新编英语教程 4 For your promising future. Unit Eleven Objectives 1. to learn to make a plot of...

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Transcript of 新编英语教程 4 For your promising future. Unit Eleven Objectives 1. to learn to make a plot of...

新编英语教程 4

For your promising future

Unit Eleven


1. to learn to make a plot of a story. 2. to grasp the usage of auxiliary verbs.

Teaching Tasks and Process

I. Pre reading questions

What do you think are the indispensable qualities of a good friend? What do you think a friend in need refers to?

II Background Information

Understanding the importance of friendship changes your child’s life forever. As she learns the art and skill of making and keeping friends, she becomes wealthy beyond her wildest imagination.

  I’ll discuss financial abundance and how friendship making skills might

improve your accumulation of wealth in another article. In this article, I’m concerned with a wealthy spirit, a sense that life is abundant, overflowing because you have a smorgasbord of friends who care about and value you.

  These friends help you through the difficult challenges life offers each

of us. Friends you trust help make difficulties bearable. Sometimes, they can even make you smile and help keep things in perspective.


III Language points

1. For my own part I find that the loner I know people the more they puzzle me.

for my own part — as far as I am concerned, speaking for myself

More examples: For my own part, I don’t mind having one more

lesson on ecosystem. For my own part, I’m in favor of using some

euphemisms to avoid unpleasantness of daily life.

2. Unless I had heard the story from his own lips I should never have believed…

from his own lips — from his in person

3. I think the chief thing that struck me about Burton was his kindliness.

Burton gave a kindly chuckle. kindly—friendly, pleasant kindliness—friendliness, pleasantness Cf.: kind—helpful; interested in the happiness of

others; showing sympathy, thoughtfulness and / or love for others.

kindness—good feeling, kind act

Examples: She is a kind old woman. =She is a kink-hearted and symp

athetic old woman. She is a kindly old woman.=She is a friendly and amiable ol

d woman. His kind criticism at last made her realize the seriousness o

f her mistakes. She is very delicate and sensitive but I think she will accept

kindly criticism. “Kind criticism” (善恶的批评) denotes the criticism which is well-intentioned but the attitude of giving the criticism may not be very mild; whereas kindly criticism ( 和风细雨的批评 ) lays emphasis on the manner and attitude of making the criticism.

4. A bit of money used to come in for him once in a quarter (a quarter= a quarter of a year)

once in a quarter—once every three months

5. It’s over three miles and it’s rather difficult on account of the current round the beacon.

on account of — because of More examples: We didn’t have a good time because the picnic was

held in the gym on account of the rain. It is a great pity that the world’s first baby black-neck

crane born in captivity died eight days after it was born on account of illness.

6. I could see he was rather taken aback. be taken aback— be shocked or confused, especial

ly by something unpleasant or unexpected More examples: The teacher was quite taken aback by his student’s r

etort. When it was time for him to show his season ticket to

the conductor, he was rather taken aback to find that it was not in his wallet.

7. “I am not in very good condition”, he answered condition—the state of general health or fitness I am not in very good condition—I am not very fit; I am not in v

ery good health. Example: The Chinese Women’s Volleyball Team will be in very good co

ndition for the first game of the championship tournament. The Titanic was in very good condition when she made her mai

den voyage until she collided with an iceberg; this resulted in her sinking and the death of many passengers.

8. … he never turned up. turn up — arrive; make one’s appearance More examples: My mother promised to be present at our dress rehe

arsal, but she hasn’t turned up yet. Don’t worry. The car isn’t usually late. It’ll probably tu

rn up on the dot of four / at four on the dot


Free discussion

There is a sentence going like this: let others count on you but not so much. How do you think of this statement and give specific examples to illustrate your opinions.


Translation 1)I love you not because of who you are, but

because of who I am when I am with you.    

  2) No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry.    

  3) The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them.         4) Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.      5) To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.    

  6) Don't waste your time on a man/woman, who isn't willing to waste their time on you.        7) Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.        

8) Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.         9) Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful.  。      10) Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened.