Download - Yr7 t6 less 11 assessment

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Persuasive techniques

What does the word PERSUADE mean?

If you persuade someone you try and get them to do something that you want them to do

We can use certain techniques to persuade people to our point of view

Can you think of any examples of things that persuade someone to do something?

Page 2: Yr7 t6 less 11 assessment

Do you know any persuasive techniques?

Rhetorical question – Should we care? Emotive Language – Please, please donate to stop children

form starving to death. List of three – You can run, skip or walk the race of life. Direct audience address -You can help. Facts/stats – 92% are starving Opinion – Liverpool are the best team.

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Formal letters

How many people know how to lay out a letter properly? Let’s see how many of you can get it right! On the next page there is a letter layout

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Focus on: Using a range of punctuation Use all three sentence types Use modal/imperative verbs Use paragraphs for structure

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PARAGRAPH explains what the letter is aboutCONTENTS

PARAGRAPHS give more information to the reader. For example, if you are writing an argument one paragraph would look at pros and another would look at cons

CONCLUSION PARAGRAPH is where you write a summary of your points and put your opinion



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Persuasive letter task

You are going to write a letter persuading Mr Hayes that he should make the school day shorter.

Success criteria:Use a formal letter layoutWrite in paragraphs (you should have at

least 3)Try to include at least 3 different

arguments why Mr Hayes should make the school day shorter

Use as many persuasive devices as you can

• Write using a letter format• Include 1 persuasive device• Check punctuation• Use a letter format• Include 3 persuasive devices• Check spellings and

punctuation• Use a letter format• Include 3+ persuasive devices• Check spelling and punctuation