبيرات ولكن

In addition + S. + V. + O. = andIn addition to + noun \ V-ing = and + S. + V. + O.

لألولى مناقضة جملة بعدها ويأتى نمتناقضت جملتين لربط but تستخدم

I 'm not very good at English but I'm good at Arabic .

بعدها , بحرف capital ويأتى تبدأ إستخدام but ولكنها مثلHowever تستخدم

I was very ill .However, I went to school .

ال التى الجملة بعدها يأتى اى but عكس وهى نمتناقضتي جملتين لربط تستخدم الدهشة تسبب

Although he is poor, he is happy. He can play basketball although he is short.

يساوى األتى : althoughوالتعبير ولكن Although + S. + V. + O. = In spite of \ Despite + V-ing \ noun.

لألولى نتيجة الثانية جملتين لربط . so تستخدم نتيجة so سبب

It's raining so I'm not going out .

السبب و لبيان تستخدم هى سبب because نتيجة

I'm not going out because it's raining .

If قواعدمثل: المستقبل أفعال أحد بها أو المستقبل فى الجملتان كانت ( إذا1

Expect, predict, promise, threaten, hope, think, offer…..االولى. الحالة إستخدم

Mr. M. A. H 3rd year prep. Final Revision ( First Term)24

If + S. + Present simple ………….S. + will, may, can + Inf. المنفى واثبت الثانية الحالة إستخدم مضارع الجملتان كانت ( أذا2

المثبت. وانفىIf + S. + past simple ………….S. + could, would, might + Inf.

االتية: الكلمات أحد وبها نصيحة عن تعبر واحدة جملة لك أعطى ( إذا3You should \ shouldn't…… I advise you to \ not to

واستخدم: النصيحة تعبيرات إحذفIf + I were you ………….I + would \ wouldn't + Inf.

المنفى واثبت الثالثة الحالة إستخدم ماضى الجملتان كانت ( إذا4المثبت. وانفى

If + S. + had\ hadn't + P.P ………….S. + would \ wouldn't have + P.P if +….not محل unless ( تحل5

If + S. + verb …..not …………. = Unless + S. + v.

S. + prefer + V-ing……to + V-ing يفضل........ على..... S. +'d rather + Inf. …….than + Inf. يفضل.......على...... Ex: He prefers playing football to going to the cinema.Ex: He'd rather play football than go to the cinema.

S. + used + to + Inf. األن يفعله ولم الماضى فى شىء عمل على معتاد كان

S. +am, is ,are+ used to + V-ing المضارع( فى ) عادة لدية مألوف شىء على متعود

Ex: He used to be fat when he was young.Ex: Aya is used to wearing jeans.

Quick Grammar capsules S. + like \ likes + V-ing = S. + am, is ,are + keen on + V-ing S. don't \ doesn't like + V-ing = S. + am, is, are not + keen on + V-ing

S. + feel \ feels sad….. = S. + don't \ doesn't feel happy………. S. + felt sad……………. = S. + didn't feel happy…….. S. + didn't feel sad…. = S. + felt happy………

S. + am, is , are sorry for + V-ing …= S. + apologize for + v-ing S. + was, were sorry for + V-ing… = S. + apologized for + V-ing.

S. + don't \ doesn't accept….. = S. + refuse \ refuses……. S. + didn't accept……………….. = S. + refused…………..

Mr. M. A. H 3rd year prep. Final Revision ( First Term)25

S. + advise + Obj. + to + Inf. = S. should + Inf. S. advise + Obj. + not to + inf. = S. + shouldn't + Inf. S. + should + Inf. = S. +'d better + Inf.

This + something + belongs to me = This + something is mine.

I think…………… = In my opinion………………

S. + can + Inf. = S. + am, is, are + able to + Inf. S. + could + Inf. = S. + was, were able to + Inf.

S. + no longer + present verb…. = S. + used to + Inf. S. + always+ past verb………. = S. + used to + Inf.

S. + usually \ always + present verb.. = S. + am, is, are used to + V-ing.

S. + hope to + Inf. = S. + look forward to + V-ing

Where do you come from? = where are you from?

S. + does not + Inf. ……. = S. + never + V. –s\es ……………….

S. + am , is, are + a good + noun = S. + Verb + well Let's \ Shall we \ Why don't we + Inf.? = how \ what about + V-ing

Can | May | Could \ Is it ok if I + Inf.? = Do you mind if I + Inf. ?

S. + turn on \ off…………. = S. + switch on \ off…………….

S. + V. + Obj.…because + S. + want \ wants to + Inf. = S. +V. + Obj. + to + Inf.

Although + S. + V. + Obj = Despite \ In spite of + noun \ V-ing \ being + adj.

When did + S. + Inf……? = How long ago + did + S. + Inf….?

S. + wash\washed the dishes = S. + wash \ washed up

S. + give \ gave advice to + Inf. …. = S. + advise \ advised + Obj. + to + Inf.

Mr. M. A. H 3rd year prep. Final Revision ( First Term)26

S. + …..not + any + noun = S. + verb + no + noun.

S. + would prefer to + Inf. = S. + would rather + Inf.

نتيجة because سبب= سبب + so \ That's why + نتيجة

Although + S. + V……. , S. + V….. = S. + V. but \ However + S. + V.

