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  • 8/14/2019 Zeppelins Airship



    Zeppelin's Airshipand public enthusiasm for flight

    Ammon Shepherd16 May 2006

    Hist 731George Mason University

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    The breakfast table. Echterdingen, Germany, August 1908

    As if at play, you forced the way,progress itself should progress!

    A way whose ultimate goal, todaywe can't even venture to guess.How to achieve the highest perfection,that is what you've taught us.Heavenward into the etheryour ship has proudly brought usand upwards to the starsand upwards to the stars.

    For Zeppelin, Max Reger1

    It sounded like thunder from afar. It came closer, one could tell, for the sound grew

    steadily louder. It was not thunder, though, for it did not pause, but continued in a steady, deep,

    low rumble. Was ist das, Papa?2

    a child asked from across the table. Schauen wir mal,3

    came the reply. As father and child stepped out of the cottage home at the edge of the town of

    Echterdingen, Germany, they saw what might be a giant bird creeping closer in the distant sky.

    Or perhaps it was a balloon as seen at carnivals and that were all the craze in France. The

    owners of those giant round bags of air often allowed passengers aboard, for a price, offering

    breathtaking views of the surrounding area. As the object drew closer the father and child

    recognized it as a balloon, but this balloon was different. It was elongated and floating

    horizontally, the rounded cone of a nose guiding the sleek, tubular body behind it. As the

    enormous shape enveloped the sky, and as the thunderous sound drowned out the noise of

    normal farm life, the father finally answered the young child's question with two simple words

    1 Robert Hedin, ed. The Zeppelin Reader: Stories, Poems, and Songs from the Age of Airships, (Iowa: University

    of Iowa Press, 1998), 39.

    2 What is that, Papa?

    3 Let's go see.

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    echoed throughout the land, Zeppelin kommt!4

    The monstrous shape soon floating above them was the fourth creation of Count

    Ferdinand Adolf August Heinrich von Zeppelin. The previous three airships had gone virtually

    unnoticed by the small town of Echterdingen.

    But this was a historic flight. In an effort to

    sell his idea to the German army, Graf von

    Zeppelin5 was taking this fourth airship, the

    LZ4 (Luftschiffe Zeppelin IV), on a record-

    breaking flight around southern Germany. A

    trip spanning over 700 kilometers and

    projected to take 24 hours, this expedition would be the qualifying test to prove to the German

    army that the Zeppelin airship was a viable form of steerable, sustained human flight, and ready

    for the Imperial army.6

    History of aviation from the beginning

    Proving to be more than just a fulfillment of an army qualification, the journey of the LZ4

    embraced the hearts and minds of the German people. From Kaiser Wilhelm II to the residents

    of the small town of Echterdingen, the Zeppelin airship became a uniting symbol, an icon that

    embodied German patriotism, and helped imbue the German people with a fascination with

    4 The Zeppelin is coming! John Duggan, and Henry Cord Meyer,Airships in International Affairs, 1890-1940,

    (NY: Palgrave, 2001), 38.5 Graf is the German equivalent of the social class 'count.' The term 'Graf von Zeppelin' should not be confused

    with the term 'Graf Zeppelin,' the former being the person, and the later being two zeppelin airships named after

    the man, the LZ127 (1928) and LZ130 (1938). This paper will most usually be referring to the person when

    using 'Graf Zeppelin', since the time frame of the paper is limited to before 1914.

    6 Duggan, 31.

    Illustration 1: Memorial postcard of Count Zeppelin

    and the LZ4.

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    flight. What was it about this singular occurrence that changed the perspective of the German

    populace? While relating the events of the Luftschiffe Zeppelin IV at Echterdingen, Germany, it

    will be shown how Count Zeppelin and his airship were unable to receive public and government

    approval before this event, and how the event reversed the government and public rejection,

    ultimately leading to Zeppelin and his dirigible becoming a national icon. In addition, this essay

    will show how German patriotism played a role in bringing the Zeppelin craze to life, and in

    return increased that patriotism.

    France, Germany and England were the principal European participants in the

    evolution of human flight. Each contributed to man's search for human flight, and in so doing

    elevated the patriotism of the citizens of their country. As Peter Fritzsche has stated, far from

    diluting nationalist passions, once thought to be ancient and mean, industrial prosperity and

    rational purpose gave them shape and sturdiness. Aviation, perhaps better than any other field of

    technology, clarifies the links between national dreams and modernist visions.7 For the

    Germans, Count Zeppelin and his airships became a figure of statehood, an example to emulate,

    and a symbol of the caliber of German technology. Zeppelin was so great, thought the German

    people, that not only could he defy the laws of gravity with his airship, he even forced progress

    to progress.

    The history of aviation extends beyond the written records available to scholars. Yet, a

    brief overview of some of aviation's recorded history points to perhaps why Count Zeppelin

    chose a form of dirigible, a lighter-than-air craft, as the creative output for his passion for flight.

    There have always been dreamers who envision humans flying, and the dream was not limited to

    7 Peter Fritzsche, A Nation of Fliers: German Aviation and the Popular Imagination, (Massachusetts: Harvard

    University Press, 1992), 3.

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    the Western world. Many cultures, in some way, have expressed the desire for human flight.

    This desire is seen by their worshiping gods with power over the wind and sky, as did the ancient

    Egyptians; by believing in angels with wings, as does much of the Christian world; or by

    drawings and stories of humans in flight. Chinese folklore tells of the emperor Shun who,

    around 2230 B.C., escaped from atop a burning granary tower using two wide reed hats as

    parachutes. The story of Daedalus and Icarus tell of a father and son escaping from Crete using a

    pair of waxen wings. Leonardo da Vinci produced many detailed sketches of flying apparatuses

    in the 15th Century. Although nothing practical for manned flight came from this period, much

    about aerodynamics and the air was learned, and by the Middle Ages, humanity already had a

    significant grasp on working the air via sails, kites, windmills, helicopter toys, flue turbines in

    kitchens, and rockets.8 Each of these advancements improved the collective knowledge about

    physical bodies in the air, leading human kind slowly to flight.

    Not until the mid 18th century, did the dream of human flight become a reality. While not

    quite the dream of flying with wings like a bird, human flight was finally obtained by use of a

    hot-air balloon. As the result of a failed business attempt, Joseph Montgolfier, sat in front of a

    fire at the University of Avignon, in November of 1782. Watching the ashes fly up the flue,

    carried by the hot air from the fire, Joseph pondered if the same principle could be applied to the

    scene of the futile siege by Spanish forces against British Gibraltar that hung as a painting on the

    wall. Could a vessel be made to harness the rising power of heated air to carry soldiers over the

    fortress walls? Joseph quickly tested his idea with a small cube-like balloon made from paper

    8 Richard Hallion, Taking flight : inventing the aerial age from antiquity through the First World War (New York

    : Oxford University Press, 2003), xvi, 3-6. Hallion provides over 40 pages devoted to the early history of human

    flight. Many examples are given of cultures who had notable figures involved with the idea of flying. Also

    included within these pages are a few paragraphs that look at why Hallion believes Europe was the place where

    human flight most likely would develop.

