民歌漢英翻譯評論 20121022&29 致理

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Transcript of 民歌漢英翻譯評論 20121022&29 致理


漢譯英評論 致理

October 22 & 29, 2012



In the following sessions we will be discus

sing the translation of 《英文版校園民歌》第一集(有聲出版,沙鷗多媒體公司出版) which does not give the name of the trans

lator or the criteria of selection.

〈亞細亞的孤兒〉亞細亞的孤兒 在風中哭泣黃色的臉孔有紅色的污泥黑色的眼珠有白色的恐懼西風在東方唱著悲傷的歌曲亞細亞的孤兒 在風中哭泣沒有人要和你玩平等的遊戲每個人都想要你心愛的玩具親愛的孩子你為何哭泣


While a song of love for the whole world to singReach out to hold the friendship of racesCapture the moments of happiness and joyDon’t be afraid to let your one and only love flowsPeople who’s lonely so helpless and is feeling downPeople who’s pity need someone to care ofPeople of the world show your sincerityLet’s join in our row Make a better tomorrow*Sing a song of love let the Whole world join inReach out to bring out hearts all togetherCapture the moments of happiness and joyJoin the chorus, let us do it togetherPeople who’s lonely so helpless and is feeling downPeople who’s pity need someone to care ofPeople of the world show your sincerityLet’s join in our row Make a better tomorrow

〈亞細亞的孤兒〉 (A song of Love)

〈秋蟬〉 (My dreams)聽我把春水叫寒 看我把綠葉催黃誰道秋下一心愁 煙波林野意幽幽花落紅花落紅 紅了楓紅了楓

展翅任翔雙羽雁 我這薄衣過得殘冬總歸是秋天 總歸是秋天春走了夏也去 秋意濃

秋去冬來美景不再 莫教好春逝匆匆莫教好春逝匆匆

I make the spring water cold I turn the glasses yellow

I’m so worry but who will know The lonely world had

left me alone

*Beautiful flower’s fade Turn the maple leaves to red

You see pairs of flying swallow My winter is so

lonely and cold

It’s autumn at all It’s autumn at all

When the spring over and summer’s gone

Autumn winter will be followed

My dreams follow the wind that blow My dreams

follow the wind that blow

〈秋蟬〉 (My dreams)

〈萍聚〉 (Everlasting flame)

別管以後將如何結束 至少我們曾經相聚過不必費心地彼此約束 更不需要言語的承諾只要我們曾經擁有過 對你我來講已經足夠人的一生有許多回憶 只願你的追憶有個我

*I don’t wanna know what the future brings

All I want is to be here with you Our love needs

no promise

It is but a feeling we all share Love is an ever l

asting flame

Burning deep in our heart of hearts

Your love will be in my memories

I just with that mine too is in yours

〈萍聚〉 (Everlasting flame)

〈風中的早晨〉 (Voice in the air) 我推開窗門 迎向風中的一個早晨我靜靜地等待 等待著你柔情的眼神

看日落月升 看黎明黃昏看風兒吹過每個早晨 看日落月升看黎明黃昏 看不到你柔情的眼神只聽見永恆的潮聲(永恆的潮聲)


Early in the morning, sunlight is shining upon my window

Patiently waiting, waiting for you to show again

*Early in the morning, waiting for you to show again

*Early in the morning, sunlight is shining upon my window

Patiently waiting, waiting for you to show again

**The sun is rising the birds are singing

And my breath is catching the breeze

The sun is rising the birds are singing

And I know you’re always some way

And I feel voice in the air

Coming me from far away (this morning)

〈風中的早晨〉 (Voice in the air)

〈小雨來的正是時候〉(Rain pattering in the night)

苦苦的這一杯酒 淡淡的沒有滋味你悄悄的就這樣走 一句話都沒有說我到底是那裡做錯 讓你如此對待我你悄悄的離開我 可知我心已被你帶走小雨來的正是時候 代表我流不出的眼淚小雨來的正是時候 沖淡我對你的思念小雨來的正是時候 小雨來的正是時候

*Why do you wanna go Talking alone my soul

Let me without a world Just when I needed you most

When did our love go wrong Why couldn’t we go on

You left me without my soul To sing this saddest song

Rain pattering in the night Like the sea of tears in my heart

Rain pattering in the night How could it bear to see us apart

Rain pattering in the night Rain pattering in the night

Rain pattering in the night Rain pattering in the night

〈小雨來的正是時候〉 (Rain pattering in the night)

〈抓泥鰍〉池塘裡水滿了 雨也停了


天天我等著你 等著你捉泥鰍

大哥哥好不好 咱們去捉泥鰍


大哥哥好不好 咱們去捉泥鰍Catch the eelsYelling to all my friend, gather round the fieldInside the muddy field Hiding many eelsWait for you everyday Just to catch the ellsSince the rain has stopped nowLet’s go to catch the ells Oh, boy please stand stillDon’t fall into muddy field Since the rain has stopped nowLet’s go to catch the eels

〈抓泥鰍〉 Let’s Go Eeling

池塘裡水滿了 雨也停了The pond is full, the rain has stopped.