We were very happy when the player scored a goal. We were unhappy \ sad when the player lost the penalty. We were very happy when the goalkeeper stopped the penalty. The referee showed a red card to the player because he shouted at him. When the player fell onto the ground, the referee gave him a penalty. Our Egyptian national team for football won the African cup. We watched the match at the stadium.

5-Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:

1 -The sun ………..in the east. a- rise b- rose c- rises d- rising

2.…… -for me, please. I'll be back soon. a- Look b- Wait c- Sit d- Expect

3 -My father has ……..jobs. His new job is really important. a- changed b- done c- found d- left

4 -If she had gone to the party yesterday, She…….her old friends a- will see b- would see

c- had seen d- would have seen5 -When the ship …….a lot of people were killed.

Mr. M. A. H 3rd year prep. Final Revision ( First Term)27

السؤال الخامس فى اإلمتحان

Choose إختيارى

a- built b- repaired c- sailed d- sank6 -We'd rather ………the summer holiday in our village.

a- spent b- spend c- to spend d- spending7 -The children…….computer games now.

a- play b- are playing c- played d- were playing8 -When I grow up, I …….a pilot.

a- have been b- am c- am going to be d- be9 -Look! Asala………….a beautiful picture.

a- is drawing b- draws c- drew d- was drawing10 -The brave firemen…….many people from the fire.

a- spent b- scored c- sent d- saved11 -Mona…………when the telephone rang.

a- sleeping b- was sleeping c- slept d- sleeps12 -While I …………, my father came.

a- was eating b- is eating c- ate d- eats13 -I ……….my homework at ten o’clock yesterday.

a- did b- was doing c- does d- do14 -While Ayah was cooking, her baby..………

a- sleeping b- was sleeping c- slept d- sleeps15 -Have you……been to France?

a- never b- since c- for d- ever16 -I have ……….been to France .

a- never b- since c- for d- ever17 -We have lived in this house………ten years.

a- never b- since c- for d- ever18 -We have lived in this house ……….1995.

a- never b- since c- for d- ever19 -I ………..finished my homework yet.

a- don't b- haven't c- doesn't d- didn't20 -My uncle ……in Aswan for ten years.

a- lived b- has been living c- lives d- living21 -We came to live here ten years..……

a- yet b- ever c- ago d- since22 -I’m very tired because I ………….running.

a- have b- has c- have been d- been21 -I have been……….English since 1999.

a- learn b- learned c- learning d- learns

Mr. M. A. H 3rd year prep. Final Revision ( First Term)28

22 -Have you seen Ali?- Yes , I ……….him two days ago. a- saw b- seen c- have seen d- see

23 -He watched the film after he………..his homework. a- finished b- has finished c- had finished d- finish

24 -By the time the police………, the thief had run away. a- arrive b- arriving c- arrived d- arrives

25 -As soon as I ………..out, my father came. a- went b- gone c- had gone d- going

26 -I have got …….friends/ money. a- any b- a c- an d- some

27 -Could you give me ………money, please? a- any b- a c- an d- some

28 -I haven’t got……….friends/bread. a- any b- a c- an d- some

29 -Do you have………..sugar/books? a- any b- a c- an d- some

30 -Fatma carried an umbrella………it was raining. a- and b- so c- because d- although

31 -Ali was very late……..he took a taxi. a- and b- so c- because d- although

32………… -he is poor, he is happy. a- And b- But c- Although d- So

33 -He is poor…….he is happy. a- but b- so c- because d- although

34 -He didn’t want to go to bed ………he is tired. a- and b- so c- because d- although

35 -It was very hot…….I opened the window. a- and b- so c- because d- although

36 -Could you tell me when the bus?.……… a- leave b- leaves c- leaving d- left

37 -Football…………by m yesterday. a- played b- was played c- playing d- plays

38 -I played well. ………., I lost the match. a- although b- so c- despite d- however

39 -English is the most important ………language. a- national b- international c- nation d- public

40 -If I ………you, I’d see a doctor. a- was b- were c- is d- am

Mr. M. A. H 3rd year prep. Final Revision ( First Term)29

41 -If I had a lot of money, I……………buy a car. a- ‘ll b- ‘s c- ‘d d- ‘ve

42 -If you go to the zoo, you…………..a lot of animals. a- see b- saw c- would see d- will see

43 -If we………well, we would have won the match. a- played b- plays c- play d- had played

44 -If I had had a lot of money, I …………a villa a- built b- will build c- would build d- would have built

45 -Asmaa was the ……..woman in the party. a- pretty b- prettier c- prettiest d- as pretty

46 -You……..smoke in the cinema. a- must b- mustn’t c- can d- should

47 -Aya……..to do naughty thing when she was young. a- use b- used c- uses d- using

48 -I ……….to Aswan tomorrow. a- travelled b- will travel c- travels d- travelling

49 -I………….to have an English exam tomorrow. a- will b- going c- am going d- went

50 -Samia is telling the ………She never lies. a- true b- truly c- truth d- untrue

51 -A fire broke……..in his flat last week. a- out b- in c- down d- at

52 -A thief broke……….my house yesterday. a- out b- in c- down d- at

53 -How……….passengers do jet planes carry?- 400 passengers. a- many b- much c- far d- fast