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    stretched over a light, wooden frame. After a successful test flight, Joseph involved his brother,

    Etienne, in his idea to create the first known vessel to carry humans into the air. Two months

    after the Montgolfier brothers tested a 35 foot diameter rounded balloon, the most popular public

    scientist at the time, J. A. C. Charles let fly his own lighter-than-air craft, this one filled with the

    recently discovered hydrogen.9

    In the ensuing contest to create the first balloon to carry a human being beyond the

    bounds of earth and gravity, Charles and the Montgolfier brothers tested their experiments in and

    around Paris to the delight of the local citizenry and for the speculation of many notable figures.

    In attendance of many of the Montgolfier and Charles flights were

    diplomats such as Benjamin Franklin10 and John Quincy Adams from

    America, William Pitt and William Wilberforce from England, and

    King Lois XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette of France. On November

    21, 1783, a year and seventeen days following Joseph Montgolfier's

    initial cube-balloon test, Jean Franois Pilatre de Rozier, a popular

    physics and chemistry lecturer, and Franois Laurent, Marquis

    d'Arlandes, became the first humans to fly completely untethered from the earth in a Montgolfier

    balloon. The next month, eleven days later, J. A. C. Charles followed as copilot of his own

    9 Hallion, 50-52. Humorously, this first balloon, the Globe, after bursting due to the expanding gas at high

    altitudes, landed outside Ecouen, near Gonesse. The novelty of something falling from the sky was so great, thatthe local villagers thought the balloon to be an ungodly work, and lost no time in attacking it with anythingavailable. The Mercure de France, [a Parisian newspaper], sarcastically described the struggle with the hissing

    deflating balloon: 'The creature, shaking and bounding, dodged the first blows. Finally, however, it received a

    mortal wound, and collapsed with a long sigh. Then a shout of victory arose, and a new valor reanimated thevictors. The bravest, like another Don Quixote, approached the dying beast, and with trembling hand plunged

    his knife into its breast 51.

    10 At the flight of one of Charles' test balloons, the Globe, an observer pessimistically asked of a nearby Benjamin

    Franklin, Of what possible use is it? To which Franklin frankly replied What is the use of a newborn babe?

    Hallion, 51.

    Illustration 2: The

    Montgolfier brother's

    decorated balloon.

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    hydrogen filled balloon.11

    Throughout the 19th Century, ballooning moved from novelty to science, but simply

    rising above the earth was not enough for many seekers of flight, for once in the air, man was

    still subject to the winds and had no control of his destination. The balloonist had power over

    vertical motion, he could choose where to go up from, but he could not choose where to go once

    airborne. The quest for sustainable, steerable flight was still at large, and two branches of flight

    experimentation seemed most promising at the turn of the 20th Century: find a way to propel and

    steer a balloon, or mimic the ability of birds to glide on a pair of wings with the ability to steer

    the craft in any direction.

    Of the differences between the two types of air craft that would evolve from man's search

    for flight, P. B. Lichtfield, president of Goodyear tire and rubber, and creator of the famous

    Goodyear blimp, explained

    that the airplane remains aloft through the aero-dynamic forcescreated by the forward motion created by its motors, plus the

    lifting effect given by its tilting wings. Being heavier than air theairplane must remain at high speeds and at once descends if itsmotors stop.

    The airship is actually lighter than the air in which itfloats, its motors being used chiefly to carry it forward, and itsrudders and control surfaces primarily to give it direction andstability. If its motors fail, the lighter-than-air craft still remains inthe air, and will be brought down only by the gradual release ofthe lifting gas which it contains.12

    At the time Zeppelin set about to create his great airships in the mid 1890's, the airplane was still

    an unattainable quest. The airship, infinitely less technical and simpler to implement, certainly

    11 Hallion, 47-57.

    12 P. W. Litchfield, Lighter-Than-Air Craft,Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science,

    Vol 131, Aviation. (1927), 79-85.

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    had a factor to play in which branch of aviation vehicle Zeppelin chose to build. The only

    problem now was to build one that worked.

    In a field of cabbage. Echterdingen, Germany, August 1908

    Whenever the airship flew over a village, orwhenever she flew over a lonely field on whichsome peasants were working, a tremendous shoutof joy rose up on the air towards Count Zeppelin'smiracle ship which, in the imagination of all thosewho saw her, suggested some supernaturalcreature.

    - Thringer Zeitung13

    As father and child followed under the shadow of the floating giant, a multitude of people

    joined them. It seemed everyone from the town had come out to see the Zeppelin. Not just the

    town of Echterdingen, but people from all over Germany where there to see the airship.

    Spectators gazed in astonishment while animals yelped in terror and confusion, as the immense

    hovering mass of fabric and metal began to descend. Engine problems that plagued the airship

    since the beginning of its journey the day before, brought the monstrous, airborne behemoth

    towards the earth. As the airship touched down, the first time for this machine to touch dry

    earth,14 the crowed swelled to well over a thousand souls wishing to catch a glimpse, and perhaps

    a touch, of the largest human creation to fly in the air. At 45 ft in diameter and nearly 450 feet

    long, this craft was clearly something not to be missed.15

    Graf von Zeppelin's previous ships had sparked only minor curiosity from the local and

    13 Hedin, 1.

    14 Boston Globe Tragic End for Monarch of Air, 1. Zeppelin usually launched and landed his airships from his

    work shed which was a structure floating on Lake Constance. Picture from the period show earlier ships

    hovering close over dry ground, but this was perhaps the first time the ship actually touched the earth.

    15 Duggan, 31.

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    national public. As this fourth airship made its way across southern Germany in early August

    1908, a national fervor began to build, centered on the stoic hero of the Franco-Prussian war and

    his crazy, gravity defying leviathan. Major newspapers from both sides of the Atlantic covered

    the progress of Zeppelin's airship as it traveled from Friedrichshafen, to Mainz, to Oppenheim,

    and finally as it passed over Echterdingen.

