اثر برنامج إثرائي صيفي للموهوبين على أساليب العزو...

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بحث من إعداد د. عبدالله بن محمد الجغيمان فاز جائزة حمدان بن راشد آل مكتوم للزداء التعليمي المتميز

Transcript of اثر برنامج إثرائي صيفي للموهوبين على أساليب العزو...




% 95ال يمم عن


(Passow, 1991)

(e.g., Renzulli, 2003, 2005a; Heller, Pertelh, & Lim, 2005; Mooij,

1996, Gagne, 2003, 2005)

(Renzulli, 2002)

(Renzulli & Sytsma, 2008; Sytsma, 2003)

(Tannenbaum, 1997)

(Freeman, 1993; Sternberg, 2005)


(Gagne, 2005)


1989; Joswig, 1996; Moon, 2000; Renzulli & Sytsma, 2008)

(e.g., Bloom, 1985; Dai, Moon., Feldhusen, 1998; Dweck,

Mangels, & Good, 2004; Dweck & Molden, 2005; Jowsig, 1994; Vlahovic-Stetic,

Vidovic, & Arambasic,.1999)


Nokelainen, Tirri, & Merenti-Valimaki, 2007; Vlahovic-Stetic, Vidovic, &

Arambasic, 1999) (Ellstrom, 2001)

(Decision-Making Talent)

(Taylor, 1978; Treffinger, Isaksen, & Stead-

dorval, 2006)

(Maker & Nielson, 1995; Linn & Shore, 2008)


(Byrnes, 1998; Byrnes, Miller & Reynolds, 1999;

Miller & Byrnes, 1997, 2001; Sternberg, 2004, 2008)

(Mann, Harmoni, & Power, 1989)

Emotional Intelligence

(Salovey & Mayer, 1990)

(Mayer, Perkins,

Caruso, & Salovey, 2001)

Dabrowski(Chan, 2003)


Shani-Zinovich, Matthews, & Roberts, 2005)

(Schewean, Saklofske, Widdifield-Konkin, Parker,

& Kloosterman, 2006)









(Byrnes, 1998)

(Salovey & Mayer, 2000)


2003; Gardner, 1999; Renzulli, 2005b; Sternberg, 2000) ،

(Tan et al, in press)


(Prieto & Ferrando, 2009)

(Renzulli &

Sytsma, 2008; Sternberg, 2007)

(Davis & Rimm, 2004)

(Sternberg, 2004; Stanovich, 2003)


(Davis & Rimm, 2004)

(Janis & Mann,


(Wiener, 1992)

(Nokelainen, Tirri, & Merenti-Valimaki, 2007)





2009; Renzulli,1992)

(Hoh, 2008; Rogers, 1986)

(Balchin, 2007)

(Gallagher, Harradine, & Coleman, 1997; Davis & Rimm, 2004)

7002Davis & Rimm, 2004

2006Feldhusen, 1997



، 2000انحناميي، اانلنهبى، انماطعي، انضنيبيا




(Claxton & Meadows, 2009)

(Passow, 1991; Renzulli & Sytsma, 2008)

(Monks & Mason, 1993)

(Benbow & Arjmand, 1990; Freeman, 1993)

(Neber & Heller, 2002)

20052004Clark, 2006; Davis & Rimm, Dixon, 2008; Hoh,2008; 2004


(e.g., Campbell, 1999, 2004; Nokelainen, Tirri, &

Merenti-Valimaki, 2007; Vlahovic-Stetic, Vidovic, & Arambasic, 1999)

(Weiner, 1974)

Attributional Thinking

(Bridges, 2001; Housten 1994; Prieto & Ferrando,

2009; Weiner, 1986, 1992, 2000)



Attributional beliefs

3Attribution styles(Dai,

Moon & Feldhusen,1998)

(Wiener, 1986)


2 Stable-Unstable


(Abramson, Sligman & Teasdale, 1978)






(Bridges, 2001; Fazio & Palm, 1998; Tiggemann & Crowley, 1993; Housten,


(Wiener, 1986)

AbilityEffortTask difficulty

LuckLearning strategies

(Alderman, 2004)


Uncontrollable(Dai, Moon & Feldhusen, 1998)

(Campbell, 1995)


(Vlahovic-Stetic, Vidovic, & Arambasic,


(Nokelainen, Tirri, & Merenti-Valimaki, 2007)


(Campbell, Tirri, Ruohotie & Walberg, 2004; Nokelainen,

Tirri, & Merenti-Valimaki, 2007) (Hess, Chih-Mei &

McDevitt 1987; Whang &Hancock, 1994)(Hamilton, Blumenfeld, Akoh

& Miura 1989)

(Holloway, 1988)

(Byrnes, 1998)



Hansen & Ponton, 1995)

(Goldstein & Hogarth, 1997)

(Hastie, 2001)

(Kahneman, Slovic, & Tversky, 1982; Nisbett

& Ross, 1980; Simon, 1986; Sternberg, 2004)

(Byrnes, 1998; Byrnes, Miller & Reynolds,

1999; Miller & Byrnes, 1997, 2001; Sternberg, 2008)

(Harren, 1979)




(Chartrand, Rose, Elliott, Marmarosh, &

Caldwell, 1993; Mau, 1995)


(Hastie, 2001)

(Maker & Nielson, 1995)

(Byrens, 1998)Self-regulation Model

of Decision Making (SRMDM)

(Miller & Byrnes, 2001)


(Eberle, 1974)

(Maker & Nielson, 1995)


(Hostie, 2001)(Mellers, Schwartz & Cooke, 1998)

(Isen, 1993)

(Fiedler, 1988)

(Janis & Mann, 1977)




VigilancePanic EvasivenessComplacency


(Tuinstra, van Sonderenm, Grooth, Van den Heuvel

& Post, 2000)

(Mann, Harmoni & Power, 1989)

Emotional Intelligence

(Salovey & Mayer, 1990)

(Goleman, 1995)

(Gardner, 1983)

Intrapersonal Intelligence

Interpersonal Inltelligence

(e.g., Salovey, Mayer, Goldman, Turvey, & Palfai, 1995; Schutte,

Malouff, Hall, Haggerty, Cooper & Golden, 1998; Jordan, Ashkanasy, Hartel, &

Hooper, 2002).(e.g., Bar-On’s EQi,



Mayer, Perkins, Caruso, & Salovey, 2001

Dabrowski, 1964


Multi-factorial Emotional Intellegence Scale MEIS

Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test PPVT

(Zeidner, , Shani-Zinovich, Matthews, & Roberts,




SAlovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test “MSCEIT”

(Chan, 2003)

Self-Management of Emotions


(Schewean Saklofske, Widdifield-Konkin, Parker, &

Kloosterman, 2006)



Bar-On Emotional Quotient Inventory:

Youth Version “BarOn EQ-i: YV(BarOn & Parker, 2000)



(Ferrando & Bailey, 2006)

BarOn EQ-i: YV








(Nokelainen, Tirri, & Merenti-

Valimaki, 2007)(Campbell, 1999)


(Weiner, 1976)

Empirical Samples

(Campbell, 1996a, 1996b; Feng, Campbell &

Verna, 2001; Heller & Lengfelder, 2000; Tirri, 2001)
























Adolescent Decision Making

Questionnaire (Tuinstra, van Sonderenm, Grooth, Van den Heuvel & Post, 2000)






16 58..



13 58..



2 58.5



3 58.0

1 58.0

7 5800

21 58.5





8 5800

19 5800

9 58.0



10 580.



0850 08.0 0800 0800

0080. 00805 008.5 0080


58.5 58.0 58.5 58.0

(EIS Emotional Intelligence Scale

(EIS Emotional Intelligence Scale

(Schutte, Malouff., Hall, Haggerty, Cooper & Golden, 1998)


(Salovey & Mayer, 1990)

(Schutte, Malouff., Hall, Haggerty, Cooper &

Golden, 1998)


9 6600

19 6600

3 6600

22 6600


10 6600

13 6600



20 6600




21 -66.0






29 6600



1 66.0

27 66.0

12 66.0

8 660.

5 -660.

25 660.

15 6600

17 66.0 66..