54 -We enjoy…………..football a- play b- plays c- playing d- played

55 -We like playing football……….holidays. a- in b- at c- off d- on

56 -Asala was busy……….the dinner. a- cook b- cooked c- cooking d- cooks

57 -I’m very good…….English. a- in b- at c- out d- in

58 -English helps us to communicate………foreign people. a- in b- at c- out d- with

59 -This car was made……..Japan. a- in b- at c- out d- in

Mr. M. A. H 3rd year prep. Final Revision ( First Term)30

60 -This bag is made……leather. a- in b- of c- out d- in

61 -I'm looking forward……..visiting France. a- in b- at c- out d- to

62 -Walid ……….part in the 1996 Paralympic games. a- played b- took c- made d- made

63 -I'm looking forward……..visiting France. a- in b- at c- out d- to

64 -Walid is …………., he is not coward. a- brave b- silly c- lazy d- impolite

65 -Students …..a lot of interesting activities at school. a- make b- do c- say d- teach

66 -A …….is a piece of metal for people who win in the Olympics. a- penalty b- race c- glass d- medal

67 -I visited England last March. I went to America..…… a- to b- as well c- and d- however

68 -My jacket has three big ………in the middle. a- buttons b- bottom c- button d- bullets

69 -A …….is someone who buys things from a shop. a- driver b- customer c- scientist d- sailor

70 -A ……..is a kind of monkeys. a- gorilla b- giraffe c- rat d- dog

71 -We put …….in the car tank. a- sugar b- water c- fuel d- grass

72 -I'm ……..trouble. What can I do? a- at b- of c- out d- in

73 -This bag is very heavy but I'll ………to carry it a- able b- could c- manage d- succeed

74 -The dog will attack you ………you move quickly. a- if b- unless c- after d- before

75 -The mother of your mother is called……… a- grandma b- aunt c- grandpa d- mother

76 -Modern life is noisy and………………… a- easy b- simple c- quiet d- stressful

77 " -Well done " is said for ……..news. a- bad b- good c- false d- sad

78 -Do you mind …….. I borrow your mobile? a- after b- however c- if d- but

Mr. M. A. H 3rd year prep. Final Revision ( First Term)31

79 -Perhaps Ahmed stole my bike. He …….have stolen it. a- must b- may c- will d- can

80 -The High Dam has stopped the …..…earth carried by the river. a- infertile b- poor c- fertile d- solid

81 -I live in a big house with a swimming.……… a- pool b- ball c- pale d- bullet

82,……… -do you think, stole the money? a- What b- When c- How d- Who

83 -There are about 400 …….on the plane traveling to America. a- pilots b- passengers c- engines d- hostesses

84 -We went to the ……..to watch the football match. a- stadium b- studio c- restaurant d- cinema

85 -We were angry when the player…….the penalty. a- scored b- missed c- put d- kicked

86 -I'd rather you ……….take my pen. a- haven't b- don't c- didn't d- won't

87 -Mazen ………first in his exams. a- ran b- swam c- went d- came88 -We should pump …….the ball before starting the match.

a- up b- at c- from d- in89 -The police ……..clever in arresting thieves.

a- is b- are c- am d- be90 -I would rather live in ………. It is very quiet there.

a- city b- country c- the country d- town91 -Some girls prefer tea or coffee. ………prefer Pepsi.

a- another b- others c- other d- else92 -He ………going to the club together

a- suggested b- decided c- planned d- allowed 93 -He's ………on playing chess.

a- keep b- interested c- eager d- keen94 -People should put litter in.…………

a- bins b- cups c- streets d- books95……… -my stay in Syria, I met Asala.

a- While b- As c- During d- As96 -Teachers …….at the age of sixty.

a- die b- retire c- tired d- sleep97 -The camera is one of my..………

a- favourites b- favour c- favourite d- favourable

Mr. M. A. H 3rd year prep. Final Revision ( First Term)32

98 -My school is far from home. ………. I go on foot. a- however b- because c- although d- despite

99 -Please turn …….the radio / TV. I want to sleep. a- on b- off c- of d- at

100 -A …….is a person who designs and sells clothes. a- tailor b- mechanic c- butcher d- teacher

101 -I left the cinema ……….the film was very interesting. a- so b- although c- however d- despite

102 -The Egyptian ………..were very brave during October War. a- students b- teachers c- soldier d- boys

103 -The news …….very good today. a a- is b- are c- am d- be

104 -We get ………from the High Dam. a- electricity b- juice c- oil d- sugar

105 -Roller - ………is her favourite sport. a- bleeding b- blading c- feeding d- breaking

106 -I usually go .........with my friend. a- swim b- swam c- swimming d- swims

107 -A plane can fly 880 kilometres ........hour. a- up b- at c- an d- in

108 -Mai and Shorouk always sit side .........side. a- on b- in c- by d- at

109 -Asala is my .........friend. a- good b- best c- bad d- better

6 - Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets to give the same meaning.

1. They waited for an hour, but he didn't come. ( Although ) ……………………………………………………………2. Although he isn't rich, he's happy. ( but ) ……………………………………………………………..3. He went to hospital because he was ill. ( so ) ……………………………………………………………4. Rami went to the cinema. He wanted to see the film. ( to ) ………………………………………………………….

Mr. M. A. H 3rd year prep. Final Revision ( First Term)33

السؤال الخامس فى اإلمتحان

5. Asala does not eat salty food. ( never ) …………………………………………………………6. While I was sleeping, the telephone rang. ( when ) ………………………………………………………..7. Aya was eating. The lights went out. ( While ) ( when ) ………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………..8. Let's go to the cinema. ( How about…) ……………………………………………………….9. What about playing football? ( Shall…) ………………………………………………………10. Mai has not been to France yet. ( never ) ……………………………………………………..11. I have lived in Assiut since 2001. ( for ) …………………………………………………….12. I haven't seen Asala for three days. ( since ) ……………………………………………………13. Ahmed no longer lives in Assiut. ( used to ) Ahmed no longer smokes. ( used to ) ………………………………………………… …………………………………………………14. Faten does not go the cinema now. ( used ) ………………………………………………..15. I would prefer to play football. ( rather ) ……………………………………………….16. I have decided now to go out. ( will ) ………………………………………………..17. I have planned to visit my uncle tomorrow. ( going ) ……………………………………………………..18. First, she finished her work. Then, she slept. ( By the time ) ……………………………………………………………….19. Ahmed left home a short time ago. ( just ) ……………………………………………………..20. Aya has decided before to buy a new mobile. ( going ) ……………………………………………………21. Although she doesn't eat too much, she is fat. ( however ) ……………………………………………………..22. Maha is at the club because to play with Shorouk. ( because )

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…………………………………………………………….23. By the time Riham arrived, I had done my homework. ( After ) …………………………………………………………..24. Ali was sorry because he arrived late. ( Ali apologized….) …………………………………………………………….25. Could I ask you to wait for me? ( mind ) …………………………………………………………..26. This new bag belongs to me. ( mine ) ………………………………………………………..27. Farah speaks English well. She speaks French well. ( as well ) ……………………………………………………………….28. Is it ok if I take your camera? ( May ) ………………………………………………………………29. She likes eating fish. ( keen ) ……………………………………………………………30. Ali didn't go to school because he is ill. ( because of ) …………………………………………………………….31. How about playing chess? ( Let's ) …………………………………………………………….32. I advise you to see a doctor. ( should ) …………………………………………………………..33. He apologized for playing badly. ( sorry ) …………………………………………………………..34. I think Abu Treka is the best football player in Egypt. ( opinion ) …………………………………………………………….

35. It is my book. ( This book…….) …………………………………………….36. I have no books. ( any ) ………………………………………………37. I advise you not to waste your time. ( should ) …………………………………………………38. Mr. Mahrous is a very good teacher. ( teaches ) …………………………………………………….39. This is the lorry. The lorry hit a bus. ( which ) ………………………………………………..40. I rode a bike when I was young. ( used ) …………………………………………….41. I can play well. ( good )

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…………………………………………………42. I think El Zamalek will win the match. ( opinion ) ………………………………………………………43. He wants to get full marks. That's why he is studying hard. ( because ) ………………………………………………………….44. They didn't feel happy when they lost the match. ( sad ) …………………………………………………………………..45. You should eat healthy food. ( If I were……) ………………………………………………………46. He phoned me. He sent me an e- mail. ( In addition…) …………………………………………………………….47. You should listen carefully to your teachers. ( better ) ……………………………………………………………48. Although he is rich, he is unhappy. ( Despite ) ………………………………………………………….49. Rana left the house a moment age. ( just ) ……………………………………………………..50. His foot hurt too much. He walked on it. ( On the other hand ) …………………………………………………………51. May I use your mobile? ( mind ) ………………………………………………………….52. He didn't accept my invitation to dinner. ( refused ) ………………………………………………………….53. Mayar hopes to be a famous doctor. ( look forward ) …………………………………………………………54. My grandparents never forget anythings. ( remember ) ………………………………………………………….55. Ruba can run ten kilometers an hour. ( able ) ………………………………………………………….56. Selvya switched off the lights. ( turned ) ………………………………………………………57. Osama always drinks milk. ( is used ) ……………………………………………………….58. He phoned her friend. Then she watched TV. ( After ) ……………………………………………………59. He is still doing his homework. ( yet ) ………………………………………….60. I was watching TV and suddenly the telephone rang. ( As )

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……………………………………………..61. They played well and they won the match. ( If ) ……………………………………………………….62. Hala didn't study hard. She didn't get high marks. ( If ) …………………………………………………………63. You shouldn't watch so much TV. ( If ) ………………………………………………64. He didn't win the match because he didn't play well. ( If ) …………………………………………………………65. She felt sad when she failed the exam. ( happy ) ………………………………………………..66. Although she ran very quickly, Rawda lost the race. (Despite) ……………………………………………………………67. Elissa sent an e-mail yesterday. ( An e-mail ) ……………………………………………………………..68. After they had eaten lunch, Soha washed up. ( dishes ) …………………………………………………………….69. When did you learn English. ( How long ) ………………………………………………………….70. Ahmed does not have money. He can't have buy a mobile. (If) …………………………………………………………………… 71. Shall we go to the zoo? ( Why ) ………………………………………………………………….72. She may come to the party tomorrow. ( Perhaps ) ………………………………………………………

73. We expect Al Zamalik to win the cup. ( will ) ………………………………………………………………74. I have planned to spend the mid-year holiday in Matrouh. ( going) ……………………………………………………………..75. Where do you come from? ( are ) ……………………………………………………………..76. He doesn't come late. ( never ) …………………………………………………………………77. He goes to school in time. ( always ) ……………………………………………………………..78. He went to France and came back. ( been ) ………………………………………………………………….79. It started to rain in the morning and it is still raining. (has been…) …………………………………………………………………………………………...