    The sight of the Zeppelin received the same reaction from the citizens of each town over

    which it flew. The Streets were filled up, people clambered onto rooftops, wrote the

    Scwbisher Merkur, Stuttgart's largest newspaper. Above

    the hilltops, just to the right of the Bismark Tower, a silver,

    glimmering, wondrous entity appear[ed]. At first it seem[ed]

    to stand still, but then pushe[d] itself slowly but steadily

    against the fresh morning breeze, continued the paper. The

    excitement and awe inspired by the giant dirigible was

    something that they never would forget. One [felt] its

    power; exclaimed the article, we [were] overcome by a

    nervous trembling as we follow[ed] the flight of the ship in

    the air. As only with the greatest artistic experiences, we [felt] ourselves uplifted. Some people

    rejoice[d], others [wept]. In other cities, reports patriotically proclaimed that crowds

    spontaneously broke out in singing of the national anthem, Deutschland, Deutschland ber

    alles.16 Such was the fervor surrounding the landing at Echterdingen, that as the father and

    child reached the cabbage field where the airship had landed, an estimated forty thousand people

    16 Scwbisher Merkur, no. 363, 6 Aug. 1908. Duggan, Meyer, 31.

    Illustration 3: The Graf Zeppelin in

    flight over Constance.

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    had gathered to catch a glimpse of the monstrous balloon.17

    Zeppelin's path to aviation

    It is ironic that Zeppelin even set out to create a massive, rigid airship. Before Zeppelin

    began his quest to build a flying leviathan, his main desire was to be a high-ranking, military

    official. Zeppelin had followed the path of many German aristocrats and served in his home

    kingdom's army. For hundreds of years Germany consisted of separate principalities and

    kingdoms. When Prussia began to unite these separate kingdoms during the mid 1800's, there

    was obviously some resentment felt at the individuality and power that was lost. Zeppelin was

    quite patriotic about a unified Germany, but, like many from his southern kingdom of

    Wrttemberg, was dissatisfied with the overbearing Prussian influence. The Count sought a

    career with the Wrttemberg military, and after unification in 1871, moved upward and into the

    ranks of the Imperial army. While serving as Wrttemberg's ambassador to Berlin, Zeppelin

    estranged several Prussian staff members, and participated in a secret petition to the German

    emperor which called for a parallel military cabinet equal to that of Prussia, and thereby inhibit

    any further undesirable Prussification of the valued Swabian army.18 When the participants of

    the petition were exposed, the demise of Zeppelin's career was imminent.

    At the annual autumn military maneuvers, traditional war games practiced by the military

    that had the unfortunate side purpose of weeding out incompetent or unwanted officers, the

    Count's previous actions came back to haunt him. He received a bad review for his command of

    a cavalry division and as a result, was forced into early retirement at the age of fifty-two. With

    17 New York Times, Explosion Destroys Zeppelin's Airship, August 6, 1908, 1.

    18 Henry Cord Meyer.Airshipmen, Businessmen, and Politics: 1890-1940. Washington: Smithsonian Institution

    Press, 1991, 28. See pages 22-30 for more of Meyer's ample explanation of Zeppelin's military career and the

    political intricacies leading up to Zeppelin's early forced retirement.

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    his military career no longer a reality, Zeppelin needed something to fill the void. More

    importantly for Zeppelin's ego, as Henry Cord Meyer points out, unless he found some

    alternative and effective way of self-expression, he was doomed to enforced retirement and

    social-psychological deterioration on his Swabian estatewith occasional sops of provincial

    preferment.19 Completely uncharacteristic for Zeppelin to give up and retire, he focused his

    efforts on something that had occupied his thoughts since his early military career: human flight.

    Zeppelin had been an avid supporter of aircraft for military purposes since his early

    military days. His first experience with lighter-than-air craft probably came as a young army

    officer from the German state of Wrttemberg. On a trip to the United States as a neutral

    observer to the Civil War, Zeppelin received permission from President Abraham Lincoln to

    participate with Union troops in launching a tethered hot-air observation balloon. Zeppelin's

    earliest recorded thoughts on lighter-than-air craft come in 1874, in response to an address given

    by the German postmaster general on the need for the mail system to take advantage of new

    technologies to benefit humanity.20 The postmaster's address cited examples from the Franco-

    Prussian war, in which the citizens of Paris, while under siege in 1870, carried out over sixty

    balloon maneuvers carrying passengers and mail to safety. Concerned by the progress the

    French were making with lighter-than-air craft, Zeppelin wrote in 1887 to the king of

    Wrttemberg, promoting the value of a machine that could give Germany the advantage of

    flying militarily and commercially.21

    In 1890, no longer able to push for a military craft from within the army, Zeppelin

    decided to produce an airborne weapon with his own finances. He also sought the financial

    19 Meyer, 30.

    20 Guillaume de Syon,Zeppelin: Germany and the Airship, 1900-1939, (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University

    Press, 2002), 15.

    21 de Syon, 16.

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    support of the German government and a technical stamp of approval from the leading

    engineering group in Germany, the Association of German Engineers (Verein der Deutschen

    Ingenieur, VDI). Unfortunately, the count received lukewarm support from the engineering

    society and nothing from the government. Eager to begin construction and unable to find

    support from the German government or military, Zeppelin overcame this first obstacle by

    relying on small grants from the king of Wrttemberg and moneys obtained by mortgaging his

    wife's estate. Another issue was where to build such a large vessel. In order to avoid excessive

    building fees, and to ensure a place with little obstruction during ascents and descents of the

    fragile behemoth, the king of Wrttemberg allowed Zeppelin to build a large, floating shed on

    Lake Constance near Friedrichshafen. Zeppelin did receive necessary and major support,

    though, from industrialist and aluminum production manufacturer Carl Berg. Working together

    with Berg, Zeppelin established a company to support the building of his first airship, the

    Company for the Promotion of Airship Flight, in Stuttgart in 1898.22

    The first three airships were built and tested, with varying results. The test flight for the

    first airship was more problematic than hoped for, and laid out the basic issues that Zeppelin

    would need to overcome before his vehicles would be of worth to the German government.

    Described in the Scientific News and Notes section of the American Science journal of 1900, the

    first airship flight was fraught with broken machinery and leaky envelopes. Experts who either

    shared in or watched the recent experiment, wrote the journal, declared that improvements in

    the steering apparatus were necessary." The article listed among other problems that "the screw

    blades [or propellers] did not respond properly, ... the air pressure motors failed, ... the steering

    rods ... became bent, ... the method of transmitting power to the screws will need great

    22 Duggan, 24.

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    improvement to enable the airship to contend against even a light wind. Perhaps the greatest

    defect to overcome, the article stated, was the continual escape of gas, necessitating constant

    filling of the receptacle up to the moment of starting.23 Succeeding ships with continually

    improved construction led to more successful test flights.

    Count Zeppelin's patriotism for Germany throughout this learning period was evident.