2 66.0

33 66.0

24 6600

14 6600

16 66.0 6600

11 6600

23 6606

28 - 66.0


(Petrides &

Furnham, 2000)Petrides & Furnham

(e.g., Ciarrochi, Dean, & Anderson, 2002)

(Gallagher & Vella-Brodrick , 2008; Rooy,

Alonso & Viswesvaran, 2005)





Artificial Intelligence


(Mayer & Salovery & Caruso, 2004)

1 . انشرفب باألبعاد انتي ستمبلها أداات اندراسة، اذنك نتوفبر أكير لدر يك ي انوضوعبةا ةطهيان خيارإنى يتى


(Davis & Rimm, 2004 Ross & Smith,


Wellman, 1990


(Notational Research Council, 2000)

SPSSPaired sample (2 dependant

samples) t-test

Eta squared








( ŋ2 )


(e.g., Heller & Lengfelder, 2000)

(e.g., Campbell, 1996b; Feng, Campbell & Verna, 2001)

(Ammar, 2007;

Zemmerman, 2000)




& Leggett, 1988)

(Campbell, Tirri,

Ruohotie & Walberg, 2004; Nokelainen, Tirri, & Merenti-Valimaki, 2007)

(Zimmerman, 2000)


(Eberle, 1974;Fiedler, 1988; Isen, 1993; Mellers, Schwartz, &

Cooke, 1998)

(Salovey & Sluyter, 1997)


(Mayer & Geher,





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هكننة انعرببننة انلننعودية هننك عينندانعجيج ارجاننن . إنننم يعنناني اميننر انترببننة اانتعهننبى فنني ان يؤسلننة ان

وهوبب . نرعاية ان

، فتحي عيد انرح وهية اانتفوق ااإلبداع، ط (. 2004)جراا ا(. 2)ان شر: ع .دار انفكر نهطياعة اان

، عيداهلل ا هتمبات انصبفبة اإلحرائبة(. 5700)انجغب بها: ان . امارة انترببة اانتعهبى: انرياض. فهلفتها اتص

، عيداهلل انج ا درسني (. 6700)غب ايج اإلحرائني ان هنك عيندانعجيج ارجانن نرعاينة : انريناض . انير يؤسلنة ان

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، عيداهلل ا وهنوبب فني يندارع انتعهنبى انعناو (. 7002)انجغب ني ان ايج تدرييي تأهبهي إلعنداد يعه بى بر . تص

صنرية نه اهج اطنرق انتندري ، انجعبنة ان ينارع، / 122. ناهج اطنرق انتندري دراسات في ان

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The Effects of a Summer Enrichment Program on Attributional Styles,

Decision making Skills and Imotional Intelligence

in Suadi Gifted Students

An Applied and Evaluation Study

Abdullah M. Aljughaiman

Associate professor of Gifted Education

Dean of Alhasa Teachers' College

King Faisal University

Usama M. A. Ibrahim

Associate professor of Educational Psychology,

Faculty of Education, Sohag University

Consultant of Gifted Education

King Abdulaziz and his Companions

Foundation for Giftedness and Creativity


The current study aimed at developing and evaluating the effects of A

summer enrichment program on developing some emotional factors: the

attributional styles, decision-making skills and imotional intelligence of Saudi

gifted students. The sample of the study involved 63 gifted students (38 males and

25 females) chosen from amongst the population of secondary-school science

students. Selection of the sample of the study was based on a set of criteria

including: (a) being among the top 5 percentile in the ability test designed for the

Saudi secondary students, (b) academic achievement above 95%, (c) academic

achievement in mathematics above 95%, and (d) a distinguished academic

fulfillment in a given area. The administration of the program lasted for one whole

month. After validating the Attributional Styles Questionnaire, the Decision-

Making Questionnaire, and the Imotional Intelligence Scale, they were pre- and

post-administered to the study sample. Results of the study indicate that the

enrichment program had a statistically significant effect on effort attribution of

gifted students. There were also statistically significant effects of the enrichment

program on three dimensions of the decision-making questionnaire including: self-

confidence, decision-making avoidance, and panic. No significant effects were

found concerning ability attributions and imotional intelligence. Recommendations

and suggestions for further research were provided based on these study results.