Mr. M. A. H 3rd year prep. Final Revision ( First Term)37

80. I'm still doing my homework. ( yet ) ………………………………………………………….…………………………….

7- Read and correct the underlined words:

1. You should always be impolite. ………………………………………………………2. He's been in primary school since four years. …………………………………………………….3. I have lived in Assiut for 2003. ……………………………………………………….4. Today passenger planes have large fuel boxes. ………………………………………………………..5. If you work hard, you would get a lot of money. …………………………………………………….6. My father drive me to school every day. …………………………………………………7. Don't be rude on other people. …………………………………………………8. They were pleased when they lost the match. ………………………………………………….9. Would you mind pass me the salt, please. ………………………………………………………….10. We have a test in our English lesson yesterday. ………………………………………………………11. He is going playing tennis in the afternoon. …………………………………………………..12. Three man were injured in the accident. ………………………………………………….13. Planes wasn't as fast as they are today. ………………………………………………………14. Mai has being playing computer games all the day.

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السؤال السابع فى اإلمتحان صحح

الخطأRead and correct

…………………………………………………..15. Jakleen hasn't finished her homework ago. ………………………………………………….16. Although running fast, he couldn't catch the train. …………………………………………………….17. Asmaa is rich although she is unhappy. …………………………………………………18. You shouldn't playing with matches. ………………………………………………19. How are you feel today? …………………………………………………………20. Mohsen is very interested at the history of Egypt. ………………………………………………….21. Ali is able to speak Japan well. …………………………………………………22. English is the most important national language. …………………………………………………….23. Maha is write a letter now. ………………………………………………24. Salma always is polite. ……………………………………………………25. Would you rather playing football or basketball? ……………………………………………..26. A goat is a kind of monkeys. ………………………………………………..27. When Dina was reading a book, the light went out. ……………………………………………….28. The telephone rang while I was sleep. ……………………………………………29. Sally has been to France. She is still there. ………………………………………………30. Rabab has gone to Italy. She is in Cairo now. ………………………………………………31. How about played football? ……………………………………………..32. Let's going to the cinema.

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………………………………………………33. Why doesn't we go to Aswan? ……………………………………………….34. People always write their notes in a dairy. ……………………………………………..35. Have you ever visit Singapore? …………………………………………….36. Hisham has bought a new car two weeks ago. ……………………………………………………….37. A model is a piece of metal given to people who win. ……………………………………………………….38. The High Dam, The metro and Toshka project are great books. ……………………………………………………………..39. This programme is about children's favourite. ……………………………………………………………..40. How old have you been learning English? – For five years. ………………………………………………………………..41. People use a stake to help them to walk. ……………………………………………………….42. We wear a jacket to protect our head when we fall. ………………………………………………..43. Arwa is afraid for falling over. …………………………………………………44. I am looking forward to drive. …………………………………………45. An egg helps a plane to move. ……………………………………………………46. Shorouk used to is fat when she was young. ……………………………………………….47. Mayar is used to wear jeans. ………………………………………….48. Maher decided at go to Greece. ……………………………………………….49. The door bell is ringing. I am answering it. ……………………………………………….50. By the time Ali finished his work, he slept.

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…………………………………………………….51. After finished my homework, I went out. ……………………………………………….52. I'm sorry for break the vase. ………………………………………..53. Yesterday there was a rope in the bank. …………………………………………………54. Nawal was very ill but now she recover. ……………………………………………………….55. Ahmed played football. He watched the match however. ……………………………………………………………56. If El Ahly played well, they would have won the match. ……………………………………………………57. If I am you, I would see a doctor. …………………………………………………58. Nagi went to France because learn French. ……………………………………………..59. A grocer is a person who buys things from a shop or a company. ………………………………………………………..60. A year is a period of 100 years. …………………………………….61. I advice you to study hard. ……………………………………………..62. A polite is a person who waits a long time. ……………………………………………..63. In my option you should eat little sweet. ……………………………………………………..64. The letter was wrote by Adel yesterday. …………………………………………….65. Farmers use poison to make the soil fertile. ………………………………………………..66. We hope El Zamalek would win the match. …………………………………………….67. The police is looking for the thieves. ………………………………………….68. Aml robbed my watch.

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……………………………………………69. When they had dinner, mum washed at. …………………………………………….70. Suzy arrived the station early. ……………………………………………71. We all enjoy watch funny film. ……………………………………………72. A/An lorry carries injured people to hospital. …………………………………………….73. I always help my mother in the housework. ……………………………………………….74. Abu Treka will score a beautiful goal yesterday. ……………………………………………………….75. The film was very interested that we watched it twice. ………………………………………………………..76. What you are doing now? ………………………………………..77. Students should help each another. ……………………………………………..78. The taxi driver pumped on the flat tyre. ……………………………………………….79. She is busy to prepare food for lunch. …………………………………………….80. My jacket has four big bottom in the middle. ……………………………………………………..81. She stopped worked because she felt tired. …………………………………………………82. You can't bark your car here. ……………………………………………..83. Nabil never tells lied. ……………………………..84. I didn't like the film because I left the cinema. ………………………………………………….85. That's Ok, Sami. It don't matter. ………………………………………………….86. This car belongs to mine. ……………………………………………………

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87. Sara recovered. She was not able to move or feel. ……………………………………………………89. I have been painted an elephant. ………………………………………..90. It's polite to shout at old people. ………………………………………91. In addition for soup, Nadia also made a cake. ………………………………………………..92. Shall we bought a cake? …………………………………………..93. You can order some food at a company. ………………………………………………

A visit to the zoo I went to the zoo last week. I went there with my family. We went there in my father's car. We took food and

Mr. M. A. H 3rd year prep. Final Revision ( First Term)43

السؤال الثامن فى Paragraphاإلمتحان


موضوع تعبير



الكلمة الحلوة أجمل غنوة تسمعا االذان

والبسمة الحلوة اجمل لوحة يرسمها الفنان

والعمل الطيب أجمل ما يقدمه اإلنسان لإلنسان


drink. We saw a lot of animals there. We spent a wonderful time there. We went back at 5 o'clock.

My Mid- Year holiday I will spend my mid - year holiday in Aswan. I will go there with my friends. We will go by bus. We will enjoy the warmth of the sun there. In addition, we will visit the temple and museums there. We will spend two weeks there.

Living in the country Life in the country is quiet, simple and clean. People there are kind and helpful. The air there is fresh and clean. People there travel by cars, bicycles and donkeys. Roads there are dusty and uneven. I myself prefer living there to enjoy a healthy life.

My favourite hobby \ sport Football is my favourite hobby\ sport. I have been playing it for ten years. I usually play it at school or in the club with my friend. I feel very happy when I score goals. I'd like to be a famous footballer like Missi.

My best friend …………….is my best friend. I have known him \ her since we were children. He \ She is the same age as me. We play together and go to school together. I love him \ her because he \ she is kind, polite and helpful. We always play computer games in our free time.

Mr. M. A. H 3rd year prep. Final Revision ( First Term)44

A letter

13 yousri Ragheb st,Assiut,Egypt.

22nd Jan. 2012Dear Roert,

Greetings from Egypt. How are you and your family? I hope you are well. I will spend my mid – year holiday this year in Aswan. I will go with my family. We will go by train. We will enjoy there the warmth of the sun. We will visit the museums and temples there. We will spend two weeks there. What about you?


To : Reda__love@yahoo.com.From : student @yahoo. com Subject : The best person in my family.Hi Reda How are you? I'm going to tell you about the best person in my family. She is my mother. I love her very much. She always look after me when I am ill. She also cooks well. She is kind and helpful. What about you?

Hello! ReaderA( Answer the following questions:

1) What was Axel?

The professor’s nephew and his assistant.2) What was Professor Lidenbrock?

A famous scientist and geologist.3 (What was Hans?

A guide from Iceland.4 (What was Dr Fridrikson?

A scientist from Iceland.

Mr. M. A. H 3rd year prep. Final Revision ( First Term)45

السؤال الثامن فى اإلمتحان

An E- mail

5 (What was Martha? The Professor’s cook.

6 (Who was Arne Saknussemm? A famous Icelandic scientist of the 16th century.

7 (What was Sneffeles? An extinct volcano in Iceland.

8 (Why did Axel live with his uncle? Because his parents died.

9 (When did Axel come to live with his uncle? When his parents died.

10 (Why was Axel proud of his uncle? Because his uncle was a famous man.

11 (Why was Professor Lidenbrock a famous man? Because he knew more about the earth than any other scientists.

12 (What did the Professor do at Hamburg University? He gave lectures.

13 (What was the old book about? It was a translation of an Icelandic book.

14 (Who wrote the old book? Snori Sturlasson.

15 (What fell out of this book? A piece of parchment.

16 (Who wrote this parchment? Arne Saknussemm.

17 (What were runes? They were the letters of the old Icelandic alphabet.

18 (Why couldn’t the professor read/understand the parchment? Because the letters were mixed up and it was written in a secret code.

19 (Why did the Professor use a magnifying glass?To make the letters of the parchment bigger

20 (Why did the Professor guess that the parchment was written in Latin?Because the scientists of the 16th century (A.S ) always wrote about

their discoveries in Latin . 21 (How could Axel know the secret of the Parchment?

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By chance while he was fanning himself with it.22 (Why did Axel want to burn the parchment?

To stop his uncle from reading it.23 (What stopped Axel from burning the parchment?

His uncle entered the room suddenly.25 (What was the parchment about?

It was about someone ( A.S ) who had been to the center of the earth.26 (Why didn’t Axel want to tell his uncle about the secret of the parchment?

Because his uncle would want to follow in the footsteps of Arne Saknussemm .27 (Why was Axel afraid of going to the center of the earth?

Because he believed it was very hot there.28 (What did the Professor tell Axel about Sneffels?