    He hoped that the airship would prove valuable to the German army, and that his success would

    restore the honor lost with the termination of his military career. During experimentation of the

    first three ships, Zeppelin was not interested in public opinion. A comment to a news reporter

    seeking a story from the aerial dreamer down at the lake showed both his unconcern for public

    approval and his patriotic intentions. When asked for information, Zeppelin brusquely replied, I

    am not a circus rider performing for the public; I am completing a serious task in service of the

    Vaterland.24 As his airships began to perform more successfully, Zeppelin received positive

    reviews from the press and began renewed contact with official circles. Continually appearing in

    his memorandums to officials was his warning that failure to heed his appeals [to build an aerial

    military force] presaged a disaster for the Vaterland; [and that] the empire must press ahead to

    acquire the best possible airship advantage over France.25 In hopeful prophetic prose, Zeppelin


    in days to come my airships are destined to erase the advantages ordisadvantages of the geographical location of nations. ForGermany, as the power most capable of supplying proficient crews,

    they will assure her world military domination, as indeed they willcause a complete revolution in commerce and transportation.26

    23 Scientific Notes and News. Science, New Series, Vol. 12, No. 290. (Jul. 20, 1900), 119.

    24 Meyer, 33.

    25 Ibid., 34.

    26 Ibid.

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    Zeppelin's prophesy would prove to be more appropriate to the United States use of airplanes in

    World War II, rather than his own airships, but nevertheless showed his devotion to the German

    nation. Reflecting on Zeppelin's traumatic military experience and his later experiments with

    airships, Henry Cord Meyer explained Zeppelins profound devotion to finding a solution to the

    problem of flight.

    Only such a profound shock could produce the kind of motivationfor action that would move him to risk his personal reputation andfamily fortune in what was so easily perceived as a ridiculousenterprise, especially for a German officer! This was not thesituation of a retired gentleman turning contentedly to tinkering

    and inventing as a hitherto sometime hobby. Quite the contrary!Here was a man driven by a profound psychological need tocompensate for great and unjust dishonor to his person and familyname. Only such motivation explains that deep-seated urge andsingle-minded devotion to an enterprise to satisfy honor andrehabilitate his career by circumventing his enemies and detractorsin devising a new and spectacular weapon of war for hisVaterland.27

    The Storm. Echterdingen, Germany, August 1908

    What started as a record-setting journey, though, would soon turn catastrophic, the result

    of which would catapult the Zeppelin airship and its creator into the realm of folk hero and

    national icon. What began as a small town gathering grew to a crowd of truly overwhelming

    size. To accommodate the growing crowds flowing into Echterdingen, the local railways ran

    special railway cars. To better keep order among the swelling crowd, a large group of military

    from the surrounding cities patrolled the field. Count Zeppelin, soon after the ship landed, left

    for a nearby inn to rest from the stressful, overnight journey he had just completed, while

    27 Meyer, 48.

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    engineers went about the task of seeking repairs for the damaged engines. At approximately

    2:30 in the afternoon, after a rise in the wind, some of the crowd, expecting a storm, advised the

    military to anchor the ship more securely, but the advice went unheeded. Thirty minutes later,

    the ship was completely destroyed.

    As storm winds increased, the ship rose up

    into the air with men frantically clinging to the

    ropes, only to let go at the last possible moment.

    With several crew still aboard, the airship crashed

    into a nearby grove of trees and violently smashed

    to the earth. Jolted by the quick decent and sudden

    stop, the engines exploded causing the whole ship's

    fabric to catch fire and disintegrate in flames.28 One of the crew, presumably Karl Schwarz,

    described the event as though he were thrust into the fiery gates of Hell.

    Fifteen thousand cubic meters of hydrogen gas were burning, andthe ballonettes were bursting with our reports. The rigs, supportsand struts of the metal frame were glowing, bending and breaking;the envelope was being torn apart in blazing shreds; and soonflames were eating through to the gasoline tanks. The heat wasbecoming unbearable; it was Hell itself in which I was burningalive.29

    As the crew desperately tried to release the hydrogen, a great explosion rocked the ship and sent

    Schwarz and the remaining crew flying to the ground. Schwarz, along with the other

    crewmembers, managed to extricate themselves from the wreckage and stumble to safety.30

    28 Boston Globe, Tragic End for Monarch of Air, 2.

    29 Hedin, 44.

    30 Hedin, 44.

    Illustration 4: The LZ4 in the hangar; in flight;

    and ruined on the field at Echterdingen.

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    Only a burning jumble of cloth and twisted metal remained of the once majestic airship.

    Why was Zeppelin unsuccessful before Echterdingen?

    Public approval for Zeppelin's airship was certainly on the rise as his LZ4 flew across

    southern Germany towards the fateful landing at Echterdingen. However, such support did not

    exist for the Count during the previous decade of experimentation. Why was the Count so

    unsuccessful at garnering public interest and government funds in the early stages of his ship

    building? Guillaume de Syon proposes four reasons why Zeppelin received little public and

    government support.

    The first barrier for Zeppelin was that he was his reputation as a military career officer,

    and not for any sort of technical or aviation background. He was, in effect, out of his league to

    be experimenting with aeronautics. In an attempt to bolster his credibility, Zeppelin sought the

    approval and support of his airship plans from the Association of German Engineers (VDI).

    While they respected him for his military background, the VDI gave the Count's airship idea

    only cautious support, rather than the enthusiastic endorsement that his idea would really fly.

    The report recommending Zeppelin's ideas focused mainly on the merits of his proposal, and

    steered away from any criticism of his technical qualifications. In a definite patriotic tone, the

    report concluded that support of such ideas was necessary so that Germany might not fall behind

    in the race to conquer the air. France, North America, and England have overtaken us with

    considerable resources, lamented the report. Should not German technology participate too in

    the solution to this problem?31

    A second issue inhibiting Zeppelin's earlier success was the many other aviators

    31 de Syon, 18-19.

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    petitioning the government with incomplete and experimental aircraft. To the public, he was just

    another crackpot aviator. Two other contenders in Germany provided the most competition for

    Zeppelin's bid for government support. Experimenting with non-rigid balloons, Dr. August von

    Parseval created the cheapest avenue for dirigible construction, but his creations were limited in

    carrying capacity due to the envelope buckling in the middle if insufficient air pressure were

    present. A second rival came from fellow military man, Major Hans Gross, who sought to

    produce a semi-rigid airship that would allow for a larger carrying capacity, yet could still be

    deflated and carried by troops in the field.32 A 1906 caricature satirizes the state of German

    unity and aeronautic ability by showing the three contending airship builders astride their

    respective airships, spears and sword in hand. Each inventor sits ready to face off for an in-air

    battle observed by the British John Bull below and by General von Einem above riding the

    Prussian eagle. The British character exclaims, I'm very satisfied with Germany's current

    airship situation! Zeppelin, Parseval, and Gross were all contending for a market that did not

    exist outside the army.33

    A third inhibitor, according to Guillaume de Syon, was the conservative view of

    technology that many had at the turn of the century. In his bookWar in the Air, British writer H.

    G. Wells wrote a prophetic portrayal of the future of air warfare that clearly shows the

    consternation he felt about humanity's evolution to flight. Although seen as science fantasy at

    the time, Wells' descriptions came eerily close to future reality. There is no place where a

    woman and her daughter can hide and be at peace, wrote Wells. The war comes through the

    air, bombs drop in the night. Quiet people go out in the morning and see airfleets passing

    32 de Syon, 29.

    33 Ibid., 27-29.

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    overhead dripping death dripping death.34 Further showing public mistrust of technology,

    de Syon sights the growing Escapist movement among the European countries. The romantic

    prejudice against the machine defined it as hostile and depersonalizing to the world of feeling,

    writes de Syon. Ironically, many who sought to escape to the countryside used products of

    industrialization, like the train and automobile, to get there.35

    Finally, de Syon points to the lack of public enthusiasm for flight at the turn of the

    century as having a negative impact on Count Zeppelins chances for public support in the early

    stages of his ship building. Not until after the first successful airplane flight accomplished by the

    Wright brothers in the United States in 1903, did public enthusiasm begin to rise. Before then it

    seemed the extent of the achievements with balloons had been reached, and that there was no

    practical use for them or the heavier-than-air craft which were still in the experimental and

    development stages. Balloons and airplanes were a novelty item, far too unpractical for the

    general public.36 An article from the Viennese newspaper,Die Reichswehron 18 May, 1903,

    describes a race taken place between a motorcycle and a balloon. The atmosphere was that of a

    carnival, a real machine pitted in a race against a novelty. Even though the balloon won, it was

    still uncertain how it would provide practical performance possibilities for the prevalent

    population.37 While some balloons used were for entertainment purposes, much of the

    professional attention given to ballooning was of a scientific nature, mainly dealing with

    meteorological research.38

    Even Zeppelin's early public relations efforts did little to garner public interest and

    34 Edouard Chemel, Chronicle of Aviation, (Jl International Pub., 1992), 65.35 de Syon, 24.

    36 Ibid., 25.

    37 Die Reichswehr, Die qeite Ballonverfolgung durch Motorradfahrer (18 May, 1903), 2.

    38 A. Lawrence Rotch, The International Congress of Meteorology and Aeronautics at Paris. Science (1900):


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    support. Five years prior to the tragedy at Echterdingen, in a purposeful attempt to raise money

    for the building of his second air machine, the Count sought help from the Scherl publishing

    company. In an effort to spread the word and gather funds, mailing lists were drawn up and

    articles were prepared to solicit the help from Germany's aristocracy. The recipients of the

    subsequent mass mailing were treated to confusing technical descriptions in a dull and

    defeatist tone, despite Scherl's attempt to give them a cheery outlook. The readers were

    subsequently left to gather the impression that they were being asked to help an old man who

    was feeling sorry for himself, not a brilliant inventor who was sacrificing everything for the good

    of Germany.39

    Hope rises from the ashes. Echterdingen and Friedrichshafen, Germany, August 1908

    O Zeppelin, O Zeppelin,Du hast ein kluges Koeppelin,

    Du denkst: Was man in Frankreich sahMit der Patrie dees kenn' mir aa!


    With his magnificent airship now a pile of burned material and twisted metal,

    crewmembers sent immediately for the Count. As he gazed upon the sorry scene, he lost all

    composure, tears stream[ed] from his eyes as he stood in an attitude of despair before the

    39 de Syon, 26.40 Newspaper clipping, Archive at National Air and Space Museum. Digital scan of original in possession of the

    author. O Zeppelin, O Zeppelin, | Smart you've always been, | 'What was seen in France,' though you, | 'withLa

    Patrie I can do that, too!' ThePatrie was a French airship which flew from Paris to Verdun on November 30,

    1907. The ship was forced to make an emergency landing at Souhesmes, due to then mechanic's clothingcatching in the engine's gearing and causing it to become disabled. Shortly thereafter a storm arose and ripped

    the airship from the grasp of 180 men who were attempting to hold it fast as repairs were made. The ship sailed

    solitary toward the north and was reported seen crossing the English Channel, South Wales, Lloyd's Signal

    Station at Torr Head, and Ballysallough, County Down, Ireland, after which it continued to sail northwards over

    the North Atlantic, never to be seen again. See alsoNew York Times, No Title, 6 August 1908, 5.

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    shattered balloon.41 Nothing was left for the Count to do, but return to the town of

    Friedrichshafen, the origin of the ill-fated expedition, and give up his airship enterprise or start

    the long, arduous task to begin anew.

    In Friedrichshafen, festivities and celebrations had been planned. The town was gaily

    decorated with flags and a party atmosphere. Since early in the morning automobiles arrived

    from every direction, trains brought tens of thousands of people from neighboring cities and

    towns, and local peasants arrived on foot, all intent on welcoming home the victorious Count and

    his marvelous airship. In front of the principal hotel the military band was just on the point of

    beginning its concert when at 4 o'clock a man rushed excitedly from the office of a local

    newspaper and affixed a telegram on the blackboard at the entrance to the building. Crowds of

    people rushed to read the latest news, expecting to find that the ship had left Echterdingen and

    would shortly arrive.42

    To the dismay of some, and the disbelief of others, they learned that the great leviathan

    had been caught in a storm and destroyed. Consternation was immediately felt for the Count

    when it was reported simply that four men had been seriously injured. News quickly spread

    throughout the crowd and turned the atmosphere, previously so intent on enjoying the

    forthcoming jollification, into one of deep despair and uncertainty. As the crowds began to

    return home, all thoughts of celebration now dashed, a carriage arrived carrying the Count's

    daughter. After she entered her father's office and was told of the terrible disaster, the crowds

    lingering outside the building heard her cry, That will kill him, followed by the bitterest of

    sobbing. Shortly after a second telegram arrived explaining the tragedy in more detail, the

    41 Boston Globe, Tragic End for Monarch of Air, 6 August 1908, 2.

    42 L.A. Times, Shattered Hopes: Zeppelin's Airship Wrecked In Storm, 6 August 1908, 4.

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    crowds of people dispersed for home.43

    With his creation consumed by flames, Count Zeppelin could have chosen to give up his

    search for mastery of air, and the fever surrounding the Zeppelin craze could have easily died

    with the ship, yet such was not the case. Like a martyr to a suppressed cause, the destruction of

    the LZ4 became a rallying point for the Count and the German people. In a show of deep

    appreciation and encouragement, large amounts of funds were raised to help Zeppelin build

    another airship. Already by the next day, 375,000 Marks had been raised by various voluntary

    means. Donations poured in by the thousands from all classes of Germany society. Attributing

    to the funds were the likes of the Berlin aristocracy, Senator Pooseld of Luebeck, the Eesen Mine

    Company, the citizens and city council of Cologne, numerous anonymous citizens, and even the

    Emperor William.44

    So great was the amount of money received from the German people, that Count

    Zeppelin founded an institute for the investigation of the problems of air navigation in the

    interest of German industry, defense and science to appropriately account for the generously

    donated funds. The Bank of Stuttgart held the donations, and by September 4, had already

    credited 500,00 Marks to the Counts name, with another 250,000 Marks subscribed, but not yet


    The crash at Echterdingen had the distinct affect of unifying Germany at a time when

    Germany was still struggling with the creation of their nascent nation. With its impression of

    success instantly transformed into catastrophe, and its awareness of the Count's lonely work of

    nearly two decades turned to ashes, the German public released an avalanche of public

    43 L.A. Times, Shattered Hopes: Zeppelin's Airship Wrecked In Storm, 6 August 1908, 4.

    44 Chicago Daily, $500,00 is Given Count Zeppelin: German People Promptly Open Subscription Lists for

    Construction of New Airship, 7 August 1908, 6.

    45 Scientific Notes and News.Science, New Series, Vol. 28, No. 714. (Sep. 4, 1908), 301.

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    compassion and financial consolidation.46

    In response to Zeppelin's tragic loss, the Emperor sent a letter of condolence and

    encouragement. The amount of patriotism displayed by Kaiser William and the Count is striking

    in their correspondence. I have heard with the deepest regret, wrote the Kaiser in a telegraph,

    of the destruction of your balloon by a storm, and I wish you to know of my cordial sympathy

    in your misfortune. All the more since I and all Germany thought we had every reason to believe

    we could congratulate you on the glorious realization of your splendid epoch making

    achievement. Nevertheless, what you have accomplished must be recognized as of the highest

    order, and this must be a comfort to you in this catastrophe. In a later reply, Count Zeppelin

    acknowledged the Emperor's well wishes and patriotically proclaimed his intention of continuing

    the work of building airships. Your majesty's telegram has turned my grief to joy, wrote the

    Count, and I will gladly devote myself to your wishes and those of the German people and

    continue the construction of airships.47

    Why was Zeppelin successful after Echterdingen?

    Zeppelin's success as an airship builder, though still at times beset by financial hardship,

    was thoroughly established after the event at Echterdingen and the subsequent spontaneous

    collection of donated funds. Throughout the rest of the Count's life, and well into the 1930's, the

    Zeppelin airship, and Count Zeppelin himself, achieved national iconic and hero status. What

    had changed since his first attempts to gather support for the building of his first airship? What

    conditions had changed in the eight years since the flight of the LZ1 on July 2, 1900, to allow

    46 Meyer, 32.

    47 Chicago Daily, 7 August 1908, 6.

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    such incredible public approval and support? Taking the four points discussed earlier for

    Zeppelin's lack of support, it can be seen that now the conditions were ripe for these factors to be


    Initially, Zeppelin was not recognized as an aviator, his background being in the military,

    with no technical training to rely upon. Since his first semi-successful flight in 1900, Zeppelin

    succeeded in flying numerous other craft with varying amounts of success. In late September

    1907, the precursor to the famous Echterdinger Ship, the LZ3, successfully flew four test

    flights, logging over eight hours with each flight and reaching up to 200 kilometers in distance.

    By 1908, Zeppelin was seen as a successful airship builder, and no longer a crazy dreamer down

    by the lake. In later years, some polls showed that Zeppelin rivaled Bismark and Emperor

    William II for popularity and admiration.48

    After establishing some credentials with his successful flights, Zeppelin was taken more

    seriously by the government. In 1906 the Kaiser, in an effort to provide support for progress in

    German aircraft that would compare to their French rivals, created a research, support and

    publicity agency, the Motor Airship Study Society, which was supported by a number of German

    businesses. From this society, Zeppelin soon received a 100,000 Mark loan, interest free, for the

    further study and refinement of his rigid airship.49 Subsequently, Zeppelin's airship began to

    take on a unique public image that stuck out from the competitors. Fully twice as large as the

    competing non-rigid airship in development by Parseval, or the semi-rigid designed by Major

    Gross, or the various types of airship in development by the French or Great Britain, the

    Zeppelin airship was truly gigantic, and often conjured up a Jules Verne-type realistic fantasy for

    48 Meyer, 230; Fritzsche, 17.

    49 Duggan, 27.

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    those who saw it.50

    Secondly, by 1908, technology had become more commonplace. As people saw the

    immense benefits that technology, such as the automobile and train, provided, they grew less

    resistant to any disruptions they may have caused. Balloons and dirigibles had become quite

    common, and increasingly used in innovative and interesting ways. In London, the same year

    that Zeppelin's LZ4 crashed at Echterdingen, Muriel Matters, a suffragette and ballooning

    enthusiast flew over the Houses of Parliament dropping hundreds of 'Votes for Women'


    Zeppelin's public standing also improved and many local and national newspapers were

    reporting on any news or updates regarding his airships. He established a favourable public

    image: the genial, stalwart, dignified loner still enduring after 15 years of unrequited

    endeavor.52 TheAllgemeine Sport-Zeitungproudly claimed the only weekly newspaper in the

    German language that carried a standing column dedicated to airship travel and regularly ran

    pages on the newest happenings in balloon and flying technology.53

    In other countries, aviators were accomplishing new feats that caught the public attention.

    Most notable was the Wright brothers flight from Kitty Hawk in 1903. Alberto Santos-Dumont,

    in 1901, had built numerous airships, and in this year successfully flew a course that led him

    around the Eiffel Tower in pursuit of the Deutsch prize.54 Santos-Dumont was the creator of

    over 14 ships, his actions doing much to arouse interest in flying.55

    50 de Syon, 27;

    51 Chemel, 62.52 Duggan, 28-29.

    53 Image from the back cover of a booklet, NASM.

    54 Hedin, 7-11.

    55 C. E. Rosendahl, Lighter-Than-Air Machines. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, (1928),


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    A year after the LZ4's crash at Echterdingen, a flight of monstrous proportions took place

    that both greatly stimulated public interest in flying machines, and caused government concern.

    Lord Northcliffe of Great Britain, in the fall of 1909, offered 1,000 to the first successful flight

    across the English Channel. A balloon had made the trip in 1785, but took 3 hours at a height of

    6600ft. By July 1909, three contenders were ready to fly the channel and win the prize. Owing

    more to his cunning crew and friends than the speed of his monoplane, Louis Blriot, a French

    aviator and inventor, claimed the prize by waking at 2:30 in the morning to take advantage of the

    dieing winds at that early hour. While his competitors slept on, Blriot had his plane made ready

    and was prepared to make the historical flight by 4 am.