田邊的稀泥裡到處是泥鰍In the paddy field, eels are everywhere.

天天我等著你 等著你捉泥鰍I have been expecting you to take me eeling.

大哥哥好不好 咱們去捉泥鰍Promise me, big brother, let’s go catch eels.

小牛的哥哥帶著他捉泥鰍Xiaoniu’s brother took him eeling.

大哥哥好不好 咱們去捉泥鰍Promise me, let’s go catch eels.

〈看看我聽聽我〉看看我、聽聽我,我裝扮為了妳、我歌唱為了妳;朋友!手牽手 ( 嗚嗚 )… 走向我 ( 嗚嗚 )… 我歡樂為了妳、我憂愁也為妳。聽我唱、妳也唱,不要害羞、不要怕;拍拍手、微微笑,妳我都是好歌手。看看我,妳不會忘記我。

Eyes to me

Eyes to me, ears to me I dance because of you

I’ll sing a song for you, my friend Hand in hand, don’t be sad

Come on and joy the fun We’ll dance the night away

Follow me sing a song Do not be why don’t be afraid

Clap your hands show your smile Forget about the end of time

Eyes to me you will remember me

看看我、聽聽我,我裝扮為了妳、我歌唱為了妳;朋友!Look at me, listen to me

I dress up because of you

I sing because of you, my friend

手牽手、走向我,我歡樂為了妳、我憂愁也為妳。Give me your hand, come over here

I’m happy because of you, I’m sad because of you

聽我唱、妳也唱,不要害羞、不要怕;Hear me sing, you sing too

Don’t be shy, don’t be afraid

拍拍手、微微笑,妳我都是好歌手。Clap your hands, show your smile

We’re all great singers

看看我,妳不會忘記我。Look at me you won’t forget me

〈雨中即景〉嘩啦啦啦啦 下雨了 看到大家嘛都在跑

叭叭叭叭叭 計程車 他們的生意是特別好 你有錢坐不到嘩啦啦啦啦 淋濕了 好多人臉上嘛失去了笑

無奈何望著天 歎歎氣把頭搖

感覺天色不對 最好把雨傘帶好不要等雨來了 見你又躲又跑 哈哈

轟隆隆隆 打雷了 膽小的人都不敢跑 怕怕無奈何望著天 歎歎氣把頭搖

Rainy day

Wa la la la la- Rainy day You can see it’s just not my day

Be ba ba ba ba-On the road You can see traffic jam all the way

Wa wa wa wa wa-What a day everybody just hate to say

Aim lessly look at the sky Shaking heads having a sign

Whenever it seems to rain You better to be prepared

Don’t wait till rain has come run and hide everywhere

Hong long long long long thunder clap

You can see it’s just not my day

Aim lessly look at the sky

Shaking heads having a sign

〈蘭花草〉我從山中來 帶著蘭花草種在小園中 希望花開早一日看三回 看得花時過蘭花卻依然 苞也無一個

眼見秋天到 移蘭入暖房朝朝頻顧惜 夜夜不相忘期待春花開 能將宿願償滿庭花簇簇 添得許多香

From the mountain said I bring back to my love

A bunch of pink orchids to plants in her garden

Hope our love will grow like the orchids broom

Together we will be happy as can be

In the autumn breeze summer come to pass

The orchids broom and facle

My love is still the same but a little girl

Who doesn’t know my name

So I’m sad to say my love is but a dream

〈蘭花草〉 (My love)


當你裝扮成一身純白 我不禁低頭看著我的手記得你從前曾對我說過 這代表過去現在和以後

當我把戒指還你的時候 我不禁低頭看著我的手縱然我還有千言萬語 就怕是沒開口而淚先流

啊~ 這美麗的痕跡 它曾套住我的手 我的心頭啊~ 這美麗的痕跡 不再套住我的手 卻依然在心頭

*When I saw you with another guyI’m almost crazy I can’t believe my eyesI wondered where did our love’s gone wrong were the two of us meant to end this wayAfter a few days you came to me and told me I was the only one you lovedI couldn’t help but kept starring in your eyes I almost found all your thousand foolish liesAh~You’re changing all the time some how you’ve tried to hide the feeling is insideAh~You’re changing all the time some how you’ve tried to hide the feeling is inside

〈戒痕〉 (Changing all the time)