He told him that Sneffels hadn’t erupted since 1229.29 (Why was not Sneffels dangerous? Because it hadn’t erupted since 1229.

30 (When should Axel and his start their journey? By the end of July.

31 (Which chimney led to the center of the Earth? It was the chimney which the shadow of Scartaris touched before

the end of July .32 (How high was Sneffels?

It was more than 2000 metres high.33 (Why was going to the centre of the earth dangerous?

Because it was very hot there.34 (How did Axel and his uncle prepare themselves for the journey?

They took guns, tools and scientific instruments.35 (How did Axel and his uncle go to Copenhagen / Iceland?

By steamer.36 (How was the Danish scientist helpful to Axel and his uncle?

What did the Danish scientist give Axel and his uncle? He gave them letters of introduction to the most important men in Iceland.

37 (How was Dr Fridrikson helpful to Axel and his uncle? He arranged for a guide called Hans.

38 (How were the Icelanders ( farmers ) kind to Axel and his uncle?

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They gave them good food and drink and they refused their offer of money.

39 (What was the problem that worried Axel underground? It was the problem of water.

40 (How wide was the chimney of Sneffels? It was thirty metres wide.

41 (How many chimneys were there at the bottom of Sneffels? Three chimneys.

42 (Which chimney led to the center of the earth? Which chimney had Arne Saknussemm descended?

It was the chimney which the shadow of scartaris touched before the end of July. ( the middle chimney)

43 (Why was Axel afraid of the volcano? He was afraid that it might erupt.

44 (What was Axel’s terrible dream? He dreamed that he was inside a volcano then there was a huge

explosion and he was shot up out like a rocket.45 (What were the marks they found on the large rock?

They were letters which spelt the name of Arne Saknussemm.

46 (What did the Icelanders call the peak of Sneffels? They called it Scartaris.

47 (Why did Axel and his uncle take a torch with them? Because its light guided their way.

48 (Why did Axel want to give up/cancel the journey? Because he was afraid of dying of thirst.

49 (What did the sparkling rocks prove to the Professor? They proved to him that the center of the earth couldn’t be hot at all.

50 (Why did Axel feel pain in his ears? Because of the increased air pressure.

51 (Why did the Professor ask Axel to breathe quickly? To relief the increased air pressure .

52 (Who found the underground water? Hans.

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53 (Why did Hans cry in pain when the water hit him? Because the water was very hot.

54 (Why did Axel feel tired when they were walking in the eastern path? Because the path was going up not down.

55 (When did Axel and his uncle become sure that they were taking the wrong path?

When they reached a flat wall with no way past it.

: المدرسى والكتاب Workbook التدريبات كتاب أسئلة حل1)What was Dr Fridrikson \ Professor Lidenbrock interested in?

He was interested in exploring Iceland's geology.2)Why was Hans chosen to go with the Professor?

Because he didn't know where to go in Iceland.3)Where was the name of Arne Saknussemm written?

It was written on the parchment.4)What happened to Axel when he got lost?

He fell on the floor and fainted.5)Where did the Professor, Axel and Hans camp?

At the bottom of Sneffels' crater.

6)How did they lower their supplies?Hans put them into a bag and tied the bag to a rope. Then he threw the bag down the chimney.

7)Why did Professor Lidenbrock and Axel need Hans? Because they did not know where to go in Iceland.

8) Why didn't Axel want to tell his uncle about the secret message?Because he was afraid that his uncle would insist on doing the journey himself taking Axel with him.

9) Why do you think Axel want to tell his uncle about the secret message?Because he felt pity towards his uncle. Besides he was very hungry.

10) Why didn't Professor Lidenbrock want to explore Reykjavic when they arrived there? Because Reykjavic was bleak and he did not want to waste any time on his journey.

Mr. M. A. H 3rd year prep. Final Revision ( First Term)49

11) What did Professor Lidenbrock tell Dr Fridrikson that he was interested in? He told him he was interested in exploring Iceland's geology. 12) Why was the Professor angry when they had to wait for the tide? Because did not want to waste any time on his journey. 13) What did the Professor see on a large rock? He saw marks that spelled the name of Arne Saknussemm. 14) Do you think the Professor is mad to go to the centre of the Earth? Yes, because it is very dangerous to go there. 15) Which was older, the parchment or the book? The book was older than the parchment. 16) Why couldn't Axel persuade his uncle to give up his attempt? Because his uncle persuaded him that the journey was not dangerous. 17) What role did Hans play in the journey? He was the guide of Axel and his uncle. 18) When did the explorers start to feel that they might have taken the wrong path? When they felt tired while walking through it.

19) When did the explorers become sure that the eastern path was a wrong choice? When they reached a blank wall with no way past it. 20) When did Axel suggest that they should go back and give up their journey? When they did not find any springs of water as his uncle expected. 21) What made Axel feel stronger? The last drops of water that his uncle saved for him. 22) Why did the Professor and his group decide to leave the hole in the wall as it was? To make the water show them the quickest way down. 23) What ocean were the explorers directly under? The Atlantic Ocean. 24) What was the crater of Sneffels shaped like? It was shaped like an ice cream cone. 25) How were the explorers able to decide which of the chimneys to enter? When the sun appeared and the shadow of Scartaris touched the middle chimney.