    Pictures of the event moments before take off shows a clearly nervous Blriot, painfully

    aware of the danger involved in the still budding technology of aviation. At 4:41 am, Blriots

    little single winged airplane lifted off from French

    soil and crossed the English Channel quicker than

    his wife and crew who followed in the destroyer

    Escopette. After 37 minutes at a height of about

    250 feet and a speed of about 40 miles per hour,

    Blriots plane, theXI, landed on English soil at

    5:18. France and flight enthusiasts the world over

    were ecstatic. Others, fearing the new age

    seemingly thrust upon them overnight, lamented the disturbed isolation Britain had once

    enjoyed. Regardless of previous feelings about the affect of airplanes and airships on

    civilization, the reality was the world had suddenly changed. The editor ofFlightclaimed that

    with this single act, the whole civilized world was made aware of the fact that the age of aerial

    Illustration 5: Louis Bleriot shortly before crossing

    the English Channel.

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    locomotion by mechanical means is no longer of the distant future but is in very deed of this year

    in which we are living.56

    After the turn of the century, popular

    culture embraced the thought of human flight

    with enthusiasm. Almost overnight, after the

    events at Echterdingen, a plethora of Zeppelin

    memorabilia sprang up. One could buy

    Zeppelin shaped objects and toys, and products

    seemingly endorsed by Graf Zeppelin, from

    cookies and perfume, to beer, spoons,

    suspenders, cheeses, cleaning agents, postcards, and boot polish, each bearing Zeppelins name or

    face. Many musicals and popular songs were created that embodied the romantic aspect of

    flying in air, particularly in airships. Come take a trip in my airship, invited one popular

    American song by Ren Shields and George Evans,

    come, take a sail 'mong the stars, ... have a spin

    around Mars. In complete fantasy, these songs and

    musicals portrayed the belief that the whole solar

    system was now open to everyone.57 With such

    thoughts available to the consumer public, it is no

    wonder that the German people enthusiastically

    56 Hallion, 250-257.

    57 Hedin, 16-19, 32-38. For a recording of Come Take A Trip In My Air-ship go to


    Illustration 7: German advertisement using a

    Zeppelin shaped thermos.

    Illustration 6: Two posters for musical comedies

    about airships.

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    supported the reality of an airship built in their own country. Zeppelins and airships had become

    commonplace and well liked. Indeed, wrote H. W. S. in The Burlington Magazine for

    Connoisseurs in 1909, there is scarcely anything more discussed than dirigibles and flying

    machines. ... everything that pertains to the subject seems interesting.58

    Zeppelin's affect on flight

    The rigid airship was the most dramatictechnical failure of the first half of thetwentieth century.

    Eric Schatzberg59

    What led Schatzberg, a critical reviewer of Meyer'sAirshipmen, Businessmen, and Politics,

    1890-1940, to make such a derogatory comment about the Zeppelin airship? Was it not a

    successful unifying tool for the German people? Did it not spread terror to the French and

    English during WWI? Did it not provide a fairly safe and elegant form of travel to hundreds of

    passengers? Was it not a viable form of commercial transportation? Rigid airships attracted

    support, contended Schatzberg, because they could fly transoceanic distances carrying

    significant payloads years before airplanes became capable of such flights. The government

    heavily supported them, he continued, and once the support ceased the rigid airship ceased to be

    built.60 Yet the airships greatly affected the course aviation would play in the world at the time,

    with remnants of those decisions trickling down into our day.

    At a time when human flight was seen as futuristic and surreal, Zeppelin's airships

    provided a practical and realistic application for flight that appealed to the general public. In

    58 H. W. S., Art in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs, (Sept.,

    1909), 380.

    59 Eric Schatzberg, Airshipmen, Businessmen, and Politics, 1890-1940, review of Airshipmen, Businessmen, and

    Politics, 1890-1940, by Henry Cord Meyer, Isis, (Mar., 1993), 185.

    60 Schatzberg, 185.

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    certain ways the Zeppelin airships gave the Germans something stable and unifying during the

    tumult and uncertainty of the Weimar period. Because of the public attention and approval of

    the Zeppelin airships, much of the research and development, prior to the rise of the Nazi party,

    was devoted to lighter-than-air craft, rather than the development of the airplane, as was seen in

    other competing nations. Much research has been done on the German's Sonderweg of

    history, and it seems that Germany's history of aviation followed it's own Sonderweg.

    Hugo Eckener took command of the commercial company started by Zeppelin

    after the latter's death in 1917. Under his direction, the Zeppelin airship rose in popularity in

    Germany and throughout the world. The first commercial airline was established by the

    Zeppelin company, and many laws and international rules were established as a result of the

    reality of flight that the Zeppelins provided.

    Many aviators and lawmakers contemplated the legal ramifications of travel and warfare

    by air. A 1910 article from American Journal for International Law, recognized the need for

    laws specific to the emerging commercial opportunities of the airship. The air-ship has at last

    been brought to a state of efficiency wrote the author, which, while far short of perfection,

    takes it out of the field of mere experiment and seems to assure its speedy employment in the

    transportation for hire of passengers and goods. Other uses of less worth to the community or of

    absolute detriment are equally certain.61 Similarly, a 1915 article by C. M. Picciotto in the

    Journal of the Society of Comparative Legislation, examined contemporary events that had

    transpired since the beginning of World War I, just the previous year, and how, if at all, they

    might be applied to current rules of International Law. Building on the conventions declared at

    the Hangue Convention in 1907, Picciotto concluded that all terms should be applicable to

    61 Simeon E. Baldwin, The Law of the Air-Ship. The American Journal of International Law, (Jan., 1910), 95.

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    aircraft as they would be to naval craft, including retaining shipwrecked crew by neutral


    In 1937, the latest of the Zeppelin airships, theHindenburg, suffered a terrible explosion

    that killed 37 passengers and crew, effectively putting an end to the era of Zeppelin's airships.

    What caused this accident to terminate the Zeppelin airship's four decades of triumph? Why did

    it not produce another phoenix-like rebirth for the Zeppelin company? Three main reasons kept

    the Zeppelin airships from rising once again from the ashes. First was the considerable cost

    taken to build the ships. During the 1930s, the Nazi powers slowly faded out the usage of

    airships in favor of the quicker and cheaper airplane.62 Airplanes were considerably cheaper and

    quicker to build, and did not require heavy subsidies from the government, leading the British

    Aeroplane to exclaim, Airships breed like elephants and airplanes like rabbits.63 Second, the

    airship was quickly being replaced in all abilities by the much cheaper airplane. Soon the only

    record held by Zeppelin airships was the ability to remain in the air for days. The airship

    basically became impracticable. A final reason for the absolute death of the Zeppelin ships was

    the lack of helium available to Germany. The U.S. had the only natural resource for helium

    production, and due to laws passed by Congress in 1927, helium was not an international

    commodity. Owners of the Zeppelin company, and those who approved the governmental

    subsidies, decided building the giant ships filled with unstable hydrogen to be too risky for

    further use.

    So, what effect did the event at Echterdingen have on public approval and support of the

    Zeppelin? Clearly, the most pronounced effect of the Echterdingen crash was the spontaneous

    62 de Syon, 172-186. The reasons stated are very, very generalized. This topic could obviously create another 30

    page essay.

    63 Rosendahl, 320.

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    and overwhelming compassion felt by all of the German people towards the Count. The instant

    drama created by the sudden destruction caused a feeling of individual involvement to blossom

    within the German people. They saw the ship as their ship and the destruction as their

    destruction. It was therefore only natural for them to want to help rebuild what, for them, was

    something that was theirs. Particularly important to this result of the Echterdingen crash was

    how the following Zeppelin craze included all classes and political groups. Many Social

    Democrats found the new airship an acceptable expression of all-German working-class

    accomplishment. Other Germans could cheer the industrial workers' contribution to the greater

    technological glory of the Vaterland.64 Every political, social, and economic group was able to

    lay claim to the Zeppelin. Just as people throughout time have assimilated certain human

    constructions, from train stations to bridges, as symbols of their communities, in like manner

    the great Zeppelin airships brought the German people together and with it, created a national

    identity and symbol.65

    64 Duggan, 33.

    65 de Syon, 4.

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    Annotated Bibliography

    Secondary Sources

    Chemel, Edouard, Bill Gunston, edit., Peter Bently, edit., M. J. Armitage, edit., Mark S. Pyle,

    edit. Chronicle of Aviation, Jl International Pub., 1992. (This book was originally written inFrench. It is laid out in newspaper fashion, with columns and articles. Most valuable with thisbook is that it breaks down the most important events in aviation history by year, with asummary of record breaking events at the beginning of each year.)

    De Syon, Guillaume.Zeppelin: Germany and the Airship, 1900-1939. Baltimore: The JohnsHopkins University Press, 2002. (De Syon's book is was the main stay for this paper. It looks atthe Zeppelin airship from beginning to end and endeavors to recreate and explain the Zeppelincraze that came after the destruction of the LZ4.)

    Duggan, John, and Henry Cord Meyer.Airships in international affairs, 1890-1940. NY:

    Palgrave, 2001. (This book provided very a succinct and analytic look at airships in Germanyand elsewhere. While only one chapter focused on Zeppelin and pre-WWI airships, theIntroduction provided great insights on technology and how it impacted human thought.)

    Fritzsche, Peter. A Nation of Fliers: German Aviation and the Popular Imagination.Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1992. (This is a great look at what part aviationplayed in Germany's history. Again only a chapter applies to the Zeppelin before WWI, but italso shows how enthusiastic Germans were for flight. Especially intriguing is how Germanscontinued to fly despite the ban placed on them by the Versailles Treaty, by embracing the gliderand making it into an international sport.)

    Hallion, Richard. Taking flight : inventing the aerial age from antiquity through the First WorldWar. New York : Oxford University Press, 2003. (This is an awesome and very detailed look atflight from the beginning of recorded history until WWI. This is a must read for anyoneinterested in the history of flight.)

    Meyer, Henry Cord. Airshipmen, Businessmen, and Politics, 1890-1940. Washington:Smithsonian Institution Press, 1991. (Writing solo this time, Meyer provides a very good look atZeppelin and his thoughts during his life. He focuses only one chapter on Zeppelin, but bringsout many points in clearer detail than any of the other books did.)

    Schatzberg, Eric. Airshipmen, Businessmen, and Politics, 1890-1940. Review ofAirshipmen,Businessmen, and Politics, 1890-1940, by Henry Cord Meyer. Isis, Mar., 1993, 185-186. (Acritical review of Meyer's book.)

    Primary Sources


    Hedin, Robert, editor. The Zeppelin reader : stories, poems, and songs from the age of airships. Iowa City : University of Iowa Press, c1998. (A great collection of primary sources spanning allnations and years in which the airship had influence.)

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    Boston Globe, August 6, 1908.

    Chicago Daily, August 7, 1908.

    Die Reichswehr, May 18, 1903 (Mittagsblatt Nr. 3328, XVI. Jahrgang).

    Los Angeles Times, August 6, 1908.

    New York Times, August 6, 1908.

    New York Times, August 7, 1908.

    The Washington Post, August 6, 1908.

    Journal ArticlesBaldwin, Simeon E. The Law of the Air-Ship.The American Journal of International Law,Vol. 4, No. 1. (Jan., 1910), 95-108. (A detailed look at how air travel affects humanity andinternational law.)

    McAdie, Alexander. The Attainment of High Levels in the Atmosphere. Science, New Series,Vol. 51, No. 1316. (Mar. 19, 1920), 287-289. (A look at the state of high altitude flight up to1920.)

    Picciotto, C. M.Journal of the Society of Comparative Legislation, New Ser., Vol. 15, No. 2.(1915), 150-155. (A further look at the effects of air travel on humanity and international law.)

    Rosendahl, C. E. Lighter-Than-Air Machines.Proceedings of the American PhilosophicalSociety, Vol. 67, No. 4. (1928), 319-334. (The state of airships in 1928.)

    Rotch, A. Lawrence. The International Congress of Meteorology and Aeronautics at Paris.Science, New Series, Vol. 12, No. 308. (Nov. 23, 1900), 796-799. (Makes mention of Santos-Dumont and Zeppelin in a report about the state of aeronautics at the Paris Exposition of 1889.)

    Rotch, A. Lawrence. Science, New Series, Vol. 18, No. 447. (Jul. 24, 1903), 113-114. (A reporton the International Congress of Meteorology and Aeronautics at Paris.)

    S., H.W. Art in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The Burlington Magazine forConnoisseurs, Vol. 15, No. 78. (Sept., 1909), pp. 380-388. (Just one paragraph in this articlementions airships, but points to the popularity that the airships enjoyed in the early 1900s.)

    Scientific Notes and News. Science, New Series, Vol. 28, No. 714. (Sep. 4, 1908), 301-305. (Itis reported that Zeppelin funds the institute for aviation research and receives funds after the LZ4crash.)

    Scientific Notes and News. Science, New Series, Vol. 12, No. 290. (Jul. 20, 1900), 116-120. (Anaccount of the unsuccessful flight of the LZ1.)

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    Scientific Notes and News.Science, New Series, Vol. 28, No. 710. (Aug. 7, 1908), 172-174.(Zeppelin given honors; honorary degree from University of Tubingen, made citizen ofconstance and Stuttgart, and given gold medal of art and science from king/queen ofWittemberg).

    ImagesAll images, except the Montgolfier balloon, were found at the Library of Congress's Prints andPhotograph Online Catalog through the keyword search 'zeppelin', 1 May, 2006.

    The Montgolfier balloon is courtesy of Mike Young and Wikipedia, 1 May, 2006.

    Further and better quality images can be found on the companion web site to this research paperat , 10 May, 2006.