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26) What did the Professor believe about scientists who think the centre of the Earth is hot? He thought that they are wrong. 27) Why did the Professor ask Axel to breathe quickly? To relieve the pressure. 28) Why did the Professor look puzzled? Although he knew runes and Latin, he could not read the parchment.

B) Complete the following:1 (When his parents died, Axel……………………

)lived with his uncle( 2 (Axel lived with his uncle when……………………

)his parents died( 3 (Axel and his uncle lived in.…..…………… .…… .

)Hamburg( 4 (The old book was translated by....…..……………

)Snori Sturlasson(5 (The letters of the parchment were mixed up so.………

)the professor couldn’t read it( 6 (The Professor couldn’t read the parchment because..……………

)the letters were mixed up and it was written in a secret code ( 7 (Axel was proud of his uncle because.…………………

)his uncle was a famous man( 8 (The Professor was a famous man which made Axel..……

)proud of him( 9 (the Professor used a magnifying glass to..………………

)make the letters of the parchment bigger( 10 (The Professor guessed that the parchment was written in Latin because.……

)scientists of the 16th century always wrote about their discoveries in Latin(11 (Although the Professor knew runes and Latin………………,

)he couldn’t read the parchment(12 (the Professor would neither eat nor sleep until.…………

)he could discover the secret of the Parchment( 13 (Axel could know the secret of the parchment while.……………

)he was fanning himself with it ( 14 (Axel was about to burn the parchment when.…………

)his uncle opened the door suddenly( .

Mr. M. A. H 3rd year prep. Final Revision ( First Term)51

15 (Axel wanted to burn the parchment to..…………… )stop his uncle from reading it(

16 (If the Professor knew the secret of the parchment.………, )he would insist on following the footsteps of A.S (

17 (Sneffels was not dangerous/hot because.……………… )hadn’t erupted since 1229(

18 (Although Sneffels had several craters……………………, )only one led to the center of the earth(

19 (Going to the center of the earth was very dangerous because.…… )it was very hot there( .

20 (Axel and his uncle prepared themselves for the journey by.…… )taking tools, guns and scientific instruments(

21 (The Danish scientist gave Axel and his uncle……………… )letters of introduction to the most important men in Iceland (

22 (The Professor didn’t tell Dr Fridrikson that he was going to the centre of the earth but…………………

)he told him that he was going to explore Iceland’s geology ( 23 (The three men descend was delayed because.……………

)there was no sun to guide them ( 24 (On 28th June…………………………………

)the sun shone and the shadow of Scartaris touched the middle chimney( 25 (Sneffels crater was shaped like……………..… ( an ice cream cone )

26 (The Icelanders gave Axel and his uncle the best food they had but...…… )they refused their offer of money( .

27 (On August 7th…………………… )the three men were 125 kilometres below the surface of the earth(.

28 (When the three men reached the blank wall..………, )they realized that they were taking the wrong path( .

29 (On 25th June..………………………… )the sun disappeared and there was no shadow to guide the three men(

30 (Axel and his uncle took a torch with them because..…………… )its light guided their way(

31 (Because of the increased air pressure, Axel..……… )felt pain in his ears( .

32 (The Professor advised Axel to breathe quickly to .………… )relief the increased air pressure ( .

33 (Hans cried out of pain when the water hit him because.…… )the water was very hot (

Mr. M. A. H 3rd year prep. Final Revision ( First Term)52

34 (Since 1229, Sneffels..…………………… )hadn’t erupted(

35 (Axel felt tired in the eastern path because.……………… )the path was going up not down(

: المدرسى والكتاب Workbook التدريبات كتاب أسئلة حل1 (Professor Lidenbrock was so famous..………………

)that other geologists came from all over the world to learn from him(2 (Axel came to live with his uncle after…………………

)the death of his parents(3 (Martha was worried when.…………………………

)the Professor came home early(4 (Axel felt pain in his ears due to…………………………

)the increased air pressure( 5 (The Professor tried hard to solve the problem of..………………

)the letters on the parchment( 6 (When the Professor read the words on the parchment..………,

)he looked puzzled(7 (At first, the Professor thought the parchment was written in..……

)runes( 8 (Professor Lidenbrock thought that the parchment was written by

the owner of the book because..…………………… )the writing of the parchment was later than the writing of the book(

9 (The Professor said he would neither eat nor sleep until he…… )could know the secret of the parchment(

10 (Axel was just about to burn the parchment when.………… )his uncle entered the room suddenly(

11 (Professor Lidenbrock told Dr Fridrikson that he was interested in.…. )exploring Iceland's geology(

12 (After the explorers left the crossroad, the countryside of Iceland was… )bleak(

13 (Sneffels had………………….. One of them was called Scartaris. )many peaks(

14 (Sneffels hadn't erupted since..…………… )1229(

15 (Sneffels had a crater which led to..………………… )the centre of the Earth(

16 (Axel was afraid the volcano would erupt and dreamed that……

Mr. M. A. H 3rd year prep. Final Revision ( First Term)53

)he was inside a volcano then there was a huge explosion and he was shot out up like a rocket(

17 (The Icelanders were kind people because..……………………… )they offered the explorers food and drink and they

refused their offer of money (

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